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结果北京市总体120急救网络呼叫反应时间中位数为16.5min,四分位数间距为14.3 min;北京市总体120急救网络呼叫反应时间在5min内的占2.28%,而30min以上的占19.20%;城区、郊区和中心直属与非直属之间呼叫反应时间差异具有统计学意义。
1 方法采用定量分析和定性访谈相结合的方法:调取北京急救中心调度科数据库中2005年7月到12月共6个月全市有效调度指挥数据,依据纳入标准和排除标准,应用SPSS11.5统计软件对该数据库进行清理和统计描述;描述采用中位数四分位数间距和百分比,比较应用卡方检验和大样本z检验;在此基础上召开专题小组访谈会,讨论其影响因素。
IPS-1000系列VoIP综合接入系统用户手册版本:V1.05目录1.前言 (1)2.概述 (2)3.系统指标 (3)3.1功能、性能 (3)3.2工作条件 (3)3.3配置 (4)4.结构 (5)4.1VIP板面板图 (5)4.2面板 (5)4.3出线 (6)4.4系列结构标准 (6)5.安装和操作 (7)5.1IPS设置简介 (7)5.2产品安装和呼叫 (7)5.3呼叫 (7)5.4IPS系列编程 (7)6.VIP设置命令(Telnet 远程配置) (8)6.1操作系统登录命令Telnet (8)6.2帮助命令Help (8)6.3显示配置命令Show (9)6.4设置配置命令Set (10)6.5存盘命令Save (10)6.6恢复前次配置命令Load (10)6.7恢复初始配置命令LoadDefault (10)6.8系统重起动命令Reboot (10)6.9退出命令配置Quit (11)7.配置数据 (12)7.1NetWork部分 (12)7.1.1广域网IP (12)7.1.2广域网IP子网掩码 (12)7.1.3广域网MAC值 (12)7.1.4广域网口DHCP模式 (12)7.1.5局域网IP (13)7.1.6局域网IP子网掩码 (13)7.1.7局域网MAC值 (13)7.1.8DNS状态 (13)7.1.9DNS IP (13)7.1.10默认网关IP (14)7.1.11NAT功能 (14)7.1.12NAT端口映射表 (14)7.1.13PPPoE (14)7.1.14PPPoE 用户名 ......................................... 147.1.15PPPoE 用户密码. (15)7.2GateWay部分 (15)7.2.1网关别名 (15)7.2.2网关IP (15)7.2.3网关区号 (15)7.2.4呼入前缀匹配值 (15)7.2.5呼入前缀删除状态 (16)7.2.6设备最大允许话音通道数 (16)7.2.7启用快速呼叫功能 (16)7.2.8Q.931协议端口值 (16)7.2.9RTP起始端口值 (16)7.2.10TCP起始端口值 (17)7.2.11MCC通信定时器 (17)7.2.12网守定时器 (17)7.2.13TCP定时器 (17)7.2.14ALERTING定时器 (17)7.2.15CONNECING定时器 (17)7.2.16RAS重发次数 (18)7.2.17网守状态 (18)7.2.18网守IP (18)7.2.19TUNNEL状态 (18)7.2.20网关路由表 (18)7.3CDR IP部分 (19)7.3.1中央维护台的IP (19)7.3.2普通维护台IP (19)7.3.3设置SNMP 管理站IP (19)7.4GateKeeper部分 (19)7.4.1网守最大支持呼叫数基本属性 (19)7.4.2内部网守状态 (20)7.4.3IRR消息频率 (20)7.4.4RRQ消息频率 (20)7.4.5RRQ消息超时次数 (20)7.4.6IRR消息超时次数 (20)7.4.7GKID (20)7.4.8网守信息表 (21)7.4.9DSP状态 (21)7.4.10语音编码类型 (21)7.4.11传真模式 (21)7.4.12语音包允许延迟时长 (22)7.4.13回声抵消状态 (22)7.4.14静音检测状态 (22)7.5SYSTEM部分 (22)7.5.1系统软件版本 (22)7.5.2T35国家码 (22)7.5.3T35扩展码 (22)7.5.4终端类别 (23)7.5.5产品ID号 (23)7.5.6设备厂家号 (23)7.5.7H.323协议栈版本 (23)7.5.8H.225协议栈版本 (23)7.5.9H.245协议栈版本 (23)7.6Dialedlen部分 (23)7.7IP ECHO部分 (24)7.7.1IPECHO客户端 (24)7.7.2客户机定时发送消息时间 (24)7.7.3服务器所在地址 (24)7.7.4服务器所在端口 (25)7.7.5是否作为服务器 (25)8.关于配置文件的存取 (26)8.1下载VIP配置文件至PC (26)8.2上传PC的配置文件至VIP中: (26)8.3用TFTP升级VIP系统软件 (26)9.维护注意事项 (27)9.1VIP板RUN灯长亮 (27)9.2IPS电话无法呼出 (27)图图5-1面板指示图 (5)表表5-1面板LED定义 (5)1.前言●本手册详细地介绍了IPS-1000系列V oIP综合接入系统(IPS-1016/1160/1240)的结构、工程安装说明、软件设置等,您也可以根据目录及页眉的标题进行选择性地阅读此手册。
1 公司合规管理体系建设的必要性天津建材集团作为天津市首家集团层面完成混合所有制改革的市管一级国有企业,通过与金隅集团产业的协同,已逐步形成以商贸展贸、资产管理、智慧物流为主国有企业合规管理体系建设实践—以公司合规管理体系建设为例赵青松天津市建筑材料集团(控股)有限公司 天津 300381摘 要:本文以天津某建筑材料行业公司的合规管理体系建设项目为案例,总结该公司构建合规管理体系的路径与经验,并对标首批北京市管国有企业合规管理先进经验,通过全面系统梳理该公司的合规义务,识别其在经营管理中面临的合规风险,通过不断完善合规管理制度体系,实现了“强内控、防风险、促合规”的目标。
关键词:企业合规;合规风险;合规管理体系Implementation of Compliance Management System in State-owned Enterprises-Using the Construction of the Company's Compliance Management System as a Case Study Abstract: This paper examines the construction of a compliance management system for a building materials industry company in Tianjin as a case study. It summarizes the company's approach and experience in establishing the compliance management system, and compares it with the advanced experiences of compliance management in state-owned enterprises in Beijing. By comprehensively and systematically identifying the company's compliance obligations and operational risks, the compliance management system is continuously improved to achieve the goal of "strong internal control, risk prevention, and promotion of compliance". The practice demonstrates that through the establishment of a compliance management system, the company has enhanced employees' awareness of compliance operations, strengthened its comprehensive risk management capabilities, improved its soft power for enterprise competition, and laid a solid foundation for sustainable, healthy, and high-quality development.Key words: Enterprise compliance; compliance risk; compliance management system收稿日期:2024-4-1第一作者:赵青松,1975年生,法律硕士,高级经济师,主要从事公司风险防控、企业合规管理、客户黏性分析等领域的工作,E-mail:**********************92CHINA CONCRETE2024.04NO.178业的现代化企业集团。
《0.0兆赫》影评精选10篇《0.0兆赫》是一部由刘善东监制,郑恩地 / 李成烈 / 主演崔允英主演的一部恐怖性质的电影,特精心从网络上整理的一些观众的影评,盼望对大家能有帮助。
Symbol Test ConditionsMaximum RatingsV DSS T J = 25°C to 150°C200V V DGR T J = 25°C to 150°C; R GS = 1 M W 200V V GS Continuous ±20V V GSM Transient±30V I D25T C = 25°C (MOSFET chip capability)105A I D(RMS)External lead (current limit)76A I DM T C = 25°C, Note 1480A I AR T C = 25°C 120A E AR T C = 25°C 60mJ E AS T C = 25°C3J dv/dt I S £ I DM , di/dt £ 100 A/m s, V DD £ V DSS 5V/ns T J £ 150°C, R G = 2 W P D T C = 25°C400W T J -55 ... +150°C T JM 150°C T stg -55 ... +150°C T L 1.6 mm (0.063 in.) from case for 10 s 300°C V ISOL 50/60 Hz, RMSt = 1 min2500V~Weight5gSymbol Test ConditionsCharacteristic Values(T J = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)min.typ.max.V DSS V GS = 0 V, I D = 3mA 200V V GS(th) V DS = V GS , I D = 8mA 2.04.0 V I GSS V GS = ±20 V, V DS = 0±100 nAI DSS V DS = V DSS T J = 25°C 100 m A V GS = 0 VT J = 125°C2 mA R DS(on)V GS = 10 V, I D = 60A 17 m WNote 2Single MOSFET Die98586A (11/99)ISOPLUS 247TMHiPerFET TM Power MOSFETs ISOPLUS247TM (Electrically Isolated Back Surface)Features•Silicon chip on Direct-Copper-Bond substrate- High power dissipation - Isolated mounting surface - 2500V electrical isolation•Low drain to tab capacitance(<25pF)•Low R DS (on) HDMOS TM process•Rugged polysilicon gate cell structure •Unclamped Inductive Switching (UIS)rated•Fast intrinsic Rectifier Applications•DC-DC converters •Battery chargers•Switched-mode and resonant-mode power supplies •DC choppers •AC motor control Advantages •Easy assembly •Space savings •High power density •Low noise to groundG = Gate D = DrainS = Source * Patent pendingIsolated back surface*IXFR 120N20V DSS =200VI D25=105AR DS(on)= 17 m W t rr £ 250 nsE153432IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions, and dimensions.SymbolTest ConditionsCharacteristic Values(T= 25°C, unless otherwise specified)Note: 1. Pulse width limited by T JM2. Pulse test, t £ 300 m s, duty cycle d £ 2 %。
㊃新型冠状病毒肺炎专栏㊃非同寻常的鼠年:新型冠状病毒肺炎阎锡新魏娇娜河北医科大学第二医院呼吸与危重症医学一科,石家庄050011通信作者:阎锡新,E m a i l x i_x i n_y a n@163c o mʌ摘要ɔ2020年的春节,猪年将尽,鼠年将启㊂就在人们准备年末返乡省亲㊁全家团圆之际,新型冠状病毒肺炎爆发了,全世界人民迅速陷入一场无硝烟的抗疫之战㊂自2019年12月中旬以来,新型冠状病毒肺炎经历了局部暴发㊁社区传播和越境传播三个阶段,是人类近几十年来防控难度最大㊁传播速度最快,影响范围最广的国际突发公共卫生事件㊂截至目前仍没有针对该疾病的特效药,部分具有潜在抗冠状病毒作用的药物正加紧疗效验证,疫苗也尚在研发中㊂全球疫情形势依旧严峻,少数国家和地区尚未实现可防可控局面㊂中国政府与人民齐心协力㊁步调一致,经过艰苦卓绝的狙击战,已经有效控制传染源,切断传播途径,很好的控制了疫情㊂我国也进入了常态化㊁专业化的疫情防控阶段㊂此刻,回眸一瞬,颇有感慨㊂ʌ关键词ɔ严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2;新型冠状病毒肺炎;抗病毒药物基金项目:河北省重点研发计划项目(20277701D)D O I103760c m a j c n131368-20200222-00077A n u n u s u a l y e a r o f t h e r a t C O V I D-19Y a nX i x i n W e i J i a o n aT h eF i r s tD e p a r t m e n t o f R e s p i r a t o r y a n dC r i t i c a l C a r eM e d i c i n e t h eS e c o n d H o s p i t a l o f H e b e iM e d i c a lU n i v e r s i t y S h i j i a z h u a n g050011C h i n aC o r r e s p o n d i n g a u t h o r Y a nX i x i n E m a i l x i_x i n_y a n@163c o mʌA b s t r a c tɔI nt h eS p r i n g F e s t i v a l o f2020t h e y e a ro f t h e p i g h a s g o n ea n dt h e y e a ro f t h er a t i sc o m i n g J u s t a s p e o p l ew e r e p r e p a r i n g t o r e t u r nh o m e t o v i s i t t h e i r r e l a t i v e s a nd re u n i t e t h e i rf a m i l i e s a t t h ee n d of t h e y e a r C O V I D-19b r o k eo u t T h e p e o p l ea l lo v e r t h ew o r l d w e r e q u i c k l y i n v o l v e di naw a ro fr e s i s t a n c ea g a i n s t t h ee p i d e m i c S i n c e m i d-D e c e m b e r2019C O V I D-19h a se x p e r i e n c e dt h r e es t a g e s l o c a lo u t b r e a k c o m m u n i t y t r a n s m i s s i o n a n d c r o s s-b o r d e r s p r e a d A n d i t i s a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l p u b l i c h e a l t h e m e r g e n c yw i t h t h e g r e a t e s t d i f f i c u l t y i n p r e v e n t i o na n dc o n t r o l t h e f a s t e s t t r a n s m i s s i o ns p e e da n d t h ew i d e s t i m p a c tr a n g e i n r e c e n t d e c a d e s U p t o n o w t h e r e i s n o s p e c i a l d r u g f o r t h e n o v e l c o r o n a v i r u s S o m e o f t h e d r u g s t h a th a v e p o t e n t i a l a n t i-c o r o n a v i r u s e f f e c t s a r e b e i n g t e s t e d f o r e f f i c a c y a n d v a c c i n e d e v e l o p m e n t i s a l s o o n g o i n gT h e g l o b a l e p i d e m i c s i t u a t i o n i s s t i l l g r i m a n d a f e w c o u n t r i e s a n d r e g i o n s h a v e n o t y e t a c h i e v e d a p r e v e n t a b l ea n d c o n t r o l l ab l e s i t u a t i o n T h r o u g h t h ec o n c e r t e de f f o r t s o f t h eC h i n e s e g o v e r n m e n t a nd t he p e o p l e a n d t h ea r d u o u s s n i p e rw a r o u r c o u n t r y h a se f f e c t i v e l y c o n t r o l l e dt h es o u r c eo f i n f e c t i o n c u to f f t h e t r a n s m i s s i o nr o u t e a n dm a d e t h e e p i d e m i c s i t u a t i o nw e l l c o n t r o l l e d A t t h e s a m e t i m e C h i n ah a se n t e r e da r e g u l a r a n dp r o f e s s i o n a l s t a g e o f e p i d e m i c p r e v e n t i o na n dc o n t r o l A t t h i sm o m e n t l o o k i n g b a c kf o r am o m e n t Ih a v eq u i t e a f e e l i n gʌK e y w o r d sɔS e v e r e a c u t e r e s p i r a t o r y s y n d r o m e c o r o n a v i r u s2C O V I D-19A n t i v i r a l d r u g sF u n d p r o g r a m K e y R e s e a r c h a n dD e v e l o p m e n t P r o j e c t i nH e b e i P r o v i n c e20277701DD O I103760c m a j c n131368-20200222-000772020年已过半载,旋涡中心的武汉早已重启被疫情暂停的生活,中国积极有效的应对措施让世界见证了英雄的武汉,伟大的中国㊂越来越多的证据表明,新型冠状病毒肺炎(C O V I D-19)虽然在中国武汉爆发,但武汉并不是源头㊂目前,国内疫情总体呈零星散发状态,新疆㊁辽宁等地出现散发病例引起的聚集性传播,呈现出小范围疫情反弹,而且已经波及到北京㊁福建等地区㊂疫情防控的重点也由 内防扩散㊁外防输出 切换到了 外防输入㊁内防反弹 ㊂除新疆㊁辽宁等㊃3441㊃国际呼吸杂志2020年10月第40卷第19期I n t JR e s p i r,O c t o b e r2020,V o l.40,N o.19Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.地区外,国内其他省份新增确诊病例以境外输入病例为主㊂并且随着检测力度的加大,更多的无症状感染者也逐渐浮出水面㊂针对疫情复燃现象,地区政府重新进入战时状态,借鉴前期抗疫经验,迅速采取精准的防控措施,最大限度的降低了传播风险㊂反观全球态势,每日新增病例数仍在快速攀升,美国㊁巴西㊁印度㊁俄罗斯及南非等成为了全球疫情最严重的国家㊂日本㊁韩国等国家也在疫情得到较好控制后出现了不同程度的反弹㊂这也再次提醒我们疫情的复杂性和严峻性,各国要加强合作,共同抗疫㊂我们根据已经掌握的信息,对C O V I D-19的特征㊁临床表现及抗病毒治疗作一简单阐述㊂2020年初,严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2(s e v e r ea c u t er e s p i r a t o r y s y n d r o m ec o r o n a v i r u s2,S A R S-C o V-2)首次从中国武汉的患者中分离㊂WHO专家将由这种新型病毒感染导致的以肺炎为主要表现的疾病命名为C O V I D-19㊂研究发现,S A R S-C o V-2是一种新型的与S A R S-C o V相近的β属冠状病毒,是已知冠状病毒科中可以感染人类的第七个成员㊂C O V I D-19是人畜共患病,蝙蝠是最可能携带S A R S-C o V-2的自然宿主[1],而穿山甲可能是潜在中间宿主[2]㊂由钟南山院士牵头的研究显示,只有118%的患者有野生动物接触史,初期的大多数患者与接触武汉人有关[3]㊂S A R S-C o V-2感染的患者和无症状感染者是主要传染源,在潜伏期即有传染性,发病5d内传染性最强[4],这为疫情的防控带来巨大挑战㊂随着疫情的发展,病毒也显现出了较强的人传人能力,且传播速度较快,社区传播及家庭聚集性传播频出, 超级传播者 时有报道,甚至传播源并非典型肺炎患者㊂S A R S-C o V-2的主要传播途径是经呼吸道飞沫传播及密切接触传播,接触病毒污染的物品也可造成感染,气溶胶传播可能是狭小密闭空间的重要传播途径[4]㊂钟南山院士及李兰娟院士团队首先在确诊患者粪便中分离出活的S A R S-C o V-2,且随着检测力度的加大,多地区在确诊病例粪便及尿液中也检测到S A R S-C o V-2的存在㊂所以除常见传播途径外,也应当注意粪便及尿液对环境污染造成气溶胶或接触传播的可能性㊂此外,目前尚无证据表明存在血液㊁血制品㊁母婴等传播方式[5]㊂S A R S-C o V-2潜伏期为1~14d,多为3~7d,个别病例潜伏期可长达24d,但仅为个例[3]㊂C O V I D-19临床表现多样,多见发热㊁乏力㊁干咳㊂1099例C O V I D-19患者的特征分析显示,仅438%的患者早期表现为发热,因此在筛查病例时不能过分强调是否有发热症状㊂此外,对近9000例C O V I D-19患者的临床数据分析显示[5],45%的患者无肺炎表现,而是表现为腹泻㊁呕吐㊁咽痛等非典型症状㊂WHO指出,大多数C O V I D-19患者仅表现为轻中症(80%),但约15%的患者将发展为重症,其中5%为危重症,后者可出现呼吸衰竭㊁脓毒症或多脏器功能衰竭[6]㊂重症㊁死亡病例大部分是合并多种基础疾病的老年人㊂除流行病学史及临床表现外,确诊依据主要是实验室检查㊂核酸检测目前仍然是确诊依据,但会受到病程㊁标本采集㊁检测试剂等因素的影响,容易漏诊,疑似患者常需反复检测㊂在核酸检测受限制的特殊时期,曾有学者建议由胸部C T代替核酸检测作为C O V I D-19诊断的金标准,发现C T确诊C O V I D-19的准确率为764%[3],考虑到影像学不能明确病原体种类,与其他病毒性肺炎的C T表现亦有交叉重叠,最终专家组指出核酸检测与影像学应当并重,不能相互代替㊂血清学检查也可以作为诊断新冠肺炎的辅助手段,对于核酸检查阴性的疑似C O V I D-19患者以及处于恢复期的患者可通过抗体检测进行诊断,但发病1周内阳性率较低[4]㊂此外,有些指标的突然变化可能预示病情恶化[8],如淋巴细胞数进行性下降,中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比值㊁I L-6㊁C-反应蛋白㊁D-二聚体㊁乳酸等指标进行性升高,影像学显示病变范围快速扩大等㊂如何早期识别这些危险因素对于挽救重症患者至关重要㊂无论是S A R S㊁流感,还是C O V I D-19,都由病毒感染引起,这三种疾病临床表现类似,治疗方法也类似㊂但病毒性肺炎很难治,一个关键的原因就是缺乏特效药,加上病毒种类繁多,共性很少,也很难找到广谱的抗病毒药物㊂C O V I D-19是一种新的传染性疾病,在疫情初期我们对它的了解有限,所以更多的寄希望于 老药新用 ㊂只是限于对S A R S-C o V-2菌株体外研究结果的局限性,很多药物没有推荐使用㊂关于抗病毒药物的合理使用,最新发布的‘新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(第八版)“中给出了较为一致的建议[4],认为具有潜在抗病毒作用的药物应在病程早期使用,尤其是应用于有重症高危因素及有进展为重症倾向的患者㊂不推荐单独使用洛匹那韦/利托那韦和利巴韦林,不推荐使用羟氯喹或联合使用阿奇霉素㊂还指出,可继续试用α-干扰素㊁利巴韦林㊁磷酸氯喹㊁阿比多尔,但其疗效仍需进一步验证㊂与中国诊疗方案的推荐意见不同, WH O不建议在临床试验范畴之外使用这些可能对C O V I D-19有预防或治疗作用的药物㊂国外专家认为现有的有关上述药物的研究大部分是观察性的,且规模较小,在临床疗效方面各项研究结果相差较大,并且已有研究指出其严重的不良反应㊂一项纳入109例C O V I D-19患者的研究显示[9],洛匹那韦/利托那韦联合α-干扰素可以促进C O V I D-19患者肺部炎症的吸收,增高患者体内免疫细胞水平㊂而在另一项回顾性研究中发现,虽然洛匹那韦/利托那韦可缩短S A R S-C o V-2核酸转阴的时间,但胃肠道不良反应发生率明显高于对照组[10]㊂也有研究显示洛匹那韦/利托那韦在对重症C O V I D-19患者临床症状改善及病毒清除方面无益处[11]㊂氯喹被当做 特效药 也曾赚足人们的眼球㊂10余家医疗机构合作开展的氯喹或羟氯喹疗效及安全性试验研究发现[12],氯喹在抑制肺炎加重㊁改善肺部影像㊁促进病毒核酸转阴㊁缩短病程均有良好的效果㊂但在使用磷酸氯喹治疗的32例C O V I D-19患者中,有21例发生了不良反应,以消化道反应及心律失常多见[13]㊂由于疫情初期我们对S A R S-C o V-2认知有限,且国内形势较为严峻,所以我国专家借鉴S A R S㊁M E R S及流感的防治经验,为C O V I D-19的救治提供了合理化建议㊂而随着国内疫情得到有效遏制,一些临床试验研究结果也相继发表㊂虽然部分临床研究证据等级不高,且研究结果有差异,但我国已经积累的面对㊃4441㊃国际呼吸杂志2020年10月第40卷第19期I n t JR e s p i r,O c t o b e r2020,V o l.40,N o.19Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.新型病毒的救治经验,已然使世界各国的抗疫工作不必完全从零开始㊂由于缺乏治疗C O V I D-19的特效药,所以疫苗成为对抗S A R S-C o V-2的关键一环,它能刺激机体产生免疫应答,产生针对病毒的特异性抗体和免疫记忆,从而抵抗病毒的入侵㊂国内外各大科研机构也正在快速开展S A R S-C o V-2疫苗的研发工作,这是控制疫情蔓延的重点,也是难点㊂一方面,一旦S A R S-C o V-2发生较大变异,则前期的工作将功亏一篑;另一方面,疫苗的安全性问题也必须格外关注,避免免疫不良反应㊂目前,中国已有多项针对S A R S-C o V-2的疫苗进入临床研究阶段,整体研发进展顺利㊂但疫苗研发周期较长,短期内难以作为抗击疫情的武器㊂我们应当继续 外防输入,内防反弹 ,不恐慌,不松懈,尽早打赢这场全民抗疫战争㊂利益冲突所有作者均声明不存在利益冲突参考文献1 Z h o uP Y a n g X L W a n g X G e ta l D i s c o v e r y o fa n o v e lc o r o n a v i r u s a s s o c i a t e dw i t h t h e r e c e n t p n e u m o n i a o u t b r e a k i nh u m a n s a n di t s p o t e n t i a lb a to r i g i n J O L b i o R x i v20202020-01-23h t t p s w w w b i o r x i v o r g c o n t e n t10110120200122914952v2a r t i c l e-i n f o D O I10110120200122914952p u b l i s h e d o n l i n ea h e a d o f p r i n tJ a n u a r y2320202 C y r a n o s k iD D i d p a n g o l i n ss p r e a dt h eC h i n ac o r o n a v i r u st op e o p l e J O L N a t u r e20202020-02-07h t t p s w w wn a t u r e c o m a r t i c l e s d41586-020-00364-2 D O I101038d41586-020-00364-23 G u a n W J N iZ Y H u Y e ta l C l i n i c a lc h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o fc o r o n a v i r u sd i se a s e2019i nC h i n a J N E n g l J M e d2020382181708-1720D O I101056N E J M o a20020324国家卫生健康委办公厅国家中医药管理局办公室关于印发新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案试行第八版的通知E BO L2020-08-18h t t p w w w g o v c n z h e n g c ez h e n g c e k u2020-0819c o n t e n t_5535757h t m5 C h e n H G u oJ W a n g C e ta l C l i n i c a lc h a r a c t e r i s t i c sa n di n t r a u t e r i n e v e r t i c a l t r a n s m i s s i o n p o t e n t i a l o f C O V I D-19i n f e c t i o n i nn i n e p r e g n a n tw o m e n ar e t r o s p e c t i v er e v i e w o fm e d i c a l r e c o r d s J L a n c e t202039510226809-815D O I101016S0140-67362030360-36 Y a n g Y L u Q B L i u M J e ta l E p i d e m i o l o g i c a la n dc l i n i c a lf e a t u r e s o f t h e2019n o v e l c o r o n a v i r u so u t b r e a k i nC h i n a JO L m e d r x i v20202020-02-21h t t p s w w w m e d r x i vo r g c o n t e n t1011012020021020021675v1D O I1011012020021020021675p u b l i s h e d o n l i n e a h e a d o f p r i n tF e b r u a r y2120207 W o r l dH e a l t h O r g a n i z a t i o n C l i n c a lm a n a g e m e n to fC O V I D-19i n t e r i m g u i d a n c e27M a y2020R O L G e n e v a WH O 1-62 h t t p s w w w w h o i n t t e a m s h e a l t h-c a r e-r e a d i n e s s-c l i n i c a l-u n i t c o v i d-198国家卫生健康委办公厅国家中医药管理局办公室关于印发新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案试行第七版的通知E BO L2020-03-04 h t t p w w w n h c g o v c n y z y g js7653p20200346c9294a7d f e4c e f80d c7f5912e b1989s h t m l 9王妍妮索涛范慧等洛匹那韦利托那韦联合α-干扰素治疗新型冠状病毒肺炎的临床疗效J O L武汉大学学报医学版20202020-07-08h t t p s d o i o r g h t t p s k n sc n k i n e t k c m sde t a i l d e t a i l a s p x d o i=1014188j1671-885220200400D O I1014188j1671-885220200400网络预发表10许鑫安薇夏飞等洛匹那韦利托那韦治疗新型冠状病毒肺炎有效性与安全性的回顾性研究J中国药师20202371366-1369X u X A n W X i a F e t a l R e t r o s p e c t i v e s t u d y o n t h ee f f e c t i v e n e s s a n d s a f e t y o f l o p i n a v i r r i t o n a v i r i n t h e t r e a t m e n to f c o r o n a v i r u s d i s e a s e2019J Z h o n g g u oY a oS h i20202371366-136911 C a oB W a n g Y W e nD e t a l At r i a l o f L o p i n a v i r-R i t o n a v i r i na d u l t s h o s p i t a l i z e dw i t hs e v e r eC o v i d-19J N E n g l J M e d2020382191787-1799D O I101056N E J M o a200128212 G a o J T i a nZ Y a n g X B r e a k t h r o u g h c h l o r o q u i n e p h o s p h a t eh a ss h o w n a p p a r e n t e f f i c a c y i n t r e a t m e n t o f C O V I D-19a s s o c i a t e d p n e u m o n i ai nc l i n i c a ls t u d i e s J B i o s c iT r e n d s202014172-73D O I105582b s t20200104713左丽邢惟青吴斌等磷酸氯喹治疗新型冠状病毒肺炎的药品不良反应事件分析及风险管理建议J中国药物警戒2020176332-337D O I1019803j1672-862920200603Z u oL X i n g WQ W uB e ta l R i s k m a n a g e m e n to fa d v e r s ed r u g re a c t i o n s e v e n t si n d u c e db y c h l o r o q u i n e p h o s p h a t ei nC O V I D-19p a t i e n t s J Z h o n g g u oY a o W uJ i n g J i e2020176332-337D O I1019803j1672-862920200603收稿日期2020-03-04㊃5441㊃国际呼吸杂志2020年10月第40卷第19期I n t JR e s p i r,O c t o b e r2020,V o l.40,N o.19Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。
Data SheetLBR20 4G LTE Advanced WiFi RouterOverviewThe Orbi™ 4G LTE Advanced WholeHome WiFi Router delivers up to 2.2Gbpshigh-performance WiFi on 4G LTEnetworks. It has a sleek, modern designwith high-gain internal antennas for upto 2,000 sq ft of coverage. The Orbi™4G LTE Advanced WiFi Router withintegrated cellular modem is compatiblewith select Orbi AC Satellites to create amesh WiFi system, supporting seamless4K streaming and gaming everywhere inyour home.Mobile SIM, required for operation, isincluded4.FeaturesAlways-on Internet. Seamlessly switch over to 4G LTE when your existing Internet service fails.Super-fast WiFi up to 2.2Gbps†. Enjoy seamless 4K HD video streaming & gaming everywhere in your home. Increase WiFi Coverage.Add an Orbi AC Satellite to createa Mesh WiFi System and expand your WiFi coverage (sold separately).Use Your Cellular Service f or Your Internet Connection. Compatible with AT&T, T-Mobile , Verizon Wireless and other major 4G LTE service providers3. Not compatible with Sprint. Select a data plan & activate a SIM card from your preferred provider, or use the SIM card option included4.Data SheetLBR204G LTE Advanced WiFi RouterHouse DiagramGet Startedwith the Orbi appUse the Orbi app to setupand manage your Orbi WiFi. Available on Google Play ™ and Apple ® App Store.NETGEAR Armor empowers you to eliminatevulnerabilities or simply know the status of your home network and devices, anytime, anywhere. Get instant notifications when malicious threats are detected, block unknown devices from joining your home network or take action on vulnerabilities as they are discovered easily through the Orbi App.Better WiFi. Anywhere.Data SheetLBR204G LTE Advanced WiFi RouterLTE antenna connector (not included)LTE antenna connector (not included)WAN/LAN1 and LAN2 portsLTE NanoSIM cardSyncOrbi 4G LTE Advanced WiFi Router (LBR20)Data SheetLBR204G LTE Advanced WiFi RouterThis product comes with a limited warranty that is valid only if purchased from a NETGEAR authorized reseller. /warranty* 90-day complimentary technical support following purchase from a NETGEAR authorized reseller.** Orbi AC Satellites sold separately.†M aximum wireless signal rate derived from IEEE 802.11 specifications. Actual data throughput and wireless coverage will vary and be lowered by network and environmental conditions, including network traffic volume, device limitations, and building construction. NETGEAR makes no representations or warranties about this product’s compatibility with future standards. Up to 2,200Mbps wireless speeds achieved when connecting to other 802.11ac 2,200Mbps devices.‡Actual LTE speed may vary depending on network conditions and Internet data plans.1 NETGEAR Armor ™ is free during the trial period. A yearly subscription, after the trial period, protects all of your connected devices. Visit /armor2 Circle ® includes the Free Basic Plan. Fees apply for a Premium Plan. Visit /circle for more information.3 Network must support subset of the 4G LTE Bands listed under the T echnical Specifications.4Fees apply based on data service plan selected.For regulatory compliance information, visit /about/regulatoryFor indoor use only.NETGEAR, the NETGEAR Logo, NETGEAR Armor, and Orbi are trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. Any other trademarks mentioned herein are for reference purposes only. © 2021 NETGEAR, Inc.NETGEAR, Inc. 350 E. Plumeria Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1911 USA , /supportD-NA-LBR20-1Technical Specifications• Orbi AC2200 LTE WiFi Router (866 + 866 + 400Mbps)†• AC2200 Simultaneous Tri-band WiFi*******************:Supports256-QAM - 866Mbps — 2x2 @ 5GHz: Supports 256-QAM - 866Mbps — 2x2 @ 5GHz: Supports 256-QAM • IEEE ® 802.11a/b/g/n/ac • LTE Cat 18 up to 1.2Gbps ‡• NA - 4G band (LTE-FDD): B2,4,5,7,12,13,14,17,25, 26,29,30,66,71- 4G band (LTE-TDD): B41 - 3G band: B2,4,5Physical Specifications• Dimensions: 6.7 x 3.1 x 8.9 in (170 x 79 x 226 mm)• Weight: 1.72 lb (0.78 kg)What’s In the Box?• One (1) Orbi 4G LTE Advanced WiFi Router (LBR20)• One (1) 2m Ethernet cable• One (1) 12V/2.5A power adapter • Quick start guide• Third party SIM card & activation instructionsWhat Do I Need for Orbi to Work?• High-speed Internet connection • Activated LTE SIM card • Orbi app • D O NOT purchase a second Orbi Router if you need to expand your WiFi coverage • T o expand your Orbi WiFi system, purchase an Orbi AC Satellite (RBS50, RBS50Y, RBS40, RBS40V, RBW30 or RBS20), sold separately, for additional WiFi coverage• EU & AU- 4G band (LTE-FDD): B1,3,5,7,8,20,28 - 4G band (LTE-TDD): B38,40,41 - 3G band: B1,3,5,8• MU-MIMO capable for simultaneous data streaming• Implicit & Explicit Beamforming for 2.4GHz & 5GHz bands • T wo (2) 10/100/1000Mbps Gigabit Ethernet ports - O ne (1) WAN/LAN & one (1) LAN • T wo (2) External LTE antenna connectors (antennas not included)• Security - C omprehensive anti-virus & data theft protection for your PC, Mac ® and mobile devices with NETGEAR Armor ™ - S tandards-based WiFi Security (802.11i, 128-bit AES encryption with PSK) - G uest WiFi Network is easy to setup separate & secure Internet access for guests • Voice Control- Amazon Alexa™- The Google © Assistant• C ircle ® — Smart Parental Controls to manage content and time online for all your devices. Learn more at /circle。
反义词dà xiǎo shànɡ xià qián hòu zuǒ yòu 大——小上——下前——后左——右duō shǎo lǎo shǎo lái qù nán nǚ多——少老——少来——去男——女hēi bái lǐ wài ɡāo dī cū xì黑——白里——外高——低粗——细yuǎn jìn ɡǔ jīn mínɡàn zǎo wǎn远——近古——今明——暗早——晚Yǒu wú chū rù kuān zhǎi mǎi mài有——无出——入宽——窄买——卖nán běi shǒu wěi xī dōnɡ shǐ zhōnɡ南——北首——尾西——东始——终ɡàn shīɡōnɡ sī měi chǒu báo hòu干——湿公——私美——丑薄——厚xián dàn kǔ tián tiān dì chóu xī咸——淡苦——甜天——地稠——稀jiù xīn qínɡ yīn fú chén jiǎ zhēn旧——新晴——阴浮——沉假——真qiánɡ ruò duì cuò kāi ɡuān yìnɡ ruǎn强——弱对——错开——关硬——软shēn qiǎn jiā jiǎn fù zhènɡ jiànɡ shēnɡ深——浅加——减负——正降——升lěnɡ rè bǎo è sǐ shēnɡ fǎn zhènɡ冷——热饱——饿死——生反——正zhí wān chánɡ duǎn shènɡ bài hǎo huài直——弯长——短胜——败好——坏kuài màn shuānɡ dān shú shēnɡ wāi zhènɡ快——慢双——单熟——生歪——正xiào kū xī hū tuì jìn yánɡ yīn笑——哭吸——呼退——进阳——阴Yōu liè rì yè jǐn sōnɡ qīnɡ zhònɡ优——劣日——夜紧——松轻——重xiānɡ chòu pànɡ shòu hòu xiān yì nán香——臭胖——瘦后——先易——难lěnɡ nuǎn mánɡ xián ài zēnɡɡuì jiàn冷——暖忙——闲爱——憎贵——贱sònɡ yínɡ dònɡ jìnɡ yǎnɡ fǔ tūn tǔ送——迎动——静仰——俯吞——吐qīnɡ zhuó shū yínɡ bēi xǐ láo yì清——浊输——赢悲——喜劳——逸āo tūǎi ɡāo lì bì cǐ bǐ凹——凸矮——高利——弊此——彼máo dùn biǎn bāo láo hàn jiǎn fán矛——盾贬——褒涝——旱简——繁ān quán wēi xiǎn yōu diǎn quē diǎn qínɡ tiān yīn tiān安全——危险优点——缺点晴天——阴天hán lěnɡ wēn nuǎn xǐ huɑn tǎo yān fù zá jiǎn dān寒冷——温暖喜欢——讨厌复杂——简单dǎn xiǎo yǒnɡɡǎn zǎo chén bànɡ wǎn zé bèi chēnɡ zàn胆小——勇敢早晨——傍晚责备——称赞jiān yìnɡ róu ruǎn xiàn shí huàn xiǎnɡ ruǎn ruòɡānɡ qiánɡ坚硬——柔软现实——幻想软弱——刚强àn dàn mínɡ liànɡ huǎn hé jǐn zhānɡ xùn sù huǎn màn暗淡——明亮缓和——紧张迅速——缓慢lèɡuān bēi ɡuān ɡān jìnɡānɡ zānɡ xǐ yuè bēi shānɡ乐观——悲观干净——肮脏喜悦——悲伤chén zhe huānɡ zhānɡ xiōnɡè shàn liánɡ qīnɡ qiǎo bèn zhònɡ沉着——慌张凶恶——善良轻巧——笨重fán zhònɡ qīnɡ sōnɡ huǒ rè bīnɡ lěnɡ lànɡ fèi jiē shěnɡ繁重——轻松火热——冰冷浪费——节省chí dùn línɡ mǐn huái yí xiānɡ xìn xuān huáān jìnɡ迟钝——灵敏怀疑——相信喧哗——安静dònɡ yáo jiān dìnɡ hēi àn ɡuānɡ mínɡ biǎo yánɡ pī pínɡ动摇——坚定黑暗——光明表扬——批评xiān jìn luò hòu dí rén pénɡ you mì mìɡōnɡ kāi先进——落后敌人——朋友秘密——公开kuài lè bēi āi kuò dà suō xiǎo bèn zhuō línɡ qiǎo快乐——悲哀扩大——缩小笨拙——灵巧cháo shīɡān zào héǎi cū bào zēnɡ hèn rèài潮湿——干燥和蔼——粗暴憎恨——热爱yǐn mán tǎn bái bào lù yǐn bì mò shēnɡ shú xī隐瞒——坦白暴露——隐蔽陌生——熟悉Zāo tàài xī chénɡ fá jiǎnɡ lì kùn nɑn rónɡ yì糟蹋——爱惜惩罚——奖励困难——容易jiànɡ luò shēnɡ qǐ bái tiān hēi yè huān sònɡ yínɡ jiē降落——升起白天——黑夜欢送——迎接chénɡɡōnɡ shī bài ài hù sǔn hài xìnɡ fú tònɡ kǔ成功——失败爱护——损害幸福——痛苦zhènɡ què cuò wù rèn zhēn mǎ hu mínɡ bɑi hú tu正确——错误认真——马虎明白——糊涂chóu mì xī shū qīnɡ xī mó hu tī chànɡ jìn zhǐ稠密——稀疏清晰——模糊提倡——禁止wān qū bǐ zhí yǒnɡ jiǔ zàn shí jié shù kāi shǐ弯曲——笔直永久——暂时结束——开始yōu chóu ɡāo xìnɡ lěnɡ dàn rè qínɡ cū cāo ɡuānɡ huá忧愁——高兴冷淡——热情粗糙——光滑ǎi xiǎo ɡāo dà yú chǔn cōnɡ mínɡ qiánɡ liè wēi ruò矮小——高大愚蠢——聪明强烈——微弱勤劳——懒惰。
NVENC Preset Migration GuideTable of ContentsChapter 1. Introduction (1)Chapter 2. HEVC Preset Migration Table (2)Chapter 3. H264 Preset Migration Table (5)Chapter 1.IntroductionThis document provides table to map the NVENCODE API settings (specifically, preset and rate control mode) from Video Codec SDK 9.1 and earlier to the closest equivalent NVENCODE API settings in Video Codec SDK 10.0 and later. This table can be used as a migration guide to migrate to the new NVENCODE API preset architecture introduced in Video Codec SDK 10.0.In general, it is strongly recommended to use the newer presets and NVENCODE API settings based on desired performance/quality trade-off. It is highly likely that your application may benefit from better quality encoding or higher performance by directly using the new NVENCODE presets, as the new APIs provide much more flexibility than earlier and are easy to understand. Please use the mapping tables in this document only in situations where exactly same performance/quality is desired as was obtained in the older presets.Table 1and Table 2show the mapping between older and newer presets exposed in the NVENCODE API for HEVC and H.264, respectively. Note that there is no support for older presets in AV1A combination of older preset (Column 1), rate control (RC) mode (Column 2) and resolution (Column 3) can be mapped to a new parameters of NVENCODE API: tuning info (Column 4), RC Mode (Column 5), preset (Column 7&9) and multipass (Column 6&8). The newer preset and multipass values will vary based on GPU Architecture and appropriate GPU architecture column must be selected.In some cases, additional settings need to be included for exact mapping, and they are mentioned in columns Features 1 (Column 10 in Table 1 and Column 12 in Table 2) and Features 2 (Column 11 in Table 1 and Column 13 in Table 2).As an example, if someone is using HEVC HQ Preset with VBR_HQ RC Mode for a 1080p encoding on Turing platform, this corresponds to Row 18 in Table 1. The closest settings as per the new NVENCODE API is P6 Preset, RC Mode VBR, Multipass set to 1, FrameIntervalP set to 1, IDR Period set to 60 and GOP Length set to 60.It is important to note that Features 1 and Features 2 are just indicated to get an exact feature match on older presets and most applications would set these based on needs. For example, GOP length may be set to a larger value depending upon the application needs.Chapter 2.HEVC Preset MigrationTableTable 1.HEVC Preset Migration TableChapter 3.H264 Preset Migration Table Table 2.H264 Preset Migration TableH264 Preset Migration TableNoticeThis document is provided for information purposes only and shall not be regarded as a warranty of a certain functionality, condition, or quality of a product. NVIDIA Corporation (“NVIDIA”) makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document and assumes no responsibility for any errors contained herein. NVIDIA shall have no liability for the consequences or use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. This document is not a commitment to develop, release, or deliver any Material (defined below), code, or functionality.NVIDIA reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and any other changes to this document, at any time without notice. Customer should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.NVIDIA products are sold subject to the NVIDIA standard terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment, unless otherwise agreed in an individual sales agreement signed by authorized representatives of NVIDIA and customer (“Terms of Sale”). NVIDIA hereby expressly objects to applying any customer general terms and conditions with regards to the purchase of the NVIDIA product referenced in this document. No contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document.NVIDIA products are not designed, authorized, or warranted to be suitable for use in medical, military, aircraft, space, or life support equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of the NVIDIA product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death, or property or environmental damage. NVIDIA accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of NVIDIA products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at customer’s own risk. NVIDIA makes no representation or warranty that products based on this document will be suitable for any specified use. Testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed by NVIDIA. It is customer’s sole responsibility to evaluate and determine the applicability of any information contained in this document, ensure the product is suitable and fit for the application planned by customer, and perform the necessary testing for the application in order to avoid a default of the application or the product. Weaknesses in customer’s product designs may affect the quality and reliability of the NVIDIA product and may result in additional or different conditions and/or requirements beyond those contained in this document. NVIDIA accepts no liability related to any default, damage, costs, or problem which may be based on or attributable to: (i) the use of the NVIDIA product in any manner that is contrary to this document or (ii) customer product designs.TrademarksNVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, and cuBLAS, CUDA, CUDA Toolkit, cuDNN, DALI, DIGITS, DGX, DGX-1, DGX-2, DGX Station, DLProf, GPU, Jetson, Kepler, Maxwell, NCCL, Nsight Compute, Nsight Systems, NVCaffe, NVIDIA Deep Learning SDK, NVIDIA Developer Program, NVIDIA GPU Cloud, NVLink, NVSHMEM, PerfWorks, Pascal, SDK Manager, Tegra, TensorRT, TensorRT Inference Server, Tesla, TF-TRT, Triton Inference Server, Turing, and Volta are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the United States and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.Copyright© 2010-2023 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.NVIDIA Corporation | 2788 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051。
2020 HyundaiIONIQ Plug-in HybridGetting Started GuideAudio, Connectivity, and Navigationhe device (Elantra) found by your phone. 32NoteBluetooth settings can be found in the SETTINGS app on most phones. Refer to Press the DEVICE CONNECTIONS * icon on the screen. Then press BLUETOOTH CONNECTIONS .Press ADD NEW . Then turn on your phone’s BLUETOOTH ®and select the device (Ioniq PHEV) found by your phone.Image shown may differ from actual product display.Image shown may differ from actual product display.5The vehicle will confirm that your contacts download is complete.The vehicle will confirm that your phone has been successfully connected.• Contact list may start with First or Last Name, depending on phone modelsMake sure your phone has been paired and your contacts have instructions on the previous pages.for more information.21Select the number you would like to call by saying ” or “TWO .”Image shown may differ from actual product display.4To end the call, press the END CALL * button located on the steering wheel.Here are a few common voice commands to useafter your phone has been paired:Note Compatibility and performance may vary based on your phone, the phone’s software, and your wireless carrier.32Enjoy using the applications displayed on your vehicle’s multimedia screen.Android Auto Apple CarPlayAndroid AutoAndroid AutoApple CarPlayApple CarPlay calling, navigation, text messaging, and playing music all from your driver’s seat.Android Auto users will be prompted to view a tutorial. Select your optionUSB data port will typically be located in or near the front in-dash console.For Apple CarPlay, you will see these screens:For Android Auto, you will see these screens:Note*USB data port will typically be located in or near the front in-dash console.4To end the call, press the END CALL* button located on the steering wheel.123After the beep, say a command. Example: “FIND COFFEE SHOP .”Press the PUSH TO TALK * button located on the steering wheel and say “CANCEL ROUTE ” after the 54123Touch the SEARCH box.The route to your destination will be displayed on the screen. Select START GUIDANCE to begin your route.54Note The system will search for addresses or destinations located within the state theHere are a few common voice commandsavailable to use:“HELP ” provides guidance on commands that canNote32 A list of nearby destinations matching your search 1Press the DESTINATION SEARCH BY VOICE* button.When prompted, you can say the name of a Point ofInterest (POI), an address, or a POI in a city.Example: “FIND COFFEE SHOP IN FOUNTAIN VALLEY,CALIFORNIA.”The destination route will be displayed on the screenand route guidance will begin.Initial Setup211Press the CUSTOM BUTTON .*。
20202021学年八年级上学期数学期中考试高分直通车【人教版】专题2.5人教版八年级数学上册期中全真模拟卷05姓名:__________________ 班级:______________ 得分:_________________注意事项:本试卷满分120分,试题共26题,选择12道、填空6道、解答8道 .答卷前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、班级等信息填写在试卷规定的位置.一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题3分,共36分)在每小题所给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.(2020•新都区模拟)下列图形中,是轴对称图形的是()A.B.C.D.2.(2020春•沙坪坝区校级月考)下列各线段中,能与长为4,6的两线段组成三角形的是()A.2B.8C.10D.123.(2019秋•肇庆期末)如图,已知△ABE≌△ACD,∠1=∠2,∠B=∠C,不正确的等式是()A.AB=AC B.∠BAE=∠CAD C.BE=DC D.AD=DE4.(2020•温州模拟)如果点P(﹣2,b)和点Q(a,﹣3)关于x轴对称,则a+b的值是()A.﹣1B.1C.﹣5D.55.(2020春•肇东市期末)如果三角形的三个内角的度数比是2:3:4,则它是()A.锐角三角形B.钝角三角形C.直角三角形D.钝角或直角三角形6.(2019秋•松滋市期末)如图,已知D为BC上一点,∠B=∠1,∠BAC=64°,则∠2的度数为()A .37°B .64°C .74°D .84°7.(2019秋•万州区期末)如图,在△ABC 中,边AC 的垂直平分线交边AB 于点D ,连结CD .若∠A =50°,则∠BDC 的大小为( )A .90°B .100°C .120°D .130°8.(2020•恩平市模拟)如图,AB =DB ,∠1=∠2,请问添加下面哪个条件不能判断△ABC ≌△DBE 的是( )A .BC =BEB .AC =DE C .∠A =∠D D .∠ACB =∠DEB9.(2019•霞山区一模)如图,点P 是∠AOB 的角平分线OC 上一点,PD ⊥OA ,垂足为点D ,PD =2,M 为OP 的中点,则点M 到射线OB 的距离为( )A .12B .1C .√2D .210.(2019•大庆)如图,在△ABC 中,BE 是∠ABC 的平分线,CE 是外角∠ACM 的平分线,BE 与CE 相交于点E ,若∠A =60°,则∠BEC 是( )A.15°B.30°C.45°D.60°11.(2019秋•郯城县期中)在△ABC中,∠A=50°,∠B=30°,点D在AB边上,连接CD,若△ACD 为直角三角形,则∠BCD的度数为()A.60°B.10°C.45°D.10°或60°12.(2019秋•西城区校级期中)如图,已知△ABC中,AB=AC=12cm,BC=10cm,点D为AB的中点,如果点P在线段BC上以2cm/s的速度由点B向C点运动,同时,点Q在线段AC上由点A向C点以4cm/s 的速度运动.经过()秒后,△BPD与△CQP全等.A.2B.3C.2或3D.无法确定二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题3分,共18分)请把答案直接填写在横线上13.(2020秋•江岸区校级月考)五边形的内角和是,外角和是,对角线有条.14.(2019秋•铜山区期中)如图,在△ABC中,∠C=90°,AD平分∠BAC,若CD=8,点E是AB上一动点,DE的最小值为.15.(2019•广安)如图,正五边形ABCDE中,对角线AC与BE相交于点F,则∠AFE=度.16.(2019秋•岱岳区期中)茗茗用同种材料制成的金属框架如图所示,已知∠B=∠E,AB=DE,BF=EC,其中△ABC的周长为24cm,CF=3cm,则制成整个金属框架所需这种材料的长度为cm.17.(2019秋•镇原县期末)如图,已知△ABC≌△A′BC′,AA′∥BC,∠ABC=70°,则∠CBC′=.18.(2018秋•全南县期中)在等边三角形ABC中,AD是BC边上的高,E为AC的中点P为AD上一动点,若AD=12,则PC+PE的最小值为.三、解答题(本大题共8小题,共66分.解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)19.(2019秋•禅城区期末)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点O为坐标原点,已知△ABC三个定点坐标分别为A(﹣4,1),B(﹣3,3),C(﹣1,2).(1)画出△ABC关于x轴对称的△A1B1C1,点A、B、C的对应点分别是A1、B1、C1,则A1、B1、C1的坐标为:A1(,),B1(,)、C1(,);(2)画出点C关于y轴的对称点C2,连接C1C2,CC2,C1C,则△CC1C2的面积是.20.(2020•宁波模拟)如图1是五个小正方形拼成的图形,请你移动其中一个小正方形,重新拼一个图形,使得所拼成的新图形:(1)是轴对称图形,但不是中心对称图形.(2)既是轴对称图形,又是中心对称图形.(请将两个小题依次作答在图①、②中,均只需画出符合条件的一种情形,内部涂上阴影)21.(2020•江阴市模拟)如图,点A、E、F、C在一直线上,DE∥BF,DE=BF,AE=CF.求证:AB∥CD.22.(2019秋•鹿邑县期末)如图,△ABC中,AB=AC,∠A=50°,P为△ABC内一点,∠PBC=∠PCA,求∠BPC的值.23.(2019•重庆)如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,AD⊥BC于点D.(1)若∠C=42°,求∠BAD的度数;(2)若点E在边AB上,EF∥AC交AD的延长线于点F.求证:AE=FE.24.(2019秋•渝中区校级期中)如图,△ABC是等腰三角形,AB=AC,点D是AB上一点,过点D作DE ⊥BC交BC于点E,交CA延长线于点F.(1)证明:AF=AD;(2)若∠B=60°,BD=4,AD=2,求EC的长.25.(2018•绍兴)数学课上,张老师举了下面的例题:例1等腰三角形ABC中,∠A=110°,求∠B的度数.(答案:35°)例2等腰三角形ABC中,∠A=40°,求∠B的度数,(答案:40°或70°或100°)张老师启发同学们进行变式,小敏编了如下一题:变式等腰三角形ABC中,∠A=80°,求∠B的度数.(1)请你解答以上的变式题.(2)解(1)后,小敏发现,∠A的度数不同,得到∠B的度数的个数也可能不同,如果在等腰三角形ABC中,设∠A=x°,当∠B有三个不同的度数时,请你探索x的取值范围.26.(2019秋•日照期中)综合与实践:问题情境:已知在△ABC中,∠BAC=100°,∠ABC=∠ACB,点D为直线BC上的动点(不与点B,C重合),点E在直线AC上,且AE=AD,设∠DAC=n.(1)如图1,若点D在BC边上,当n=36°时,求∠BAD和∠CDE的度数;拓广探索:(2)如图2,当点D运动到点B的左侧时,其他条件不变,试猜想∠BAD和∠CDE的数量关系,并说明理由;(3)当点D运动点C的右侧时,其他条件不变,请直接写出∠BAD和∠CDE的数量关系.。
upn 120 对应的规格摘要:1.概述2.upn 120 的规格参数3.upn 120 的性能特点4.适用范围和场景5.总结正文:1.概述upn 120 是一种工业级无线网络模块,具有高性能、低功耗、稳定性强等特点,广泛应用于物联网、工业自动化、智能家居等领域。
本文将详细介绍upn 120 的规格、性能特点以及适用范围和场景。
2.upn 120 的规格参数upn 120 具有以下规格参数:- 传输速率:10/100Mbps- 频率范围:2.4GHz- 工作电压:3.3V- 工作电流:120mA- 接收灵敏度:-85dBm- 发射功率:18dBm- 传输距离:100 米(视环境而定)- 接口:通过SMA 接口与外部天线连接3.upn 120 的性能特点upn 120 具有以下性能特点:- 高性能:支持高速数据传输,满足各种应用场景的需求。
- 低功耗:工作电流仅为120mA,适合长时间运行的设备。
- 稳定性强:采用2.4GHz 频段,抗干扰能力强,传输稳定。
- 支持多种网络协议:包括TCP/IP、UDP、HTTP 等,方便用户进行网络配置。
4.适用范围和场景upn 120 适用于以下范围和场景:- 工业自动化:如生产线监控、设备数据采集等。
- 智能家居:如智能插座、智能灯泡、智能摄像头等。
- 物联网:如智能交通、智能农业、智能医疗等。
- 无线传感器网络:如环境监测、温湿度监控等。
5.总结upn 120 凭借其高性能、低功耗、稳定性强等特点,在工业自动化、智能家居、物联网等领域具有广泛的应用前景。
HD120People’s expectation toward individual mobility requires more than just a convenient means of transportation. The old understanding of cars has become outdated. A car represents individuals’ lifestyles, and it became an integral part of their lives. At the same time, the automobile industry has experienced seismic change. Hyundai Motor Company has grown rapidly to become one of the largest automakers, backed by world class production capability and superior quality. We have now reached a point where we need a qualitative approach to bring bigger ideas and relevant solutions to our customers. This is an opportunity to move forward and we have developed a new brand slogan that encapsulates our willingness to take a big leap. Led by our new slogan and the new thinking underlying it, we will become a company that keeps challenging itself to unlock new possibilities for people and the planet.Hyundai Motor Company GEN. LHD 1309 ENGCopyright © 2013 Hyundai Motor Company. All Rights Reserved.HD120 SpecificationsHD120 Line-upITEMVehicle TypeCargoModelHD120Extra Long Wheel BaseUltra Long Wheel BaseHD120Less is MoreThe Hyundai HD120 sets the standard in medium duty truck category. Built to Hyundai's high quality and reliability standards, the HD120 is the perfect partner for your business. Inside, you get comfortable, durable seats and an ergonomic wraparound instrument panel that provides control over the vehicle.Coil Type Full Floating Cab SuspensionThe cab rides on four coil-type mounts to isolate the driver from fatiguing road shocks andvibration. An air-type is optional.1. Front Bumper2. Door Safety Lamp3. Air Intake Duct4. Semi-sealed Headlamp5. Safety Steps6. Door HandleHD120 ULTRA LONGLength Width7,400m m2,340mm146253Comfortable, Spacious andready for all your business needs.Choose your cab, comfortand flexibility is built-inBecause transport and trucking covers awhole range ofindustries and services with differing crew needs, theHyundai HD series offer a full range of purpose built cabs.All with the unique blend of long distance comfort andlasting durability you naturally expect from Hyundai. Power SteeringFolding Gearshift LeverOverhead Console and AuidoCenter Seatback ConsoleTilt and Telescopic SteeringKeyhole LampDoor Pocket1 Piece Power WindowEveryone knows people work better in the best conditions. Theinterior of the HD is built to increase driver and crew satisfaction, torelieve long distance fatigue and stop and start stress. It wasdeveloped by driving professionals and proven over every kind ofroad imaginable. The foldable cable operated gearshift is light andprecise. Fresh, but durable trim materials and a textured floorcovering, excellent NVH (Noise Vibration Harshness) isolation, newwood grain fascia trim, LED lit switches and super clearinstrumentation are all part of what goes into making every HyundaiHD a driver’s first choice.Air Control SystemThe heating, ventilation and optional air conditioning system is driven bya powerful fan and high efficiency compressor and heat exchanger. Air isdelivered into the cabin at critical points to help keep the driver alert andcomfortable regardless of the weather outside.Whether you choose one of the entry level inline naturally aspirated six cylinder diesels or top-of-the-range turbo charged intercooler Engine, each Hyundai engine combines top performance with impressive economy. Best of all, they are fitted with top specification injection pumps so they’re easy to service,highly dependable and can be counted on for a long service life.Crossmember ReinforcementABS with ASR (Anti-Slip Regulator)This ABS (Anti-locking Brake System) brings the vehicle to a safe, controlled stop and is particularly advantageous whilst driving under slippery road conditions. The driver can apply maximum pressure on the brake pedal without worrying about wheel lock, skidding and subsequent loss of control. With ABS/ASR, the driver can maintain full directional stability of the vehicle at all times and avoid potentially dangerous situations. (Optional)D6GA EngineEuro II, Euro III, Euro IVPowerful , Dependable and Economical225Displacement : 5,899ccMax. Torque : 65kg.m/1,400rpmPS/2,500rpmP o w e r (p s )T o r q u e (k g ・m )N e w Enlarged application of Double frame which added channels in main frameDouble frame is applied for all of carrying conditions to perform excellent durability of vehicle frame. Further, extended applying area of double frame from the following of transmission to the rear axle is not only strengthen junction of frame, but also prevent to sink frame from extended wheelbase.80mmAdding Reinforced Sub-Frame 5t Main Frame 7t100m mSide ImpactDrum brake with wide Air Tanks Gradual ControlServicing and regular checks are easier than ever thanks to the45-degree tilting cab which provides quick and easy access to the engine Auxiliary StarterMaintenance Lamp and Switch365724145°142536。