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9 质量控制与质量管理 Quality Management and Quality Control
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
Introduction to quality management Basics of probability and statistics in quality area Statistical quality control chart Control charts for variables Control charts for Attributes Scientific sampling Case studies
6 生产计划与控制 Production Planning and Control
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
Strategy and Competition Forecasting Aggregate Planning Inventory Control Push and Pull Production Control Systems:MRP and JIT Operations Scheduling Operations Scheduling Operations Scheduling
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
3 专业英语阅读
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
4 物流分析与设施规划 Facility layout and material flow analysing
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
18 管理经济学 Management Economics
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
Linear programming;Integer programming;ynamic programming;Multiple objective programming;Non-linear programming
12 运筹学(3)(决策方法学) Operations Research (3) (Decision Making)
19 移动商务与移动化企业 Mobile Commerce and Mobile Business
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
2.运筹学(2)(应用随机过程基础)Operations Research II(Applied Stochastic Processes)
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
10 人因工程学(1) Human Factors Engineering
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
1.人因工厂学导论 2.人的工作效率与控制装置设计 3.工作地设计 4.作业环境及其改善 5.人机系统与人机界面。
11 运筹学(1)(确定性方法) Operations Research
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
Network Models Decision Making under Uncertainty Decision Making with Multiple Objectives Game Theory Probabilistic Dynamic Programming
8 安全工程 Safety Engineering
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
Safety and accidents; accident causes,accident theories and approaches to accident prevention. Early safety,accident losses and impact. Evolution of worker safety in the U.S. Workers Compensation Laws Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970) Management and its responsibility for safety Personnel-Error and Accident Prevention Promoting Safe Practices in the Workplace Hazaards and their control, Identification and monitoring Accident Investigation Falls and Impact Protection Mechanical Injuries Heat and Temperature Pressure Hazards Electrical Injuries Heat and Temperature Pressure Hazards Electrical Hazards Fires and Fire Suppression Explosions And Explosives Hazards of Toxic Materials Vibration and Noise Designing Comprehensive Safety Programs
15 人因工程学(2) Human Factors II
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
人因工程学(2)为人因学(1)的后续课程.继续深入介绍工作方法与环境,工作设计,以及人因学的等,心理学 Industrial and Engineering Psychology
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
到达过程、 服务过程、M/M/I系统、网络系统、系统优化。
22 现代制造系统概论及实验 Introduction to Modern Manufacturing System and Its Experiment
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
20 工业工程专题I(生产系统) Projects on Production System
21 工业工程专题2(服务系统) Special Topics in IE II(Service Systems)
14 管理信息系统 Management Information System
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
13 建模与仿真 Modeling and Simulation
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
7 生产自动化与制造系统 Production Automation and Manufacturing
课程简介(Courses brief intrduction):
Systems Introduction Overview of production system;Manufacturing operations Production Automation Introduction Automation;Industrial control systems;Sensors,Actuators,and other Control System Components;Numerical control:fundamentals,CNC,DNC,applications;NC part programming,engineering analysis of industrial robots;Discrete control using PLC and PC Manufacturing Systems Single station manufacturing cells;Cellular manufacturing;Flexible manufacturing systems;Manual assembly lines;Transfer lines;Automated assembly systems Manufacturing Supporting Systems Production design and CAD/CAM;Software Demonstration;Production planning and control systems;Lean production and agile manufacturing Projects Robot Programming,CAD/CAPP/CAM and Maching, Manual Assembly Line Design;Special topic investigation work


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