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Teaching Plan


(全新版)第四册电子教案 Unit three Job Interview I. Teaching objectives Students will be able to: 1.grasp the main idea( Man changes nature in order to live. However, man must also be careful not to disregard the law of nature.) and structure of the text ( A comparison-and-contrast analysis of the two invasions); 2.realize the importance of examples in illustrating one’s points; 3.master key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4.conduct a series of reading, listening , speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. II. Text Analysis According to the Writing Strategy in Unit 4, there are usually five ways to begin an essay: using a quotation , stating the time and place of the event to be described , providing relevant background information, and giving a surprising or interesting fact. Text A of this unit starts with a personal story , which could also be very appealing to readers. Personal experiences sound


新编英语语法教程(第6版)第21讲练习参考答案Ex. 21A was sorry to learn… will be sad to hear… would be very surprised to receive… is happy to have found… was afraid to go… was pleased to hear… am very anxious to meet you. were delighted to receive your telegram. were sensible to stay indoors. clerk was prompt to answer the call. rule is easy to remember. are reluctant to leave this neighbourhood. house is difficult to heat. you ready to leave would be foolish to go out in this weather. is quick to see the point. is very keen to get on. are proud to have him as a friend. was rude not to answer your letter. are happy to have you with us this evening. Ex. 21B decision to resign surprised all of us. showed no inclination to leave.


Unit One Why College? 教学目的(teaching objective): Master the key words and structures, and understand why people go to college for further studies so as to have enough education for a good job. 教学内容、课时安排及方法设计(contents, classes, method) 教学重点(key points):

教学难点(teaching difficulties): 1. Understand some difficult sentences in the text. eg. American faith in the value of education is shown by the rising number of Americans who have at least a bachelor’s degree. 2. 连词词组的应用:either…..or not only……but also 3. Listening practice 教学方法(teaching methods): 课文以启发式提问导入,采用讲授法。通过教师分析、讲解、提问使学生掌握重点难点。阅读采用阅读指导法:重点指导阅读技巧。 练习采用练习辅导法:指导学生正确完成课后练习。 实验法:主要应用于听力训练和课堂讨论; 教学手段(teaching instruments): 板书和多媒体教学相结合,使用语音设备进行听力训练。 教学过程(teaching procedures): The first period: 1. Lead in Directions: (1) Give out three ideas about why colleges: earn more money; get a higher degree; prepare for a career (2) Ask the students to look at the pictures on page 1 in the textbook and discuss in pairs about their choice and ideas. (3) The giff-gaff and cross reference between the teachers and students.(师生互动) 2. Background information Directions: The teacher introduces the background information of the text


导论———语法层次 0.1 词素 1)自由词素 2)粘附词素 0.2 词 1)简单词、派生词、符合词 2)封闭词类和开放词类 0.3 词组 1)名词词组 2)动词词组 3)形容词词组 4)副词词组 5)介词词组 0.4分句 1)独立分句和从属分句 2)简单分句和复杂分句 3)主句和从句 4)限定分句、非限定性分句、无动词分句0.5 句子 1)完全句和不完全句 2)简单句、并列句、复杂句、并列复杂句 第1讲句子结构 1.1 主谓结构和句子分析 1)主语和谓语 2)句子分析 1.2 基本句型及其转换与扩大 1)基本句型 2)基本句型的转换与扩大 第2讲主谓一致(一) 2.1指导原则 1)语法一致 2)意义一致和就近原则 2.2 以-s 结尾的名词作主语的主谓一致问题1)以-s结尾的疾病名称和游戏名称 2)以-s结尾的学科名称 3)以-s结尾的地理名称 4)其他以-s结尾的名词 2.3 以集体名词作主语的主谓一致问题 1) 通常作复数的集体名词 2)通常作不可数名词的集体名词 3)既可作单数也可作复数的集体名词 4)a committee of 等+复数名词

第3讲主谓一致(二) 3.1 以并列结构作主语的主谓一致问题 1)由and/both... And 连接的并列主语 2)由or/nor/either...or 等连接的并列主语 3)主语+as much as 等 4)主语+as well as 等 3.2 以表示数量概念的名词词组作主语的主谓一直问题1)以表示确定数量的名词词组作主语 2) 以表示非确定数量的名词词组作主语 3.3 其他方面的主谓一致问题 1)以名词性分句作主语的主谓一致问题 2)以非限定分句作主语的主谓一致问题 3)关系分句中的主谓一致问题 4)分裂句中的主谓一致问题 5)存在句中的主谓一致问题 第4讲 4.1 名词分类和名词词组的句法功能 1)名词分类 2)名词词组的句法功能 4.2 名词的数 1)规则复数和不规则复数 2)集体名词、物质名词、抽象名词、专有名词的数4.3 单位词 1)一般表示个数的单位词 2)表示形状的单位词 3)表示容积的单位词 4)表示动作状态的单位词 5)表示成双、成对、成群的单位词 第5讲 5.1 名词属格的构成、意义和用法 1)名词属格的构成 2)名词属格的意义 3)名词属格的用法 5.2 独立属格和双重属格 1)独立属格 2)双重属格 第6讲限定词(一) 6.1限定词与三类名词的搭配关系 1)能与三类名词搭配的限定词 2)只能与单数名词搭配的限定词 3)只能与复数名词搭配的限定词


小学英语第一册教案(人教版) 第1课时: Welcome back to school!(1) 【教学重点】学习字母D、E及相关单词。 【教学难点】认读字母,体会字母在单词中的读音。 【教具准备】 1、本课生词的单词卡片 3、大小写字母卡片(A--E) 【教学过程】 (一)热身复习(Warm-upRevision) 1、演唱歌曲《Boy and girl》, 男生唱“I’m a boy and you are a girl.”部分,女生唱 “I’m a girl and you are a boy.”部分,比比看谁唱得更好。 2、看一看,猜一猜 请学生用肢体语言表演出A-C几个大小写字母,其他学生猜一猜。 教师书空字母,让学生猜一猜。 3、说一说 播放A部分的Chant的动画,让孩子边说边演。 (二)呈现新课(Presentation) 分别出示大小写字母Dd.让孩子用肢体语言表演。 分别出示大小写字母,学生开火车认读。 教师指着字母D旁的趣味图片,问:“What’s this?”“It’s a dog.”带读单词。 教师出另一单词卡片“duck”,带读单词,孩子跟读练习。 D-d-duck-dog教师带读字母和单词。孩子小组里读一读。 以同样的方法学习大小写字母Ee. 注意学习eggelephant一词时,当问学生What’s this? 强调回答It’s an eggelephant.而非It’s a eggelephant.

出示Let’s say部分的课件,教师反复点击字母和单词,学生模仿跟读。还可请学生上台点击任一字母或单词,让学生体会学习的乐趣。 找朋友 学生以小组为单位分别拿着字母D\E等大小写,给字母找朋友。 出示Let’s do部分动画。学生边看边尝试跟读,同时做动作。 8、小组围单位操练Let’s do部分的内容,然后请小组代表上台表演,评出最佳的小组并予以奖励。 (三)趣味操练(Practice) listen and order the cards 学生根据教师说的顺序,排列大小写字母Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee。 读一读,分一分 孩子自己读新学的单词,根据读音分成两组。找出共同的字母。 (四) 扩展性活动(Add-activities) 帮单词娃娃回家 教师出示大小写字母A-E,设计成5个小房子。让孩子根据首字母把单词送回家。 第2课时: Welcome back to school!(2) 【教学重点】 teacher、student两个单词,“Come in. ”“I’m sorry.”“It’s OK”三个短语和句子。 【教学难点】在情境中运用所学的词、句和短语。 【教具准备】 1、本课生词的单词卡片 2、歌曲录音 【教学过程】 (一)热身复习(Warm-upRevision) Talk together



1. Background information

E-Commerce: The beginnings of e-commerce can be traced back to the 1960s, when businesses started using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to share business documents with other companies. In 1979, the American National Standards Institute developed ASC X12 as a universal standard for businesses to share documents through electronic networks. After the number of individual users sharing electronic documents with each other grew in the 1980s, in the 1990s the rise of eBay and Amazon revolutionized the e-commerce industry. Consumers can now purchase endless amounts of items online, both from typical brick and mortar stores with e-commerce capabilities and one another. 2. Word attack 1) registration n. the act of entering on an official list. 注册 e.g. Kindergarten registration begins today. 2) major n. the main subject studied by a college or university student. 主修科目 e.g. He chose history as his major and French as his minor majors. What was your major in college? 3) fill in supply with information on a specific topic. 填写 e.g. The participants were then asked to fill in evaluation forms giving their assessment of the workshop. 4) admission notice 录取通知书 e.g. With your college admission notice, you can buy train tickets at half-price. 3. Useful expressions Ask for and Offer Help 1) What can I do for you? 2) May I have your…please? 3) I’m here for… 4) Excuse me, but could you tell me the steps for registration? 5) Is there anything I can do for you? 6) Would you mind passing me a piece of paper to write my suggestion on? 7) Will you lend me a hand? 4. Extensive reading materials College majors: https://www.doczj.com/doc/f18255019.html,/ 5. Useful clips Guide for freshmen


大学英语(全新版)第四册电子教案 Unit Four The Multicultural Society I. Teaching objectives Students will be able to: 1.grasp the main idea( Man changes nature in order to live. However, man must also be careful not to disregard the law of nature.) and structure of the text ( A comparison-and-contrast analysis of the two invasions); 2.practice their critical thinking ability through in-depth discussions in issues mentioned in the text; 3.master key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4.conduct a series of reading, listening , speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. II. Text Analysis People tend to worship things printed in black and white. Yet we would like to cultivate in our students the ability to think critically. They should understand that not everything they read is true. At the same time they need to be able to , and they should be able to, justify their disbelief. Take Question 1 in the after-text Points for discussion for


Book1 Unit 2 I can do it! (第一课时教学设计) 一、学情分析 本单元是教材的第二单元,关于个人能力描述,要求能进行口头能力描述,向别人了解能力,能看懂求职表,根据求职表安排合适的工作岗位,填写求职表等,实用性强,内容贴近学生生活,新的词汇量不大,句型简单。但是职业学校的学生通常会说却不能正确拼写单词,会七嘴八舌地说出许多词组,但是不能长段地独立表达个人观点,课堂热闹但是课后较少主动复习。因此,教学中应重视基本词汇的四会,重视指导性作文的写作,重视指导学生养成课堂记笔记的能力。职业学校的学生普遍发散性思维较强,教师可以充分利用集体的力量开展教学,集思广益。 二、教材分析 1.教学内容 本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第二单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking中的Dialogue A两部分,具体内容为:描述个人能力的词汇、询问和谈论能力的语句。 这些内容为整个单元的学习活动做语言和知识的准备,也为学生用英语流利表达个人能力提供了模版,还利于教师挖掘学生的多元智能,学生间进一步促进了解。 2.教学重点、难点 ⑴教学重点 通过与个人能力描述相关的词汇和句型的学习,学生采访同学、老师,并拟写采访单。

⑵教学难点 学生了解词汇记忆的策略之一——分类记忆; 学生区分出不同购物场所的特点; 三、教学目标 1.知识目标 ⑴学生能掌握描述个人能力的词汇,如speak Chinese, drive cars, repair puters, teach English, read in Chinese, serve customers。 ⑵学生能掌握询问和描述个人能力时所使用的句型,如: Can you say something about yourself Can you sing English songs Well, I can teach English and I can speak a little Chinese. 2.能力目标 ⑴学生能听懂关于询问和描述个人能力的对话。 ⑵学生能罗列个人能力,并询问和了解同学的个人能力。 3.情感目标 学生能欣赏自我,欣赏他人。 四、教学步骤 Step One Lead-in (10 min) 1. Facts or lies Start with a game. The teacher makes a list of his abilities, and two of them are lies. Ask the students to pick them out. Eg. I can read in English. I can sing many English songs.


Teaching Notes Chapter One The Hierarchical Structure of Grammar ⅠTeaching Aims: This chapter aims to: 1.help students to know the hierachial structure of English grammar. 2.get students to learn morphemes words, phrases and sentences and their classification. ⅡTeaching Procedures 1.Introduction The grammatical structure of English is a hierarchical one, which can be divided into five levels, i.e. Sentence, Clause, Phrase, Word and Morpheme. A sentence is the largest unit and highest level in a grammatical structure while a morpheme is the smallest and lowest one. 2.Morphemes A morpheme is the smallest unit in English grammar, and also the smallest meaningful unit of language. 1) Free Morphemes Free morphemes are morphemes which can constitute words by themselves, e.g. boy, girl, work, water. 2) Bound Morphemes Some morphemes like de-, dis-, -ness, -ly are never used independently in speech and writing. They are always attached to free morphemes to form new words. These morphemes are called bound morphemes. Bound morphemes are mostly affixes. Affixes are attached to free morphemes either to form new words or to indicate grammatical categories. Affixes can be divided into two types: prefixes and suffixes. 3.Words 1)Simple Word, Derivative, Compound Word a)simple words (morpheme words):at, far, hand, get b)derivatives: prefixes: dislike, unhappy, pronoun, prewar suffixes: worker, widen, foolish, manly c)compound words: handbook, outline, moreover, anybody 2)According to grammatical function, English words can be classified into Closed Class and Open Class. a)Closed Class Closed class refers to all the Function words. The number of this type of words are limited. No new comers will enter into this class. Therefore, this kind of words are called Closed Class. They include:


Lesson 1 Excuse me! 对不起! Lesson 2 Is this your…这是你的……吗? 一、教学目的 1.理解主系表结构的陈述、一般疑问式 2.初步掌握询问“是否”的方法 二、教学重点 1.主系表结构 2.一般疑问句 3.代词小引 三、教学难点 1.人称代词和物主代词的区分运用 2.主系表结构及其一般疑问句 四、教学标准 1.识别并简单运用主系表结构 2.掌握一般疑问句及肯定回答 五、教学内容 1.语法点: 1)代词人称代词和物主代词 2)Be 动词 3)一般疑问句

4)主系表结构this为主语,名词做表语 5)一般疑问句以及它的肯定回答 2.语言点: 1)打扰他人 2)表达谢意 3.语音:初步知识,字母、音标介绍六、扩展练习 1.打扰他人的表达 2.表达谢意

Lesson 3 Sorry, sir. 对不起,先生。Lesson 4 Is this your…这是你的……吗? 一、教学目的 1.理解并运用主系表结构的陈述、一般疑问式 2.掌握询问“是否”的方法 二、教学重点 1.主系表结构 2.一般疑问句 3.代词形容词性物主代词 三、教学难点 1.人称代词和物主代词的区分运用 2.主系表结构及其一般疑问句 四、教学标准 1.识别并简单运用主系表结构 2.掌握一般疑问句及否定回答 五、教学内容 1.语法点: 1)否定陈述句

2)Be动词的否定形式 3)代词的功能 4)一般疑问句及否回答 5)形容词性物主代词2.语言点: 1)询问“是否” 2)表达歉意 3.语音:字母、音标介绍 六、扩展练习 1.询问“是否” 2.向别人道歉


课程名称新视野大学英语1 授课专业和班级 教师专业技术职务学时 授课内容 (题目、章、节) Unit1 Fresh Start 教学目的与要求1.To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patterns 2.To study Passage A and understand the main idea of the text 3.To understand the structure of the text and the devices for developing it 4.To talk about college education 教学重点及难点1.The structure of the whole passage discussed and the writing ways mentioned in this passage 2.The reading skills mentioned in this unit 3.Listening practicing related to the contents learned in this unit 4.Talking about college education. 5.Writing paragraphs with the structure “a general statement supported by details”. 6.Applying the phrases and patterns. 教学方法 教学过程、内容及时间分配 1. Warming-up activities for Section A (0.5 period) a. What is the ideal university like in your eyes? b. What are your expectations of your college life? c. Listen to an interview about tips for freshman students and do the following exercise.


《新编英语语法教程》主要章节语法术语Introduction: Grammatical Hierarchy (导论—语法层次) 2. Parts of speech (word class) 3. Phrases 词组 4. Clause 分句 5. Sentence 句子 1. Morpheme 词素 Free morpheme 自由词素 Bound morpheme 粘附词素 Allomorph 词素变体 Noun phrase Verb phrase Adjective phrase Adverb phrase Preposition phrase Conjunction

Lecture 1 Sentence Structure(L1)Sentence elements: S (subject) 主语V (predicate verb) 谓语动词 O (object) 宾语 C (complement) 补足语 A (Adverbial) 状语 1. Two ways of sentence analysis 1) SVO Sentence Clause NP VP NP Subject Predicate verb Object All the man have done their best. Sentence = Subject + Predicate (Predicate Verb + Object, Complement, Adverbial, etc.) ●句子由主语和谓语构成,进一步把谓语剖析为谓语动词、宾语、补语、状语等。 2) Subject + Predicate (= operator + predication) Sentence Clause Subject Predicate Operator Predication All the man have done their best. ●句子由主语和谓语构成,进一步把谓语剖析为操作词(operator)和述谓成分(predication)。 2. Basic clause types SVC, SV, SV A, SVO, SVOA, SVOC, SV oO Lecture 2 Subject-Verb Concord (L2-3) Guiding principles: Grammatical Concord Notional Concord Principle of Proximity 语法一致原则意义一致原则就近原则 Nominal clause Non-finite clause Relative clause Cleft sentence Existential clause 名词性分句非限定分句关系分句分裂句存在句Lecture 3 Noun and Noun Phrase(L4-5) 1. Classification of nouns


合肥学院 XXXX 至XXXX 学年第 2 学期新视野大学英语4视听说课程 教 案 课程编码:____________________________________ 总学时/周学时:168 / 12 开课时间:第1周至第14周 授课年级、专业、班级:09教育,09工商管理 使用教材:新视野大学英语4视听说 系别/教研室:基础部公共英语 授课教师:孙净丽


Teaching Process I. lead-in Teaching tips: 1.Ask students to work in pairs or in groups, discuss these questions and then share their answers with the whole class. 2.It is not necessary for every student to discuss all the questions, soothe teacher may assign one or two questions to each pair or group. 3.The teacher may walk around the classroom and provide assistance when needed Questions: 1What makes you happy? Are you happy when other people are happy? 2 Do you often feel blue? What will you do if you are in low spirit? 3.Why do people get angry? How do you control your anger? 4. Can you define some of the most common kinds of emotion? What are they? II.V ocabulary Learning 2. English idioms relating to HAPPINESS - SADNESS


Lesson One NEW WORDS n.冻雨,雨夹雪 2. depend vi.依赖,取决于 3. hail n.雹 4. form vt.,vi.形成 5. low a.低的 6. temperature n.温度 7. molecule n.分子 8. cling vi.粘着9. droplet n.小水滴 10. dust n.灰尘 11. particle n.粒子,微粒 12. nucleus n.核,原子核 n.露水 n.晶体 n.冷凝,凝结 16. rapid a.快的 n.湿气,水分 18. freeze vi.结冰 n.雨点 ad.代替,替换 n.雪片 n.形状 23. flake n.薄片 a.六角形的 n.透镜 vt.,vi.打击击中,撞 n.雷雨 a.迅速的 n.气流,潮流 vt.,vi.抛,扔,颠簸 vt.取得,获得 n.冰雹 vi.粘住 n.理论 vt.说明,解释,阐明 PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS The more the more越…越… So that 如此…以致…Take place 发生 As soon as 一…就… High above 大大高于 Well below 远远低于 Take on 呈现 A bit of 一点 A mass of 一块 Start out 出发,着手进行 layer of 一层 TEXT RAIN, SNOW, SLEET, AND HAIL The forming of rain in a cloud depends upon temperature. The lower the temperature, the more the molecules of water vapor in the cloud cling together. Then they form droplets of water. Usually droplets form around dust or other particles in the air when the dew point is reached. If ice crystals are in the cloud, even more droplets may form. In clouds, condensation may be so rapid that millions of droplets of water are formed. As these droplets collect more molecules and therefore become heavier, their weight makes them fall to the earth. If the temperature of the air is above freezing the drops will fall as rain. When the air high above the earth is well below freezing, the moisture in the air does not form raindrops. Instead, it forms snow. Snowflakes take on many interesting shapes. They seem to be formed around a center. Snow is made up of millions of these flakes, each a bit of water vapor that in freezing temperatures was changed into a flake of snow. Snowflakes are really crystals; they are water molecules grouped in a hexagonal pattern. It is interesting to study snowflake crystals under a hand lens. Sometimes droplets of water start out as rain and change into another form on their way to the earth. The raindrops may start downward through a layer of warm air and then strike a mass of cold air, where each raindrop freezes. These frozen raindrops


1、课程编码:GX009121B/ GX009122B 2、课程名称:英语语法 3、英文名称:English Grammar 4、推荐教材和教学参考书: 5、教材:《新编英语语法教程》(学生用书),章振邦主编,2003年12月第4版,上海外语教育出版社出版。 5、教学参考书: ⑴《新编英语语法教程》(教师用书),章振邦主编,2004年1月第4版,上海外语教育出版社出版。 ⑵《牛津实用英语语法》,A. J. 汤普森, A. V. 马蒂内特著,陈则源、夏定雄译,1986年3月第一版,牛津大学出版社,外语教学与研究出版社出版。 ⑶《实用英语语法》,张道真主编,商务印书馆出版。 ⑷《高级英语语法》(上下册),薄冰主编,高等教育出版社出版。 ⑸《大学英语语法》(第三版),徐广联主编,2005年10月第三版,华东理工大学出版社出版。 ⑹《英语语法大全》,(英)伦道夫.夸克等著,苏州大学《英语语法大全》翻译组译,1989年9月第一版,华东师范大学出版社出版。 6、课程类型:专业基础课 7、总学时:72 学时 8、学分:4 9、适用专业:各种英语专业 10、先修课程:综合英语,英语阅读 二、课程性质与设置目的: 《英语语法》是英语专业技能必修课,其目的是培养学生掌握系统的英语语法知识,养成良好的语言运用习惯,保证他们使用英语语言时的正确性和准确性。 作为英语专业的主要必修课程之一,《英语语法》应该和其他专业各门课程一起,力争保证学生能够通过英语专业全国统考TEM4和TEM8。 三、课程教学基本目标: 英语语法课旨在通过该课程的学习,帮助学生重点掌握英语语法的核心项目,提高学生在上下文中恰当运用英语语法的能力和运用英语的准确性,使学生对英语语法有一个比较系统的了解并能借助英语语法知识解决英语学习过程中的有关问题。学生有计划地阅读英语语法教材,探讨英语语言的结构,通过各种练习,牢固地掌握英语语法,提高运用英语的能力。 四、考核方式: 1、本课程为考查课,采用闭卷开卷结合的考试方式,要求学生在一定的时间内完成教师所设计的考题。成绩评定分为平时和考试成绩,平时作业和课堂表现, 2、本课程考试的命题,应根据大纲规定的要求,确定测试范围和考核标准。考试内容应覆盖到各个章节,重点突出,难易适中。 考核是检查教学大纲执行情况、评估教学质量的一种有效手段,是获取教学反馈信息的主要来源和改进教学工作的重要依据。本课程的考核着重检查学生的英语语法基础知识。 本课程的考核采取两种形式:形成性考核和课程终结考试。 形成性考核:包括平时练习、面授辅导和各项教学活动中的参与情况,以及学生对学习过程的自我监控情况,占总成绩的20%。 每学期期末均安排课程终结考试,考试形式为笔试。考试内容应以所指定教材为基本依据,实行统一考试,考试总成绩的80%。


第六章英译汉技巧与能力提高 一.基本介绍 翻译涉及到两个方面,一是正确理解原文。正确的翻译首先是建立在准确的理解原文,因此首先要先分析英文句子的结构,弄清主谓语宾状等成分,通过语法关系和词与词之间的语义关系等对英文句子进行透彻理解。第一步是要在正确分析原文的语言现象和逻辑关系,确定内容。第二步还要运用推理,对语言现象本身和语言外的隐含信息加以归纳。 例Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up. (《大学英语》model test 5, No 57) 此处的理解关键就是price,注意此处是单数形式,这意味着它的含义就不是我们通常熟悉的“物价”含义,因为如果指物价上涨的现象,要用prices . 如,Prices are falling. 此处应该理解为‘代价“。因此 每次历史总是重演,价格上涨了。(错误) 每次历史重演,代价更昂贵。(正确) 二是要准确表达原文。理解原信息后,还有一个将此信息用中文转化的问题。在转换中,需要运用一定的翻译方法和技巧。表达方式上尽量用直译,可以保持原文内容以及形式风格。直译有困难的情况下也可以通过意译来变通。在这两种语言的转换过程中,一定要注意中英文的表达方式的差异。 考查重点 是要求在20分钟内翻译5个难度适中英文句子。被动态,从句,比较结构等的翻译常常是考察重点。 二.翻译的基本技巧及例解 一.词汇的翻译 (一)。.词义的选择 有时候一个简单的熟悉的词可能在再表达过程中成为障碍。因为在对该词的理解可能只是停留于相对应的汉语释义上,缺乏灵活性和感悟性。 以fail 这个词在下面这些句子中的翻译为例: 1. Why did you fail? 你为什么失败了啊? 2. Why did you fail in your business? 你为什么做生意做砸了啊?你为什么生意亏了啊? 3. Why did you fail in your test? 你为什么考试没通过啊? 4. We received his calls every day; he never fails to phone us. 我们每天都接到他的电话,他从不忘记给我们打电话。 5. His courage failed him in the end. 他最后却没了勇气。 在记fail这个单词时,肯定都是记得这个含义:失败。但是以上5个例句中,只有第一句中直接用了“失败”。其他的都是有所变通。 英语中一个词在不同的场合往往有不同的引申含义。词的基本意义虽然没变,但在表达方式上大不一样,所以要根据上下文和逻辑关系以及词的搭配确定词义,并灵活机动的处理。 (二)。词性的转换 由于英汉两种语言的结构和表达习惯的不同,有时候不一定要将英语中的某一词类处理成汉语的同一词类。否则表达会不通顺或有障碍。

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