当前位置:文档之家› 高中英语2024届高考复习应用文写作练习与讲解系列0925(共四篇)










Dear Chris,

Our school is scheduled to hold a Chinese calligraphy competition next Friday. Learning that you have been practicing Chinese characters recently, I am writing to invite you to participate in this competition.

A calligraphy work is required to be completed within half an hour in the competition. The calligraphy style is not limited, and the writing content is self-determined, which can be poetry, short articles, and the like. To be well prepared for the competition, you’d better equip yourself with the writing content and tools to write, and prac tice when available.

I wish you a good result in this competition! (100 words)


Li Hua













(1)is scheduled to do sth计划做某事;(2)Learning that现在分词短语作状语,意为“听说”;

(3)participate in=take part in参加;

(4)and the like=and so on等等;

(5)equip oneself with配备;

(6)when available为省略结构,原句为when you are available。




科创:scientific innovation

Dear John,


Li Hua




Dear John,

Learning that you take a great interest in the colorful scientific innovation activities carried out by our school, I am writing to share with you about this activity.

There is a wide range of activities. Scientists wil be invited to introduce world-famous inventors to the students, such as Cai Lun, the inventor of paper, the Wright brothers, the inventor of the airplane, and Edison, the inventor of the lamp. Science fantasy drawing competitions will also be organized to develop students' imaginations. What is even more impressive is inventions and creations to improve the hands-on ability and the ability to deal with problems, many of which are creative excellent works.

Not only can the activities stimulate students' curiosity and their thirst for knowledge, they can also cultivate their scientific spirit of imagination and innovation, from which students will benefit a lot. (140 words)


Li Hua













(1)Learning that听说;

(2)take a great interest in对...很感兴趣;

(3)a wide range of多种多样的;

(4)What is even more impressive is ...更让人印象深刻的是...;

(5)Not only can ...否定词置于句首产生部分倒装结构;

(6)benefit a lot from ...从中受益良多。





Learn a new skill






Learn a new skill

It is this winter vacation that has made a big difference to me. I have learned a new skill -- riding a bike.

I used to make excuses, such as busy study, the desire to have a good rest, or whatever, to avoid learning to ride a bicycle. Now that I have grown up, I took the initiative to learn this skill. Every morning witnessed my practice in the park with the help of my father. Despite my falling off the bike on a frequent basis, I ended up acquiring this skill with my father's encouragement as well as my many failed attempts.

Not only has this experience given me a good understanding that success is achieved through hard work, it has also enhanced my awareness that only by looking at the world with a more open mind will I have a brilliant world. (144 words)


Learn a new skill

It is this winter vacation that has made a big difference to me. I have learned a new skill -- riding a bike.

I used to make excuses to avoid learning to ride a bicycle. Now that I have grown up, I took the initiative to learn this skill. Every morning witnessed my practice in the park with the help of my father. Despite my falling off the bike frequently, I ended up acquiring this skill after many failed attempts.

Not only has this experience given me a good understanding that success is achieved through hard work, it has also enhanced my awareness that only by looking at the world with a more open mind will I have a brilliant world. (121 words)













(1)It is ... that ...运用强调句型;

(2)make a big difference to对...产生影响;

(3)or whatever等等;

(4)now that既然,引导原因状语从句;

(5)take the initiative to do sth主动做某事;



(8)on a frequent basis=frequently;

(9)end up acquiring sth最终习得某事;

(10)Not only has ...否定词置于句首产生部分倒装结构;

(11)success is achieved through hard work成功都是奋斗出来的,改编自我国主席金句“幸福都是奋斗出来的Happiness is achieved through hard work”;

(12)enhance one's awareness增加某人的...意识;

(13)only by looking at ... will I ...only+状语置于句首产生部分倒装结构。









Last Saturday witnessed my visit to the calligraphy exhibition held by the city Art Museum. The exhibition, which was available to calligraphy enthusiasts in and around the city, was on the second floor of the museum, running for five days.

Selected works by members of the Calligraphy Association in our city were on display. What impressed me most, as a matter of fact, was the special exhibition area featuring the excellent calligraphy works by primary and secondary school students in the city. The works attracted many parents to bring their children for a visit, so that their children can experience the extensive and profound traditional Chinese culture and inspire their interest in learning calligraphy.

Not only did the exhibition bring me a feast for the eyes, it also enhanced my cultural identity as well as my pride in calligraphy, an ancient and young traditional Chinese culture. (146 words)


Last Saturday witnessed my visit to the calligraphy exhibition held by the city Art Museum. The exhibition was on the second floor of the museum, running for five days.

Selected works by members of the Calligraphy Association in our city were on display. What impressed me most was the special exhibition area featuring the excellent calligraphy works by primary and secondary school students in the city. The works attracted many parents to bring their children for a visit, so that their children can experience the extensive and profound traditional Chinese culture.

Not only did the exhibition bring me a feast for the eyes, it also enhanced my cultural identity as well as my pride in calligraphy. (116 words)













(2)be available to面向...;


(4)running for ...持续时间...;

(5)What impressed me most主语从句结构;

(6)featuring ...以...为特色;

(7)Not only did ...否定词置于句首产生部分倒装结构;

(8)bring sb a feast for the eyes让某人大饱眼福;

(9)enhance one's cultural identity增强某人的文化认同感。


高考英语应用文 写作练习与讲解 一、假定你是李华,你在上周日搭坐102号公交车,该公交车司机的不文明行为让乘客很愤怒。于是你向公交车公司写一封投诉信。要点如下: 1.司机的不文明行为(大声讲话、紧急刹车、态度粗鲁等)。 2.希望尽快查清此事。 Dear Sir, I am Li Hua.I am writing to complain about one of your bus-drivers’ improper and rude behaviors. Last Sunday, I was taking the No.102 bus whose driver not only kept on talking with a man loudly but also drove very fast.So some passengers advised him to concentrate on driving, but he didn’t pay any attention.What’s worse, he drove even faster.Then another passenger couldn’t bear it, asking the driver to keep the passengers’ safety in mind.But the driver stopped the bus so suddenly that all the passengers nearly lost their balance.However, he didn’t apologize but said rudely “It’s none of your business.” I sincerely hope you can investigate this incident and proper measures should be taken to prevent such an incident happening again. Sincerely yours, Li Hua 【词汇亮点】 https://www.doczj.com/doc/c419077122.html,plain about sth.投诉…… 2.rude behaviors 粗鲁的行为 3.keep on doing sth.一直做某事 4.advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事 5.what’s worse 更糟糕的是 6.bear 忍受,容忍 7.keep sth.in mind 牢记 8.lose one’s balance 失去平衡 9.investigate this incident 调查这件事 10.take measures 采取行动 11.prevent sb.from happening again 阻止……再次发生 二、假定你是李华,你校的英语报正在征稿。请你结合以下名人名言,写一篇题为“My Understanding of Optimism”的英语征文。 “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; the optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” —— Winston Churchill 内容包括:1.你对该名言的理解;2.结合生活实例;3.你对该名言的感悟。 My Understanding of Optimism According to Winston Churchill, “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportu nity; the optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” In my opinion, this quote means that when faced with challenges, one can either choose to focus on the negative aspect or look for the silver lining. I have experienced this in my own life.When I was in high school, I struggled with math and didn't do well in my exams.Instead of giving up, I looked for ways to improve.I sought out help from my teacher and studied harder.Eventually, my hard work paid off, and I was able to improve my grades. This quote has taught me that having a positive attitude is essential to success.When we face difficulties, it's easy to feel discouraged and believe that we cannot overcome them.However, optimism enables us to view those difficulties as opportunities to learn and grow.


高考英语应用文写作练习与讲解 一、邀请信:邀请交换生参加中文书法比赛 假定你是李华,下周你校将举办中文书法比赛。请给你校交换生Chris写封邮件,邀请他参加,内容包括:1.来信目的;2.赛前准备;3.表达祝愿。 注意:写作词数应为80左右。 写作注意要点 1.基本时态为一般现在时。 2.写作思路:三段论。第一段开门见山发出邀请(要点1);第二段赛前准备(要点2);第三段表达祝愿(要点3)。 【参考范文】 Dear Chris, Our school is scheduled to hold a Chinese calligraphy competition next Friday. Learning that you have been practicing Chinese characters recently, I am writing to invite you to participate in this competition. A calligraphy work is required to be completed within half an hour in the competition. The calligraphy style is not limited, and the writing content is self-determined, which can be poetry, short articles, and the like. To be well prepared for the competition, you’d better equip yourself with the writing content and tools to write, and prac tice when available. I wish you a good result in this competition! (100 words) Yours, Li Hua 【中文翻译】 亲爱的克里斯: 我校计划于下周五举办中文书法比赛。听说你最近一直在练习汉字,我写信邀请你参加此次比赛。 此次书法比赛要求在半小时内完成一个书法作品。书法风格不限,书写内容自定,可以是诗歌,短文等。比赛前需要准备好书写的内容和工具,并提前练习一下。 预祝你在此次比赛中取得好成绩! 李华 【参考范文解析】 1.应用文写作前三步骤: (1)审题判定文体为邀请信; (2)因本文是给学校交换生写邀请信,故李华身份不必交代; (3)因文本主体部分介绍比赛的赛前准备,故本文总体时态定调为一般现在时。 2.本文的亮点: (1)is scheduled to do sth计划做某事;(2)Learning that现在分词短语作状语,意为“听说”; (3)participate in=take part in参加; (4)and the like=and so on等等; (5)equip oneself with配备; (6)when available为省略结构,原句为when you are available。 二、回复信:分享学校科创活动 假定你是李华,你校经常开展丰富多彩的科创活动,你的外国朋友John发邮件向你了解相关情况,请给他回一封邮件,内容包括:1.活动的内容;2.活动的意义。


建议信 1.假如你是李华,你的英国朋友San发来Email说,考试临近时,他总会感到焦虑,请你给他回复,内容主要包括: 1. 向Sam表示问候和安慰。 2. 提出建议。 注意: 1. 词数80左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Sam, _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _ Your sincerely Li Hua 2.假如你是李华,你的外国网友Jack沉迷于手机游戏不能自拔,写信向你求助,请你给他回一封电子邮件。内容包括: 1.表示理解与关心; 2.分析手机游戏可能存在的不良影响; 3.提出具体建议。 注意:addiction to 对……的瘾 1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Jack, _______________________________________________________________________________


高中英语应用文写作练习与讲解 一、申请信:跨文化演出主持人 (2024届高三上学期月考二) 假定你是李华,正在新西兰某中学学习。你校将举办跨文化演出活动,请你给活动负责人Mr. Brown写封信,申请当主持人。内容包括:1.写信目的;2.你的优势;3.期待答复。 注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 写作注意要点 1.基本时态为一般现在时。 2.写作思路:三段论。第一段开门见山介绍写信目的:申请成为主持人(要点1);第二段介绍自己的优势(要点2);第三段答复(要点3)。 【参考范文】 Dear Mr. Brown, I am an exchange student from China. I am writing to apply to be the host of the crosscultural performance organized by our school. First and foremost, my proficiency in English makes it easy for me to municate with the audience. Plus, I am very familiar with traditional Chinese culture, and therefore it will be my responsibility to share Chinese stories with the teachers and students in our school to make China voice better heard. Even more important is my rich experience since I have participated in many host petitions in China. I would appreciate it if you could give my application your full consideration. Looking forward to your favorable reply. (111 words) Yours, Li Hua 【中文翻译】 亲爱的布郎先生: 我是一名中国交换生。我写信想要申请成为此次跨文化演出活动的主持人。 首先,我英语流畅,在沟通交流上完全没有问题。其次,我非常熟悉中国传统文化,因此在此次活动中讲好中国文化也应该是我的责任。更重要的是我在中国参加过多次主持人大赛,主持经验丰富。 如果您能考虑我的申请,我将不胜感激。期待您的答复。 李华 【参考范文解析】 1.应用文写作前三步骤: (1)审题判定文体为申请信; (2)李华身份根据文本要求需要交代; (3)因文本主体部分为介绍自己担任跨文化演出活动主持人的优势,故本文总体时态定调为一般现在时。 2.本文的亮点: (1)first and foremost首先; (2)proficiency in精通...; (3)... makes it easy for sb to do sth使得做某事对某人而言很容易; (4)plus此外=besides, in addition, what's more等; (5)share Chinese stories with sb to make China voice better heard讲好中国文化; (6)Even more important is ...表语形容词置于句首产生完全倒装结构; (7)I would appreciate it if you could ...如果...我将不胜感激; (8)give my application you full consideration充分考虑我的申请;


高考英语常考应用文写作练习 班级考号姓名总分 第一类邀请信 一、你们班同学打算周六去爬香山。请给外教Chris写一封英文信,邀请他参加此次活动。具体内容如下: 1.时间:8 am—5 pm; 2.集合地点:校门口; 3.交通工具:公交车; 4.携带物品:雨具,午餐,相机。 注意: 1.词数不少于50; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 二、假定你是学校足球队队长陈辉。请你根据以下要点写一封邮件,邀请你新认识的英国朋友Tom加入足球队。要点包括: 1.提出邀请; 2.介绍足球队情况; 3.期盼Tom加入。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 三、假定你是学校英语社团的负责人李华。社团准备举行一次英语诗歌朗诵比赛,你想邀请外教Vivian担任评委。请用英文给Vivian写封电子邮件。内容包括: 1.比赛将于本周五晚七点在学校礼堂进行;

2.比赛的意义和评分的基本依据。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:朗诵 recitation;礼堂 auditorium 第二类感谢信 一、请你给外教Jeff写一封电子邮件,内容包括: 1.告诉他你在学校演讲比赛中获得了第一名; 2.感谢他在口语及演讲技巧上给予的帮助。 注意: 1.词数不少于100; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 二、假定你是李华。你作为交换生在美国学习了一年,在此期间住在美国朋友David的家。如今你已经回国,请根据以下提示用英文给David写一封感谢信。 1.表达感谢; 2.感谢的原因; 3.期待再次见面。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


班级考号姓名总分 自荐信 一、你得知校英语报社要招募兼职编辑,写一封信给负责人Mr.Brown自荐。要求: 1表明写信目的 2介绍自己的优势 3.80字左右 一个英语词汇竞赛通知 二、一个英语词汇竞赛通知

班级考号姓名总分 2024杭州亚运会自荐信 三、第19届亚运会将于2023年9月23日至10月8日在杭州举行。为了确保亚运会圆满举办,你校发起志愿者招募活动。假如你是学生李华,也希望成为其中一员。请用英文写一封自荐信。 内容包括: 1.写信目的; 2.自身优势; 3.表明服务承诺。 参考词汇:第19届亚运会The 19th Asian Games 注意: 1.写作词数应为80左右; 2.请按如下格式在作答。 Dear Sir/Madam. Yours, Li Hua 地震演习活动 四、假定你是李华,上星期四你校举行了一次地震演习活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括: 1.活动目的; 2.活动过程; 3.活动意义。 注意: 1.写作词数应为80左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。 Last Thursday, our school held an earthquake drill aimed at promoting awareness and preparedness in the event of an earthquake.

班级考号姓名总分 自荐信 五、你得知校英语报社要招募兼职编辑,写一封信给负责人Mr.Brown自荐。要求: 1表明写信目的 2介绍自己的优势 3.80字左右 国庆节 六、请写一篇2024国庆节的英文小作文

附:参考范文 自荐信 一、 Dear Mr.Brown, I am writing to express my interest in the part-time editor position at the school English newspaper.As a passionate writer and avid热心的 reader, I believe I would make a valuable addition to your team. I have experience in writing and editing, having worked on several school publications in the past.I have a keen eye for detail and a strong grasp of grammar and syntax.Additionally, I am highly organized and capable of meeting tight deadlines. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the school newspaper and help promote its mission of providing quality journalism to the student body.I look forward to the possibility of working with you and the rest of the team. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Your Name] 一个英语词汇竞赛通知 二、 Dear Students, We are pleased to announce the upcoming Vocabulary Competition, which will take place on Saturday, November 14th at 10:00 am in the school auditorium.This competition is open to all students from grades 6 to 12. The goal of this competition is to encourage students to expand their vocabulary and improve their language skills.The competition will consist of multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank, and definition-based questions.The questions will cover a wide range of topics such as literature, history, science, and current events. To participate in this competition, interested students must register their names with the English department no later than Thursday, November 5th.There is no registration fee, and each student can participate individually. We encourage all students to participate in this exciting event and showcase their knowledge of the English language.The winners of the competition will receive prizes and recognition at the school assembly. For any further information or queries, feel free to contact the English department. Sincerely, The English Department 2024杭州亚运会自荐信 三、 Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to apply to be a volunteer for the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou. Being the host city of the great event is a unique honor which comes with a great responsibility.I assume I'm the most eligible one with the strong reasons.Firstly, my interest in English blesses me with superb language proficiency, which guarantees smooth communication in receiving the foreign athletes.Secondly, loads of voluntary activities endow me with abundant https://www.doczj.com/doc/c419077122.html,stly, motivation of my application has its roots in my passion for various sport events. I promise personally to you the highest levels of support and participation.An approval at your earliest convenience will be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully, Li Hua


高考英语应用文练习 班级考号姓名总分 一、如何学好英语 假如你是李华,你刚收到了你的朋友王梅的电子邮件,她在邮件里向你询问在高中如何学好英语。请你根据下列的内容用英语给她写封80字左右的回信。 1.上课认真听讲,做好笔记,课后及时复习; 2.词汇是基础,每天早上花半个小时的时间背诵单词,朗读课文; 3.课外多与同学用英语交流,提高听力和口语能力; 4.每天坚持写日记。 二、邀请观看《雷雨》 假定你是李华。你的美国留学生朋友David很喜欢中国文学,请你给他写一封信,邀请他一起去观看下周六将上演的话剧《雷雨》。内容包括: 1.写信目的; 2.话剧表演的时间、地点及注意事项; 3.你的期待。 注意: 词数80左右;

三、How to use social media wisely and mindfully 为帮助学生更好地使用社交媒体,学校邀请Smith教授做了一场专题讲座——How to use social media wisely and mindfully。假定你是学生会主席李华,请用英语给Smith教授写一封邮件,内容包括: 1.表达感谢; 2.同学们的收获; 3.希望以后有机会再次邀请教授做讲座。 注意:写作词数应为80左右。 四、让文物活起来 假定你是李华,是阳光国际学校学生会主席。你校准备组织一次“让文物活起来”(Bring Cultural Relics to Life)的活动,请你用英语写一篇开幕辞,欢迎参加活动的师生。内容包括:1.表示欢迎; 2.活动目的;3.活动内容。注意:写作词数应为100左右; 五、组织急救演练 假定你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华,你校即将组织急救演练,请你用英文写一则通知,内容包括: 1.时间、地点及参与人员; 2.具体内容; 3.注意事项。注意: 1.写作词数应为80左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。 Announcement for Medical Emergency Drill


班级考号姓名总分 一、通知 假定你是英语俱乐部主席李华,为弘扬中国传统文化,你校将举办一次以“My Favourite Chinese Festival”为主题的英语演讲比赛。请你用英语写一则通知,内容包括: 1.比赛的时间、地点; 2.比赛的要求; 3.呼吁同学们积极参加。 注意: 1.写作词数应为80左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。 Notice ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ The English Club 二、新闻报道 在五四青年节,学校举办了以“青春”为主题的诗歌朗诵比赛,请你写一篇报道,向校报投稿。内容包括: 1.活动目的; 2.活动过程; 3.活动感受。 注意:1.写作词数应为80左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。 A Poetry Recitation Contest ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________


高考英语应用文写作练习与讲解 一、求助信:向英国学校辅导中心求助暑期学习课程 假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助。根据学校规定,你需书面预约,请按下列要点写一封信: 1.本人简介; 2.求助内容; 3.约定时间。 注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 【写作注意要点】 基本时态为一般现在时。 【写作思路】 先交代身份,并提出求助;求助内容是本文的主体内容,可以列举2-3个要点。要点三约定的时间可以在最后点出。 【写法指导】 1.因原文本中是向学校辅导中心求助,故Li Hua身份要交代。 2.按照应用文的常规写法,首段要开门见山,本文可以先交代身份,然后提出求助。 二、推荐信:因博物馆闭馆推荐其他中国文化活动 假如你是李华,你的外国朋友Jack对中国文化很感兴趣。你们原定本周日上午9点参观浙江省博物馆,现博物馆因故闭馆一周,请给他写一封邮件,内容要点如下: 1.告知闭馆消息; 2.推荐其他活动; 3.期待回复。 注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【写作注意要点】 基本时态为一般将来时和一般现在时。 【写作思路】先告知博物馆闭馆消息,并说明原因。 推荐内容是本文的主体内容,可以列举1-2个推荐,具体视词数而定。 【写法指导】 1.因原文本中已经发出过邀请,故二人应该相互熟识,Li Hua身份不必交代。 2.按照应用文的常规写法,首段告知博物馆闭馆信息并说明原因,然后进入推荐的正题。 【亮点词汇】 (1)告知博物馆参观取消采用cancellation名词形式,要胜于动词cancel或动词短语call off; (2)无法欣赏高雅艺术采用miss the chance结构更地道; (3)采用高级词块top alternative option最佳可替换选择、have a good view of饱览...、expose sb to sth让某人感受(体验)某物、bring a feast for one's eyes给某人带来视觉盛宴; (4)因推荐了两个要点,故结尾采用which is your preferable choice。 三、推荐信:因戏剧社表演取消推荐其他中国文化活动 假如你是学校传统戏剧社社长李华,你已邀请交换生Jack观看下周五的戏剧社表演,因为他


高考英语应用文写作练习与讲解 一、介绍信:介绍一位最敬佩的科学家 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Jim发邮件询问你最敬佩的科学家。请你回复邮件,内容包括:1.人物简介;2.敬佩的原因。 注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【写作注意要点】 1.基本时态为一般现在时和过去时。 2.写作思路:三段论。文章首段寒暄+开门见山说明最敬佩的科学家;人物简介+敬佩的原因(要点1&2);第三段期盼早日回信。 【写法指导】 1.因原文本提及两人朋友关系,故Li Hua身份不必交代。 2.由于本文介绍的是科学家,选材上建议选取课文中出现过的几位人物,如袁隆平、钱学森、霍金等,以避免因为词汇量不足无法用英语表达的尴尬。 【亮点词汇】 (1)top priority首选,首先考虑的人或事; (2)ever in China新中国有史以来; (3)end up as最终成为; (4)is acknowledged universally举世公认。 二、邀请信:邀请外教参加校艺术节 假如你是李华,你校将举办艺术节。请写封邮件邀请你校外教David参加。内容包括: 1.写信目的; 2.时间、地点; 3.活动安排。 注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【写作注意要点】 1.基本时态为一般将来时。 2.写作思路:三段论。第一段开门见山交代写作目的(要点1);第二段交代时间、地点(要点2)和活动安排(要点3);第三段期盼早日回信。 【写法指导】 1.因Jim是学校外教,故Li Hua身份要交代。 2.由于80词数的要求,可在介绍完活动后增加活动可能带来的感受,以丰富内容。 【亮点词汇】 (1)enthusiast热衷者,爱好者; (2)range from ...to ...从...到...(范围); (3)expose ...to ...使...体验...; (4)give you a fantastic audio-visual feast带给你一场精彩的视听盛宴。 (5)involvement参加。 三、报道:交换生参观历史博物馆 假定你是校英文报小记者,上周日,你校学生会带领交换生参观了当地的历史博物馆。请你以A Visit to the History Museum为题写一篇新闻报道,要点如下: 1.参加人员; 2.活动经过; 3.活动意义。


“生涯规划”话题应用文写作专练 试题呈现: 新闻报道 假定你是李华。你校上周五举行了有关个人职业生涯规划的活动。请你为学校英文刊物“Campus Weekly” 写一篇活动报道,内容包括:1. 活动内容及过程; 2. 活动反响。 注意: 1. 写作词数应为应为80左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 A Stepping Stone to Career ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ 参考范文:118 A Stepping Stone to Career Last Friday, our school invited some experts to give lectures about career planning with the purpose of giving some instructions about career choices. In the lecture, the experts gave us some advice on how to choose careers and what we should do for our future careers, which really inspired us. Furthermore, the experts analysed the top careers which are in great need for us and it helped us students find out our interest in our future careers. All the students who attended it thought highly of it, praising that the lecture provided us an insight into our future career. Hopefully, with the lecture serving as a stepping stone, every one of us can find our dream career. 下水文:123 A Stepping Stone to Career To help us get a clearer picture of future careers, a theme lecture was held last Friday, which turned out eye-opening and enlightening. Mr. Smith, the lecturer, offered us professional guidance on how to make appropriate career planning, suggesting that our interests, our academic strengths and career demand


班级考号姓名总分 一、邀请体验农场生活 假定你是李华,请你给你的美国朋友Chris写一封邮件,告诉他你将参加当地一个体验农场生活的夏令营活动,希望他一起参加。 内容包括: 1.介绍夏令营的相关信息 2.询问对方意愿 二、Practicing Writing After Class 你的外教让你调查你班学生在课外提高英语写作能力的方法。请以“practicing writing after class”为题写一篇短文,介绍你的调查结果。 内容包括: 1.学生的常用方法, 2.你的评论 3.你的建议。

班级考号姓名总分 三、comments on the online class 假定你是李华,你班与英国的姊妹学校某班级在线共上了一堂“经典诗歌鉴赏(Appreciation of Classic Poetry)”的交流课。请你在线上留言板上写一则评论, 内容包括: 1.交流课的特点; 2.观看感受; 3.意见建议。 注意: 1.写作词数应为80左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 The online class was absolutely wonderful. 四、为电影节推荐一部电影 学校下个星期要举办主题为“我心目中的英雄”校园电影电视节,请你代表学生会推荐一部片子。内容要点如下: 电影(电视)片名 电影(电视)主要内容 推荐理由

班级考号姓名总分 五、手工制作活动 上周你校举办了手工制作活动,活动用料全部来自生活中的可回收材料。请你为校英文报写一篇短文,内容包括: 1.活动目的; 2.活动内容; 3.你的感受。 注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 六、The Hidden Magical World 假设你发现了一个隐藏的魔法世界,请以“The Hidden Magical world”为题,描述那个世界的生活以及你的历险等,词数100词左右。 七、减少水污染 假如你是学校学生会成员李华,为号召大家积极参与减少水污染的活动,请你代表学生会发出一份英文倡议书,内容包括:1.发出倡议的原因和目的;2.水污染的应对措施;3.发出倡议。 注意:1.词数80左右;


班级考号姓名总分 1.共度春节 假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Jack发电子邮件说他对中国的传统节日春节很感兴趣,并且向你询问有关春节的信息,请你给他回复一封电子邮件,内容包括: (1)春节的时间; (2)春节的活动; (3)邀请他共度春节。 2.介绍端午节 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Peter来信说他对中国的传统节日很感兴趣,请你向他介绍端午节的相关信息。内容包括: (1)端午节的时间; (2)端午节的活动(吃粽子,赛龙舟); (3)端午节是为了纪念屈原的。 3.约稿 假如你是李华,你校英文报“外国文化”栏目拟刊登介绍美国节日风俗和学生生活的短文。请给美国朋友Alan写信约稿,要点如下: (1)栏目介绍; (2)稿件内容; (3)稿件长度:约400词; (4) 交稿日期:6月28日前。

班级考号姓名总分 1.保持健康 假如你是李华,你收到好友玛丽的信件得知她在保持健康方面遇到了困惑,请给她回复一封信,提出一些保持健康方面的建议。要点: (1)健康的重要性 (2)保持良好的饮食习惯 (3)注重身体锻炼 2.良好的饮食习惯 假如你们班要对“良好的饮食习惯”这一话题进行讨论,请根据下列提示,用英语写一篇发言稿。内容应包括: (1)部分同学的饮食习惯; (2)良好的饮食习惯; (3)个人看法。 3.健康减肥 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Lily在她的微博中说她为了减肥吃减肥药,而且经常不吃饭,导致身体变得很虚弱,状态很不佳。请你在微博上用英文给她留言,内容包括:(1)对她的现状表示担心; (2)指出吃减肥药以及经常不吃饭的坏处; (3)提出一些健康的减肥方法,如慢跑等。

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