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一、声母表(23个)b p m f d t n l g k hj q x zh ch sh r z c sy w二、韵母表(24个),韵母分单韵母和复韵母。
单韵母(6个)ɑo e i u ü复韵母(9个)ɑi ei ui ɑo ou iu ie üe er(特殊复韵母) 前鼻韵母(5个)ɑn en in un ün后鼻韵母(4个)ɑn g en g in g on g三、整体认读音节(16个),读时要注意:不能拼读,是一个整体。
zhi chi shi ri zi ci si yi wu yu ye yue yuɑn yin yun yin g●声调口诀:一声高高平又平,二声就像上山坡,三声下坡又上坡,四声就像下山坡。
●标调规则:ɑo e i u ü标调时,按顺序。
ɑ母出现不放过,没有ɑ母找o e 。
单个韵母不用说, 先标ɑo e,再标i u ü。
●拼写规律:小ü碰到j q x ,脱掉帽子敬个礼(去掉点)。
●韵母的标调: 有ɑ标ɑ上,没ɑ找o e,i、u都有标在后。
●韵母的标调: 有ɑ在,把帽戴,ɑ要不在o e戴,要是i u一起来,谁在后边给谁戴。
拼音小故事j q x 与ü相拼,ü上两点要去掉。
一天,j、q、x这三个小伙伴一起在森林里玩游戏,u u过来了说:“喂,我也要玩!” j、q、x 这三个小伙伴看了看u u说:“我们不和不讲礼貌的孩子玩。
新生儿高频呼吸机技术参数1.总体要求:1.1 适用于早产儿、新生儿使用1.2 具备无创通气、常频通气和有创高频通气以及无创高频通气。
1.3 显示屏≥12英寸彩色触摸屏,具有中文界面及报警事项中文记录。
1.4 备用电池 3小时以上2.通气模式2.1 常频通气 IPPV/IMV、SIMV/SIPPV、SIMV+PSV、SIPPV+PSV、CPAP2.2 无创通气nCPAP、无创双水平正压通气nIPPV、高流量氧疗 HiFlow 、nHFO2.3 高频通气 HFO、HFO + VTG、HFO+肺复张3.常频通气3.1 呼吸频率2-200bpm3.2 吸气压4-60mbar3.3 PEEP 0-30mbar容量限制(VL) 2-200ml3.4 目标容量(VG) 0.1-200ml3.5 管路泄露补偿0-100%3.6 流量触发范围0.1-1L/min3.7 容量触发范围5-30%3.8 I:E 9:1-1:99可以调节(nIPPV)4.高频模式4.1 HFO原理音圈式双膜式震荡4.2 频率范围5-20Hz4.3 振幅5-100mbar4.4 负压-50mbar4.5 平均圧力0-40mbar4.6 容量保证Off,0.1-200ml,最小潮气量0.1ml4.7 I:E 25:75、33:66、40:60、50:505.无创通气5.1 吸气压力PIP 5-30mbar5.2 PEEP 0-15mbar5.3 吸气流量2-32L/min5.4 呼气流量0-20L/min5.5 呼吸频率2-200bpm5.6 nHFO震荡频率5-20Hz5.7 nHFO震荡振幅2-50mbar5.8 NIPPV 可接单支管路通气5.9 HiFlow流量2-30L/min5.10 HiFlow压力限制Pmax 10-22mbar6.配件6.1 湿化器可单独调节温度和湿度,也可自行调节温度和湿度,保证最佳的湿化6.2 传感器热丝式流量传感器,长效,灵敏度高6.3 呼吸管路外环式双加热丝管路,减少积水,保证湿化效果7.报警7.1 具备自动报警界限调整;7.2 报警方式:光闪烁,报警音和文字信息显示;7.3 报警快速处理,通过快捷键调节增大报警参数上、下线;。
An Ontological Approach to Oracle BPMJean Prater, Ralf Mueller, Bill BeauregardOracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065, USA **********************,***********************,*****************************The Oracle Business Process Management (Oracle BPM) Suite is composed oftools for Business Analysts and Developers for the modeling of BusinessProcesses in BPMN 2.0 (OMG1 standard), Business Rules, Human Workflow,Complex Events, and many other tools. BPM operates using the commontenants of an underlying Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) runtimeinfrastructure based on the Service Component Architecture (SCA). OracleDatabase Semantic Technologies provides native storage, querying andinferencing that are compliant with W3C standards for semantic (RDF/OWL)data and ontologies, with scalability and security for enterprise-scale semanticapplications.Semantically-enabling all artifacts of BPM from the high-level design of aBusiness Process Diagram to the deployment and runtime model of a BPMapplication promotes continuous process refinement, enables comprehensiveimpact analysis and prevents unnecessary proliferation of processes andservices. This paper presents the Oracle BPM ontology based upon BPMN 2.0,Service Component Architecture (SCA) and the Web Ontology Language(OWL 2). The implementation of this ontology provides a wide range of usecases in the areas of Process Analysis, Governance, Business Intelligence andSystems Management. It also has the potential to bring together stakeholdersacross an Enterprise, for a true Agile End-to-End Enterprise Architecture.Example use cases are presented as well as an outlook of the evolution of theontology to cover the organizational and social aspects of Business ProcessManagement.1.IntroductionIn the 1968 film, 2001: A Space Odyssey, the movie’s antagonist, HAL, is a computer that is capable not only of speech, speech recognition, and natural language processing, but also lip reading, apparent art appreciation, interpreting and reproducing emotional behavior, reasoning, and playing chess, all while maintaining the systems on an interplanetary mission. While the solution we present in this paper does not possess all of the capabilities of HAL, the potential benefits of combining semantic technology with Oracle BPM provides the ability to define contextual relationships between business processes and provides the tools to use that context so that ‘software agents’ (programs working on behalf of people) can find the right1 Object Management Group, see 2 Jean Prater, Ralf Mueller, Bill Beauregardinformation or processes and make decisions based on the established contextual relationships.Organizations can more efficiently and effectively optimize their information technology resources through a service-oriented approach leveraging common business processes and semantics throughout their enterprise. The challenge, however, with applications built on Business Process Management (BPM) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) technology is that many are comprised of numerous artifacts spanning a wide range of representation formats. BPMN 2.0, the Service Component Architecture Assembly Model, Web Service definitions (in the form of WSDL), XSLT transformations, for example are all based on well defined but varying type models. To answer even simple queries on the entire BPM model, a user is left with a multitude of API’s and technologies, making the exercise difficult and highly complicated. Oracle has developed an ontology in OWL that encompasses all the artifacts of a BPM application and is stored in Oracle Database Semantic Technologies that provides a holistic view of the entire model and a unified and standardized way to query that model using SPARQL.Oracle is actively involved in the standards process and is leading industry efforts to use ontologies for metadata analysis. Oracle is also investigating the integration of organizational and social aspects of BPM using FOAF2. BPMN 2.0 task performers can be associated with a FOAF Person, Group or Organization and then used in Social Web activities to enable Business Users to collaborate on BPM models.1.1 BenefitsThe benefits of adding semantic technology to the database and to business process management in the middleware, driven by an underlying ontology are three fold:1.It promotes continuous process refinement. A less comprehensive processmodel can evolve into a complete executable process in the same model.2.It makes it easy to analyze the impact of adding, modifying or deletingprocesses and process building blocks on existing processes and webservices.3.It helps prevent unnecessary proliferation of processes and services. Combining semantic technology and business process management allows business users across organizational boundaries to find, share, and combine information and processes more easily by adding contextual relationships.1.2 Customer Use CaseThe US Department of Defense (DoD) is leading the way in the Federal Government for Architecture-driven Business Operations Transformation. A vital tenet for success is ensuring that business process models are based on a standardized representation, thus enabling the analysis and comparison of end to end business processes. This will lead to the reuse of the most efficient and effective process patterns (style guide), comprised of elements (primitives), throughout the DoD Business Mission Area. A key principle in DoD Business Transformation is its focus on data ontology. The 2 The Friend of a Friend (FOAF) project, see An Ontological Approach to Oracle BPM 3 Business Transformation Agency (BTA), under the purview of the Deputy Chief Management Officer (DCMO), has been at the forefront of efforts to develop a common vocabulary and processes in support of business enterprise interoperability through data standardization. The use of primitives and reuse of process patterns will reduce waste in overhead costs, process duplication and building and maintaining enterprise architectures. By aligning the Department of Defense Architecture Framework3 2.0 (DoDAF 2.0) with Business Process Modeling Notation 2.0 (BPMN 2.0) and partnering with industry, the BTA is accelerating the adoption of these standards to improve government business process efficiency.2.The Oracle BPM OntologyThe Oracle BPM ontology encompasses and expands the BPMN 2.0 and SCA ontologies. The Oracle BPM ontology is stored in Oracle Database Semantic Technologies and creates a composite model by establishing relationships between the OWL classes of the BPMN 2.0 ontology and the OWL classes of the SCA runtime ontology. For example, the BPMN 2.0 Process, User Task and Business Rule Task are mapped to components in the composite model. Send, Receive and Service Tasks, as well as Message Events are mapped to appropriate SCA Services and References and appropriate connections are created between the composite model artifacts. Figure 1 illustrates the anatomy of the Business Rule Task “Determine Approval Flow” that is a part of a Sales Quote demo delivered with BPM Suite.Figure 1: Anatomy of a BPMN 2.0 Business Rule Task4The diagram shows that the Business Rule Task “Determine Approval Flow” is of BPMN 2.0 type Business Rule Task and implemented by a SCA Decision Component that is connected to a BPMN Component “RequestQuote”. Also of significance is that the Decision Component exposes a Service that refers to a specific XML-Schema, which is also referred to by Data Objects in the BPMN 2.0 process RequestQuote.bpmn.3See /products/BEA_6.2/BEA/products/2009-04-27 Primitives Guidelines for Business Process Models (DoDAF OV-6c).pdf4 Visualized using TopBraid Composer TM4 Jean Prater, Ralf Mueller, Bill Beauregard3.An Ontology for BPMN 2.0With the release of the OMG BPMN 2.0 standard, a format based on XMI and XML-Schema was introduced for the Diagram Interchange (DI) and the Semantic Model. Based on the BPMN 2.0 Semantic Model, Oracle created an ontology that is comprised of the following5:•OWL classes and properties for all BPMN 2.0 Elements that are relevant for the Business Process Model.6The OWL classes, whenever possible,follow the conventions in the BPMN 2.0 UML meta model. OWL propertiesand restrictions are included by adding all of the data and object propertiesaccording to the attributes and class associations in the BPMN 2.0 model.7•OWL classes and properties for instantiations of a BPMN 2.0 process model. These OWL classes cover the runtime aspects of a BPMN 2.0process when executed by a process engine. The process engine createsBPMN 2.0 flow element instances when the process is executed. Activitylogging information is captured, including timestamps for a flow elementinstance’s activation and completion, as well as the performer of the task. The implicit (unstated) relationships in the Oracle BPM ontology can be automatically discovered using the native inferencing engine included with Oracle Database Semantic Technologies. The explicit and implicit relationships in the ontology can be queried using Oracle Database Semantic Technologies support for SPARQL (patterns matching queries) and/or mixed SPARQL in SQL queries. [6] Example SPARQL queries are shown below:Select all User Tasks in all Lanesselect ?usertask ?lanewhere {usertask rdf:type bpmn:UserTask .usertask bpmn:inLane lane}Select all flow elements with their sequence flow in lane p1:MyLane (a concrete instance of RDF type bpmn:Lane)select ?source ?targetwhere {flow bpmn:sourceFlowElement source .flow bpmn:targetFlowElement target .5 All of the classes of the BPMN 2.0 meta model that exists for technical reasons only (model m:n relationship or special containments) are not represented in the ontology6 The work in [2] describes an ontology based on BPMN 1.x for which no standardized meta model exists7 Oracle formulated SPARQL queries for envisioned use cases and added additional properties and restrictions to the ontology to support those use casesAn Ontological Approach to Oracle BPM 5 target bpmn:inLane p1:MyLane}Select all activities in process p1:MyProcess that satisfy SLA p1:MySLA select ?activity ?activityInstancewhere {activity bpmn:inProcess p1:MyProcess .activityInstance obpm:instanceOf activity .activityInstance obpm:meetSLA p1:MySLA}A unique capability of BPMN 2.0, as compared to BPEL, for instance, is its ability to promote continuous process refinement. A less comprehensive process model, perhaps created by a business analyst can evolve into a complete executable process that can be implemented by IT in the same model. The work sited in Validating Process Refinement with Ontologies[4] suggests an ontological approach for the validation of such process refinements.4.An Ontology for the SCA composite modelThe SCA composite model ontology represents the SCA assembly model and is comprised of OWL classes for Composite, Component, Service, Reference and Wire, which form the major building blocks of the assembly model. Oracle BPM ontology has OWL classes for concrete services specified by WSDL and data structures specified by XML-Schema. The transformation of the SCA assembly model to the SCA ontology includes creating finer grained WSDL and XML-Schema artifacts to capture the dependencies and relationships between concrete WSDL operations and messages to elements of some XML-Schema and their imported schemata.The SCA ontology was primarily created for the purpose of Governance and to act as a bridge between the Oracle BPM ontology and an ontology that would represent a concrete runtime infrastructure. This enables the important ability to perform impact analysis to determine, for instance, which BPMN 2.0 data objects and/or data associations are impacted by the modification of an XML-Schema element or which Web Service depends on this element. This feature helps prevent the proliferation of new types and services, and allows IT to ascertain the impact of an XML-Schema modification.5.The TechnologiesAs part of the customer use case, as referenced in section 1.2 above, we implemented a system that takes a BPM Project comprised of BPMN 2.0 process definitions, SCA assembly model, WSDL service definitions, XML-Schema and other metadata, and created appropriate Semantic data (RDF triples) for the Oracle BPM ontology. The6 Jean Prater, Ralf Mueller, Bill Beauregardtriples were then loaded into Oracle Database Semantic Technologies [3] and a SPARQL endpoint was used to except and process queries.6.ConclusionOracle BPM ontology encompasses and expands the generic ontologies for BPMN 2.0 and the SOA composite model to cover all artifacts of a BPM application from a potentially underspecified8process model in BPMN 2.0 down to the XML-Schema element and type level at runtime for process analysis, governance and Business Intelligence. The combination of RDF/OWL data storage, inferencing and SPARQL querying, as supported by Oracle Database Semantic Technologies, provides the ability to discover implicit relationships in data and find implicit and explicit relationships with pattern matching queries that go beyond classical approaches of XML-Schema, XQuery and SQL.7.AcknowledgementsWe’d like to thank Sudeer Bhoja, Linus Chow, Xavier Lopez, Bhagat Nainani and Zhe Wu for their contributions to the paper and valuable comments.8.References[1] Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) Version 2.0,/spec/BPMN/2.0/[2] Ghidini Ch., Rospocher M., Serafini L.: BPMN Ontology,https://dkm.fbk.eu/index.php/BPMN_Ontology[3] Oracle Database Semantic Technologies,/technetwork/database/options/semantic-tech/[4] Ren Y., Groener G., Lemcke J., Tirdad R., Friesen A., Yuting Z., Pan J., Staab S.:Validating Process Refinement with Ontologies[5] Service Component Architecture (SCA), [6] Kolovski V., Wu Z., Eadon G.: Optimizing Enterprise-Scale OWL 2 RL Reasoning in aRelational Database System, ISWC 2010, page 436-452[7] “Use of End-toEnd (E2E) Business Models and Ontology in DoD Business Architectures”;Memorandum from Deputy Chief Management Office; April 4, 2011, Elizabeth A.McGrath, Deputy DCMO.[8] “Primitives and Style: A Common Vocabulary for BPM across the Enterprise”; DennisWisnosky, Chief Architect & CTO ODCMO and Linus Chow Oracle; BPM Excellence in Practice 2010; Published by Future Strategies, 20108A BPMN 2.0 model element is considered underspecified, if its valid but not all attribute values relevant for execution are specified.。
附录C 英文缩写名词对照表缩写名词英文全称中文译名A/D Analog/Digital 模/数(转换)ADPCM Adaptive DPCM 自适应差分脉冲编码调制ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscribers Loop 非对称数字用户环路AM Amplitude Modulation 振幅调制(调幅)AMI Alternative Mark Inverse 传号交替反转ARQ Automatic Repeat reQuest 自动重发请求ASCII American Standard Code forInformation Interchange 美国标准信息交换码ASK Amplitude Shift Keying 振幅键控ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步传送模式BER Binary Error Rate 误比特率BPF Band Pass Filter 带通滤波器BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying 二进制相移键控CCITT International Consultive Committee for Telegraph and Telephone 国际电报咨询委员会(1993年更名为ITU)CDM Code Division Multiplexing 码分复用CDMA Code Division Mulitple Access 码分多址CMI Coded Mark Inversion 传号反转CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余校验DC Direct Current 直流DFT Discrete Fourier Transform 离散傅里叶变换DM Delta Modulation 增量调制DPCM Differential PCM 差分脉码调制DPSK Differential PSK 差分相移键控DSB Double Side Band 双边带DSSS Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum 直接序列扩谱DTMF Dual Tone Multiple Frequency 双音多频DVB Digital Video Broadcasting 数字视频广播ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute欧洲电信标准协会F Frame 帧FDD Frequency Division Duplex 频分双工FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing 频分复用FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址FEC Forward Error Correction 前向纠错FH Frequency-Hopping 跳频FIR Finite Impulse Response 有限冲激响应FSK Frequency Shift Keying 频移键控GMSK Gaussian MSK 高斯最小频移键控GSM Global System for Mobile Communications 全球移动通信系统HDB3 3rd Order High Density Bipolar 3阶高密度双极性HDTV High Definition Television 高清晰度电视IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路IDFT Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform 逆离散傅里叶变换IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers电气与电子工程师学会ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 综合业务数字网ISO International Standards Organization国际标准化组织ITM Information Transfer Mode 信息传递方式ITU International Telecommunications Union 国际电信联盟ITU-T ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector国际电信联盟-电信标准化部门LAN Local Area Network 局域网LDPC Low-Density Parity-Check 低密度奇偶校验LED Light-Emitting Diode 发光二极管LPF Lower Pass Filter 低通滤波器MAN Metropolitan Area Network 城域网MASK M-ary Amplitude Shift Keying 多进制振幅键控MFSK M-ary Frequency Shift Keying 多进制频移键控MPSK M-ary Phase Shift Keying 多进制相移键控MQAM M-ary QAM 多进制正交调幅MSK Minimum Shift Keying 最小频移键控NBFM Narrow Band Frequency Modulation 窄带调频NBPM Narrow Band Phase Modulation 窄带调相NRZ Non-Return to Zero 不归零NT Network Termination 网络终端OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing 正交频分复用OOK On-Off Keying 通-断键控OQPSK Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying偏置正交相移键控OSI Open Systems Interconnection 开放系统互连OTDM Optical Time Division Multiplexing 光时分复用OWDM Optical Wavelength Division Multiplexing 光波分复用PAM Pulse Amplitude Modulation 脉冲振幅调制PCM Pulse Code Modulation 脉(冲编)码调制PCS P ersonal Communication System 个人通信系统PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy 准同步数字体系PDM Pulse Duration Modulation 脉冲宽度调制PDN Public Data Network 公共数据网PLL Phase-Locked Loop 锁相环PN Pseudo Noise 伪噪声PPM Pulse Position Modulation 脉冲位置调制PSK Phase Shift Keying 相移键控PSTN Public Switch Telephone Network 公共交换网QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 正交振幅调制QDPSK Quadrature DPSK 正交差分相移键控QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying 正交相移键控RAM Random Access Memory 随机存取存储器RE Radio Frequency 射频RLAN Radio LAN 无线局域网ROM Read-Only Memory 只读存储器RZ Return-to-Zero 归零SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 同步数字体系SDM Space Division Multiplexing 空分复用SDMA S pace Division Mulitple Access 空分多址SHF Super High Frequency 超高频SOC System On Chip 单片系统SOH Section OverHead 段开销SONET Synchrous Optical Network 光同步网络SSB Single Side Band 单边带STM Synchronous Transport Module 同步传送模块STM Synchronous Transfer Mode 同步传递方式TCM Trellis Coded Modulation 网格编码调制TDM Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用TDMA Time Division Multiple Access 时分多址TE Terminal Equipment 用户终端设备TS Time Slot 时隙UHF Ultra High Frequency 特高频VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator 压控振荡器VSB Vestigial Side Band 残留边带WAN Wide Area Network 广域网WBFM Wide Band Frequency Modulation 宽带调频WDM Wave Division Multiplexing 波分复用WLAN Wireless Local Area Network 无线局域网WPAN Wireless Personal Area Network 无线个域网WWAN Wireless Wide Area Network 无线广域网。
TC端发起流程时,自动将首选项值和流程puid值拼接后输出给BPM 值:名称BYD_ BPMFORM_KEYWORD范围站点类别BYD.DocumentManger多值多个描述用于BPM集成。
格式为:流程模版名称=流程输出参数,如果参数有多个用&连接,如:BPM_A状态数据发布流程=applyObject&project&processSubject 值BPM_A状态数据发布流程=applyObject&project&processSubject BPM_B状态数据发布流程=applyObject&project&processSubjectBPM_C状态数据发布流程=applyObject&project&processSubjectBPM_N状态数据发布流程=applyObject&project&processSubject 1.3.BYD_BPM_KEYWORD名称BYD_BPM_KEYWORD范围站点类别BYD.DocumentManger多值多个描述用于BPM集成。
TC端发起流程时,从【BYD_ BPMFORM_KEYWORD】首选项匹配到需要输出的参数后,到本首选项匹配需要输出参数如何取值:1、process代表流程对象,如:process.puid表示输出流程id2、target代表流程目标中第一个版本对象,如target.object_string表1示将流程目标中第一个版本的object_string输出3、relation代表target的指定关系对象,如relation.Z9_rel_Related_technical.object_string表示将target的技术文档关系中第一个对象的object_string属性输出值project=target.project_idsbuyattribute=target.z9_buyAttributereferenceData=relation.Z9_rel_Related_technical.object_string 1.4.BYD_BPM_OUTFILES_PROCESS名称BYD_BPM_OUTFILES_PROCESS范围站点类别BYD.DocumentManger多值多个描述用于BPM集成。
EAI(Enterprise Application Integration)技术风靡一时,成为各界人士追捧的对象。
为了使业务系统适应企业的运行机制,需要对众多业务系统进行更深度的整合,包括数据整合、流程整合等,所以,BPM(Business Process Management)随之而产生。
“Rapid change is impractical while processes are embedded in conventional applications。
The Development of BPM Technologies is enabling business managers to abstract process flows and rules from the underlying applications and infrastructure,and to change them directly。
在理解BPM之前,先谈谈业务流程(Business Process)。
基于上述理解,BPM应该是一种企业中业务流程管理的办法,而支持其管理的软件叫BPMS(Business Process Management Suite)。
所以BPM应该是企业管理中的方法,而BPMS 是建立、执行、评价和管理企业业务流程的一组软件系统体系,也就是我们常说的软件平台。
(3)系统集成:BPM不仅仅是由人来参与,部分活动也可以由IT 来参与,例如在请假流程中需要在HR系统中判断请假人有年休假期。
八十年代初期,随着大量PC机的生产以及普及化,有一组麻省理工的研发人员首先提出了办公自动化的概念,并在1981年发表了一篇文章:“Etude:An Integrated Document Processing System”。
随之,EAI(Enterprise Application Integration)等产品的出现。
随着时间与业务需要,EAI与BPM开始汇集了一些新的技术,尤其是Web Services,SOA(Service Oriented Architecture)的出现加速了整个过程。
D.B PM系统要求组织内人员只需要熟悉自己所参与的活动工作即可。