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新牛津高中英语模块六第一单元知识点整理及单元练习 M6 UNIT 1 一、词汇大集合 Page2-3 1. a popular form of comedy 一种流行的喜剧形式 2. stand up for your health 对你的健康有益 3. talk straight to audience members 直接与观众交流 4. tease an audience member 开一个观众的玩笑 5. depend upon 取决于 6. react to 对……的反应 7. a variety of 多种多样 8. queue up 排队 9. rely on 依赖于 10. visual humour 视觉幽默 11. be inspired by objects 被物体所激发 12. make jokes about/make fun of/play jokes on 开……的玩笑 13. play tennis 打网球 14. lose weight 减轻体重 15. trip over chairs 被椅子绊倒

16. walk into doors 撞到房门 17. fall down on stage 摔倒在舞台上 18. absurd humour 荒唐的幽默 19. do impressions 模仿 20. have affection for 喜欢…… 21. only a few of 仅仅有一些 22. later on in life 在之后的人生中 23. one such person 一个这样的人 24. go on to act in films 接着在电影中表演 25. host the Academy Awards 主持奥斯卡颁奖仪式 26. perform his stand up routine 按照他的惯例表演节目 27. be broadcast live 广播直播 28. one little-know fact 一个鲜为人知的事实 29. be very quick thinking 有敏捷的思维 30. come up with 想出 31. a technical problem 一个技术问题 32. make up a new joke 编出一个新笑话 33. get his start in silent films 从无声电影起家 34. howl with laughter 哄堂大笑 35. be popular with 受……的欢迎 36. all age groups 所有年龄段


Task Writing to a foreign friend This section consists of a series of activities which provide you with opportunities to learn and practice the listening, speaking, reading and writing skill. This section is divided into three steps and each step is preceded with a skills building part. Through listening and reading, you will get information about Chinese crosstalk. You are asked to use the information you have got to write an e-mail to a foreign friend answering his questions about Chinese crosstalk. Skills building 1: identifying priorities In this part, you will learn how to identify the most important part and the least important part of a task. Now look at the sentences on the blackboard. I need to know how many of you will go to watch the play this Saturday. I’ll have to book the tickets. I want to know why you are so interested in the play. I would like to know how you will go to the theatre. Discuss in your groups and decide which one means the most important request and which one is the least important request. And give me your reasons. ( Do not judge whether their answers are right or not directly. Take notes of the reasons beside the sentences on the blackboard.) If you want to know whether your judgment is right or wrong, you can refer to the guideline and the three points in skills building 1 on page 10. Now have you known how to identify the most urgent request? Let’s come back to the sentences on the blackboard and check if you have judged correctly. Step 1: answering questions This part is designed to help you develop your listening skills. You are first asked to take some notes while listening to a telephone message and decide which requests are the most important, somewhat important or the least important, according to what you have learnt in Skills building 1. Then you will listen to an English radio talk show and read a magazine article to get more information needed to find the answers to the questions asked by a foreign friend. 1 read Part A on page 10 to make sure what you are asked to do when listening to the recording. While listening, you should take some notes and pay attention to the words used in Bill’s requests,


Reading Stand-up for Your Health Step 1: Lead-in T: Do you know who this person is? S: Charlie Chaplin, a famous American comedian. T: What kind of imagine will appear in your mind? S: He always wears a small black hat, very wide trousers and a moustache, and carries a stick that he swings in the air as he walks. T: How do you feel at the sight of him? S: He is humorous and makes us laugh. T: what’s the style of his film? S: In his film, he’s never the Mr. Big and he always has much trouble in his life. However, he uses his sense of humor to teach people that there are always ways to face problems if you are able to laugh. T: Do you think laughing is good for people’s health? S: Yes. Laughter is a bridge that can lead people to health, happiness and peace. It is a good therapy to help people get rid of bitterness and forget all the problems. T: Today, we’ll learn a passage entitled “Stand-up for your health!” Do you know the meaning of “Stand-up” here? Does it mean you have to stand up to keep healthy? S: No. “Stand-up” is a kind of comedy in which the comedian stands in front of the audience and talk directly to audience members. Step 2: Fast-reading for general idea. Go through the passage as quickly as possible and find answers to the three questions in Part A. 1 What is the article about? 2 How many types of stand-up are there? Answers 1 It’s about stand-up comedy. 2 There are four main types. 3 It’s good for our health. Step 3: Careful-reading for detailed information 1 What is special about stand-up comedy? 2 what are the four main types of stand-up? 3 When did Billy Crystal begin practicing stand-up? 4 What is one reason Billy Crystal has become so famous? 5 How many times has Billy Crystal hosted the Academy Awards? 6 Who were Bob Hope and George Burns? 7 What dies your brain do when you laugh?


模块六第一单元 1.laughter n.笑声 burst into laughter ,burst out laughing laugh vt. laugh at sb. 嘲笑 have a good laugh 大笑 laugh away笑着不理,付之一笑 laugh over 笑着谈论 laugh sb. out of 以谈笑的方式使某人忘记(忧愁等) 2.response n. respond vt. responsible adj. 有责任的responsibility n.责任心 be responsible for sth./sb. take /show responsibility for sth. in response to 响应 make no response 不回答 3.impressionist adj.印象模仿的n.印象主义者,印象派作家 impression n.印象,感想 make an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象 make no impression on对……无影响 give sb a favorable impression 给某人以好印象 give one’s impression of 陈述自己对……的印象 4.queue vi 排队,列队 queue up The children queued up to get the ticket n. jump the queue 插队 a queue of 长列(车等) queue up for sth. 为……而排队等候 5. award n.奖金,奖品;决定,裁定 We have seen the award ceremony. 颁奖典礼 The headmaster announced the award of a scholarship. award sth.to sb=award sb. sth. 把某物颁发给某人 reward 回报,回答,即可指不涉及金钱的奖赏 in reward for 为报答 reward sb.(for sth./for doing sth.) 奖赏,酬报 6.live adv adj .现场直播的,生动的 alive /live/living/lively alive 只能充当表语或后置定语 live可用作定语,放在所修饰的名词之前,一般指人,指物,还有现场直播的意思 living主要作定语修饰名词(人或物均可),常放在所修饰名词之前,也可置后,也可用作表语lively 生动的,活泼的,用作表语,定语,既可指人又可指物 7.outsdanding adj.杰出的 The student is considered as an outstanding student.

模块六unit1 reading

牛津高中英语教学设计 —— M6 U1 Reading: Stand-up for your health 教材版本、章节、学科、年级:《牛津高中英语》模块六高二上学期第一单元的 阅读Stand-up for your health 一、教学目标 知识目标 了解文中单口喜剧和主人公Billy Crystal的有关信息。 能力目标 培养学生联系上下文的语境来猜测词义;把握文章内容结构和整体框架的能力。 人文目标 引导学生意识到Laughter 的重要性,并以此为基点拓展对健康话题的认识,帮助学生以 良好的心态和积极的方式去学习和生活。 (教学目标): 1. Grasp the main topics of the three sections---types of stand-up, a famous comedian and the fact that laughter is good for your health. 2. Learning English by talking about their own opinions when it comes to the topic “Laughter is the best medicine”. 3. Gain some knowledge about stand-up comedy and reinforce their reading comprehension. 4. Improve reading ability---how to guess the meanings of new words. 二、教学内容及重点难点: 本设计选取的是牛津高中英语模块六第一单元的阅读课文,它具有如下特点: 第一:就体裁而言,本文是说明性文章,介绍的是西方流行的单口喜剧和著名单口喜剧演员Billy Crystal 。因此,教学过程中应引导学生获取与主题相关 的基本信息。 第二:就内容而言,单口喜剧来源于西方,不同于中国的相声,小品或滑稽戏,同学对此比较陌生,所以教学内容的重点之一就放在单口喜剧的分类和识别 上。另外; 通过对Billy Crystal的身份,能力和流行度的归纳来帮助学生加强 对主人公的认识。本文第三板块的主旨是Laughter is good for your health, 采用讨论的方法拓展了同学对主题的理解并深化了主题。 第三:就结构而言,本文段落清晰。因此,教学过程中应该引导学生体会和理解这种结构来运用到写作和演讲的实践中。 Important points(重点): 1 Understand the structure of the whole passage. 2 Understand the definition of stand-up as well as its type 3 Get to know Billy Crystal 4 How to guess the meaning of unknown or unfamiliar words Difficult points(难点): 1.To develop the students’ reading skills. 2.To make sure that everyone understand the article well 3.To help the students guess the meaning of the words correctly 4.To practice laughter is the best medicine in our daily life


Module6 unit 1 I've got some Chinese chopsticks 教学设计 教学目标 : 1. 知识目标:学习目标语句I’ve got some Chinese chopsticks. My brother has got a Chinese kite. Have you got a book about America? 2. 技能目标:能够听说读写本单元句型; 能运用所学语言描述自己或他人拥有某物;能用 have got 询问对方,回应对方。并将所学语言运用到真实语境中。 3. 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,积极参与各项活动。 教学重点: I’ve got some Chinese chopsticks. My brother has got a Chinese kite. 并能在实际情景中运用。 难点 :Do Chinese children play with kites a lot? 课时:1 课型:新授 教学准备: tape, cards, bag 学情分析: According to the level of the students, choose the best way to teach the knowledge. 教教学设计 Step1: Warmer

师生问候。做游戏 Simon says. 教师在发出指令前说 Simon says , 则学生做此 动作; 指令前没有 Simon says ,则不做此动作。这个游戏主要复习第四和第五模块的内容。如:Simon says: I can run. ( 此时学生做跑的动作。 They can jump. ( 此时学生不能做跳的动作, 做动作的学生被淘汰。运用这个游戏活动,能够集中学生的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣,创造英语学习的氛围, 同时又使已学知识得以应用和巩固, 为新授开了个好头。 Step 2: Presentation (介绍新语言项目 a. 教师出示课文课件,请学生看图,带着问题听一遍录音:这封信是谁写给Lingling 的?(课件播放课文录音,带着问题听录音 你听了几个 have got 和 has got ?听完后请学生说出答案, 使学生对课文有个初步的了解。 b. 让学生打开书,教师再放一遍录音,请学生边听边指出 have got 和 has got 在课文中 的位置。 c. 再听录音,对课文进行进一步的理解。请学生根据课文回答老师的问题:What has Laura got? What has her brother got? 她用 have got 向 Lingling 提了一个什么问题?以此引出三个重点句。 Step 3. Practice (练习 a. 练习本课重点句。抽查部分学生,特别是学困生。 b. 理解句意:Do Chinese children play with kites a lot? 让学生用 play


牛津高中英语模块六第一单元的教学设计 Laughter is good for you Reading: Stand up for your health Made by Zhang Chunkai Period 2 Background information Students’ number: 58 Duration: 45mins Teaching aids PPT, projector, textbook, whiteboard marker Teaching objectives 1.Students will be able to grasp and use new words and expressions. 2.Students will be able to write a story using the words learned. Teaching contents 1.Students will be able to understand and use “tease, toy with, make fun of, make up, behave, one such, have affection for, live, follow in one’s footsteps, have effect on, prove, react to, whatever the reason”. 2.Students will be able to write a story using the words learned. Teaching methods Students-based Teaching procedures Step one: Check the homework ☆Task one: check the homework in page 4 ( ) tease A connected with the practical use of machines ( ) behave B an official organization that encourages and develops art, literature, science, etc. ( ) visual C make a loud cry when you are in pain, angry, excited, etc. ( ) academy D doing things in certain way ( ) technical E make somebody laugh or smile ( ) howl F of or connected with seeing or sight ( ) amuse G laugh at and make jokes about someone in a friendly way. (keys: G, D, F, B, A, C, E) 【设计意图】通过检查学生作业使学生立即进入上课状态。同时为下面讲解知识点做好铺


教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期] 任教学科:_____________ 任教年级:_____________ 任教老师:_____________ xx市实验学校

基于新课标牛津高中英语模块六第一单元的教学设计 Laughter is good for you Made by Peter Period 1 Background information Students’ number: 64 Duration: 45mins Teaching aids PPT, projector, textbook, chalk, mp3, paper and so on Teaching objectives 1.Master new words and expressions. 2.Understand what should we learnt from this unit. 3.To get students to conduct a free discussion about comic shows. 4.Encourage students to answer those questions in English 5.Let students enjoy this lesson and understand laughter is very important in your real-life. 6. To encourage the students to share their ideas with each other. Teaching contents 1.new words and expressions 2.welcome to this unit Teaching procedures Lead-in 1, show students some pictures that may make students laugh and then ask one or two students two questions. Q1: What kind of things can make you laugh? T: 1. enjoying interesting and funny pictures 2. Watching funny films 3. Reading interesting books 4. Thinking of funny things 5. Hearing a joke. Q2: Do you think laughter is good for us? Why? T: 1. Laughter can help us forget some worries.


模块六第一单元复习 vocabulary 1.Hearing his words, the boy burst . A. in a laughter B.into a laughter C.in a laugh D.into a laugh 2.The doctor, who was good me while I was in hospital, told me reading in bed was bad my eyes. A. to;for B. For;to C.for;at D.at;for 3.On New Year's Eve, New York City holds an outdoor which attracts a crowd of a million of more people. A.incident B.event C.case D.affair 4.I really love my job because I enjoy small children and like the challenges and from the job. A.work; award B.working;awards C.work with; reward D.working; awards 5.-Never forget to give Mis Black the message that there will be a meeting tomorrow afternoon. -I won't; I 'll tell her I see her. A. suddenly B.directly https://www.doczj.com/doc/c15826910.html,tely D.quickly 6.Daddy didn't mind what we were doing, so long as we were together, fun. A.had B.have C.to have D.having 7.Actually, Miss Zhang is not at all strict as she . A.shows B.performs C.appears D.behaves 8.I have known a little about the social customs in that area. But I am not sure whether it is proper to kiss with their religious decorum(礼貌). A. in line B.in row C.in a line D.in a row 9.-What did the head say at the end of the meeting? -He the importance of the work. A.pointed at B.pointed to C.pointed D.pointed out 10.Many Chinese students think they in their English studies because they rarely have opportunities to communicate in English. A. fall behind B.fall down C.fall back D.fall over 11.For him stage is just means of making a living. A,a;a B.the; a C.the; the D.a; the 12.China is a great country which what may be called the most impressive Olympic Games ever last summer. A.hosted B.held C.took D.joined 13.The question is they will be able to help us. A.if B.whether C.that D.what 14.What I preach, I am resolved to . A.do B.make C.practise D.act 15.The reason why she was upset was her don didn't pass the final exam. A.that B.so C.why D.because 16.The New Yorker is a magazine well known of publishing short fictions and cartoon with an ironic twist. A.outstanding B.beautiful C.handsome D.strange 17.I'd like to do something for you everything you've done for me. A.in exchange B.in turn C.in return for D.in terms of 18.Your memory could good use instead of idle in the bank. A.put to;being left B.be put to;leaving C.put to;leaving D.be put to; being left 19.He told us that their father was good at bed time stories.


Ⅰ. Word Spelling 1.A famous old name on a firm is not necessarily a _____________ (保证) of quality. 2.The teacher looked annoyed when his student _____________ (漫步) to the courtyard instead of following him. 3. The hotel offers its guests a wide v____________ of amusements. 4. She was held in deep a______________ by all her students. 5. Our friendship has steadily ________________ (加强) over the years. 6. He talked for several minutes, but there was ______________(技术的) problem and no one in the audience could hear him. 7. Other comedians rely on ______________(视觉的) humour. 8. His _______________(最初的) requirements are that students should speak good Putonghua and have an interest in Chinese culture. 9. Crystal has the ability to a____________ people all over the world. 10. Jim has read a lot about how to perform well at interviews. I hope he will have a good _____________ in future. 11. He has a p_____________ attitude towards life. 12. She had three children by a _______________ (先前的) marriage. 13. I don’t want to p_______________ in the English Party to be held in our school. 14. Jim is halfway to a________________ his pilot's license. 15. The old woman g_______________ at him angrily. 16. People wore crapes to _______________ (哀悼) the leader. 17. The Syrians have not yet accepted an ______________(邀请) to attend. 18. He peered slowly around the small _______________ (拥挤的) room. 19._____________(城堡)were built by important people, such as kings, in former times especially for protection during wars and battles. 20. He felt so angry that he ___________(撕碎)the photo into pieces. Ⅱ.Cloze Test Alone in the light at the dinning room table, I sat in tears. Finally, I’d succeeded in getting both kids to bed. I got then both washed,21 by cries of delight, crazy running around, laughing and throwing things. 22 calmed down, they lay in their beds as I gave each the five minutes’back rubs as usual. Then I began the night time routine of a song, both kids’23 . I sang it over and over until they seemed fully engaged in 24 . A recently 25 man with full custody (监护权) of his children, I was determined to give them as 26 and stable a home life as possible. I 27 a happy face for them. Everything was just as it had always been with the exception 28 their mother was now missing. There, another night successfully 29 . I rose slowly, tiptoed out of their room and went downstairs. Sitting at the 30 room table, I realized that this was the first time since I came home from work that I’d been able to 31 sit down. Then it all crowded in on me: the fatigue (疲惫), the 32 of the responsibility, the worry about bills I wasn’t sure I could pay that month. And 33 I felt as though I were at the bottom

模块六 第一单元 短语

1.stand up for 支持,维护 2.talk straight to audience members 与观众直接交流 3.react to 对…作出反应 4. a variety of 各种各样的 5.make jokes about 拿…开玩笑 6.visual humor 视觉幽默 7.trip over chairs 被椅子绊倒 8.walk into doors 撞到门 9.fall down on stage 跌倒在舞台上 10.do impressions 进行印象模仿 11.make fun of 取笑,嘲弄 12.have affection for 喜爱,钟爱 13.One such person is Billy Crystal. 一个成功的例子就是Billy Crystal。 14.be broadcast live 现场直播 15.one little-known fact 一个鲜为人知的事实 https://www.doczj.com/doc/c15826910.html,e up with 提出,想出 17.make up 组成;编造;弥补;化妆 18.It seems appropriate that 似乎…是适合的 19.get one’s start 起步,起家 20.howl with laughter 哄堂大笑 21.be popular with/among 受…欢迎 22.follow in the footsteps of 效仿某人 23.have an effect on 对…有影响 24.as the saying goes 俗话说;正如谚语所说 25.pass away 去世,亡故 26.sth occur to sb/It occurred to sb that 某人想到… 27.in the most proper way 以最合适的方式 28.make a list of 列出…的清单 29.be dressed in 穿着 30.at one time 曾经,一度at a time 一次,每次


第一课时 一、教学内容: Unit 1 Happy birthday! 二、教学目标: 1、基本能听懂、会说词汇happy, birthday, cake 2、基本能听懂、会读并灵活运用Here’s your ….Thank you.的语言结构。初步感知词汇present和I’m nine.的句式。 3、学会运用英语向他人表达生日祝愿和并对别人的祝福表示感谢。 4、通过对本课的学习,让学生了解西方国家是如何庆祝生日的方式,以及中国庆祝生日的方式,比较中西方文化的差异。 三、教学重点: 词汇happy,birthday,cake以及Here’s your ….Thank you.的语言结构。 四、教学难点:词汇的“present”的发音。 五、教学用具: 录音机、磁带、单词卡片、挂图、小玩具。 六、教学过程: 1、导入 (1)在教室的前方放一些物品,依次指着这些物品问学生,What’s this? (2)让学生们放一至两件物品在他们的课桌上,点两名学生起立。学生A 拿起一件物品提问:What’s this?”学生B回答。然后由B拿物品来提这个问

题并让A回答。 2、听音指图 (1)教cake和present这两个单词。念单词并让学生们重复。 (2)学生看书。用中文提问。例如:Sam的朋友为什么在家里?大明送给了Sam什么东西?Ms Smart拿了什么东西来房间?Sam几岁了? (3)放录音,让学生在听的同时指出相应的图片。 (4)告诉学生当别人给我们东西或是为我们做了某件事情的时候,我们应该说“Thank you。” (5)在四或五个塑料袋里放不同的东西。举起其中的一个袋子指着里面的物品说“What’s this?”让学生们猜是什么。如果他们猜对了,说Yes然后打开袋于。如果他们猜错了,摇摇头并说No,然后鼓励他们再试一次。 3、听,说 (1)放录音,每句话后暂停,并让学生重复句子。让学生在听和重复的时候把课本合上。 (2)再放录音,每句后暂停,让学生试着说出下一句话再放录音。 4、找,说 (1)学生看图。让他们两人一组朗读示范对话。 (2)让学生在自己桌前放四件物品。他们必须知道每件物品的英文名。 (3)在黑板上写下以下句型:“Here’s your…”“Thank you”解释单词“here”的意思。 (4)拿走一个学生的物品,之后再把它们交还给他或她,这个学生必须做出回答。 (5)和其他的学生多做几次示范练习。

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