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② 毫无疑问,房价将会下降(go down)。
There is no doubt _t_h_a__t_t_h__e__p_r__ic__e_s__o_f__ h_o__u_s_e__s__w__il_l__g_o__d__o_w__n_._
【归纳】whether表示“是否”,不可省略 注:只用whether引导,不用if.
• 他必须回答他是否同意. • He must answer the question _w_h__e_t_h_e_r_ he agrees to it or not.
【归纳】连接词代词what/which/who/ whose在从句中充当成分,缺什么补什么。
The question _w_h__o_ should go abroad hasn’t been decided yet. (主语)
the work was worth working.
2. I have no impression _h__o_w__ he went back
home, perhaps by bike.
3. The problem _w_h_i_c_h_ city we are going to,
Qingdao or Dalian, is not decided.
① The news that we heard spread all over the school. 试加后→The news is that we heard. ×
in the classroom.
IV. 同位语从句 Vs. 定语从句
两种从句的本质的不同: • 定语从句是形容词性的,它的功能是修饰先行词,
• 同位语从句是名词性的,它的功能是对所说明的词 语作进一步的补充、解释或说明.
试比较: ① The news that we heard spread all over
3. He must answer the qquuesttiioonn whether he agrees or not.
4. WWoordd came that we will break up next week. 【归纳】II. 同位语从句前常跟以下抽象名词: fact_事__实__/ idea_想__法__ /reason _理__由__ /thought_想__法__ /doubt_疑__惑__/news_新__闻__/hope_希__望___/belief_信__念____ /message_消__息___/decision _决__定___/ warning_警__告__/ information__信__息____
4. The thought occurred to him _t_h_a__t _ he left his
notebook in the reading room.
5. I have no idea _w__h_e_n_ the project will be
6. The teacher had no idea _w__h_a_t_ was going on
2.我不知道(该选哪个). I have no idea w__h_i_c_h_ one I should
连接词副词when/where/why/how 引导的同位语从句
I’ve got an idea w__h__y_ they left so early.
the school. (__定__语____从句)
② The news that he had won the game
spread all over the school. (__同__位___语___从句)
V. 同位语从句的判断方法—试加法
• “试加法”,即在先行词和从句间加上“be”, 构成“名词+be+从句”的结构,若句子通 顺,则是同位语从句。
• 我们把对前面的__抽_象__ 名词进行解释、 _说__明__ 的从句称为_同_位__语__ 从句 。
1. The nneews that we won the game is exciting
2. The facctt that you haven’t enough time to do the work is unbelievable.
1. Tom, our monitor, is a kind boy.
2. I myself will do the homework.
3. He told me the news that the plane
III. 如何选择连接词? 【思考】that在从句中是否充当成分?能否省略?
① 他告诉我一个消息,他马上要出国(go abroad)。
He told me the newtsh_a_t__h_e__w__o_u_l_d__g_o____ a_b_o_a__rd__s_o__o_n_._
had exploded. 同位语:从句 同在宾语位置上
4. I have no idea when he will come
back home. 同位语:从句 同在宾语位置上
• 一般的,_同__位__语___ 成分是对其前面的名 词或代词进行__解_释___和 _说__明___ 。
2. 我们还没决定好去哪儿.
The question w__h__e_r_e_ we should go
has not been decided.
Ex: that, what, when, how, whether, which 1. He often asked me the queຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidution _w__h_e_t_h_e_r__