当前位置:文档之家› 我会永远记住你_高一作文







到了第二年,也就是初一的时候。我的青春期逆反心理很严重,那天不是两天一大吵,三天一小吵。只是每次都是因为我那烂到掉渣的试卷。我当时只知道玩耍,但却不知道妈妈看到我考得很差,可她总是在我面前不敢露出失望的样子,只能独自一人在角落默默的叹息。初二了,我的性格也越来越叛逆。妈妈说让我向东,我却固执的偏要————来源网络整理,仅供参考 1




牛津高中英语模块一 高一上学期 P18-P37 虢宇翻

P18A We have a radio club in our school. It is great because it is run by students for the school. I am lucky as I am one of the hosts. 我们学校有个电台俱乐部,是由学校的学生管理,因此很棒。我也很幸运的成为了其中的一位主持人。 It was started two years ago. One day, I just began thinking about music for everyone, so I asked the headmaster if music could be played during break times. He approved the idea, and two year later I am in charge of the radio club as the oldest student member. Our club is much more than just music. Every morning we tell our schoolmates about the weather, recent news, and some special messages that the teachers want us to broadcast. 电台俱乐部两年前创办。有一天,我想把英语播给每个人听,所以我问了班长是否能在休息时间放英语。他同意了我的想法。两年后的现在,我已经成为掌管俱乐部的元老。我们的俱乐部远不止于播放音乐,每天早上我们都带给同学们天气资讯,最近新闻以及一些老师希望我们播放的特别消息。 During exam time we have a special programme that tells students the things they should do for preparation. At the end of the school year, many students who are graduating use our club to give messages to their close friends and teachers. 考试期间,我们制作了一个特别的栏目,专用于告诉同学们考前应该怎么准备考试。学期期末,很多的同学通过我们的电台给他们最好的朋友和老师送上祝福。 When parents come to visit the school and talk to the teachers, we often play songs sung by students, and we also give messages to inform the parents of events such as outing and school plays. 每当有家长来学校和老师谈话时,我们经常播出一些同学们唱的歌,我们也给家长们提供些活动信息,比如短途旅行,校园剧。 P18B Our school club ‘Poets of the Next Generation’ is a literary club tha t was started by our English teacher Mr Owen. 我们的校内俱乐部“下一代诗人”是由我们的英语老师欧文先生发起的一个文学俱乐部。 We meet on the last Friday of every month to talk about poems and poets that we like. 每个月的最后一个星期五我们会聚在一起讨论喜爱的诗歌和诗人。 In the club meetings, we first select poems that we love, and then read them aloud. 聚会的时候,我们首先挑选出我们喜爱的诗歌,再朗诵这些诗歌。 We also discuss poems in our meetings. 我们还在聚会时讨论诗歌。 When I attended the first meeting, I was required to write a poem and I had to read it to the club. 我第一次参加聚会的时候,被要求写一首诗,还得当着俱乐部成员的面进行朗诵。 I was a little nervous at first, but everyone was so nice and friendly that I soon stopped worrying. 起初我觉得有些紧张,但所有的成员都是那么亲切、友好,我很快就不担心了 Once read a poem about nature in the school courtyard.


做真实的自己初三作文600字 做真实的自己初三精选作文600字篇一 有人说过,人生就是一场戏,我们都是戏中的一个过客,在这短暂的舞台上扮演着自己的角色,可能有时候会身不由己,但只要我们做到最真实的那个角色,就会发现,人生虽然带着脸谱,但绝对是最美丽的一个!人生道路上的得到不是目的,而是过程。虽然苦,虽然绝不会想再来一次,但在回忆中是甜美的信心之旅,彷如人生。 假如你能成为山顶上的劲松,那就当一棵山谷里的小树吧。——但要当一棵溪边的小树。 假如你不能成为一棵大树,那就当一丛灌木,假如你不能成为一丛小灌木,那就当一片小草地。 假如你不能是一只香樟,那就当一尾小鲈鱼——但要当湖里最活泼的小鲈鱼。 假如你不能成为大道,那就当一条小路:假如你不能成为太阳,那就当一颗星星。

我们不能全是船长,必须有人来当水手。生活中有许多事让我们去做,有大事,有小事,但最重要的是我们身旁的事。 认识自己,扮演自己,实践自己,即是天堂:不认识自己,想扮演别人,即是地狱。无知会痛苦地走一辈子冤枉路,自知,是人生的第一步!人生的目的就是尽情的做自己。做自己愿意做的事,这虽然可能有一定的困难,但其实不代表着做不到。我们应该树立起这样的观念:一辈子只做有意义的事,只做自己愿意做的事。 其实,人生就是一场戏。只要认真、用心、真情、无愧,就没必要计较角色的分量与表现了。你认真做了应该做的,你能用心对待别人,你无愧天地良心,这就非常足够了。可以说这样你就是个称职的人生舞台剧演员了。 不要勉强自己,不要给自己压力,按照良心的剧本,演一场人生舞台的戏。 做真实的自己初三精选作文600字篇二 世间美妙的事物繁多,其中最让人向往的却是虚幻的水中月镜中花。因为它们神秘美丽而令人向往。于是在追求中我们常常丢失了方向,忘记了时间,并为此乐此不疲,直至追求幻灭。追求如此,人的


Home alone Act one Mom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier than expected. The curtains are closed and the living room is dark when Mom and Dad enter. Dad: It’s so nice to be home! Mom: Yes, I can’t wait to surprise the boys! Suddenly a door opens and a soccer ball flies through the room. Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly. Eric: Mom! Dad! You’re back early! (looking around room, sounding frightened) But, but--- you weren’t supposed to come home until tomorrow! The dog slowly walks to Mom and Dad. Mom: (Bending to touch dog) Eric, he’s so tired and hungry! (looking at table) The money for dog food is gone, but Spot looks like he is starving! What did you do with the cash we left? Dad: And look at this room— garbage all over the place! Where is your brother? (shouting angrily) Daniel! Daniel: (running into room) Mom, Dad, I can explain--- Dad opens the curtains and light comes into the room. The room is in a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink. In the corner, there is a garbage can around which are pieces of garbage and waste paper. Mom and Dad both turn towards Daniel. Dad: (sounding very angry) listen to me, young man----we left you in charge? We thought you could act like an adult! I don’t know the reason why the house is so dirty--- Mom: Daniel, we thought you were an adult, a person from whom we could expect good decisions. Dad: How can we trust you any more? We won’t tolerate such behavior in our house! Daniel: ( shouting) Stop shou ting at me. I’m still a teenager! Why is everything always my fault? Daniel runs into his bedroom and slams the door. Mom and Dad look at each other as lights go out. Act two, scene one Daniel and Eric’s bedroom. Eric sits on his bed. Daniel has his arms c rossed and looks upset. Daniel: They never even gave me a chance to explain. I hate them! Eric: You don’t hate them. I can tell them we had an emergency. Then they won’t be mad anymore. Daniel: No, don’t tell them anything. Anyhow they didn’t trust me. They don’t deserve an explanation. Let them think what they want. Eric: But Daniel, if they knew that Spot was sick and we used the money to take him to the clinic--- Daniel: And that we spent all of yesterday waiting there for him and that is why we had no time to clean the house --- but no, Eric, why didn’t they ask me what happened instead of shouting at me? Act two, scene two Mom: Do you think we were too hard on Daniel? Perhaps there is a reason why the house is a mess… Dad: Maybe, but now that he has been so rude to us, I feel like we have to punish him or he

牛津译林版高中英语必修三 高一年级英语学科作业

淮安市范集中学高一年级英语学科作业 班级________学号_________姓名__________得分________编号_001__ 单项填空 1. He is old, so his son will _________ the farm. A. take charge of B. in charge of C. charge D. be in the charge of 2. Hay, I _________ to meet you here. How long have you been here? A. don’t expect B didn’t expect C. haven’t expect D. wouldn’t expect 3. I _________ you, but I was busy all the time yesterday afternoon. A. could help B. had helped C. helped D. could have helped 4. As ________ , they were waiting for us at the airport. A. plan B. planning C. being planned D. planned 5. The murderer stood before the policeman, his hands ________ on his back, trembling. A. tie B. tied C. tying D. to tie 6. She is not herself today, so she doesn’t feel like _______ food. A. eating B. to eat C. eats D. and eat 7. Though there are many beautiful dresses in the shop, yet none could ________ her. A. suit B. go with C. match D. meet 8. Many things were stolen and the theft _________ unreported. A. became B. left C. got D. went 9. She advised us _____ carefully in her class. A. listen B. listening C. to listen D. listened 10. Would you explain _____? A. the meaning to us B. us the meaning C. us to the meaning D. the meaning us 阅读理解 (A) BRITAIN is a popular tourist place. But tours of the country have pros and cons. Good news Free museums: No charge for outstanding collections of art and antiquities(古董). Pop music: Britain is the only country to rival(与……比敌)the US on this score. Black cabs: London taxi drivers know where they are going even if there are never enough of them at weekends or night. Choice of food: Visitors can find everything from Ethiopian to Swedish restaurants. Fashion: Not only do fashion junkies love deeply and respect highly brand names such as Vivienne Westwood, Alexander McQueen; street styles are justly loved, too. Bad news Poor service: “It’s part of the image of the place. People can dine out on the rudeness they have experienced,” says Professor Tony Seaton of Luton University’s International Tourism Research Center. Poor public transport: Trains and buses are promised to defeat the keenest tourists, although the over-crowded London tube is inexplicably(不可解的) popular. Lack of language: Speaking slowly and clearly may not get many foreign visitors very far, even in the tourist traps. Rain: Still in the number one complaint). No air-conditioning: So that even splendidly hot summer become as unbearable as the downpours. Overpriced hotels: The only European country with a higher rate of tax on hotel rooms is Denmark. Licensing hours: Alcohol is in short supply after 11 p.m. even in 24-hour cities. 11. What do tourists complain most? A. Poor service. B. Poor public transport. C. Rain. D. Overpriced hotels. 课题 M3U1 日 期 2010/02/22 主备人 许凤英 牛淮苏 审核人 孔翠平 书写评价


做真实的自己作文 笋,惟知节节向上,以直冲云天之势生长着,做自己惟一的自己。相信自己拥有独一无二的个性。 ——题记 鸟儿长大了,要脱离温暖的窝穴展翅翱翔;鱼儿长大了,要离开浅浅的池塘,游向广阔的大海;人长大了,要挣脱父母长辈的怀抱,以鹰击长空、鱼跃龙门的信念走出去,拼搏属于自己的未来。 随着人们走进新时代,越来越多的“山寨”、“模仿”词汇四处可见,然而,真的有必要去一味地模仿别人的做法吗?我听到这些总会不住摇头,“No!”这就是我的意见。叛逆的孩子总会听到父母嘴中那个“别人家的孩子”,他只是每天看书写作业,不喝不睡,这是每个父母眼中完美的孩子,然而,真的存在十全十美的人吗?残缺才是真正的美! 有这样一则寓言故事:鹰在树上栖息着,树下经过一只兔子,它抬起头问鹰:“鹰先生,我能不能像你一样安详得一动不动地休息?”鹰答:“当然可以。”兔子听后便躺在树下休息,不一会儿,一只狐狸经过,狐狸看到熟睡的兔子,饥肠辘辘的它便扑上去把兔子吃掉了。这则寓言本身的寓意不是这样,但我却领略到了其它的东西:一味地去模仿他人,却忘记自己是否有那能力,终会自取灭亡罢了。 在网上曾看到过相似的一则故事:在一个繁华的城镇里,有一位路过的商人建起了一家餐饮业大型超市,由于人们对那里感到新奇,又十分便利,便都去那里消费,这个店铺的生意便如日中天,愈加火爆。同城的商贩都看到了莫大的商机,纷纷效仿建起了餐饮超市,城镇内的超市顿时多了起来,大街小巷,随处可见。“物以稀为贵”这一点果然不错,由于城镇内的餐馆太多,人们大多习以为常,生意便渐渐冷落下来。后面效仿而为的商贩都赔了本,负债累累。商贩们的可笑而可悲的行为同时也深深地引起人们反省:是否模仿便是错?不,并不是全错,你或许可以在前的行为上加以变通再行之,便能得到更多的收获。 “网络”,如幽灵一般走进人们的日常生活。世界也从此进入了“信息时代”,人们交流只是在聊天框里的一串文字,开始展露“真正的自己”。“现实”也成为了人们的口头语,仿佛自己不在现实里似的。人与人之间开始隔起了一层膜,交往少了一份信任,多了一份谨慎。我还记得“真实是待人之道”这句话。只有你毫无保留地以真诚去对待他人,别人才会以同样的方式与你交朋友。 伪装,在现今社会已经成为人们保护自己的一种方式。真性情的人越来越少,而真性情的人只会得到其他人的中伤、嘲笑。开始那一块有棱有角的石头,终会在岁月的河水中被打磨、冲击,变成一块圆润的“鹅卵石”。


14-15学年牛津高一上学期B1U1测试(江苏) Class: Name: Marks: 满分(100) 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1. Hide-and-seek is such a popular game ______ is played among children all over the world. A. as B. that C. what D. which 2.— Thanks a lot for your ticket. The film is really funny. —______. I’m glad you enjoyed it. A. Well done B. Not at all C. No thanks D. All the best 3. ______ a store on the Internet seems to be an easy thing, but in fact it costs much time and energy. A. Hosting B. Running C. Donating D. Informing 4.—How’s your new cook? —We couldn’t find ______ one. All our customers like his Chinese dishes very much. A. better B. a better C. the best D. the better 5. From watering to other details, ______ keeping a plant seems to be a bit challenging for me. A. fluently B. naturally C. successfully D. academically 6. No one can tell the exact number of the ships and sailors ______ were lost in the terrible storm. A. who B. which C. whom D. that 7. —I think the watch is quite suitable for you and it’s not expensive. You can’t miss it! — OK, I ______ it. A. had taken B. took C. will take D. have taken 8. It can be a(n) ______ for many people to say “no”, beca use they hate to disappoint (使失望) others and make themselves feel uncomfortable. A. experience B. struggle C. purpose D. habit 9. When travelling abroad, some people like to visit the ancient buildings while ______ prefer to explore the natural wonders. A. other B. the other C. others D. the others 10. —Darling, what’s on your mind? —Well, I’m considering ______ I am going to place our new furniture. A. who B. what C. which D. where 11. Sun Yang is the only one of the Chinese male swimmers who ______ a winner of two Olympic gold medals. A. is B. are C. were D. have been 12. Today, it’s hard for many children to become independent, as their parents are always ______ — they try to arrange everything for the younger generation. A. in need B. in silence C. in charge D. in preparation 13. — Hi, Simon. Welcome back! How long ______ there? — Nearly two weeks.


以真实的自己为题的初中作文1000字5篇 如同鲁迅所说的那样:“有真意,去掉粉饰,少去做作,切勿卖弄,”一样,真实的自己也应该如此,毫无掩盖的展示在众人的眼前。下面是橙子为大家带来的有关真实的自己为题的初中作文1000字5篇。 真实的自己 “我是谁呢?我就是人见人爱,花见花开,车见车爆胎的熊思宇!” 我身穿一件衬衫和牛仔裤,还有刚穿上的运动鞋了。我帅气吧! 寻找真实的自己有那么难吗?在学校,我忠厚老实,上课也回答老师的问题。可一到家,我就像变了个人似的,拿出小珠珠,把楼下的人都给叫上来玩珠珠。到了六点,我才开始做作业,写拿出一些小珠珠玩,爷爷一进来我就把小珠珠收进去,爷爷一出去,我又拿出来……没完没了,让我感觉很好玩。学习上的缺陷我都是用玩来打发时间,我玩珠珠可利害了。一弹就射中了,由于我没专心学习,今天被钏老师给批评了一顿。我玩得太过火才会被批评,我一定要多抽些空来学习。 快乐的我原来也是有烦恼的。信天我们要做基训20课,我由于赶快,就乱涂乱画,结果被钟老师骂了顿,而且我今天还被贾老师叫到,又要被数学书给抄一遍。“噢!老天!你为何要如此折磨我?没天理啊!……我苦苦哀鸣道,一提起这件事我就气得要死。更气人的是我既要抄数学书,又要抄语文基训20课,还被向卓瑶记进了黑名单,我真是倒了18辈的“猪屎运”,太倒霉了。

这就是真实的我,大家可千万别学我不好的一面噢! 真实的自己 花会凋残,雨会坠落,当微风吹过脸颊,阳光普照大地,我的影子不知跟着时间躲在了哪里,寻寻觅觅许久,却总也找不到那片独属于我的黑暗。但那颗依然在舞动的心清楚地告诉我,我还在…… ——题记 走得累了,我总喜欢停下来,回头看看那些曾被我忽略过无数次的风景,只有这个时候,我才会在梦境中醒来,然后一遍又一遍地告诉自己——我就是我,不要让别人来代替自己。 时间就如同握在手中的沙,到最后,被你抓住的沙,终是会被你舍弃。岁月的炽热让我不得不退离、逃开,在这个被爱与恨交织起来的世界,每个人都会驻足守望在自己的童话中。与其说童话,不如说谎言,谎言就是欺骗,就是背叛,久而久之,你会沉浸在自己的世界中,让这些可笑的言语麻痹你的神经,充斥你的大脑,渐渐地陷入命运的地狱,迷失了自己。 作为一种有血有肉有思想的生物,我们应该从小就明白,别人的永远是别人的,你付出再多也得不到,而随着时间的流逝,那些本该永远属于你的,已经被其他有资格拥抱它们的人贴上了标签,你付出了这么多,到头来却是竹篮打水一场空,你生命的意义在何处呢? 做自己不好吗?干嘛要去夺取不属于自己的东西? 每个人的生命都如同天上的点点繁星,各有各的特点,各有各的诠释。如果你遇到和你一样命运的人,请千万要记住你是谁,自己的


白塔高级中学高一英语阶段测试 (时间:120分钟总分:120分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应位置。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What are the speakers mainly talking about ? A . A city in reality B. A journey on the train C. A building in the painting 2. What do we know about the man’s sister? A. She has never been to the Middle East. B. She doesn’t stay in the Middle East long. C. She sees her mother in Hong Kong quite often. 3. What do you think of the man? A. He’s not outgoing. B. He’s not fond of talking. C. He has some difficulty in speaking. 4. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. At a check-in desk. B. At a book office. C. At a post office. 5. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The woman doesn’t like the joke at all. B. They can’t afford to stay at the hotel. C. They don’t want to stay at the hotel. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6-7题。 6. What did the woman order? A. Only beef. B. Only vegetables C. Both beef and vegetables. 7. Why did the man refuse to eat beef? A. He wants to lose some weight. B. He doesn’t digest meat. C. He’s a vegetarian. 听第7段材料,回答第8-9题。 8. What nationality is the woman? A. She’s American. B. She’s Chinese. C. She’s German. 9. What do you think of the woman’s family? A. A small family.


做真实的自己作文600字 关于做真实的自己作文600字3篇 关于做真实的自己作文600字1 都说社会是一个大染缸,能把最洁白的纸张染得面目除非;都说人生是一场戏,能把最真实的自己演的千变万化;都说知己是一面镜子,能把最完善的自己照的一清二楚。 如今的网络上有着这样的字眼“做作”,“奇葩”……当你说出心底最真实的想法时;当你与别人的决定不一样时;当你做出让人无法理解的行为时。上述的字眼就将会是别人用来形容你的! 于是,大多数人开始变了。变的唯唯诺诺,变的麻木不仁,变的趋炎附势……这样的他们同样也变的很可悲!有没有人想过,为什么有的人钟情于一部电影?为什么会有人为了一首歌而泪如雨下?是他们的情感专一?还是说他们的泪点很低?不,都不是!是因为他们看见了电影中与自己相似经历的情节,或是有一些自己曾想做但不敢做的事情。哭,有时并不是懦弱的表现,这也是动情的体现,可能是歌中的一两句歌词打动了你,也可能是歌手的情感感染了你。 每一个人都有自己的面具,或一个,或两个,甚至是连自己都数不清的“保护色”。保护自己,隔绝众人。慢慢地,与大家的距离越拉越远,鸿沟也越来越深了。当有一天醒悟时,想脱下面具时,才发现原来自己的面具戴的太久了,久到无法改变了!笑容还是那么灿烂,却不达眼底;表情还是那么多样,却无比的僵硬。

然而,回头发现自己嘲笑的“奇葩”们,个个都比自己强,至少他们勇于追求,不惧艰难。他们最好的证明了“走自己的路,让别人说去吧”!这一句话。 是啊,海那么宽,天那么阔,做最真实的自己。 关于做真实的自己作文600字2 有人说过,人生就是一场戏,我们都是戏中的一个过客,在这短暂的舞台上扮演着自己的角色,可能有时候会身不由己,但只要我们做到最真实的那个角色,就会发现,人生虽然带着脸谱,但绝对是最美丽的一个!人生道路上的得到不是目的,而是过程。虽然苦,虽然绝不会想再来一次,但在回忆中是甜美的.信心之旅,彷如人生。 如果你能成为山顶上的劲松,那就当一棵山谷里的小树吧。——但要当一棵溪边最好的小树。 如果你不能成为一棵大树,那就当一丛灌木,如果你不能成为一丛小灌木,那就当一片小草地。 如果你不能是一只香樟,那就当一尾小鲈鱼——但要当湖里最活泼的小鲈鱼。 如果你不能成为大道,那就当一条小路:如果你不能成为太阳,那就当一颗星星。 我们不能全是船长,必须有人来当水手。生活中有许多事让我们去做,有大事,有小事,但最重要的是我们身旁的事。 认识自己,扮演自己,实践自己,即是天堂:不认识自己,想扮演别人,即是地狱。无知会痛苦地走一辈子冤枉路,自知,是人生的


高中英语词江专题-填空 Module1 单词填空专练 -Unit 1- 1. The Tang D _________ was the golden age of classical Chinese Poetry. 2. Tom d________ to be praised by the boss as he has worked so hard that nobody can imagine. 3. The news of Gaddafi's death was b_______ over the radio throughout the world immediately. 4. Ann was very annoyed at his rude b__________ at her birthday party. 5. After g_________ from university, he has been working as a newspaper reporter. 6. People often work out outdoors on the weekend and do something ________( 挑战性的). 7. George likes living in Australia, where he had an _____________ (令人愉快的) time several years ago. 8. She g____________ from No. 1 Middle School last July and then went to America for further study. 9. A basketball match between China and Japan is to be held tomorrow evening, and CCTV sports channel will broadcast the e_____________. 10. -- What is Tom busy doing tonight? -- He is making p___________ for tomorrow examination. 11. As a young boy, he had to e _________a living because his family was very poor. 12. When we meet, we first s________ poems that we love, and then read them out loud. 13. He was so generous(慷慨) that he d_________ a lot of money to the flooded area. 14. I r________ not finishing my homework yesterday. 15. Do you a________ of what I have done? 16. He's depending on his mother to take care of the twins for him; she's had plenty of _________(经验) in it. 17. Many a person r___________ Dr. Yuan, who helps them get rid of hunger. 18. Now some parents ask their children to take e________ lessons at the weekends though they spend long hours on their studies from Monday to Friday. 19.As is known to all, it’s traditional for the two teams to ???_____________( 交换) shirts after the game.


做真实的自己作文字 “出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭净植,可远观而不可亵玩焉”这是对“清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰”的莲的赞叹;“不要人夸好颜色,只留清气满乾坤”这是对欺霜傲雪,临寒绽放的梅的称叹。莲,从不做作,从不粉饰,执着用自己真实的一面展现给浏览者;梅,从不卖弄,从不遮掩,毅然将自己最本真的一面展现出来,我们每个人都应像莲、像梅一样做最真实的自己。 做真实的自己是一种发自内心的快乐。“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”这是陶渊明的快乐。心曾被污浊的官场所牵绊,感受不到秀丽的山川气息,在身心劳累之后,在发出“不为五斗米折腰”的感慨之后,毅然选择了隐逸的生活,选择了山川,草木,虫鱼,鸟兽,选择了“榆柳荫后檐,桃李罗堂前”生活,因为他懂得了与自然共乐才是真实的自己,才能拥有快乐,最幸福的笑容。 可回头看一看如今的生活是怎样的呢?许多人已经忘记了那个最本质,最真实的自己。做作,矫揉,卖弄。看到大街上的人把头发染成红色,自己也马上去染成红色,不管是好看还是不好看。或在自己的脸上涂抹上厚厚的粉底液,画上浓浓的眼影,有时,看起来真像一个怪物,难看至极。她们已迷失了最本质最纯真的自己,用一切流行的东西将自己带离了那个最初的路口。 当今社会,有的人不满意自己的容貌,竟花费巨额费用飞往他过去整容,将自己的脸整成各式各样,虽美丽了,却将自己最初的容貌丢弃了,她们太在乎外表美丽而忘记内心美丽才是最重要的,用一切虚假的形象去蒙蔽众人的眼睛,可她们错了,她们丢失了自己人生最宝贵的财富:做真实的自己;有一颗真实的心,拥有最初,最真实的快乐。 在每个人的人生海洋中,也许我们并不是很成功,不是很完美,但我们应该抓住自己最真实的一面,拥有一颗真实的心灵,那么,即使我们很平凡,很普通,但我们都拥有真正的快乐。 生活应似莲,处处展现自己最真实,最质朴的一面,像莲一样不矫揉造作,不卖弄粉饰,散发淡淡的清香,吐露花蕊。做真实的自己,卸下心里的负担,让心情飞扬,给自己插上一双真实的翅膀,在蓝天里翱翔! 做真实的自己作文字 刻意安排的人生,有一种疲惫不已的感觉,尽力粉饰的人生,有一种违背良心的罪恶;做作的人生,更少不了内心惶恐的不安。那我们的人生该如何呈现出来,其实只须我们对它不加粉饰,呈递出它那朴实无华的面貌,战士我们真实的面庞。


M1U1 SCHOOL life in the UK Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3.30 p.m. This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m. On the first day, all of the new students attended an assembly in the school hall. I sat next to a girl whose name is Diane. We soon became best friends. During the assembly, the headmaster told us about the rules of the school. He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote oneself to study and achieve high grades. This sounded like my school in China. I had many teachers in the past year. Mr. Heywood , my class teacher, was very helpful. My favorite teacher was Miss Burke—I loved the lessons that she gave in English Literature. In our class there were 28 students. This is about the average size for British schools. We had to move to different classrooms for different classes. We also had different students in some classes, so it was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names. I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit challenging for me at firs t because all the homework was in English. I felt lucky as all my teachers gave me much encouragement and I enjoyed all my subjects: English, History, English Literature, Computer Science, Maths, Science, PE, Art, Cooking and French. My English improved a lot as I used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library.I usually went to the Computer Club during the lunch break, so I could send e-mails to my family and friends back home for free. I also had an extra French class on Tuesday evenings. Cooking was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food. At the end of term we held a class party and we all had to cook something. I was glad that all my classmates were fond of the cake that I made. Students at that school have to study Maths, English and Science, but can stop studying some subjects if they don’t like them, for example, History and French. They can choose other subjects like Art and Computer Science or Languages such as Spanish and German. In the Art class that I took, I made a small sculpture. Though it didn’t look very beautiful when it was finished, I still liked it very much. I missed Chinese food a lot at lunch. British food is very different. British people like eating dessert at the end of their main meal. After lunch, we usually played on the school field. Sometimes I played football with the boys. Sometimes I just relaxed under a tree or sat on the grass. I was very lucky to experience this different way of life. I look back on my time in the UK with satisfaction, and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again. 在英国的学校生活 在英国上了一年的中学对我来说是一段非常令人愉快和兴奋的经历。我很喜欢英国中学的作息时间,因为学校每天上午大约9点上课,下午大约3点半放学。这意味着我每天可以比以往晚一个小时起床,因为在中国学校每天上午8点之前就开始上课了。 开学第一天,所有的新生都去学校礼堂参加晨会。我当时坐在一个名叫黛安娜的女孩身边:我们很快就成了最要好的朋友。在晨会上,校长向我们宣布了校规。他还告诉我们,赢得尊重 的最佳途径就是专心学习并取得好成绩。这听起来倒是像我在国内就读的学校。 过去的一年里我有过许多老师。海伍德先生,我的班主任,对我的帮助很大。我最喜欢的老师是伯克小姐——我喜爱她教的英国文学课程。我们班上一一共有28个学生。英国中学的班级

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