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Your proven route to competitive SOx complianceSOx scrubbers are the smart choice for complyingwith the global sulphur cap as well as sulphurlimits in Emission Control Areas (ECAs). Alfa LavalPureSOx is the smartest choice of all, because itoffers a complete platform for meeting the needsof your vessel.A route well travelledNo choice of SOx scrubber is more secure than PureSOx,a solution built with Alfa Laval core expertise and decades of marine scrubber experience. PureSOx has been at sea since 2009, reliably cleaning main and auxiliary engine exhaust gas to compliant SOx levels. Today PureSOx has morereferences than any other singleSOx scrubber technology.Among those references arerepeat orders from majorcustomers, as well as a widerange of vessel types andspecifi c scrubber confi gurations.Five reasons to chooseAlfa Laval PureSOx:• Returning customers expresstheir satisfaction• Custom engineering matchesyour vessel and needs• Core technology fromAlfa Laval ensures results• Project management meanstimely delivery and installation• Global service keeps yousecure wherever you sail23The choice of supplierSwitch to low-sulphur fuelMARPOL Annex VIInstall a scrubberAlfa Laval PureSOxSwitch to LNGOther global supplier solutionLocal supplier solutionThe commercial decision The ability to use economical HFO, rather than expensive low-sulphur fuel, rapidly makes a difference in operating costs. Choosing the scrubber route gives you a long-term cost advantage, without making your business dependent on an uncertain LNG infrastructure.The choice of supplierScrubbers are simple in principle, but challenging to adapt for marine use. Although global suppliers have many resources and broader support than local suppliers, their experience should still be reviewed. A long and comprehensive reference list is the best proof that a system can operate successfully in a range of conditions.Alfa Laval PureSOxNot only is Alfa Laval the leading SOx scrubber supplier, the PureSOx platform is also the most complete solution on the market. Your scrubber’s confi guration can be perfectly adapted to the needs of your vessel, no matter where you sail.Mapping your choices Your decisions on the way to SOx compliance can leave you stranded – or put you on the route to success.The PureSOx platform4For all the questions about SOx compliance, there’s ananswer trusted by more and more ship owners. Theunique fl exibility of the PureSOx platform – combinedwith Alfa Laval’s proven expertise – is your assuranceof a compliant and optimized solution.Whatever your PureSOxconfi guration, the results arethe same:• Sulphur removal rate >98%(exceeds IMO requirements)• Particulate matter (PM)trapping up to 80%• Compliance at anyengine loadMany routes to performanceScrubber designTechnology Compliance profileConfigurationArrangement5The PureSOx platform issuccessful because it builds on Alfa Laval core expertise. For over 40 years, Alfa Laval has delivered marine scrubbers as a part of inert gas systems for oil, chemical and LNG carriers.Still more of our expertise is used in closed-loop and hybrid confi gurations. We pioneered centrifugal separation, which is the only reliable means ofcleaning circulation water at sea. The PureSOx water cleaning unit removes particles effectively in all conditions, which minimizes sludge and allows instant bleed-off of cleaned circulation water.As a complete scrubber platform, PureSOx offers three compliance profi les to fi t your specifi c sailing profi le. All versions can be confi gured as open-loop, closed-loop or hybrid arrangements, and as U-design or inline I -design scrubbers.PureSOx GlobalOptimized for use on the open seas, PureSOx Global offers an ideal solution for compliance with the 0.5%S global cap. It is the smallest version of the platform and also provides the greatest ease of installation.PureSOx ECAVessels that spend most or all of their time in Emission Control Ar-eas (ECAs) can meet the more stringent 0.1%S emission limits with PureSOx ECA.This option is also designed to handle the tech-nical restrictions these vessels face, such as low-alkalinity water.PureSOx FlexPureSOx Flex provides an easy switch between 0.5%S and 0.1%S compliance modes. For vessels with more varied operat-ing profi les, this option ensures maximum savings and the lowest possible OPEX.Compliance anywhereBuilt for the way you sail6PureSOx can be confi gured in three different operating arrangements. Which one is right for you depends on where and how your vessel sails.Open-loop arrangement In an open-loop arrangement seawater is used to scrub the exhaust gas, after which it is legally discharged back into the sea. Though the investment and operating costs are lower, the scrubber’s use may be limited by low water alkalinity or local legislation.Closed-loop arrangement In a closed-loop arrangement the scrubber water is dosed with an alkaline additive and recircu-lated. As it becomes dirty, the circulation water is cleaned, dis-charged and replenished to retain capacity . The scrubber can be used anywhere and at any time, but has higher operating costs.Hybrid arrangementA hybrid arrangement is often the perfect compromise, as it provides both open-loop and closed-loop modes. Open-loop operation reduces costs whenever possible, but a switch to closed-loop operation can be made whenever demanded.Open-loop Closed-loop HybridDesigned for your vessel7U-designIn most cases the PureSOx scrubber is confi gured with a U-design. Suitable for the majority of vessels, this confi guration offers a number of advantages. For example, the shape of the scrubber itself forms a natural water trap, preventing water backfl ow to the enginewithout any additional equipment. I-designOn vessels with more complex structural needs, such as certain cruise ships and RoPax vessels, PureSOx can be confi gured with an inline I-design. In this confi guration, water backfl ow is prevented by an internal water trap combined with overboard arrangements.Choosing an I-design can overcome more diffi cult space and stability issues.Inlets for multiple exhaust gas sourcesBoth U-design and I-design scrubbers can be confi gured with multiple inlets. This allows one PureSOx scrubber to clean exhaust gas from both main and auxiliary engines, as well as boil-er exhaust gas.Multiple inlets greatly reduce the footprint and weight of the scrubber system overall, along with the cost of the equipmentand installation.I-designU-design8“We are very satisfi ed in our dealings with Alfa Laval, in terms of both project execution and the technical performance of the PureSOx scrubber. The systems already delivered have all received class approval, and we expect equivalent results from the deliveries in progress.”Emanuele Grimaldi, Managing Director, Grimaldi GroupNothing says more about a scrubber than its references, and repeat orders are the best seal of approval available.Alfa Laval PureSOx has more references than any other single SOx scrubber technology, many of which are repeat orders. All PureSOx systems ever installed are still in compliant operation today.Finnlines and ACL RoRo’s and ConRo’s for Grimaldi Group• Five open-loop PureSOx systems with U-design and multiple inlets • Five hybrid PureSOx systems with U-design and single inletsHow a SOx scrubber and its supplier perform in reality is more important than any specifi cation. Alfa Laval and PureSOx have a solid record of success, not only on board but in the whole process of getting there.PureSOx in practiceReturning customers9“The PureSOx solution was well engineered and allowed a sophisticated integration of the scrubber system into our container feeder ships. The custom construction let us avoid major modifications inside the vessel, which together with the pre-outfitting gave us a short installation time. All those factors contributed to a competitive price.”Christoph Meier, Project Manager, Buss Shipping“[Our vessels’] area of operations will require a closed-loop mode with reliable water cleaning. This is where Alfa Laval’s separation expertise comes into play.”Kevin Douglas, Vice President, Technical Projects andNewbuild, RCLT o be a lasting solution, your scrubber must be engineered to suit your vessel and sailing profile. The PureSOx platform provides a high degree of system flexibility, with multiple operating arrangements, a choice of scrubber designs and many other options.These possibilities allow almost any challenge to be overcome, even on vessels with space and stability issues.It takes considerable knowledge to optimize a scrubber,especially in a closed-loop or hybrid system where compliant cleaning of the circulation water is needed.Alfa Laval has over 40 years of experience with scrubbers spe-cifically, as well as over a century of experience with centrifugal separation – the most reliable method of water cleaning.Custom engineeringCore technology10“Alfa Laval has made things easier in our work with EXMAR so far, and we anticipate that will continue as the EXMAR projects progress. We expect a lot from Alfa Laval as an experienced marine supplier, and when it comes to the professional level of support regarding PureSOx and exhaust gas cleaning, the company delivers.”Lee Dong-hoon, Senior Manager, Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction (HHIC-TMS)See multimedia content and additional references at /puresoxPureSOx in practiceA solid delivery track record and a structured method of preparing scrubber installations offer insurance against expensive delays and difficulties in class approval.Alfa Laval has not only many years of experience and a strong delivery infrastructure, but also well-documented procedures and clear project management that facilitate class approvals.Project management11”We’ve been extremely pleased with the cooperation with Alfa Laval. DFDS’s policy is that we will never ever bring us in a situation where we can’t comply with the legislation.”Kasper Moos, Vice President T echnical Org., DFDS SeawaysYour scrubber will be with your vessel for many years and will also affect its resale value. This makes it important to choose a stable supplier with a strong global network, who can offer assistance wherever your vessel sails.Alfa Laval has served the marine industry for a century, providing service and support both worldwide and 24/7. The Alfa Laval 360° Service Portfolio offers all the services you need to ensure top performance, uptime and operating efficiency from your PureSOx system throughout its life cycle. You gain easy access to cost-saving insights, high-quality spares and much more.An Alfa Laval Performance Agreement lets you tailor a service plan to your needs. It ensures optimized performance and operating costs for total peace of mind.DFDS RoRo and RoPax vessels• Four hybrid PureSOx systems with U-design and multiple inlets• Nine hybrid PureSOx systems with U-design and single inletsGlobal serviceAlfa Laval in briefAlfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized products and engineered solutions.Our equipment, systems and services are dedicated to helping customers to optimize the performance of their processes. Time and time again.We help our customers to heat, cool, separate and transport products such as oil, water, chemicals, beverages, foodstuffs, starch and pharmaceuticals.Our worldwide organization works closely with customers in almost 100 countries to help them stay ahead.How to contact Alfa LavalUp-to-date Alfa Laval contact details for all countries are always available on our website at A l f a L a v a l a n d P u r e S O x a r e g l o b a l t r a d e m a r k s o w n e d b y A l f a L a v a l C o r p o r a t e AB .MDD00107EN 1611。
金川集团公司下属的机械制造公司参照芬兰LAROX 公司的压滤机设备,在1992 年成功仿制出25 m2BAZG25 型自动压滤机,在使用中不断进行改进和完善,逐步形成定型产品,不仅在金川集团大量投入使用,还销往国内其他冶金、化工企业,近年来更是远销俄罗斯等周边国家。
1 压滤机工艺流程及控制要求1.1 工艺流程全自动立式压滤机属于板框式压滤机,是分离悬浮液中固体与液体的设备,其工作原理是靠泵的压力、固液的重力、气压或水压的作用,在滤布(过滤介质)两侧产生压差,来实现固液分离,达到生产要求。
1.2 控制要求全自动压滤机控制系统的主要功能包括测试、手动、自动、参数设定、显示和报警故障诊断等。
技术协议甲方:乙方:2022 年 3 月技术协议××有限公司(以下称甲方)120t 转炉污泥脱水工程项目订购实用环保设备公司(以下称乙方) XMGZ10/1250 厢式双隔膜板框压滤机 2 台、 CND60/1000 插板式储泥斗 2 台,经双方共同商议达成以下技术协议:一、 XMGZ160/1250 自动开框厢式双隔膜板框压滤机:1 )、设备主要参数设备型号: XMGZ160/1250过滤面积: 160m2滤板尺寸:1250×1250 滤板由一块整体钢板和两块橡胶滤板构成。
滤室容积:3.2m3过滤压力:0.10-0.30Mpa充气压力:0.30-0.40Mpa进料口直径:Φ100机电功率:5.5KW 380V压紧方式:液压压紧,自动保压、压紧力>14 Mpa,活塞推力>300KN;拉板方式:油马达带动自动拉板器油缸行程:800长×宽×高: 6900×1540×1680mm;总重: 16.5t2)辅机:接水盘:自动翻转接水盘工作时向上翻转,卸料时自动向下翻转,其动作已编入整机 PLC 自动控制程序,可有效消除压滤机过滤过程的毛细孔滴漏。
3 )、设备性能特点:滤板是由两块橡胶隔膜板和一块厚度为10mm 的整体钢板构成,每一个滤板均有气室,在污泥脱水过程中,可以向气室充气,使隔膜滤板鼓胀,实现滤渣快速脱水;滤板具有足够的强度和刚性,不破碎,不变形,滤板手把为Φ 28x200 的45#钢加外径Φ48的滚轮,具有足够的刚性和耐磨性。
4)、优势及特性:4.1、过滤效率高厢式双隔膜高效板框压滤机其过滤效率是其它各类板框压滤机的2-3 倍。
过滤转炉污泥时,其生产效率可达100kg/m2.h 以上,当转炉污泥SS (固体物含量) =20%摆布时,其过滤周期为30 分钟摆布。
中华人民共和国教育部****大学毕业设计设计题目:全自动立式压滤机液压系统设计学生: *****指导教师: ****教授学院: *******学院专业:*****************************************2012年6月****大学毕业设计任务书设计题目全自动立式压滤机液压系统设计指导教师**************教授专业************************************************** 学生***********2012年11 月2 日全自动立式压滤机液压系统设计摘要全自动立式压滤机由板框组、顶紧机构、滤布驱动机构、管路系统、自动润滑系统、压力加压系统和控制系统等组成。
关键词:液压系统;压滤机;PLC控制Automatic vertical filter press hydraulic system designAbstractAutomatic vertical pressure filter plate frame, top group by tight institutions, the filter cloth driving mechanism, pipeline system, the automatic lubrication system, the pressure, pressure system and control system, etc. This design in clear hydraulic system design requirements and condition analysis and familiar with all the hydraulic and pneumatic circuits are put forward, based on the filter press hydraulic control system design scheme.This topic through to existing filter press hydraulic system design flaws, fault phenomenon and the specific process flow, and according to the analysis of filter press load, make sure the whole filter press hydraulic control system, the main parameters through the design, calculation, choose hydraulic pressure system hydraulic components, and the implementation of the components of the standard of design, structure, main performance of hydraulic system analysis, thus completing the filter press hydraulic control system static design process. And with PLC control technology and the way of the combination of the hydraulic pressure technology, and realize the filter press hydraulic system design, enhance the purpose of filter press hydraulic system reliability.Keywords:Hydraulic system,Filter press,PLC control目录摘要Abstract1 绪论 (1)1.1 引言 (1)1.2 压滤机发展历程 (1)1.3 压滤机研究现状概述 (2)1.4 课题来源及主要研究意 (3)2 全自动立式压滤机结构 (4)2.1 主机部分 (4)2.2 压滤机工作过程 (6)3 压滤机液压系统方案设计 (8)3.1 立式压滤技术的主要工艺 (8)3.2 压滤机液压系统的工艺要求 (8)3.3 压滤机液压系统方案设计 (9)3.4 编制系统原理图 (10)4 液压系统中液压件的设计计算 (11)4.1 执行元件中主液压缸的分析 (11)4.1.1 执行元件主液压缸的工况分析 (11)4.1.2 执行元件主液压缸的主要参数的确定 (14)4.1.3 主液压缸的工作腔的压力、流量以及功率 (15)4.2 执行元件中滤布驱动液压马达选取 (17)4.3 液压元件的结构设计与选择 (18)4.3.1 执行元件的计算 (18)4.3.2 执行元件的结构设计 (20)4.3.3 液压泵和电动机的选择 (22)4.3.4 液压控制阀的选择 (23)4.3.5 液压辅助元件的选择 (24)5 PLC在压滤机控制系统中的应用 (25)5.1 系统工作原理 (25)5.2 PLC控制系统设计 (25)6结论 (28)参考文献致谢全自动立式压滤机液压系统设计1 绪论1.1引言压滤机广泛应用在石油、化工、矿山、医药等领域,并发挥着重要的作用。
奥图泰Larox ®立式压滤机(PF )是带挤压隔膜的水平板框组成的全自动板框压滤机。
奥图泰 LAROX 立式压滤机优势• 高产量• 干滤饼• 高效的滤饼洗涤• 多样灵活的运行模式• 运行可靠• 加强稳定设计• 全自动操作• 全球有超过1,000台压滤机的实际应用•耗能、耗水量低2奥图泰LAROX 立式压滤机(PF )1.6系列紧凑而易于安装的压滤机,用于较小的生产负荷(滤板腔高有45毫米和60毫米,60毫米腔高最大到11平方米。
)Note! PP plates available from size 6.3 and up.滤板设备的总过滤面积最小到1.6平方米,最大到252平方米。
滤布在滤板之间呈之字形穿行,我公司供应的多种OEM 不同类型的滤布,能够广泛用于多种不同应用。
卸饼在奥图泰Larox ®立式压滤机上的单条滤布,确保把每个循环、每个板框中的滤饼都能完全排出,完全无需人工协助。
全自动操作奥图泰Larox ®立式压滤机操作全自动,可凭借独立控制面板及集成可编程控制器(PLC )或通过分布式控制系统进行操作。
地址:200120 上海市浦东新区老港镇同创路999号
Benefits•Low pulsation and very gentle pumping, making the pump ideal for sensitive products.•Minimized shearing to protect end-product quality.•Low maintenance, increased process uptime.•Low contamination risk due to full material traceability and USP Class VI elastomers that reduce the risk of processcontamination from extractables.•Smooth qualification, validation and process control:material traceability, and pump supplied with the Alfa Laval Q-doc package in line with Good DocumentationPractices.Standard designAll media contacting steel components, like the rotor case, front cover, rotors and rotor nuts, are in W. 1.4404 (AISI 316L). The stainless steel gearbox provides maximum shaft rigidity and easy oil seal replacement. The gearbox design is universal, which enables the flexibility of mounting pumps with the inlet and outlet ports in either a vertical or horizontal plane by changing the foot and its position.The standard Alfa Laval SX UltraPure has four-lobe rotors rated to 150°C, facilitating use with CIP and SIP processes.Fully front-loading and fully interchangeable single, single flushed and double mechanical shaft seals are available. All media contacting elastomers are controlled compression joints, the latest technology where static and dynamic elastomer seals are used to prevent leakage of pumped media to the atmosphere.The Alfa Laval SX UltraPure can be supplied either as a bare shaft pump or mounted on a base plate complete with coupling, guard, gear motor and shroud for easy, plug-and-play installation.Working principleA gear train in the pump gearbox drives the rotors and provides accurate synchronization of the multi-lobe rotors. The movement of the counter-rotating rotors creates a partial vacuum that allows atmospheric pressure or other external pressures to force fluid into the pump chamber. As the rotors revolve, an expanding cavity forms, filling with fluid. As the blades disengage, each dwell forms a cavity. As the rotor blades engage, the cavity diminishes and fluid is displaced into the outlet port.CertificatesTECHNICAL DATAInside surface finish:Mech Ra ≤ 0.8Gearbox:Stainless steel Base plate:Stainless steel Coupling guard:Stainless steel Rotor:Four-lobeProduct wetted elastomers:EPDM - USP Class VI, 249.8°F . Chapter 88, and Chapter 87Other elastomers:FPMShaft seal:Single mechanical (R00)Rotary seal face:Silicon Carbide Stationary seal face:Silicon CarbideMax. flush pressure, single flush:Max. 0.5 bar Max. flush pressure, double mechanical:Max. 1 bar over product pressure Water consumption, flushed or double mechanical:0.5 l/min Flush connections:BSPT or NPTMedia contacting elastomersAll media contacting elastomers are controlled compression joints, the latest technology where static and dynamic elastomerseals are used to prevent pumped media leaking to atmosphere.1. Front cover compression joint.2. Spline sealing cup seal.3. Cup seal.4. Squad ring.Flows/Pressures/ConnectionsSX UltraPure 1/0070.07 1.54 1.8540 1.571001200SX UltraPure 2/0130.128 2.82 3.3840 1.5152151000SX UltraPure 2/0180.181 3.98 4.7850271001000SX UltraPure 3/0270.266 5.857.03502152151000SX UltraPure 3/0350.357.709.2565 2.571001000SX UltraPure 4/0460.4610.1212.15502152151000SX UltraPure 4/0630.6313.8616.6565 2.5101451000SX UltraPure 5/0820.8218.0421.6765 2.515215600SX UltraPure 5/115 1.1525.3030.3880310145600SX UltraPure 6/140 1.4030.8036.9980315215500SX UltraPure 6/190 1.9041.8050.20100410145500SX UltraPure 7/250 2.5055.0066.05100415215500SX UltraPure 7/380 3.8083.60100.401506101455001 These pressure ratings may vary for pumps with certain threaded connections.SX UltraPure 1/0071617SX UltraPure 2/0133233SX UltraPure 2/0183334SX UltraPure 3/0275759SX UltraPure 3/0355961SX UltraPure 4/046107110SX UltraPure 4/063113116SX UltraPure 5/082155155SX UltraPure 5/115165165SX UltraPure 6/140278278SX UltraPure 6/190290290SX UltraPure 7/250-340SX UltraPure 7/380-362Shaft Seal Options•Single or single flush/quench (steam barrier for aseptic application) R00 type mechanical seals.•Double R00 type mechanical seal for flush.All sealing options are fully front loading and fully interchangeable without the need for additional housings or pump component changes. Specialised seal setting of the mechanical seal is not required as the seal is dimensionally set on assembly. This feature further enhances fast and efficient on-site seal interchangeability.Materials for Mechanical SealsAs standard the SX UltraPure is supplied with EHEDG compliant Silicon Carbide/Silicon Carbide seal faces avoiding any risk of potential extractable contamination.Standard Specification Options•Screwed male inlet and outlet ports to DIN11851, SMS, RJT, Triclamp for ASME, DIN 32676 Clamp, DIN 11864-1 (Union) Form A, DIN 11864-2 (Flange) Form A or DIN 11864-3 (Clamp) Form A.•Heating/Cooling Jacket for Rotorcase Cover.•Product wetted surface finish electropolished to Ra ≤ 0.38 μm.•Passivated surface.•Surface finish measurement with certificate.•Hydrostatic testing with certificate.•ATEX compliance.•Complete pump unit comprising: Pump + stainless steel baseplate + coupling with guard + Geared electric motor suitable for (or supplied with) frequency speed control or manual variable speed drive (advise motor enclosure and electrical supply).•Low delta ferrite material for product wetted components.•High alloy materials for product wetted components i.e. AL6XN or Titanium.Q-docStandard documentation package:•Declaration of compliance with Regulation (EC) No.: 1935/2004.•Declaration of compliance to EN 10204 type 3.1 (MTR).•Declaration of compliance to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration CFR 21 (non-metallic parts).•Declaration of compliance to the U.S. Pharmacopeia (Elastomers and polymers).•TSE (Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy) / ADI (Animal Derivative Ingredient) declaration.•Declaration of surface finish compliance.•Declaration of passivation and electro polishing (if specified).•3.1 certification in accordance to EN10204.•Pump performance test certificate.Optional documentation:•Hydrostatic test certificate.•Surface measurement report.Pump SizingIn order to correctly size a rotary lobe pump some essential information is required. Provision of this information listed below enables our Technical Support personnel to obtain the optimum pump selection.Product/Fluid Data:•Fluid to be pumped.•Viscosity.•SG/Density.•Pumping temperature, minimum, normal and maximum.•Cleaning in Place temperature(s), minimum, normal and maximum.Performance Data:•Flow rate, minimum, normal and maximum.•Discharge head/pressure (closest to pump outlet).•Suction condition.Bareshaft Pump DimensionsFigure 1. Vertically portedSX UltraPure 1/0074095113208151640305294601008022114104801017423.5SX UltraPure 2/0134010514725215225032632559111100121241241001221332.5SX UltraPure 2/0185010514725215225032634166111100121241241001221332.5SX UltraPure 3/0275012517530022286140843171142155151851551251424637.5SX UltraPure 3/0356512517530022286140844777142155151851551251424637.5SX UltraPure 4/04650150213363253880631051474174200172341841501430149.5SX UltraPure 4/06365150213363253880631053381174200172341841501430149.5SX UltraPure 5/0826*******.5431.53045110701459961264200202402201801434460SX UltraPure 5/11580175256.5431.53045110701462981264200202402201801434460SX UltraPure 6/140801902954853048110701468777267260203002502101440070SX UltraPure 6/1901001902954853048110701471589267260203002502101440070SX UltraPure 7/2501002053655703060110901876394288280253302902401847581.5SX UltraPure 7/38015020536557030601109018817121288280253302902401847581.5TOP SHAFTDRIVEFigure 2. Horizontally portedAll dimensions in mmSX UltraPure 1/007409590.5189101640671143052943612480101001008010 SX UltraPure 2/0134010511523315225082.5147.5326325391311001913212410012 SX UltraPure 2/0185010511523315225082.5147.5326341461311001913212410012 SX UltraPure 3/027********.5272182860100175408431681751253018115412514 SX UltraPure 3/0356*******.5272182860100175408447741751253018115412514 SX UltraPure 4/04650150163325203880113.5212.56310514742251503520218415014 SX UltraPure 4/06365150163325203880113.5212.56310533812251503520218415014 SX UltraPure 5/0826517519537620451101352557014599462791803527521018014 SX UltraPure 5/1158017519537620451101352557014626662791803527521018014 SX UltraPure 6/1408019022542920481101552957014687782662604037022019014 SX UltraPure 6/19010019022542920481101552957014715902662604037022019014This document and its contents are subject to copyrights and other intellectual property rights owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. No part of this document may be copied, re-produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or for any purpose, without Alfa Laval Corporate AB’s prior express written permission. Information and services provided in this document are made as a benefit and service to the user, and no representations or warranties are made about the accuracy or suitability of this information and these services for any purpose. All rights are reserved.200006102-1-EN-GB© Alfa Laval Corporate AB How to contact Alfa LavalUp-to-date Alfa Laval contact details for all countries are always availableon our website at 。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告吴江华尔克斯机械设备有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:吴江华尔克斯机械设备有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分吴江华尔克斯机械设备有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质增值税一般纳税人产品服务业废水膜处理设备、工业锅炉脱硫脱硝设备、水1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
⼀、各公司介绍⼀)西班⽛TEFSA集团1、TEFSA, ?Tecnicas de Filtracion, S.A.? 的简称,公司成⽴于1974 年,总部位于西班⽛巴塞隆那,是⼀个全球性多种过滤设备的制造供货商, 主要产品包括压滤机(Filter Press)、快开式压滤机(TEFSA_PFO Type Filter Press)、真空带式过滤机(Belt Type Vacuum Filter)、真空滚筒式过滤机(Drum Type Vacuum Filter)、压⼒过滤器(Pressure Filter)、带滤机(TEFSA_Belt Filter Presses)及其他等, TEFSA 可依据不同的项⽬或客户的需求提供固液分离过滤设备, 并提供TEFSA的保证.2、TEFSA集团由下列之公司组成:1) TEFSA, Tecnicas de Filtracion, S.A. (过滤技术股份有限公司);2) COMERCIAL LASMERT, S.A. (康莫协拉斯莫特有限公司) (1974) 3) MEDIOS FILTRANTES, S.A. (⽶迪欧斯飞尔特有限公司) (1980) 4)ECOTEC, Ecologia Tecnica, S.A. (恩寇铁克⽣态技术有限公司) (1990) 5) TALLERES ALFER, S.A. (塔勒斯阿菲尔有限公司) (1975)其中TEFSA, Tecnicas de Filtracion, S.A. (过滤技术股份有限公司) (1974)适⽤⾏业: 化学⼯业, 矿业, 陶瓷业, 制药业, 纸业, 钢铁⼚, 酒⼚, 糖⼚,⾃来⽔⼚, 都市⽣活废⽔处理⼚, 电⼚烟⽓脱硫, 电⼦业, 半导体业,染整业, 各种环保⼯程之⽔处理⼚等.3、TEFSA集团的产品主要⼤型过滤设备有:1)压滤机 (悬梁型或侧梁型, ⼿动/半⾃动/全⾃动操作, 滤板尺⼨:从 300 x 300 mm到 2000 x 2000 mm),从建⼚⾄今共⽣产压滤机17500台左右,其悬梁式的压滤机的制造能⼒主要见下表:2)带滤式脱⽔机 (⾼/中/低压型, 滤布宽度:0.5 M~3 M)3)加压叶滤机 (⽔平式, 或垂直式)4)真空滚筒型过滤机 (材质:不锈钢/聚丙烯/FRP)5)真空带式过滤机 (环形胶带)4、TEFSA集团:亚太各地业绩表⽤户名称规格型号过滤⾯积数量/台购买时间⼆)马来西亚PMI压滤机公司PMI公司是⼀家德国技术公司背景的马来西亚过滤设备制造企业,公司成⽴于1986年以来,共有4个⽣产基地。
超细氢氧化铝浆液高效浓缩设备的应用何应辉【摘要】本文阐述了一种新型浓缩设备在超细氢氧化铝生产过程中的成功应用.介绍了该种设备通过低压力、高流速渗透原理,将悬浮浆液固体浓度提高一倍以上,解决了无法通过沉降、离心工艺浓缩悬浮液的问题.同时介绍了如何科学使用、维护、再生陶瓷膜过滤机设备,提高洗涤工序洗涤能力服务.【期刊名称】《世界有色金属》【年(卷),期】2019(000)005【总页数】2页(P39,41)【关键词】浓缩;陶瓷膜;超细氢氧化铝【作者】何应辉【作者单位】中铝山东新材料有限公司,山东淄博 255051【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P624超细氢氧化铝粉体(下文简称:超细氢铝)是目前世界上用量最大的无机阻燃剂之一,它具有阻燃、消烟、填充三大功能。
1 浓缩设备优缺点对比超细氢铝,粒度极细,随着浆液固含的提高,粘度成倍增加,是生产中最为头痛的问题。
2 陶瓷膜过滤机结构、工作原理、工作流程(1)结构。