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谓语动词和主语all the employees 保持一致。介词except 是不能影响谓语动词的单复数的。


II .主语的“数”决定谓语动词的形式。


①The work is important . 这项工作重要。

②To serve the country is our duty . 为祖国服务是我们的义务。

③How and why he left was a sad story . 他离开的经过和原因是一段伤心的经历。

2. 复数的名词、代词一般接复数谓语形式。e.g.

①The children are taken good care of . 孩子们得到很好的照料。

②They have gone to Chengdu . 他们去成都了。

II. 以“and ”或“both… and”连接的并列主语:


①Plastics and rubber never rot . 塑料和橡胶从不腐烂。

②What he says and what he does do not agree. 他言行不一致。

③Both Tom and I are fond of medicine . 我和汤姆都喜欢医学。

2. 如果并列主语指的是“同一个”人(事、物、抽象概念),作单数用。


①The worker and writer has come . 这位工人作家来了。

②A cart and horse was seen in the distance . 远处能看见有一套马车。

③Truth and honesty is the best policy . 真诚是最好的策略。

3. “and”前、后的单数词语都有“each,every ,many ,a ,no”等修饰时,仍作单数用。e.g.

①Every boy and every girl enjoys equal rights here.这里每个男孩和每个女孩都享有平等权益。

②No teacher and no student is excused from taking part in the activity .没有哪个教师或学生可以免于参加这项活动。

Ⅳ. 主语前、后加表“数、量”等的修饰语时:

1. a)“many a + 单名”接单数谓语:“a good (great ) many + 复名”接复数谓语。e.g.

①Many a fine man has died for it . 许多优秀战士为此献出了生命。

②A great many parents were present at the meeting . 许多家长出席了会议。

b)"a / an + 单名+ or two " 大多接单数谓语:"one or two + 复名"接复数谓语。e.g.

①Only a word or two is (are )needed. 只需说一两句。

②One or two reasoms were suggested . 提出一两条理由。

c)"a / an + 单名+ and a half"常接单数谓语;“one and a half +复名”多接复数谓语。e.g.

①A year and a half has passed . 一年半已过去了。

②One and a half tons of rice are sold . 已卖了一吨半大米。d)"more than one + 单名"大多接单数谓语。e.g.

①More than one person was (were )absent . 不止一个人缺席。

"more + 复名+ than one "接复数谓语。e.g.

②More students than one have been there . 不止一个学生去过那儿。"more than two (three,…)+复名" 接复数谓语。e.g.

③More than one hundred students have attended the concert . 不止一百名学生听了这场音乐会。

2 ,主语前加表示“单位、度量”的短语如“a kind (sort / type / form /pair /cup /glass /piece / load / block / box / handful / quantity / ton / metre /… )of”等时,表示“单位、度量”的这个名词的单复数决定谓语形式。


a)①There is only a small quantity of paper (books ) left . 只剩下少量的纸(书)了。

②Large quantities of water are needed . 需要大量的水。

b)①This kind of apple is sweet . 这种苹果甜。

②This kind of apples is (are) sweet . (大多依kind ,作单数用)

③These kind(s) of apple(s) are sweet . (总作复数用)

但:Apples of this kind are sweet . (总作复数用)

3. 主语后接“with…”等构成的短语修饰成分时:谓语仍须与这类短语前的“主语”一致。可构成这类短语的常用“with ,along with ,together with ,as well as , but , besides , except ,added to , including , like ,no less