****班 第**组 组员: Human has been being benefit from various science technology fruition and being enjoying them. Air conditions Televisions Washing machines Greenhouse Fresh vegetables TrBaidu Nhomakorabeain Planes Cars Closer communication exchange TELPHONE Do you know who is he? Bell,who invented the telephone 托大 罗陆 拉的 第 一 部 移 动 电 话 摩 Resident Evil Second:The development of industry coursing pollution. Third:Some terrorists are using science and technology against mankind. the plan to clone human 诺第 佳一 款 内 置 天 线 手 机 汉 第一款彩屏手机 爱立信T68 CH9771 摩第 托一 罗部 拉智 能 手 机 3200 A6188 索尼爱立信U8i Keep in touch with anyone at any time for urgent help First:Many breakthroughs in the field of medicine.