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情人节,又叫圣瓦伦丁节或圣华伦泰节(st. valentines day), 即每年的






st. vale nti nes day has roots in several differe nt lege nds that have found their way to us through the ages. one of the earliest popular symbols of the day is cupid(爱神丘比特),the

roma n god of love, who is represe nted by the image of a young boy with bow and arrow.

,vale ntine was beheaded(斩首),not only because he was a christia n, but also because he had performed a miracle. he supposedly cured the jailers daughter of her bli ndn ess. the ni ght before he was executed, he wrote the jailers daughter a farewell letter, sig ning it from your vale ntine. ano ther lege nd tells us that this same vale nti ne, well-loved by all, received notes to his jail cell from children and friends who missed him. another valentine was an italian bishop who lived at about the same time, ad 200. he was imprisoned because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the roman emperor. some lege nds say he was bur ned at the stake. february 14 was also a roma n holiday, held in honor of a goddess. young men ran domly chose the n ame of a young girl to escort to the festivities. the custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date spread through europe in the middle ages, and the n to the early america n coloni es. throughout the ages, people also believed that birds picked their mates on february 14!

in ad 496 sain pope gelasius i n amed february 14 as vale nti nes day. although its not an official holiday, most america ns observe this day. whatever the odd mixture of orig ins, st. vale nti nes day is now a day for sweethearts. it is the day that you show your frie nd or loved one that you care. you can send candy to some one you think is special. or you can send roses, the flower of love. most people send vale nti nes, a greet ing card n amed after the no tes that st. vale nti ne received in jail. vale ntines can be

sen time ntal, romantic and heartfelt( 真心真意的).they can be funny and frien dly. if the sen der is shy, vale nti nes can be anonym ous.

america ns of all ages love to send and receive vale ntin es. han dmade vale nti nes created by cutt ing hearts out of colored paper, show that a lot of thought was put into making them pers on al. vale nti nes can be heart-shaped, or have hearts, the symbol of love, on them .in eleme ntary schools childre n make vale nti nes for their classmates and put them in a large decorated box, similar to a mailbox. on february 14, the teacher ope ns the box and distributes the vale nti nes to each stude nt. after the students read their valentines they have a small party with refreshme nts.

for tee nagers and adults, major n ewspapers throughout the country have a vale nti nes day offer. anyone can send in a message, for a small fee of course, desti ned for a would-be sweetheart, a good frie nd, an acqua intance or eve n a spouse of fifty years. the message is printed in a special section of the n ewspaper on february 14.


每年2月14日,是西方传统的圣瓦伦丁节(valentines day),又称情人节.

公元三世纪时,古罗马有一位暴君叫克劳多斯(claudius).离暴君的宫殿不远,有一座非常漂亮的神庙.修士瓦伦丁(valentine)就住在这里. 罗马人非常崇敬他,男女老幼,不论贫富贵贱,总会群集在他的周围,在祭坛的熊熊圣火前,聆听瓦伦丁的祈祷.





消息终于传进了宫殿,传到了暴君的耳里.克劳多斯又一次暴跳如雷,他命令士兵们冲进神庙,将瓦伦丁从一对正在举行婚礼的新人身旁拖走,投入地牢?人们苦苦哀求暴君的劾免,但都徒劳而返.瓦伦丁终于在地牢里受尽折磨而死.悲伤的朋友们将他安葬于圣普拉(st. praxedes)





your valentine ( 寄自你的瓦伦丁)


there are vary ing opinions as to the orig in of vale nti nes day. some experts state that it orig in ated from st. vale nti ne, a roman who was martyred for refusing to give up christianity. he died on february 14, 269 a.d., the same day that had bee n devoted to love lotteries.


lege nd also says that st. vale ntine left a farewell n ote for the jailers daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it from your vale ntine. other aspects of the story say that saint vale nti ne served as a priest at the temple duri ng the reig n of emperor Claudius. Claudius the n had vale ntine jailed for defy ing him .in 496 a.d. pope gelasius set aside february 14 to hon our st. vale ntine. 而另外一种说法更具有传奇色彩,相传桑特





gradually, february 14 became the date for excha nging love messages and st. vale ntine became the patr on saint of lovers. the date was marked by sending poems and simple gifts such as flowers. there was often a social gathering or a ball.




in the un ited states, miss esther howla nd is give n credit for sending the first vale nti ne cards. commercial vale nti nes were in troduced in the 1800s and now the date is very commercialised. the tow n of lovela nd, colorado,

does a large post office bus in ess around february 14. the spirit of good con ti nues as vale nti nes are sent out with sen time ntal verses and childre n excha nge vale ntine cards at school.





中国的七夕节的英文是chin ese vale nti nes day. 下面就是关于七夕


raise your head on august 4 and gaze at the stars, you will find something romantic going on in the sky.

vale nti nes day in china, the seve nth day of the seve nth lunar

mon th, falls on august 4 this year.

that is, on mon day eve ning, niu lang and zhi nu will meet on a bridge of magpies (鹊桥)across the milky way (银河)chin ese grannies will remind childre n that they would not be able to see any magpies on that eve ning because all the magpies have left to form a bridge in the heave ns with their win gs.

roma ntic lege nd

the lege nd has bee n han ded dow n for n early 2 mille nnia. the story has bee n recorded as far back as the jin dyn asty (256-420 ad). poets composed hun dreds of verses on the love story and many types of chin ese opera tell the story.

,east the chin ese people believe that the star vega (织女星)

of the milky way, is zhi nu and, at the con stellati on of aquila

(天鹰座),on the western side of the milky way, niu lang waits for his wife. zhi nu was said to be the youn gest of seve n daughters of the quee n of heave n. with her sisters, she worked hard to weave beautiful clouds in the sky, while niu lang was a poor orphan cowherd, drive n out of his home by his elder brother and his cruel wife.

niu lang lame nted over his Ion ely and poor life with an old cow, his only frie nd and compa nion. the magical cow kin dly told him of a way to find a beautiful and nice woman as his life compa nion.

un der the directi on of the cow, niu lang went to the riverside on an eve ning, where the seve n fairies slipped out of their heave nly palace to bathe. he took one of the beautiful silk dresses the fairies had left on the bank. whe n the fairies left the water, the youn gest could nt find her clothes and had to see her sisters fly back to heave n without her.

the n niu lang came out with the dress and asked the youn gest fairy, zhi nu, to stay with him.

several years passed on earth, which were on ly a few days in heave n. niu lang and zhi nu lived

happily together and had two childre n before the quee n of heave n discovered zhi nus abse nee.

she was so anno yed she had zhi nu brought back to heave n. seeing his beloved wife flying in the sky, niu lang was terrified. he caught sight of the cowhide hanging on a wall. the magical

cow had told him before dying of old age: keep the cowhide

(牛皮)for emerge ncy use.

putting the cowhide on, he went after his wife with his two childre n.

with the help of the cowhide, niu lang was able to follow zhi nu into heave n. he was about to reach his wife whe n the quee n showed up and pulled off

her hairp in to draw a line betwee n the two. the line became the silver river in heave n, or the milky way.

zhi nu went back to the heave nly workshop, going on weav ing the clouds. but she was so sad, and missed her husba nd across the silver river so much that the clouds she weaved seemed sad. fin ally, the quee n showed a little mercy, allow ing the couple to meet once every year on the silver river. well-k nown poem

one of the most famous poems about the lege nd was writte n by qin gua n of in the song dyn asty (960-1279).

fairy of the magpie bridge

among the beautiful clouds,

over the heavenly river,

crosses the weav ing maide n.

a ni ght of ren dezvous,

across the autu mn sky.

surpasses joy on earth.

mome nts of ten der love and dream,

so sad to leave the magpie bridge.

eter nal love betwee n us two,

shall withstand the time apart.

(tra nslated by kylie hsu)





compared with love stories in western lege nds, the story of niu lang and zhi nu seems not as intense or passi on ate. love does nt kill or break up the barrier betwee n them. they just wait patie ntly on the riverba nk, believ ing that their love can withstand their time apart.

it is faith and emoti on al liais on in stead of physical attractio n and desire that is emphasized in the story as well as in many other chin ese folktales (民间故事)about love.

in only a few chin ese folk love stories can be found a descripti on of the physical appeara nces of the hero and heroine.

in the butterfly lovers, the hero ine, dressed as a boy to atte nd school, falls in love with a classmate. after they have lived together as classmates for years, the hero did not have the slightest clue that his best frie nd is actually a girl!

chin ese cere monies

the seve nth day of the seve nth lunar month is the only

chin ese festival devoted to love in the

lunar cale ndar.

unlike st. valentines day in western countries there is not so much emphasis on giv ing chocolates, flowers and kisses. in stead, chin ese girls prepare fruits, melo ns and incense (熏香)

as offeri ngs to zhi nu, the weav ing maide n, pray ing to acquire high skills in n eedlecraft (裁缝),as well as hop ing to find satisfactory husba nds.

in the eve ning, people sit outdoors to observe the stars.

chin ese grannies would say that, if you sta nd un der a grapev ine, you can probably overhear what zhi nu and niu lang are talk ing about.



valentine ' s day

valentine ' s day is named for saint valentine an early

christmas churchma n who reportedly (据传闻)helped young lovers. valentine was killed for his christian beliefs on

february 14

more tha n 1700 years ago, but the day that has his n ame is eve n

earlier tha n that.

more tha n 2,000 years ago, the an cie nt roma ns celebrated a holiday for lovers. as part of the celebrati on, girls wrote their n ames on pieces of paper and put them in a large container, boys reached into the container and pulled one out. the girl whose n ame was writte n on the paper became his lover or sweet heart for a year.

lovers still put their n ames on pieces of paper and they sent each other valentine ' s day cards that tell of their love. sometimes they also sent gifts, like flowers of chocolate can dy. america ns usually send these gifts and cards through the mail system. but some used ano ther way to send this message. they

have it prin ted in a n ewspaper. the cost is usually a few dollars.

some of the messages are simple and short “ jan e, i love you very much ” . others say more. this one, for example, “dan, roses are red. violets( 紫罗兰)are blue. i hope you love me as much as i


浪漫七夕节的英文介绍 :一年一度浪漫的七夕节,与恋人相依相偎共同度过,心中满是甜蜜的滋味。你知道七夕节的来历,那你知道怎么用英语来介绍我们中国的情人节吗?下面就让小编为你解答吧一年一度浪漫的七夕节,与恋人相依相偎共同度过,心中满是甜蜜的滋味。 你知道七夕节的来历,那你知道怎么用英语来介绍我们中国的情人节吗?下面就让小编为你解答吧~ 中国的七夕节的英文是Chinese Valentine's Day.下面就是关于七夕节情人节的介绍:Raise your head on August 4 and gaze at the stars, you will find something romantic going on inthe sky. VALENTINE'S Day in China, the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, falls on August 4 thisyear. That is, on Monday evening, Niu Lang and Zhi Nu will meet on a bridge of magpies(鹊桥)across the Milky Way(银河). Chinese grannies will remind children that they would not be abletoseeanymagpiesonthateveningbecauseallthemagpieshavelefttoformabridgeinth eheavens with their wings. Romantic legend The legend has been handed down for nearly 2 millennia. The story has been recorded as far backas the Jin Dynasty (256-420 AD). Poets composed hundreds of verses on the love story and manytypes of Chinese opera tell the story. The Chinese people believe that the star Vega(织女星), east of the Milky Way, is Zhi Nu and, atthe constellation of Aquila(天鹰座), on the western side of the Milky Way, Niu Lang waits for hiswife. Zhi Nu was said to be the youngest of seven daughters of the Queen of Heaven. With her sisters,she worked hard to weave beautiful clouds in the sky, while Niu Lang was a poor orphan cowherd,driven out of his home by his elder brother and his cruel wife.


情人节介绍英语演讲稿 Valentine’s Day is on the February 14 each year. It is celebrated in many countries around the world although it remains a working day in most of them. After New Year’s Day it is the most celebrated holiday around the world. It’s a holiday for lovers or couples. This is a festival of love and romance as well as flowers chocolates greeting cards. On that day there are many activities for couples to celebrate showing their love to mate. Gift exchanging is the most common. In recent years February 14 become much more popular than before although there is another Valentine’s Day in China. Besides there are many people choose that day to propose marriage or get married. In short it’s a day of love. 情人节在每年的2月14日,世界上的许多国家都庆祝这个节日,虽然那一天在许多国家都是工作日。新年过后,这是全世界范围内最隆重的专属于情人们的日子。这是一个关于爱、浪漫以及花、巧克力、贺卡的节日。在情人节当天,情侣们会有许多庆祝活动,向另一半表达爱意。交换礼物是最为常见的。近些年,虽然我国已经有了七夕情人节,但是2月14情人节依然比以前盛行。此外,也有很多人选择在这一天、求婚或结婚。简单来说,这是一个爱的节日。


情人节浪漫语句大全 1、做一艘小船,让它载着我思念的心,划向远方的你,送上我温柔的吻,解开你眉间的忧,赶走你心中的愁... 2、最远的是山,最近的是心,隔着山水相望,不如真实地靠近,爱你,决定嫁给你! 3、“2”是我爱你的爱,“1”是我对你的爱一心一意,“4”是我爱你一生一世(4)。今天2.14情人节,我想对你说:我爱你一生一世永不变! 4、爱加爱等于非常的爱,爱减爱等于爱的起点,爱乘爱等于无限的爱,爱除爱等于爱的。或许对于你来说,我的出现仅仅你生命中的100+1=101。但对于我来说,你的出现在我生命中却是0+1=1的算式。 5、爱你就是这么莫名其妙,就是这么义无返顾,我知道我不会是你今生的,但你却是我一生的最爱!祝你情人节快乐 6、爱你是我一生无悔的决定,漫天星星都是我注视你的眼睛。无论结局如何,我都知道:此生最爱是你!情人节快乐! 7、最遥远的距离,不是生死相隔,不是天各一方,而是我站在你的面前,你却不知道我爱你。 8、最想听到的是你的笑声,最想看到的是你的快乐,愿幸福永远陪伴你,这是我最真心的祝福! 9、总有些时候,正是为了爱,才悄悄躲开。躲开的是身影,躲不开的却是那份默默的情怀! 10、总想找一个藉口,在遇到你的时候,捕捉你的眼神,即使是刹那的回眸,也回味许久。

11、总想你就在窗外,在悄悄的偷听我的心声,对着窗外那时隐 时现的星星,我在轻轻的诉说那隐藏心里的... 12、早上的太阳红通通,我俩的感情在雨中。中午的太阳红似火,受伤受累是你还是我。下午的太阳西边落,全是感情惹的祸! 13、在我心中,你是的不同,对你的爱已不在乎懂不懂。你的喜 怒让我心动,我愿作你翅膀下的风。 14、在我的爱情世界里,你就是我的。谁叫我爱的就是你。在没 有发现的时候,我迷失了自己的方向,在你来到的时候,我找到自己的指 南针! 15、在漫漫人生的旅途上,我们差点擦肩而过,是你轻轻的拉住 了我的手,真希望这双温暖的手永远牵着我! 16、爱是牵挂,爱是奉献,是思念的痛,是回忆的甜,是难舍难分,是晨昏心颤的期盼......爱人,你好吗?" 17、爱上了你,我才领略思念的滋味、分离的愁苦和妒忌的煎熬,还有那无休止的占有欲。为什么你的一举一动都让我心潮起伏?为什 么我总害怕时光飞逝而无法与你终生厮守? 18、爱你是一种幸福想你是一种快乐等你是一种考验念你是一种 习惯疼你是一种珍惜吻你是一种温柔看你是一种享受抱你是一种浪漫。 19、再艳丽的玫瑰也会凋谢,但我对你爱永远不变;再甜的巧克 力也会过期,我对你的热情却永远也不会消退;电影感人不过90分钟 而已,我对你的宠爱却是一生一世直到永远心不移!亲爱的,我爱你!让我来保护你一辈子吧! 20、我是你近旁的一株木棉,和你缠绕在画。根,紧握在地下;叶,相触在云里。你是春日的风,温情又柔和,忽然间吹到了我的怀 抱中,把我的心儿也吹动。


There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries. 关于情人节的起源有许多种说法。有关人士认为情人节是一个名叫桑特瓦伦丁的人士发起的。他是罗马人,因为拒绝放弃基督教而于公元前269年2月14日惨遭杀害,这一天也正好是全城盛行彩票抽奖的日子。 Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer's daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it "From Your V alentine". Other aspects of the story say that Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine. 而另外一种说法更具有传奇色彩,相传桑特瓦伦丁曾留下一本日记给了狱卒的女儿,署名为“你的情人”,据说这名狱卒的女儿就是桑特瓦伦丁的情人。还有其它的说法也颇为有趣。比如说有人认为在克劳迪亚斯君王统治时期,桑特瓦仑丁曾经是一名神父,因为公然挑战克劳迪亚斯君王的权威身陷囹圄。所以公元前496年罗马教皇格莱西亚斯特意将2月14日作为一个特别的日子以纪念桑特瓦伦丁。 Gradually, February 14 became the date for exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers. The date was marked by sending poems and simple gifts such as flowers. There was often a social gathering or a ball. 此后2月14日就成为了一个具有特殊意义的日子。在这天人们向自己心仪的人传递信息以示爱意。而理所当然的桑特瓦仑丁也就成为了为恋爱中的男女们牵线搭桥的人。在2月14日这天人们会特意做诗或者用一些小礼物送给自己心爱的人。而且人们还会组织各种各样的聚会来庆祝这个特殊的节日。 In the United States, Miss Esther Howland is given credit for sending the first valentine cards. Commercial valentines were introduced in the 1800's and now the date is very commercialised. The town of Loveland, Colorado, does a large post office business around February 14. The spirit of good continues as valentines are sent out with sentimental verses and children exchange valentine cards at school. 艾瑟霍兰德小姐是美国第一位因为发送情人节卡片而受到荣誉奖励的人。早在19世纪初情人节就已处露商业化的端倪。而如今情人节已经完全被商业化了。比如每当每年2月14日来临的时候,一些城镇如罗夫兰、克罗拉多等,这里的人们都要派送大量的为情人节特备的卡片。而在这天人们往往吟歌做诗并且把这些写入卡片中送送个自己喜欢的人以表达自己的爱意。而在学校里孩子门也喜欢互增贺卡来度过这个特殊的节日。久而久之就形成了一种习俗并且延续至今天. 该文章转载自无忧考网:https://www.doczj.com/doc/e29260270.html,


七夕情人节诗句有哪些情人节诗句大全 关于情人节的诗句,七夕情人节的诗句,七夕情人节诗句有哪些?情人节诗句大全.1、此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。2、山无陵,江水竭,冬雷震,夏之雪,天地合,乃敢与君绝。 3、、只愿君心似我心,定不负相思意。 4、衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。 关于情人节的诗句1、昔我往矣,杨柳依依,今我来思,雨雪霏霏。 关于情人节的诗句2、他生莫作有情痴,人间无地著相思。 关于情人节的诗句3、死生契阔,与子同说,执子之手,与子偕老。 关于情人节的诗句4、今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸,晓风残月。 关于情人节的诗句5、问世间情为何物?直教生死相许。 关于情人节的诗句6、此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。 关于情人节的诗句7、山无陵,江水竭,冬雷震,夏之雪,天地合,乃敢与君绝。 关于情人节的诗句8、只愿君心似我心,定不负相思意。 关于情人节的诗句9、衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。 关于情人节的诗句10、有美人兮,见之不忘,一日不见兮,思之如狂。 关于情人节的诗句11、曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。 关于情人节的诗句12、天不老,情难绝。心似双丝网,中有千千结。 关于情人节的诗句13、十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘,千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。 关于情人节的诗句14、关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈宨淑女,君子好逑。 关于情人节的诗句15、在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。 关于情人节的诗句16、红豆生南国,春来发几枝?愿君多采撷,此物最相思。 关于情人节的诗句17、去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风 七夕情人节的诗句1、总是躲不开你的视线,总是逃不过你感情的追击,总是希望牵着你的手漫步云端。任凭时间在我面前炫耀,我始终深爱着你,亲爱的,让我们一直牵手走下去! 七夕情人节的诗句2、知道吗?亲爱的我要渴死饿死了。求求你救救我吧!解除我久久思恭的饥渴,常常想我,见我。快来到我的身边吧。 七夕情人节的诗句3、真情比玫瑰更可贵,真爱比玫瑰更娇媚,真心比玫瑰更芬芳,真话比玫瑰更漂亮。真爱你的我将真情真心全给你,情人节里一句真话送给你:我是真的爱你! 七夕情人节的诗句4、爱你是危险时紧牵你的手,爱你是马路上在你左边走,爱你是守护你比星宿还永久,爱你是陪伴你直到天涯尽头。爱你没有理由。 七夕情人节的诗句5、情人节,上天感念我的诚意,特满足我:做你的一件衣服。不管上衣、球衣、衬衣、下衣或者是帽子和鞋子,都要一直跟随你,不离不弃。永远和你在一起。 七夕情人节的诗句6、假如没有那叶扁舟,我也愿意乘风破浪,漂洋过海;假如没有那双草鞋,我也愿意跋山涉水,披荆斩棘。几经波折,啊哈,信号把祝福送出:情人节快乐 七夕情人节的诗句7、寒风吹过月牙冷,遥望枝头绾倩影,窗前飞雪遣画卷,风霜雪霁又一冬,严寒不是箫匿时,早有心蕊伴花翎。你是冬日的春风,时刻伴随我渡过慢慢人生征程! 七夕情人节的诗句8、感谢上天让我遇见了你,知道吗?遇见你是我最大的幸福,遇见你是我永远的快乐,愿你常住我心,愿我每天从你那领受阳光雨露,领受坚强、勇敢,我爱你! 七夕情人节的诗句9、风起的时候云很逍遥,雨滴的时候溪水欢笑,雪飘的时候红梅含苞,花开的时候蜂蝶围绕,想你的时候喜上眉梢。想你并不苦恼,爱你幸福笼罩! 七夕情人节的诗句10、地球还在转呢,天空还会黑呢,风还是有点冷呢,我还是会想你呢,地球也会累吧,天空还会亮吧,风也许会停吧,我还是会想你吧,亲爱的,保重。 七夕情人节的诗句11、当主安慰我时再恶的诽谤不能使我愤怒;当主抚摸我时,再利之刀刃


十首经典英文情诗 1、Love is more than a word it says so much. When I see these four letters, I almost feel your touch. This is only happened since I fell in love with you. Why this word does this, I haven't got a clue. Love不单是一个字, 它还代表了许多意涵, 当我看到这四个字母的时候 我几乎能感受到你内心的感动 但是这只是发生在, 我爱上你之后, 为何这个字有如此的魔力, 我也不清楚 2、Thank you for comfotting me when I'm sad Loving me when I'm mad Picking me up when I'm down Thank you for being my friend and being around Teaching me the meaning of love Encouraging me when I need a shove But most of all thank you for Loving me for who I am. 感谢你在伤心时安慰我, 当我生气时感谢你护着我, 当我沮丧时你拉拔我, 感谢你作为我的朋友并且在我身旁,告诉我爱的意义是什么, 当我需要动力时你鼓励我, 但我最想感谢你的是, 爱上像我这样的一个人。 3、Sweetheart, My thoughts are deep into you From the moment that I wake up And to the whole day through Happy Valentine's Day 亲爱的, 我深深地想念着你, 从我每天早上起来的那一刻起, 每一分每一秒直到一天结束。 情人节快乐! 4、Thank you for standing behind me In all that I do I hope you're as happy with me As I am with you 感谢你永远支持我, 不论我作了些什麼,


关于情人节的诗句大全 七夕情人节诗句有哪些情人节诗句大全 关于情人节的诗句,七夕情人节的诗句,七夕情人节诗句有哪些?情人节诗句大全.1、此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。2、山无陵,江水竭,冬雷震,夏之雪,天地合,乃敢与君绝。3、、只愿君心似我心,定不负相思意。 4、衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。 关于情人节的诗句1、昔我往矣,杨柳依依,今我来思,雨雪霏霏。 关于情人节的诗句2、他生莫作有情痴,人间无地著相思。 关于情人节的诗句3、死生契阔,与子同说,执子之手,与子偕老。 关于情人节的诗句4、今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸,晓风残月。 关于情人节的诗句5、问世间情为何物?直教生死相许。 关于情人节的诗句6、此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。 关于情人节的诗句7、山无陵,江水竭,冬雷震,夏之雪,天地合,乃敢与君绝。 关于情人节的诗句8、只愿君心似我心,定不负相思意。 关于情人节的诗句9、衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。 关于情人节的诗句10、有美人兮,见之不忘,一日不见兮,思之如狂。 关于情人节的诗句11、曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。 关于情人节的诗句12、天不老,情难绝。心似双丝网,中有千千结。 关于情人节的诗句13、十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘,千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。

关于情人节的诗句14、关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈宨淑女,君子好逑。 关于情人节的诗句15、在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。 关于情人节的诗句16、红豆生南国,春来发几枝?愿君多采撷,此物最相思。 关于情人节的诗句17、去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风 七夕情人节的诗句1、总是躲不开你的视线,总是逃不过你感情的追击,总是希望牵着你的手漫步云端。任凭时间在我面前炫耀,我始终深爱着你,亲爱的,让我们一直牵手走下去! 七夕情人节的诗句2、知道吗?亲爱的我要渴死饿死了。求求你救救我吧!解除我久久思恭的饥渴,常常想我,见我。快来到我的身边吧。 七夕情人节的诗句3、真情比玫瑰更可贵,真爱比玫瑰更娇媚,真心比玫瑰更芬芳,真话比玫瑰更漂亮。真爱你的我将真情真心全给你,情人节里一句真话送给你:我是真的爱你! 七夕情人节的诗句4、爱你是危险时紧牵你的手,爱你是马路上在你左边走,爱你是守护你比星宿还永久,爱你是陪伴你直到天涯尽头。爱你没有理由。 七夕情人节的诗句5、情人节,上天感念我的诚意,特满足我:做你的一件衣服。不管上衣、球衣、衬衣、下衣或者是帽子和鞋子,都要一直跟随你,不离不弃。永远和你在一起。 七夕情人节的诗句6、假如没有那叶扁舟,我也愿意乘风破浪,漂洋过海;假如没有那双草鞋,我也愿意跋山涉水,披荆斩棘。几经波折,啊哈,信号


XX情人节英语介绍(3篇)情人节英语介绍西方情人节英语介绍(一) There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine"s Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries. 关于情人节 __有许多种说法。有关人士认为情人节是一个名叫桑特-瓦伦丁的人士发起的。 他是罗马人,因为拒绝放弃 __而于公元前269年2月14日惨遭杀害,这一天也正好是全城盛行彩票抽奖的日子。

Legend also says that St. Valentine signed it From Your Valentine . 而另外一种说法更具有传奇色彩,相传桑特-瓦伦丁曾留下一本日记给了狱卒的女儿,署名为你的情人,据说这名狱卒的女儿就是桑特-瓦伦丁的情人。 Other aspects of the story say that Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine.


Valentine's day is one of the traditional western festival. February14 is Valentine's Day .It is celebrated as a lovers' holiday today。with the giving of candy ,flowers or other gifts between couples in love。

warden([’w?:d?n],监狱长)tyrant([‘tair?nt],暴君) miracle([’mir?kl],奇迹)legend([‘led??nd] ,传说) execution [,eksi‘kju:??n] ,死刑 kneel [ni:l] ,跪下 safflower['s?fla??]红花

It is said that long time ago ,a man who called valentine is one of the earliest Christians that age, but being a Christian means danger and death at that time. In order to protect other Christians, valentine was caught and put into prison. There he cured the warden’s daughter ’s blind eyes. When the tyrant heard the miracle, he was afraid, and so he commanded slave to kill valentine.


关于情人节的诗句大全_情人节 1、滴露和云,添花补柳,梳洗工夫。——乔吉《折桂令·七夕赠歌者》 2、无半点闲愁去处,问三生醉梦何如。——乔吉《折桂令·七夕赠歌者》 3、银烛冷秋光画屏,碧天晴夜静闲亭。——卢挚《沉醉东风·七夕》 4、开过南枝花满院。——吴文英《凤栖梧·甲辰七夕》 5、尘缘一点,回首西风又陈迹。——吴文英《六么令·夷则宫七夕》 6、人间刚道隔年期,指天上、方才隔夜。——严蕊《鹊桥仙·碧梧初出》 7、空接灵台下,方恧辨支机。——任希古《和长孙秘监七夕》 8、梦魂偏记水西亭。——吕渭老《小重山·七夕病中》 9、别离还有经年客,怅望不如河鼓星。——徐凝《七夕》 10、金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数。——秦观 11、天阶夜色凉如水,卧看牵牛织女星。——杜牧《秋夕》 12、鹊桥波里出,龙车霄外飞。——任希古《和长孙秘监七夕》 13、分钿擘钗凉叶下。——晏几道《蝶恋花 14、已驾七香车,心心待晓霞。——李商隐 15、喜鹊桥成催凤驾。——晏几道《蝶恋花·喜鹊桥成催凤驾》 16、双星良夜,耕慵织懒,应被群仙相妒。——范成大《鹊桥仙·七夕》 17、倚楼起把绣针小。——吴文英《秋蕊香·七夕》 18、玉钩斜傍西南挂。——晏几道《蝶恋花·喜鹊桥成催凤驾》 19、彩云断、翠羽散,此情难问。——吴文英《惜秋华·七夕》 20、知天上计拙,乞巧楼南北。——吴文英《六么令·夷则宫七夕》 21、相逢一醉是前缘,风雨散、飘然何处。——苏轼《鹊桥仙·七夕送陈令举》 22、瓜果几度凄凉,寂寞罗池客。——吴文英《六么令·夷则宫七夕》 23、黄四娘沽酒当垆,一片青旗,一曲骊珠。——乔吉《折桂令·七夕赠歌者》 24、陈迹晓风吹雾散。——吴文英《凤栖梧·甲辰七夕》 25、千里暮云平,南楼催上烛,晚来晴。——吕渭老《小重山·七夕病中》 26、玉露金风报素秋,穿针楼上独含愁。——德容《七夕二首·其一》 27、卧看牵牛织女星,月转过梧桐树影。——卢挚《沉醉东风·七夕》 28、流苏翠帐星渚间,环佩无声灯寂寂。——王建《七夕曲》 29、鹊辞穿线月,花入曝衣楼。——李贺《七夕》 30、夜色银河情一片。——吴文英《凤栖梧·甲辰七夕》 31、一道鹊桥横渺渺,千声玉佩过玲玲。——徐凝《七夕》 32、此日六军同驻马,当时七夕笑牵牛。——李商隐《马嵬·其二》 33、露蛩初响,机杼还催织。——吴文英《六么令·夷则宫七夕》 34、七夕年年信不违,银河清浅白云微,蟾光鹊影伯劳飞。——毛文锡《浣溪沙 35、谁念文园病客?夜色沉沉,独抱一天岑寂。——张埜《夺锦标·七夕》 36、留连,有残蝉韵晚,时歌金缕。——吴文英《惜秋华·七夕前一日送人归盐官》 37、扁舟夜宿吴江,正水佩霓裳无数。——吴文英《惜秋华·七夕前一日送人归盐官》 38、成都过卜肆,曾妒识灵槎。——李商隐《壬申七夕》 39、织女牵牛送夕阳,临看不觉鹊桥长。——德容《七夕二首·其二》 40、婺星为情慵懒,伫立明河侧。——吴文英《六么令·夷则宫七夕》 41、天为欢迟,乞与初凉夜。——晏几道《蝶恋花·喜鹊桥成催凤驾》 42、奈南墙冷落,竹烟槐雨。——吴文英《惜秋华·七夕前一日送人归盐官》


情人节英语怎么说 导读:情人节这个词翻译成英文是Valentine's Day! 情人节英文祝福语推荐: 1.Every man is a poet when he is in love. 每个恋爱中的人都是诗人。 2.Love is a chord in life, not a solo. 爱是人生的和弦,而不是孤独的独奏曲。 3.Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 4.There will always be people who'll hurt you, so you need to continue trusting, just be careful. 生活中总会有人想伤害你,你仍然需要继续相信别人,只是小心点而已。 5.Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。 【情人节英语怎么说】 1.情人节用英语怎么说

2.春节用英语怎么说 3.春天用英语怎么说? 4.情人节的英语作文 5.除夕夜英语怎么说 6.压岁钱用英语怎么说 7.元宵节用英语怎么说 8.平安夜快乐用英语怎么说 上文是关于情人节英语怎么说,感谢您的阅读,希望对您有帮助,谢谢


给好朋友的情人节祝福语大全 1. 情人节至,不管你是恋爱上岗的,还是失恋下岗的,不管你是移情别恋转行的,还是失恋单身待业的,不管你是失恋再谈再就业的,都祝你爱情甜甜蜜蜜! 2. 情人节要坚持一个中心两个基本点。以骗感情为中心,以骗吃骗喝为基本点,走有中国特色的情人节道路。不管是男人女人神马人,能骗到的就是接班人 3. 情人节要到了,预祝有情的你永远浪漫、热情的你永远青春、真情的你永远开心、纯情的你永远快乐、深情的你永远甜蜜、痴情的你永远幸福! 4. 情人节已经过去了,浪漫够了吧;大餐吃多了,腻了吧;开销多了,心疼了吧;今天没有人发短信,失落了吧;现在收到我的信息,知道该对谁好了吧!呵呵,朋友,祝你每天都快乐! 5. 情人节又来到,短信把你关照。祝你今天事事好,出门就沾桃花运,美女把你来围绕,红鸾星把你照,天喜星对你笑,所有好事都来到。情人节快乐! 6. 情人节要到了,找点时间,带着玫瑰,到你眼前。幸福为你准备了一个约会,甜蜜张罗了一个浪漫,相思的烦恼向你说说,爱情故事互相谈谈! 7. 情人节祝你:与幸运会晤,与幸福握手;与美丽结伴,与健康签约;与友情拥抱,与开心聊天;与财富同享,与浪漫共舞;与爱情联袂,同本人结婚! 8. 让你哭到撕心裂肺的那个人,是你最爱的人;让你笑到没心没肺的那个人,是最爱你的人;让你在情人节的时刻收到真挚祝福的人,是最牵挂你的我。 9. 情人是棵树,你要抱的住;情人如小草,你得保护好;情人是手机,生活不能离;情人如春露,温馨在心头;情人节,祝福他们,对她们一定要好。 10. 如果世界只剩十分钟,我会和你一同回忆走过的风雨,如果世界只剩三分钟,我会吻你,如果世界只剩一分钟,我会说次我爱你! 11. 情人眼里出西施,亲爱的,尽管你胖胖的,白白的,笨笨的,但是,我依然爱你,你是我掌心永远的宝贝,你是我永远的开心果,我爱你,情人节快乐! 12. 情人是棵树,你要抱的住;情人如小草,你得保护好;情人是手机,生活不能离;情人如春露,温馨在心头;情人节,祝福他们,对她们一定要好。 13. 情人节专列即将出发,各位情侣带上定情信物派对上车。本次列车从今生开往来世,上车请遵守天长地久规则,甜蜜免费,好运相随,白首不悔。


情人节祝福语(中英文对照) 1. you and me together, we can make magic.我们两个一起可以创造奇迹。 2. i can be myself when i am with you.和你在一起的时候我才是真正的自己。 3. you always say what i need to hear.你的话总是那么悦耳动听。 4. your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead.你的爱让我相信我们的未来会更好。 5. you're the one who holds the key to my heart.只有你,握着开启我心门的钥匙。 6. you have taught me the true meaning of love. love is, what you mean to me - and you mean everything.你教会了我爱的意义。爱就是你在我心中的分量——而你,就是一切。 7. i have had the time of my life and i owe it all to you.我生命中的美好时光全都归功于你。 8. your undying faith is what keeps the flame out of love alive.你永恒的信任让我们的爱火永不熄灭。 9. you are my theme for a dream.你是我梦的主旋律。 10. every time i look at you, my heart misses a beat.每次看着你,我的心都会漏跳一拍。 11.天下有情人终成眷属may i wish that all jacks shall have jills, all shall be well. 12.我想在情人节紧握你的手。亲爱的,情人节快乐。i want to hold your hand on valentine’s day. happy valentine’s day, sweetie. 13.情人节快乐:happy valentine's day!! 14.希望你的心上人早日出现。wish your mr.right/miss right will appear soon. 15.祝你们朝朝暮暮,缠缠绵绵到永久。may you two linger on each other every day and night till the end of time. 16.我俩的爱,一年比一年更坚定。亲爱的,情人节快乐。our love grows stronger with every passing year. happy valentine’s day, sweetie. 17.愿我俩的爱情永远不变!:may our love will last forever.


1、君当做磐石,妾当做蒲苇,蒲苇纫如丝,磐石无转移 2、王宫百官动,晓示万民行。明媒娶佳丽,赵威后问情。双人同用力,阳春神童临。 3、始欲识郎时两心望如一理丝入残机何悟不成匹 4、爱原来是一种酒饮了就化作思念 5、执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。 6、天上有月月月缺,人间有情情情残 7、天涯地角有穷时,只有相思无尽处。《玉楼春》 8、人生自是有情痴,此恨不关风与月。 9、天不老,情难绝。心似双丝网,中有千千结。 10、身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。 11、天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。 12、尊前拟把归期说,未语春容先惨咽。 13、怕相思,已思相,轮到相思没处辞,眉间露一丝。 14、缘散份尽,奈何爱情弄人。 15、几许欢情与离恨,年年并在此宵中。 16、有美人兮,见之不忘,一曰不见兮,思之如狂。 17、烟外柳丝湖外水,山眉澹碧月眉黄。 18、清闲无事,坐卧随心,虽粗衣淡食,自有一段真趣.纷扰不宁,忧患缠身,虽锦衣厚味,只觉万状愁苦. 19、一种相思,两处闲愁。此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。 20、波澜誓不起,妾心古井水。 21、两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。

22、莫言相见阔,天上日应殊。 23、众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。 24、女人要学会扮靓自己,不要拿朴素来做挡箭牌,不要拿家务做借口,不懂时尚,你就不是一个完整的女人。 25、夜夜不得眠明月何灼灼想间欢唤声虚应空中诺 26、少年不识愁滋味,爱上层楼。爱上层楼,为赋新词强说愁。 27、无意苦争春,一任群芳妒。零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故。 28、班姬此夕愁无限,河汉三更看斗牛。 29、谁忍窥河汉,迢迢问斗牛。 30、入我相思门,知我相思苦,长相思兮长相忆,短相思兮无穷极。 31、年年乞与人间巧,不道人间巧已多。 32、不怕银钢深秀户,只愁风断清衣渡。 33、就剩橙留香一个人啦,我不相信他,还能信谁呀? 34、此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然 35、未会牵牛意若何,须邀织女弄金梭。 36、盈盈一水间,脉脉不得语。 37、一个是阆苑仙葩,一个是美玉无瑕。若说没奇缘,今生偏又遇著他;若说有奇缘,如何心事终虚话? 38、执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。 39、岁末寒冬,年节将至,除旧布新,国泰民安,风调雨顺,福降众生! 40、家人竟喜开妆镜,月下穿针拜九宵。 41、凄凉别后两应同,最是不胜清怨月明中。 42、向日穿针易,临风整线难。


情人节英文英语短信祝福语, 首发外贸 情人节英文英语短信祝福语: Valentine’s Day 情人节 Date 约会 Bunch 花束 Rose 玫瑰 candy 糖果 chocolate 巧克力 Forget-me-Not 勿忘我 Puppy Love/First Love 初恋 cute meet 浪漫的邂逅 Fall In Love 坠入爱河 Love At The First Sight 一见钟情Propose 求婚 Valentine cards 情人节卡片candlelight Dinner 烛光晚餐 Heart-Shaped/cordate 心形的Truelove 真爱

Enamored 倾心的 Saint Valentine’s Day 情人节 The chemical Feeling 奇妙的感觉,触电Sweet Bitterness 甜蜜的痛苦 A Doomed couple 天生一对 A Happy Ending 大团圆结局Sweetheart 甜心 Lover 爱人 cupid 爱神丘比特 Admirer 仰慕者 Romance 浪漫 Heartthrob ### courtship 求爱 Infatuation 醉心 Promise/Pledge/V ow 誓言 Fidelity 忠心 Eternal/Immortal/Everlasting 永恒 I’ll always call you “SWEETHEART”, because you’ll always be the dearest, most important person in the entire world to me. You mean so much and I need you so, your love gives me the greatest joy I’ll


情人节来历英文介绍 There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries. 关于情人节的起源有很多种说法。相关人士认为情人节是一个名 叫桑特瓦伦丁的人士发起的。他是罗马人,因为拒绝放弃基督教而于公元前269年2月14日惨遭杀害,这个天也正好是全城盛行彩票抽奖的日子。 Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer's daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it "From Your Valentine". Other aspects of the story say that Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine. 而另外一种说法更具有传奇色彩,相传桑特瓦伦丁曾留下一本日记给了狱卒的女儿,署名为“你的情人”,据说这名狱卒的女儿就是 桑特瓦伦丁的情人。还有其它的说法也颇为有趣。比如说有人认为在克劳迪亚斯君王统治时期,桑特瓦仑丁以前是一名神父,因为公然挑战克劳迪亚斯君王的身陷囹圄。所以公元前496年罗马教皇格莱西亚 斯特意将2月14日作为一个特别的日子以纪念桑特瓦伦丁。 Gradually, February 14 became the date for exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers. The date was marked by sending poems and simple gifts such as flowers. There was often a social gathering or a ball.


情人节祝福短语大全 001当你在梦中轻触我的脸颊,温柔使整个宇宙为之颤抖。于是我情愿化作一粒小小的尘埃,溶入永远不醒的梦境。002只想对你说:幸好有你,让我的心装满了温暖,也装满了甜蜜。也都是你让我常常陷入思念的痛苦。爱你!003因为有你,世界变得美丽;因为有你,生活有了意义;因为有你,一切都是甜蜜。004月缺时我想你,月圆时我念你,无论月圆月缺,我的心如那恒古不变的月光, 默默地追随着你!005世上好花为你开,世上好景为你在,你是上天的宠儿,怕你在人间孤单寂寞,命令我来陪你过完这一生。006我的眼中只有你,你是我生命中的奇迹;我的心中只有你,你是我不容错过的唯一!007永不褪色的是对你默默的关怀,永不停息的是对你无尽的思念,永不改变的是对你深深的爱恋。008满天的繁星闪烁,爱在亘古的永恒里流传,你我诗意的传奇,是天边最美的那个星座!爱,竟然可以灿若群星!009你的言语和举止,都令我陶醉不已,让我感觉到了生命的乐趣与意义,我的世界不能没有你!010真想你:不分白天黑夜,越是黑夜越是想;不分四季更替,即使寒冬亦温暖;不分距离远近,便是遥遥却


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