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成都石室中学高 2021 届 2019-2020 学年度上期开学考试英语试卷(含答案)

成都石室中学高2021 届2019-2020 学年度上期开学考试


满分150 分考试时间:120 分钟

第I 卷

第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分)(含答案)


第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5 分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15.

B. £9.18.

C. £9.I5.


1. What is the man planning to do?

A. Make some cheese.

B. Go on a trip.

C. Find a job in Paris.

2. What is the time now ?

A. 8 o’clock.

B. 10 o’clock.

C. 12 o’clock.

3. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A local art i st.

B. The man’s salary.

C. An apartment to let.

4. How does Dr. Heath spend most of his time?

A. Giving lectures.

B. Conducting research.

C. Doing office w o rk.

5. Why does Elaine call Peter?

A. To borrow his notes.

B. To explain her absence.

C. To discuss the presentation.

第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位罝。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

6. What is Julia doing ?

A. Ask i ng about her order.

B. Reporting a computer problem.


Confirming a visit to a company.

7. When w i ll the chairs arrive today?

A. At about 10 am.

B. Around 12 noon.

C. By 4 pm.

听第7 段材料,回答第8 至10 题。

8. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. Course design.

B. Course registration.

C. Course examination.

9. What course did the w o man choose?

A. International Trade.

B. Modern History.

C. Chemistry.

10. What w i ll Jack do to take mathematics?

A. Wait for an opening.

B. App l y to the department.

C. Speak to Professor Anderson.

听第8 段材料, 回答第11 至13 题。

11. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a shop.

B. In a canteen.

C. In an office.

12. What bothers the w oman?

A. Her computer is dow n.

B. Her paper is missing.

C. Her hand is aching.

13. When is the deadlin e of the w o man’s report?

A. Wednesday.

B. Friday.

C. Next Monday.

听第9 段材料,回答第14 至17 题。

14. What is the man doing?

A. Writ i ng a book.

B. Preparing a lecture.

C. Searching for references.

15. What does the w o man suggest the man do?

A. Make his topic more specific.

B. Get a complete reading list

C. Read at least six books.

16. What is the man going to focus on?

A. Ho l lyw o od in the 1920s.

B. 20th-century Hollyw o od movies.

C. Golden Ag e Ho l lyw o od comedies.

17. What is the relationship betw e en the speakers?

A. Student and teacher.

B. Reader and librarian.

C. Customer and shop assistant.

听第10 段材料,回答第18 至20 题。

18. What w i ll the w e ather be like in h i gh places this evening?

A. There’ll be show e rs.

B. There’ll be heavy mist.

C. There’ll be strong w i nds.

19. How w i ll the day start in coastal areas tomorrow ?

A. Cloudy.

B. Rainy.

C. Sunny.

20. When can holiday makers expect good w e ather?

A. This w e ekend.

B. End of this month.

C. Next month.

第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)

第一节(共15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项。


Duolingo — iOS/Android

Have you ever w a nted to learn another foreign language? Y ou might say: “English is hard enough. I don’t w a nt to go through that again.”

Relax — learn ing a foreign languag e doesn’t alw ays mean you have to sit in class and take endless exams. An app named Duolingo has been designed to help you memorize new w ords and grammar in creative w a ys, such as online lessons, games and interesting exercises.

Named “the best language-learning a pp”by The Wall Street Journal, Duolingo currently offers 30 languages, including English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Irish, Dutch, Danish, and Sw e dish.

Headspace: Meditation & Sleep— iOS

With homew ork to finish tests to prepare, it can seem like you don’t have a moment to relax and gather your thoughts. What’s to be done?

Meditation(冥想)may help, and here’s an app to get you started. Headspace teaches you to face some of the toughest problems of everyday life. It has courses on w ork and productivity, personal grow th and how to deal w ith troubling emotions like anger and fear. There are also courses designed specifically for kids and students about dealing w ith distraction and homesickness.

And, if that isn’t enough, Headspace can help us w i th the biggest single cause of stress and anxiety : lack of sleep. The combination of the app’s calming voices and relax i ng music w i ll help you get a good night’s rest, ready to face the challenge of the next day w i th optimism and energy. Gentle Wakeup — Sleep & Alarm Clock with Sunrise — iOS/Android

Every device(仪器)has an alarm function these days. But w h at does this app have to offer?

The makers of Gentle Wakeup believ e peop le can w ake up w ell. The key is that the app w akes w ith light rather than sound. It offers a better move out of sleep through a “Sunrise”— a light slow ly, gradually becomes brighter, just as the sun does. But the sunrise is only half of the w aking process: The light grows for 20 minutes before you are eased out of your sleep by the natural early morning sounds of birdsongs. The makers believe users of the app w ill never w ake up in the same w ay again: “Start getting aw ake by light and you w ill never w ant to w ake up by sounds again”.

Forest: Stay focused — iOS/Android

Though phones make life more convenient, many people feel that they are addictive. Forest is a clever intervent i on(干预)des igned to make peop l e understand that there’s more to life than phones.

Here’s how it w orks: you plant a seed in the app and the longer you stay aw ay from the phone, the more it grows. From a seed, it becomes a tree and then a forest at last. The mak ers say, the “sense of responsibility and achievement w ill encourage you to stay aw ay from your phone and focus on w hat’s important in lif e”. And Forest has received some good review s from users, w ho say that’s exactly w hat it does: “It’s a phone game that gives you time rather than taking it aw a y.”

21. From the passage, w e can know that .

A. all the apps mentioned above are availab l e to Andro i d users

B. Duolingo can help users through online lessons, games and tests

C. Gentle Wakeup is designed to w a ke people up using light alone

D. if students miss their home, Headspace can help

22. If you are a user of Headspace, you can .

A. face some of the most difficult problems in your daily life

B. learn courses helping children how to focus their attention

C. solve the problem of stress, anxiety and lack of sleep

D. have a good sleep for the app’s calming vo i ces and birdsongs

23. Forest users can help the trees to grow by .

A. keeping off their cellphones

B. running the app on a regular basis

C. develop i ng a sense of responsibility

D. posting positive rev i ew s of the app


US inv entor Thomas Alva Ed ison once said: “Gen ius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” He w as not exaggerating. Perspiration, indeed, plays a very important role in Ch i nese scientist Tu Y ouyou’s success.

Tu w as given the Nobel Pr ize in Physio logy or Med icine in 2015 for discovering a new drug for malaria, a deadly d isease caused by the bite of some types of mosquito. She is the f irst Chinese citizen to w in a Nobel Prize in science. “It is the pride of the w hole Chinese science community, w h ich w i ll inspire more Chinese scientists,” China Daily noted.

Malaria is a disease that infects around 200 million peop le and k ills about half a million people each year, according to the Economist. Tu’s discovery has saved millions of lives, especially in the developing w orld. According to the World Health Organization, by 2013 malaria deaths had fallen by 47 percent compared w i th 2000.

But the road to this achievement w as a tough one to travel. In the late 1960s, during the “cultural revo lution ” (1966-1976), Tu joined a government project on w hich she began research on a new malaria drug.

In the beginning, Tu read a lot of old folk remedies(药方), searched texts that w e re hundreds or thousands of years old and traveled to remote places.

Over several months, Tu and her team collected over 600 plants and created a list of almost 380 possible remed i es.

“This w a s the most challeng i ng stage of the project,” Tu told The Beijing New s. “It w a s a very labor-demanding and dull job, in particular w h en you faced one failure after another.”

But the h ard w ork and the dullness failed to break the team’s spirit. In the follow ing months, she and her team tested the remedies on malar ia- infected mice and they found that an extract(提取物)from the plant qinghao seemed to w o rk w e ll.

Not that the w ork w as easier after that. The fact that the extract didn’t alw ays w ork against malar ia discouraged some of her teammates. But Tu w as ambitious to make a contribution to the w orld and so she encouraged her teammates to keep going. They decided to start again from the beginn i ng.

In 1971, they w ere rew arded for their efforts. After nearly 200 failures, Tu finally made an extract that w a s 100 percent effective against malaria parasites. The extract w a s called “Artem i sin i n”(青蒿素).

Thanks to decades of hard w ork, Tu and her team had “provided humankind w ith pow erful new means to combat these diseases that affect hundreds of millions of people every year,” said the Nobel Prize Comm i ttee. “It has greatly improved human health and reduced suffering.”

24. What can w e learn from the passage?

A. Tu Y ouyou is the first Chinese citizen to w i n a Nobel Prize.

B. Compared w i th 2000, malaria deaths had fallen to 53% in 2013.

C. The w o rk became easier after Tu found an extract from qinghao.

D. Artemisin i n is the most effective extract to kill malaria parasites.

25. What does the underlined w o rd “combat” mean in the last paragraph?

A. Treat.

B. Fight.

C. Spot.

D. Anticip a te.

26. How many stages did Tu and her team go through to get Artemisin i n ?

A. Seven.

B. Six

C. Five.

D. Four.

27. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Discovering Qinghao

B. Sending out a Lifeline

C. Perspiration and Inspiration

D. The Secrets to Tu Y ouyou’s Success


For thousands of years, people have know n that the best w ay to understand a concept is to explain it to someone else. “W hile w e teach, w e learn,”said Roman philosopher Seneca. Now scientists are bringing this ancient w isdom up to date. They’r e documenting w hy teaching is such a fruitful w a y to learn, and designing creative w a ys for young people to take part in instruction.

Researchers have found that students w ho sign up to tutor others w ork harder to understand the material, recall it more accurately and apply it more effectively. Student teachers score higher on tests than pupils w ho’r e learning on ly for their ow n sake. But how can children, still learn ing themselves, teach others? One answ e r: They can tutor younger kids. Some studies have found that first-born children are more intelligent than their later-born siblings(兄弟姐妹). This suggests their high er IQs result from the time they spend teaching their siblings. Now educators are experiment ing w ith w ays to apply this model to academic subjects. They arrange college undergraduates to teach computer science to high school students, w ho in turn instruct middle school students on the topic.

But the most cutting-edge tool under development is the “teachable agent”— a computerized character w h o learns, tries, makes mistakes and asks questions just lik e a real-w o rld pupil. Computer scientists have created an animated(动画的)figure called Betty’s Brain, w h o has been “taught” about environmental science by hundreds of middle school students. Student teachers are inspired to help Betty master certain materials. While preparing to teach, they organize their know ledge and improve their ow n understanding. And as they explain the information to it, they ident i fy problems in their ow n thinking.

Feedback from the teachable agents further improves the tutors’learning. The agents’ questions forces student tutors to think and explain the materials in different w ays, and w atching the agent solve problems allow s them to see their know l edge put into action.

Above all, it’s the emotions one experiences in teaching that improve learning. Student tutors feel upset w hen their teachable ag ents fail, but happy w hen these virtual pup ils succeed as they develop prid e and satisfaction from someone else’s accomplishment.

28. What do w e learn about Betty’s Brain ?

A. It is a character in a popular animation.

B. It is a teaching tool under development.

C. It is a cutting-edge app in digit a l games.

D. It is a tutor for computer science students.

29. How does teaching others benefit student tutors?

A. It makes them aw a re of w h at they are strong at.

B. It motivates them to try new w a ys of teaching.

C. It helps them learn their academic subjects better.

D. It enables them to better understand their teachers.

30. What do students do to teach their teachable agents?

A. They motivate them to think independent l y.

B. They ask them to design their ow n questions.

C. They encourage them to give immed i ate feedback.

D. They use various w a ys to explain the materials to them.

31. What is the key factor that benefits student tutors’ learning?

A. Their sense of responsibility.

B. Their emotional invo l vem e nt.

C. The learning skills acquired.

D. The teaching experience gained.


The fridge is considered necessary. It has been so since the 1960s w h en packaged food list appeared w i th the label: “Store in the refrigerator.”

In my fridgeless Fifties childhood, I w as fed w ell and h ealthy. The milkman came every day, the grocer, the butcher, the baker, and the ice-cream man delivered tw o or three times each w eek. The Sunday meat w ould last until Wednesday and the bread and milk left became all kinds of cakes. Nothing w as w asted, and w e w ere never troubled by rotten food. Thirty years on, food deliver i es have stopped, and fresh vegetables are almost impossible to get in the country.

The invention of the fridge contributed comparatively litt le to the art of food preservation. Many w ell-tried techniques already ex isted — natural cooling, drying, smoking, salt ing, sugaring, bottling...

What refrigeration did promote w as marketing — marketing hardw are and electricity, marketing soft drinks, marketing dead bodies of animals around the w orld in search of a good price.

Consequently, most of the w o rld’s fridges are to be found, not in the tropics w h ere they might prove useful, but in the rich countries w ith mild temperatures w here they are climat ically almost unnecessary. Every w inter, millions of fridges hum (make a low continuous sound) aw ay continuously, and at vast expense, busily maintain ing an artif icially-cooled space inside an artificially-heat e d house — w h ile outside, nature provides the desired temperature free of charge.

The fridge’s effect upon the environment has been clear, w h ile its contribution to human happiness has been unimportant. If you don’t believ e me, try it yourself, invest in a food cupboard and turn off your fridge next w inter. Y ou may miss the hamburgers, but at least you’ll get rid of that terrible hum.

32. The statement “In my fridgeless Fifties childhood, I w a s fed w e ll and health i ly ” suggests that

A. the author w a s w e ll-fed and healthy even w i thout a fridge in his fifties.

B. the author w a s not accustomed to fridges even in his fifties.

C. there w a s no fridge in the author ’s home in the 1950s.

D. the fridge w a s in its early stage of development in the 1950s.

33. Who benefited the least from fridges according to the author?

A. Inventors.

B. Consumers.

C. Producers.

D. Travelling salesmen.

34. Which of the follow i ng phrases in the fifth paragraph suggest the fridge’s negative effect on

the environment?

A. “Hum aw a y continuously”.

B. “Climat i cally almost unnecessary”.

C. “Artif i cially-cooled spac e”.

D. “With mild temperatures”.

35. What is the author ’s overall attitud e tow a rd fridges?

A. Neutral.

B. Crit i cal.

C. Objective.

D. Positive.

第二节(共5 小题;每小题2 分,满分10 分)


Moving into a new home in a new neighborhood is an exciting experience. Of course, you w a nt to make sure that you become an accepted and valuable part of your new neighborhood. The easiest w a y to achieve this is to make sure you behave yourself as a good neighbor should. 36 Perhaps one of the most important things you can do as a good neighbor is to keep your property(房产)neat, clean, and in good repair. 37 By choosing to keep the outside of the home in great shape, you w i ll help to improve the look and feel of the area.

Second, take the overall appearance of the neighborhood seriously. When going for a w alk, take along a small garbage bag. 38 This small act w ill let your neighbors know that you care about the area.

39 If a neighbor is going to be out of tow n, offer to collect mail and new spapers. If a neighbor suffers an illn ess, offer to do the grocery shopping. Let them know that you are there to help in any w a y that is acceptable, w h ile still respecting the privacy of your neighbor.

40 By follow in g the basic rules of respecting others, taking care of w hat belongs to you, and taking pride in the appearance of the neighborhood in general, you w ill qu ickly become a good neighbor that everyone appreciates.

A. In general, keep an eye on their property w h ile they are gone.

B. A good neighbor is also one w ho likes to help out in small w ays.


Being a good neighbor is more or less about considerate behavior.

D. Sometimes neighbors may go to the supermarket together to do shopping.

E. If you come across w a ste paper throw n out of a passing car, pick it up.

F. People tend to take pride in keeping everyth i ng in their street fresh and pleasing.

G. Here are a few tips to help you w i n over everyone in the neighborhood quickly.

第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)

第一节完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分30 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

The dream of many people is to leave their mark on the w orld how ever they can. This could be in countless different 41 , from coming up w ith a new invention to 42 starting a family. No matter w h at it is, 43 the w o rld in some w a y is the purpose of many lives.

That’s 44 makes the Renaissance – an art period w h ich centered in Italy betw e en the 14th and 17th centuries — the era of 45 .

When w e hear the w o rd “a rt”, it’s very likely that w e’ll imag i ne a w o rk from the Renaissance

period. This w as a time w hen many believe art made a revival(复兴)—“renaissance”, 46 , means to bring new life to something.

Take the w orks of Italian artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci for example. His paint ing Mona Lisa became one of the best-know n 47 on Earth. While many artists left their marks by bringing 48 to the w o rld, Da Vinci did much more than that. The artist w a s fascinated w i th the study of human anatomy(解剖学)and even 49 time dissecting human bodies to help w ith his studies. Da V inci also proved his 50 in many other areas, and he created sketches of ideas for many inventions, from bridges and machinery to even a helicopter and a robot.

The Renaissance also played host to many other great names in the w orld of art. Italian painter Raphael, for example, w a s another leader of this era. But his most famous w o rk isn’t

51 on a w a ll today. 52 , his masterpiece —the Raphael Rooms of Italy’s Palace of the Vatican — IS the w a ll. The w a lls and ceilings of the palace are filled w i th beautifully 53 paint i ngs of Bib l e scenes, w h ich he started as a young artist in 1508.

Relig ious w orks such as Raphael’s w ere the 54 style of the Renaissance period. We only have to look at the most iconic (标志性的)sculpture of that period — and perhaps 55 — to realize that.

Italian artist Michelangelo’s sculpture David, 56 a Bib lical character, w as firstly show n in the 1500s. The sculpture has 57 years of exposure to the rain, having rocks throw n at it by protester(s抗议者), and even someone 58 it w i th a hammer in the 1990s. 59 all these, David is still standing strong and 60 today — a true symbol of the Renaissance.

41. A. ways B. places C. countries D. centuries

42. A. continuously B. simply C. occasionally D. finally

43. A. changing B. creating C. helping D. protecting

44. A. that B. this C. w hat D. it

45. A. w orld-makers B. world-users C. world-creators D. w orld-markers

46. A. in all B. at all C. after all D. of all

47. A. novels B. poems C. artworks D. dramas

48. A. honor B. beauty C. peace D. entertainment

49. A. devoted B. used C. enjoyed D. spent

50. A. greatness B. talents C. skills D. morals

51. A. showing B. hanging C. appearing D. shining

52. A. For example B. As a result C. Instead D. Moreover

53. A. detailed B. painted C. decorated D. described

54. A. famous B. common C. ordinary D. special

55. A. in no time B. at any time C. of all time D. at times

56. A. coming out B. adapted from C. based on D. named after

57. A. survived B. continued C. lived for D. experienced

58. A. making B. pushing C. correcting D. attacking

59. A. In addition to B. Generally speaking C. Due to D. In spite of

60. A. handsome B. gentle C. cautious D. proud

第II 卷

第二节(共10 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分15 分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

As everyone know s, it is Jingdezhen in Jiangx i province 61. the local porcelain (瓷器)is highly desirab l e that is the center of w o rld porcelain. Last year, my school 62. (hold) a tw o-day research activity, guided by the slogan, “Exploring ceramic(陶瓷的)culture, traveling through ancient and modern times”. The aim w a s to build students’63. (aw a re) of traditional culture.

On our w ay to Jingdezhen, our guide introduced us to the basics of porcelain production. Our first stop w a s the Museum of Chinese Ceramics, w h ich has 64. unique and exqu i site collection of porcelain made from materials such as clay(陶土)and stone.

The guide told us of the great achievements in ceramics from ancient times until today. I listened carefully to everything. 65. (date) back to Neolith ic(新石器时代)period, clay w a s used 66. (make) pottery(陶器), w h ich people used to carry w a ter and food. Today, w e still use porc e lain but our pottery is far more beautiful than the products of those times.

On the second day, the team leader took us to a small DI Y porcelain factory. Under the

67. (guide) of the teacher, w e 68. (give) some clay and the chance to design

a piece of pottery. Although our efforts w e re not as beautiful as the articles in the museum, they w e re our ow n w o rk.

The tw o-day activity w as very 69. (enjoy) and meaningful. I learned a lot about porcelain and made an item 70. my ow n. It meant a lot to me.

第四部分写作(共两节,满分35 分)

第一节短文改错(共10 小题;每小题1 分,满分10 分)

文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意: 1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词;

2.只允许修改10 处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。

A Mo lotov coc ktail, w hat is also know n as a petrol bomb or a bottle bomb, sometime shortened as Molly, refers to a variety of bottle-based w eapons. It is a breakable g lass bottle w here a burnable substance, for example petrol or alcohol w ith some oil adding, could be f ound. In 1939, the Finnish people invent this name to laugh at Molotov, an officer from the Soviet Union, w hen the tw o countries w ere not at the peace. Molotov cocktails are easy to make, but they have been w idely used by street criminals, protesters, or even soldiers w ho search w eapons. We are primarily intended to burn rather than completely destroy targets. Interesting, Molotov cocktails also appear

frequently in vid e o game such as PUBG, Game for Peace, Call of Duty, and so on.

第二节书面表达(满分25 分)

假定你是李华,你的加拿大笔友Peter 七月份要带父母来成都市旅游,发邮件向你咨询相关信息。请回信向他介绍:

1. 成都的概况(如地理位置、气候等);

2. 一处成都景点;

3. 一道成都美食。


1. 词数100 左右;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Peter,

I’m glad to learn that _

Looking forw a rd to your coming.

Y ours,

Li Hua


成都石室中学高2019届高考适应性考试(二) 理科综合答案 生物部分 1、B 2、C 3、A 4、C 5、B 6、D 29、(8分,除标注外,其他每空2分) (1)光照强度和是否喷施BRs (2)叶绿体基质(1分)CO2的固定(1分) (3)缓解提高Rubisco活性和提高Rubisco基因表达量 30、(11分,除标注外,其他每空2分) (1)色氨酸(1分) +、+、﹣ (2)加NAA(1分)加等量蒸馏水(1分) (3)协同 (4)生长素含量低、不易提取,易于被氧化;而萘乙酸(NAA)是植物生长调节剂,具有容 易合成、原料广泛、效果稳定等优点 (5)促进细胞伸长和细胞分裂(或细胞胞数量增加和细胞长度增加) 31、(10分,除标注外,其他每空2分) (1)镶嵌(1分)负反馈调节不能(1分) (2)食肉动物所处的营养级高,能量流动过程中散失的能量多,领域范围大。 (3)自然选择(或:生存斗争)存在可育后代(或:没有生殖隔离) 32、(10分,每空2分) (1)不可能 F1中两对等位基因都是杂合子,后代会出现性状分离 (2)0 (3)灰身白眼后胸正常:灰身红眼后胸正常:黑身红眼后胸变形=1:2:1(或出现3种表现型) 灰身白眼后胸正常:灰身红眼后胸正常:黑身红眼后胸正常:灰身白眼后胸变形:灰身红眼后 胸变形:黑身红眼后胸变形=3:6:3:1:2:1 (或出现6种表现型) 37、(15分,除标注外,其他每空2分) (1)(巴氏消毒的)牛奶中有较多的没有被杀死的微生物在适宜温度(或常温)下大量繁殖 (3分) (2)乳蛋白低温(或较低温度) (3)稀释涂布平板 (4)需要证明(或判断)培养基是否被杂菌污染(培养基灭菌是否合格) (5)3.9×105少 化学部分 7-13 CCBBADC 26(15分)(1)碳素钢在浓硫酸中钝化,表面形成的致密氧化膜阻止其与CuSO4反应(2 分) (2)b→c→h→i f→g→h→i(各1分,共2分) 1


2020年四川省成都市石室中学高考数学一诊试卷(理科) 一.选择题: 1.(5分)已知集合{|1}A x N x =∈>,{|5}B x x =<,则(A B = ) A .{|15}x x << B .{|1}x x > C .{2,3,4} D .{1,2,3,4,5} 2.(5分)已知复数z 满足1iz i =+,则z 的共轭复数(z = ) A .1i + B .1i - C D .1i -- 3.(5分)若等边ABC ?的边长为4,则(AB AC = ) A .8 B .8- C . D .-4.(5分)在6(21)()x x y --的展开式中33x y 的系数为( ) A .50 B .20 C .15 D .20- 5.(5分)若等比数列{}n a 满足:11a =,534a a =,1237a a a ++=,则该数列的公比为( ) A .2- B .2 C .2± D . 1 2 6.(5分)若实数a ,b 满足||||a b >,则( ) A .a b e e > B .sin sin a b > C .11a b a b e e e e + >+ D .))ln a ln b > 7.(5分)在正四棱柱1111ABCD A B C D -中,14AA =,2AB =,点E ,F 分别为棱1BB ,1CC 上两点,且114BE BB = ,11 2 CF CC =,则( ) A .1D E AF ≠,且直线1D E ,AF 异面 B .1D E AF ≠,且直线1D E ,AF 相交 C .1D E AF =,且直线1D E ,AF 异面 D .1D E AF =,且直线1D E ,AF 相交 8.(5分)设函数2 1()92 f x x alnx = -,若()f x 在点(3,f (3))的切线与x 轴平行,且在区间[1m -,1]m +上单调递减,则实数m 的取值范围是( ) A .2m … B .4m … C .12m <… D .03m <… 9.(5分)国际羽毛球比赛规则从2006年5月开始,正式决定实行21分的比赛规则和每球得分制,并且每次得分者发球,所有单项的每局获胜分至少是21分,最高不超过30分,即先到21分的获胜一方赢得该局比赛,如果双方比分为20:20时,获胜的一方需超过对方2


成都石室中学2020-2021学年度下期高2021届入学考试 理科综合能力测试 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。第Ⅰ卷(选择题)1至21题,第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)22至38题。试卷满分300分,考试时间150分钟。 注意事项: 1. 答题前,务必将自己的姓名、考籍号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。 2. 答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净 后,再选涂其它答案标号。 3. 答非选择题时,必须使用0.5毫米黑色签字笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上。 4. 所有题目必须在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上答题无效。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 Cl-35.5 Fe-56 Zn-65 第Ⅰ卷(共126分) 一、选择题:本题共13个小题,每小题6分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求。 1下列关于教材实验的叙述,正确的是( ) A.NaOH在每一琼脂块内扩散的速率不同,可以反映细胞的物质运输的效率不同 B.探究培养液中酵母菌种群数量的变化的实验中,不需要重复实验,但要对照组 C.土壤中小动物类群丰富度的研究,按预先确定的多度等级进行记名计算法统计 D.落叶是在土壤微生物的作用下腐烂的,实验组土壤要灭菌处理,对照组不处理 2.下列有关物质之间的比值与细胞代谢关系的叙述,正确的是( ) A.在细胞衰老过程中,结合水/自由水的值将减小 B.吞噬细胞摄取抗原的过程会导致ATP/ADP的瞬时值减小 C.在剧烈运动过程中,肌细胞释放CO2量/吸收O2量的值将增大 D.在适宜光照下,若减少CO2供应,则短时间内叶绿体中C3/C5的值将增大 3.下图所示为外界O2进入肝细胞中被消耗的路径,下列相关叙述正确的是( ) A.毛细血管壁细胞和肝细胞生活的液体环境相同 B.外界O2被肝细胞消耗至少需要经过9层细胞膜 B.O2跨膜运输时需要载体蛋白协助,但不耗能量 D.线粒体中消耗O2的场所与产生H2O的场所不同 4.关于植物生命活动调节,相关叙述错误的是( ) A.在幼嫩的芽、叶和发育中的种子中,色氨酸在核糖体上完成脱水缩合转变成生长素 B.在胚芽鞘、芽、幼叶和幼根中,生长素只能从形态学上端运输到形态学下端,而不能反过来运输 C.生长素在植物体各器官中都有分布,但相对集中分布在生长旺盛的部分 D.在植物的生长发育过程中,几乎所有生命活动都受到植物激素的调节


A篇本文主要介绍5月份将要上新的电视剧。 21. D. 细节考察题。由文中的“A group of aristocratic young people with new ideas, led by Chong Liming (Huang Zitao), revive the organization with the civilian youth Ayi (Yiyang Qianxi) and defend the country.”可知选D。 22. B. 推理判断题。A选项中错在“highest audience rating”, 文中没有提及。B选项正确。C 选项“strike a balance between A and B” 指求得平衡,但情态动词“will”太过笃定。D选项太绝对。 23. D. 考察文章出处。A是《读者文摘》,B是《人民画报》,C是《经济学家》,D是《娱 乐周刊》。故选D。 B篇:本文是记叙文,讲述的是一个女孩机智应对,跳出思维定式,解决危机的故事。24. D. 根据“Needless to say, this proposal was met with a look of disgust. So the cunning money-lender suggested letting God decide.”可以知道高利贷者的第一次提议被鄙视,所以他提出了第二种方案,让上帝来决定。 25. C. 高利贷者想和美丽的女孩结婚,说明她“charming”。女孩在看到高利贷者把2个黑色石头放入袋中后,很快想出了超出常规思维的解决方式,说明其有机智,反应迅速。26. C. 女孩说话意图是假装是不小心石头滑落到地面上的。她这样选择也是为了避免揭穿对方,让对方恼羞成怒,所以不是为了取笑对方。她的道歉也是一种伪装,并不是真正感到抱歉。也不是为了显示自己的幽默感。 27. D. 本文主要重在突出女孩面对危机时的急智,创新性的思维,所以选D。父亲和高利贷者都是衬托的角色而非主角。 28. C. 文中提到“So the more “Yeses” we can cause at the very be ginning, the more likely we are to succeed in capturing the attention for our final proposal.” 即从观众那儿得到的肯定反馈越多,就越容易让他们接受演讲的内容,因此C选项是正确的。 29. D. 根据文章第四五段可知,如果能在演讲开始时从双方能达成一致意见的基础开始,就 容易得到听众的肯定反馈,从而得到听众的支持。所以Macmillan为了得到听众的支持才一开始就提到南非的贡献的。 30. A. 作者利用Abraham Lincoln和Harold Macmillan两个例子来说明如何在演讲开始时得 到听众的肯定反馈。 31. B. 根据文章第一段可知答案。 32. D. 细节题。根据第6段第一句“Afshin said Israel where people eat a Mediterranean diet – high intake of fruits, vegetables, nuts and healthy oils, such as olive oil - ranked No. 1 in terms of the least number of diet-related deaths.”可知D为正确选项,是四个选项中唯 一对身体有好处的。 33. C. 细节题。根据最后一段第一句话“Nestle, with New York University, suggested that it make sense that dietary risks are higher because everyone eats - but not everyone smokes.”可知C为正确选项。A项在第二段,“That 11 million people die each year around the world due, at least in part, to certain foods, according to the study.”选项中遗漏了“at least in part”; B选项错在“a global conce rn”, 此项研究结果刚公布,还没有成为全球的担心或忧虑;D选项参考第7段最后两句话,因为成本低,“highly processed foods”替代了更多的“natural and healthy foods”。


病句专项训练 一、辨析病句专题训练。 1、下列句子没有语病的一项是( A )。 A 为了纪念建党90周年,全国上下掀起了高唱红歌的热潮。 B 今年以来,全国公安机关进一步开展严打危害食品安全犯罪。 C 童话《皇帝的新装》的作者是闻名世界的丹麦作家安徒生的作品。 D 为了避免道路交通不拥堵,各地纷纷出台交通管理新措施。 2、下列句子没有语病的一项是( B )。 A 两岸的豆麦和河底的水草,夹杂在水气中扑面的吹来。 B 失事客机是一架来自马来西亚航空公司的MH370型飞机。 C 即便不是很喜欢语文,在临近中考的最后时刻不让语文拖后腿,也是一种成功。 D 孔乙己一到店,许多酒店的人便都看着他笑。 3、下列句子没有语病的一项是( C )。 A 理想的教育应该培养学生善于发现、善于探索的水平。 B 不努力学习,那怎么可能取得好成绩是可想而知的。 C 我们不仅要在课堂上、在教科书中学语文,还要在课堂外、在生活中学习语文。 D 由于她的出色表演,赢得了观众热烈的掌声。 4、选出没有语病的一项( C )。 A 许多人对新疆的周围环境有着十分深厚的兴趣,到了周末都想出去走走。 B 日本停止滨港核电站4号机组运转,目的是防止地震和海啸不再引发重大核安全事故。 C 在热烈的掌声中,胡锦涛发表题为“推动共同发展,共建和谐亚洲”的主题演讲。 D 食品添加剂的使用标准包括“食用香料”的2314个品种。 5、下列句子没有语病的一项是(C )。 A 为了防止酒驾事件不再发生,成都市加大了巡查整治力度。 B 学校开展地震安全常识教育活动,可以增强同学们的安全自我保护。 C 完善食品安全法规,规范食品安全监管机制,提高人民的食品安全意识,已经到了迫在眉睫的地步了。 D 学生能够熟练而规范的书写正楷字,是衡量学生是否达到《语文课程标准》对汉字书写的要求。 6、下列句子没有语病的一项是( B )。 A 我国成功发射并研制了第一颗月球探测器“嫦娥一号”卫星。 B 今年6月11日,我市将举办中国文化遗产日主场城市活动。 C 由于汉字电脑熟入技术的广泛使用,使人们书写汉字的机会越来越少。 D 今年6月底京沪高铁曲阜站正式通车为标志和起点,济宁也将步入“高铁时代”。 7、下列句子没有语病的一项是( A )。 A 通过开展“全国文明城市”创建活动,我市环境卫生状况有了很大改变。 B 在经典诵读比赛的舞台上,动情的朗诵和变幻的舞台背景让人目不暇接。 C 王老师耐心地纠正并指出了课堂作业中存在的问题,让我受益匪浅。 D 这个学校的共青团员,决心响应团委人人为“希望工程”献爱心。 8、下列句子没有语病的一项是(D )。 A 孩子能否树立正确的财富观,是他们形成良好人生观的关键。


成都石室联合中学人教版七年级数学上册期末试卷及答案 一、选择题 1.下列判断正确的是( ) A .3a 2bc 与bca 2不是同类项 B .225 m n 的系数是2 C .单项式﹣x 3yz 的次数是5 D .3x 2﹣y +5xy 5是二次三项式 2.我国古代《易经》一书中记载了一种“结绳计数”的方法,一女子在从右到左依次排列的绳子上打结,满六进一,用来记录采集到的野果数量,下列图示中表示91颗的是( ) A . B . C . D . 3.地球与月球的平均距离为384 000km ,将384 000这个数用科学记数法表示为( ) A .3.84×103 B .3.84×104 C .3.84×105 D .3.84×106 4.某车间有26名工人,每人每天能生产螺栓12个或螺母18个.若要使每天生产的螺栓和螺母按1:2配套,则分配几人生产螺栓?设分配x 名工人生产螺栓,其他工人生产螺母,所列方程正确的是( ) A .()121826x x =- B .()181226x x =- C .()2181226x x ?=- D .()2121826x x ?=- 5.下列选项中,运算正确的是( ) A .532x x -= B .2ab ab ab -= C .23a a a -+=- D .235a b ab += 6.将方程35 32 x x -- =去分母得( ) A .3352x x --= B .3352x x -+= C .6352x x -+= D .6352x x --= 7.在实数:3.1415935-π251 7 ,0.1313313331…(每2个1之间依次多一个3)中,无理数的个数是( ) A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 8.探索规律:右边是用棋子摆成的“H”字,第一个图形用了 7 个棋子,第二个图形用了 12 个棋子,按这样的规律摆下去,摆成 第 20 个“H”字需要棋子( )


成都石室中学 四川省首批通过验收的国家级示范性普通高中,先后被评为四川省文明单位、四川省首批“校风示范校”、首批“实验教学示范学校”、四川省第五届职业道德建设十佳标兵单位。石室是一所具有实验性、示范性、开放性的学校。 学校延聘社会名流、博学之士以及外籍教师到校任教。学校有成都市教育专家3人,全国优秀教师13人,特级教师21人,市学科带头人23人,省市级学会负责人23人, 多年来,石室中学以一流的办学水平和高质量的教育教学成绩著称。在全面推进素质教育和培养学生综合素质方面不断努力,形成了“活路、和谐”的办学特色。学分制的全面实施、双语课的开设、研究性学习的规范性管理、科技创新活动连创佳绩、学科竞赛保持优异成绩、对外开放合作办学不断加强等,集中体现了学校的办学水平。每年源源不断地为国内外大学输送大批优秀学子,受到社会各界的广泛称赞;学生艺体特长突出,学生管弦乐团在省内享有盛名,在国际交流中获得高度赞誉。据统计,近年来,我校学生有109人在奥林匹克学科竞赛中获全国一等奖,161人获全国二等奖;有151人次获全国、省、市各级各类科创发明奖,有743人次艺体特长学生获得全国、省、市一、二、三等奖,我校女子篮球多次进入全国决赛,两次获得冠军。 为适应对外交流合作的需要,石室中学国际部与美国、加拿大、德国、日本、新西兰、澳大利亚、新加坡等近十个国家的教育界建立了广泛的合作关系,定期交换师生,将长期进行的国际间的交流合作工作提高到了新的水平。 石室中学以重点学校的优势,与省市多所学校开展了多层次的合作交流办学,共享优质教育资源,发挥重点学校的辐射指导作用。为四川省、成都市经济和教育的发展作出了贡献。


2020届四川省成都石室中学一诊数学理科试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. 已知集合,,则(). A.B.C.D. 2. 若复数z满足(i是虚数单位),则z的共轭复数是()A.B.C.D. 3. 若等边的边长为4,则() A.8 B.C.D. 4. 在的展开式中的系数为() A.50 B.20 C.15 D. 5. 若等比数列满足:,,,则该数列的公比为() A.B.2 C. D. 6. 若实数,满足,则() A.B. C.D. 7. 在正四棱柱中,,,点,分别为棱 ,上两点,且,,则() A.,且直线,异面 B.,且直线,相交

C.,且直线,异面D.,且直线,相交8. 设函数,若f(x)在点(3,f(3))的切线与x轴平 行,且在区间[m﹣1,m+1]上单调递减,则实数m的取值范围是()A.B.C.D. 9. 国际羽毛球比赛规则从2006年5月开始,正式决定实行21分的比赛规则和每球得分制,并且每次得分者发球,所有单项的每局获胜分至少是21分,最高不超过30分,即先到21分的获胜一方赢得该局比赛,如果双方比分为 时,获胜的一方需超过对方2分才算取胜,直至双方比分打成时,那么先到第30分的一方获胜.在一局比赛中,甲发球赢球的概率为,甲接发球贏 球的概率为,则在比分为,且甲发球的情况下,甲以赢下比赛的概率为() A.B.C.D. 10. 函数的图象大致为() A.B. C.D. 11. 设圆,若等边的一边为圆的一条弦,则线段长度的最大值为()

A.B.C.4 D. 12. 设函数,下述四个结论: ①是偶函数; ②的最小正周期为; ③的最小值为0; ④在上有3个零点 其中所有正确结论的编号是() A.①②B.①②③C.①③④D.②③④ 二、填空题 13. 若等差数列满足:,,则______. 14. 今年由于猪肉涨价太多,更多市民选择购买鸡肉、鸭肉、鱼肉等其它肉类.某天在市场中随机抽出100名市民调查,其中不买猪肉的人有30位,买了肉的人有90位,买猪肉且买其它肉的人共30位,则这一天该市只买猪肉的人数与全市人数的比值的估计值为____. 15. 已知双曲线的左,右焦点分别为,,过的直线分别与两条渐近线交于、两点,若,,则______. 16. 若函数f(x),恰有2个零点,则实数的取值范围是_____. 三、解答题 17. 某汽车美容公司为吸引顾客,推出优惠活动:对首次消费的顾客,按/次收费,并注册成为会员,对会员逐次消费给予相应优惠,标准如下:


成都石室联合中学2018年八年级下学期英语期中试 题(配答案无听力) A卷 第一部分基础知识运用(共30小题,计40分) 六、选择填空。(共15小题,计20分) A. 从以下各题的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分) 31. He thought it was ________ unfair rule, so he refused to accept it. A. a B. the C. an 32. Yang Liwei’s first flight in space ________ Chinese people. A. has something to B. is meaningful C. has meaning to 33. — What’s the matter with your leg — The road was so ________ that I fell down and hurt my leg yesterday. A. icy B. long C. dirty 34. The boy called his parents ________ he arrived in that city. A. as soon as B. as long as C. as a result 35. Susan went to the bookstore by bus, but she got off the bus at the ________ stop and walked back to the bookstore for a long time. A. right B. wrong C. third 36. Dale wanted to copy others’ answers when taking an exam. The head teacher found it and stopped him ________. A. right now B. at once C. at times


2019年四川成都石室中学(成都四中)教师招聘公告篇一:2019年四川成都市属教师招聘考试报考条件 四川教师招聘考试公告资讯2019年四川教师公招考试信息汇总四川教师招聘真题题库 应聘资格条件: (一)应聘人员应同时具备的条件: 1、热爱社会主义祖国,拥护中华人民共和国宪法,拥护中国共产党,遵纪守法,品行端正,有良好的职业道德,爱岗敬业,事业心和责任感强。 2、身体健康,具有正常履行招聘岗位职责的身体条件。 3、符合招聘岗位确定的其他条件(详见附件1)。 4、委培、定向应届毕业生,须征得原委培、定向单位同意。 5、符合《成都市事业单位公开招聘工作人员试行办法》有关回避的规定。 报考面向组织选派服务城乡基层的大学生志愿者定向招聘岗位的应聘人员还应同时具备以下条件: 1、系成都市组织选派的“一村(社区)一名大学生计划”、“一村(涉农社区)两名大学生计划”、“农村中小学特设教师岗位计划”、“乡(镇)公立卫生院大学生支医计划”或“大学生服务社区就业和社会保障计划”志愿者。 2、服务成都市乡镇及以下单位服务期满(两年以上)考核合格的

团中央选派的“大学生志愿服务西部计划”志愿者和四川省委组织部选派的“大学生村干部”。 3、志愿服务期满(服务期限认定截止时间为2019年2月16日)且经服务所在区(市)县项目管理部门考核合格。 4、截止报名结束时尚未被国家行政机关或事业单位正式录(聘)用。 根据省委办公厅、省人民政府办公厅《关于激励引导教育卫生人才服务基层的意见》(川委办〔2019〕7号)和省委组织部等四部门印发《关于〈激励引导教育卫生人才服务基层的意见〉有关问题的答复意见》的通知(川组通〔2019〕58号)有关精神,报考成都市市属教育、卫生事业单位岗位(见附件1)的本科及以下学历的人员应具有2年及以上基层工作经历。报考人员至该次公招报名截止日期的当月,在以下区域内单位工作累计满2周年及以上,视为具有2年及以上基层工作经历: 1、成都市和地级市所辖除区以外的(市)县; 2、所有乡镇及以下区域; 3、少数民族自治区域、“四大片区”贫困县(区)(见附件3)。 工作单位以法人证书所登记的地点为准(党政机关以组织机构代码证为准)。军队转业干部在团级及以下单位服役时间和退役士兵服役时间,视为基层工作经历。在四川省外的其他省(市、区)工作两年以上的人员,不受基层工作经历限制。 (二)有下列情况之一者,不得应聘:

成都石室联合中学人教部编版八年级生物上册 期末试卷及答案

成都石室联合中学人教部编版八年级生物上册期末试卷及答案 一、选择题 1.下列哪项是线形动物比扁形动物高级的特征() A.有口B.有肛门C.生殖器官发达D.身体细长 2.我们看到的橘子皮上的“霉”实际上是 A.一个细菌B.一个霉菌 C.细菌的菌落D.真菌的菌落 3.陆地生活的动物体表一般都有防止水分散失的结构,以适应陆地干燥气候,下列哪项结构不具有这种功能 A.蚯蚓的刚毛 B.蛇的鳞片 C.蝗虫的外骨骼 D.蜥蜴的细鳞 4.人们在运动中难免会遇到意外伤害。下列意外伤害不会影响运动功能的是 A.尺骨骨折B.肌肉拉伤C.肩关节脱臼D.皮肤檫伤 5.微生物与人类关系密切,下列说法错误 ..的是 A.广泛用于食品生产 B.医药工业中应用广泛 C.有些微生物使人患病 D.大多数微生物对人类有害 6.下列哪些项不是线形动物的特征() A.体表有角质层,适应寄生生活B.消化道后端有肛门 C.身体一般是细长的D.身体细长而且分节 7.下列各项中,可能会给襄阳地区生物多样性带来风险的是 A.隆中风景区禁猎禁伐B.严禁焚烧农作物秸秆 C.建立汉江湿地保护区D.喂养网购的非洲蚂蚁 8.抗生素是() A.细菌、真菌产生的维生素 B.细菌产生的杀死细菌的物质 C.某些真菌产生的杀死细菌的物质 D.某些真菌产生的杀死某些致病细菌的物质 9.某海关在进口食品中,检疫出一种病原微生物,这种病原微生物为单细胞,细胞内没有成形的细胞核,你认为这种生物最有可能属于() A.病毒B.细菌C.真菌D.霉菌 10.如图是食肉目部分动物分类等级示意图,下列选项中亲缘关系最远的是()

A.猫和虎B.狼和犬C.虎和狮D.虎和犬 11.下列关于病毒的叙述;错误的是() A.病毒没有细胞结构;不能独立生活 B.病毒个体很小;要用电子显微镜才能观察到 C.病毒一旦侵入人体;就会使人患病 D.病毒有植物病毒、动物病毒和细菌病毒之分 12.小明把家里死的小金鱼埋在一棵树旁的土里,过了一段时间他又挖开土去看小金鱼,可小金鱼已不见了;原因是() A.小金鱼蒸发B.小金鱼被树根吸收了 C.小金鱼被猫挖吃了D.小金鱼被腐生细菌分解了 13.上课了,老师推门进入教室,关于推门动作的分析正确的是() A.推门动作很简单,无需神经系统的协调 B.完成这个动作一定要消耗能量 C.推门伸肘时肱二头肌会收缩,肱三头肌会舒张 D.完成这个动作时,相关的骨和关节都起杠杆的作用 14.下列对蝗虫外骨骼功能的叙述,错误的是() A.保护内部柔软器官;B.支持体内器官; C.保护体内的骨骼;D.防止体内水分蒸发 15.动物的身体结构特点都是与其功能相适应的,下列动物结构与其功能的对应关系,不正确的是() A.河蚌的贝壳——游泳B.蝗虫的气管——呼吸 C.蜥蜴的鳞片——保护D.家鸽的羽毛——飞行 16.下图是关节结构示意图,下列有关叙述错误的是 A.关节的基本结构包括[a、b、c、d] B.结构[c]分泌的滑液使关节运动更加灵活 C.结构[b]及其内外的韧带使关节更牢固 D.结构[e]减少两骨间的摩擦,使运动更加灵活


2021届四川省成都市石室中学高三上学期期中考试 数学(理科)试题 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是符合题目要求的. 1、若复数z 满足i iz 21+=,其中i 为虚数单位,则在复平面上复数z 对应的点的坐标为( ) .A )1,2(--.B )1,2(-.C )1,2(.D )1,2(- 2、“2log (23)1x -<”是“48x >”的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充分必要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 3、已知随机变量ξ服从正态分布(1,1)N ,若(3)0.976P ξ<=,则(13)P ξ-<<=() A.0.952 B.0.942 C.0.954 D.0.960 4、若数列{}n a 的前n 项和为2 n S kn n =+,且1039,a =则100a =() A. 200 B. 199 C. 299 D. 399 5、若(0, )2π α∈,若4 cos()65 πα+=,则sin(2)6πα+的值为( ) A . 1237 25- B . 7324 50 - C . 2437 50 - D . 1237 25 + 6、在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知ABC ?的顶点(0,4)A 和(0,4)C -,顶点B 在椭圆22 1925 x y +=上,则 sin() sin sin A C A C +=+( ) A .35 B .45 C .54 D .5 3 7、若,x y 满足4, 20,24, x y x y x y +≤?? -≥??+≥? 则43y z x -=-的取值范围是() A.(,4][3,)-∞-?+∞ B. (,2][1,)-∞-?-+∞ C. [2,1]-- D. [4,3]- 8、从0,1,2,3,4,5,6这七个数字中选两个奇数和两个偶数,组成没有重复数字的四位数的个数为( ) A .432 B .378 C .180 D .362


议论文阅读专题 议论文阅读答题技巧 一、论点(证明什么)论点应该是作者看法的完整表述,在形式上是个完整的简洁明确的句子。从全文看,它必能统摄全文。表述形式往往是个表示肯定或否定的判断句,是明确的表态性的句子。 A.把握文章的论点。中心论点只有一个(统帅分论点) ⑴明确:分论点可有N个(补充和证明中心论点) ⑵方法①从位置上找:如标题、开篇、中间、结尾。②分析文章的论据。(可用于检验预想的论点是否恰当)③摘录法(只有分论点,而无中心论点) B.分析论点是怎样提出的:①摆事实讲道理后归结论点;②开门见山,提出中心论点;③针对生活中存在的现象,提出论题,通过分析论述,归结出中心论点;④叙述作者的一段经历湖,归结出中心论点;⑤作者从故事中提出问题,然后一步步分析推论,最后得出结论,提出中心论点。 二、论据(用什么证明) ⑴论据的类型:①事实论据(举例后要总结,概述论据要紧扣论点);②道理论据(引用名言要分析)。 ⑵论据要真实、可靠,典型(学科、国别、古今等)。⑶次序安排(照应论点);⑷判断论据能否证明论点;⑸补充论据(要能证明论点)。 三、论证(怎样证明) ⑴论证方法(须为四个字)①举例论证(例证法)事实论据记叙②道理论证(引证法和说理)道理论据议论③对比论证(其本身也可以是举例论证和道理论证)④比喻论证 在说明文中为打比方,散文中为比喻。 ⑵分析论证过程:①论点是怎样提出的;②论点是怎样被证明的(用了哪些道理和事实,是否有正反两面的分析说理);③联系全文的结构,是否有总结。 ⑶论证的完整性(答:使论证更加全面完整,避免产生误解) ⑷分析论证的作用:证明该段的论点。 四、议论文的结构 ⑴一般形式:①引论(提出问题)―――②本论(分析问题)―――③结论(解决问题)。 ⑵类型:①并列式②总分总式③总分式④分总式⑤递进式。 五、议论文的语言 ⑴严密(修饰性、限制性的语言的运用)⑵生动(成语、各种修辞手法的运用);⑶词序(从生活逻辑和上下文的照应上判断);⑷句序(关联词语的使用,特别要注意递进关系)。 六、常见考点。 1.议论文的论点考点: 第一、分清所议论的问题及针对这个问题作者所持的看法(即分清论题和论点)。 第二、注意论点在文中的位置: (1)在文章的开头,这就是所谓开宗明义、开门见山的写法。 (2)在文章结尾,就是所谓归纳全文,篇末点题,揭示中心的写法。这种写法在明确表达论点时大多有。所以,总之,因此,总而言之,归根结底等总结性的词语。 第三、分清中心论点和分论点:分论一般位于段首或有标志性词语:首先、其次、第三等。第四、要注意论点的表述形式:有时题目就是中心论点。一篇议论文只有一个中心论点。 第五、通过论据来反推论点:论据是为证明论点服务的,分析论据可以看出它证明什么,肯定什么,支持什么,这就是论点。


成都石室中学高2019届2月份入学考试- 物理试题 二、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题6分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,第14-18题只有一项符合题目要求,第19-21题有多项符合题目要求。全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分。14.我国选手谢思埸在2018年国际泳联世界跳水系列赛北京站夺得男子三米跳板冠军,如图所示为谢思埸(可视为质 点)参加跳板跳水比赛时,其竖直方向的速度随时 间变化的图象,以他离开跳板时为计时起点,不计 空气阻力,则() A.t1时刻开始进入水面 B.t2时刻开始进入水面 C.t2时刻达到最高点 D.t3时刻达到最高点 15.如图所示是小明同学画的几种人造地球卫星轨道的示意图,视地球为质量分布均匀的球体,其中a卫星的圆轨道平面过地轴,b卫星 的圆轨道与地轴夹角为一锐角,c卫星轨道为与 地轴垂直的椭圆,地球半径与卫星高度如图示。 则下列说法错误 ..的是() A.三个卫星都不可能是地球同步卫星 B.如果各卫星质量相等,它们的机械能也相等 C.c卫星在远地点的速度一定小于a卫星和b卫星的环绕速度 D.c卫星在远地点的速度一定小于第一宇宙速度 16.如图所示,A球质量为B球质量的两倍,A球不带电,B球带正电,光滑的绝缘斜面倾角为θ。图甲中,A、B两球用轻质绝缘弹簧相连,图乙中,A、B两球用轻质绝缘杆相连,两个装置均处于平行于斜面向上的匀强电场E中,此时A、B 两球组成的系统均处于静止状态,轻弹 簧、轻杆均与斜面平行,重力加速度大小 为g。当撤去匀强电场E的瞬间,则下列 说法正确的是() A.两图中A、B两球的加速度大小均为gsin θ B.两图中A球的加速度大小均为零



成都金牛区初中学校ABC类排名 一类(B+、B) 成都实验外国语学校西区 西南交大附中 七中万达学校 成都市金牛实验中学(本部) 成都市铁路中学 二类(B-) 成都市第八中学 成都市第二十中学(初中部) 成都市第十八中学 树德博瑞实验学校 成都石室外语学校 三类学校(C+、C、C-) 成都市通锦中学 金牛实验中学北区(原锦西中学) 金牛实验中学西区 成都市金牛中学 铁二院中学 成都市人民北路中学 成都市第三十三中(现在的八中北区)成都市第三十六中学

成都青羊区初中学校ABC类排名 一类(A+、A) 成都市石室联合中学 成都市树德实验中学 树德中学光华校区 二类(B、B-) 成都市青羊实验中学 成都市石室联合中学(金沙分校) 成都市石室联合中学(西区) 成都市青羊实验联合中学 成都市成飞中学 四川师范大学实验外国语学校 三类(C+、C) 成都市第十一中学女子学校 成都石室联合中学蜀华分校 成都市树德实验中学(西区) 成都市树德实验协进中学 成都市三十七中学 成都树德实验中学东区(原成都二十四中学)锦城学校 体育中学

成都武侯区初中学校ABC类排名 一类(A、B+) 成都西川中学 成都市棕北中学 二类(B、B-) 成都市第十二中学(四川大学附属中学) 成都七中实验学校 成都市棕北联合中学 成都市石室双楠实验学校(原成都双楠实验学校) 四川成都西北中学 成都石室锦城外国语学校(原成都市第十六中学)成都武侯外国语学校 三类(C+、C、C-) 成都市通江实验学校 成都市机投中学 成都市金花中学 成都市第四十三中学校 成都武侯金鹏科技实验学校 成都市明成学校 成都市金花光明学校 成都市金花金兴南路学校


成都石室联合中学2020年化学上册期中试卷及答案 一、选择题(培优题较难) 1.下列实验现象描述正确的是 A.硫在氧气中燃烧发出淡蓝色火焰 B.磷在空气中燃烧产生大量白烟 C.木炭在空气中燃烧发出白光 D.铁丝在氧气中燃烧,火星四射,生成四氧化三铁 2.元素周期表是学习和研究化学的重要工具,如图是元素周期表的一部分,其中X、Y、Z 代表三种不同的元素。下列说法中正确的是() A.原子序数:X>Y B.核外电子数:X=Z C.Y和Z处于同一周期D.X和Z的电子层数相同 3.某工地发生多人食物中毒,经化验为误食工业用盐亚硝酸钠(NaNO2)所致。NaNO2中氮元素的化合价是() A.+4B.+3C.+2D.+5 4.下列加热高锰酸钾制取氧气的部分操作示意图中,正确的是 A.检查装置气密性B.加热立即收集 C.收满后移出集气瓶 D.结束时 停止加热 5.下列有关氧气的说法,错误的是() A.氧气能支持燃烧 B.细铁丝在氧气中燃烧,生成氧化铁 C.在通常状况下,氧气的密度比空气大 D.氧气的化学性质比较活泼,能跟许多物质发生反应 6.下列关于四种粒子结构示意图的说法正确的是

A.①③属于不同种元素B.④属于离子,离子符号为Mg2- C.②③的化学性质相似D.①④均达到相对稳定的结构 7.“” “”表示两种不同元素的原子,下图表示化合物的是 A.B. C. D. 8.化学是在分子、原子的层次上研究物质的性质、组成、结构与变化规律的科学。下图是某化学反应的微观示意图,下列说法正确的是 A.反应前后分子的个数不变B.生成物有三种 C.反应前后汞原子和氧原子的个数不变D.是保持氧气化学性质的最小粒子9.硼是作物生长必需的微量营养元素,硼元素的相关信息如图所示。下列有关硼的说法正确的是


成都石室中学高2011级“一摸”模拟考试 数学试卷(理科) 一.选择题(毎题5分,共60分) 1. 函数尸牙I的图彖是() (A)关于東点对称(B)关于y轴对称(C)关于直线y^x对称(D〉周期函数的图象2. 一个单位共有职工200人,其中不超过45岁的有120人,超过45岁的有80 人.为了调查职工的健康状况,用分层抽样的方法从全体职工中抽取一个容量为 25的样本.应抽取超过45岁的职工()人. “)10(耳8(C)129)4 3.不等式—>!的解集是( l-x ) 2)碍vxvl,(c)卜卜 <甘(D) ? 4.若{耳,}赴等差数列,a4+a8=14,则%二() ")5 (耳6(07(D)8 5.己知两条頁线y^ax-2和y = (a + 2)x +1互相垂宜'则a等丁(〉 6.若sina + cosa = 0 ,则sin2 a-sin2a 的值是( (B) 1 (C) 0 (D) -1 (A) 0 (B)I(D)I 7.设a,bwR?己恕命駆p:a = b ;命題g: 2 . L2 —K'Jp是?成立的() (A).必耍不充分条件 ?(B).充分不必要条件 (D).既不充分也不必耍条 件x-y+l 2 0, x WO, 则*3""的最小值是() (A). 0 (B). 1 (D). 9

9. 经过柄lfflt + £ = l(a>b>0)的一个焦点和短轴端点的直线与原点的距离是2.则 Q b 2 这个椭圆的离心率是( 10. 设a、b、c分别是的三个内角A.B.C所对的边,则/=6(b + c)是A = 2B的 (A)充要条件(B〉充分而不必要条件 \ 12?设过点P(x.y)的直线分别与x轴的正半轴和y轴的正半轴交于两点,点0与点P ■ ? ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■― ? 关7>轴对称,O为坐标原点,若BP = 2PA且00= 1,则点P的轨迹方程是() 二.填空題 13. 设半径为4的球血上有点A、B、C?其中A与B、B与C、C与A的球面距离都長2兀,O基球心,则点O到平W ABC的跆离呈_______________ 。 14. 曲数/(x) = (l + x)4 -4(1+ x)' +6(l + x)z -4(l + x),则/(75)= ____ . 15. 抛物线y = X +2OX + Q2 -2a的顶点的轨迹方程是_______________ ? 16. 关于二元方程Ax2■¥ Bxy+Cy2 + Dx+ Ey-¥ F = Q,下列说法正确的是_______________ ①当J = C = l,B = 0,D = E = 2,F = 0时方程的曲线是过原点的圆; ?J = C*0,B = 0是该方程表示圆的必妾不充分条件; ③当B = 0,/C<0时,方程的曲线是双曲线: ④当B = 0,^C>0,^^C时,方程的曲线是椭圆;


第 1 页 共 8 页 2020年成都市石室联合中学小升初招生 数学模拟试卷 一、用心思考,正确填写。(每空1分共20分) 1、802平方米=( )平方分米 145分=( )时 2、2010年第六次全国人口普查中国总人口数为十三亿七千零五十三万六千八百七十五人,横线上的数写作( ),省略“亿”后面的尾数是( )。 3、15÷( )=45:60= 120 60) (45+ +=( )% 4、在1、 5、411、 -3、-0.15、+4、-3 2 中,整数有( ),负数有( ),如果把这些数标在数轴上,离0最近的是( )。 5、2022年第24届冬奥会将在北京-张家口举办,这年的二月有( )天。 6、根据a × 43=b ×52写出一个比例:a :5 2 =( : ) 7、如图,圆柱和圆锥的底面积相等,童童把2.4L 的水倒入两个容器后正好都倒满而没有剩余,圆柱的容积是( )。 8、农场收了400多个橙子(不到500个),把这些橙子20个装一盒或者12个装一盒,都正好装完,这 个农场一共收了( )个橙子。 9、右图中长方形的周长是24cm ,圆的周长是( )cm 。 10、两个数的平均数是a ,其中最大的数是a +3,那么最小的数是( )。 11、一批种子的发芽率是95%,要想保证成活300粒,至少需要种( )粒。 12、右图是甲、乙、丙三人打一份稿件所用时间。 甲所需时间比丙少( )%; 甲乙工作效率的比是( ); 乙丙合作( )天完成任务。 二、仔细推敲,判断对错。(对的打√,错的打×,每题1分共7分) ( )1、分数单位是 12 1 的最简真分数只有4个。 ( )2、一个正方形按3:1放大后,面积扩大了12倍。 ( )3、一个等腰三角形的两条边是5 cm 、10cm ,那么它的周长可能是20cm 或25cm 。 16 12 8 4 0 8 15 10 天

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