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2009 ~ 2010 学年第一学期

课程名称:综合教程任课教师于佳殊授课章节:unit 4


Unit 4 A View of Mountain

1. Objectives:

Students will be able to:

1)Understand the history of atomic bomb in Hiroshima in a subjective way and the

threatens of nuclear weapons to our world.

2)Master the key words and expressions; grammar points etc. appearing in the text

3)Learn the rhetorical features: personality, metonymy

4)Conduct a series of reading, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the


2. Time allotment:

1st period: pre-reading activities;

2nd period: while-reading(the first two paragraphs).


1st period


(1) Active students’ interests about the atomic bomb in Hiroshima

(2) Deepen studen ts’ understanding towards threaten of nuclear weapons


1)Ask students to say something about World WarⅡ

2)Leading-in the topic of today’s text

Pre-reading activities:

a)Watch the video and pictures about the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and explain, then,

divide students into several groups (each group has three or four students) to talk about their opinions towards atomic bomb in Hiroshima and nuclear weapons’ affection on our world.

b)Introduce the background of the text and the author.(page.50)

The Gift of Time is destined to become the same for our age. In a series of conversations with officials as diverse as Vietnam-era defense secretary Robert S. McNamara,former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev,and the last commander of the Strategic Command,General George Lee Butler,Schell finds support for the abolition of nuclear weapons in the unlikeliest places,among the very generals and politicians who presided over nuclear strategy and its implementation during the Cold War.Writing in a spirit of optimism and hope,Schell calls upon all Americans--indeed,all of the world s citizens--to snap out of our cold-war trance,this forced cohabitation with horror,and take the step that alone can free us from nuclear danger and corruption,namely the abolition of nuclear weapons.

c)Ask students to read the first paragraph with following questions.

a)the main idea of this paragraph

b)the scenes described in Hiroshima after bombing

c)figure out what you don’t understand

2nd period Detailed study of the text:


(1) Grasp the main idea of each paragraph

(2) Appreciate the language used in the text

(3) Master key language points and grammatical structures in the text

While-reading Tasks:

Paragraph one

1. Ask students to do pair work to answer the questions mentioned last period:

① What is the main idea?

Main idea: describe the scenes in Hiroshima after bombing to us and lead in the paragraph

② What is the scenes after bombing in Hiroshima?

a)a horse twisted under the cat it had been pulling

b)a heap of something that once had been a human being hanging over a ledge into a ditch

c)a girl survived unwounded standing in the open mouth of a bomb shelter

2. Explain the key words and expressions to students:

dispatch: send off to a destination

eg: Chinese government was preparing to dispatch 4,000 liberation army men to Hong Kong.中国政府准备派遣4000名解放军战士进驻香港。

or so:about

in existence:存在,现有

eg: The elephant is the largest land animal in existence. 大象是现有的最大的陆上动物。methodically:有系统地,有方法地

eg: The librarian is very amiable, methodically explaining to us how to consult books in the library.那位图书管理员非常亲切,他系统地向我们讲解了如何在图书馆查找图书。thermal;(of garments or fabrics) specially designed so as to have exceptional heat-retaining properties

eg:thermal springs温泉;a thermal bur n热灼伤; thermal underwear保暖内衣。

brand with; 印上…

eg: Some clothes are also branded with beautiful flowers. 一些衣服上总是印上美丽的花。leave behind; 1. 忘带, 留下; 丢弃2. 使落后, 丢在后面

eg: Don't leave me behind. 不要把我忘了。

He left behind a pair of glasses and some books. 他的一副眼镜和一些书籍忘记带上了。The young athlete soon left the others far behind.那位年轻运动员很快就把其他选手抛在后面。

He was left behind in the race.他赛跑时落在后面。

for good; permanently, finally 永久地,一劳永逸地

eg: He says that he’s leaving the country for good.他说他出国后就不再回来了。

be dotted with;点缀(引申为:到处都是;布满…)

eg: We have offices dotted all over the region. 这个地区到处都是办公室。

Campfires, like red, peculiar blossoms, dotted the night. 营火像红色的,别致的花朵点缀着黑夜。

3. Grammar points and Sentence Highlights

① It was therefore left to Yamahata to record, methodically –and, as it happens, with a great and simple artistry – the effect on a human population of a nuclear weapon only hours after