world of PowerPoint for the very first time. We have many PowerPoint templates that has been specifically designed to help anyone that is stepping into the 茎。培育2~3年鳞茎可重达50克,每亩约需种鳞片 templates that has been specifically designed to help anyone that is stepping into the 100公斤,能种植大田15亩左右。world of PowerPoint for the very first time. We have many PowerPoint templates that has specifically designed to help anyone that is stepping into the world of PowerPoint for the very first time. We have many PowerPoint templates that has been specifically designed to help 花卉介绍之百合篇 2020/10/16 . 1 春去无芳可得寻, 山丹最晚出幽林。 花似鹿葱还耐久, 叶如芍药不多深。 宋·杨万里 2020/10/16 . 2 2020/10/16 百 合 ( 百 合 科 WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT? 百 合 We have many PowerPoint templates that has been 2020/10/16 鳞茎球形,淡白色, 先端常开放如莲座状, 由多数肉质肥厚、卵匙 形的鳞片聚合而成。 . 7 形态特征 花大、多白色、 漏斗形, 单生于茎顶。 2020/10/16 . 8 形态特征 • 珠芽和籽球均可用来繁殖。 • 叶片总数可多于100张,互生,无 柄,披针形至椭圆状披针形,全 缘,叶脉弧形。 2020/10/16 2020/10/16 world of PowerPoint for the very . first time. 13 繁 殖 2020/10/16 四、繁殖 有性繁殖 无性繁殖 . 鳞片繁殖 小鳞茎繁殖 珠芽繁殖 14 • 有性繁殖 秋季将成熟的种籽采下。在苗床内播种, 第二年秋季可产生小鳞茎。此法时间长,种 性易变,生产上少用。 属 specifically designed to help anyone that is stepping into the world of PowerPoint for the very first time. We have many PowerPoint templates that has . 9 形态特征 • 种子多数,卵形,扁平。6月上旬现 蕾,7月上旬始花,7月中旬盛花,7 月下旬终花,果期7~10月。 2020/10/16 . 10 二、生长环境 • 喜凉爽,较耐寒。高温地区生长不良。 喜干燥,怕水涝。对土壤要求不严,但 在土层深厚、肥沃疏松的砂质壤土中, 鳞茎色泽洁白、肉质较厚。粘重的土壤 不宜栽培。根系粗壮发达,耐肥。 We have many PowerPoint templates that has been 人工杂交而产生的 新品种,如亚洲百 合、香水百合、火 百合等。鳞茎含丰 富淀粉,可食,亦 作药用。 2020/10/16 . 又名强蜀、番韭、山丹、倒 仙、重迈、中庭、摩罗、重 箱、中逢花、百合蒜、大师 傅蒜、夜合花等。 多年生草本球根植物,原 产于中国,主要分布在亚 洲东部、欧洲、北美洲等 北半球温带地区,全球已 发现有至少120个品种, 其中55种产于中国。 2020/10/16 . 12 三、地理分布 • 主产于湖南、四川、河南、江苏、 浙江,全国各地均有种植,少部 分为野生资源。 We have many PowerPoint templates that has been specifically designed to help anyone that is stepping into the 植 物 been specifically designed to help anyone that is stepping into the world of PowerPoint for the very ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ ) . first time. 3 百合简介 被子植物门 单子叶植物纲 百合目 百合科 百合属 近年更有不少经过 been specifically designed to help anyone that is stepping into the world of PowerPoint for the very 2020/10/16 . first time. anyone that is stepping into the world of PowerPoint for the very 2020/10/16 . first time. 11 生长环境 • 春季出土后要求充足的氮素营养及足 够的磷钾肥料,N:P:K=1:0.8:1, 肥料应以有机肥为主。忌连作,3~4 年轮作一次,前作以豆科、禾本科作 物为好。 4 01 形态特征 05 栽培技术 CONTENTS 02 生长环境 06 品种分类 目 录 03 地理分布 07 主要价值 04 繁殖 08 花语 2020/10/16 . 5 一、形态特征 • 多年生草本,株高70—150厘米。 • 根分为肉质根和纤维状根两类。 • 茎直立,圆柱形,常有紫色斑点,无 毛,绿色。 形态特征 2020/10/16 . 15 鳞片繁殖 秋季,选健壮无病、肥大的鳞片在1∶500的苯 菌灵或克菌丹水溶液中浸30分钟,取出后阴干,基 部向下,将 1/3~2/3鳞片插入有肥沃砂壤土的苗床 中,密度3~4x15厘米,盖草遮荫保WHA湿T MA。KES US DIFFERENT? 约20天后,鳞片下端切口处便We hav会e many形PowerP成oint 1~2个小鳞