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个人简历英文翻译 Richard Anderson 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)-456 7890. Objective: To get a position as Administrative Assistant (Personnel) and to gain further experience in accounting field. Experience Summary: ?Handled various work processes with efficiency ?Introduce new work process methods to increase work productivity and received appreciation for improved results Professional Experience: Personnel Assistant, July 20XX to Present Harper Printing Services, Illinois ?Handled client printing request forms and their filing ?Managed archive storage tasks ?Managed request for staff for equipment needs ?Designed forms to expedite certain work tasks and improved work productivity Personal Assistant, July 20XX to August 20XX Jasper Fabrication Works, Illinois for important tasks ?Maintained file and carried out data entry ?Maintained various files and customer request forms Education 20XX to August 20XX Pristine College, Illinois ?Completed Secretarial Course Skills ?Fast typing


应聘英语翻译个人简历 应聘英语翻译个人简历模板 姓名:性别:女年龄: 24岁学历:本科工作年限: 2年户口:广州市居住地:广东省广州市现任职位:英语翻译待遇要求: 3500--5000/月到岗时间: -- 希望地区:广州市深圳市东莞市希望岗位:英语翻译商务代表跟单员 自我评论英语八级,专业知识扎实,有良好的听说读写译能力,尤擅英语笔译。为人诚实守信、勤奋好学、大方开朗,可经常出差。曾多次前往越南胡志明市出差。 工作经验某公司 xx-02 - 至今公司性质:房地产、建筑、安装、装潢担任职位:英语翻译工作职责和业绩:翻译施工图纸、施工方案、施工规范、报批书、工期计划等文献资料;多次陪领带出差越南,担任陪同翻译。入职一个月后,便负责公司越南一大型国际集装箱码头项目的总翻译工作,深得领导好评(公司共三名翻译,其他两名均为老员工)建兴光电科技(广州)有限公司 xx-02 - xx-12 公司性质:计算机业担任职位:英语客服兼翻译工作职责和业绩:翻译上司交代的文件资料解决客户投诉问题客户来访时的接待工作浙江省浦江县白马锁业有限公司 xx-07 - xx-08 公司性质:五金矿产、金属制品担任职位:实习生工作职责和业绩:

xx年7月,我在浙江省浦江县白马锁业有限公司进行了为期一个月的实习。知晓了国际贸易的.一般流程,也加深了对“锁”的认识与了解。并且,自己的英语专长也在实际的环境中得以运用。比如说,曾运用英语跟一外国客户进行业务谈判,帮助一名外籍男子买到理想童鞋等。 教育经历兰州理工大学 xx-09 - xx-06 最高学历:本科专业名称:英语专业描述:主修课程:英语翻译理论、口译理论与实践、科技英语翻译、高级英语、高级口语、高级视听、高级英语写作、商务英语、旅游英语、英国文学、美国文学、英美概况等毕业设计:《一个女人的爱情---解析简.爱的个性特点与梦想》毕业论文答辩获一等奖 培训经历兰州市千圣小肥牛餐饮连锁有限公司 xx-05 - xx-05 培训课程:餐饮文化专业描述:了解肥牛文化以及餐饮服务礼仪 建兴光电科技(广州)有限公司 xx-02 - xx-03 培训课程:在职培训专业描述:了解公司的规章纪律、文化理念、产品类型及生产原理等等


证件翻译大全--工作证明翻译样本 ×××has been working in ×××from ×××till now. Her current title is ×××in ×××Dep artment. Ms. ×××has been entitled to a monthly salary RMB ×××. With quarterly bonus and annual bonus, her annual income is no less than RMB ×××. For further enquires, please feel free to contact me at ×××or ×××. Sincerely yours, 样本2 October 31, 2006 To whom it may concern, This is to certify that xxx,male born on July first, 1980 has been working in xx x company as for two years. He started his job as a Merchandising assitant with the salary of RMB 2000 per month working from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. He has perform ed his arduous tasks with a seriousness, a sense of responsibility. He was promo ted to be an administrator/supervisior/manager with an appropria te raise. 开证明信的单位名xxxx 样本3 工作证明 (父母的工作证明也是下面的内容,根据自己的情况来改,主要说明收入的来源,数量,工作职责,等,注意一定要有抬头,抬头可以自己打印,彩色的最好,当然用单位现成的信纸也可以了。)


个人简历的英文翻译 George Mathew 25th Mainland, Near somokrith Bridge New Jersey Home: 00235-4587-03258 Cell: 00254-1258-9875 Email: Mathew.george@music world.co.in Career Profile: A skilled, creative and enthusiastic Disc Jockey with more than ten years of experience in the concerned field. Expertise in linking, playing and presenting records, interviewing guest on radios in three different stations and in hosting phone-ins. Looking for a challenging position to utilize my strengths and experience in a well reputed organization Core Competencies: ?Possess in-depth knowledge of developing community involvement programs ?Skills to adapt to a number of radio program formats ?In-depth knowledge of technical aspects of radio sound production ?Self -managing, self-motivated, positive, enthusiastic with can -do attitude ?Knowledge of basic operating systems ?Diverse knowledge of musical genre for different age groups ?Competent with audio equipment, hook-up and set up ?Strong interpersonal, communication and listening skills ?In-depth knowledge of audience taste ?Available 24 hour service Professional Experience: New Jersey radio music service, New Jersey 20XX till date Disc Jockey ?Handled the tasks of interviewing famous musical personalities ?Announced radio programs based on selected music ?Delivered comments on traffic condition, weather, time and music ?Updated latest movies and music releases to listening audiences ?Entertained radio audiences who called up with musical request


工作证明 兹证明**,男,出生于1964年6月7日,**先生从2001年至今一直在****贸易有限公司工作,担任公司法人代表以及总经理职务。 ****贸易有限公司成立于2001年,是具有进出口经营权的外贸公司,主要经营服装、服装面料及辅料、纺织品批发。公司有一批精通外贸业务、经验丰富、具有开拓创新精神的专业营销人才;有科学的管理体系;有奋发向上的企业文化。迄今为止,公司客户遍布全球五十多个国家和地区,形成了强大的营销网络、良好的服务体系和稳固的贸易关系。公司遵守国家宪法、法律、法规及相关政策,奉行“以人为本,诚信经营”的宗旨,及时高效的满足客户需求。在期经营过程中,重视社会风尚及道德建设,在同行业中颇得美誉。 **先生的主要职责是:主持公司的生产经营管理工作,组织实施股东会决议;组织实施公司的年度经营计划和投资方案;拟定公司内部管理机构设置方案;拟定公司的基本管理制度;制定公司的具体规章;提请聘任或解聘公司副经理、财务负责人;聘任或解聘除应由股东会聘任或解聘以外的负责管理人员;公司章程和股东会授予的其他职权。 **先生在工作中兢兢业业,恪尽职守,有进取心,有责任感。在担任公司总经理期间,**先生充分显示出其领导才能,对待工作一丝不苟,对待下属循循善诱,细致分析市场供求,调整相关策略,致力于公司的长远发展,在公司的发展历程中做出了巨大的贡献。**先生在职期间,其收入为,其个人所得税由公司代扣代缴。 特此证明 单位: 签字: 职位: 电话: 日期:

Statement of Working Here is to certify that **, male,born on Jun.7,1964, has been working in **** Co.,Ltd from 1999 till now as the legal representative and general manager of the company. Founded in 1999, **** Co.,Ltd is a foreign trade company with importing and exporting management right. Mainly, the company wholesales clothing,clothing materials, accessories and textile. There is a group of professional marketing competent staff who are proficient in foreign trade business with abundant experience and have the spirit of making innovations; the company has a scientific management system and upgoing enterprise culture. Till now, the customers of our company cover more than fifty states and nations, formed a strong marketing net, fine service system and stable trade relations. The company abides by the constitution,laws,regulations and relevant policy, it pursues the tenet of people foremost,managing with integrity, meets the needs of clients rapidly and effectively.During its managing process, it values the formation of social general mood and morality, and was highly praised by its counterparts. The main duty of Mr. ** is :Being in charge of the management of the company’s production and operation, an organizing the implementation of shareholders’ committee; organizing the implementation of annual operating plans and investment programs of the company; preparing the plan for the structure of the company’s internal management; preparing the basic management scheme of the company.formulating detailed company rules;recommending the appointment or removal of a deputy general manager and the officer in charge of finance; appointing and removing officers of the company other than those to be appointed or removed by the shareholders’ committee; other powers granted by the articles of association of the company and the shareholders’ committee. At work, Mr. ** is conscientious and does his best, fulfill his duties, has initiative thoughts and has a sense of responsibility. During the period he works as the general manager of the company, Mr. **'s leadership talent has revealed, he is serious at work, he always gives methodical and patient guidance. He analyzes the market supply and demand finely, adjusts relevant strategy, was dedicated in the long-term development of the company and made great contribution to the development of the company. The income of Mr. ** when in-service is : ,his individual income tax has been withheld by the company. Unit:**** Co.,Ltd Signature: Post: T el: Address: Date:


大学生英文自我介绍(带 翻译) I think that since the admission, the school has to comply with the rules and regulations, has a good ideological and moral quality, outstanding performance. Have a strong collective sense of honor and sense of responsibility, adhere to the principle of practical work for things. I thought the correct Chikunailao can have lofty ideals and great goals, the importance of personal moral cultivation, the adoption of a healthy life style, helpful, concerned about national affairs. In school, I have been studying hard and assiduously, through systematic study and master a solid foundation of knowledge. After school hours, I actively participated in physical training, enhance physical fitness, loves labor


教育背景 2016/11-2014/05 XX 外贸有限公司 英语翻译 1. 处理新闻笔译,在新闻上传后30-60分钟间自行概括摘要并翻译,内容涵盖金融,食品,医疗,博彩,时尚,保险等,主要为港澳新闻(多为汉译英,少量英译汉) 2. 负责与客户沟通翻译要求并根据反馈及时作出调整 3. 就职期间汉译英35万字,英译汉2万字左右 4. 就职期间翻译质量无任何投诉,帮助确保98%的客户续签服 2014.07 — 2015.07XX 外贸有限公司 英语翻译兼助理 1.负责公司所有字面翻译(含X 站,产品及体系文件, 技术文档等) 2.负责协助技术人员与国外客户的沟通/对译 3.负责公司领导出差随行口译 4.负责协助业务部门负责人进行部门日常工作,如:会议支持、2011/06-2009/07 XX 服务有限公司 猎头专家 ● 负责并带领团队完成公司猎头项目业绩目标,提高顾问个人项目能力。 ● 领导团队拓展猎头业务,与客户保持有效的沟通,维护客户关系,准确了解客户需求,促使项目顺利进行; ● 从客户端收集、分析客户需求的详细信息,制定有效方案,分析 2009/06-2007/09 XX 服务有限公司 猎头专家 ● 负责并带领团队完成公司猎头项目业绩目标,提高顾问个人项目能力。 ● 领导团队拓展猎头业务,与客户保持有效的沟通,维护需求分析 ● 2008/06-2004/09 XX 大学 商务英语 (本科) ● 主修课程: 英语语音,英语语法, 商务英语精读, 商务英语泛读, 商务英语听力, 商务英语口语, 商务英语写作, 国际贸易理论,商务英语函电, 国际金融 ,市场营销学, 国际商法, 高级英语, 项目跟进 产品设计 行业知识 90% 80% 工作经历 校内经历 个人能力 90% 82% X X X 性别:女 出生日期: 1987/11/02 政治面貌: 党员 婚姻状况: 未婚 籍贯: 中国北京 毕业学校:XX 大学 学历:本科 专业: 人力资源 个人信息 手机:180283848XX 邮箱:1111111111111 Q Q :XX9496XX46 微信:LOVE 联系方式 求职意向:英语翻译


求职简历英文翻译 随着世界经济全球化的加剧,人们的职业发展道路越来越国际化,对于求职者来说,一份好的英文简历是非常重要的。以下是小编整理的求职简历英文翻译,以供大家参考。 求职简历英文翻译一: Name: Mr. nationality: China At present is located: the tianhe district national: the han nationality The registered permanent address locus: shantou figure: 175 cm, 74 kg Talent type: ordinary job Applied position: network engineer, system administrator/network administrators, Term: the title: no title Job type: full-time available date: at any time Monthly salary requirement: negotiable hope work areas: dongguan shenzhen guangzhou Work experience: Company name: guangzhou five of eight loses two clothing co., LTD Start-stop years: 2020-05 ~ The company properties: private enterprise by sector: trade/import and export In the position of: ERP system/network administrator Job description: responsible for the company and store (client) regent software system installation, data analysis, function module process set up and maintenance. I have a comprehensive analysis the marketing system each function module data ability. For the regent system account set of management, report forms system, POS (join and self-supporting) retail systems and


方拉拉 三年以上工作经验| 女| 29岁(1981年4月1日) 居住地:上海 电话:139********(手机) E-mail:Fanglala@https://www.doczj.com/doc/4e1128549.html, 最近工作[ 11个月] 公司:浙江晨光办公耗材有限公司 行业:办公用品及设备 职位:贸易/进出口专员/助理 最高学历 学历:硕士 专业:英语 学校:上海外国语大学 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 自我评价 以入世之态度工作,以出世之态度做人。 形象气质佳,学习能力强,注重团队精神,办事认真细致。 英语专业背景,听、说、读、写、译能力较强,英语成为工作语言,能够处理法语信函和文件,有多年工作经验。 求职意向 到岗时间:待定 工作性质:全职 目标地点:上海 期望月薪:面议/月 工作经验 2009 /10--至今:上海XX工程有限公司(500人以上) [ 11个月] 所属行业:建筑/建材/工程 经营部总经理助理/翻译 1.负责总经理的会议翻译,出差陪同翻译以及业务洽谈翻译,包括口译和资料翻译,信件 翻译以及招标书翻译 2.负责公司内部市场部和办公室的日常管理,总经理的日常工作安排,总经理的行程和会 议安排 3.协助总经理协调各部门之间的关系和工作,以办公室为核心的各个部门的协调和考核; 采购部门的进出控制;公司人员的招聘工作 4.公司内部的口、笔译和国外商业信函的来往等 5.公司内部市场规划,国外市场开发及工程项目招标 6.公司采购预审、核算以及电梯和五金工具的出口等 7.公司的资格认证、资质申请以及对外的宣传和广告,公司形象推广 8.协调各个部门月度、年度考核结算 9.工人、工程师以及管理人员的进出境申办和管理

工作证尺寸标准 标准的中英文工作证明范本

工作证尺寸标准标准的中英文工作证明范本【--出guo祝福语】 工作证明是对我们工作的一种说明,一种凭证, XXX系我单位XXXXX(职位)。XXX月工资收入合计约7000元/月。 特此证明。 单位名称:XXXXXXXXX 20年12月1日 1. 收信人:To whom it may concern 并以逗号结束 2. “特此证明”翻译为:“This is to certify that ...”并且放在证明正文的开头。 3. 男性用Mr. 女性用Ms. 4. 落款人即证明人:姓名,头衔(院长,首席执行官等等),工作单位部门

5. 证明人签字的地方,盖上公章。 模板(文中粗字体是要注意的地方): December 1, xx To whom it may concern, This is to certify that Mr.(Ms.) XXX has been working in XXXXXX(工作单位) as XXX(职位).Mr.(Ms.) XXX has been entitled to a monthly salary RMB XXXXX in total. Sincerely yours, XXX(证明人) Dean of School of Software / Chief Executive Officer(证明人职位) XXXXXXXXX(单位名称)

1234567(电话号码) July 11, 1986 To Whom It May Concern, This is to certify that Mr. Shu duly passed the qualification examination as a Mechanical Engineer and has been granted a certificate, Taikong No. 6314 dated February 3, 1982 to this effect by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. K. A. Wang Director General Work certificate This is to certify that... is my pany employees, in the department of _____ as a _____. Hereby certify.


上海英语翻译个人简历模板 https://www.doczj.com/doc/4e1128549.html,姓名 (男,23岁) 求职位:英语翻译 期望薪资:3000-5000元/月 目前职位:英语翻译 学历:本科 工作经验:1-3年 现居住地:上海杨浦周家嘴路 联系电话: 电子邮箱: 自我评价 乐观开朗积极主动能很快接受新事物适应能力强有上进心兴趣爱好广泛工作经验 上海浩妙服饰

2011-5至2011-11任职英语翻译薪资3000-5000元/月 工作职责:国外客户接待服装英语资料翻译重要客户跟单工作,供应商联络等 教育经历 2007-9至2011-7上海电力学院英语专业 杨坚语言能力 英语:精通 上海个人简历模板延伸阅读,教你如何撰写一个优秀的个人简历。 个人简历主要内容 1、个人资料:必须有姓名、性别、联系方式(固定电话、手机、电子邮箱、固定住址),而出生年月、籍贯、政治面貌、婚姻状况、身体状况、兴趣爱好等则视个人以及应聘的岗 位情况,可有可无。 2、学业有关内容:毕业学校、学院、学位、所学专业、班级、城市和国家,然后是获得 的学位及毕业时间,学过的专业课程(可把详细成绩单附后)以及一些对工作有利的副修课程以及您的毕业设计等。 3、本人经历:大学以来的简单经历,主要是学习和担任社会工作的经历,有些用人单位 比较看重你在课余参加过哪些活动,如实习,社会实践,志愿工作者,学生会,团委工作,社团等其他活动。切记不要列入与自己所找的工作毫不相干的经历。 4、荣誉和成就:包括“优秀学生”、“优秀学生干部”、“优秀团员”及奖学金等方面所获的荣誉,还可以把你认为较有成就的经历(比如自立读完大学等)写上去。或者是参加国家学术性竞赛,国际比赛获得的荣誉等。 5、求职愿望:表明你想做什么,能为用人单位做些什么。内容应简明扼要。 6、附件:个人获奖证明,如优秀党、团员,优秀学生干部证书的复印件,外语四、六级 证书的复印件,计算机等级证书的复印件,发表论文或其他作品的复印件等。


工作证明模板【英文版】 date: to whom it may concern, this is to certify that has been working in shanghai fu xuan-jie associates law office as lawyer assistant intern for year(s), since . sincerely yours, (company) 工作证明英文模板二 proof of work it is my unit ( comrade) ( id number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ department, engaged in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ work has been _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ years, hereby certify that. name of institution: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day period: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( seal) 工作证明英文模板三 xxx (公司英文名字) to whom it may concern,

this is to certify that xxx(护照号) passportholder of xxx(姓名拼音) has been employed byour company as xxx (职务) since xxx(工作起始年月). his/her present salary is xxx(月薪) per month. he/she intends to spend holiday in europe from 17/10/14 to 31/10/14. all expense andinsurance for this trip will be covered by xxx(姓名拼音).we guarantee that xxx(姓名拼音) will come back on schedule. upon his/her return, weresume his/her duty in our company. your favorable consideration to her visa application will beappreciated. your faithfully, on behalf of xxx (公司英文名字) hr manager: ___人事经理签名加盖公章______________ date: _______日期(格式:日/月/年)______ address:公司英文


英语个人简历范文带翻译中英文版自我介绍 以下关于中英文自我介绍内容由为您整理提供,欢迎阅读与借鉴。中英文自我介绍一 General Introduction I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate https://www.doczj.com/doc/4e1128549.html,cation background In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science &; Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester,In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my


英语翻译兼职个人简历范文 姓名: 当前所在:肇庆年龄: 27 户口所在:肇庆国籍:中国 婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉族 诚信徽章:未申请身高: 169 cm 人才测评:未测评体重: 53 kg 人才类型:不限 应聘职位:英语翻译,外贸/进出口专员/助理,外贸跟单/跟单助理 工作年限: 3 职称:无职称 求职类型:兼职可到职日期:一个星期 月薪要求: 2000--3500 希望工作地区:广东省,广州,肇庆 工作经历 广东鸿特精密技术股份有限公司起止年月:2020-07 ~2020-08 公司性质:股份制企业所属行业:贸易/消费/制造/营运 担任职位:市场开拓业务员 工作描述:担任公司新客户的开发,维护工作; 离职原因:身体不适 肇庆市海帝织造有限公司起止年月:2009-04 ~至今

公司性质:民营企业所属行业:服装/纺织/皮革/鞋业 担任职位:外贸业务及跟单 工作描述:通过阿里巴巴以及B2B商业平台开发新客户,跟踪并落实客户的订单的生产,出货,以及中间相关的协商事宜; 跟踪公司旧客户的订单,生产,出货,以及货款的回收等事宜。 离职原因: 奇凌网网络商业平台起止年月:2008-11 ~ 2009-06 公司性质:外商独资所属行业:服务业 担任职位:网站兼职翻译员 工作描述:负责翻译该网站的商业机会,博客,以及文件。 离职原因:兼职 肇庆市时代货架有限公司起止年月:2008-10 ~ 2008-11 公司性质:民营企业所属行业:其他行业 担任职位:外贸业务员 工作描述:展开公司产品的销售,外贸业务操作流程的实习等。 离职原因:外贸实习 中国建设银行肇庆支行起止年月:2008-07 ~ 2008-08 公司性质:股份制企业所属行业:服务业 担任职位:资料档案管理 工作描述:整理银行票据,归类。 离职原因:暑假工


翻译英文简历模板 TRANSLATOR Sandy Bin 15/F,TOWARD ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING,BEIJING. STRENGTHS AND QUALIFICATIONS High levels of enthusiasm and commitment to a successful sales,marketing or enthusiasm and commitment to a successful sales,marketing or communications career. Strong leadership qualities;able to schedule priorities and perform/delegate accordingly to effectively accomplish tasks to hand. Working knowledge of both written and verbal Japanese and French. Broad perspective of Japanese people,culture,and customs,as well as Japanese-American diplomatic relations. Computer literate in most popular software,including WordPerfect 5.0 and 5.1(including Japanese WordPerfect),Lotus 1-2-3,DrawPerfect and Computer Aided Design(CAD). JAPANESE-AMERICAN RELATIONS Served as liaison between Japanese diplomats and the Japanese-American Relations Group and with the Japanese press during the Prime Minister's Stay. Translated correspondence and filed inquiries from the Japanese population in the Boston business community. Organized travel itineraries for Japanese officials visiting the New England area. SALES/MARKETING/ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS Founded international resumes,a company designed for the creation of English and Japanese resumes,and ran it from 1989-1991. Designed and circulated posters,banners and invitations in order to introduce the Japanese community to New England. EDUCATION Yale University,New Haven,CT M.A. East Asian Studies,expected to be received June 1995. Harvard University,Cambridge,MA M.A. Psychology and Japanese Studies,May 1989 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 1991- Present Technical Writer/Junior Programmer 1989-1990 Assistant to the Japanese Ambassador 1989-1990 Sales Representative 1987-1988 Marketing Representative Functional portion of the resume focuses on candidate's unique qualifications,skills,and accomplishments. Chronological portion of the resume briefly summarizes candidate's employment history


个人资料 name 姓名 alias 别名 pen name 笔名 date of birth 出生日期 birth date 出生日期 born 出生于 birth place 出生地点 age 年龄 native place 籍贯 province 省 city 市 autonomous region 自治区prefecture 专区 county 县 nationality 民族,国籍citizenship 国籍 duel citizenship 双重国籍address 地址 current address 目前地址present address 目前地址permanent address 永久地址postal code 邮政编码 home phone 住宅电话 office phone 办公电话business phone 办公电话Tel.电话 sex 性别 male 男

female 女 height 身高 weight 体重 marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚 single/unmarried 未婚divorced 离异 separated 分居 number of children 子女人数none 无 street 街 lane 胡同,巷 road 路 district 区 house number 门牌 health 健康状况 health condition 健康状况blood type 血型 short-sighted 近视 far-sighted 远视 color-blind 色盲 ID card No.身份证号码 date of availability 可到职时间available 可到职membership 会员,资格president 会长 vice-president 副会长director 理事 standing director 常务理事

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