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About My Idol Nationality Career
Chinese, German, Japanese, American, British, French a singer, a writer, an engineer, an actor, a teacher, a(n) artist singing, dancing, reading, traveling, cooking, hiking
舞舞蹈班,从那以后就爱上了各种舞蹈。我从自己看过的所有成功的演出当 中受到启发,比如《颤栗》里的迈克尔·杰克逊(还有之后看过的所有其他作 品)、布兰妮·斯皮尔斯。凡是你能说得出来的音乐,我都伴着跳过舞。舞蹈
In-depth Reading
是因为我不够优秀,所以不能继续跳舞——我不值得那些投入。从那时起,我 对舞蹈的狂热慢慢消失了。
In-depth Reading
4 直到有一天,我碰巧在换电视频道时发现了电视节目《舞魅天下》,观看
了黄景伟的试演。当我听到他讲述自己如何努力奋斗以及他对舞蹈的热爱时, 我禁不住也想体现那种精神。接下来的每个星期,我都会看他出色地演绎一部 部完美的舞蹈作品,备受鼓舞。
3 但是,正如父母告诉你的那样,学习舞蹈的费用很高。培训班、私人课程
还有这中间的其他一切东西,会让你花上一大笔钱。我11岁时很幸运地参加 了一个爵士和芭蕾舞组合班。当得知下一年不能继续参加这个班时,我伤心
6 从护栏后看到他走出来跟人们打招呼、拍照和签名时,我努力保持平静。当
是否可以给我和他拍张照。拍过照之后,他在我的节目单上签名,这时我忍不 住说:“您跳得真棒!”这句话他可能已经听过一千遍了,但他依然说感谢我。 然后,我说:“非常感谢您,是您激励了我继续跳舞。”(这是我当时仅能说 出来的一句话。我是一个爱哭的人,当时差点哭了出来。)通过他明亮的双眼 和嘴角流露出来的真诚的微笑,你就知道他之前没有听到过这样的话。他简单 地答道:“谢谢,你真可爱。”说过再见后,他走向了其他人。
strong, stout, slim, bony, broad-shouldered, well-built
sociable, quiet, easy-going, open-minded, active, confident, helpful, friendly, intelligent, thoughtful, fun, brave, kind, loving, strict, aspiring, ambitious, diligent
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In-depth Reading
1 我站在护栏后面焦急地等待着全体演员出来。我刚刚看了跟电影《报童传
仅仅是在等亲笔签名,也不仅仅是在等着与他们合影。我是在等着见我的偶 像黄景伟。 2 从我记事的时候起,我就一直在跳舞。3 岁时,我参加了一个爱尔兰踢踏
In-depth Reading
7 跟我的偶像见面是一次令人兴奋的经历。在电视上看表演是一回事,但是亲
眼看舞台上的表演完全是另外一回事。从一个人身上看到这么多正能量,这是 其他事情所无法比拟的。自从和黄景伟见面之后,我对舞蹈又有了新的认识。
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In-depth Reading
Text Text Organization Comprehension Vocabulary Structure
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In-depth Reading
Meeting My Idol, Alex Wong
Text Organization Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
1 ) describes the author’s wait for her idol.
( 2 ~ 5) describes the author’s dancing experience.
( 6 ) describes the author’s meeting with her idol.
Topic Preview:
Finding an idol that you would like to learn from, whether in character or appearance. You might consider someone to be an idol because they are very intelligent, or because they have done a lot for charity, or because they’re creative or sporty. Whatever your reason is, your idol may be the most important person to encourage you to improve yourself.
我能学习的舞蹈动作。也是从那时起,我开始积极投入——我自告奋勇成为当 地中学的一名舞蹈老师,在课后教学生跳舞。我竭尽所能去跳舞,并且教别 人跳舞。
In-depth Reading
Your idol
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Would you like to share a story of your idol?
One day, when I got home from school, I found a motorcycle in our__________________ yard. It was the first time I had__________________ seen such a unique motorcycle. When I was looking __________________ at it closely, my father came out __________________ to tell me that he made it by __________________ assembling some discarded motor parts. I was really surprised to __________________ hear that. He is indeed a very __________________ creative man.
Name: Anderson Lee ___________
Gender: Male ______ __ Age: 58
Other information:
Anderson Lee is my father. __________________ He is an electrician, good __________________ at repairing many kinds of household appliances. __________________ He also likes playing __________________ badminton.
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Task 1
Underline the words or expressions that can be used to describe your idol. You may add more words or expressions on the line if necessary.
About My Idol Hair Face Clothes
blond, black, gray, brown, braided, straight, curly, bald round, thin, heart-shaped, square, fleshy, long fashionable, casually dressed, well dressed, smart, tidy tall, short, medium-height, 1.72 meters high
( 7 ) is the author’s reflection on her meeting.
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New Applied College English Book 1
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
know how to take inspiration from your idol; know why you should stop comparing yourself to others; write compound sentences and complex sentences; use infinitives correctly; know how to conduct an interview with your idol.
Warm up In-depth Reading Further Reading
Applied Listening and Speaking
Writing & Grammar Team Project & Glimpse
Task 1
Underline the words or expressions that can be used to describe your idol. You may add more words or expressions on the line if necessary.
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Forrest Gump
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Like Mike
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Task 2
Ask yourself why you choose someone as your idol and complete the following table. You may use the words or expressions in Task 1.
Why do you choose this person as your idol?
What I admire most about my father is his dedication to __________________ what he loves. Although he has never went to college, he __________________ is __________________ very good at electricity. He buys lots of books and __________________ learns by himself. Sometimes, __________________ he is so absorbed in his electronic work that he __________________ ignores things happening __________________ around him.