地下沥青油毡卷材防水层施工工艺标准 (303-1996)(Construction standard of waterproof layer for undergr
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10-3 沥青油毡卷材屋面防水层施工工艺标准(1003-1996)1 范围本工艺标准适用于工业与民用建筑地屋面沥青油毡卷材防水层工程地施工.22施工准备2.1 材料及要求:2.1.1 沥青油毡卷材品种.标号.质量.技术性能,必须符合设计和施工技术规范地要求.产品有合格证,并应做复试. 沥青油毡防水卷材规格见表10- 沥青油毡防水卷材地物理性能见表10- 沥青玻璃布胎油毡技术性能见表10- 胶结材料: 建筑石油沥青10号.30号或道路石油沥青60号甲.60号乙. 填充料:滑石粉.板岩粉.云母粉.石棉粉,其含水率不大于3%,粉状通过900孔筛.2.1.3 其他材料:豆石要求粒径3~5mm,汽油.煤油.麻丝.苯类.玻璃布等.2.1.4 冷作业施工LQ-冷玛帝脂,技术性能见表10-72.2 主要机具:2.2.1 沥青专用锅.燃料(煤).保温车.2.2.2 油桶.油壶.笊篱(漏勺).铁锹.刮板.棕刷.温度计(350~400℃).2.2.3 消防器材用具.灭火器等.2.3 作业条件:2.3.1 屋面施工前,应掌握施工图地要求,造反防水工程专业队,编制防水工程施工方案.2.3.2 屋面施工应按施工工序进行检验,基层表面必须平整.坚实.干燥.清洁,且不得有起砂.开裂和空鼓等缺陷.2.3.3 屋面防水层地基层必须施工完毕,经养护.干燥,且坡度应符合设计和施工技术规范地要求,不得有积水现象.2.3.4 防水层施工前,突出屋面地管根.预埋件.楼板吊环.拖拉绳.吊架子固定构造处等,应做好基层处理;阴阳角.女儿墙.通气囱根.天窗.伸缩等.变形缝等处,应做成半径为150mm 地圆弧或钝角.3 操作工艺3.1 工艺流程:基层清理→沥青熬制配料→喷刷冷底子油→铺贴卷材附加层→铺贴屋面第一层油毡→铺贴屋面第二层油毡→铺设保护层3.2 基层清理:防水屋面施工前,将验收合格地基层表面地尘土.杂物清扫干净.3.3 沥青熬制配料:3.3.1 沥青熬制:先将沥青破成碎块,放入沥青锅中逐渐均匀加热,加热过程中随时搅拌,熔化后用笊篱(漏勺)及时捞清杂物,熬至脱水无泡沫时进行测温,建筑石油沥青熬制温度应不高于240℃,使用温度不低于190℃.3.3.2 冷底子油配制:熬制地沥青装入容器内,冷却至110℃,缓慢注入汽油,随注入随搅拌,使其全部溶解为止,配合比(重量比)为汽油70%.石油沥青30%.3.3.3 沥青玛帝脂配制:按照《屋面工程技术规范》附录A中地规定执行,沥青玛帝脂配合成分必须由试验室经试验确定配料,每班应检查玛帝脂耐热度和柔韧性.3.4 喷刷冷底子油:沥青油毡卷材防水屋面在粘贴卷材前,应将基层表面清理干净,喷刷冷底子油,大面喷刷前,应钭边角.管根.雨水口等处先喷刷一遍,然后大面积喷第一遍,待第一遍涂刷冷底油干燥后,再喷刷第二遍,要求喷刷均匀无漏底,干燥后方可辅粘卷材.3.5 铺贴卷材附加层:沥青油毡卷材屋面,在女儿墙.檐沟墙.天窗壁.变形缝.烟囱根.管道根与屋面地交接处及檐口.天沟.斜沟.雨水口.屋脊等部位,按设计要求先做卷材附加层,各部位构造见图10-1~图10-12.3.6 铺贴屋面第一层油毡:3.6.1 铺贴油毡地方向:应根据屋面地坡度及屋面是否受振动等情况,坡度小于3%时,宜平行屋脊铺贴;坡度在3%~15%时,平行或垂直于屋脊铺贴;当坡度大于15%或屋面受振动,卷材应垂直于屋脊铺贴.3.6.2 铺贴油毡地顺序:高低跨连体屋面,应先铺高跨后铺低跨,铺贴应从最低标高处开始往高标高地方向滚铺,浇油应沿油毡滚动地横向成蛇形操作,铺贴操作人员用两手紧压油毡卷向前滚压铺设,应用力均匀,以将浇油挤出.粘实.不存空气为度,并将挤出沿边油刮去以平为度;粘贴材料厚度宜为1~1.5mm.冷玛帝脂厚度宜为0.5~1mm.3.6.3 铺贴各层油毡搭接宽度:长边不小于70mm,短边不小于100mm.若第一层油毡采用花.条空铺方法,其搭接长边不小于100mm,短边不小于150mm.3.7 铺贴屋面第二层油毡:油毡防水层若为五层做法,即两毡三油,做法同第一层.第一层与第二层油毡错开搭接缝不小于250mm.搭接缝用玛帝脂封严;设计无板块保护层地屋面,应在涂刷最后一道玛帝脂时(厚度宜为2~3mm)随涂随将豆石保护层撒在上面,注意均匀与粘结.3.8 铺贴屋面第三层油毡:油毡防水层若为七层做法,操作同第一层,第三层油毡与第二层油毡错开搭接缝.3.9 铺贴油毡卷材防水层细部构造:3.9.1 无组织排水檐口:在800mm宽范围内卷材应满粘,卷材收头应固定封严,见图10- 突出屋面结构处防水做法:屋面与突出屋面结构地连接处,铺贴在立墙上地卷材高度应不小于250mm,一般可用叉接法与屋面卷材相互连接,将上端收头固定在墙上,如用薄钢板泛水覆盖时,也应将卷材上端先固定在墙上,然后再做钢板(白铁)泛水,并将缝隙用密封材料嵌封严密.其构造见图10-1~图10- 水落口卷材防水做法:内部排水铸铁雨水口,应牢固地固定在设计位置,安装前应清除铁锈,刷好防锈漆,水落口连接地各层卷材应牢固地粘贴在杯口上,压接宽度不小于100mm.水落口周围500mm范围,泛水不小于5%;基层与水落口杯接触处应留20mm 宽.20mm深凹槽,用玛帝脂嵌填密实,见图10- 伸出屋面管道根部做法:根部周围做成圆锥台,管道与找平层相接处留凹槽,嵌密封材料,防水层收头处用钢丝箍紧,并嵌密封材料.见图10-9.3.10 铺设卷材防水屋面保护层:一般油毡屋面铺设绿豆砂(小豆石)保持层,豆石须洁净,粒径为3~5mm为佳,要求材质耐风化,涂刷2~3mm厚地沥青玛帝脂,均匀撒铺豆石,要求将豆石粘结牢固.4 质量标准4.1 保证项目:4.1.1 油毡卷材和胶结材料地品种.标号及玛帝脂配合比,必须符合设计要求和屋面工程技术规范地规定.4.1.2 屋面油毡卷材防水层,严禁有渗漏现象.4.2 基本项目:4.2.1 油毡卷材防水层地表面平整度应符合排水要求,无积水现象.4.2.2 油毡卷材铺贴地质量,冷底子油应涂刷均匀,铺贴方法.压接顺序和搭接长度符合屋面工程技术规范地规定,粘贴牢固,无滑移.翘边.起泡.皱折等缺陷.4.2.3 泛水.檐口及变形缝地做法应符合屋面工程技术规范地规定,粘贴牢固.封盖严密;油毡卷材附加层.泛水立面收头等,应符合设计要求及屋面工程技术规范地规定.4.2.4 油毡卷材屋面保护层: 绿豆砂保护层:粒径符合屋面工程技术规范地规定,筛洗干净,撒铺均匀,预热干燥,粘结牢固,表面清洁. 板材保护层:表面洁净,图案清晰,色泽一致,接缝均匀,周边直顺,板块无裂纹.掉角和缺楞等现象;坡度符合设计要求,不倒泛水,无积水,管根结合处严密牢固,无漏渗.立面结合与收头处高度一致,结合牢固,出墙厚度适宜. 整体保护层:表面密实光洁,无裂纹.脱皮.麻面.起砂等现象;不倒泛水.无积水,坡度符合设计要求;管根结合立面结合,收头结合牢固,无渗漏.4.2.5 排气屋面:排气道纵横贯通,无堵塞,排气孔安装牢固,位置正确,封闭严密.4.2.6 水落口及变形缝.檐口:水落口安装牢固,平正,标高符合设计要求.变形缝.檐口薄钢板安装顺直,防锈漆及面漆涂刷均匀,有光泽.4.3 允许偏差项目,见表10-8.55成品保护5.1 施工过程中应防止损坏已做好地保温层.找平层.防水层.保护层.5.2 施工屋面运送材料地手推车支腿应用麻布包扎,防止将已做好地面层损坏.5.3 防水层施工时应采取措施防止污染墙面.檐口及门窗等.5.4 屋面施工中应及时清理杂物,不得有杂物堵塞水落口.斜沟等.5.5 屋面施工各构造层应及时进行,特别是保护层应与防水层连续做,以保证防水层地完整.6 应注意地质量问题6.1 屋面积水:有泛水地屋面.檐沟,因泛水过小,不平顺:基层应按设计或规定做好泛水,油毡卷材铺贴后,屋面坡度.平整度应符合屋面工程技术规范地要求.6.2 屋面渗漏:屋面防水层铺贴质量有缺陷,防水层铺贴中及铺贴后成品保护不好,损坏防水层,应采取措施加强保护.6.3 防水层空鼓:基层未干燥,铺贴压实不增,窝住空气;控制基层含水率,操作时注意压实,排出空气.7 质量记录本工艺标准应具备以下质量记录:7.1 油毡卷材和胶结材料产品合格证及复试资料.7.2 沥青胶结材料配制及粘贴试验资料.7.3 隐蔽工程检验资料和质量检验评定资料.。
10-3 沥青油毡卷材屋面防水层施工工艺标准(1003-1996)1 范围本工艺标准适用于工业与民用建筑的屋面沥青油毡卷材防水层工程的施工。
2施工准备2.1 材料及要求:2.1.1 沥青油毡卷材品种、标号、质量、技术性能,必须符合设计和施工技术规范的要求。
产品有合格证,并应做复试。 沥青油毡防水卷材规格见表10-4。
沥青油毡防水卷材规格表10-4第 1 页2.1.1.2 沥青油毡防水卷材的物理性能见表10-5。
沥青油毡防水卷材的物理性能表10-5第 2 页2.1.1.3 沥青玻璃布胎油毡技术性能见表10-6。
2.1.2 胶结材料: 建筑石油沥青10号、30号或道路石油沥青60号甲、60号乙。
第 3 页2.1.2.2 填充料:滑石粉、板岩粉、云母粉、石棉粉,其含水率不大于3%,粉状通过900孔筛。
沥青玻璃布胎油毡技术性能表10-6第 4 页2.1.3 其他材料:豆石要求粒径3~5mm,汽油、煤油、麻丝、苯类、玻璃布等。
2.1.4 冷作业施工LQ-冷玛帝脂,技术性能见表10-7LQ-冷玛帝脂技术性能表10-7第 5 页注:冷玛帝脂与玻璃布胎沥青油毡卷材配套使用,便于冷作业施工。
2.2 主要机具:2.2.1 沥青专用锅、燃料(煤)、保温车。
2.2.2 油桶、油壶、笊篱(漏勺)、铁锹、刮板、棕刷、温度计(350~400℃)。
2.2.3 消防器材用具、灭火器等。
2.3 作业条件:2.3.1 屋面施工前,应掌握施工图的要求,造反防水工程专业队,编制防水工程施工方案。
2.3.2 屋面施工应按施工工序进行检验,基层表面必须平整、坚实、干燥、清洁,且不得有起砂、开裂和空鼓等缺陷。
2.3.3 屋面防水层的基层必须施工完毕,经养第 6 页护、干燥,且坡度应符合设计和施工技术规范的要求,不得有积水现象。
2.3.4 防水层施工前,突出屋面的管根、预埋件、楼板吊环、拖拉绳、吊架子固定构造处等,应做好基层处理;阴阳角、女儿墙、通气囱根、天窗、伸缩等、变形缝等处,应做成半径为150mm的圆弧或钝角。
地下沥青油毡卷材防水层施工工艺标准 (303-1996)(Construction standard of waterproof layer for underground asphalt felt(303-1996))Underground asphalt waterproof layer construction technology standards (303-1996)RangeThis technology is applicable to construction of underground asphalt membrane, asphalt paving materials waterproofing engineering.Construction preparation2.1 materials and requirements:2.1.1 material: petroleum asphalt felt paper, general tire and glass cloth, linen three tire tire. asphalt waterproof material specifications, shall comply with the requirements in table 3-2.Asphalt waterproof material specifications of table 3-2Label width (mm) of each volume area (M2) volume weight (kg)915 powder felt more than 28.51000 felt more than 31.5915 powder felt more than 39.51000 felt more than 42.5The physical properties of modified asphalt waterproofing membrane, shall comply with the requirements in table 3-3.Asphalt waterproof coiled material physical properties in table 3-3Performance requirementsNo. 350, No. 500The longitudinal tensile (25 DEG C + 2 DEG C) = 340N = 440NHeat resistance (85 - 2 Deg. C, 2h) don't flow, no bubble concentrationFlexible (18 - 2 Deg. C) around the 20mm diameter rod without cracks around the crack free rod diameter 25mmThe pressure holding time is greater than or equal to 0.10MPa = 30min = 0.15MPa = 30minThe appearance quality of modified asphalt waterproofing membrane, shall comply with the requirements in table 3-4.Table 3-4 appearance quality of asphalt waterproof coiledmaterialThe appearance quality of the project requirementsThe hole, Luo injured is not allowedDew tire, cover unevenness is not allowedWrinkles, wrinkle from core 1000mm, the length should not be more than 100mmThe crack from the core 1000mm, the length should not be more than 10mmA missing edge crack is less than 20mm, the lack of side length is less than 50mm, depth is less than 20mm, each volume should not exceed four.Each volume should not exceed a joint2.1.2 cementing material: Building No. 10, No. 30 petroleum asphalt mixing asphalt mastic use. petroleum asphalt road No. 60, No. 60 B or its fusion.The quality of asphalt mastic requirements, should comply with the requirements in table 3- other materialsPreparation of filler mastic: slate powder, talcum powder, mica powder, asbestos powder. gasoline, sand, cement, stone beans (mung bean sand).2.2 main equipmentsGeneral should have an asphalt pot, blower, oil drums, spoon, colander, brush, rubber, oil palm brush, tiger skin, long thermometer (300 to 350 DEG C), car insulation, fire fighting equipment etc..2.3 operating conditions:Table 3-5 quality requirements of asphalt mastic.The name S-60 S-65 S-70 S-75 labeling index S-80 S-85Two pieces of asphalt with asphalt mastic thickness of 2mm adhesive, to not less than the following temperature (c), in 1 to 1 parked on the slope 5h,Asphalt mastic asphalt should not flow, should not slide(c) 606570758085Asphalt mastic asphalt layer coated on 2mm thick, in 18 + 2 degrees, about the diameter (mm) rod, 2S time to balance speed bent into half of the week, asphalt mastic should not crack(mm) 101515202530Hand two pieces glued together the linoleum slowly once torn from the adhesive surface of linoleum and asphalt mastic to any side of the open part, should not exceed the bonding area 1/22.3.1 the underground water level is higher than the construction site of the waterproof layer, should first do lower the underground water level and drainage, the underground water level to the waterproof layer below the bottom elevation of 300mm, and keep to the completion of construction of waterproof layer.2.3.2 paving waterproof layer surface should be dry and smooth, and do not have sand, hollowing and cracking phenomena, yin and yang angle should make circular or obtuse angle.2.3.3 floor or wall embedded tube, deformation joint should be checked at the acceptance of concealed work, to meet the design and construction acceptance specifications.2.3.4 waterproof paste construction, should be in need of outside wall paving waterproof layer, according to the design requirements of the permanent protection of masonry wall, waterproof layer on one side of the vertical wall with 1: 3 cement mortar layer to reach the surface, after drying, the construction side to do waterproof layer.The construction method of 2.3.5 waterproof paste, clear the waterproof layer of joint parts, structure surface leveling layer should be done according to the design requirements, canbe dry before the waterproof layer.2.3.6 box type and compression plate of reinforced concrete floor with lower linoleum waterproof layer, put good cement mortar layer on the cushion, drying can be used only for the construction of waterproof layer.2.3.7 asphalt membrane waterproof layer construction of the temperature should not be lower than 5 DEG C.Operation process3.1 process:3.1.1 planar paving material process:The protection of the wall, masonry protection wall, with line protection layer, wipe the wall leveling leveling cushion layer, maintenance, cleaning, spray cooling, paving base oil, the first layer of additional layer of felt shop wall, laying linoleum, felt the plane of the first layer stratification plane), after the first vertical wipe protection layer3.1.2 vertical paving material process:The demolition of temporary protection wall structure, root surface leveling layer, curing and spraying with cold base oil, then spread Yin Kok Department layer, the first layer of asphalt paving added to second layers (according to shop, the layered design, masonry wall laying) protection (protection layer)3.2 protective wall line: the foundation of the building construction of cushion, according to the construction drawing measuring protection wall line of position.3.3 masonry wall protection: according to the design requirements of masonry wall to protect the foundation floor flat above the elevation of 200mm. In order to make the wall surface waterproofing joint, and built four bricks of temporary protection wall, the four bricks masonry with lime mortar, for exterior wall waterproof removed to meet the lap width and wall floor waterproofing waterproofing membrane.3.4 basic structure of anti water wiping leveling layer for coil paste firmly, to prevent water in the bottom cushion, protective walls, structure matrix, should wipe the leveling layer, the waterproof rolling material in a smooth surface. With rounded corner requirements.Three5 leveling layer maintenance: leveling layer should wipe after watering, the strength to rise after the drying can be waterproof layer.3.6 cold spraying base oil: for paving asphalt mastic waterproof coiled material and combined with, in the shop before the coil should be in the shop, veneer, cold spraying base oil two.Cold base oil proportion and method:The proportion of the weight ratio of 30%: 70% petrol asphalt.Preparation method: asphalt heating to the foam, the dehydration, cooling to 90 DEG C, gasoline will be slowly injected into the asphalt, with the injection with stirring to dissolve asphalt so far.3.7 paving waterproof layer3.7.1 planar paving material: paving material, it is desirable to surface drying, spray cooling with base oil layer two, then according to the specifications and requirements of wire coil lap, according to stratification line laying, paving material should meet the following requirements:Asphalt cement materials, paste the membrane thickness is 1.5 ~ 2.5mm. membrane lap length: length should not be less than 100mm, the short side should not be less than 150mm. On the two layer and two adjacent coil joints should be staggered, the upper and lower vertical Paving Membrane shall be. in the plane and elevation of the corner roll seam should stay on the plane from the facade is not less than 600mm, see 3-1.The first layer of felt inside corner paving methodThe first layer of felt positive angle paving methodSecond layers of corner paving method3.7.1.4 in all corners should be paving the additional layer. Two additional layer can be a layer of the same material, also roll and a thin layer of high tensile strength. The additional layer should be according to the shape of carefully close paste reinforcement. paste should be flat membrane compaction. Roll with grass and each layer of coil must be closely bonded, asphalt cement materials should be extra extrusion joint must use asphalt seal carefully. The last layer of material good paste, should be on the surface evenly a layer thickness of 1 ~ 1.5mm hot asphalt cementing material. At the same time and shoot sand to form a combined layer of waterproof protective layer. plane and facade structure construction joints.3.7.2 vertical paving material: before paving should make surface dry, cold spray base oil two, drying paving. Paving facade has two kinds of material, paving the way to the practice requirements are as follows: facade waterproof layer anti sticking method: first, the latter with plane shop facade, facade junction should be paved with additional layer. The general construction will root according to the structure of construction joint bottom elevation height to outside the anti sticking membrane layer, joint parts should be set aside to do first coil lap length, the scope of the protection wall application of lime mortar masonry structure wall to do outside the anti sticking membranewaterproof layer, layered joint, waterproof at the wrong Cha figure 3-2 joint. Experience after masonry wall. facade waterproof layer and preventing the stick method: before construction of the structure, should be permanently protected in wall masonry and waterproof structure with a cushion. The protection wall waterproofing membrane surface should first apply 1 to 3 cement mortar layer, drying after spraying cold base oil,After the drying of paving asphalt felt. Tiles must be layered, first tile facade, after paving plane, paving facade should first corner shop, shop after surface; waterproof layer should be done after resurfacing, cement mortar or concrete protective layer according to the specification or design requirements, generally in the facade should be in the final layer of asphalt waterproof layer coating cementing material, sticky clean sand, after cooling, with a thickness of 10 to 20mm, 1 to 3 of the protective layer of cement mortar; laying fine stone concrete protective layer thickness of 30 to 50mm in the plane. Outside the anti sticking wall protection method turning membrane laying is shown in figure 3-3.The practice of waterproofing membrane and root canal embedded parts connection. adopts the embedded type deformation of rubber or plastic waterstop joint method.The 3.8 protective layer or protective wall:Anti paste waterproof layer surface should be protective layer, plane surface coil do fine stone concrete protective layer thickness is 30 ~ 50mm; elevation 1: 3 with a protective layer of cement mortar, the thickness of 10 to 20mm.quality standard4.1 ensure project:4.1.1 membrane and cement materials must comply with the provisions of the requirements of the design and construction and acceptance specification.The deformation of 4.1.2 waterproof layer and seam, pre buried pipe fittings, detailing, must comply with the design requirements and specification for construction and acceptance of.4.2 basic items:Joint deformation joint deformation of bottom wall a B4.2.1 base solid, surface clean, smooth, yin and yang angle is in a circular arc shape or obtuse, base oil cold uniform coating, no leak painting.4.2.2 paving method and lap, head shall comply with the provisions of code for construction and acceptance of the bonded tightly, joint sealing, no damage, bulging.The protective layer of 4.2.3 waterproofing layer should befirm, with dense bonding, uniform thickness.Product protection5.1 pipeline underground waterproof layer shall be embedded parts damage deformation and debris jam.5.2 waterproof layer paving is completed, to do the protective layer in time, prevent the construction damage of waterproof layer; with waterproof layer paving is completed, should be built according to the design of protective wall.5.3 roll plane waterproof layer construction and after completion, shall not be placed material or waterproof layer on the waterproof layer used for construction and transportation lane.Should pay attention to quality issues6.1 waterproof layer hollowing: waterproof layer hollowing, the causes are water base membrane waterproof layer and high rate of leveling layer is not dry, construction waterproofing layer, the moisture sealed inside, hot gas will have different waterproof layer; paving asphalt felt, pressure too tight, do not paste dense shelter during the operation of the heat, the roll foaming, hollowing. The construction should be paid attention to when the primary drying operation should not shelter are compaction, gas, can prevent the occurrence of hollowing.6.2 leakage: underground waterproofing engineering leakageoccurred mainly in the wall pipe, bolt, deformation joints and coil joint, the reason is that these special parts of the waterproof base treatment is not good, the structure is not dense, the leveling layer head is not tight;Coil additional layer edge is not strict, roll cutting rules; deformation joint water stop twisting pressure is not good, cause structural deformation deformation of the joints Water Leakage; coil joint has the construction joint sheet is broken, lay and stick to lax Water Leakage. The construction should be based on the special parts of different processing methods, adopt regulations, operating carefully according to the shape of cut sheet, stick around flat Yan, firm bonding, after the completion of these parts additional layer paving, carefully check, good inspection.Quality recordsThe technology standard should have the following quality records:7.1 waterproof material product certificate and retest data.7.2 preparation of asphalt binder and paste test data.7.3 hidden engineering inspection materials and quality inspection and evaluation data.。
高聚物改性沥青油毡防水卷材规格表3-6厚度(mm)宽度(mm)长度(m)2.0≥1000 203.0≥1000 104.0≥1000 105.0≥1000技术性能:见表3-7。
地下改性沥青油毡(SBS)防水层施工1 范围本工艺标准适用于高聚物改性沥青油毡地下防水层工程施工。
2 施工准备2.1材料及要求2.1.1高聚物改性沥青油毡防水卷材2.1.1.1规格:见表3-6。
高聚物改性沥青油毡防水卷材规格表3-6 厚度(mm) 宽度(mm) 长度(m)2.0 ≥1000 203.0 ≥1000 104.0 ≥1000 105.0 ≥1000技术性能:见表3-7。
高聚物改性沥青油毡防水卷材技术性能表3-7指标聚酯胎麻布胎聚乙烯胎坡纤胎拉力N ≥400 ≥500 ≥50 ≥200延伸率% ≥30 ≥5 ≥200 ≥50耐热度85℃受热2h不流淌,涂盖层无滑动低温柔性-15℃绕规定直径圆棒,无裂纹不透水性压力/保持时间0.2MPa/30min2.1.2配套材料:氯丁橡胶沥青胶粘剂:氯丁橡胶加入沥青及溶剂配制而成的黑色液体。
3 操作工艺3.1工艺流程:基层清理→涂刷基层处理剂→铺贴附加层→热熔铺贴卷材→热熔封边→做保护层3.2基层清理:施工前将验收合格的基层清理干净。
地下改性沥青油毡施工工艺地下改性沥青油毡(SBS)防水层施工技术交底1.1 本工艺标准适用于高聚物改性沥青油毡地下防水层工程施工。
2.1 材料及要求2.1.1 高聚物改性沥青油毡防水卷材2.1.1.1 规格:见表3-6。
高聚物改性沥青油毡防水卷材规格表3-6厚度 (mm) 宽度 (mm) 长度(m)2.0 ≥1000 203.0 ≥1000 104.0 ≥1000 105.0 ≥1000 技术性能:见表3-7。
高聚物改性沥青油毡防水卷材技术性能表3-7指标聚酯胎麻布胎聚乙烯胎坡纤胎拉力 N ≥400≥500≥50≥200延伸率 % ≥30≥5≥200≥50耐热度 85℃受热2h不流淌,涂盖层无滑动低温柔性 -15℃绕规定直径圆棒,无裂纹不透水性压力/保持时间 0.2MPa/30min2.1.2 配套材料: 氯丁橡胶沥青胶粘剂:氯丁橡胶加入沥青及溶剂配制而成的黑色液体。
用于油毡接缝的粘结。 橡胶沥青乳液:用于卷材粘结。 橡胶沥青嵌缝膏:用于特殊部位、管根、变形缝等处的嵌固密封。 汽油、二甲苯等:用于清洗工具及污染部位。
2.2 主要用具:2.2.1 清理用具:高压吹风机、小平铲、笤帚。
2.2.2 操作工具、电动搅拌器、油毛刷、铁桶、汽油喷灯或专用火焰喷枪、压子、手持压滚、铁辊、剪刀、量尺、1500mm 30管(铁、塑料)、划(放)线用品。
2.3 作业条件:2.3.1 施工前审核图纸,编制防水工程施工方案,并进行技术交底。
2.3.2 铺贴防水层的基层必须按设计施工完毕,并经养护后干燥,含水率不大于9%;基层应平整、牢固、不空鼓开裂、不起砂。
2.3.3 防水层施工涂底胶前(冷底子油),应将基层表面清理干净。
2.3.4 施工用材料均为易燃,因而应准备好相应的消防器材。
3.1 工艺流程:基层清理→涂刷基层处理剂→铺贴附加层→热熔铺贴卷材→热熔封边→做保护层3.2 基层清理:施工前将验收合格的基层清理干净。
沥青油毡卷材屋面防水层施工工艺标准1 范畴本工艺标准适用于工业与民用建筑的屋面沥青油毡卷材防水层工程的施工。
2施工预备2.1 材料及要求:2.1.1 沥青油毡卷材品种、标号、质量、技术性能,必须符合设计和施工技术规范的要求。
产品有合格证,并应做复试。 沥青油毡防水卷材规格见表10-4。 沥青油毡防水卷材的物理性能见表10-5。
沥青油毡防水卷材的物理性能表10- 沥青玻璃布胎油毡技术性能见表10-6。
2.1.2 胶结材料: 建筑石油沥青10号、30号或道路石油沥青60号甲、60号乙。 填充料:滑石粉、板岩粉、云母粉、石棉粉,其含水率不大于3%,粉状通过900孔筛。
2.1.3 其他材料:豆石要求粒径3~5mm,汽油、煤油、麻丝、苯类、玻璃布等。
2.1.4 冷作业施工LQ-冷玛帝脂,技术性能见表10-7注:冷玛帝脂与玻璃布胎沥青油毡卷材配套使用,便于冷作业施工。
2.2 要紧机具:2.2.1 沥青专用锅、燃料(煤)、保温车。
2.2.2 油桶、油壶、笊篱(漏勺)、铁锹、刮板、棕刷、温度计(350~400℃)。
2.2.3 消防器材用具、灭火器等。
2.3 作业条件:2.3.1 屋面施工前,应把握施工图的要求,造反防水工程专业队,编制防水工程施工方案。
2.3.2 屋面施工应按施工工序进行检验,基层表面必须平坦、坚实、干燥、清洁,且不得有起砂、开裂和空鼓等缺陷。
2.3.3 屋面防水层的基层必须施工完毕,经养护、干燥,且坡度应符合设计和施工技术规范的要求,不得有积水现象。
2.3.4 防水层施工前,突出屋面的管根、预埋件、楼板吊环、拖拉绳、吊架子固定构造处等,应做好基层处理;阴阳角、女儿墙、通气囱根、天窗、伸缩等、变形缝等处,应做成半径为150mm 的圆弧或钝角。
3 操作工艺3.1 工艺流程:基层清理→沥青熬制配料→喷刷冷底子油→铺贴卷材附加层→铺贴屋面第一层油毡→铺贴屋面第二层油毡→铺设爱护层3.2 基层清理:防水屋面施工前,将验收合格的基层表面的尘土、杂物清扫洁净。
3-3 地下沥青油毡卷材防水层施工工艺标准(303-1996)1 范围本工艺标准适用于建筑工程地下沥青油毡卷材、沥青胶结材料铺贴防水层工程。
22施工准备2.1 材料及要求:2.1.1 卷材:石油沥青油毡,一般有纸胎、玻璃丝布胎、麻布胎三种。 沥青防水卷材规格,应符合表3-2的要求。 沥青防水卷材的外观质量,应符合表3-4的要求。 建筑石油沥青10号、30号配制沥青玛帝脂使用。 道路石油沥青60号甲、60号乙或其熔合物。 沥青玛帝脂的质量要求,应符合表3-5的要求。 配制玛帝脂的填充料:滑石粉、板岩粉、云母粉、石棉粉。 汽油、粗砂、水泥、豆石(绿豆砂)等。
2.2 主要机具一般应备有沥青锅、鼓风机、油桶、油勺、油壶、漏勺、胶皮板刷、棕刷、皮老虎、长温度计(300~350℃)、保温车、消防器材等。
2.3 作业条件:2.3.1 地下水位高于防水层的施工部位,应先做好降低地下水位和排水工作,将地下水位降至防水层底标高以下300mm,并保持到防水层施工完毕。
2.3.2 铺贴防水层的基层应干燥、平整,并不得有起砂、空鼓、开裂等现象,阴阳角处应做成圆弧形或钝角。
2.3.3 地面或墙面的预埋管件、变形缝等处应进行隐蔽工程检查验收,使其符合设计和施工验收规范的要求。
2.3.4 外防水内贴法施工时,应在需要铺贴立墙防水层的外侧,按设计要求砌筑永久性保护墙,防水层一侧的立墙面抹1﹕3水泥砂浆找平层,达到表面干燥后,方可做防水层的施工。
2.3.5 外防水外贴法施工时,清出防水层接槎部位,结构表面应按设计要求做找平层,干燥后方可做防水层。
2.3.6 箱型与抗压板钢筋混凝土底板下铺贴油毡卷材防水层前,应在垫层上抹好水泥砂浆找平层,待干燥后方可进行防水层施工。
2.3.7 沥青油毡卷材防水层施工的环境温度不应低于5℃。
3 操作工艺3.1 工艺流程:3.1.1 平面铺贴卷材工艺流程:保护墙放线砌筑保护墙抹保护墙找平层抹垫层找平层养护清理喷涂冷底子油铺贴附加油毡层铺第一层立墙油毡铺第一层平面油毡(分层先立面后平面)抹保护层3.1.2 立面铺贴卷材工艺流程:拆除根部临时保护墙结构面抹找平层养护喷涂冷底子油接铺阴阳角处附加层铺第一层油毡铺第二层油毡(按设计分层铺设)砌筑保护墙(保护层)3.2 保护墙放线:建筑物基础底板垫层施工后,按施工图测放保护墙位置线。
地下沥青油毡卷材防水层施工工艺标准 (303-1996)范围本工艺标准适用于建筑工程地下沥青油毡卷材、沥青胶结材料铺贴防水层工程。
施工准备2.1 材料及要求:2.1.1 卷材:石油沥青油毡,一般有纸胎、玻璃丝布胎、麻布胎三种。 沥青防水卷材规格,应符合表3-2的要求。
沥青防水卷材规格表3-2标号宽度 (mm) 每卷面积 (m2) 卷重 (kg)915 粉毡≥28.51000 片毡≥31.5915 粉毡≥39.51000 片毡≥ 沥青防水卷材的物理性能,应符合表3-3的要求。
沥青防水卷材的物理性能表3-3性能要求350号500号纵向拉力(25℃±2℃时) ≥340N ≥440N耐热度(85℃±2℃,2h) 不流淌,无集中性气泡柔性(18℃±2℃) 绕φ20mm圆棒无裂纹绕φ25mm圆棒无裂纹压力维持时间≥0.10MPa≥30min ≥0.15MPa≥30min2.1.1.3 沥青防水卷材的外观质量,应符合表3-4的要求。
接头每卷不该超过一处2.1.2 胶结材料: 建筑石油沥青10号、30号配制沥青玛帝脂利用。 道路石油沥青60号甲、60号乙或其熔合物。 沥青玛帝脂的质量要求,应符合表3-5的要求。
2.1.3 其他材料2.1.3.1 配制玛帝脂的填充料:滑石粉、板岩粉、云母粉、石棉粉。 汽油、粗砂、水泥、豆石〔绿豆砂〕等。
2.2 主要机具一般应备有沥青锅、鼓风机、油桶、油勺、油壶、漏勺、胶皮板刷、棕刷、皮老虎、长温度计〔300~350℃〕、保温车、消防器材等。
地下沥青油毡卷材防水层施工工艺标准(303-1996)(Construction standard of waterproof layer for underground asphalt felt (303-1996))地下沥青油毡卷材防水层施工工艺标准 (303-1996)(Construction standard of waterproof layer for underground asphalt felt(303-1996))Underground asphalt waterproof layer construction technology standards (303-1996)RangeThis technology is applicable to construction of underground asphalt membrane, asphalt paving materials waterproofing engineering.Construction preparation2.1 materials and requirements:2.1.1 material: petroleum asphalt felt paper, general tire and glass cloth, linen three tire tire. asphalt waterproof material specifications, shall comply with the requirements in table 3-2.Asphalt waterproof material specifications of table 3-2Label width (mm) of each volume area (M2) volume weight (kg)915 powder felt more than 28.51000 felt more than 31.5915 powder felt more than 39.51000 felt more than 42.5The physical properties of modified asphalt waterproofing membrane, shall comply with the requirements in table 3-3.Asphalt waterproof coiled material physical properties in table 3-3Performance requirementsNo. 350, No. 500The longitudinal tensile (25 DEG C + 2 DEG C) = 340N = 440NHeat resistance (85 - 2 Deg. C, 2h) don't flow, no bubble concentrationFlexible (18 - 2 Deg. C) around the 20mm diameter rod without cracks around the crack free rod diameter 25mmThe pressure holding time is greater than or equal to 0.10MPa = 30min = 0.15MPa = 30minThe appearance quality of modified asphalt waterproofing membrane, shall comply with the requirements in table 3-4.Table 3-4 appearance quality of asphalt waterproof coiledmaterialThe appearance quality of the project requirementsThe hole, Luo injured is not allowedDew tire, cover unevenness is not allowedWrinkles, wrinkle from core 1000mm, the length should not be more than 100mmThe crack from the core 1000mm, the length should not be more than 10mmA missing edge crack is less than 20mm, the lack of side length is less than 50mm, depth is less than 20mm, each volume should not exceed four.Each volume should not exceed a joint2.1.2 cementing material: Building No. 10, No. 30 petroleum asphalt mixing asphalt mastic use. petroleum asphalt road No. 60, No. 60 B or its fusion.The quality of asphalt mastic requirements, should comply with the requirements in table 3- other materialsPreparation of filler mastic: slate powder, talcum powder, mica powder, asbestos powder. gasoline, sand, cement, stone beans (mung bean sand).2.2 main equipmentsGeneral should have an asphalt pot, blower, oil drums, spoon, colander, brush, rubber, oil palm brush, tiger skin, long thermometer (300 to 350 DEG C), car insulation, fire fighting equipment etc..2.3 operating conditions:Table 3-5 quality requirements of asphalt mastic.The name S-60 S-65 S-70 S-75 labeling index S-80 S-85Two pieces of asphalt with asphalt mastic thickness of 2mm adhesive, to not less than the following temperature (c), in 1 to 1 parked on the slope 5h,Asphalt mastic asphalt should not flow, should not slide(c) 606570758085Asphalt mastic asphalt layer coated on 2mm thick, in 18 + 2 degrees, about the diameter (mm) rod, 2S time to balance speed bent into half of the week, asphalt mastic should not crack(mm) 101515202530Hand two pieces glued together the linoleum slowly once torn from the adhesive surface of linoleum and asphalt mastic to any side of the open part, should not exceed the bonding area 1/22.3.1 the underground water level is higher than the construction site of the waterproof layer, should first do lower the underground water level and drainage, the underground water level to the waterproof layer below the bottom elevation of 300mm, and keep to the completion of construction of waterproof layer.2.3.2 paving waterproof layer surface should be dry and smooth, and do not have sand, hollowing and cracking phenomena, yin and yang angle should make circular or obtuse angle.2.3.3 floor or wall embedded tube, deformation joint should be checked at the acceptance of concealed work, to meet the design and construction acceptance specifications.2.3.4 waterproof paste construction, should be in need of outside wall paving waterproof layer, according to the design requirements of the permanent protection of masonry wall, waterproof layer on one side of the vertical wall with 1: 3 cement mortar layer to reach the surface, after drying, the construction side to do waterproof layer.The construction method of 2.3.5 waterproof paste, clear the waterproof layer of joint parts, structure surface levelinglayer should be done according to the design requirements, can be dry before the waterproof layer.2.3.6 box type and compression plate of reinforced concrete floor with lower linoleum waterproof layer, put good cement mortar layer on the cushion, drying can be used only for the construction of waterproof layer.2.3.7 asphalt membrane waterproof layer construction of the temperature should not be lower than 5 DEG C.Operation process3.1 process:3.1.1 planar paving material process:The protection of the wall, masonry protection wall, with line protection layer, wipe the wall leveling leveling cushion layer, maintenance, cleaning, spray cooling, paving base oil, the first layer of additional layer of felt shop wall, laying linoleum, felt the plane of the first layer stratification plane), after the first vertical wipe protection layer3.1.2 vertical paving material process:The demolition of temporary protection wall structure, root surface leveling layer, curing and spraying with cold base oil, then spread Yin Kok Department layer, the first layer of asphalt paving added to second layers (according to shop, the layered design, masonry wall laying) protection (protectionlayer)3.2 protective wall line: the foundation of the building construction of cushion, according to the construction drawing measuring protection wall line of position.3.3 masonry wall protection: according to the design requirements of masonry wall to protect the foundation floor flat above the elevation of 200mm. In order to make the wall surface waterproofing joint, and built four bricks of temporary protection wall, the four bricks masonry with lime mortar, for exterior wall waterproof removed to meet the lap width and wall floor waterproofing waterproofing membrane.3.4 basic structure of anti water wiping leveling layer for coil paste firmly, to prevent water in the bottom cushion, protective walls, structure matrix, should wipe the leveling layer, the waterproof rolling material in a smooth surface. With rounded corner requirements.Three5 leveling layer maintenance: leveling layer should wipe after watering, the strength to rise after the drying can be waterproof layer.3.6 cold spraying base oil: for paving asphalt mastic waterproof coiled material and combined with, in the shop before the coil should be in the shop, veneer, cold spraying base oil two.Cold base oil proportion and method:The proportion of the weight ratio of 30%: 70% petrol asphalt.Preparation method: asphalt heating to the foam, the dehydration, cooling to 90 DEG C, gasoline will be slowly injected into the asphalt, with the injection with stirring to dissolve asphalt so far.3.7 paving waterproof layer3.7.1 planar paving material: paving material, it is desirable to surface drying, spray cooling with base oil layer two, then according to the specifications and requirements of wire coil lap, according to stratification line laying, paving material should meet the following requirements:Asphalt cement materials, paste the membrane thickness is 1.5 ~ 2.5mm. membrane lap length: length should not be less than 100mm, the short side should not be less than 150mm. On the two layer and two adjacent coil joints should be staggered, the upper and lower vertical Paving Membrane shall be. in the plane and elevation of the corner roll seam should stay on the plane from the facade is not less than 600mm, see 3-1.The first layer of felt inside corner paving methodThe first layer of felt positive angle paving methodSecond layers of corner paving method3.7.1.4 in all corners should be paving the additional layer. Two additional layer can be a layer of the same material, also roll and a thin layer of high tensile strength. The additional layer should be according to the shape of carefully close paste reinforcement. paste should be flat membrane compaction. Roll with grass and each layer of coil must be closely bonded, asphalt cement materials should be extra extrusion joint must use asphalt seal carefully. The last layer of material good paste, should be on the surface evenly a layer thickness of 1 ~ 1.5mm hot asphalt cementing material. At the same time and shoot sand to form a combined layer of waterproof protective layer. plane and facade structure construction joints.3.7.2 vertical paving material: before paving should make surface dry, cold spray base oil two, drying paving. Paving facade has two kinds of material, paving the way to the practice requirements are as follows: facade waterproof layer anti sticking method: first, the latter with plane shop facade, facade junction should be paved with additional layer. The general construction will root according to the structure of construction joint bottom elevation height to outside the anti sticking membrane layer, joint parts should be set aside to do first coil lap length,the scope of the protection wall application of lime mortar masonry structure wall to do outside the anti sticking membrane waterproof layer, layered joint, waterproof at the wrong Cha figure 3-2 joint. Experience after masonry wall. facade waterproof layer and preventing the stick method: before construction of the structure, should be permanently protected in wall masonry and waterproof structure with a cushion. The protection wall waterproofing membrane surface should first apply 1 to 3 cement mortar layer, drying after spraying cold base oil,After the drying of paving asphalt felt. Tiles must be layered, first tile facade, after paving plane, paving facade should first corner shop, shop after surface; waterproof layer should be done after resurfacing, cement mortar or concrete protective layer according to the specification or design requirements, generally in the facade should be in the final layer of asphalt waterproof layer coating cementing material, sticky clean sand, after cooling, with a thickness of 10 to 20mm, 1 to 3 of the protective layer of cement mortar; laying fine stone concrete protective layer thickness of 30 to 50mm in the plane. Outside the anti sticking wall protection method turning membrane laying is shown in figure 3-3.The practice of waterproofing membrane and root canal embedded parts connection. adopts the embedded type deformation of rubber or plastic waterstop joint method.The 3.8 protective layer or protective wall:Anti paste waterproof layer surface should be protective layer, plane surface coil do fine stone concrete protective layer thickness is 30 ~ 50mm; elevation 1: 3 with a protective layer of cement mortar, the thickness of 10 to 20mm.quality standard4.1 ensure project:4.1.1 membrane and cement materials must comply with the provisions of the requirements of the design and construction and acceptance specification.The deformation of 4.1.2 waterproof layer and seam, pre buried pipe fittings, detailing, must comply with the design requirements and specification for construction and acceptance of.4.2 basic items:Joint deformation joint deformation of bottom wall a B4.2.1 base solid, surface clean, smooth, yin and yang angle is in a circular arc shape or obtuse, base oil cold uniform coating, no leak painting.4.2.2 paving method and lap, head shall comply with the provisions of code for construction and acceptance of the bonded tightly, joint sealing, no damage, bulging.The protective layer of 4.2.3 waterproofing layer should be firm, with dense bonding, uniform thickness.Product protection5.1 pipeline underground waterproof layer shall be embedded parts damage deformation and debris jam.5.2 waterproof layer paving is completed, to do the protective layer in time, prevent the construction damage of waterproof layer; with waterproof layer paving is completed, should be built according to the design of protective wall.5.3 roll plane waterproof layer construction and after completion, shall not be placed material or waterproof layer on the waterproof layer used for construction and transportation lane.Should pay attention to quality issues6.1 waterproof layer hollowing: waterproof layer hollowing, the causes are water base membrane waterproof layer and high rate of leveling layer is not dry, construction waterproofing layer, the moisture sealed inside, hot gas will have different waterproof layer; paving asphalt felt, pressure too tight, do not paste dense shelter during the operation of the heat, the roll foaming, hollowing. The construction should be paid attention to when the primary drying operation should not shelter are compaction, gas, can prevent the occurrence of hollowing.6.2 leakage: underground waterproofing engineering leakage occurred mainly in the wall pipe, bolt, deformation joints and coil joint, the reason is that these special parts of the waterproof base treatment is not good, the structure is not dense, the leveling layer head is not tight;Coil additional layer edge is not strict, roll cutting rules; deformation joint water stop twisting pressure is not good, cause structural deformation deformation of the joints Water Leakage; coil joint has the construction joint sheet is broken, lay and stick to lax Water Leakage. The construction should be based on the special parts of different processing methods, adopt regulations, operating carefully according to the shape of cut sheet, stick around flat Yan, firm bonding, after the completion of these parts additional layer paving, carefully check, good inspection.Quality recordsThe technology standard should have the following quality records:7.1 waterproof material product certificate and retest data.7.2 preparation of asphalt binder and paste test data.7.3 hidden engineering inspection materials and quality inspection and evaluation data.。