当前位置:文档之家› 2020年徐州市小升初英语模拟试题与答案






( ) 1.A. sunny B. windy C. rainy D. family

( ) 2. A. river B. eat C. worry D. stay

( ) 3. A. taller B. stronger C. heavy D. longer

( ) 4. A. third B. ninth C. eight D. twelfth

( ) 5. A. angry B. sad C. play D. happy


( ) 1. After school, we usually play _______soccer for half ______hour on ______sports ground.

A. /; an; the

B. the; a; the

C./; a;/

D. the; an;a

( ) 2. --Is she a bus driver? --___________. She is a postwoman.

A. No, she isn't

B. Yes, she is

C. No, she is

D. Yes, she isn't

( )3. Can you help my child_______ his science ______Tuesday mornings?

A.in; in

B. with; on

C. for; at

D. with; at

( ) 4. -- Is this your shoe?--Yes, it is, but where is ?

A. the others

B. other one

C. another

D. the other one

( ) 5. That storybook is very . The children are ______in it.

A. interesting; interest

B. interest; interested

C. interesting; interested

D. interested; interesting

( ) 6. There a ruler and some pencils in the pencil-box.

A. be


C. are

D. has

( ) 7. It often rains in the summer of Xinxiang.

A. strong

B. big

C. hard

D. heavy

( ) 8. The basketball ____________ the bed isn't mine.

A. under

B.is under

C.is on


( ) 9. Thank you______________ giving me so much help.

A. to

B. for

C. with


( ) 10.--What did you do last night? --I did my homework and _____TV.

A. watch

B. watched

C. will watch

D. am watching ( ) 11.The ____ are in the fridge.

A.tomato B.tomatoes C.tomatos D.potato

( ) 12. But ____ worry.I can help you.

A.isn't B.am not C.doesn't D.don't

( ) 13.He is ____ a letter.

A.write B.writes C.writing D.writeing

( ) 14. ____ a holiday,_____ don't go to school.

A.In,child B.In, children

C.On,child D.On,children

( ) 15. Danny ____ tomorrow.()

A.walked to the park B.is going to walk to the park

C.walks to the park D.is walking to the park


( )1. What’s your favourite shape? A.How do you do?

( )2. How’s the weather ? B. About 1.3 metres tall.

( )3. When is Children’s Day ? C.I like noodles .

( )4. Nice to meet you! D. She is my sister.

( )5. Would you like some soup? E.I like ping-pong.

( )6. How do you do? F. Yes, please.

( )7. How tall are you? G. Nice to meet you, too!

( )8. What’s for lunch ? H. June the first.

( )9. Who’s that girl over there ? I. It’s rainy.

( )10. What sport do you like? J. Circle.


1. We ________(have) a good time yesterday.

2. They ________(see) a tiger in the nature park last weekend.

3. My cousin is ________(heavy) than my brother.

4. The elephant ________(run) faster than the panda.

5. She ________(read) a storybook last night.


1. --______are you going? ---We are going after dinner.

2.--______do you go to school? ---Take the bus

3.--_____are you going to Shanghai by plane?

----Because it is fast.

4.--_____are they going to read a magazine?:

---In the library.

5.--______are your parents going to visit?

---My grandfather and grandmother.


1.There are some books on the desk.(改为一般疑问句)

________there________books on the desk?

2.The children often play football on the playground. (用现在进行时改写) The children________________football on the playground.

3.What are you doing?(用read a book作回答)

I________ ________a book.

4.My birthday is in__March. (就画线部分提问)

________ ________your birthday?

5.Uncle Smith often goes to work at__7:30__am.(就画线部分提问) ________does Uncle Smith often________to work?



How are you feeling? You missed school last week.Then I heard(听到) from Jason that you fell off from your bike on your way to school last Tuesday.And yo u hurt your leg.I also heard you stayed in the h ospital for several days.I hope(希望) your leg doesn’t hurt too much. Now you are at home.You must be bored(无聊的) staying at home all day.I will go to visit you this weekend.Do you need anything? If you want,I can bring(拿来) you some picture books.Everyone in our class misses you and we all hope you can get well soon.

Best wishes


( )1. This letter is from Jean.

( )2. Jean is in the hospital now.

( )3. Jean fell off from her bike and hurt her leg.

( )4. In this letter,“missed school” means“想念学校”and“misses you”means “想念你”.

( )5. Jack cares(关爱) his classmates.


My name is Sam. This September I am going to middle school. I am going to London Middle School. I am really excited. The school is near my house. I am going to school on foot. I am going to study History, Science, Geography and French. I'm also going to speak Chinese there.

1. Which middle school is Sam going to?

A. London Middle School.

B. Bridge Middle School.

C. Park Middle School.

2. Where is the middle school?

A. We don't know.

B. It's here.

C. It's near Sam's house.

3. How is Sam going to school?

A. By bus.

B. On foot.

C. By car.

4. What subjects(科目) is Sam going to study?

A. History, Science, Geography and French.

B. History, Science, Geography, French and Chinese.

C. Chinese, Maths, History and French.

5. Is Sam going to study Chinese?

A. Yes, he is.

B. No, he isn't.

C. We don't know.


你最喜欢的季节是什么?为什么?请以“My favorite season”为题写一写。(要求:至少60字)


一、读一读,选出不同类的单词。(10分)1-5 DACCC


1-5 AABDC 6-10 BCABB 11-15 BDCDB


1--5 J I H G F 6--10 A B C D E


1. had

2. saw

3. heavier

4. runs

5. read





4. Where





3.am, reading 4.When,is 5.When,go


(一)1—5 FFTFT (二)1-5 ACBAC


例文:My favorite season

My favorite season is summer. Spring is often rain. Fall is usually wind. Winter is too cold. So I like summer. In summer, I can go swimming and eat ice-cream. Ice-cream is my favorite food. There is a long holiday in summer, too.

I can take a long travel. I can play with my friends. Do you like summer? I think so.


2015年江苏省徐州市小升初数学试卷 一、计算(共22分) 1.(8分)(2015?徐州) 直接写得数 1.27+8.73= 2﹣1= 100÷50%= 2.5×0.4= ×= ﹣×0= 8﹣0.18= 0.84÷0.7= 2.(6分)(2015?徐州)求未知数x x+0.4= x﹣0.9x=2 0.3:x=17:51. 3.(8分)(2015?徐州)脱式计算 (3.2÷16+10.8)÷22 7.05﹣3.84﹣0.16﹣1.05 ×16﹣14÷ 3÷×(﹣) 二、填空(每题2分,共24分) 4.(2分)(2015?徐州)一个自然数,十万位上是最小的素数,千位上是最大的一位数,其余数位上都是0,这个数写作,省略“万”后面的尾数约是万.5.(2分)(2015?徐州)在直线下面的□里填整数或小数,上面的□里填分数. 6.(2分)(2015?徐州)0.375==÷24=%=6:.7.(2分)(2015?徐州)的分数单位是,当a=时,的值是最小的合数. 8.(2分)(2015?徐州)在含盐率为25%的盐水中,盐与水的比是. 9.(2分)(2015?徐州)已知a×=1,a和b成比例. 10.(2分)(2015?徐州)两地之间的实际距离是8千米,画在地图上是4厘米.这幅地图的比例尺是. 11.(2分)(2015?徐州)某同学在一次测验中,语文、数学、英语三科的总成绩是273分.其中语文和英语的平均成绩是88.5分,数学成绩是分.

12.(2分)(2015?徐州)一个长方形木框,长10厘米,宽8厘米,把它拉成一个高9厘米的平行四边形,这个平行四边形的面积是平方厘米,周长是厘米.13.(2分)(2015?徐州)现有8cm和3cm的小棒各一根,再取一根整厘米长的小棒与它们拼成三角形,可以有种不同取法. 14.(2分)(2015?徐州)一个数,它的最大两个因数的和是1332,最小两个因数的和是3,这个数是. 15.(2分)(2015?徐州)已知如图中阴影部分的面积是30cm2,圆环的面积是cm2. 三、判断(每题2分,共10分) 16.(2分)(2015?徐州)画一个周长是15.7厘米的圆,圆规两脚之间的距离应是5厘米..(判断对错) 17.(2分)(2015?徐州)时间经过3小时,钟面上的时针转动所形成的角是直 角..(判断对错) 18.(2分)(2015?徐州)圆柱体积是圆锥体积的3倍,这两者一定是等底等 高..(判断对错) 19.(2分)(2015?徐州)假分数的倒数都比原来的数小..(判断对错)20.(2分)(2015?徐州)用8个1立方厘米的小方块拼成一个正方体.如果拿去一个,它 的表面积不变..(判断对错) 四、选择(每题2分,共10分) 21.(2分)(2015?徐州)一个骰子六个面上分别写着1、2、3、4、5、6,把这个骰子往上抛,落下后数字朝上的情形是() A.偶数的可能性大B.奇数的可能性大 C.一样大 22.(2分)(2015?徐州)下面图形中,对称轴最多的是() A.正方形B.等边三角形C.半圆 23.(2分)(2015?徐州)估算下面4个算式的计算结果,最大的是() A.888×(1+) B.888÷(1﹣)C.888÷(1+) 24.(2分)(2015?徐州)如果轮船在灯塔北偏东40°的位置上,那么灯塔在轮船的()位置上. A.南偏西50°B.南偏东40°C.南偏西40° 25.(2分)(2015?徐州)如图,三角形a边上的高为b,c边上的高为d.根据这些信息, 判断下面式子中()不成立. A.a:c=d:b B.a:c=b:d C.c:a=b:d


2016六年级测试卷 英语 听力部分(共30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组,并将序号填在题前的括号内,每小题读两遍。(共10 小题,每题1分,计10分) ( ) 1. A. apple B. beautiful C. purple ( ) 2. A. story B. picture C. floor ( ) 3. A. boat B. goat C. coat ( ) 4. A. old bus B. new bag C. old bag ( ) 5. A. balls and spoons B. bowls and balloons C. bowls and spoons ( ) 6. A. rectangle B. triangle C. square ( ) 7. A. ten sweets B. seats C. Ben’s sweets ( ) 8. A. go to school B. go to cinema C. go to the supermarket ( ) 9. A. wash clothes B. wash dishes C. wash cars ( ) 10.A. a cup of coffee B. a glass of water C. a cup of tea 二、根据你所听到的句子或问题,选出最佳答句,并将序号填在题前的括号内,每小题读两遍。(共 10小题,每题1分,计10分) ( ) 1. A. Sure B. You can’t. C. You are welcome. ( ) 2. A. No, I can’t swim. B. I can swim. C. I am swimming. ( ) 3. A. I like my school garden. B. Yes, there is a big school garden.


徐州市贾汪区小升初英语模拟试卷(二) 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、看图写短语 (共1题;共1分) 1. (1分) Our mouth is ________. 二、写出括号中的单词。 (共5题;共9分) 2. (1分) I love ________ (春天). It's warm. 3. (1分) We sometimes help street cleaners________up rubbish after school. 4. (5分)写单词。 (1)星期天________ (2)星期五________ (3)把…弄干净________ (4)星期六________ (5)星期四________ 5. (1分)te________cher 6. (1分) My brother often________at home. 三、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共12分) 7. (5分)选出与其它单词不同类的项: ①________ A. nose B. toe C. head D. feel ②________ A. hurt B. long C. short D. big ③________ A. Ms. B. teacher C. Mr. D. Miss

④________ A. lion B. fish C. water D. dog ⑤________ A. red B. yellow C. blue D. queen 8. (1分) We ________(go) to the zoo three days ago. 9. (1分) Look, the children ________ (cross) the road with their teachers. 10. (4分)描一描,再写出中文意思。 ①China ________②USA ________.③Canada ________④Australian ________ 11. (1分) My sister ________(close)the gift happily. 四、选择正确的答案 (共10题;共20分) 12. (2分)一I feel ill. I have a cold. — A . I have a cold,too. B . I'm sorry to hear that. C . I'm so happy to hear that. 13. (2分)—____________ —This afternoon. A . Where are you going? B . What are you going to do? C . When are you going? 14. (2分)你想对别人表示感谢时,你会说: A . You're welcome. B . Thanks 15. (2分)你想向别人介绍你的新朋友,你应该说: A . This is my new friend, Tom. B . This is my brother, Tom. 16. (2分)—Nice to meet you. —_________________ A . Thank you. B . Nice to meet you, too. 17. (2分)下午你跟同学打招呼,你会说: A . Good afternoon. B . Good morning. 18. (2分)你想告诉别人你七岁了,应该怎么表达? A . My name is Sam. B . I'm seven years old. 19. (2分) Yesterday we out and we a happy day. A . were; haved B . were; had


徐州市六年级(小升初)英语毕业试卷 一、按要求写词语。 1.too(同音词)___________ 2.small(反义词)________ 3.box(复数形式) __________ 4.sheep(复数形式)_________ 5.new(反义词)___________ 6. read (过去式) ___________ 7.tooth(复数形式)_________ 8. thin (比较级) __________ 9. swim (现在分词) __________ 10.first(基数词) _________ 11.shorter(反义词) _________ 12. eye(同音词) _________ 13.have (第三人称单数) _________ 14.doesn’t (完全形式)_________ 15.New Year’s Day(翻译)16.fly (第三人称单数) _________ 17.I am (缩略形式) _________ 18.were(单数形式) _________ 19.take(过去式) _________ 20.know(同音词)________ 二、选择填空。 ( ) 1. There are ____ pens in my pencil-box. But there aren’t____ pencils in it. A. some, some B. some, any C, any, any D. any ,some ( )2. The __________ has three __________. A. boys watches B. boys watch C. boy watches D. boy watch ( )3. I ________ my room last weekend. A. cleaned B. clean C. is clean D. cleaning ( )4. I get up ___7:oo___the morning. A. at at B. at in C.in in D. in at ( )5. How can I _______ the cinema? A. get B. get on C. get to D. get out ( )6. He is an _____, he draws pictures. A. actor B. cleaner C. artist D. writer ( )7. My father went _________ a walk last night. A. to B. for C. at D. of ( )8. My cousin is __________ than me. A. younger B. youngest C. to young D. young ( )9. The post office is on you r right. You can’t _______it. A. see B. miss C. look D. watch ( )10. I like to go ____on Sundays. A. fishing B. to fish C.fish


徐州市铜山区小升初英语模拟试卷(二) 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、看图写短语 (共1题;共2分) 1. (2分) M: Have some________please. W: Thank you. M:________ 二、写出括号中的单词。 (共5题;共5分) 2. (1分) I will dye my black________ (鞋) yellow. 3. (1分) He________ (喜欢) winter. 4. (1分) Lily is making paper ________(花). 5. (1分) I'm in front of Tom and he is ________ me. 6. (1分) I want to ________(旅行)by train. 三、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共6分) 7. (1分) My cousin is ________(heavy) than my brother. 8. (1分) I fell off the bike and________(hurt / hutted)my leg. 9. (2分) Look! Her brother is________(fly) kite. Listen! Her sister is________(sing) beside him. 10. (1分) Mr. Green is in the________ 11. (1分) It's a ________(big)bird. 四、选择正确的答案 (共10题;共20分) 12. (2分) (2020四上·云浮期中) — What's in your schoolbag? — ________ A . 3 storybooks. B . 20 desks. C . 3 classrooms.


徐州市泉山区小升初英语模拟试卷(二) 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、看图写短语 (共1题;共1分) 1. (1分) Juice is ________.(填颜色) 二、写出括号中的单词。 (共5题;共10分) 2. (1分) h, d, n, a ________ 3. (5分)按要求写单词 ⑴you (宾格)________ ⑵orange(名词)________ ⑶smooth (反义词)________ ⑷yellow (同类词)________ ⑸it (复数)________ 4. (1分) My father is tall and s________ 5. (1分) My friend works at the police station. He is a police ________. 6. (2分) (2020六上·龙华期末) Police Story is ________ a brave ________.

三、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共15分) 7. (5分)看图片写出相对应的词组。 (1) ________ →that T-shirt (2) these shoes →________ (3) ________ →these pingpong balls (4) that basketball →________ (5) one dollar →________ 8. (1分) Tom ________ (be) happy yesterday. 9. (1分)判断单词是否属于同一类________: A. my B. to C. thank 10. (3分)选不同类单词。 ① ________ A. cow B. sheep C. car D. horse


2015年江苏省徐州市小升初数学试卷一、计算(共22分) 1.(8分)(2015?徐州) 直接写得数 += 2﹣1= 100÷50%= ×= ×= ﹣×0= 8﹣= ÷= 2.(6分)(2015?徐州)求未知数x x+= x﹣=2 :x=17:51. 3.(8分)(2015?徐州)脱式计算 (÷16+)÷22 ﹣﹣﹣ ×16﹣14÷ 3÷×(﹣) 二、填空(每题2分,共24分) 4.(2分)(2015?徐州)一个自然数,十万位上是最小的素数,千位上是最大的一位数,其余数位上都是0,这个数写作,省略“万”后面的尾数约是万.5.(2分)(2015?徐州)在直线下面的□里填整数或小数,上面的□里填分数. 6.(2分)(2015?徐州)==÷24=%=6:.7.(2分)(2015?徐州)的分数单位是,当a=时,的值是最小的合数. 8.(2分)(2015?徐州)在含盐率为25%的盐水中,盐与水的比是. 9.(2分)(2015?徐州)已知a×=1,a和b成比例. 10.(2分)(2015?徐州)两地之间的实际距离是8千米,画在地图上是4厘米.这幅地图的比例尺是. 11.(2分)(2015?徐州)某同学在一次测验中,语文、数学、英语三科的总成绩是273分.其中语文和英语的平均成绩是分,数学成绩是分. 12.(2分)(2015?徐州)一个长方形木框,长10厘米,宽8厘米,把它拉成一个高9厘米的平行四边形,这个平行四边形的面积是平方厘米,周长是厘米.13.(2分)(2015?徐州)现有8cm和3cm的小棒各一根,再取一根整厘米长的小棒与它们拼成三角形,可以有种不同取法. 14.(2分)(2015?徐州)一个数,它的最大两个因数的和是1332,最小两个因数的和是3,这个数是. 15.(2分)(2015?徐州)已知如图中阴影部分的面积是30cm2,圆环的面积是 cm2.


六年级测试卷英语附参考答案 听力部分(共30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组,并将序号填在题前的括号内,每小题读两遍。 (共10小题,每题1分,计10分) ( ) 1. A. apple B. beautiful C. purple ( ) 2. A. story B. picture C. floor ( ) 3. A. boat B. goat C. coat ( ) 4. A. old bus B. new bag C. old bag ( ) 5. A. balls and spoons B. bowls and balloons C. bowls and spoons ( ) 6. A. rectangle B. triangle C. square ( ) 7. A. ten sweets B. seats C. Ben’s sweets ( ) 8. A. go to school B. go to cinema C. go to the supermarket ( ) 9. A. wash clothes B. wash dishes C. wash cars ( ) 10.A. a cup of coffee B. a glass of water C. a cup of tea 二、根据你所听到的句子或问题,选出最佳答句,并将序号填在题前的括号内,每小题 读两遍。(共10小题,每题1分,计10分) ( ) 1. A. Sure B. You can’t. C. You are welcome. ( ) 2. A. No, I can’t swim. B. I can swim. C. I am swimming. ( ) 3. A. I like my school garden. B. Yes, there is a big school garden. C. In the school garden. ( ) 4. A. I come from London. B. I live in London. C. Let’s go to London. ( ) 5. A. She plays games. B. Yes, she’s playing games. C. Sh e’s playing games.. ( ) 6. A. Two minutes B. By taxi, please. It’s very far from here. C. Yes, please go to the bus stop. ( ) 7. A. We are having a picnic in the park. B. Yes, we had a picnic in the park. C. We were having a picnic in the park. ( ) 8. A. It’s a good idea. B. Never mind. C. Yes, I would. ( ) 9. A. Thank you. B. All right. C. That’s all right. ( ) 10. A Oh, all right. B. Yes, let’s. C. Let’s go and join them. 三、根据你所听到的对话和问题,选出最佳答案,并把序号填在题前的括号内,每小题 读两遍。(共10小题,每题1分,计10分) ( ) 1. A. Black B. White. C. Blue. ( ) 2. A. He is an English teacher. B. He is a Chinese teacher. C. He is a French teacher. ( ) 3. A. It’s room 905. B. It’s Room 509. C. It’s room 950. ( ) 4. A. 4:15 B. 4:50 C. 5:15 ( ) 5. A. In the school bag. B. In the desk. C. Here you are. ( ) 6. A. Mum has a new blouse. B. Peter has a new blouse. C. I have a new blouse.


2020年译林英语小升初英语模拟试卷考试时间:60分钟姓名考试号得分 一、判断下列单词划线部分发音不同的词:(填序号 ...)(5分,每小题1分))( )1. A. took B. food C. good D. look ( )2. A. China B. along C. banana D. late ( )3. A. use B. but C. cup D. must ( )4. A. may B. stay C. away D. says ( )5. A. over B. come C. home D. no 二、根据汉语或提示完成下列句子:(5分,每小题1分)) 1.The students are in the park. They are talking _______________(兴奋)。 2.Yesterday was __________________ (星期六). 3.They came from the different _______________ (家庭) 4.My classmates and I all have a ____________(健康)diet. 5. Mike’s _______________ (dad and mum) like reading books. 三、根据句意,选择所给词组填空,使句意完整。将正确答案的序号 ..填在下面的 1.I’m a me mber of the basketball club. So I _____ playing basket. 2. Please ______ your photos ______ me. 3. My home is ______ Xuzhou. I often go there by bus. 4. We often have a meeting _____ 8:00 ____ 11:00. 5. Andy always _____ some books _____ his friends. 6. When we cross the road ,we must ______ bikes and cars. 1._____ 2.______ 3. _____ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ 三、选择填空(24分,每小题1.5分) ()1. In Suzhou, it doesn’t often _____ in wi nter. But it is _____ in summer. A.snowy, rainy B. snow, rains C. snow, rainy D. snowy, rains ( )2. I often chat _____ my friends ____ the Internet. A.in, on B. with, on C. with, in D. on, in ( )3. _____ did your brother play football? He played it ______ A. What, good B. What, well C. Where ,bad D. How, badly ( )4. What’s on the table? There are ______ apple ju ice. A. a little bottles of B. a few bottles of C. a few D. a little ()5. ---Are the sweaters _________ ? ----No. they are _____ . A. my, yours B. mine, theirs C. ours, ours D. theirs, their ( )6. This pair of socks ____ very nice. A. looks B. looks like C. look D. is like ( )7. There _____ some milk and some cakes on the table a moment ago.


2016 六年级测试卷 英语 听力部分(共30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组,并将序号填在题前的括号内,每小题读两遍。 (共10小题,每题1分,计10分) ( ) 1. A. apple B. beautiful C. purple ( ) 2. A. story B. picture C. floor ( ) 3. A. boat B. goat C. coat ( ) 4. A. old bus B. new bag C. old bag ( ) 5. A. balls and spoons B. bowls and balloons C. bowls and spoons ( ) 6. A. rectangle B. triangle C. square ( ) 7. A. ten sweets B. seats C. Ben’s sweets ( ) 8. A. go to school B. go to cinema C. go to the supermarket ( ) 9. A. wash clothes B. wash dishes C. wash cars ( ) 10.A. a cup of coffee B. a glass of water C. a cup of tea 二、根据你所听到的句子或问题,选出最佳答句,并将序号填在题前的括号内,每小题 读两遍。(共10小题,每题1分,计10分) ( ) 1. A. Sure B. You can’t. C. You are welcome. ( ) 2. A. No, I can’t swim. B. I can swim. C. I am swimming. ( ) 3. A. I like my school garden. B. Yes, there is a big school garden. C. In the school garden. ( ) 4. A. I come from London. B. I live in London. C. Let’s go to London. ( ) 5. A. She plays games. B. Yes, she’s playing games. C. Sh e’s playing games.. ( ) 6. A. Two minutes B. By taxi, please. It’s very far from here. C. Yes, please go to the bus stop. ( ) 7. A. We are having a picnic in the park. B. Yes, we had a picnic in the park. C. We were having a picnic in the park. ( ) 8. A. It’s a good idea. B. Never mind. C. Yes, I would. ( ) 9. A. Thank you. B. All right. C. That’s all right. ( ) 10. A Oh, all right. B. Yes, let’s. C. Let’s go and join them.


徐州市2018年六年级(小升初)英语毕业试卷 一、按要求写词语。 1.too(同音词)___________ 2.small(反义词)________ 3.box(复数形式) __________ 4.sheep(复数形式)_________ 5.new(反义词)___________ 6. read (过去式) ___________ 7.tooth(复数形式)_________ 8. thin (比较级) __________ 9. swim (现在分词) __________ 10.first(基数词) _________ 11.shorter(反义词) _________ 12. eye(同音词) _________ 13.have (第三人称单数) _________ 14.doesn’t (完全形式)_________ 15.New Year’s Day(翻译)16.fly (第三人称单数) _________ 17.I am (缩略形式) _________ 18.were(单数形式) _________ 19.take(过去式) _________ 20.know(同音词)________ 二、选择填空。 ( ) 1. There are ____ pens in my pencil-box. But there aren’t____ pencils in it. A. some, some B. some, any C, any, any D. any ,some ( )2. The __________ has three __________. A. boys watches B. boys watch C. boy watches D. boy watch ( )3. I ________ my room last weekend. A. cleaned B. clean C. is clean D. cleaning ( )4. I get up ___7:oo___the morning. A. at at B. at in C.in in D. in at ( )5. How can I _______ the cinema? A. get B. get on C. get to D. get out ( )6. He is an _____, he draws pictures. A. actor B. cleaner C. artist D. writer ( )7. My father went _________ a walk last night. A. to B. for C. at D. of ( )8. My cousin is __________ than me. A. younger B. youngest C. to young D. young ( )9. The post office is o n your right. You can’t _______it. A. see B. miss C. look D. watch ( )10. I like to go ____on Sundays. A. fishing B. to fish C.fish ( )11.What_____Amy_____last weekend ? A. did, do B. do, do C. does, do ( )12. Mike _____his clothes everyday. A. wash B.washes C.washed ( )13. We ______have a football match tomorrow. A. are going B.are go to C. are going to ( )14. Look, they are_____the insects carefully. A. watch B.watching C.watched ( )15. How____you feeling?----- I’m feeling better. A. am B. are C. do ( )16. It’s raining outside. Tom______bored. A. feel B. does C. feels ( )17. What did you do yesterday? ----- I _____skating. A. go B.goed C.went ( )18. How _____are you ?----- I’m 160 cm tall. A. old B.tall C.heavy ( )19. I played ____piano. A. \ B.the C.a ( )20. ______is it?-----It’s Tuesday. A. What day B. What colour C. What 三、从Ⅱ栏中选出能对Ⅰ栏中的句子作出正确反应的答句。 ⅠⅡ ( ) 1. Your dress is so beautiful. A. They’re theirs. ( ) 2. Are monkeys as big as elephants? B. Thank you. ( ) 3. How many buildings can you see? C. I’m hungry. ( ) 4 let’s go swimming this afternoon. D. Great! ( ) 5. Whose socks are they? E. Yes, I can. ( ) 6 What’s the matter? F. I’m sorry to hear that. ( ) 7.Can you make a model plane? G. I can see seven. ( ) 8.I have a cold today. H. No, they aren’t. ( ) 9.What time is it? I. Ok. See you soon. ( ) 10. Shall we meet at three thirty? J. It's about 8:15.


徐州市新沂市小学英语小升初模拟试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、找出下列每组单词划线部分的读音不同于其它三个单词的词 (共5题;共10分) 1. (2分)选出下列画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词 A . thirteen B . they C . think D . thank 2. (2分)(2014·广州) worries A . cakes B . messages C . stories D . wages 3. (2分) near A . hear B . pear C . dear 4. (2分) plate A . cake B . apple C . cat 5. (2分)选出下列画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词 A . food B . cook C . room D . school 二、按要求写出单词的相应形式 (共1题;共9分) 6. (9分)看图填空,每格一词

This is a picture of a farm. It is ________ today. Look! Mr. White is a________He is sitting________the ground. He is sleeping________the big tree. ________the big tree, there are some animals. There is a duck, a hen, a cat, a sheep and a________behind the tree. There is a ________over there. There is an aero plane________the tree. There is a car________the animals. 三、单项选择 (共5题;共10分) 7. (2分) Please the wood small pieces. A . make;into B . cut;up C . cut;into 8. (2分) They are __________ books now. A . reading B . read C . reads 9. (2分) I was really ______when I kicked the ball into the goal. A . sad B . excited C . bored 10. (2分) What do you think ______ Shanghai? A . about B . in C . on 11. (2分) There __________ a football match the day after tomorrow. A . won't B . are C . will be 四、连词成句 (共5题;共17分)


徐州市2015年六年级(小升初)英语毕业试卷 一、按要求写词语。 1.too(同音词)___________ 2.small(反义词)________ 3.box(复数形式) __________ 4.sheep(复数形式)_________ 5.new(反义词)___________ 6. read (过去式) ___________ 7.tooth(复数形式)_________ 8. thin (比较级) __________ 9. swim (现在分词) __________ 10.first(基数词) _________ 11.shorter(反义词) _________ 12. eye(同音词) _________ 13.have (第三人称单数) _________ 14.doesn’t (完全形式)_________ 15.New Year’s Day(翻译)16.fly (第三人称单数) _________ 17.I am (缩略形式) _________ 18.were(单数形式) _________ 19.take(过去式) _________ 20.know(同音词)________ 二、选择填空。 ( ) 1. There are ____ pens in my pencil-box. But there aren’t____ pencils in it. A. some, some B. some, any C, any, any D. any ,some ( )2. The __________ has three __________. A. boys watches B. boys watch C. boy watches D. boy watch ( )3. I ________ my room last weekend. A. cleaned B. clean C. is clean D. cleaning ( )4. I get up ___7:oo___the morning. A. at at B. at in C.in in D. in at ( )5. How can I _______ the cinema? A. get B. get on C. get to D. get out ( )6. He is an _____, he draws pictures. A. actor B. cleaner C. artist D. writer ( )7. My father went _________ a walk last night. A. to B. for C. at D. of ( )8. My cousin is __________ than me. A. younger B. youngest C. to young D. young ( )9. The post office is on your right. You can’t _______it. A. see B. miss C. look D. watch ( )10. I like to go ____on Sundays. A. fishing B. to fish C.fish

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