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印度泰米尔纳德人忌讳某些数字,比如:他们认为1、 3、7是不吉利的,一般要避免说这些数字,或用其它办法 代替这些数字。这种忌讳不仅在一般人中流行,在一些有 文化的大人物中也流行。如安装电话,为了避开这些数字, 有时可以等候几个月。
Malaysia tabos 0,4,13.
马来西亚 禁忌0、4、13。
在黄色我们大概想到的是秀色可餐的食物,而在他们看 来象征的是一种怯懦、胆小
In this connection, the British and the Americans reached a consensus, the British are also taboo yellow.
这一点,英国人和美国人达成了共识,英国人也忌讳黄 色。
Singapore taboos 4,7,8,13,37 and 69.
Indians love 3,7,9 figures.
Afghanistan’s negative number is 13,39.
在颜色方面,西方许多国家都各有不同。但是,他们都把 黑色作为葬礼的表示。
in France, they never use spades becease they regard spade as the symbol of the death;
in Americans, red is most appropriate expressed anger, while they think the dark means jealous, the blue which we feel melancholy while they means worry.
许多国家都喜欢绿色 (green),特别是居住在沙漠 里的阿拉伯人(Arab)视绿色为生命,把绿色当作生命的 象征,用于国旗(National Flag)上。但日本人(Japanese) 却忌讳绿色,认为绿色是不吉祥的。
Purple in Peru is usually banned,they use it only when lifting the ban in religious ceremonies October. In Brazil , people believed that the death is like yellow leaves falling, so they taboo brown.
---------Some tips for your cross-culture communication
小组成员:赵其姝 郑纯 郑周黎 王井怀
In our class Each of us has his own personality ; In the world
Every country have their tradition.
Lets begin with number
The taboo of “3”
There is a legend of the Anglo-Dutch War(英荷战争)in 1899, the soldier with a match went to heip his comrades lighting cigarettes, when the third soldier, the enemy sniper kill him .since then that they would be taboo "3." It is generally cigarette lighter scenes, , they usualy extinguish the match at the point of the second root, and back to match to a third..
日本认为“四”是不吉利的数字,忌讳“四”。 美国有家高尔夫球制造厂,将四个球组装成一组卖到日本, 但日本的“四”与“死”发音相同,所以,四个一组的商品 销路很差。 在数字方面,日本人喜爱49,而禁忌1、3、5、7。
Biblioteka Baidu
In Korean the pronunciation of 4 exactly same with the "death",as the word is unlucky, and therefore there is no building named 4th building, there is not the fourth floor in the hotels, there is no fourth banquet table, there is no four wards in hospitals. there is no four divisions four groups in armies.They never eat four bowls of rice,and refused to drink four cups of beer.
“四”字在朝鲜语中发音、拼音与“死”字完全一样, 认为是不吉利的,因而楼房没有四号楼,旅馆不称第四层, 宴会里没有第四桌,医院里绝不设四号病房,军队里没有 四师四团,吃东西不吃四盘四碗,喝酒绝不肯喝四杯
Tamil Nadu were taboo in certain figures, such as: they think 1,3,7 are unlucky, usually they want to avoid these numbers, or use other means to replace them. This taboo is not only popular among general, but in some of literate VIPs is also popular. Such as the telephone, in order to avoid these numbers,they can wait for a few months sometimes.
在美国人看来,用红色代表愤怒最贴切不过了,而 深色则表示很嫉妒,对于我们觉得那忧郁的蓝色,他们 意味着忧虑,
Someone look the yellow as candy that we probably think about food when look it, but in their eyes it is a symbol of cowardice, or timid, it is quite interesting.
Many countries like the green, especially those living in the desert .Arabs as the green for life, look the green as a symbol of life,as the color of their National Flag. However, the Japanese are taboo green,they think green is auspicious.
Iraq and some other countries taboos the number 13,
The color can be a symbol of emotion. Chinese look the red as the festive color, so the bride wear red clothes. In Western countries, the bride's wedding dress is white, symbolizing the purity of love and loyalty.
传说1899年英荷战争中,有个战士用火柴给第三个战士点 烟时,中敌人冷枪送了命,从此人们便忌讳“3”。所以一般遇 到点烟场面,都在点了第二根后,把火熄灭,再换火柴给第三 者点。
Japanese believes that the "four" is not a lucky number,they taboo "four." there is a Golf factry from the United States plant to assemble four balls into a group and sold to Japan, but in Japan, the pronunciations of "four" and "death" are same, so the group of four become poor sales of goods. In terms of numbers, the Japanese love 49, while the taboo 1,3,5,7.
颜色可以象征喜怒哀乐。我国人们以红色 (red)为喜庆、热烈、高贵 的颜色,因此新娘(bride)穿红衣服。而在西方国家,新娘的婚纱则是 白色,以此象征爱情的纯洁、忠贞。
There are lots of diferences in Western countries in terms of color. However, they all regarded black as a funeral color.
在巴西,人们则以棕色为凶色,他们认为,死人好比黄叶飘落,所 以忌讳棕黄色。
Thank you