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三级复习大全 (1)

三一口语三级考试复习题大全 (2)

三一口语三级考试话题汇总 (4)

三一口语三级真题Grade (5)

三一口语考试三级考官问题 (5)

三一口语三级备考必备:谈论天气用语小结 (10)

喜欢与厌恶表达用语小结 (11)

口语考试中,说英语卡壳了怎么办? (12)

三一口语:挑战你的舌头英文绕口令 (13)


1. What does your father do? 你爸爸是做什么的?

My father is a worker.

2. What does your mother do? 你妈妈是做什么的?

My mother is a nurse.

3. What do your parents do? 你的父母是做什么的?

They’re workers.

4. Is your mother a teacher? 你的妈妈是老师吗?

No, she isn’t.

Is your father a teacher? 你的爸爸是老师吗?

Yes he is.

No, he isn’t.

5. Where do you live? 你住在哪?

I live in…

6. Is your home far from here? 你家离这远吗?

Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t.

7. Where do you study? 你在哪上学?

I study at…school.

8. Tell me about your school. 给我说说你的学校。

My school is very big and beautiful. There’re three classroom buildings in my school. There’re many trees and flowers in my school. We usually do sports in the playground. I love my school.

9. How many buildings are there in your school? 你的学校就几栋楼?

There are five buildings in my school.

10. Is your school big? 你的学校大吗?

Yes it is.

No, it isn’t.

11. Are there many trees and flowers in your school? 你的学校有许多树和花吗?

Yes, there’re many trees and flowers in my school.

No, there aren’t many trees and flowers in my school.

12. When is your birthday? 你什么时候过生日?

My birthday is January the first.

13. What’s the date today? 今天是几月几号?

Today is November the twenty-fifth.

14. What was the date yesterday? 昨天是几月几号?

Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.

15. Is it March? 现在是三月吗?

Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t.

16. Which month is it now? 现在是几月?

Now it is November.

17. Was it Friday yesterday? 昨天是星期五吗?

No, it wasn’t. Yest erday was Saturday.

18. What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?

It’s sunny and warm.

It’s windy and cold.

19. What was the weather like yesterday? 昨天天气怎么样?

It was windy yesterday.

20. Is it a nice day today? 今天是一个好天气吗?

Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t.

21. Was it cloudy yesterday? 昨天刮风吗?

Yes, it was.

No, it wasn’t.

22. What’s the weather like in Beijing in spring? 北京春天的天气怎么样?

It’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.

23. What’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn? 北京秋天的天气怎么样?

It’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.

What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer? 北京夏天的天气怎么样?

It’s hot in Beijing in summer.

What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter? 北京冬天的天气怎么样?

It’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.

24. What are your classmates doing now? 你的同学现在正在做什么?

They’re studying.

25. What are you doing now? 你现在正在做什么?

I’m talking with you.

26. What is your teacher doing now? 你的老师现在正在做什么?

He is teaching students.

27. What are your parents doing now? 你的父母现在正在做什么?

They are working.

28. What time do you get up in the morning? 早上你几天起床?

I get up at six o’clock in the morning.

29. Where do you have breakfast, at school or at home? 你在哪吃早饭,在学校还是在家?

I have breakfast at home.

30. What subjects do you study at school? 你在学校学什么科目?

I study math, Chinese and English at school.

31. Do you have classes on Saturday and Sunday? 你周六和周日上课吗?

Yes, I do.

No, I don’t.

32. What time do you finish school? 你几点放学?

I finish school at five o’clock.

33. What do you usually do in the evening? 你晚上经常做什么?

I usually do my homework in the evening.

34. What time is it now? 现在几点了?

It’s 10 o’clock.


Family and An Person话题

1.What did you study in your school?

2.What (kind of) subject do you like ?

3.Is your home/house far from your school? How far is it?

4.Which subject do you like best?

5.What are xxx doing?

6.What were they doing yesterday?

7.Can you do xxx?


1、What's the weather like today?

2、What was the weather like yesterday?

Spare Time话题

Do you have classes at the weekends?

What do you usually do after school or class?

Time and Date话题

What time/(when) do you usually get up?

What's the date today? What day is it today?

三一口语三级真题Grad e

1. 有关时间和日期的: What time(when) do you usually get up?

What's the date today? What day is it today?

2. 有关业余时间的: Do you have classes at the weekends?

What do you usually do after school or class?

3. 有关天气的: What's the weather like today?

What was the weather like yesterday?

4. 有关家庭生活和个人熟悉的场景

a) What did you study in your school?

b) What (kind of) subject do you like ?

c) Is your home/house far from your school? How far is it?

d) Which subject do you like best?

5. What are xxx doing?

6. What were they doing yesterday?

7. Can you do xxx?




What’s your full name?

What’s your last/family/surname?

What’s your given/first name?

What is your English name?

How can I call you?

Who give your name?

What’s the meaning of your Chinese name?

Have you ever changed your name? Why?


What's the date today?

What was the date yesterday?

Which month is it now?

When is your birthday?


What time(when) do you usually get up?

What's the date today?

What day is it today?

How many days in one year?

how many months in one year?

how many seasons in one year?


What is your favorite time in a day? Why?

What do you usually do at that time?

What is your busiest time in a day?

When you are free, what do you do?

What do people do their spare time?

Do you think spare time is important to you?

Do you wear a watch?

Do you think it important to be on time?

How do you feel when others are late?


Do you have classes at the weekends?

What do you usually do after school or class?


What's the weather like today?

What was the weather like yesterday?

Which district is your home in?

What's the weather like today?

What was the weather like yesterday?

What is your favorite season? Why?

What do you do in that season?

What people do in this season?

What do the four seasons like in your country?

Tell me the climate in your hometown?

What kind of weather do you like?

What type of weather do Chinese people usually like?

What do you often do on sunny days? And on cold days?

How do you get information about weather?


the weather in my hometown is obviously different from season to season. The spring and autumn are somewhat similar as both are humid.

In the summer, it is very hot and moist while when winter comes, it becomes quite cold, sometimes.


well, it is hard to say. It is cold in the Northern provinces like Heilongjiang, and warm in the southern ones like Hainan Island.


what's your favorite room in your home

what it likes you live

what you do in the room and explain why you like it


where are you study?

Where is your school?

Which school are you in?

Is there a library in your building?

How many floors are there in your building?

Which floor is your classroom in?

What did you study in your school?

What (kind of) subject do you like ?

Is your home/house far from your school? How far is it?

Which subject do you like best?

Can you tell me something about your study?

What subject does you like or dislike?

Tell me about your primary school?

Introduce a school you like

1)what's kind of it

2)what size

3)what u enjoy most during the school time and explain why you like



Who is your best friend?

Can you tell me something about your friend?

How old is your friend?


How do you usually go to school?

Which bus do you take to go to school?

How long does it take you to go to school by bike / car?

Is your home far from your school?

How far is it from your home to school?


What were you doing at this time yesterday?

Do you play basketball?

Who do you often play with?

What do you do on school playground in winter?

What do you often do in your spare time?

What are xxx doing?

What were they doing yesterday?

Can you do xxx?


What’s your plan in the future?

Why you want to go abroad?

What kind of job will you choose? Why?


say something about your hometown.what do you think of it?

what is the most interesting place in your hometown?

Where do you come from ?

What’s the climate like in your hometown?

What are the people like in your hometown?

Where do you live?

Do you like a house or a flat?

Do you like the place where you live?

When did you begin to live there?


Describe a teacher who is important to you. who?

What does he/she teach?

his/her personality?

why you remember he/she?


Describe a person who is living near you.who is it?

Which kind of person he/she is?

Do you think he/she is a good neighbour?

Do you have many friends?


What do you often do on weekends?

What will you do tomorrow?

What did you do yesterday?

What are you going to do this afternoon?

What do you often play in the park?! o!


What’s your favorite food ?

When did you go to eat KFC/Macdonald’s last time?


What’s your favorite book?

Which is your first bood you read ?


When do you go shopping?#

Who do you go shopping with?

How often do you go shopping?

What kind of goods fo you often buy?

Are there any interest when you go shopping?

What do you think is the best shop in your mind?


What’s your hobby?

What’s your favorite sports ?%

Who taught you ?

Where did you learn it ?

What’s your parents’ favorite sports?$ U

How often do you play football?

Which book did you read yesterday?

Do you like playing computer games?why?

Talk about a kind of sport. You should say:

-What it is?

-Whether it is popular?

-Who likes it?


Where did you go last summer holiday?

What did the place look like?

How did you go there ?4

What’s your favorite holiday?:

What do people do on this holiday?

When is Christmas Eve?/

What do you think of Christmas?/

What’s the difference between Christmas and Spring Festival?% G what do you often do in Spring Festival?



What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?

What’s the weather going to be like at the weekend?


It’s fine / cloudy / rainy today. 今天天气不错/多云/有雨。

It’s getting cold / warm in two days. 两天后要变冷/ 暖和。

It’s rather warm / cold / hot today, isn’t it?


It’s a beautiful day today. 今天天气很好。

― Beautiful day, isn’t it? 天气不错,不是吗?

― Yes, it is. 是的。

Hopefully tomorrow will turn out fine. 希望明天是个好天气。


― It’s a beautiful day today.

― ______

― My goodness. It’s only May.

A. And the temperature is not high.

B. The weather forecast says it’s fine and going to be 26 degrees.

C. It’s rather warm today, isn’t it?

D. Is that true?



1. ― I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow.

― ______

A. I don’t like the weather at this time of the year.

B. I don’t mind if it is going to rain tomorrow.

C. Didn’t you read the newspaper yourself?

D. Let’s listen to the weather report on the radio.

2. ― ______

― The high is twenty? four degrees centigrade and the low is eighteen degrees centigrade today.

A. What’s the usual temperature?

B. How high is the temperature?

C. How is the weather today?

D. How low is the temperature?

Key: 1-2 D C


喜好和厌恶(likes and dislikes)直接表达了一个人的情感和态度。究竟是喜欢还是不喜欢,要根据具体情况把你的真实情感明白地表达出来,而且表达厌恶时要注意委婉含蓄。

I like / love the dinner you prepared yesterday (very much). 我(非常)喜欢 /喜爱你昨天准备的晚餐。

I like / love to write poems in my spare time. 我喜欢在业余时间写诗歌。

I quite like the story written by the famous professor.


I really enjoy reading English novels.我确实喜欢看英文小说。

I am fond of listening to popular music like many young people.


To tell the truth, I’m rather keen on science fictions.


I don’t like to play football after supper. 我不喜欢晚饭后踢足球。

I dislike being treated like that.我不喜欢被那样对待。

I hate to laugh at others when they are in trouble.




―I’m fond of playing table tennis.

A. Do you like sports?

B. Which sport do you like best?

C. Playing table tennis is fun.

D. Is playing table tennis your favorite thing to do?


1. ―Walking an hour every day is good for one’s health.

―Certainly. However, _______.

A. I love doing it very much

B. I don’t hate it

C. I don’t like to do it every day

D. climbing a mountain is also good

2. ―_______. Did you do it yourself?

―I’m glad you like it. My sister did it for me.

A. I don’t think so

B. I like your new hair style

C. I have no idea

D. You look nice today

3. ―Which would you rather have, tea or coffee?


A. Neither, thank you.

B. Yes, both.

C. Why not?

D. Sure, I would.

Key: 1-3 CBA



Mark: "English is a very easy language to learn."

Susan: "What do you mean?"

Mark: "Well, what I meant to say was that it's easy if you practice every day."

Susan: "Oh, right."


1. 重组语句,换一种说法。

"What I meant to say was..."

"Let me rephrase that..."

"Let me put this another way..."

"Perhaps I'm not making myself clear..."

2. 从头再说一次。

"If we go back to the beginning..."

"The basic idea is..."

"One way of looking at it is..."

"Another way of looking at it is..."

3. 如果一下子卡了壳,想不起来用英语怎么说:

"I can't find the word I'm looking for..."

"I'm not sure if this is the right word, but..."

"What I want to say is…"



1. A big black bear sat on a big black bug.

2. A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear

bleed blood.

3. A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!

4. A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule.

5. A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more!

6. Ann and Andy’s anniversary is in April.

7. Bake big batches of bitter brown bread.

8. Big black bugs bleed blue black blood but baby black bugs bleed

blue blood.

9. Black background, brown background.

10. Blake’s black bike’s back brake bracket block broke.

11. Blue glue gun, green glue gun.

12. Caution: Wide Right Turns

13. Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.

14. Elizabeth has eleven elves in her elm tree.

15. Elizabeth’s birthday is on the third Thursday of this month.

16. Fresh fried fish, Fish fresh fried, Fried fish fresh, Fish fried


17. Freshly fried fresh flesh

18. Green glass globes glow greenly.

19. He threw three balls.

20. He threw three free throws.

21. Here’s an easy game to play. Here’s an easy thing to say:

22. How many cookies could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook

cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who

could cook cookies.

23. How may saws could a see-saw saw if a see-saw could saw saws?

24. How much oil boil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil?

25. I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn’t the thought

I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been

the thought I thought, I wouldn’t have thought so much.

26. I wish I were what I was when I wished I were what I am.

27. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish

the witch wishes, I won’t wis h the wish you wish to wish.

28. I wish you were a fish in my dish

29. If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch

which watch?

30. If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is

not worth noticing.

31. It’s not the cough that carries you off, it’s the coffin they

carry you off in!

32. Little red lorry

33. Miss Smith’s fish-sauce shop seldom sells shellfish.

34. Never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you!

35. Nothing is worth thousands of deaths.

36. Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut Butter. Peter Pan Peanut is

the peanut picky people pick.

37. Ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right.

38. She said she should sit.

39. She sells sea shells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are

seashells she is sure.

40. Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop.

41. Silly sheep weep and sleep.

42. Six shining cities, six shining cities, six shining cities.

43. Six sick sea-serpents swam the seven seas.

44. Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards

45. Stupid superstition!

46. The batter with the butter is the batter that is better!

47. The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes.

48. The soldier’s shoulder surely hurts!

49. There those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other

three thieves go through.

50. There’s a sandwich on the sand which was sent by a sane witch.

51. Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town.

52. Very well, very well, very well ...

53. What noise annoys an oyster most? A noisy noise annoys an oyster


54. Willie’s really weary.








公共英语三级考试大纲 概述 1.关于考试的组成 PETS第三级考试由笔试和口试两项独立考试组成。 2.关于考试指导语和题目用语 PETS第三级考试中,笔试、口试的指导语均为英文。口试所提供的引导性材料中可能会涉及少量的中文。 3.关于笔试答题卡和口试登分卡的使用 PETS第三级笔试使用一张答题卡,考生在卡上填涂和书写。 PETS第三级口试使用一张口试成绩登分卡。口试开始前考生在卡上填好自己的考号等有关信息,口试结束后口试教师在卡上填上考生的口试成绩。 4.关于考试的时间、题量和原始赋分 PETS第三级笔试包括听力、阅读和写作三部分,各部分及总体的答题时间、题量和原始赋分(除特殊情况外,每题1分),PETS第三级口试包括三节,考试时间共计10分钟,如下表所示: 5.关于笔试分数权重 为处理好考试中题目数量、赋分与各种技能的考查关系,PETS第三级笔试采用了分数加权的办法,即对各部分题目的原始赋分分别给予不同的权重,使之能够平衡各种技能的考查关系。 PETS第三级笔试中各部分所占分数权重如下所示:

各部分赋分加权的总和为100分。考生得到的考试成绩是其各部分原始得分经过加权处理后的分数总和。如: 某考生听力部分原始得分为20分,经加权处理后的分数应为24分 (20÷25×30-2440=3230=16部分原船分为20分,经加权处理后的分数应为32分(20÷25×40=32分);其写作部分原始得分为16分,经加权处理后的分数应为16分(16÷30×30=16分)。该考生未经过加权的原始总分为56分,各部分经加权后的总分应为72分。 6.关于合格成绩 PETS第三级笔试成绩是笔试各部分原始得分加权后的总和,满分100分,60分以上(含60分)为合格。 PETS第三级口试成绩是两名口试教师所给分数加权后的总和,满分5分,3分以上(含3分)为合格。 笔试内容和结构 PETS第三级笔试的全部试题在一份试卷中,包括听力、阅读和写作三个部分。考试时间为120分钟。 第一部分听力 该部分由A、B两节组成,考查考生理解英语口语的能力。 A节(10题):考查考生理解简短对话的具体信息、主旨要义、进行推理和引申等能力。要求考生根据所听到的10段简短对话(总长约400词),从每题所给的4个选择项中选出最佳选项。每段录音材料只播放一遍。 B节(15题):考查考生理解对话和独白的具体信息、主旨要义、进行推理和引申等能力。要求考生根据所听到的4段对话或独白(每段平均约200词,总长约800词),从每题所给的4个选择项中选出最佳选项。每段录音材料只播放一遍。 问题不在录音中播放,仅在试卷上印出。每段录音材料播放前、后都有适当停顿,用作读题和答题时间。听力考试进行时,考生将答案标在试卷上;听力部分结束前,考


三一口语考试中需要注意的 5 个细节(一) 1. Say hello and goodbye to the examiner. Just tell the examiner your Chinese name.( 首先要和考官打招呼, 只需要告诉考官你的中文名字即可.) 2. When answering questions, do not only say " yes" or " no". Try to keep talking and not to stop.( 在回答问题的时候,不要单纯只说"是", 或"不是", 要围绕这一话题尽可能多的论述.) 3. Meanwhile, don't be nervous when you interrupted by the examiner.( 同时, 如果在论述的过程中被考官打断了,也不要紧张.) 4. If you do not hear the questions clearly just ask the examiner to repeat that.( 如果你没有听清楚考官的问题, 可以让他重复一次.) 5. Don't tell lies and give original and interesting ideas.( 不要说谎, 要给出考官比较新颖的和有趣的观点考点内容 1. 三一口语四级考试中的时态问题:三一口语四级对于考生来说,主要侧重于一般过去时,一般将来时两种基础时态。2. 首先,三一口语新大纲要求like 要求掌握like to do sth/ li ke doing sth. 本质来说,大纲中并没有实质增加新的考点,只是更加完善了like 的用法 三一口语四级考试第一部分需要注意:(二) 1. Greetings Good morning / afternoon! How are you?/ How are you doing? Fine. Thank you very much. Nice to meet you. / Nice to meet you, too. Glad to see you./ Me, too. Which school / grade are you in? Why do you take GESE exam? Nice day, isn’t it? Yeah, it’s war m and sunny. 2. If you don’t understand the examiner’s question, don’t worry and you can say: Would you please rephrase that? What do you mean by XX? I’m sorry, I can’t catch you. Would you please repeat that? Would you please say that again? 3. Gap Fillers ①表示正在思考:Let me see./ How to say/ It is not easy to say/ It is hard to say ②表示陈述事实:you know/ to be honest/ to be frank/ to tell you the truth/ in fact ③表示要表达自己的看法:in my opinion/ I think ④表示解释自己的句子:what I mean is / that is to say / what I want to say is 4. Brain storm and Talk around I’ve got an egg in my hand. So imagine how many ways you can use it in. You don’t know the word “watch”, but you should say something to make the people understand what you mean. 5. 四级对话话题范例:四级对话话题范例:Can I have your Topic form, please? Yes, here you are. I’m going to talk about New York. Do you know ? Where did you go for your holiday I went to Benidorm. last year? …. 三一口语考试技巧:(三) 三一口语四级的考试时间为十分钟,前五分钟是自选话题的部分,后五分钟是对话的部分。这两部分都非常的重要,因为这两部分各占考试分数的百分之五十。那么如何让学生在短短的十分钟内充分的展现自我,给考官留下深刻的印象,在所有的学生中脱颖而出?1.自选话题自选话题在选材时一定要慎重,尽量选一些很新颖的话题,当考官一看到你的自选话题时马上就能抓住他的眼球,这样考官会觉得你的选材很有新意。但是新颖并不是越奇特越好。在选材时还要注意所选题材一定是学生亲身经历的,而且在他的头脑中有深刻的印象。这样在和考官交流时学生才能有话可说。自选话题的选材一定要适合孩子。有些家长盲目求新,为孩子选择了一些较难的话题,因为孩子的年龄较小,认知性有限,较难的话题会影响孩子的发挥,自然也就会影响到孩子的成绩。在和考官分享自选

英语三级考试大纲 (短语)

1. a bit (of) 有一点儿 2. a couple of 两个;几个 3. a group of 一群 4. a kind of 一种; 一类 5. a lot of (lots of) 许多 6. a pair of 一双; 一副 7. a piece of "一(块,张,片,件)" 8. according to 按照;根据 9. after all "终究, 毕竟" 10. after school 放学后 11. agree with sb. 同意某人的意见 12. all day (long) 整天 13. all over 到处 14. all right 行了;好吧;(病)好了 15. all the same "还是, 仍然" 16. all the time 一直 17. all the way 一路上 18. and so on 等等 19. apologize to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉 20. arrive at / in a place 到达某地 21. as well 也;又 22. ask for 请求; 寻求

23. at breakfast /lunch /supper 早/午/晚餐时 24. at first / last 起先;开始的时候/ 最后;终于 25. at home 在家(里) 26. at least / most 至少/ 至多 27. at once 立刻;马上 28. at present "现在, 目前" 29. at school 在学校;在上课 30. at the moment "此刻,目前; 那时,当时 31. at the same time 同时 32. at work 在工作 33. at/on weekends 在周末 34. be able to 能够(有能力) 35. be afraid of 害怕 36. be angry with sb. 生某人的气 37. be bad for 有害于 38. be born 出生于 39. be busy with / doing sth. 忙于做某事 40. be careful with 小心 41. be covered with 被……覆盖 42. be different from 与……不同 43. be familiar to 对……熟悉 44. be famous for 以……而著名


三一口语一级测试题库1.What’syourname? 2Howoldareyou? 3Howareyou? 4What’sthenumber?(in20) 5Whatcolorisit? 6What’sthis?(birdduckdinosaur) 7Whatisit?(toothbrush,boatbike) 8Canyoutouchyourears? 9Canyouraiseyourhand? 10Doyouhaveabike? 11.Howmanyearsdoyouhave? 12.Whatisthis/that?Whatarethese/those? 13.Isitbig/small? 14.Thisishis/herbook. 15.Theyare… 16.Whatareyouwearing?IamwearingaTshirt,pantsandshoes. Listenandrespond https://www.doczj.com/doc/f016170269.html,etothetable. 2.Showmeyourhands.Pointtothewindow. 3.Givemethepen.Touchthebook. 4.Standup.Turnaround.Pleaseclapyourhands.

三一口语二级测试题库 1.Whoisyourbestfriend? 2.What’she/shelike? 3.Howmanypeoplearethereinyourfamily?Whoarethey? 4.Howmanyroomsarethereinyourhouse? 5.Whatdoyoudointhelivingroom/bedroom/bathroom/kitchen/diningroom?Whatdoyou haveinyourbedroom? 6.Haveyougotapet?Yes/Canyoudescribeit?No/Doyouwanttohaveone? 7.Whereistheturtle?In/On/Nextto/Infrontof/Behind/Under 8.What’sthisnumber? 9.Twentyplus/minusoneis..? 10.Arethereany....?No,therearen’tany... 11.Whatdayisittoday? 12.DoyoulikeSunday?Why? 13.Whenisyourbirthday? 14.Areyoutalkingnow? 15.Whattimedoyouusuallygetup/gotoschool/havelunch/gotobed? 16.Whatisyourhobby? 17.Canyouswim/skate/playbasketball? 18.Whoisyourbestfriend?Canyoudescribeyourbestfriend? 19.Whatdoesyourfather/motherdo?Howoldishe/she?Canyoudescribeyourfather/mother? 20.Howmanyseasonsarethereinayear?Whichseasondoyoulikebest? 21.Whatisthedatetoday?Howmanydaysarethereinaweek? 22.WhenisTeacher’sDay? 三一口语三级测试题库 1.Whatareyoudoingnow?IshewatchingTV?Isshedoinghishomework? 2.Whendoyougetupeveryday? 3.Whatdoyoudoat6o’clockintheevening? 4.WhatdoyouusuallydoonSunday?


第一章人力资源规划 第一节工作岗位分析与设计 一.人力资源规划的内涵:(重要)广义的人力资源规划是企业所有人力资源计划的总称,是战略规划和战术计划的统一;狭义的人力资源规划是指实施企业的发展战略,完成企业的生产经营目标,根据企业的内外环境和条件的变化,运用科学的方法对企业人力资源的需求和供给进行预测,制定相宜的政策和措施,从而使企业的人力资源供给和需求达到平衡,实现人力资源的合理配置,有效激励员工的过程。 二.人力资源规划的内容: 1.战略规划 2.组织规划 3.制度规划 4.人员规划 5.费用规划 三.工作岗位分析的概念:工作岗位分析是指各类工作岗位的性质任务、职责权限、岗位关系、劳动条件和环境,以及员工承担本岗位任务所具备的资格条件所进行的系统研究,并制定出工作说明书等岗位人事规范的过程。 四.工作岗位分析的作用 1. 工作岗位分析为招聘、选拔和任用合格的员工奠定了基础。 2.工作岗位分析为员工的考评、晋升提供了依据。 3.工作岗位分析是企业单位改进工作设计,优化劳动环境的必要条件。4、工作岗位分析是制定有效的人力资源规划,进行各类人才的供给和需求预测的重要前提。5.工作岗位分析是工作岗位评价的基础,工作岗位评价又是建立、健全企业单位薪酬制度的重要步骤。 五、工作岗位分析信息的主要来源:(重要) 1.书面资料 2.任职者的报告 3.同事的报告 4.直接的观察 六. 岗位规范的概念:岗位规范也称劳动规范、岗位规则或岗位标准、它是对组织中各类岗位某一专项事物或对某类员工劳动行为、素质要求等所作的统一规定。 七. 岗位规范的主要内容: 1.岗位劳动规则 2.定员定额标准 3.岗位培训规范 4.岗位员工规范 八. 岗位规范的结构模式: 1.知识能力规范 2.岗位培训规范 3.技术业务能力规范 4.生产岗位操作规范 九. 工作说明书的概念:工作说明书是组织对各类岗位的性质和特征、工作任务、职责权限、岗位关系、劳动条件和环境,以及本岗位人员任职的资格条件等事项所作的统一规定。 十.工作说明书的内容:(重要) 1.基本资料 2.岗位职责 3.监督与岗位关系 4.工作内容和要求 5.工作权限、6 劳动条件和环境7.工作时间8.资历9.身体条件10.心理品质要求11.专业知识和技能要求12.绩效考评 十一.工作岗位分析的程序: 准备阶段:1 根据工作岗位分析的总目标总任务,对企业各类岗位的现状进行)一(初步了解,掌握各种基本数据和资料。2.设计岗位调查方案。3.为了搞好工作岗位分析,还应做好员工的思想工作。4.根据工作岗位分析的任务、程序,分解成若干工作单元和环


三一口语二级考试复习 每天必问: 1、Is it Saturday? No, it isn’t. It’s Sunday. 2、Where is the apple? The apple is in the box. 3、Where is the cat? The cat is under the box. 4、Is she behind the door? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. 5、What is she doing? She is singing. 6、What is he doing? He is reading. 7、How many people are there in your family? There are three people in my family. 8、Who are they? They are my father, my mother and me. 9、Do you have any friends? Yes, I do. 10、Who is your best friend? Pony is my best friend. 复习: 1、Tell me about your best friend. 2、Tell me about your father. 3、Tell me about your mother. Who is your English teacher? Tell me about her. My best friend is Pony. (男孩)He is short and thin. (He is not tall.) He has short black hair. He has two big eyes. He wears a green shirt and a pair of grey trousers. (女孩)She’s pretty. She’s not tall and not short. She has two big eyes. She has long red hair. She wears a red shirt and a yellow skirt. 4、Tell me three kinds of animals. Cat, dog and monkey. 5、What are you wearing?


大学英语三级考试语法复习要点 一、动词的时态和语态 1. 动词的时态 1.1一般现在时(am/is/are+v-原) 1.1.1在下列从句中,主句如用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时1)由when, until, the moment, as soon as, after, the next time和if, unless, in case, whether, as long as, once, however,provided that, supposing 等连词引导的时间状语和条件状语从句中。 e.g. If she doesn’t tell him the truth now, he?ll simply keep on asking her until she does. Keep on doing sth继续做某事 He will call you up the moment he finishes the work. You won?t pass the exam unless you study harder. 2)在定语从句中,如,Be quick, or the train will have left by the time we get to the station 3)名词性的wh-, that- 从句中,如:They will be thankful for whatever help you offer him. 4)让步状语从句(从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时): e.g.Whether the weather is good or bad,… No matter whether you agree or not… However carefully you drive… 1.1.2 表示客观事实和真理的句子任何时候都用一般现在时。 e.g.In the past many people didn?t believe that the earth is round. 1.1.3 在某些常用的句中表示在一个具体的现在时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。 e.g.Here he comes. There goes the bell. 1.2 一般过去时(was/were+v-原) 1) 当提及过去存在的人或物时,即使句中没有表明过去的时间状语,该句的谓语动词也应该用一般过去时。 e.g.Dickens was a great English writer. When did you write the story? 2) 在表示时间或条件的状语从句中代替过去将来时。 e.g.They said they would let us know if they heard any news about him. I decided to go to the library as soon as I finished what I was doing. 1.3 一般将来时:表示将来打算进行或期待发生的动作或存在的状态。表示将来 的谓语结构有: shall/will do


考试内容包括五个部分:分别是阅读理解、词语用法与语法结构、挑错、完形填空和英汉互译。全部题目按顺序统一编号,共85题。 第一部分:阅读理解(Part I Reading Comprehension),共15题,考试时间40分钟。要求考生阅读三篇短文,总阅读量不超过900个词。每篇文章后有五个问题,考生应根据文章内容从每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。 短文选材的原则是: 1、题材广泛。包括人物传记、社会、文化、日常知识、热门话题及科普常识等。但所涉及的背景知识应能为学生所理解。 2、体裁多样。包括叙述文、说明文、议论文等。 3、文章的语言为中等难度。无法猜测而又影响理解的关键词,如超出全日制文理科教学大纲中词汇表一至三级的范围,则用汉语注明词义。 阅读理解部分主要测试考生的下述能力: 1、掌握所读材料的主旨和大意; 2、了解说明主旨和大意的事实和细节; 3、既理解字面的意思,又能根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论; 4、既理解个别句子的意义,又能在一定程度上理解上下文的逻辑关系。 阅读理解部分主要考核学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确,也要求有一定的速度。 第二部分:词语用法和语法结构(Part II Vocabulary and

Structure),共30题,考试时间25分钟。题目中50%为词和短语的用法,50%为语法结构。要求考生从每题四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。词语用法和语法结构部分主要考核学生运用词汇、短语及语法结构的能力。考试范围包括全日制文理科本科教学大纲中词汇表及语法结构表一至三级的主要内容。 第三部分:挑错(Part III Identification),共10题,考试时间10分钟。挑错题由10个单句组成。每个句子含有标着A、B、C、D的四个划线部分,其中有一处是错误的,要求考生从四个划线部分中挑出其错误的部分。挑错部分是词语用法和语法结构部分的延伸,目的是测试学生掌握词汇、短语及语法结构的熟练程度,其重点是固定搭配和句型。考试范围与第二部分相同。 第四部分:完形填空(Part IV Cloze),共20题,考试时间15分钟。完形填空题是在一篇题材熟悉、难度适中的短文(约200词)中留有20个空白。每个空白为一题,每题有四个选项。要求考生在全面理解内容的基础上选出一个最佳答案,使短文的结构和意思恢复完整。填空的选项包括结构词和实义词,有些选项会涉及到一些重要的语法内容。完形填空部分主要考核学生综合运用语言的能力。 第五部分:翻译(Part V Translation),共10题,考试时间30分钟。翻译试题由两部分组成。第一部分为英译汉,要求考生把前面阅读理解文章中划线的五个句子译成中文。第二部分为汉译英,要求考生把五个难度适中的中文句子译成英文。英译汉和汉译英的句子难度均低于课文的英语文章。评分标准要求译文达意,无重大语言错误。


三一口语2级 U1 Family 1.words mother father brother sister grandpa grandma aunt(婶婶) uncle(叔叔)cousin(堂/表兄弟姐妹)niece 侄女nephew 侄子parents 父母grandparents 祖父母son 儿子daughter 女儿wife 妻子hunsband 丈夫 2. Sentences 1)How many people are there in your family? There?re four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my older brother and me. 2)Who are they? They are my father, my mother, my older brother and me. My brother is___ years old. I?m___ years old. 3)Talk about your family. / Can you ( tell me) say sth. about your family? There?re four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and me. My father?s a manager(经理). My mother?s a housewife(家庭主妇).My brother is _ years old. I?m a student. I?m in Zhong Guancun No.3 primary school. I?m in Grade 3 class 9. I like English very much.


剑桥少儿英语三级(重点单词、句型)九天轻松复习 Day1 名词 subject科目dictionary词典;字典Maths数学postcard明信片 Science科学newspaper报纸 Geography 地理学magazine 杂志 History历史envelope信封 Art美术letter信件 Chinese汉语diary日记 exam考试 language语言 card卡片 动词 agree同意 hate讨厌;厌恶 arrive到达decide 决定 believe相信 race 赛跑 comb梳头 remember 记住 end结束push推;拽;扯 guess猜测pull拉; happen发生 其他词 across横过;在对面;穿过 since自从、、、、时候through穿过;通过if如果;假如 during在、、、、期间before在、、、、、以前over以上,多于;在、、、、上方ever曾经 until直到、、、、、为止else另外;其他;别的重点句型 1、What`s your favourite subject?你最喜欢的科目是什么? My favourite subject is English.我最喜欢的科目是英语。 2、What classes do you have ?你都有什么课程? I have English classes and Chinese classes.我有英语和语文课。 3、When is your first class ?你的第一节课什么时候上? It`s from 8:00 to 8:45 a.m.上午8:00上到8:45。 4、Which subject is easy for you ?哪一门课程对你来说容易学? Art is easy for me .美术课对我而言很容易。 5、What can you do in Art class?你在美术课上可以干什么? I can learn how to draw better.我可以学习如何画得更好。 6、Who teaches you English ?谁教你们英语? Mrs. Wang teaches us English.王老师教我们英语。


扬州大学综合英语三级考试大纲 SYLLABUS FOR UCET3 大学英语学期末综合英语级别考试属学业成绩测试(Achievement Test)。它旨在考核学生对某一级教程的掌握程度。这份三级考试大纲的制定原则一是依据《扬州大学大学英语教学大纲》中关于三级的各项具体要求,二是注意结合我校正在使用的几套大学英语主导教材。 根据教学大纲中扬州大学大学英语课程分级描述及教学要求规定,学生学完三级应达到下列要求: 1. 词汇:掌握单词3550个,其中复用式单词2200个及由这些单词构成的常用词组,要求能正确拼写,英汉互译,并掌握其基本用法。 2. 读:能运用学到的词汇和语法结构以及基本阅读技能,正确理解与课文难度相仿的文章。阅读速度达到每分钟70-80个词,准确率达到70%以上。重点检测学生阅读四个方面的能力:一是对文章大意的了解,二是对细节和重要事实的理解,尤其是含重点信息的长句、难句的理解,三是对原文材料隐含义的理解、推理,四是对原文作出合理的判断(如作者态度,写作的风格等)。 3. 听:能听懂英语讲课,听力专项训练教材里的材料播放一遍可以听懂,听力理解的准确率以70%为合格。 4. 写:注重英语写作知识的传授和相应的微技巧训练的结合。加强从句子水平上的书面表达能力逐步提高到语篇水平的写作能力的过度。培养学生能运用地道的词汇、语法结构和功能意念按规定的具体要求写作,力求达到用词准确,语法概念清楚。 5. 翻译:能运用所学教材中的语言知识及技能对短文或句子进行英汉互译,其难度均与教材中的翻译练习相当。翻译速度每小时为:英译汉300词;汉译英250词。译文通顺、达意,无重大语法错误。 本级考试的设计结合了教学的实际情况,在词汇量、阅读速度及技能、听力速度及技能等方面力求体现大纲上述的要求,同时注意考核语言能力及交际能力。 本级考试有50% 左右的内容与所学教材内容以及与教材相配套的练习有关(包括 题材、词汇、短语、语法结构、功能意念及语言技能等)。考试采用笔试形式,不考核 “说”的能力。 试卷中80-85% 的试题(第I、II、III部分)主要采用多项选择题,占75分;15-20% 的试题(第I、IV部分)采用主观性试题,占25分。 考试内容 一级考试包括四个部分:一、听力理解(Part I: Listening Comprehension 包括短对 话,长对话,短文和复合式听写);二、阅读理解(Part II: Reading Comprehension 包括 快速阅读和篇章阅读);三、完形填空(Part IV: Cloze); 四、翻译(Part V: Translation) 或写作(Writing)。 扬州大学综合英语三级考试大纲 1

GESE 三一口语考试简介

英国伦敦三一学院英语口语等级考试(GESE) 考试项目的引进 英国伦敦三一学院英语口语等级考试(GESE-Graded Examinations in Spoken English)是经英国文化委员会提议,专门为非英语国家设计的英语口语等级考试体系。目前已在亚洲、欧洲、拉美几十个国家和地区开展这项考试。1999年,北京教育考试院与伦敦三一学院正式签署合作协议,在北京地区引进该项考试。 考试的权威性 北京教育考试院主要负责北京地区各级各类学历和非学历教育考试及招生的管理和研究工作;管理和承办中外合作教育考试。每年举办升学、自学专业课、证书等考试近80种,参加考试的人数达百万人次以上。 伦敦三一学院(TCL-Trinity College London)是经英国政府批准、为英国文化委员会承认的考试机构。伦敦三一学院在世界各地举办音乐、戏剧、英语口语等多类考试,是英国英语口语考试和授予英语教师资格证书的主要机构之一,也是英语考试服务系统的主要国际承办者之一。1995年,伦敦三一学院因其英语教育方面的成就获得英国女王嘉奖。 英语口语等级考试的特点 1、面向社会适应不同年龄、不同学历、不同英语水平的英语学习者和使用者。 该项考试分四段十二级:预备级(1-3级)、初级(4-6级)、中级(7-9级)、高级(10-12级)。各级考试都实行一对一面试。从5分钟(1级)简单问答到25分钟(10级以上)的交谈,随着级别的升高,考试时间、内容和考核项目也逐渐增加。 2、自选级别、自备话题 考生可根据考试手册对各级要求的描述,结合自己的学习、实践经历,选择一个合适于本人的级别参加考试。 从四级开始,考生自选并准备谈话题目。考官针对考生所选的话题和文章在交谈和问答中完成考试要求。 考官力求为考生营造一个和谐友好的英语谈话氛围,从而使考生增强自信心,获得较好的成绩。 3、组织方式灵活机动 1)全年接受集体或个人报名。 2)考试时间根据人数和报名单位需要而定。 4、保证考试质量 1)考官 1-9级考试由经过英方严格培训和考核的中方考官担任;10-12级由英方考官担任。 2)考试成绩 考官根据考生水平从听力理解、语音、词汇、语法结构和交际策略等方面分项打分,通过了考试的考生给予通过(Pass)、良好(Merit)、优秀(Distinction)三个水平段的评定。 3)考试质量监控 考试全程录音。根据中英双方协议有关规定,由英方专人审听;中方专家对中方考官进行经常性指导。 4)考试成功率高 根据集体报名单位要求举办《级别要求专题讲座》,为考生选择适合自己的级别提供参


英语三级复习资料 名词的分类; 名词川以分为7?有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词(Comm on Nouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing, China等。普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book, sadness等。普通名词又可分为卜而四类:1)个体名词(Individual Nouns): 表示某类人或东西屮的个体,如:gun o2)集体名词(C ollective Nouns):表示若干个个体纟H.成的集合体,如:fam ily o 3)物质名词(Material Nouns):表示无法分为个体的实物,女口:air。4)抽象名词(Abstract Nouns): 表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如:worko个体名词和集体名词可以用数目来计算,称为可数名词(Coim table Nouns),物质名词和抽彖名词一般无法用数H计算, 称为不川数名词(Uncountable Nouns)。归纳一下,名词的分类可以卜?图表示

不可数名词量的表示 1)物质名词 a.当物质名词转化为个体名词时。比较:Cake is a kind of food.蛋糕是一种食物。(不可数) These cakes arc sweet.这些蛋糕很好吃。(可数) b.当物质名词表示该物质的种类时,名讪1可数。T his factory produces steel.(不可数)We need va rio us steels.(可数) c.当物质名词表示份数吋,可数。Our country is famous for tea. 我国因茶叶而闻名。Two tea s, please. 请来两杯茶。 2)抽象名词有时也可数。 four freedoms 四大自由the four modernizations H


英语三级语法重难点讲解内容 语法题型分析与解题技巧 语法结构 语法结构部分包括选择题和填空题两部分,Section A为选择题,要求考生从每题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,每题0.5分;Section B为填空题,要求考生用所给的词的适当形式填空,每题1分。 1.主谓一致 在主谓一致部分主要分析名词作主语、限定词加名词做主语、连词加名词做主语、数词、量词和动名词、不定式、从句等做主语。 主要解题技巧:1. 认真阅读题干,从句子结构和所给选项或单词判断考点是否是动词的数;2. 从动词的逻辑主语上确定动词的单、复数形式;3. 将答案放入题干中检查是否在结构和意义上都是正确的。 2. 虚拟语气 虚拟语气(Subjunctive Mood)是一种特殊的动词形式,用来表示说话人所说的话并不是事实,而是一种假设、愿望、怀疑或推测。这一语法项目是PRETCO(A级)的必考内容也是各类英语考试中心测试的重点之一。 这一部分主要讲解虚拟语气在if条件状语从句中的应用、虚拟语气在宾语从句中的应用、虚拟语气在状语从句中的应用、虚拟语气在宾语从句中的应用。 解题技巧:1. 根据题干和所提供的选项或单词判断考点是否属于虚拟语气;2. 根据条件句的内容和已知的动词形式确定虚拟语气的种类;3. 分析条件句的时间关系或其他结构关系确定虚拟语气的形式; 4. 根据句意和语法结构检查答案,确定正确的答案形式。 3. 例装 根据主语和谓语在句中的位置,倒装句可以分为完全倒装和部分倒装。完全倒装指整个谓语置于主语之前;部分倒装指谓语的一部分置于主语之前,通常是将助动词或情态动词提前,主动词置于主语之后。 这一部分主要讲解完全倒装和部分倒装。 解题技巧:1.从句子结构判断考点是否与倒装有关;2.如果选项只是在名词或代词与动词之间进行顺序变化,其考点很可能就是倒装结构;3.判断倒装结构是属于哪种类型的倒装,确定正确的答案;4.对全句的结构进行分析检查答案是否正确。 4.主从复合句 根据主从复合句中从句所起的作用不同,从句可以分为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、定语从句、状语从句和同位语从句等。掌握从句的关键之一就是对连接从句的引导词的掌握。 这一部分主要分析定语从句(限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句)、同位语从句与that引导的定语从句的区别、只用that作引导词的情况、关于连接词what 。 解题技巧:如果选项大部分是连接词,即可判断该题考查的是从句类别;分析句子结构,判断从句所属的类别;根据所判断出的类别,分析空白处应该选用的连接词; 将答案放入题干中,检查在语法结构和语义上是否成立。


2011年公共英语三级考试卷型串讲:英语知识运用 英语知识运用 一、大纲对该部分的具体要求 英语知识运用部分主要考查考生对语法结构、词汇知识和表达方式的掌握情况,共20小题。在1篇200-250词的短文中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题所给的4个选择项中选出最佳选项,使补足后的短文意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整,其中有13-15道题考查词汇和表达方式,5-7道题考查语法结构。 二、历年考点及规律 1.(2003.9-2008.3)完形填空部分文章体裁和体裁规律 就体裁来看,十次考试中有9年考查的是说明文。而就题材来看,往往是描述一种有趣的,或者离我们社会生活比较近的社会现象或生活方式等,然后对之发表一定的评论,比如03年和08年都考到了音乐,06年考到了如何减肥和如何投诉等问题,都是与我们生活息息相关的信息,这就要求我们在备考过程中特别要注意对这些文章信息的吸取。 2.(200 3.9-2008.3)完形填空部分考点分布 在英语知识运用部分,考查最多的词义辨析,出现了102次,几乎各种词性都考查过。其中,动词辨析约占了1/3, 31次,然后是对名词、介词、连词的考查,都在10次以上,最后是对形容词、同义词、副词和代词的辨析考查。除了词义辨析,就要说到对上下文语义衔接和语境的考查,10次考试中出现过58次。

另外一个常见的方向是对固定搭配的考查,共考查过33次。其他对于各类句型的考查,(含从句,强调句型,虚拟语气 语态)共出现过7次。这张统计表也可以再次证明,这部分主要是测试考生在词汇辨析、习惯用法、固定搭配及逻辑推理和语篇理解等方面的能力。 三、常见考点讲解及应对技巧(题型特点,解题指南和实例分析) (一)词义辨析 1.题型特点 这类题目的选项一般有两种情况:一是形相近而义相远的词,二是意义相近但用法不同的词。可能是动词辨析,名词辨析,形容词辨析,也可能是连词、副词、介词辨析,从历年的考分布我们可以看到,几乎各种词性都考到过,所以这就要求大家在平常的备考过程中要全面掌握。 2.解题指南 大家在日常学习中,要多查字典,尤其是英汉双解的字典,把词义、用法、词性与词形、读音结合起来记,弄清大纲规定词汇的各种用法,不能做“差不多先生”,另外还要学会积累,尤其对自己容易混淆的单词,要单独标出来,记下来,多看,多用,多查,这样就能避免把那些看着相差无几但实际意义差十万八千里词语搞混,另外在解题时如果选项中有不认识的单词,可用排除法来选择:把备选项套用到题干中,凭借语感选出答案。 3.实例分析(2006.9) Although there is no obligation on you to return the goods, it is advisable to take them back as soon as you _______ the defect.

三一口语六级Rules and regulation规则(总结)

Rules and regulation规则 1. Are there any rules at your home?/ Do you have some rules at home? Yes, there any rules in your home. For example, in my family, I must do my homework first. If I finish my homework, I can watch TV and play computer games. Second I must get up at six o’clock, because I have an English class on the morning. Third, everyone knows, no pain no gain. If I want get some pocket money, I must do something to exchange. Such as sweep the floor and wash the dishes, I think it is good for my health. 2. Which rule do you have to obey first at home? 3. What do you think of the rules in your home? / Tell me something about your family rules. There are some rules in my family, such as Respect the elders; wash hands before each meal; take shower before bed; Take off shoes before entering the bedrooms. 4. Are you allowed to watch TV for a long time every day? 5. If you don’t listen to your parents, what will happen? If I don’t listen to my mum, most of time she will persuade me to accept her suggestion. But sometimes she may be angry at me. I don’t think that will work. Parents can suggest children to do something but not order them. I have heard of that American parents never order their children in order to help them to be independent. 6. Are there any rules in your school?/ Do you know any school rules? Yes. We should go to school on time. We must wear the school suit on Monday and Thursday. It’s not allowed to run in the hall. No fighting. Be polite to teachers and students. I think it’s very good to have rules to keep the discipline. 7. How can traffic accidents be prevented? I think the most important thing is we should obey the traffic rules, all of them are necessary. For example, when we cross the road, we should wait for the traffic light, but I see many people could hardly wait to rush into road. That’s very dangerous. Some people drive after drinking alcohol. It’s also very dangerous for both driver and the people on the road.

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