传统文化与翻译2 Culture & Translation

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The New Oxford Dictionary o源自文库 English
Individualism: 1. feeling or behaviour of a person who likes to do things his / her own way, regardless of what other people do. 2. theory that favours free action and complete liberty of belief for each individual person ( contrasted with the theory that favours the supremacy of the state )
4.3 Practice:
10.(卢嘉川)“但是,你这些想法和做法,恐怕还 是为了你个人吧?” 道静蓦地站了起来:“你说我是个人主义者?” (杨沫:《青春之歌》) 11.― 这断子绝孙的阿Q!” 远远地听到小尼姑的带 哭的声音。 (鲁迅:《阿Q正传》) 12.― I know. Dad,‖ she said, ―I’m a selfish pig. I’ll think about it…‖ (J. Galsworthy: A Modern Comedy) 13.宝钗独自行来,顺路进了怡红院……不想一入院 来,鸦雀无闻。
5.1.1 Set phrases (four-character or six-character idioms) 5.1.2 Reduplications In translating, much attention is paid to the referential meaning but not the repetition in structure.
15. By this time Miss Lu had changed out of her ceremonial dress into an ordinary gown, and then Ju looked at her closely, he saw that her beauty would put the flowers to shame.
Chapter 4
Values and Translating
4.1 The definition of values Values tell people what behaviors are favored by the society, what people should love or hate, what is good or evil, what is beautiful or ugly, what is normal or abnormal, what is right or wrong. They are the bases of outlook of life or the world.
B)… to her surprise, his courtyard was utterly quiet. (Yang)
Chapter 5 The view of Beauty and Translating
5.1 Chinese Repetition To achieve the effect of rhyme , the semantic balance or the aesthetic effect.
4.2.3 Historical background The greatest Confucian scholar Dong Zhongshu and 3 cardinal guides and 5 constant virtues The share of knowledge and practice The unity of Heaven and man The same level without prominence
11. ―Ah Q, may you die sonless!‖ sounded the little nun’s voice tearfully in the distance. (杨宪益、戴乃迭)
12. A)“我知道,爹,”她说,“我是头自 私自利的猪。我会考虑这个问题的。……‖ ( 汪倜然译《白猿》) B)“我知道,爸爸,”她说,“我是个 自私自利的蠢人。我会考虑这件事的。……‖ (陈冠商译《白猿》)
5.3 Practice 14. 花言巧语 捕风捉影 随波逐流 咬牙切齿 自吹自擂
油嘴滑舌 精疲力竭 水深火热 土崩瓦解 铜墙铁壁
15.此时鲁小姐卸了浓装,换几件雅淡衣服,遽公孙举目细看, 真有沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌。 (吴敬梓:《儒林外史》) 16.谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。
17.花园里面是人间的乐园,有的是吃不完的大米白面,穿不 完的绫罗绸缎,花不完的金银财宝。 (周而复:《上海的朝晨》)
3) Merrily the ospreys cry, On the islet in the stream. Gentle and graceful is the girl, A fit wife for the gentleman. Tr. Yang Xianyi & Gladys Yang
4) By riverside a pair Of water birds are cooing; There is a maiden fair A good young man is wooing. Tr. Xu Yuanchong
13. A) Bao-chai’s route took her past the House of Green Delight… The courtyard was silent as she entered it. Not a bird’s cheep was to be heard. (Hawkes)
个人主义: 一切从个人出发,把个人利益放在集体利益之 上,只顾自己、不顾别人的错误思想。 《现代汉语词典》
4.2.2 Collectivism: people have a much stronger value of maintaining harmony and good relations in the group.
10 .(Lu Jiachuan) ―Are you sure your thoughts and wishes aren’t determined by personal considerations?‖ he asked. Daojing sprang to her feet. ― Do you mean that I’m an egoist?‖
Individual rights and obligations come first. There is a strong emphasis on individual merits and competition, which is communicated in proverb, ― The early bird gets the worm.‖ Individualism is expressed in values about the importance of doing your best, reward for individual achievement and the chance of success, and the importance of solving problems yourself, not waiting for others to do it for you.
Arthur Waley (Sinologist,19 Aug 1889 - 27 June 1966 ) was the great transmitter of the high literary cultures of China and Japan to the English-reading general public; the ambassador from East to West in the first half of the 20th century. He was self-taught, but reached remarkable levels of fluency, even erudition, in both languages. It was a unique achievement, possible (as he himself later noted) only in that time, and unlikely to be repeated.
4.2 Collectivism vs. Individualism
4.2.1 Individualism 1)the habit or principle of being independent of self-reliant; 2)a social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control.
5.2 Four-character structure 秦孝公据殽函之固,拥雍洲之地,君臣固 守,以窥周室,有席卷天下、包举宇内、 囊括四海之意、并吞八荒之心…… (贾谊:《过秦论》)
关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑。 《诗经》
1) Kwan kwan go the ospreys, On the islet in the river, The modest, retiring, virtuous, young lady:-For our prince a good mate she. * Kwan kwan , the calling of the ospreys. Tr. Legge 2) ― Fair, fair‖, cry the ospreys On the island in the river. Lively is this noble lady. Fit bride for our lord. Tr. Arthur Waley
James Legge: (Chinese: 理雅各; December 20, 1815 – November 29, 1897) was a noted Scottish sinologist, a Scottish representative of the London Missionary Society in Malacca and Hong Kong (1840– 1873), and first professor of Chinese at Oxford University (1876–1897).
Xu Yuanchong: In April 18, 1921, was born in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. His mother, who was well educated and good at painting, had great impact on Xu in his pursue of beauty and aesthetic feeling. His uncle is a translator. When he studied in the best local school Provincial Nanchang II, his English had been outstanding. And in 1938 with excellent grades, Xu was admitted to the National Southwest Associated University, Department of Foreign Languages.