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2023年9-12月雅思口语新题1. 题目介绍:2023年9-12月雅思口语部分将会更新一批新的口语话题,本文将为大家介绍一些可能出现的新题目,帮助考生更好地备考雅思口语考试。
2. 个人信息- 自我介绍- 家乡介绍- 家人介绍- 朋友介绍3. 喜好与爱好- 喜欢的食物- 喜欢的运动- 喜欢的电影、音乐、书籍- 最喜欢的节日4. 工作与学习- 未来职业规划- 学习方法与技巧- 留学经历共享- 快乐的工作经历5. 社交与人际关系- 喜欢的聚会方式- 如何结交新朋友- 最佳的社交技巧- 关于友情的看法6. 健康与运动- 健康生活方式- 喜欢的运动方式- 健身经验共享- 如何保持良好的睡眠质量7. 文化与娱乐- 推荐的旅游目的地- 喜欢的文化活动- 最难忘的旅行经历- 如何度过周末8. 计划与理想- 未来的生活规划- 理想的居住环境- 理想的伴侣特质- 未来的目标与梦想9. 环境与社会问题- 个人对环保的看法- 如何节约能源- 参与社会公益活动的经历- 如何减少塑料污染的影响10. 科技与创新- 最喜欢的智能设备- 如何应用科技改善生活- 网络安全意识- 对未来科技发展的展望11. 个人见解与观点- 对成功的定义- 如何看待失败- 对幸福的理解- 如何保持积极乐观的心态12. 总结2023年9-12月雅思口语新题目涵盖了个人信息、喜好与爱好、工作与学习、社交与人际关系、健康与运动、文化与娱乐、计划与理想、环境与社会问题、科技与创新、个人见解与观点等多个方面,考生可以针对这些话题进行充分准备,从而更好地应对雅思口语考试。
希望本文能够为大家的备考提供一些帮助,祝各位考生取得优异的成绩!13. 流行趋势与时尚在2023年9-12月的雅思口语新题中,可能还会涉及到流行趋势与时尚的话题。
14. 移民与国际交流随着全球化的深入和国际交流的增加,针对移民与国际交流的话题也可能会成为雅思口语新题的一部分。
2023年9到12月雅思口语题库一、自我介绍1.请你自我介绍一下2.介绍你的家乡3.介绍你的家人4.介绍你的朋友二、喜好和兴趣5.你喜欢哪些运动项目?6.你喜欢什么样的音乐?7.你喜欢哪种类型的电影?8.你喜欢做什么样的旅行?三、工作和学习9.你现在的工作是什么?10.你喜欢你的工作吗?11.你的未来职业规划是什么?12.你在学校学习的专业是什么?13.你喜欢学习吗?14.你平时是如何学习的?四、家庭生活15.你喜欢和家人一起做什么?16.你觉得家庭对个人重要吗?17.你是否愿意和家人一起生活?18.你觉得父母对你的影响有哪些?五、Media and Technology19.你喜欢使用哪些社交媒体?20.你觉得手机对生活有什么影响?21.你平时是如何使用电脑的?22.你觉得电视对人们的生活有何影响?六、饮食健康23.你喜欢吃哪些食物?24.你认为健康饮食有什么重要性?25.你觉得外卖对人们的生活有何影响?26.你喜欢自己做饭吗?七、生活习惯27.你每天的日常作息是怎样的?28.你平时会有哪些打发时间的爱好?29.你觉得早起对人有何好处?30.你对减压有哪些方法?八、节假日和礼仪31.你喜欢哪些节假日?32.你们家庭的节日庆祝有什么传统?33.你觉得参加婚礼有什么意义?34.你觉得礼仪对社交有何重要性?九、未来规划35.你对未来有什么规划和期待?36.你打算在将来定居在哪里?37.你认为对未来的规划有何重要性?38.你觉得人生最重要的是什么?以上是2023年9到12月雅思口语题库的部分内容,希望同学们在备考口语的时候能够认真准备,并且多加练习,提高自己的口语表达能力。
祝大家考试顺利!九、未来规划35. 你对未来有什么规划和期待?对于未来的规划和期待是每个人生活中都需要思考的问题。
雅思九月份口语新题库又到了9月雅思口语的换题季,快来看看新的一季又出现了哪些新题~(以下展示部分已出的新题)2023年9-12月雅思口语新题Part 1:1. robots机器人1.Are robots important?2.Would robots affect people’s lives?3.Have you ever watched a movie about robots?4.Should we let a robot drive for us for long journeys?5.What can robots do for you at home?2. Gifts礼物1. Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others?2. How to choose a gift?3. Have you ever received a great gift?4. Do you think you are good at choosing gifts?3. Helping others帮助人1. Do you usually help people around you?2.How do you help people around you, such as neighbours, family and friends?3.Do your parents teach you how to help others?4.Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?5.What have you done to help the elderly?4. Fishing钓鱼1. Is fishing popular in your country?2. Do you like fishing?3.Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you?4.Have you seen any movies with lots of fish?5. Geography地理1.How do you like Geography?2. Do you think Geography is useful?3.Have you ever learned Geography?4.Do you want to be a Geography teacher?6. Coffee and tea咖啡/茶1. Do people like tea and coffee nowadays?2. Do you prefer to use tea or coffee to serve your guests?3. When was the last time you drank a cup of coffee?4. Do you usually buy your coffee in a coffee shop?7. Films电影1.What films do you like?2.Did you often watch films when you a child?3.Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?4.Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?5.Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?8. Running跑步1. Do you go running a lot?2. Where do you usually go running?3. What do you think of running as a form of exercise?9. Noise噪音1. Do you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise?2. Do you think there is too much noise in today’s world?3. Is making noise one of people’s rights?10. Musical instruments乐器1. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?2. What’s your favorite musical instrument to listen to?11. Chatting聊天1. Do you like chatting with friends?2. What do you usually chat about with friends?3. Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with just one friend?4. Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or via social media?5. Do you argue with friends?12. Science科学1. When did you start to learn science?2. What is your favorite science subject?3. Is there any technology that you think is helpful today?4. Do you think science classes are important?13. Cinema电影院1. Do you like going to cinemas with your friends?2. Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?3. Do you still enjoy watching the movies you loved as a child?4. Do you prefer watching movies at home or at the cinema?5. Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a kid?14. Quiet place安静的地方1. Are there many quiet places in your city?2. Why do people sometimes prefer to be alone>3. Is there much noise around your home?4. Dos this noise affect you in any way?5. How do you think noise in cities could be reduced?15. Children儿童1. Are there any traditions around the birth of a baby in your regions?2. What kind of parent do you intend to be?3. What hopes or fears do you have concerning your children?4. What types of culture do you want your child to grow up in?16. Public transport公共交通1. What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?2. How often do you take buses?3. Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?4. Is driving to work popular in your country?5. Do you think people will drive more in the future?17. Health健康1. Do you have any unhealthy habits?2. In what ways do you try to stay healthy?3. What are the health benefits of playing a sport?18. Clothing衣服1. Do you prefer to wear comfortable and casual clothes or smart clothes?2. Do you spend a lot of time choosing clothes? Do you like wearing T-shirts?。
2023年雅思口语最新9-12月份题库Part1本季新题:1.TravellingDo you like travelling?How often do you go travelling?Where do you usually travel?How do you feel when you are travelling?2.TransportHow do you go to work or go to school?What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown? How far is it from your home to work or to school?Do you think people will drive more in the future?3.MapsDo you often use maps?Do you use paper maps?How often do you use maps on your phone?Do you have maps at home?4.ClothingWhat kind of clothes do you like to wear?Do you prefer to wear comfortable and casual clothes or smart clothes? Do you like wearing T-shirts?Do you spend a lot of time choosing clothes?5.Musical instrumentsHave you ever learned to play a musical instrument?What musical instruments do you enjoy listening to the most?Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school? Do you think music education is important for children?6.NoiseDo you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise?What kind of noises are there in the area where you live?Do you want to move to a quieter place?Do you think there is too much noise in today’s world?Is making noise one of people’s rights?7.Tea or coffeeDo people like tea and coffee nowadays?Do you prefer to use tea or coffee to serve your guest?When was the last time you had a cup of coffee or tea?Do you usually buy your coffee in a coffee shop?8.RobotsAre robots important?Would robots affect people’s lives?Have you ever watched a movie about robots?Should we set a robot drive for us for long journeys?What can robots do for you at home?9.RunningDo you go running a lot?Where do you usually go running?When was the last time you went running?What do you think of running as a sport?10.GiftsHave you ever sent handmade gifts to others?Have you ever received to great gift?What do you consider when choosing a gift?Do you think you are good at choosing gifts?11.ChattingDo you like chatting with friends?What do you usually chat about with friends?Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend? Do you prefer to communicate face to face or via social media?Do you argue with friends?12.GeographyHow do you like geography?Do you think geography is useful?Have you ever learned geography?Do you want to be a geography teacher?13.filmsWhat films do you like?Did you often watch films when you were a child?Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?14.Helping othersDo you usually help people around you?How do you help people around you,such as neighbors family and friends? Do your parents teach you how to help others?Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?What have you done to help the elderly?15.FishingIs fishing popular in your country?Do you like eating fish?Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you? Have you seen any movies with lots of fish?本季度保留旧题16.TeachersDo you want to be a teacher in the future?Do you remember one of your teachers?What were your primary school teachers like?Do you have a favorite teacher?17.FriendsHow important are friends to you?Do you often go out with your friends?Where do you often meet each other?What do you usually do with your friends?Do you have a friend you have known for a long time?18.Dream and ambitionWhat was your childhood dream?Are you the kind of person who sticks to dreams? What is your dream job?Do you think you are an ambitious person?19.RainDo you like rainy days?Why?Does it rain much in your city?Would you like to live in a dry or wet place?Would you change your plan if it rained?20.WeekWhat is your favorite day of the week?What is your least favorite day?What is the busiest day of the week for you?Is there anything that you do everyday?What do you usually do on weekends?Are weekdays and weekends the same for you? nguageWhat languages can you speak?What languages would you like to learn in the future? How do you learn a foreign language?How are languages taught and learned in your school?22.HealthHow do you keep healthy?What are your favorite sports?Are there health classes in your school?What sports help people stay healthy?Is it easy for people to exercise in your country? 23.Ice creamDo you like ice cream?Do you eat ice cream a lot?Did you eat ice cream as a child?Are there shops selling ice cream near where you live?Would you like to make your own ice cream?24.BagsDo you usually carry a bag?Do you change your bags often?What kind of bags would you use when travelling?Is a bag an ideal gift?Did you use a backpack when you were a child?25.Wild animalsAre there wild animals in your country?Have you ever been to a zoo or a safari park?What is the animals you would like to see in the wild?Are there TV programs about wild animals in your country?26.Day offWhen was the last time you had a few days off?What do you usually do when you have days off?Do you usually spend your days off with your parents or with your friends? What would you like to do if you had a day off tomorrow?27.ConcentrationDid you stay focused in class when you were a child?Are you a focused person?How do you stay focused?Is it easy to stay focused in a noisy environment?28.Fixing thingsCan you fix things?Did anybody teach you to fix things when you were a child?Do you think it’s necessary for people to learn to fix things?What do you do when a thing is broken and cannot be fixed?29.The city you live inwhat city do you live in?Do you like this city?Why?How long have you lived in this city?Are there big changes in this city?Is this city your permanent residence?30.Riding a bikeDid you have a bike when you were young?Did you ride a bike when you were little?Did you ride a bike to school?Do you ride a bike when you go out now?必问话题Work or Study-Do you work or study?-What technology do you use at work?-What work do you do?-Why did you choose that type of work or job?-Do you miss being a student?-Do you like your job?-What subject are you studying?-Why did you choose to study that subject?-Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoon? Home and Accommodation-Do you live in a house or apartment?-Which one do you prefer,house or apartment?-Can you describe the place where you live?-What room does your family spend most of the time in? -How long have you lived there?-Do you plan to live there for a long time?-Please describe the room you live in?-Which room do you like the most in your home?Why?-What part of your home do you like the most? Hometown-Where is your hometown?-Is that a big city or a small place?-How long have you been living there?-Do you like your hometown?-Is there anything you dislike about it?-What do you like(most)about your hometown?-Do you like living there?-Please describe your hometown a little-Do you think you’ll continue living there for a long time?The area you live in-Do you know any famous people in your area?-What are some changes in the area recently?-Do you like the area that you live in?Part2/3话题完整版人物类(10个)● 1.Describe a successful businessperson you know(e.g.running a familybusiness)(新题)You should say:Who this person isHow you knew him/herWhat business he/she doesAnd explain why he/she is successfulPart3What factors lead to success?What do people need to sacrifice for success?Which is more likely to be successful,family business or large corporations?Is it easy for a business to be successful without affecting the environment?Can you provide some examples of family business in your country?What qualities should be considered when recruiting employees?● 2.Describe a sportsperson you admire新题You should say:Who this person isWhat you know about him/herWhat he/she is like in real lifeWhat achievement he/she has madeAnd explain why you admire him/herPart3Question1:Should students have physical education and do sports at school? Question2:What qualities should an athlete have?Question3:Is talent important in sports?Question4:Is it easy to identify children’s talents?Question5:What is the most popular sport in your country?Question6:Why are there so few top athletes?Part3Is money the only measure of success in your country?How do you define whether one is a successful person?What is the standard of success in you country?Is there a contradiction between success and happiness?What are the factors that influence students’grades at school?● 4.Describe an interesting person that you haven’t met in personbut would like to know more about(新题)You should say:Who this person isHow you knew him/herWhat interesting things he/she has doneAnd explain why you want to know more about him or herPart3Are there any differences in the relationship between you and your friends and between you and other people?Do people feel lonely in crowded cities?Where and how can people get to know new people?Can clothing tell and reveal a person’s personality?Why do the individuals from the same family have different personalities?How does society influence a person’s personality?● 5.Describe a person who always has interesting ideas of opinions(新题)You should say:Who this person isWhat this person doesHow you knew him/herAnd explain why you think his/her ideas or opinions are interestingPart3When do you think children start to have their own opinions?Are children’s opinions influenced by their parents?Who are the smart children likely to be influenced by?How do inventors or philosophers come up with new ideas?Are there only old ideas from books or previous writers?What kind of people have lots of great ideas in your country?● 6.Describe a foreigner who speaks Chinese well(新题)You should say:Who this person isWhere he/she is fromHow he/she learns ChineseAnd explain why he can speak Chinese wellPart3What foreign languages do Chinese children learn?Why do Chinese children learn English?Why are so many people learning English?How can you help children learn English?Do you think the way people learn English today is the same as in the past?What are the benefits of the Internet for people's learning?●7.Describe a person who likes to cook for others(新题)You should say:Who this person isWhat he/she likes to cookWho he/she cooks forAnd explain why he/she enjoys cookingPart3Question1:What do we need to prepare when we need to cook?Question2:Do you agree that food is an important part of Chinese festivals and ceremonies?Question3:Which dishes are a must at festivals?Question4:Should students learn to cook at school?Question5:Do you think cooking should be a compulsory or an elective course? Why?Question6:Are there any differences between cooking today and in the past?Part3How can children help their parents at home?Should children be taught to help others?What makes children help each other at school?Should students do community service?Why?Do students in your country do volunteer work?Why do some people do volunteer work all over the world?Part3What kinds of famous people are there in your country?What are the differences between famous people today and those in the past? Do you think famous people are necessarily good in their fields?Do you think media is putting too much attention on famous people?●10.Describe a popular/well-known person in your country.(旧题) You should say:Who the person isHow you know of this personWhat this person has doneAnd explain why they are so popularPart3Question1:What qualities can help a person be popular?Question2:Do you know any popular star who likes helping other people? Question3:In what ways do you think popular stars influence teenagers? Question4:What are some advantages and disadvantages of being a star? Question5:What kind of people/students are popular in the workplace/school? Question6:Do you think popular stars have more freedom or less freedom?地点类(5个)● 1.Describe a park or garden in your city.(新题)You should say:When you often go thereWhere it isWho you often go withwhat it is likeAnd explain why you like to visit itPart3Do young people like to go to parks?What do old people like to do in parks?What benefits can parks bring to a city?What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old people?Why do some people like planting flowers?Would you say people should help maintain public parks and gardens?● 2.Describe a beautiful city(新题)Where the city isHow you knew the cityWhat buildings the city hasWhat it is famous forAnd explain why you think this city is beautifulPart3What are the differences between modern towns and modern cities?Why do some people like to visit historical sites?How can people preserve historical buildings?Is it the government’s responsibility to preserve historic cities and historic buildings?● 3.Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting(新题)Where it isHow you knew itWhat special features it hasAnd explain why you think it is interestingPart3How can people access travel information?Do people have different personalities in different regions of your country?What causes the differences between different regions of your country?Is it just youngsters who like to try new things,or do people of your parents'age also like to try new things?Is a great tourist destination also a good place to live?Why do people who go to live in small towns think these towns are more interesting than the big cities?Part3Where do young people like to go?Are people happy living in crowded apartments?Which scenic spots will have queues of people?What are the advantages of living on a higher floor?What are the disadvantages of living on a lower floor?What do you think of phenomenon of people queuing in restaurants for more than an hour?Part3Why do some people prefer to stay at home during holidays?What are the disadvantages of working overtime?Where do Chinese people like to travel to?What kinds of activities do people like to do for holidays?Do people in your country like to have holidays?物品篇(19个)● 1.Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful(新题)Where you can see itWhat it showsWhy you think it is usefulAnd explain how you feel about itPart3What do you think of online advertising?Are there any great online advertisements?What do people usually buy?Why does buying new things make people happy?Do people watch useless advertisements in this day and age?Do you think there is too much advertising in our daily lives?● 2.Describe a photo that makes you happy(新题)You should say:When and where you took the photoWhat the photo is likeHow often you watch the photoAnd explain why it makes you feel happyPart3Question1:Do you think people are taking too many photos these days? Question2:What kinds of photos do people like to take?Question3:Do you think people take more photos now than in the past? Question4:Do you think equipment is important for photography?Question5:Do you think being a professional photographer is a good job?Why? Question6:Why do some people like to post their photos on social media?● 3.Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work(新题) You should say:What the rule is aboutWhat happens when people break the ruleWhy you think it is an important ruleAnd explain how you feel about the rulePart3What rules should children follow at home in your country?On what occasions can children be forgiven if they don't follow some rules?What rules should people follow when using public transport?What kinds of rules do people need to follow in public places?What are the reasons that cause people to break rules?When people break rules,how would they be punished in your country?● 4.Describe an activity that made you feel tired.(新题)You should say:When it happenedWhere it took placeWhat the activity wasAnd explain why it made you feel tiredPart3Does learning make people feel tired today?When do people usually feel tired?What do you think about striving for learning and striving for sports?Do people have fewer holidays now than in the past?What are the differences between feeling tired after studying and after exercising? How can people solve the problem of old people easily getting tired?● 5.Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone(新题) Who you gave the advice toWhat the advice wasWhy you gave the adviceAnd explain how he/she followed your advicePart3Do you think parents should give their children advice?Should teachers give students advice?Do you think it is necessary for us to listen to friends’advice?How do people give young people and old people advice?What are the areas in which people are more or less willing to accept advice? Have you ever received any advice from professional people,like a doctor,a lawyer or a teacher?● 6.Describe a painting/drawing that you like(新题)You should say:When you first saw this paintingWhat the painting is aboutWho the painter isAnd explain how you feel about this paintingPart3What are the differences between painting and drawing?Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?How does building style affect people's lives?Should children learn to draw and paint?Why?How do young people share arts with others?Do you think the objects we use in our daily lives should be beautifully designed?●7.Describe an area of science(biology,robotics,etc.)that you areinterested in and would like to learn more about(新题)Which area it isWhen and where you came to know this areaHow you got information about this areaAnd explain why you are interested in this areaPart3Why do some children not like learning science at school?Is it important to study science at school?Which science subject is the most important for children to learn?Should people continue to study science after graduating from school?How do you get to know about scientific news?Should scientists explain the research progress to the public?●8.Describe a book you have read many times(旧题)You should say:What the book is and what it is aboutWho it was written byHow often you read itAnd say why you enjoy reading itPart3-Do you think it’s important for children to read books?Why or why not?-Do you think reading books is better than watching movies?Why or why not?-What benefits do you think reading books has for individuals?-Do you think reading books can help people learn more about different cultures? Why or why not?-Do you think people should read books that are difficult or challenging to understand?Why or why not?-Do you think e-books will make people read more?Why?Part3-What are the most popular jobs for young people in your country?-What is the difference between high-income and low-income jobs in your country? -When is the right time for young people to start making serious plans for their future career?-Which jobs have the highest salaries?-Which jobs pay low wages but require a high level of skills?Part3Which sport do you think most people like to do?Why?Do children need exercise?What are the benefits of exercise?What can be done to get children into sports?What sports programs do people like to watch in your country? What’s the difference between watching sports on TV and watching it live?Part3-Do you think children sometimes have to make important decisions?-What important decisions do teenagers need to make after graduation? -Who can children turn to for help when making a decision?-Do you think advertisements can influence our decisions when shopping? -How do people usually make important decisions?Part3-What qualities do inventors have?-Do you think only scientists can invent new things?-What inventions do you think should be improved?-Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?Part3-Is it important for children to learn about traditional festivals at school?-Do children like to learn about traditional festivals?-Why do people hold events to celebrate?-Are traditional festivals disappearing?-Is music important in traditional festivals?Part3-What are the most common architectural styles in Chinese cities?-What’s the difference between an apartment and a house?-What’s the difference between living in the countryside and living in the city-What are the advantages of the facilities of the apartment and the facilities of the house?-What difficulties do people living in the city?-What can be done to reduce stress of city life?Part3-Do you like buying clothes?-What kind of clothes do most people wear in your country?-Under what circumstances would people in your country wear formal clothes?-What is the difference between the clothing of the elderly and young in China?-When do people in your country wear traditional clothes?-Does the climate affect what people wear?Part3-What games do kids like to play now?-Do boys and girls play different games?-Are outdoor sports important for kids?-Why do people play different games now than before?-Is winning important in games?-Which is better,individual games or team-based games?Part3-What kinds of shops are popular in your city?-Why do young people enjoy going to some boutiques?-Do you think location is the key factor that attracts customers? -What is the difference between a small shop and a large shop? -Why is cheap fashion so popular?Part3What do you think of people who waste water?What are the characteristics of goods transported by water?Do you think it is good to teach swimming in schools?What kind of water sports are popular nowadays?Why do people like to live near water?Part3-Do you believe movie reviews?-What are the different types of films in your country?-Are historical films popular in your country?Why?-Do you think films with famous actors or actresses are more likely to become successful films?-Should the director pay a lot of money to famous actors?事件篇(17个)Part3-What kind of activities do young people like to do?-Why do some young people like adventurous activities?-Do you think older people would like to have changes?-Why can exciting activities relieve people’s stress?-What skills do people need to take part in adventurous activities?2.Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of(新题)What the task wasHow you completed itWhy the task was difficultAnd explain why you were proud of the completion of the taskPart3What are the things that make people feel proud of?Do people often feel proud of themselves when they complete a difficult task? What challenges do young people face today?How do young people handle difficult or challenging tasks?What kinds of rewards do people receive from work?What are the most difficult jobs that people do?3.Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways.(新题)When and where it happenedWhat happenedHow you felt about itAnd explain how it changed your life in good waysPart3-Do you like new things or changes in life?-Why do some people quit and change jobs?-How to adapt to changes in life?-Who can adapt better to changes,children or adults?-When things like getting married or moving home happen,what kinds of things would you consider?-What are the disadvantages when people keep making changes?4.Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing (新题)When it happenedWhat the nice thing wasWhy you waited for a long timeAnd explain how you felt about the experiencePart3On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?What do people do while waiting?Are most people patient while waiting?Do you like like to wait for a long time?Why?Why do most children have difficulties waiting for a long time?Do people queue consciously while waiting for the subway train?5.Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer (新题)When it happenedWhere it happenedWhat the problem wasAnd explain how you solved the problem at lastPart3What do people use computers for?Should students be allowed to use computers at school?What do you think of people addicted to playing computers?Do you think computers make our life simpler or more complex?Why do people often have problems when using new products?6.Describe a party you enjoyed(新题)When and where the party was heldWho attended the partyWhat kind of party it wasWhat you did in the partyAnd explain why you enjoyed the partyPart3-Why do people like parties?-Why do some people not like going to parties?-Do you think those who tend to stay at home are less healthy than those who often attend parties?-Do you think music and dancing are a must at a party?-What would you do if you were disturbed by a neighbor's party?-What are the differences between holding a party at home and in a public place? 7.Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop(新题) When and where it happenedWhat happenedHow it was solvedAnd explain how you felt about the experiencePart3-How do most people respond to bad services?-Do you think services are better now than in the past?-What kind of services are bad services?-Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad services?-Who should be responsible for bad services?-What can employers do to improve the service that their employees provide?Part3-Do you think children should have a lot of toys?-Where do children usually play?-Do you think there are too many rules for children to follow,whether at school or home?-Do you think children should follow all rules?-Do you think it’s necessary for parents to make decisions for their children?-Do you think it is good for parents to help their children to choose friends?Part3-Who likes to read adventure books?-Do people prefer adventure novels or adventure movies?-Why do some people like to read adventure books rather than take an adventure? -Who doesn’t like to take adventure?-Will experiencing adventures broaden people’s horizons?Part3-Why do some young people keep moving?-What’s the difference between living alone and living with roommates?-Is it beneficial for young people to live by themselves?-Besides cooking,are there any other skills that people need to learn if they live in their own?-How can parents and teachers help young people to live independently?。
二、个人情况1. 请介绍一下你自己。
2. 你家乡的特色美食是什么?你喜欢吗?我来自我国,我的家乡有一道特色美食叫做小笼包,小笼包是一种以猪肉为馅料,蒸熟后皮薄汤多的特色点心。
3. 你的家乡有哪些有名的景点?我的家乡有一处非常有名的景点叫做西湖,西湖是我国著名的风景名胜区,被誉为“天然的园林、人工的天堂”。
三、日常生活1. 你喜欢住在城市还是乡村?为什么?我更喜欢住在城市,因为城市有更多的机会和资源,生活更加便利。
2. 你最喜欢的一家商店是什么样的?为什么?我最喜欢的一家商店是一家书店,因为我喜欢阅读,而且书店里有很多不同类型的书籍可以选择,有利于提升自己的知识水平。
3. 你平时喜欢在哪里购物?平时我喜欢在购物中心购物,因为购物中心有很多不同种类的商店,可以一站式购物,省去了找店的麻烦。
四、工作学习1. 你目前的工作是什么?对这份工作满意吗?我目前还是一名学生,没有工作。
2. 你愿意将来在外国工作吗?为什么?我愿意将来在外国工作,因为外国的工作机会更多,薪资待遇也更好。
3. 你最喜欢的学科是什么?为什么?我最喜欢的学科是市场营销,因为市场营销涉及到很多领域的知识,可以结合自己的兴趣和实际应用,是一门非常有挑战性和发展空间的学科。
2023 9-12月雅思口语P3保留题+新题(已更新完毕)温馨提示:23年9-12已经最终确定,part3目前共更新有新题24道,保留题27道。
Table of ContentsDescribe a time that something changed your life in good ways (New) (4)Describe a person who likes to cook for others (New) (4)Describe a foreigner who speaks Chinese very well (New) (4)Describe an interesting person that you have not met in person and would like to know more about (New) (5)Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions (New) (5)Describe a successful businessperson you know (e.g. running a family business) (New) (6)Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with (New) (6)Describe an interesting job that you want to have in the future (6)Describe a new shop that has recently opened in your city/town (7)Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of (New) (7)Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone (New) (8)Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop (New) (8)Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information (8)Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing (New) (9)Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful (New) (9)Describe an invention that is useful in your daily life (10)Describe an activity that made you feel tired (New) (10)Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting (New) (10)Describe a place you have been to where there were lots of people (11)Describe a drawing/painting that you like (New) (11)Describe a photo that makes you feel happy (New) (11)Describe a happy experience from your childhood that you remember (12)Describe the game you enjoyed playing when you were younger (12)Describe a place away from your home and you want to visit in the future (13)Describe a party that you enjoyed (New) (13)Describe a park or a garden in your city (New) (13)Describe a beautiful city (New) (14)Describe a traditional celebration in your country that you enjoy (14)Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work (New) (15)Describe a sportsperson you admire (New) (15)Describe a science subject (Biology, Robotics, etc.) that you are interested in (New) (15)Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer (New) (16)Describe a car journey that you remember well (16)Describe an occasion when you lost your way (17)Describe an exciting adventure you would like to take in the future (17)Describe an important decision that you made (18)Describe an expensive gift that you would like to give someone when you save a lot of money (18)Describe an occasion when you spent (quite some) time with a young child (18)Describe a popular person (19)Describe someone in your area who often helps others (19)Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else (New) (20)Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future (20)Describe a sport you enjoy watching (20)Describe a movie you watched recently that you felt disappointed about (21)Describe a famous person you are interested in (21)Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing (22)Describe the ideal house you would like to have (22)Describe someone you know who has recently moved to a new place (23)Describe a talk you gave to a group of people (23)Describe a book that you have read many times (23)Describe a historical period you would like to know more (24)Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways (New)1.Do you like new things or changes in life?2.Why do some people quit and change jobs?3.How do you adapt to changes in life?4.Who can adapt better to changes, children or adults?5.When things like getting married or moving home happen, what kinds ofthings would you consider?6.What are the disadvantages when people keep making changes?Describe a person who likes to cook for others (New)1.What do we need to prepare when we need to cook?2.Do you agree that food is an important part of Chinese festivals andceremonies?3.Which dishes are a must at festivals?4.Should students learn to cook at school?5.Do you think cooking should be a compulsory or an elective course? Why?6.Are there any differences between cooking today and in the past?Describe a foreigner who speaks Chinese very well (New)1.What foreign languages do Chinese children learn?2.Why do Chinese children learn English?3.Why are so many people learning English?4.How can you help children learn English?5.Do you think the way people learn English today is the same as in the past?6.What are the benefits of the Internet for people's learning?Describe an interesting person that you have not met in person and would like to know more about (New)1.Are there any differences in the relationship between you and your friendsand between you and other people?2.Do people feel lonely in crowded cities?3.Where and how can people get to know new people?4.Can clothing tell and reveal a person's personality?5.Why do individuals from the same family have different personalities?6.How does society influence a person's personality?Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions (New)1.When do you think children start to have their own opinions?2.Are children's opinions influenced by their parents?3.Who are smart children likely to be influenced by?4.How do inventors or philosophers come up with new ideas?5.Are there only old ideas from books or previous writers?6.What kind of people have lots of great ideas in your country?Describe a successful businessperson you know (e.g. running a family business) (New)1.What factors lead to success?2.What do people need to sacrifice for success?3.Which is more likely to be successful, family businesses or large corporations?4.Is it easy for a business to be successful without affecting the environment?5.Can you provide some examples of family businesses in your country?6.What qualities should be considered when recruiting employees?Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with (New)1.Is money the only measure of success in your country?2.How do you define whether one is a successful person?3.What is the standard of success in your country?4.Is there a controversy between success and happiness?5.Is it easy to succeed in the national tests in your country?6.What are the factors that influence students’ grades at school?Describe an interesting job that you want to have in the future1.What are the most popular jobs for young people in your country?2.What is the difference between high-income and low-income jobs in yourcountry?3.When is the right time for young people to start making serious plans for theirfuture careers?4.Which jobs have the highest salaries?5.Which jobs pay low wages but require a high level of skills?6.Do you think it is important for secondary schools to offer career advices tostudents?Describe a new shop that has recently opened in your city/town1.What kinds of shops are popular in your city?2.Why do young people enjoy going to some boutiques?3.Do you think location is the key factor that attracts customers?4.What is the difference between a small shop and a large shop?5.How important are price and quality in influencing consumer behavior?6.Why is cheap fashion so popular?Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of (New)1.What are the things that make people feel proud of?2.Do people often feel proud of themselves when they complete a difficult task?3.What challenges do young people face today?4.How do young people handle difficult or challenging tasks?5.What kinds of rewards do people receive from work?6.What are the most difficult jobs that people do?Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone (New)1.Do you think parents should give their children advice?2.Should teachers give students advice?3.Do you think it is necessary for us to listen to friends' advice?4.How do people give young people and old people advice?5.What are the areas in which people are more or less willing to accept advice?6.Have you ever received any advice from professional people, like a doctor, alawyer or a teacher?Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop (New)1.How do most people respond to bad services?2.Do you think services are better now than in the past?3.What kind of services are bad services?4.Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad services?5.Who should be responsible for bad services?6.What can employers do to improve the service that their employees provide? Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information1.Why don't people trust information on the Internet?2.What jobs provide information to others?3.What's the difference between e-mail and phone in terms of providinginformation?4.Which do you think is the better way to provide information, by phone or byemail?5.How do people judge the accuracy of information?6.How do people make sure they're getting the right information?Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing (New)1.On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?2.What do people do while waiting?3.Are most people patient while waiting?4.Do you like to wait for a long time? Why?5.Why do most children have difficulties waiting for a long time?6.Do people queue consciously (自觉地) while waiting for the subway train? Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful (New)1.What do you think of online advertising?2.Are there any great online advertisements?3.What do people usually buy?4.Why does buying new things make people happy?5.Do people watch useless advertisements in this day and age?6.Do you think there is too much advertising in our daily lives?Describe an invention that is useful in your daily life1.What qualities do inventors have?2.Do you think only scientists can invent new things?3.What inventions do you think should be improved?4.Are there any other inventions that make the world better?5.Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?6.Who should support and sponsor inventors,governments or privatecompanies?Describe an activity that made you feel tired (New)1.Does studying and learning make people tired today?2.When do people usually feel tired?3.What do you think about striving for learning and striving for sports?4.Do people have fewer holidays now than in the past?5.What are the differences between feeling tired after studying and afterexercising?6.How can people solve the problem of old people easily getting tired? Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting (New)1.How can people access travel information?2.Do people have different personalities in different regions of your country?3.What causes the differences between different regions of your country?4.Is it just youngsters who like to try new things, or do people of your parents'age also like to try new things?5.Is a great tourist destination also a good place to live?6.Why do people who go to live in small towns think these towns are moreinteresting than the big cities?Describe a place you have been to where there were lots of people1.Where do young people like to go?2.Are people happy living in crowded apartments?3.Which scenic spots will have queues of people?4.What are the advantages of living on a high floor?5.What are the disadvantages of living on a lower floor?6.What do you think of the phenomenon of people queuing in restaurants formore than an hour?Describe a drawing/painting that you like (New)1.What are the differences between painting and drawing?2.Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?3.How does building style affect people's lives?4.Should children learn to draw and paint? Why?5.How do young people share arts with others?6.Do you think the objects we use in our daily lives should be beautifullydesigned?Describe a photo that makes you feel happy (New)1.Do you think people are taking too many photos these days?2.What kinds of photos do people like to take?3.Do you think people take more photos now than in the past?4.Do you think equipment is important for photography?5.Do you think being a professional photographer is a good job? Why?6.Why do some people like to post their photos on social media?Describe a happy experience from your childhood that you remember1.Why do you think some people have better memory than others?2.What kinds of things do people prefer to remember nowadays?3.What do you think we shouldn't forget?4.Why do some people remember more of their childhood than others?5.What can people do to improve their memory?6.What is your earliest memory that you can still remember now?Describe the game you enjoyed playing when you were younger1.What games do kids like to play now?2.Do boys and girls play different games?3.Are outdoor sports important for kids?4.Why do people play different games now than before?5.Is winning important in games?6.Which is better, individual games or team-based games?Describe a place away from your home and you want to visit in the future1.Where do people usually travel on holidays?2.Why do some people think it is enjoyable to stay at home on holidays?3.How do students who have taken a gap year differ from other students?4.Do teenagers usually travel with friends or alone?5.What do you think is the most desirable place for people to visit during theholiday?6.What does tourism have to do with cultural exchange?Describe a party that you enjoyed (New)1.Why do people like parties?2.Why do some people not like going to parties?3.Do you think those who tend to stay at home are less healthy than those whooften attend parties?4.Do you think music and dancing are a must at a party?5.What would you do if you were disturbed by a neighbour's party?6.What are the differences between holding a party at home and in a publicplace?Describe a park or a garden in your city (New)1.Do young people like to go to parks?2.What do old people like to do in parks?3.What benefits can parks bring to a city?4.What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old people?5.Why do some people like planting flowers?6.Would you say people should help maintain public parks and gardens?Describe a beautiful city (New)1.What are the differences between modern towns and modern cities?2.Why do some people like to visit historical sites?3.How can people preserve historical cities and buildings?4.Is it the government’s responsibility to preserve historic cities and historicbuildings?5.Does historic preservation contradict (与…矛盾) economic development?6.What do you think will happen to historic places or buildings in the future?Why?Describe a traditional celebration in your country that you enjoy1.Is it important for children to learn traditional festivals at school?2.Do children like to learn about traditional festivals?3.Why do people hold events to celebrate?4.Are traditional festivals disappearing?5.Is music important in traditional festivals?6.Do you think good food and drinks are important for celebrations?Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work (New)1.What rules should children follow at home in your country?2.On what occasions can children be forgiven if they don't follow some rules?3.What rules should people follow when using public transport?4.What kinds of rules do people need to follow in public places?5.What are the reasons that cause people to break rules?6.When people break rules, how would they be punished in your country? Describe a sportsperson you admire (New)1.Should students have physical education and do sports at school?2.What qualities should an athlete have?3.Is talent important in sports?4.Is it easy to identify children's talents?5.What is the most popular sport in your country?6.Why are there so few top athletes?Describe a science subject(Biology,Robotics,etc.)that you are interested in (New)1.Why do some children not like learning science at school?2.Is it important to study science at school?3.Which science subject is the most important for children to learn?4.Should people continue to study science after graduating from school?5.How do you get to know about scientific news?6.Should scientists explain the research process to the public?Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer (New)1.Why do people often have problems when using new products?2.How do people use digital devices to help them with their studies?3.Do people spend too much time looking at digital screens? Why?4.Do you think that parents should limit the time that their children spend usingthe mobile phones?5.What do people do with mobile phones?6.What do you think of people who are addicted to playing computers?Describe a car journey that you remember well1.What benefits does public transport bring to the world?2.Is it too late for people to get the driver license at the age of 18?3.What qualities does a driver need to have?4.Do you think the government should make it a rule for people to use publictransport?5.Which jobs require people to be good at driving?6.Do you see driverless cars as the future of cars?Describe an occasion when you lost your way1.How can people find their way when they are lost?2.Do you think it is important to do some preparation before you travel to newplaces?3.Do you think it is important to be able to read a map?4.Is a paper map still necessary?5.Why do some people get lost more easily than others?6.How do people react when they get lost?Describe an exciting adventure you would like to take in the future1.Who likes to read adventure books?2.Do people prefer adventure novels or adventure movies?3.Why do people like to read adventure books rather than take an adventure?4.Who doesn't like to take adventures?5.What kind of personality should people have in order to experience a lot ofadventure?6.Will experiencing adventures broaden people's horizons?Describe an important decision that you made1.Do you think children sometimes have to make important decisions?2.What important decisions do teenagers need to make after graduation?3.Who can children turn to for help when making a decision?4.Do you think advertisements can influence our decisions when shopping?5.Do you think the influence of advertising is good?6.How do people usually make an important decision?Describe an expensive gift that you would like to give someone when you save a lot of money1.What do young people like to save money for?2.Is it easy for people to save money to buy something expensive?3.Should children have pocket money? Why?4.Should children learn how to use money at school or from their parents?5.How do people save money?6.Why can't some people save money?Describe an occasion when you spent (quite some) time with a young child1.Do you think children should have a lot of toys?2.Where do children usually play?3.Do you think there are too many rules for children to follow, whether atschool or at home?4.Do you think children should follow all the rules?5.Do you think it's necessary for parents to make decisions for their children?6.Do you think it is good for parents to help their children choose friends?Describe a popular person1.Why are some students popular in school?2.Is it important for a teacher to be popular?3.Do you think good teachers are always popular among students?4.What are the qualities of being a good teacher?5.Is it easier to become popular nowadays?6.Why do people want to be popular?Describe someone in your area who often helps others1.How can children help their parents at home?2.Should children be taught to help others?3.What makes children help each other at school?4.Should students do community service? Why?5.Do students in your country do volunteer work?6.Why do some people do volunteer work all over the world?Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else (New)1.What kinds of activities do young people like to do?2.Why do some young people like adventurous activities?3.Do you think old people would like to have changes?4.Why can exciting activities relieve people’s stress?5.Can you give some (other) examples of adventurous or risky activities?6.What skills do people need to take part in adventurous activities? Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future1.What are the advantages of water transportation?2.Why do people like to live near water?3.What kinds of water sports are popular nowadays?4.Do you think it is good to teach swimming in schools?5.What do you think of the people who waste water?6.What are the characteristics of goods transported by water?Describe a sport you enjoy watching1.Which sport do you think most people like to do? And why?2.Do children need exercise?3.What are the benefits of exercise?4.What can be done to get children into sport?5.What sports programs do people like to watch in your country?6.What's the difference between watching sports on TV and watching it live? Describe a movie you watched recently that you felt disappointed about1.Do you believe movie reviews?2.What are the different types of films in your country?3.Are historical films popular in your country? Why?4.Do you think films with famous actors or actresses would be more popular?5.Why are Japanese animated films so popular?6.Should the director pay a lot of money to famous actors?Describe a famous person you are interested in1.Do you think media is putting too much attention on famous people?2.Do you think famous people are necessarily good in their fields?3.What are the differences between famous people today and those in the past?4.What kinds of famous people are there in your country?5.Why are some kids popular at school?6.Why do some people become famous but not successful?Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing1.Do you like buying clothes?2.What kind of clothes do most people wear in your country?3.Under what circumstances would people in your country wear formal clothes?4.What is the difference between the clothing of the elderly and the young inChina?5.When do people in your country wear traditional clothes?6.Does the climate affect what people wear?Describe the ideal house you would like to have1.What are the most common architectural styles in Chinese cities?2.What's the difference between an apartment and a house?3.What's the difference between living in the countryside and living in the city?4.What are the advantages of the facilities of the apartment and the facilities ofthe house?5.What difficulties do people have living in the city?6.What can be done to reduce the stress of city life?Describe someone you know who has recently moved to a new place1.Why do some young people keep moving?2.What's the difference between living alone and living with roommates?3.Is it positive for young people to live by themselves?4.Besides cooking, are there any other skills that people need to learn if theylive on their own?5.What kinds of people tend to live by themselves?6.How can parents and teachers help young people to live independently? Describe a talk you gave to a group of people1.What benefits does the internet bring to communication?2.Which one is better, being a communicator or a listener?3.What qualities does a person need to have to be a communicator?4.What qualities do people need to speak in public?5.What kinds of people often give speeches?6.How important it is to be a good listener in communication?Describe a book that you have read many times1.What kinds of books do children like to read? Why?2.What can kids learn from books?3.Do people prefer to read e-books or printed books in your country?4.Do you think people need to develop the habit of reading? Why?5.Do you think reading books can make people happier?6.Do you think e-books will make people read more? Why?Describe a historical period you would like to know more1.Should everyone know history?2.In what way can children learn about history?3.What are the differences between learning history from books and fromvideo?4.Is it difficult to protect and preserve historic buildings?5.Who should be responsible for protecting historic buildings?6.Who should pay for the preservation of historic buildings?。
【2023年9-12月雅思口语新题Part 1】一、新生活方式1. 新冠疫情对人们生活方式的影响新冠疫情的爆发对人们的生活方式产生了深远影响。
2. 未来预测未来,新冠疫情对人们生活方式的影响将会继续。
二、社交活动1. 社交方式的转变疫情使得传统的面对面社交受到了限制,因此人们开始更多地借助网络评台进行社交。
2. 社交活动的未来未来,社交活动可能会更多地借助于网络评台。
三、娱乐方式1. 疫情前后的比较疫情爆发之前,人们的娱乐方式主要是外出旅行、聚会聊天等。
2. 未来的娱乐方式未来,随着疫情的缓解,人们的娱乐方式将会逐渐恢复到疫情前的状态。
四、饮食习惯1. 饮食习惯的变化疫情期间,由于餐饮业的受影响,人们开始更多地在家中进行简单的烹饪,食品外卖、堂食方式可能会减少。
2. 未来的饮食趋势未来,餐饮业可能会更加注重食品安全和卫生,更多地鼓励外卖、自提等方式。
五、教育方式1. 教育的上线化疫情期间,学校和教育机构纷纷转向线上教育,这种趋势将会成为未来教育的一种主要方式。
1. 家庭问:你家有几口人?家庭成员之间有什么样的关系?你们通常是如何度过周末的?答:(1) 我家有四口人,爸爸、妈妈、我和弟弟。
(2) 我和家人的关系非常亲密,经常一起做饭、看电视和出去玩。
(3) 周末我们常常一起去公园、看电影或者做一顿丰盛的晚餐。
2. 学习问:你的学习方法是什么?你觉得怎样的学习方法更有效?你有没有遇到过学习上的困难?怎样解决的?答:(1) 我平时会做好计划,将学习任务分解,一步一步地完成。
(2) 我觉得多做练习对于巩固知识点很有效。
(3) 学习上的困难我也遇到过,我会找同学、老师或者上网寻求帮助,然后系统地解决问题。
3. 休闲爱好问:你有什么样的休闲爱好?你觉得休闲活动对身心健康有什么样的好处?答:(1) 我喜欢阅读、跑步和绘画。
(2) 休闲活动可以让人放松身心,减轻压力,增进生活质量和幸福感。
4. 旅行问:你最喜欢的旅行目的地是哪里?你觉得旅行的意义是什么?答:(1) 我最喜欢的旅行目的地是巴黎。
(2) 旅行可以开阔我们的视野,增长见识,感受不同的文化,让人更加豁达和包容。
5. 社会热点话题问:你对环保问题有什么看法?你觉得个人应该如何参与环保活动?答:(1) 我认为环保问题是全球性的,需要大家共同来关注和参与。
(2) 个人可以从小事做起,比如垃圾分类、节约用水和能源等,力所能及地参与环保活动。
6. 饮食问:你最喜欢的食物是什么?你觉得饮食习惯与身体健康有什么关系?答:(1) 我最喜欢的食物是意大利面。
(2) 饮食习惯与身体健康有直接关系,合理的饮食可以帮助我们保持健康和活力。
1. Describe an interesting neighbor you know.One of the most interesting neighbors I know is an elderly man named Mr. Smith. He lives next door and is always full of amazing stories from his past. I remember one time when he told me about his experience serving in the military during World War II. His stories truly captivated my attention, and I feel lucky to have such a fascinating neighbor.2. Talk about a food that you like but not good for your health.One food that I absolutely love but know is not good for my health is pizza. The combination of melted cheese, savory tomato sauce, and various toppings is irresistible to me. However, I am aware that pizza is high in calories and can contribute to weight gain if consumed excessively. Despite this, I still indulge in a slice of pizza every now and then as a guilty pleasure.3. Describe a group activity you enjoy participating in.One group activity that I thoroughly enjoy participating in is hiking. There is something exhilarating about exploring nature's beauty with a group of like-minded individuals. The sense of camaraderie and shared experiences during a hike creates lasting memories. Additionally, hiking provides a great opportunity to stay physically active while enjoying the great outdoors.4. Discuss a movie you recently watched and enjoyed.Recently, I watched the movie "La La Land" and thoroughly enjoyed it. The film is a romantic musical that combines beautiful cinematography with mesmerizing music and dance sequences. The storyline is captivating, and the chemistry between the two lead characters is undeniable. This movie left a lasting impression on me and made me appreciate the power of dreams and pursuing one's passion.5. Describe a place you would like to visit in the future.One place I would love to visit in the future is the Maldives. The Maldives is renowned for its stunning white sandy beaches and crystal-clear turquoise waters. I have seen numerous breathtaking pictures of this tropical paradise, and it has always been a dream of mine to experience it in person. Relaxing on the beach, snorkeling in the vibrant coral reefs, and experiencing the local culture are activities I look forward to when I finally visit the Maldives.6. Discuss a book that had a significant impact on you.One book that had a significant impact on me is "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. This novel is a thought-provoking story about the journey of self-discovery and the pursuit of dreams. It taught me about the importance of following one's passion, embracing change, and finding meaning in life. The profound messages conveyed in this book resonated with me deeply, and it has become one of my all-time favorite books.7. Talk about an experience when you received a helpful advice.I remember a time when I was feeling overwhelmed with the workload at my job, and a colleague gave me some helpful advice. She encouraged meto break down my tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and prioritize them. This advice allowed me to approach my work more efficiently and reduce my stress levels. It was a great reminder that sometimes taking a step back and reevaluating our approach can make a significant difference in our productivity and well-being.8. Describe a popular tourist attraction in your country.One popular tourist attraction in my country is the Great Wall of China. Spanning over 13,000 miles, it is one of the most impressive architectural achievements in history. The Great Wall offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes and serves as a reminder of China's rich history and cultural heritage. The wall attracts millions of tourists each year who are fascinated by its magnitude and historical significance.These are just a few examples from the IELTS Speaking Part 2 question prompts for the period of September to December in the 23rd year. The topics covered in the actual exam can vary, but these prompts give candidates an idea of what to expect and how to structure their responses. Preparation and practice are key to performing well in the IELTS Speaking test.。
2023雅思9-12口语题库英文回答:In the realm of language acquisition, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) stands as a formidable measure of proficiency for students and professionals alike. As an IELTS examiner, I am privy to the inner workings of the test and its underlying constructs. With that said, I am pleased to share a comprehensive IELTS Speaking Part 3 question pool for September to December 2023. This repository of potential questions will serve as an invaluable resource in your preparation journey.Part 3 Questions for Cue Card.Topic 1: Travelling.What are the pros and cons of travelling by different means of transportation?How does travelling contribute to personal growth and understanding?What have been some of the most memorable experiences you have had while travelling?Topic 2: Education.What is the importance of education in shaping individuals and society?How does the education system in your country compare to that of other countries?Discuss the pros and cons of different teaching methodologies.Topic 3: Technology.How has technology impacted the way we communicate and interact?What are the ethical considerations surrounding the use of technology?Discuss the future of technology and its potential implications for society.Topic 4: Social Issues.What are the causes and consequences of unemployment?Discuss the role of social media in shaping public opinion and behavior.How can we foster greater empathy and understanding between different cultures?Topic 5: Environment.What are the major environmental challenges facing our planet today?How can individuals and governments contribute to environmental protection?Discuss the importance of sustainability and its impact on future generations.Part 3 Questions for Discussion.Topic 1: Personal Values.What are the most important values that guide your life?How have your values influenced your decisions and actions?How might your values conflict with the values of others?Topic 2: Culture.How does culture shape our beliefs, values, and behaviors?What are the unique aspects of your culture that you value?How can cultural diversity enrich our lives?Topic 3: Work and Career.What are the most important qualities of a successful employee?How can individuals balance their work and personal lives?Discuss the importance of pursuing a career that you are passionate about.Topic 4: Language.How does language influence the way we think andcommunicate?What are the benefits of learning a new language?Discuss the challenges and rewards of living in a multilingual society.Topic 5: Health and Well-being.What are the most important factors that contribute to good health?How can individuals prioritize their physical and mental well-being?Discuss the role of technology in promoting healthy lifestyles.中文回答:提示卡问题。
2023雅思口语9-12月题库一、介绍1. 雅思口语考试是雅思考试中的四个部分之一,也是考生们备考时比较重视和关注的一个部分。
二、 2023雅思口语9-12月题库概述2.2023年9-12月雅思口语题库涵盖了丰富多样的话题,包括个人经历、家庭、工作、教育、科技、文化、娱乐、健康、环境等多方面的内容。
3. 以下是2023年9-12月雅思口语题库中的部分话题,供考生们参考:(1)Describe a happy childhood memory you have.(2)Talk about a skill you want to learn.(3)Discuss the impact of technology on d本人ly life.(4)Describe a traditional festival in your country.(5)Expl本人n the importance of environmental protection.4. 值得注意的是,以上只是2023年9-12月雅思口语题库中的部分话题,实际考试中可能会有其他话题,因此考生们需要全面准备,做到有备无患。
三、口语备考建议5. 针对2023年9-12月雅思口语题库中的话题,考生们可以采取以下备考建议:(1)拓展词汇:针对每个话题,考生们可以通过阅读、听力等方式,积累并拓展相关词汇,以便在口语考试中能够丰富地表达自己的观点。
2023年的9-12月雅思口语题库主要包括以下主题:1. 家庭和朋友2. 工作和职业3. 媒体和广告4. 学习和教育5. 生活方式和习惯6. 健康和运动7. 旅行和旅游8. 环境和自然9. 科技和社会10. 艺术和文化在这个季度的口语题库中,考生可能会遇到以下具体内容的问题:家庭和朋友1. 你最喜欢的家庭成员是谁?为什么?2. 你会选择和朋友一起出去玩还是和家人呢?为什么?3. 你认为怎样的朋友最重要?工作和职业1. 你认为怎样的工作最受欢迎?2. 你的理想工作是什么?为什么?3. 你认为怎样的职业前景最好?媒体和广告1. 你喜欢通过什么方式获取新闻和信息?2. 你认为广告对人们的影响有多大?3. 你会相信社交媒体上的广告吗?学习和教育1. 你认为学生在家里还是在学校学习更好?2. 你觉得教育应该重点放在什么方面?3. 你认为学校应该提供怎样的课外活动?生活方式和习惯1. 你喜欢怎样的生活方式?2. 你认为健康的生活习惯是什么?3. 你认为人们应该怎样平衡工作和生活?健康和运动1. 你平时喜欢什么样的运动?2. 你觉得身体健康对人的重要性有多大?3. 你认为怎样的运动对身体更有益?旅行和旅游1. 你最喜欢的旅行目的地是哪里?2. 你认为旅行对人有什么好处?3. 你觉得应该怎样选择旅行目的地?环境和自然1. 你对环保有怎样的看法?2. 你认为人类应该怎样保护环境?3. 你会选择住在城市还是乡村?为什么?科技和社会1. 你认为科技对人们生活有什么影响?2. 你觉得人们应该怎样正确使用科技?3. 你认为怎样的社交媒体对人们更有利?艺术和文化1. 你喜欢哪种类型的艺术?2. 你认为艺术对人的生活有什么意义?3. 你觉得传统文化对人们有什么影响?以上是2023年9-12月雅思口语题库的主要内容和可能遇到的具体问题。
一、家庭1. 请描述一下你的家庭成员2. 你最喜欢的家庭传统是什么?3. 你认为家庭在一个人的成长中起到了什么样的作用?4. 你认为家庭对一个人的职业选择有什么影响?二、生活方式1. 你喜欢在家还是在外面工作?2. 你平常是怎样放松自己?3. 请描述一下你的日常作息时间表4. 你怎样保持健康的生活方式?三、教育1. 你对你的学校有什么样的印象?2. 请描述一个你认为学到最有用的知识3. 你认为教师对学生的影响有多大?4. 你觉得学校教育和家庭教育哪个更重要?四、旅行1. 你喜欢旅行吗?为什么?2. 你最喜欢的旅行地点是哪里?3. 你认为旅行对一个人有什么样的影响?4. 请描述一个你去过的让你印象深刻的地方五、健康1. 你认为健康饮食有多重要?2. 你怎样看待锻炼对健康的影响?3. 你有什么健康管理的经验共享吗?4. 你认为健康对一个人的幸福感有多大影响?六、科技1. 你认为科技对人们生活的影响有多大?2. 请描述一下你最喜欢的科技产品是什么?3. 你觉得未来科技将会如何改变人们的生活?4. 你认为科技对教育的作用有多大?七、文化1. 你认为传统文化对当代社会有多大的影响?2. 你觉得文化传统对一个国家的发展有什么样的作用?3. 你认为不同国家的文化交流对世界的和平有何意义?4. 请描述一下你最喜欢的文化活动是什么?以上就是2023年9-12月雅思口语题库的主要内容,考生在备考雅思口语考试时可以结合题目进行练习,提高口语表达能力。
2023 9-12月雅思口语题库为了帮助备考雅思口语的考生更好地准备口语考试,以下是2023年9-12月雅思口语题库的内容。
Part 11. 学习1.1你是怎样学习的?1.2你喜欢在家学习还是在学校学习?1.3你喜欢什么样的学习环境?1.4你喜欢谁给你上课?2. 家庭2.1你家的周末通常是怎样度过的?2.2你和家人有没有一起去旅行?2.3你认为家庭聚会重要吗?2.4你喜欢和家人一起做方面呢?3. 工作3.1你想做什么样的工作?3.2你觉得工作重要吗?3.3你对工作有何期望?3.4你最喜欢的一份工作是什么?Part 21. 描述一个快乐的童年回忆。
2. 描述一个有趣的家庭聚会。
3. 描述你喜欢的一本书。
4. 描述你最喜欢的季节。
Part 31. 学习和工作1.1你觉得学习和工作的重要性有何不同?1.2你认为学习是为了工作还是为了自己?1.3你觉得学历对找工作重要吗?1.4你觉得工作经验对找工作重要吗?2. 家庭和社交2.1你觉得家庭和朋友哪个更重要?2.2你认为家庭聚会对家庭重要吗?2.3你喜欢和朋友一起做什么?2.4你觉得友情和爱情哪个更重要?3. 娱乐和休闲3.1你觉得娱乐活动对人们的生活重要吗?3.2你喜欢什么样的娱乐活动?3.3你觉得休闲是为了工作还是为了自己?3.4你觉得年轻人和老年人在娱乐方面有何不同?本篇文章总结了2023年9-12月雅思口语题库的内容,并按照题目的具体主题进行了分类介绍。
Part 12. 家庭2.1 你家的周末通常是怎样度过的?在这个题目中,考生需要描述自己家庭的周末活动安排,可以谈论家人一起参加的活动,比如逛街购物、户外运动、看电影或者聚餐活动。
Part1一、Work or StudyWhy did you choose that subject?Is it interesting?What subjects are you studying?Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoon?Are you looking forward to working?Do you like your subject?What work do you do?Why did you choose to do that type of work?Do you miss being a student?Do you like your job?二、HomeCan you describe the place where you live?How long have you live there?Who do you live with?Do you plan to live there for a long time?What is the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?三、RainDo you like rainy days? Why?Does it rain much in your city?Would you like to live in a dry or wet place?Would you change your plan if it rained?四、Dream and AmbitionWhat was your childhood dream?Are you the kind of person who sticks to dreams? What is your dream job?Do you think you are an ambitious person?五、FriendsHow important are friends to you?Do you often go out with your friends?Where do you often meet each other?What do you usually do with your friends?Do you have a friend you have known for a long time?六、TeachersDo you want to be a teacher in the future?Do you remember one of your teachers?What were your primary school teachers like?Do you have a favorite teacher?七、Riding a BikeDid you have a bike when you were young?Did you ride a bike when you were little?Did you ride a bike to school?Do you ride a bike when you go out now?八、Wild AnimalsAre there wild animals in your country?Have you ever been to a zoo or a safari park?What is the animal you would like to see in the wild?Are there TV programs about wild animals in your country?Are there wild animals in your country?九、Fixing ThingsCan you fix things?Did anybody teach you to fix things when you were a child?Do you think it is necessary for people to learn to fix things?What do you do when a thing is broken and cannot be fixed?十、ConcentrationDid you stay focused in class when you were a child?Are you a focused person?How do you stay focused?Is it easy to stay focused in a noisy environment?Did you stay focused in class when you were a child?十一、BagsDo you usually carry a bag?Do you change your bags often?What kind of bags would you use when travelling?Is a bag an ideal gift?Did you use a backpack when you were a child?十二、HealthyHow do you keep healthy?What is your favorite sport?Are there health classes in our school?How do you maintain mental health?十三、Ice CreamDo you like ice cream?Did you eat ice cream when you were a child?Are there shops selling ice cream near the place where you live?Can you make ice cream yourself?Part 2.&3.童年游戏Describe a game that you played in your childhood.You should say:What the game was?When you played it?Who you played it with and explain how you felt about the game?1. What games do kids like to play now?2. Are outdoor sports important for kids?3. How can parents get their kids to play games?4. Is winning important in games?有用的发明Describe an invention which is very useful in your daily life.You should say:What it is?What you use it for?Whether it is difficult to use it and explain why it is very useful in your daily life.1. Are there inventions that have changed the world? How?2. Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?3. Do you think people who have not been educated in school can invent things?4. Who should support and sponsor inventors, governments or private companies?传统节日Describe a traditional festival in your country.You should say:What it is?1. Is it important for children to learn about traditional festivals at school?2. Do children like to learn about traditional festivals?3. Why do people hold events to celebrate festivals?4. Are traditional festivals disappearing?5. Is music important in traditional festivals?6. What kind of festivals do children dislike?有趣的工作Describe a job that you think is interesting.You should say:What it is?How you knew it?What skills it requires and explain why you think it is interesting?1. What are the most popular jobs for young people in your country?2. What is the difference between high-income and low-income jobs in your country?3. When is the right time for young people to start making serious plans for their future careers?4. Do you prefer a job you dislike or just stay unemployed?5. How should young people find a suitable job?6. What should youngsters do if they find the job they are doing does not suit them well?新开的店Describe a new shop that recently opened in your city/town.You should say:Where the shop is?What it sells?What kinds of people usually go to this shop?And explain how successful you think it will be in the future?1. Why do young people enjoy going to some boutiques?2. Do you think location is the key factor that attracts customers?3. Do you think on-line shopping will replace in-storeshopping in the future?4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?受欢迎的人Describe a popular person.You should say:Who this person is?What he or she is like?Why you think this person is popular?And explain how this person influences the public?1. What kinds of people are more popular at school?2. What kinds of people are popular at work?3. Are knowledgeable people popular at work?4. Are good colleagues important at work?带来积极改变的新邻居Describe someone who moved to your community and brought positive influence.You should say:Who this person is?When this person moved to your community?What this person did?1. Is it positive for young people to live by themselves?2. Besides cooking, are there any other skills that people need to learn if they live on their own?3. What kinds of people tend to live by themselves?4. Do people get along with neighbors in your country?水上运动Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future.You should say:What it is?Where you would like to try it And explain why you would like to try it?1. What is the most popular water sport in your country?And why?2. What are the advantages of water transport compared to other modes of transport?3. What are the characteristics of goods transported by water?4. How do people avoid potential danger when doing extreme sports?感兴趣的名人Describe a famous person you are interested in.You should say:Who he/she is?How you knew about him/her?What he/she was like before he/she became famous and explain?Why you are interested in him/her?1. Do you think media is putting too much attention on famous people?2. Do you think famous people are necessarily good in their fields?3. What are the differences between famous people today and those in the past?4. What kinds of famous people are there in your country?。
2023年9-12月口语题库1. Part 1: What’s your favorite season? Why?(你最喜欢的季节是什么?为什么?)Answer: My favorite season is autumn. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold, and the colorful leaves make the city look more beautiful. Additionally, autumn is the harvest season, which brings a sense of fulfillment and happiness.2. Part 1: Do you like to keep a diary?(你喜欢写日记吗?)Answer: Yes, I do. Keeping a diary helps me record my thoughts and experiences. It's a good way to reflect on my life and relieve stress.3. Part 2: Describe an interesting book you have read recently.(描述你最近读过的一本有趣的书。
)Answer: The book I want to talk about is "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown. It's a thrilling novel that combines art, history, and religion. The story is full of unexpected twists and turns, making it hard to put down.4. Part 2: Describe a piece of news that interested you.(描述一条引起你兴趣的新闻。
1. 家庭与朋友
- 描述你最喜欢的家庭成员或朋友
- 你最难忘的一次和家人或朋友一起度过的时光
- 家人在你成长过程中对你的影响
- 你认为朋友在生活中的重要性
- 你认为怎样的人才能成为好朋友
2. 工作与学习
- 你目前的工作或学习情况
- 你将来想从事的职业
- 你对目前的工作或学习的看法
- 你喜欢的学科或课程
- 你在学习或工作中遇到的困难和挑战以及你是怎样克服的
3. 媒体与科技
- 你最喜欢的电影或电视剧
- 你对手机或电脑的使用习惯
- 你认为手机和电脑在现代社会中的作用
- 你喜欢的社交媒体评台及其影响
- 你对互联网的看法
4. 健康与运动
- 你的健康习惯和生活方式
- 你喜欢的运动项目
- 运动对你的影响
- 你如何保持健康的生活方式
- 你认为保持健康的重要性
5. 旅行与文化
- 你最喜欢的旅行目的地
- 你最难忘的一次旅行经历
- 你对不同文化的看法
- 你喜欢的传统节日
- 你认为旅行和文化之间的关系
6. 环境与自然
- 你对环保的看法
- 你生活中的环保习惯
- 你喜欢的自然景观
- 环境污染对人类的影响
- 你认为应该如何保护环境
7. 艺术与音乐
- 你最喜欢的艺术形式或艺术家
- 你对音乐的兴趣和了解
- 你认为艺术在生活中的作用
- 你喜欢的音乐类型和歌手
- 你曾经参加过的艺术活动或音乐会
8. 城市与乡村
- 你对城市生活和乡村生活的看法
- 你喜欢的城市和乡村地点
- 你对城市化的态度
- 城市和乡村的优缺点
- 你觉得人们更适合生活在城市还是乡村三、备考建议
1. 多练习口语
2. 注重语音语调
3. 扩大词汇量
4. 注重思维的连贯性
5. 要求不做太繁琐的内容重复
8. 总结