当前位置:文档之家› 天气预报英语表达





1. There will be occasional showers in s outheast England, some of them perhaps heavy.


2. Elsewhere is largely dry with sunny s pells and just a scattering of light showe rs, but becoming cloudier in Northern Ir eland towards evening.


3. Tonight has any showers dying away to leave a dry evening with some clear periods.


4. Thicker cloud with occasional rain or drizzle will spread into some western a reas during the night.


5. Saturday will be a cloudier day with outbreaks of mainly light rain in wester n areas, spreading slowly eastwards, tho ugh many central and eastern areas sho uld remain dry.


6. From Sunday to Tuesday, it will be c loudy with occasional drizzle in western

and northwestern areas, especially aroun d coasts and hills.


7. Elsewhere is mainly dry with some su nshine, but heavy showers possible centr al and southeast England on Tuesday.



天气预报的常用术语(中英文对照) 风、沙 calm 无风 breeze 微风 moderate breeze 和风 gale 强风,风暴 squall 狂风(伴有雨、雪) a chilling wind 寒风hurricane 飓风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 a gust of wind 阵风 a constant wind 风向稳定的风a fair wind 顺风 a contrary wind 逆风sandstorm 沙暴 duststorm 尘暴雨 雨 drizzle 毛毛雨thundershower 雷阵雨shower 阵雨 rainstorm 暴风雨 light rainshower 小阵雨heavy shower 强阵雨isolated shower 局部阵雨scattered shower 零星阵雨cloud-burst 大暴雨 pouring rain 倾盆大雨freezing rain 冻雨 thunder 雷 lightning 闪电 raindrop 雨点,雨滴 雪 rainfall 降雨量雪 snow shower 阵雪 heavy snow 大雪 light snow, flurry 小雪 sleet 雨夹雪 blizzard 大风雪 snowstorm 暴风雪snowflake 雪花 snowdrift 雪堆 snowfall 降雪量雾、霜 其它气象天气 fog 雾 mist 薄雾 freezing fog 冻雾 hail 冰雹 dew 露 气候 frost 霜气候 mountain climate 高山气候 desert climate 沙漠气候 monsoon climate 季风气候 plateau climate 高原气候continental climate 大陆气候 littoral climate 海滨气候 maritime climate 海洋气候 forest climate 森林气候 一些天气预报的标准术语(中英对翻译) 阴天有阵雨和轻雾overcast with showers and mist 多云有轻雾cloudy with mist 阵雨showers 阴天有短时阵雨overcast with showers 多云cloudy 中阵雨moderate rain 1


天气预报常用句型 1. There will be occasional showers in southeast England, some of them perhaps heavy. 英格兰东南部有短时阵雨,部分地区会转成大雨。 2. Elsewhere is largely dry with sunny spells and just a scattering of light showers, but becoming cloudier in Northern Ireland towards evening. 其余大部分地区为干燥晴朗的天气,局部地区有小阵雨,夜间,北爱尔兰地区云量会有所增加。 3. Tonight has any showers dying away to leave a dry evening with some clear periods. 今天夜间没有降雨,将保持干燥晴朗。 4. Thicker cloud with occasional rain or drizzle will spread into some western areas during the night. 夜间,西部地区云量增加会导致短时小雨出现。 5. Saturday will be a cloudier day with outbreaks of mainly light rain in western areas, spreading slowly eastwards, though many central and eastern areas should remain dry. 本周六是多云的天气,西部地区将有小雨,而且降雨会缓慢东移,不过中部大部分地区和东部部分地区仍将保持干燥天气。 6. From Sunday to Tuesday, it will be cloudy with occasional drizzle in western and northwestern areas, especially around coasts and hills. 本周日到下周二将会是多云的天气,西部和西北部地区有短时小雨,沿海和山区的降雨会比较明显。 7. Elsewhere is mainly dry with some sunshine, but heavy showers possible central and southeast England on Tuesday. 其余地区主要为干燥和晴朗的天气,不过下周二的时候,英格兰中部和东南部可能会降大雨。


weather forecast 天气预报 AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声 Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨


与天气有关的英语词汇大全frost 霜 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 land wind 陆风 hail 冰雹 snowflake 雪花 mist 薄雾 rainfall 降雨 downpour 暴雨 shower 阵雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨/雪 thundershower 雷阵雨 sleet 雨夹雪;雹;冻雨 hail/hailstone 冰雹 frosty 霜冻 sandstorm 沙尘暴 lightning 闪电 hurricane 飓风 tornado 旋风;龙卷风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风

whirlwind 龙卷风 breeze 微风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 drizzle 毛毛雨 humidity 湿度 drought 干旱 high temperature 高温 less rainfall 少雨 cold snap 寒潮 stormy wind 暴风 ice rain 冻雨 waterspout 海上龙卷风 Tsunami 海啸 Indian summer: a period of unusually dry, warm weather occurring in late autumn 深秋干暖的气候,小阳春,秋老虎 (a period of happiness or success occurring late in life晚年的幸福时光;兴旺的晚年) desertification 沙漠化 sandstorm 沙尘暴 sand and dust weather 沙尘天气 天气预报常用词组 fine becoming cloudy 晴天转阴 cloudy with occasional showers 阴,有阵雨


关于天气预报的初中英语作文5篇 天气与我们的生活息息相关,下面为大家分享几篇关于天气的英语作文,一起来看看吧。 Let's take a look at the weather in Shanxi Province for the next 24 hours. Taiyuan would be cloudy at the time with the temperature from eighteen to twenty-eight. A strong wind would reach Datong, which could cause much rain, The temperature would be sixteen to twenty-six. Yangquan would be sunny with the highest temperature of thirty degree. Linfen would be windy and its temperature would be twenty-three to thirty-two. We would have a sunny and hot day in Yuncheng. Its temperature would stay between twenty-eight to thirty-four. 参考翻译: 让我们看一下山西省的天气,接下来的24小时。太原将会多云,气温从十八到二十八。强风会到达大同,可能会造成很多雨,温度将是十六到二十六。阳泉的日照温度最高,达到30度。临汾会有风,它的温度是23比32。我们将在运城有一个阳光灿烂的日子。 它的温度将保持在28到34之间。


. Weather Forecast A cold front is swinging in from Canada while a warm front is moving up from the Pacific. Meanwhile, precipitation is developing in the southern part of the state while strong wind is moving down from the north. There could be 3 to 5 inches of snow on Thursday or Friday if it gets cold enough. Otherwise there could be havey rain. Yet there still exists the possibility that the coulds may be pushed out by wind well before then. So frankly we have no idea whatsoever on what the weather will be like next week. This is roughly the weather forecast on a local channel here in Portland during the weekend...one of the most bizarre and honest weather forecasts I've ever watched. It is refreshing to see that at least one of these so-called meteorologists (AKA weather men ... or women) understands the truth about the business -- one can never predict the weather, just like one can never predict life. .


天气预报常用术语 常规天气预报要素包括:天空状况、天气现象、降水量、降水等级、风向风速、气温等。、 1、天气预报分类: 预报时效是天气预报的有效期限。在现代天气预报业务中,根据时效的长短分为以下四类: 长期天气预报:是指10天以上(月、季、年)的旱涝、冷暖、雨量等天气趋势的展望,一年以上的预报称超长期预报。 中期预报:对未来4~10天内的逐日天气预报,内容针对灾害性天气和转折性天气。 短期预报:是指对未来3天的逐日天气预报,其内容是对常规气象要素的预报。其中0-12小时的预报称为超短期预报。 短时临近预报:是指未来0-6小时的预报,其中0-2小时的预报称临近预报。对短期预报进行补充和订正,一般是对暴雨、冰雹、雷雨大风等尺度较小的灾害性天气的预报预警。 2、天气预报常用时间用语

气象部门以北京时20点为日界,天气预报中描述的白天和夜间与我们常规的认知是有区别的。了解了天气预报中的时间划分,就能够更好的使用它了。常用时间用语如下: 白天:08时~20时; 夜间:20时~08时; 早晨:04时~08时; 上午:08时~11时; 中午:11时~13时; 午后:12时~14时 下午:13时~17时; 傍晚:17时~20时; 上半夜:20时~24时; 下半夜:24时~04时; 半夜:22时~02时; 凌晨:02时~04时; 3、天气预报常用范围用语 个别地区:一般指预报服务范围内小于5%的区域。 局部地区:一般指预报服务范围内小于10%的区域。 部分地区:一般指预报服务范围内有10%~30%的区域。 大部分地区:指预报服务范围内大于50%的地方。 4、天气预报中天空状况是如何规定的?


天气预报的英语表达方式 分类:其他2014-12-09 20:53 165人阅读评论(0) 收藏举报 英文天气 天气预报的英语表达方式: sunny晴天cloudy多云overcast阴天light rain 小雨moderate rain 中雨heavy rain 大雨moderate snow中雪heavy snow 大雪light snow 小雪rainstorm暴雨thunderstorm雷雨fog雾frost霜冻sleet 雨夹雪typhoon台风sandstorm 沙尘暴 天气状况 Wind direction风向 Wind force 风力 Lowest temperature最低气温(℃) Highest temperature最高气温(℃) AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾

Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨 Rain=雨 Rain Shower=阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风 Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪 Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪Rain / Wind=雨时有风 Rain and Snow=雨夹雪


资料1 关于天气的英语单词 山地气候mountain climate 冬季季风气候winter monsoon climate 季风气候monsoon climate 高气压high-pressure 锋面frontal edge 亚热带气候sub-tropical climate 气团air mass 热浪heat wave 高原气候plateau climate 闪电lightning 雾fog 海滨气候littoral climate 凉cool 霜frost 极地气候polar climate 雪堆snowdrift 露dew 热带气候tropical climate 寒冷chilly 恒风constant wind 微风breeze 逆风headwind 台风typhoon 无风calm 轻风light 信风trade wind 微风gentle breeze 温带沙漠气候temperate desert climate 温带干燥气候temperate arid climate 大雨heavy rain breeze 热带季风气候tropical monsoon climate 大陆气候continental climate 天气预报weather forecast 和风moderate breeze 沙漠气候desert climate 甘霖welcome rain 清风fresh breeze 沿海气候coastal climate 冰柱icicle 强风strong breeze 高地气候highland climate 疾风near gale 海洋气候marine climate 地形雨local rains 大风gale 森林气候forest climate 狂风squall 烈风strong gale 温带气候temperate climate 雨季rainy season 狂风storm 湿润气候humid climate 雨点raindrops 暴风violent storm 温带草原气候temperate grassy climate 东北信风northeast trades 飓风hurricane 热带雨林气候tropical rainy climate 东南风southeaster 台风typhoon 热带海洋气候tropical marine climate 风级wind scale 龙卷风tornado 虹rainbow 间歇雨intermittent rain 小雨light rain 阵雨shower 平静calm 毛毛雨drizzle, fine rain 疾风gusty wind 微波rippled 反常天气freakish weather 气旋cyclone 微浪smooth wavelets 北风north wind 气压barometric pressure 细浪light seas 冰ice 阴天cloudy day 小浪moderate seas 冰点freezing point 雪花snow flake


天气预报的英语表达方式: sunny晴天 cloudy多云 overcast阴天 light rain 小雨moderate rain 中雨 heavy rain 大雨 moderate snow中雪heavy snow 大雪 light snow 小雪 rainstorm暴雨thunderstorm雷雨 fog雾 frost霜冻 sleet 雨夹雪typhoon台风 sandstorm 沙尘暴 天气状况 Wind direction风向 Wind force 风力 Lowest temperature最低气温(℃) Highest temperature最高气温(℃) AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘

Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电


v1.0 可编辑可修改 表示天气的词汇 1、天气状况 AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声 Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪

v1.0 可编辑可修改 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨 Rain=雨 Rain Shower=阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind=雨时有风 Rain and Snow=雨夹雪 Scattered Showers=零星阵雨Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风 Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风 Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨 Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨Showers=阵雨 Showers Early=早有阵雨 Showers Late=晚有阵雨 Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风


天气预报常见名词(易混淆)中英文对照 一热带气旋Tropical Cyclone 定义:俗称台风,发生在热带海洋上的一种具有暖心结构的逆时针强烈旋转的涡旋。 等级(由低到高):缩写和全称 TC 热带气旋tropical cyclone TD 热带低压tropical depression TS 热带风暴tropical storm STS 强热带风暴severe tropical storm TY 台风typhoon STY 强台风severe typhoon Super TY 超强台风super typhoon PS不同海区热带气旋的不同名称—— ①发生在西北太平洋和南海海域的称之为台风typhoon ②发生在北大西洋、加勒比海、墨西哥湾、东北太平洋东部和东经160度以东的南太平洋 等海域的称之为飓风hurricane ③发生在北印度洋、孟加拉湾、阿拉伯海等海域的称之为气旋风暴cyclonic storm ④发生在东经160度以西的南太平洋和东经90度以东的东南印度洋等海域的则称之为强热带气旋severe tropical cyclone ⑤发生在西南印度洋的则称之为热带气旋tropical cyclone 其他衍生词汇: 台风中心附近最大风力:Maximum sustained wind speed of XX km/h 二天气现象名词 晴Sunny/Clear sky 多云cloudy 阴天Overcast 雾Smoggy/Foggy weather 霾Haze 冰雹Hail 零星小雨Scattered light rain 小雨Little Rain 阵雨showers 中雨Moderate Rain 大雨Heavy Rain


Asia Forecast Video Hello there, now let’s hear the latest weather report in Asia. Southeast China yet to see more heavy rain, and a risk of local flooding. As we go over the next few days, you can see west of heaviest rains has been in the southeast corner, stretching in towards Taiwan too. Fine dry weather across northeast though, a few showers across certain northern Japan, but i think for Horishi and Kioshu a lot of fine weather, temperatures are fine, close to 30 degrees in one or two spots. During the course of Wednesday, it is the warmest one in Beijing, 30 degrees there but showers and storms are never too faraway. And set in the southeast of China plenty of thunderstorm and heavy downpours are around the Shanghai area, and also for Taiwan and Hongkong. Bit showers as well across the southeast corner for Laos,Vietnam, Cambodia and for Thailand, very humid too. Elsewhere on Wednesday we’ll see 31 degrees in Brunei, 32 in Manila, are pretty to have the downpour as well, across the Philippine during the course of Wednesday and into Thursday. As we heading towards Thursday we’ll continue to see very heavy rain is continuing in the southeast corner. Some sunshine that’ll across the northeast with the temperature of 28 degrees there in Soul, with a good deal of sunshine. Thundery, downpours’ across all these cities (Jakarta, Singapore, Bangkok and Manila) during Friday and into the weekend, and some of them could be very heavy indeed. And looking ahead Friday and Saturday the thundery weather continues in Hongkong and Taipei.


AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声

Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨 Rain=雨 Rain Shower=阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风 Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪 Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪Rain / Wind=雨时有风 Rain and Snow=雨夹雪 Scattered Showers=零星阵雨 Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪

英语天气预报 weather forecast

Lesson 41 weather forecast Announcer: And now it’s five to nine, and time for the weather forecast. Let’s go over to Carla Dane at the London Weather Center. Carla. Weather Forecaster: Thanks John, and good morning! Last month was unusually ___ and ___. But all that will ____ in the next few days. From today, the ____ will blow from the _______. It will bring in ____ air from the Atlantic. And we’ll have some ____. Rain will come in gradually from the ______ this evening. The whole country will have some rain ______ in the next three days. Some of them will be ____. Temperatures will rise ____12 degrees Celsius in the day. Night temperatures will fall ___ 4 degrees Celsius. It will feel cold over the hills. And the outlook for the next weekend: the three w’s---- warm, wet and windy. And that’s your weather forecast. Back to John at the studio. Most parts of China will see rainfall in coming days https://www.doczj.com/doc/c517077875.html,/program/china24/20 140216/100385.shtml The Chinese railway system has been hit by another travel rush as the holiday comes to an end. It is estimated that the number of railway passengers will reach more than eight million a day. 715 temporary train trips have been added to cope with the influx. Meanwhile, highways in most parts of the country have been affected by heavy smog and rainfall. China’s central weather bureau has reported that over the next 3 days, varying degrees of snow, including snow storms, are expected to hit central and eastern parts of China.


中英文天气预报对照表monsoon zone 季风带precipitation 降雨量cleartoovercast 晴转多云fine/fair/sunny 晴朗cloudy 多云 foggy 有雾 misty 薄雾 drizzle 小雨 pour/downpour 大雨sleet 雨夹雪 hail/hailstone 冰雹windy 有风 gale wind 大风

stormy wind 暴风 light air 1级风 moderate breeze 4级风moderate gale 7级风whole gale 10级风typhoon 台风 drought 干旱 Today's Graphic 今日气象图oceanic climate 海洋性气候Centigrade 摄氏 cloudy to overcast 阴转多云mild 温暖 overcast/dull/gloomy 阴天frosty 霜冻

damp 潮湿 shower 阵雨 storm 暴风雨 light snow 小雪monsoon rain 季风雨breezy 微风阵阵heavy/high wind 大风gust 阵风 light breeze 2级风fresh breeze 5级风fresh gale 8级风storm 11级风duststorm 沙暴 ice sheet 冰川

Weather Forecast 天气预报continental climate 大陆性气候Fahrenheit 华氏 turning out cloudy 转阴 cool 凉爽 snowy 有雪 chilly 微冷 wet 雨天 thundery shower 雷阵雨thundery storm 雷雨 blizzard 暴风雪 seasonal rain 季雨 gentle wind 和风 windy and dusty 风沙


天气的英语表达方式天气预报 sunny晴天cloudy多云overcast阴天light rain 小雨 moderate rain 中雨heavy rain 大雨 moderate snow中雪 heavy snow 大雪 light snow 小雪 rainstorm暴雨 thunderstorm雷雨 fog雾 frost霜冻sleet 雨夹 雪typhoon台风 sandstorm 沙尘暴 天气状况 Wind direction风向 Wind force 风力 Lowest temperature最低气温(℃) Highest temperature最高气温(℃) AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨


天气预报的英语表达方式 sunny晴天 cloudy多云 overcast阴天 light rain 小雨 moderate rain 中雨 heavy rain 大雨 moderate snow中雪 heavy snow 大雪 light snow 小雪 rainstorm暴雨 thunderstorm雷雨 fog雾 frost霜冻 sleet 雨夹雪 typhoon台风 sandstorm 沙尘暴 Wind direction风向 Wind force 风力 Lowest temperature最低气温(℃) Highest temperature最高气温(℃) AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨 AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪 AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨 Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴

Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Fog=雾 Haze=薄雾 Hail=冰雹 Heavy Rain=大雨 Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨 Heavy Snow=大雪 Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨 Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨 Light Drizzle=微雨 Light Rain=小雨 Light Rain Shower=小阵雨 Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声 Light Snow=小雪 Light Snow Fall=小降雪 Light Snow Grains=小粒雪 Light Snow Shower=小阵雪 Lightening=雷电 Mist=薄雾 Mostly Clear=大部晴朗 Mostly Cloudy=大部多云 Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风 Mostly Sunny=晴时多云 Partly Cloudy=局部多云 Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风 PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风 PM Light Rain=下午小雨 PM Showers=下午阵雨 PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪 PM T-Storms=下午雷雨 Rain=雨 Rain Shower=阵雨 Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风

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