当前位置:文档之家› 八年级英语上册单词拼写、选词填空、语法填空(一)(新版)外研版







David is only sixteen years old, but he is 1 (已经) a famous baseball player

in his home town. David’s father liked baseball very much, so he asked David to 2 (训练) when David was still a young child. David also thinks that the baseball game is

very 3 (令人兴奋的).

David is famous because he helped his school team win the high school baseball state championship(州冠军) last year. Now David is the 4 (关键的) player in his school

baseball team, but he thinks there are still a lot of things he needs to do before becoming

an 5 (优秀的) baseball player. He practises very 6

(努力地) every day, because he believes that the more he does, the 7 (更好的) he will become. When the 8 (教练) teaches them a new skill(技能), he

always does it for many 9

(次). Sometimes he thinks these practices are not 10 (足够的), so when he gets

home, he will continue his practice until very late. David dreams of becoming a professional

(专业的) baseball player in the future.



calm taste be famous for joke noise

11. There’s so much in this restaurant. I can’t hear you talking.

12. You must be . How can we get so much money in only two days?

13. The city its clear lake water.

14. The fish really delicious. I want to have more.

15. Stay when you are speaking in front of so many people.




Dear Emma,

How are you? I had a good time in Yunnan today. It’s a beautiful city 16 trees, flowers, parks and rivers. I had three 17 (meal) of all kinds of delicious foods

here, such 18 cross bridge rice noodles an d special chicken and duck. Now I’m

very happy. I can’t help telling 19 the good news. Yesterday I took part in a

talent show in the street. I sang an old song 20 (call) Auld Lang Syne. I didn’t

take it seriously. I wished that I wasn’t the 21 (bad). But in the end, I won

first prize. That made me feel excited. In the evening, I invited my good friends to the

22 to see a movie. On the way there, I 23 (meet) my favourite movie

star Jackie Chan!I saw a reporter interviewing(采访) him. And he 24 (give)

me a photo of him. Oh, my God!I was too 25 (luck).






I want to be an animal d octor when I grow up. I love animals and they’re really fun to play with. I have two dogs and a cat.

—Alysia, 5th grade, America

The 1 (原因) why I go to school is that I have many friends and good grades.

I do like going to school because that way I can learn and go to 2 (学院). I will be 3 (能够) to get scholarship(奖学金) and I can learn something useful in the 4 (将来).

—Ascha, England

I go to school because I want to be 5 (成功的) in life. I want to become a

6 (著名的) pianist. My friends

7 (期待) me to be the best person I can be!I think that my friends are necessary to me because they ask me to keep going when I want to give up.

—Selina, 8th grade, Australia

I come to school for 8 (我自己) and my brother. I want to succeed and if all it takes to live a good life is spending a few years on my schoolwork, then I’m willing to make that sacrifice(牺牲). Another more important thing is for my brother. I feel if he sees me 9 (获胜), then he will follow in my footsteps and would be 10 (精彩的) in his life, too. I want to be his role model.

—Afomia, 9th grad e, India



until serious pollute solve something

11. We couldn’t see below because of the bad weather.

12. Sometimes parents take children’s grades too .

13. I’m really looking forward to the problem earlier.

14. Air is one of the main problems of the modern world.

15. She didn’t go to bed she finished her homework.



This Friday I went to Salt Lake City with three friends. There were two Chinese girls and one Chinese boy. This is the 16 (one) time I went to the city. We spent 45 minutes 17 (take) the bus to Sandy and then took a train to the city.

As soon as we got off 18 train, we visited Temple Square and there were many different language tour 19 (guide). We joined the Chinese group so that we could listen to the guide 20

(clear). It was easy for us to understand 21 the guide explained about the history. After visiting the temple, we got free tickets 22 (go) to see the new Church film.

We went to a big restaurant to eat fast food 23 our lunch in George Town. You know that ordering the food was a little difficult for me. I was nervous, 24 at last I ordered my food by the menu. The food was del icious and the service was good and

it was 25 (comfortable) restaurant in the city!




We had our sports meeting last month for the year. It was so 1 (激动人心的).

I took part in the 400-metre race. The sound of a gunshot(枪声) started the r ace!We 2 (扔) ourselves forward like arrows(箭) from the starting line. I tried to run as 3 (快速地) as the wind. Along the runway, my teachers and classmates were 4 (为……

加油) me on. Bit by bit, I passed by one competitor(对手), then two competitors... I

felt like the sunshine was kissing me. But after a while, I got tired. At that moment, I

thought of my teachers and classmates and I wouldn’t like to lose the race so 5 (容

易地). So I put 6 (每件事) out of my mind and tried my best to run. The finishing

line was right there. It got closer and closer to me. Finally, I came in th e 7 (第

三) place in the race. I thought I was the 8 (快乐的) in the world at that moment.

This 9 (经历) made me strong. I learnt that nothing is impossible. It is common

to have difficulties in our life. 10 (然而), if we have confidence to face them,

we will win at last!



sentence possible key improve suggest

11. —What did Helen say?

—She that we should go there by bus.

12. You can complete these with those words on the blackboard.

13. I need to my French. Could you help me with it?

14. Anything is if you work hard.

15. Read the passage and get the words of it.




Shortly after Rose left the university, she went to travel in Canada. 16 she

returned to New York, she told a lot of interesting things to her best friends, Jack. Jack

was very interested 17 Canada from then on and decided 18 (have) a

visit there.

The next summer vacation, Jack and Rose had 19 plan to go to Canada together.

But her mother was seriously ill, so she went to the airport to see her friend off.

When they got to the airport, Rose had to go to the washroom. After she came back, she

20 (not) find Jack because there were so many people in the airport. She looked

for him everywhere, but 21 was hard to find Jack among the people.

While Rose 22 (look) around her, she suddenly saw Jack not very far from her.

She felt very happy and shouted, “Hi, Jack. Here, here!” At the same time, Jack waved

his arms, “I’m here!” In three

minutes, many 23 (policeman)came to the front of Jack and caught him. “Please

come with me to the police office.”

After the policemen found out the reason, they set 24 (he) free. Why? Because

the word “hijack” in English has different meanings. Sometimes it means “robbery(抢

劫)”!25 funny it is!




Zhang Shiyuan, 13, from Shanghai

I think robots will take the place of accountants(会计). Most accountants work on numbers

and bills every day. And they must work very 1 (仔细地). Sometimes, people may

get tired and make mistakes. 2 (甚至) a small mistake can bring a big problem.

But robots won’t and they can 3 (解决) the problem easily. Using robots means

there will be 4 (更少的) problems.

Zhang Yifei, 14, from Beijing

I believe the robots are going to take the place of the workers. Most workers in factories

do heavy and 5 (简单的) jobs over and over again. Robots will work on them better

and 6 (快的) than people. And they will never get 7 (厌倦的). I know

some factories are already using robots, but I think they will totally take the place of

8 (人) in the future.

Zhao Jiacheng, 14, from Shanxi

Smart robots will 9 (很可能;大概)take the place of drivers. That’s because

this kind of work doesn’t need high education or much knowledge. People can’t drive 10 (直到) they pass the driving tests but robots can do it.



difference one however through news

11. My grandfather watches CCTV every night.

12. I think we should clean our classroom at least a day.

13. I wonder(想知道) how the world will be in the future.

14. Lucy said the best radio station was FM96.7. , Charles disagreed(不同意).

15. The best way to learn English is more listening, reading and writing.




The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is 16 January

1st according to the Chinese lunar calendar. It’s China’s New Year’s Day. So usually

a month before the festival, people begin 17 (buy) food, clothes and decorations

for houses.

About a week before the festival, housewives are busy 18 (get) ready for the

new year dinner. And they will 19 a lot of washing and cleaning in the house.

People who are 20 away on business are hurrying to come back home for the new

year’s family get-together.

On New Year Eve, each 21 will gather together eating, talking and watching

TV for almost the whole night. And there will be some interesting 22 (programme)

on TV. The children are23 (happy) of all because they can get presents from their

parents and grandparents.

On Lunar New Year’s Day, after people get up, they 24 (eat) dumplings. When

they meet 25 (they)neighbours or friends, they’ll say, “Happy New Year.”

The New Year celebratingactivities will go on for about half a month.




Life is not easy, so I’d like to say, “When anything happens, believe in yourself.”

When I was a young boy, I was too shy to speak to anyone. My classmates often 1 (嘲笑) at me. I was sad but could do nothing. Later, 2 (某事) happened, and

it changed my life. It was an English speech contest. My mother asked me to take part in

it. What a terrible idea!It 3 (意味着) I had to speak before all the teachers

and students of my school. However, my mother insisted, “Come on, boy. You are sure to

4 (赢).” Then Mother and I listed many

5 (不同的) topics(话题)

and talked about them 6 (一起). At last I decided on the topic “Believe in yourself”. I tried my best to remember all the speech and practised it 7 (数

百) of times. Also, my mother took me to her 8 (外国的) friend for some help.

With my mother’s great love, I did well in the contest. I could9 (几乎不) believe

my ears when the news came that I had won the first 10 (奖). I heard the cheers

from the teachers and students. Those classmates who once looked down upon(瞧不起) me,

now all said “Congratulations!” to me. What a happytime!



clear information funny hear forget

11. You can get a lot of from the Internet.

12. I’m looking forward to from you all.

13. I can’t see the words . Can you help me?

14. I always things unless(除非) I write them down in time.

15. My brother is the student in his class, so he is very popular.




I still remember the first time I left home for one or two 16 (night). I was

going to a summer camp for a month. When my parents told me about the camp, I jumped 17 (happy), because there were lots of activities there.

The whole family drove me to the camp. When we arrived, I saw a lot of kids, 18 I

didn’t know anyone. I began to feel nervous. They gave me a little card 19 my

name on it. Then a girl, who looked 20 (old) than me, came up to me and said,

“Hi, Margie!I’m Sara. Our cabin is in the pines.”

Finally the time came when m y parents said, “Well, Margie, goodbye. Have 21 great

time. And don’t worry, we’ll write to 22 often.”

I had an awful feeling. I wanted 23 (cry). But just then another girl of my

age came up to me and 24 (say), “Hi, are you Margie? I’m Tammy. I’m in the

pines, too. Come on. Let’s go to see the horses.”

So off we went and I had a 25 (wonder) month at camp.




I want to be a 1 (著名的) soccer player, so I want to 2 (加入)

the best soccer club, the Lions. But last week I got into a fight with my parents. 3 (尽管)the Lions is the best, they don’t want me to stop getting an education. I was

really 4 (沮丧的). Then came Mid-Autumn Day. It was a 5 (传统的) day

for Chinese to have the whole family together. I went to my grand?鄄parents’ house. There

I found some of his old 6 (日记). After I read them, I knew my grandfather wanted

to be a soccer player when he was fifteen years old. When I talked with him, he 7 (告

诉) me to play soccer with the Lions 8 (两次)a week. He said, “9 (每

人) has a dream. If you can get a good education and work hard for your dream, you are

halfway to making your dream come true.” After tal king with Grandpa, I decided to make

10 (每周的) plans for schoolwork and playing soccer.



noisy although appear temperature population

11. it is raining hard outside, the farmers are still working in the field.

12. Don’t make so much . Your dad is sleeping.

13. — increase is a big problem in many countries.

—Yes, that’s the truth.

14. The will fall below zero tomorrow. Remember to take a warm coat with you.

15. Suddenly a car round the corner and it hit a man.




Peter and Inger, who live in Sweden, are the 16 (happy) couple(夫妻) in

the world. Two years ago, they were on a boat a few kilometres 17 the beach. Peter

asked Inger 18 (marry) him and he gave her a ring(戒指). When he was 19 (put)the ring on Inger’s finger, the ring fell into the sea. They were sure the ring

was lost, and they would 20 see it again.

However, Mr Carlsson gave the ring back to them 21 he visited them last week.

Mr Carlsson had a fish shop and he found the ring in a large fish when he cut it up. The

fish thought the ring was something 22 (eat). Mr Carlsson knew that the ring belonged to(属于) Peter and Inger 23 there were some words on the ring. They

were: “To Inger, all my love, Peter”. So Mr Carlsson gave the ring back to them.

Inger now 24 (have) two rings. When they lost the 25 (one) one,

Peter bought Inger another one. But they think the one the fish ate is the best in the world.




一、1. already 2. train 3. exciting 4. key 5. excellent

6. hard

7. better

8. coach

9. times 10. enough

二、11. noise 12. joking 13. is famous for 14. Tastes 15. calm

三、16. wit h 17. meals 18. as 19. you 20. called

21. worst 22. theatre/cinema 23. met 24. gave 25. lucky


一、1. reason 2. college 3. able 4. future 5. successful

6. famous

7. expect

8. myself

9. win 10. wonderful

二、11. anything 12. seriously 13. solving 14. Pollution 15. until

三、16. first 17. taking 18. the 19. guides 20. clearly

21. what 22. to go 23. for 24. but 25. the most comfortable


一、1. exciting 2. threw 3. fast 4. cheering 5. easily

6. everything

7. third

8. happiest

9. Experience 10. However

二、11. suggested 12. sentences 13. Improve 14. possible 15. key

三、16. After 17. in 18. to have 19. a 20. didn’t/couldn’t

21. it 22. was looking 23. Policemen 24. him 25. How


一、1. carefully 2. Even 3. solve 4. less 5. easy/simple

6. faster

7. bored

8. people

9. probably 10. until

二、11. news 12. once 13. different 14. However 15. through

三、16. on 17. to buy 18. getting 19. do 20. far

21. family 22. programmes 23. the happiest 24. will eat 25. their


一、1. laughed 2. something 3. meant 4. win 5. Different

6. together

7. hundreds

8. foreign

9. hardly 10. prize

二、11. information 12. hearing 13. clearly 14. Forget 15. funniest

三、16. nights 17. happily 18. but 19. with 20. older

21. a 22. you 23. to cry 24. said 25. wonderful


一、1. famous 2. join 3. Although/Though 4. sad 5. traditional

6. diaries

7. told

8. twice

9. Everybody/Everyone 10. weekly

二、11. Although 12. noise 13. Population 14. temperature 15. appeared

三、16. happiest 17. from 18. to marry 19. Putting 20. never/not

21. when 22. to eat 23. because 24. has 25. first


不定代词 单项选择 1. —What a great thing to have a robot at home! —Robots are really useful. One day they will help people do almost ________. A. something B. everything C. nothing 2. Sorry, I know ________about the news. You can ask Peter. A. nothing B. anything … C. something D. everything 3. Dear classmates, may I have your attention, please I have ________ to tell you. A. important something B. important anything C. something important D. anything important 4. —Is Laura in the teachers' office —No, I didn't see________ there. A. anybody B. somebody C. nobody D. everybody ~ 5. In the school, I asked one boy and two girls about the name of their headmaster, but ________of them could help me. A. neither B. none C. both D. all 6. Though Kung Fu Panda 3 is popular with teenagers, it won't be liked by ________. A. nobody B. somebody C. everybody D. anybody 7. Mum always tells me, “A smile costs ________, but gives much. ” A. anything B. something & C. everything D. nothing 8. I didn't read________interesting in today's newspaper.


2019-2020年下学期八年级英语期末考前练习-选词填空 1. 【选词填空】阅读短文,选择括号中所给词填空。 Peter was the real Spiderman, but he ____ (A. doesn't / B. didn't) know the fact at that time. One day, he ____ (A.is / B. was) having lunch in the school dining hall. A strong boy wanted to bully him because Peter was ____ (A. thin / B. strong) and short. Peter got very angry and hit the boy with his fist but he didn't use too ____ (A. many / B. much) force. Surprisingly, the boy lay down on the ground and couldn't ____ (A. get / B. got) up. At that moment Peter knew that he had some unusual power, but he didn't know how and when to use it. 答案: (1) B(2) B(3) A(4) B(5) A 解析 彼得是真正的蜘蛛侠,但他当时不知道这个事实。一天,他在学校食堂吃午饭。一个强壮的男孩想欺负他,因为彼得又瘦又矮。彼得很生气,用拳头打了那个男孩,但他没有用太大的力气。令人惊讶的是,男孩躺在地上,站不起来。这时,彼得知道他有某种不寻常的力量,但他不知道如何以及何时使用它。 1. 句意:彼得是真正的蜘蛛侠,但那时他不知道这个事实。本句是but 连接的并列句,一般情况下but 前后句子时态一致,根据Peter was the real Spiderman 是一般过去时,可知此句时态是一般过去时。故选B。 2. 句意:一天,他在学校食堂吃午饭。短文全文用的都是过去时间,此处应用was 构成过去进行时。故选B。 3. 句意:一个强壮的男孩想欺负他,因为彼得又瘦又矮。根据上文“一个强壮的男孩想欺负他”可知原因是“彼得又瘦又矮。”thin 瘦的,苗条的;符合语境。故选A。


few hours they found me. It was dark and I was cold, hungry and scared. I will n ever go to the forest again. 二 Last summer, my family had 1. _________ trip. It was very in terest ing. My father, my mother and I 2. _________ (go) to the mountains. We got to the foot of the mou ntain 3. ________ bus. There was a river. The water was clea n. I washed my face with the water. It was warm. There were many fish 4. _________ the river. There were differe nt 5. ________ (kind) of flowers by the river. They were very beautiful. At noon, my pare nts and I 6. _________ (have) lunch un der a big tree. The food was delicious, 7. ________ we liked it very much. After lun ch, we went on 8. _________ (we) trip. At about 2:00 in the after noon, we got to the top of the mou ntai n. We were very 9. ________ (excit in g). It was 10. ________ (real) fun. I dreamed of 1. __________ (visit) Shan ghai whe n I was a little girl. The day fin ally came. So whe n I got on the pla ne to Shan ghai 2. _______ August 18, I was very excited. I know it ' one of 3. __________ (beautiful) cities in China. Of course, the temperature is a little 4. _________ (high) tha n that of Dalia n. Our trip bega n in Disn eyla nd. The park has a lot of carto on 5. _______


八年级英语语法专项练习(人教版英语八年级) ()1._____doesacarcostinChina?Itcostsabout250,000yuan. A.Howmany B.Howmuch C.Howoften D.Howold ()2.Passmetheglasses,Tony, Ican_____watchTV. A.hardly B.really C.rather D.clearly ()3.Tomis______careful,hardlymakesmistakes. https://www.doczj.com/doc/e62537374.html,ually B.never C.always D.sometimes ()4.Thisisthekey_____thedoor,don'tlostit! A.to B.of C.with D.about ()5._____theyarebrothers,theydon'tlooklikeeachother. A.Because B.though C.When D.As ()6.Iusuallycometoschool_____. A.byabus B.onfoot C.byfoot D.onbus ()7.It's______weather_____awalk. A./?in B.a?for C.a ?of D./ ?for ()8.Hecan'tsee______sun,asheisblind. A.a B.an C.the D./ ()9.He________comebybus. A.sometimes B.sometimes C.sometime D.sometime ()10.Look,therearesomeapples______thetrees. A.on B.in C.of D.at ()11.Thelittlechildknows_____English,buthecansay_____somewords. A.many?some B.much ?afew C.alittle ?few D.little ?afew ()12.Here'saletterfrom_____to_____. A.she?he, B.hers ?him C.him ?her D.her ?him ()13.AskTom,he______knowtheanswers. A.may B.can C.maybe D.maybe ()14.Hecan'tridethebiketoschool,Ican't______.


单词拼写、选词填空、语法填空(一) A组 一、单词拼写(2015·金华市婺城区) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 David is only sixteen years old, but he is 1 (已经) a famous baseball player in his home town. David’s father liked baseball very much, so he asked David to 2 (训练) when David was still a young child. David also thinks that the baseball game is very 3 (令人兴奋的). David is famous because he helped his school team win the high school baseball state championship(州冠军) last year. Now David is the 4 (关键的) player in his school baseball team, but he thinks there are still a lot of things he needs to do before becoming an 5 (优秀的) baseball player. He practises very 6 (努力地) every day, because he believes that the more he does, the 7 (更好的) he will become. When the 8 (教练) teaches them a new skill(技能), he always does it for many 9 (次). Sometimes he thinks these practices are not 10 (足够的), so when he gets home, he will continue his practice until very late. David dreams of becoming a professional (专业的) baseball player in the future. 二、选词填空(2015·金华市婺城区) 用方框中所给单词或词组的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。 11. There’s so much in this restaurant. I can’t hear you talking. 12. You must be . How can we get so much money in only two days? 13. The city its clear lake water. 14. The fish really delicious. I want to have more. 15. Stay when you are speaking in front of so many people. 三、语法填空(2015·金华市婺城区) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使 用括号中词语的正确形式填空(每空不多于2个单词)。 Dear Emma, How are you? I had a good time in Yunnan today. It’s a beautiful city 16 trees, flowers, parks and rivers. I had three 17 (meal) of all kinds of delicious foods here, such 18 cross bridge rice noodles an d special chicken and duck. Now I’m very happy. I can’t help telling 19 the good news. Yesterday I took part in a talent show in the street. I sang an old song 20 (call)Auld Lang Syne. I didn’t take it seriously. I wished that I wasn’t the 21 (bad). But in the end, I won first prize. That made me feel excited. In the evening, I invited my good friends to the 22 to see a movie. On the way there, I 23 (meet) my favourite movie star Jackie Chan!I saw a reporter interviewing(采访) him. And he 24 (give) me a photo of him. Oh, my God!I was too 25 (luck). Yours, Mike B组


八年级英语上册专项训练--语法填空(附答案人教新目标版) 专题二语法填空一、根据句意,用适当的词语填空或用所给词语的适当形式填空。 Group 1 1.In the future, people will live up __to_be__ (be) 200 years old. 2.We make promises __to__ other people. However, promises you make to yourself are resolutions. 3.I want to be a __scientist__ (science) and I'm going to study science harder. 4.What's your __prediction__ (predict) about the future? 5.Mom, how much __corn__ (corn) do we need today? 6.Here is one way __to_make__ (make)turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner. 7.My friend __from__ Xi'an is coming here to visit my family. 8.We are very sad that she's leaving __because__ she is a fun teacher. 9.Bring your daughter here without __telling__ (tell)her so that she can be surprised. 10.How should people reply __to__ this invitation? Group 2 1.After the long trip, no one seemed __to_be__ (be)bored. 2.―How did you __like__ it? ―Everything was really interesting. 3.I have piano lessons __once__ (one) a week, every Wednesday evening. 4.Our questions are __about__ doing homework, using the Internet and watching TV. 5.Tina sang __more_loudly__ (loud)than Tara. 6.It's necessary for us __to_keep__ (keep) the pets clean at home. 7.What's the best movie theater to go __to__? 8.There are shows __like__ American Idol and American Got Talent. 9.Most of the classmates love __watching__ (watch) games shows. 10.We all know and love the black mouse __with__ two large round ears―Mickey Mourse. 二、阅读短文,用括号中所给词的适当形式或根据上下文完成短文。 A There are three photos of my good friends on my desk. In the 1.__first__ (one) photo you can see Jerry. He is a tall and cool boy 2.__with__ short and str aight hair. He is the captain of our basketball team. He is very popular. All my 3.__classmates__ (classmate) like him very much. In the second photo, you can see the boy


英语下学期期末考前练习-选词填空 1. 【选词填空】阅读短文,选择括号中所给词填空。 Peter was the real Spiderman, but he ____ (A. doesn't / B. didn't) know the fact at that time. One day, he ____ (A.is / B. was) having lunch in the school dining hall. A strong boy wanted to bully him because Peter was ____ (A. thin / B. strong) and short. Peter got very angry and hit the boy with his fist but he didn't use too ____ (A. many / B. much) force. Surprisingly, the boy lay down on the ground and couldn't ____ (A. get / B. got) up. At that moment Peter knew that he had some unusual power, but he didn't know how and when to use it. 答案: (1) B(2) B(3) A(4) B(5) A 解析 彼得是真正的蜘蛛侠,但他当时不知道这个事实。一天,他在学校食堂吃午饭。一个强壮的男孩想欺负他,因为彼得又瘦又矮。彼得很生气,用拳头打了那个男孩,但他没有用太大的力气。令人惊讶的是,男孩躺在地上,站不起来。这时,彼得知道他有某种不寻常的力量,但他不知道如何以及何时使用它。 1. 句意:彼得是真正的蜘蛛侠,但那时他不知道这个事实。本句是 but 连接的并列句,一般情况下 but 前后句子时态一致,根据 Peter was the real Spiderman 是一般过去时,可知此句时态是一般过去时。故选B。 2. 句意:一天,他在学校食堂吃午饭。短文全文用的都是过去时间,此处应用 was 构成过去进行时。故选B。 3. 句意:一个强壮的男孩想欺负他,因为彼得又瘦又矮。根据上文“一个强壮的男孩想欺负他”可知原因是“彼得又瘦又矮。”thin 瘦的,苗条的;符合语境。故选A。 4. 句意:彼得很生气,用拳头打了那个男孩,但他没有用太大的力气。force 力气,不可数名词;too many 太多,修饰可数名词复数;too much 太多,修饰不可数名词。结合句意可知选填 much。故选B。


冀教版八年级上英语语法专项练习 1、The boy likes questions. A.ask B.answer C.to ask 2、We'll try there on time. A.to get B.getting C.got 3、They hoped their mother soon. A.to see B.saw C.seeing 4、I'm glad you again. A.meet B.met C.to meet 5、He often helps me my bike. A.mending B.to mend C.to mended 6、I heard Alice in the next door. A.sings B.sang C.sing 7、The work is easy. Let him it by himself. A.do B.to do C.doing 8、He saw Dick in and take a book away. A.came B.coming C.come 9、Does Jack want a writer? A.be B.is C.to be 10、The boss had them from morning to night. A.worked B.working C.Work 11、It's time home. A.to go B.went C.going 12、Tom is kind. He would like you. A.to help B.help C.helped 13、Don't forget your books to school. A.bring B.to bring C.brought 14、I don't know . A.where does he live B.what is he doing C.where he lives D.what he is dring it 15、Ask him how much . A.did it cost B.cost it C.it costed D.it costs 16、I wonder used for. A.what was this room B.which was this room C.what this room was D.that this room was 17、I really don't know . A.where he was born B.where he is born C.where was he born D.where is he born 18、We have no idea . A.how worried was he B.how worried he was C.that was he worried D.what was he worried 19、He wanted to know there. A.how long time I had been B.how long had I been C.how long I had been D.how long I was 20、My mother wants to know . A.how is Tom getting along B.how he is getting along C.what is he getting along D.what he is getting along 21、What shall we do it rains tomorrow? A.if B.when C.since 22、The doctor didn't have a rest the operation was over. A.before B.after C.until 23、She didn't go to the cinema she was very busy. A.when B.until C.Because 24、His parents didn't send their children to school life was hard. A.if B.while C.because 25、Finish doing your homework you go to bed. A.before B.until C.after 26、The film was interesting all of us wanted to see it again. A.as, as B.so, that C.such, that 27、he heard a girl crying for help outside, he rushed out of the room. A.Before B.As soon as C.after 28、There are students in Class One in Class Two. A.as many, than B.as much, as C.more, than D.so many, as 29. I was watching TV, my sister was litening to the radio programme. A.After B.While C.Before 30、Let's wait for him ____ ___ he ___ ___ back. A.until, will come B.until, came C.if, will come D.until, comes 31、I'll remember ____ ___ her the letter. A.give B.gave C.to give 32、He turned on the radio and stopped __ ____ to the radio. A.listened B.to listen C.listening 33、He had decided ___ ___ it again. A.written B.writing C.to write


1、 选择单词并用其正确形式填空 Li Hong a boy. He is twelve years old. He up at six every morning. He and his friend, Wang Tao are in No 1 Middle School. He playing basketball after school. But his friend, Wang Tao, doesn’t like to it. They often to a movie on . But they don’t like documentaries. They science is boring, they think English is very . They very well at school. Musicians wanted for the school show Your attention, please. We will _________ a show at 6:00pm _________ Sunday. We _________two good musicians for the show. If you _________ dance or sing, please_________ us. If you can play the piano, the ________ or the guitar, please send an ___________ to GiGi182@ 163. com. Also, we want three people to _________us to paint some pictures. So if you can __________, please ___________ to the school office(办公室) before Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are Americans. But now they are in Beijing their kids. This is their first time to China. Mr. Cooper is a . He sings very well. Mrs Cooper is a . Her daughter studies at her school. Mrs. Cooper likes Beijing Opera very much. She thinks she can learn about Chinese and culture. So she often goes to see Beijing opera. he r daughter doesn’t think so. She likes , and her favorite movie is Mr. Bean. Mr. Cooper doesn’t like movies. He thinks they are . He likes sports. His favorite sport is . He likes Yao Ming very much. The Coopers want to go to Pingyao, Shanxi. It is an and nice place. They want to take photos there. They can also to speak Chinese. They can have a good time in China. It’s the time of year again. to Jenny’s Clothes Store. Have a at our new clothes. We them at a very good price. We have new T-shirts for $15 each. Skirts are sale for only$15. Do you to have one? We have great pants. How are they? Only 20. Anybody can afford prices. Come and for yourself at Jenny’s Store!


八年级英语上册语法填空解题技巧及练习测试题 一、八年级英语上册语法填空专项练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多限填3个单词)。 Marie Kondo is good at organizing(整理). Although she is not a popular star or a young actress, she. ________ (become) very famous in the world. She has written some________ on organizing. In her books, Marie says that if you hope to spend________ (little)time on housework, you should make things right ________ first. She tells people not to keep things by season. She also thinks we can do housework ________ (cheap)without spending a lot of money. For example, she asks people not to ________ money on expensive organizing boxes. She was ________ (interest) in organizing when she was young. As a little girl, ________ of her hobbies was to read books about organizing. In school, she cleaned up bookshelves while her classmates were having a, ________(wonder) time in P. E. classes. Some people don't think her ideas ________ right. However, she has a large number of fans. She has made many speeches on TV. And someone made a movie about her life stories. And she is very famous now. 【答案】 becomes;books;less;at;cheaply;spend;interested;one;wonderful;are 【解析】【分析】主要讲了Marie Kondo擅长整理。 (1)句意:尽管她不是一个受欢迎的明星或者年轻的女演员,但是她在世界上是非常著名的。时态是一般现在时,主语是she,所以become用becomes,故填becomes。 (2)句意:她已经写了一些关于整理的书。根据后句In her books在她的书里,可知是写了一些书,书用book,可数名词,some修饰可数名词复数或者不可数名词,所以book用books,故填books。 (3)句意:在她的书里,Marie说如果你希望花费更少的时间做家务,你应该首先让事情条理。与之前相比时间更少,所以用little的比较级less;at first起初,固定搭配,故填less,at。 (4)句意:她也认为我们可以不花费许多钱便宜地做家务。副词修饰实义动词,do是实义动词,所以用形容词cheap的副词cheaply,故填cheaply。 (5)句意:例如,它让我们不要花费金钱在昂贵的整理箱上。spend+金钱+on sth.,花费金钱在某物上,固定搭配,故填on。 (6)句意:当她非常小时,她对整理感兴趣。be interested in,对……感兴趣,固定搭配,故填interested。 (7)句意:作为一个小女孩,她的爱好之一是读关于整理的书。one of+可数名词复数,表示......之一,固定搭配,故填one。 (8)句意:在学校,当她的同学正在体育课上玩得高兴时她打扫书橱。形容词修饰名词,time是名词,所以用动词wonder的形容词wonderful,故填wonderful。 (9)句意:一些人不认为她的想法是正确的。时态是一般现在时,主语是复数ideas,所以be用are,故填are。 【点评】考查语法填空,考查词汇在语篇中的运用能力。注意理解句意,首先读一遍,然


人教版八年级英语上学期语法专项辅导与训练 语法专项I I. 名词:在我们身边存在着形形色色的人和事物,它们都有自己的称呼,我们用来称呼它们的词就是名词,概括来说表示人、事物、地方、现象等的名称的词都叫名词。 一. 名词的种类:名词可以分为专有名词和普通名词,普通名词又分为个体名词和集体名词,物质名词和抽象名词。 1. 专有名词:专有名词是指人、地方、团体、机构等特有的名词,它的第一个字母必须大写,专有名词前一般不加冠词。 A. 表示人名:Li Bai,Mr Black,Doctor Zhang B. 表示地名:China,London,Zhong Guan Cun Street. C. 由普通名词构成的专有名词:the Spring Festival, the Palace Museum. 2. 普通名词:普通名词指一类人或东西或一个抽象的名标,它可以进一步分为个体名词、集合名词、物质名词和抽象名词四类。 A. 个体名词:表示某类人或事物中的个体:student,teacher,car. B. 集合名词:表示若干个体组成的集合体;family,police,people. C. 抽象名词:表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象的概念:music,love D. 物质名词:表示无法分为个体的物质或实物:water,tea,air 二. 名词的数:表示可以计算数目的人或物称为可数名词,表示一个用单数,两个以上用复数,可数名词单数前面一般要用不定冠词a / an,可数名词复数是在单数名词后面加“s”或“es”。可数名词复数前不能用不定冠词a / an。 1. 单数可数名词,表示“一”的概念,要用名词的单数形式,表示名词的单数,要在名词前加冠词a或an。 eg:a book,a tree,a shark an octopus,an apple,an egg 2. 复数可数名词:在英语中,如果要表示“二、三、四,……”概念时,要用名词的复数形式,名词的复数形式是在单数名词后加上词尾-s或-es构成的。 A. 名词复数的规则变化。 a. 在一般情况下,词尾后加-s。 books,cups,beds,boys,horses b. 以s,x,sh,ch结尾的词,词尾加-es,读|iz| buses,boxes,dishes,watches c. 以f或fe结尾的词,先将f或fe变成v,再加-es,读|vz| half—halves,knife—knives d. 以o结尾的词,词尾加-es或-s。 zoos,photos,radios,tomatoes,potatoes e. 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,先将y改为i再加-es。 cities,families,babies B. 名词复数的不规则变化。 man—men,tooth—teeth,child—children,sheep—sheep C. 有些名词只有复数形式 clothes,trousers,pants,glasses


人教版英语八年级英语上册语法填空 一、八年级英语上册语法填空专项练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Helen is in Grade Eight. She smiles at everyone and she's always glad to help others. But do you know she had a sad story? Helen's parents died in ________fire when she was nine years old. After that, her aunt and uncle adopted(收养)her. They sent her to a new school. In that school, Helen________(know)nothing about her new classmates. She didn't talk too much and she was________(shy)and quieter than most kids. That made________difficult for her to make friends, so she had few friends at school. Her aunt and uncle worried about her.________(lucky), Helen met a funny girl named Sandy. After making friends________Sandy, Helen became more outgoing________before. Sandy usually tells jokes to make her laugh and Helen often helps Sandy with her studies. Now they are good friends. Helen is really hard-working and she always________(get) A's in her subjects. Sandy says, "Helen studies very hard. She often helps me with my homework. Now I'm getting better________(grade) with her help________she is different from me, I like her very much.【答案】 a;knew;shyer;it;Luckily;with;than;gets;grades;Though/ Although 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要叙述海伦九岁时父母死于火灾。在那之后,她叔叔婶婶收养了她。他们送她去了一所新学校。在那所学校,海伦对她的新同学一无所知。她说话不多,而且比大多数孩子更害羞,更安静。这使她很难交到朋友,所以她在学校很少有朋友。她叔叔婶婶很担心她。幸运的是,海伦遇到了一个有趣的女孩,名叫桑迪。在和桑迪交了朋友之后,海伦变得比以前更外向了。桑迪经常讲笑话逗她笑,海伦经常帮助桑迪学习。现在他们是好朋友了。海伦真的很努力,她的科目总是得了A。桑迪说:“海伦学习很努力。她经常帮我做作业。现在在她的帮助下,我的成绩越来越好。虽然她和我不一样,但我非常喜欢她。 (1)考查不定冠词。句意:海伦九岁时父母死于一场火灾。fire火灾,可数名词单数,且以辅音音素开头,要用不定冠词a,故答案为:a。 (2)考查一般过去时。句意:在那所学校,海伦对她的新同学一无所知。know知道,动词。本段都是叙述过去发生的事情,要用一般过去时。know的过去式knew,故答案为:knew。 (3)考查形容词。句意:她说话不多,而且比大多数孩子更害羞,更安静。空格后有... and quieter than,可知有and连接并列形容词比较级。形容词shy的比较级shyer,故答案为:shyer。 (4)考查代词。句意:这使她很难交到朋友。make使,让,使役动词,此处结构为make+宾语+宾补(形容词)。固定结构。此处是不定式短语作真正宾语,要放在句末,用it作形式宾语,故答案为:it。 (5)考查副词。句意:幸运的是,海伦遇到了一个有趣的女孩,名叫桑迪。由逗号与句子隔开,修饰整个句子作状语。形容词lucky的副词为luckily。故答案为:Luckily。

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