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二、Webservice接口请求的方式1. HTTP GET请求:当我们需要从Webservice接口获取数据时,可以使用HTTP GET请求。
2. HTTP POST请求:如果需要向Webservice接口提交数据,可以使用HTTP POST请求。
3. SOAP请求:SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)是一种基于XML的通信协议,通过SOAP请求可以实现不同评台之间的通信。
4. RESTful请求:RESTful(Representational State Transfer)是一种基于HTTP协议的设计风格,通过RESTful请求可以实现对资源的增删改查操作。
三、Webservice接口请求的参数1. 请求URL:Webservice接口的请求位置区域,即服务端提供的接口位置区域。
2. 请求方法:即使用的HTTP方法,可以是GET、POST、PUT或DELETE等。
3. 请求头部:一些额外的请求头部信息,如Content-Type、Authorization等。
4. 请求参数:需要传递给服务端的参数,可以是键值对、JSON格式或XML格式的数据。
Axis2 教程文章分类:Java编程Axis2是一套崭新的WebService引擎,该版本是对Axis1.x重新设计的产物。
Axis2不仅支持SOAP1.1和SOAP1.2,还集成了非常流行的REST WebService,同时还支持Spring、JSON等技术。
下面我们来实现一个简单的POJO,代码如下:public class SimpleService{public String getGreeting(String name){return "你好 " + name;}public int getPrice(){return new java.util.Random().nextInt(1000);}}在SimpleService类中有两个方法,由于这两个方法都是public方法,因此,它们都将作为WebService方法被发布。
webservice接口调用方法Web服务(Web service)是指一个网络服务,通过互联网进行通信的应用程序接口(API),使用标准的HTTP协议进行数据传输和交互。
它使用SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)来封装数据,以XML格式进行传递,可以在多种平台上进行调用,独立于编程语言和操作系统。
通常,服务地址是一个URL(Uniform Resource Locator),可以在文档中找到。
SOAP 请求是一个XML文档,根据服务的定义,包含要调用的方法名和方法参数。
可以使用HTTP POST或其他协议将请求发送给服务的URL。
Web服务(Web Service)是一种基于Web的应用程序接口(API),它使用标准的HTTP协议进行通信,通过网络提供服务和交换数据。
Web服务的执行原理和步骤如下:1. 定义服务接口:首先,需要定义Web服务的接口,即确定服务提供的功能和方法。
这可以使用一种称为WSDL(Web Services Description Language)的XML语言来描述。
2. 发布服务:将定义好的服务接口发布到网络上,使其他应用程序可以访问。
3. 发现服务:其他应用程序可以通过查找和发现机制来找到已发布的Web服务。
这可以通过使用UDDI(Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration)注册表或其他服务目录来实现。
4. 绑定服务:一旦找到了所需的Web服务,应用程序需要与之建立连接。
这可以通过使用SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)协议来实现,SOAP是一种基于XML的协议,用于在网络上交换结构化的信息。
5. 调用服务:应用程序可以通过发送SOAP消息来调用Web 服务的方法。
6. 处理请求:Web服务接收到SOAP消息后,会解析消息并执行相应的方法。
7. 返回结果:一旦方法执行完成,Web服务会将结果封装成SOAP消息并返回给调用方。
8. 解绑服务:当不再需要使用Web服务时,应用程序可以断开与服务的连接。
A XIS2之WEBSERVICE新手超详细教程---------------尚明Axis2是一套崭新的WebService引擎,该版本是对Axis1.x重新设计的产物。
Axis2不仅支持SOAP1.1和SOAP1.2,还集成了非常流行的REST WebService,同时还支持Spring、JSON 等技术,本教程是主要阐述如何构建一个基本的Axis2 webservice应用,里面的许多环节高手可直接略过,本教程完全针对新手。
一、环境安装安装myeclipse下载地址:/file/4238159/48030981-6b56-40a4-a93b-8f424ee4f33a安装mysql下载地址:/file/4238159/de64cf2f-4217-4e11-bb98-8e6c5dd24155安装mysql-workbench(mysql可视化工具)下载地址:/file/4238159/becf913f-56a6-4d68-b248-134113b73535安装tomcat下载地址:/file/4238159/ec6a2250-99ff-464e-a978-be184c96e4e7下载Axis2服务包下载地址:/file/4238159/bb3db6e3-2f7d-4343-b472-c1fa714dba95下载Axis2开发插件包下载地址:/file/4238159/aa39505f-079b-43be-9479-15a2d3e98cbb安装jdk下载地址:/file/4238159/7ba342f9-277f-4b9c-b5e7-b0c5b7dfc151二、环境配置1)Java环境配置a)设置JAVA_HOME图1.图2设置JAVA_HOME=D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10* D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10为笔者本机的JDK安装目录,请开发者根据实际安装路径来填写,注意环境变量最后面不能加分号,D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10;这么写是错误的。
WebService教程详解(⼀)Web Services 可以将应⽤程序转换为⽹络应⽤程序。
通过使⽤ Web Services,您的应⽤程序可以向全世界发布信息,或提供某项功能。
Web Services 可以被其他应⽤程序使⽤。
通过 Web Services,您的会计部门的 Win 2k 服务器可以与 IT 供应商的 UNIX 服务器相连接。
基本的 Web Services 平台是 XML+HTTP。
Web services 使⽤ XML 来编解码数据,并使⽤ SOAP 来传输数据。
webService的技术⽀持Web Service平台需要⼀套协议来实现分布式应⽤程序的创建。
要实现互操作性,Web Service平台必须提供⼀套标准的类型系统,⽤于沟通不同平台、编程语⾔和组件模型中的不同类型系统。
⽬前这些协议有:XML和XSD 可扩展的标记语⾔XML 是Web Service平台中表⽰数据的基本格式。
XML是由万维⽹协会(W3C)创建,W3C制定的XML SchemaXSD 定义了⼀套标准的数据类型,并给出了⼀种语⾔来扩展这套数据类型。
Web Service平台是⽤XSD来作为数据类型系统的。
当你⽤某种语⾔如VB. NET或C# 来构造⼀个Web Service时,为了符合Web Service标准,所有你使⽤的数据类型都必须被转换为XSD类型。
CXF框架实现webservice教程1 使用CXF实现一个简单的WEB SERVICE首先介绍如何用CXF实现一个基本的hello world首先到apache官网去下载CXF的开发jar包//cxf/2.4.3/apache-cxf-2.4.3.zip创建cxf webservice服务器端普通java项目,叫做HelloCxfServer,把必须用到的jar文件通过构建路径引入,为了省事,可以直接把所有的jar引入此处注意:如果是jdk1.6启动服务器会发生如下错误JAXB 2.1 API is being loaded from the bootstrap classloader, but this RI (from jar:file:/E:/javaLib/cxf_all_jar/jaxb-impl-!/com/sun/xml/bind/v2/model/impl/ModelBuilder.class) needs 2.2 API. Use the endorsed directory mechanism to place jaxb-api.jar in the bootstrap classloader.这是由于jdk1.6的jar包和cxf的jar包冲突造成的,需要把cxf lib中的endorsed目录拷入到D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\jre\lib目录下创建一个接口HelloWorld和一个实现类HelloWorldImpl,只提供一个成员方法,叫做sayHello,给接口和实现类添加注解@WebService,这是最基本的注解/test/HellWorld.java源码package test;import javax.jws.WebService;@WebServicepublic interface HelloWorld {String sayHello(String name);}/test/HelloWorldImpl.java源码package test;import javax.jws.WebService;@WebServicepublic class HelloWorldImpl implements HelloWorld {@Overridepublic String sayHello(String name) {System.out.println("sayHello方法被调用...");return"hello," + name;}}CXF自带了一个Web Service容器Jetty,这是一个WEB容器,类似于tomcat,能够直接发布web service,下面创建一个发布服务类MainServer,执行这个类就会运行服务器,看到控制台输出日志信息,表示启动服务成功/test/MainServier.java源码package test;import org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Server;import org.apache.cxf.jaxws.JaxWsServerFactoryBean;public class MainServer {public static void main(String[] args) {//创建一个JaxWs服务器工厂JaxWsServerFactoryBean factory = new JaxWsServerFactoryBean();//设置发布类factory.setServiceClass(HelloWorldImpl.class);//设置服务发布的地址factory.setAddress("http://localhost:6666/MyCxfService");//根据设置创建一个服务器Server server = factory.create();//启动服务器server.start();}}发布成功以后,可以通过浏览器去查看生成的WSDL,在浏览器地址栏输入http://localhost:6666/MyCxfService?wsdl,效果如下:下面创建访问WebService的客户端,可以重新创建一个项目,也可以就在这个项目里实现,我下面在同一个项目中创建一个类HelloWorldCient/test/HelloWorldClient.java源码package test;import org.apache.cxf.jaxws.JaxWsProxyFactoryBean;import org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean;public class HelloWorldClient {public static void main(String[] args) {//创建一个JaxWs的代理工厂JaxWsProxyFactoryBean factory = new JaxWsProxyFactoryBean();//设置访问地址factory.setAddress("http://localhost:6666/MyCxfService");//设置接口类型factory.setServiceClass(HelloWorld.class);//获得代理类实例HelloWorld helloWorld = (HelloWorld) factory.create();//调用方法String str = helloWorld.sayHello("张三");System.out.println(str);}}运行客户端,会看到控制台,输出:hello,张三2 WSDL结构分析主要通过上一章生成的WSDL,来对WSDL语言的标签进行解释Web Services Description Language的缩写,是一个用来描述Web服务和说明如何与Web服务通信的XML 语言。
Web Service基本概念Web Service也叫XML Web Service WebService是一种可以接收从Internet或者Intranet上的其它系统中传递过来的请求,轻量级的独立的通讯技术。
XML:(Extensible Markup Language)扩展型可标记语言。
Soap:(Simple Object Access Protocol)简单对象存取协议。
是XML Web Service 的通信协议。
WSDL:(Web Services Description Language) WSDL 文件是一个XML 文档,用于说明一组 SOAP 消息以及如何交换这些消息。
UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration) 是一个主要针对Web服务供应商和使用者的新项目。
在用户能够调用Web 服务之前,必须确定这个服务内包含哪些商务方法,找到被调用的接口定义,还要在服务端来编制软件,UDDI是一种根据描述文档来引导系统查找相应服务的机制。
它采用XML 格式来封装各种不同类型的数据,并且发送到注册中心或者由注册中心来返回需要的数据。
概念补充:http soap关系http:是一个客户端和服务器端请求和应答的标准(TCP)。
Visual Studio Code 是一个轻量级但功能强大的集成开发环境,它支持多种编程语言,包括 Java。
在使用 Visual Studio Code 进行 Java 开发时,经常需要调用 WebService 方法来实现与其他系统的数据交互。
本文将详细介绍在Visual Studio Code 中如何调用 WebService 方法的各种方法。
使用 Axis2 插件Axis2 是一个流行的 WebService 框架,它提供了丰富的工具来生成WebService 客户端代码。
在 Visual Studio Code 中,可以通过安装 Axis2 插件来使用其功能。
首先,在 Visual Studio Code 中搜索并安装 Axis2 插件,然后按照插件的指引配置 WebService 的 WSDL 地址和生成客户端代码。
最后,根据生成的客户端代码,调用 WebService 方法并处理返回结果。
使用 Apache CXF 插件Apache CXF 是另一个优秀的 WebService 框架,它也提供了丰富的工具来生成 WebService 客户端代码。
在 Visual Studio Code 中,可以通过安装Apache CXF 插件来使用其功能。
首先,在 Visual Studio Code 中搜索并安装Apache CXF 插件,然后按照插件的指引配置 WebService 的 WSDL 地址和生成客户端代码。
最后,根据生成的客户端代码,调用 WebService 方法并处理返回结果。
使用 JAX-WS 注解JAX-WS 是 Java API for XML Web Services 的缩写,它提供了一种基于注解的方式来定义和调用 WebService。
在 Visual Studio Code 中,可以直接使用JAX-WS 注解来定义 WebService 客户端。
首先,通过在 Java 类中使用@WebServiceClient 注解来定义 WebService 客户端,然后使用 @WebMethod 注解来定义调用的 WebService 方法。
WSDL(Web Services Description Language)是一种XML格式的文档,用于描述Web服务的接口信息,包括服务的方法、参数和返回值等。
WSDL详解:1. 类型(Types):定义了Web服务中使用的数据类型,包括简单类型和复杂类型。
2. 消息(Message):定义了Web服务中的输入和输出参数,每个消息都包含一个或多个参数。
3. 端口类型(PortType):定义了Web服务中的方法(操作),以及方法的输入和输出消息。
4. 绑定(Binding):定义了Web服务的协议(如SOAP)和数据格式(如XML),以及端口地址。
5. 服务(Service):定义了Web服务的访问地址。
调用WebService的步骤:1. 获取WSDL文档:可以通过访问Web服务的URL获取WSDL文档。
2. 解析WSDL文档:使用工具(如wsimport、svcutil等)根据WSDL文档生成客户端代码。
3. 调用Web服务:使用生成的客户端代码调用Web服务的方法。
以Java为例,使用wsimport工具生成客户端代码并调用Web服务:```java// 导入生成的客户端代码import com.example.webservice.MyWebService;import com.example.webservice.MyWebServicePortType;public class WebServiceClient {public static void main(String[] args) {// 创建WebService代理对象MyWebServiceService service = new MyWebServiceService();MyWebServicePortType port = service.getMyWebServicePort();// 调用Web服务的方法String result = port.myMethod("Hello, WebService!");// 输出结果System.out.println("Result: " + result);}}```。
二、Webservice接口的调用方式Webservice接口的调用方式有多种,常见的有以下几种:1. SOAP调用方式SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)是一种基于XML的通信协议,用于在Web上交换结构化的和类型化的信息。
2. RESTful调用方式RESTful(Representational State Transfer)是一种基于HTTP协议的架构风格,用于构建网络上的分布式系统。
3. JSON-RPC调用方式JSON-RPC(Remote Procedure Call)是一种基于JSON格式的远程过程调用协议,用于在网络上调用远程方法。
这可以通过使用诸如Apache CXF、JAX-WS等开源库来实现。
3.身份验证和授权问题:为了避免unauthorized access,WebService 通常需要进行身份验证和授权。
About the T utorialSpring Web Services (Spring-WS) is one of the project developed by the Spring Community. Its prime focus is to create document-driven Web Services. The Spring Web Services project facilitates contract-first SOAP service development, provides multiple ways to create flexible web services, which can manipulate XML payloads in multiple ways. Being Spring based, Spring Web Services uses Spring Concepts like Dependency Injection and Configurations seamlessly. Spring-WS requires Spring 3.0 version.Spring Framework was initially written by Rod Johnson and was first released under the Apache 2.0 license in June 2003. This tutorial has been written based on the Spring Framework Version 4.1.6 released in March 2015.AudienceThis tutorial is designed for Java Programmers with a need to understand the Spring Web Services Framework in detail along with its architecture and actual usage. This tutorial will bring the readers to the intermediate level of expertise and from there they can take themselves to a higher level of proficiency.PrerequisitesBefore proceeding with this tutorial, you should have a good understanding of Java Programming Language. Additionally, understanding of the Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is also required because all the examples have been compiled using the Eclipse IDE.Copyright and DisclaimerCopyright 2017 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher.We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or in this tutorial, please notify us at **************************T able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (i)Audience (i)Prerequisites (i)Copyright and Disclaimer (i)Table of Contents (ii)1.Spring WS – Overview (1)2.Spring WS – Environment Setup (3)System Requirements (3)3.Spring WS – First Application (11)Contract-first Approach (11)Create the Project (12)Build the Project (19)Run the Project (20)4.Spring WS – Static WSDL (22)Run the Project (23)5.Spring WS – Writing Server (25)Create the Project (26)Create Domain Classes (28)Build the Project (32)Run the Project (34)6.Spring WS – Unit Test Server (36)Build the Project (40)7.Spring Web Services – Writing Client (43)8.Spring WS – Unit Test Client (45)Unit Test Web Service Client (46)Spring Web Services1.Spring Web Services (Spring-WS) is one of the projects developed by the Spring Community. Its prime focus is to create document-driven Web Services. The Spring Web Services project facilitates contract-first SOAP Service Development, provides multiple ways to create flexible web services, which can manipulate XML payloads in multiple ways. The Spring web services uses Spring concepts like dependency injection and configurations seamlessly. The Spring-WS requires Spring 3.0 Version. With contract-first development, we start with WSDL Contract and then will use JAVA to implement the required contract. As opposed to the contract-last approach where JAVA interfaces generate WSDL/XSD contract. The WSDL based contract remains independent of JAVA implementation in the contract-first approach. In case we require changing the JAVA interfaces, then there is no need to communicate the changes made in the existing WSDL contract to the web services users. Spring-WS aims to provide loose coupling between the WSDL contract and its JAVA based implementation.FeaturesFollowing are the features of Spring Web Services:∙XML Mapping to Objects–XML based requests can be mapped to any object using the information stored in the Message Payload, SOAP Action Header or by using an XPath Expression.∙Multiple API Support to parse XML– Apart from the standard JAXP APIs (DOM, SAX, StAX) to parse the incoming XML requests, other libraries like JDOM, dom4j, XOM are also supported.∙Multiple API Support to marshal XML – Spring Web Services supports JAXB 1 and 2, Castor, XMLBeans, JiBX, and XStream libraries using its Object/XML Mapping module. The Object/XML Mapping module can also be used in non-web services code as well.∙Spring based configurations– Spring Web Services uses the Spring Application Contexts for its configurations having a similar architecture as that of the Spring Web MVC.∙Integrated WS-Security module– Using the WS-Security module, you can Sign, Encrypt, Decrypt SOAP Messages or Authenticate them.∙Support for Acegi Security –Using the WS-Security implementation of Spring Web Services, Acegi configuration can be used for your SOAP services.ArchitectureThe Spring-WS project consists of five major modules, which are explained below.∙Spring-WS Core– It is the primary module and provides the Central Interfaces like WebServiceMessage and SoapMessage, the server-side framework,Spring Web Services powerful message dispatching capability and support classes to implement Web service endpoints. It also provides Web Service consumer client as WebServiceTemplate.∙Spring-WS Support– This module provides supports for JMS, emails, etc.∙Spring-WS Security–This module is responsible to provide WS-Security implementation integrated with core Web Service Module. Using this module, we can add principal tokens, sign, encrypt and decrypt SOAP messages. This module allows using the existing Spring Security Implementation for authentication and authorization.∙Spring XML– This module provides XML support classes for Spring Web Services.This module is internally used by Spring-WS framework.∙Spring OXM– This module provides support classes for XML vs Object Mapping.Spring Web Services In this Chapter, we will understand the process of setting up Spring-WS on Windows and Linux based systems. The Spring-WS can be easily installed and integrated with your current Java environment and MAVEN by following a few simple steps without any complex setup procedures. User administration is required while installation. System RequirementsThe following table lists out the system requirements, while the subsequent steps will guide us through the environment setup procedure.Let us now proceed with the steps to install Spring-WS.Step1 – Verify the Java InstallationTo begin with, you need to have Java Software Development Kit (SDK) installed on your system. To verify this, execute any of the following two commands depending on the platform you are working on.If the Java installation has been done properly, then it will display the current version and specification of your Java installation. A sample output is given in the following table. 2.∙We assume the readers of this tutorial have Java SDK version 1.7.0_60 installed on their system.∙In case you do not have Java SDK, download its current version from –/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html and have it installed.Step 2: Set your Java EnvironmentSet the environment variable JAVA_HOME to point to the base directory location where Java is installed on your machine.For example:Append the full path of Java compiler location to the System Path.Execute the command java -version from the command prompt as explained above. Step 3: Download Maven archiveDownload Maven 3.3.3 from –/download.cgiStep 4: Extract the Maven archiveExtract the archive, to the directory you wish to install Maven 3.3.3. The subdirectory apache-maven-3.3.3 will be created from the archive.Step 5: Set Maven environment variablesAdd M2_HOME, M2 and MAVEN_OPTS to the environment variables.Step 6: Add Maven bin directory location to the system pathNow append M2 variable to the System Path.Step 7: Verify Maven installationNow open the console, execute the following mvn command.Finally, verify the output of the above commands, which should be something as shown below:Step 8 - Setup Eclipse IDEAll the examples in this tutorial have been written using the Eclipse IDE. It is recommended that the readers should have the latest version of Eclipse installed on their machine. To install the Eclipse IDE, download the latest Eclipse binaries from the following link –/downloads/. Once the installation isdownloaded, unpack the binary distribution into a convenient location.For example in C:\eclipse on windows, or /usr/local/eclipse on Linux/Unix and finally set the PATH variable appropriately.Eclipse can be started by executing the following commands on the windows machine, or you can simply double click on eclipse.exe. Eclipse can be started by executing the following commands on the UNIX (Solaris, Linux, etc.) machine:After a successful startup, if everything is fine then it should display the following screen:Step 9: Setup Apache TomcatWe can download the latest version of Tomcat from –/. Once the installation is downloaded, unpack the binary distribution into a convenient location. For example in the C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.59on a windows machine, or in the /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.59on a Linux/Unix machine and then set the CATALINA_HOME environment variable pointing to the installation locations.Tomcat can be started by executing the following commands on a windows machine, or you can simply double click on startup.batTomcat can be started by executing the following commands on UNIX (Solaris, Linux, etc.) machine:After a successful startup, the default web applications included with Tomcat will be available by visiting –http://localhost:8080/. If everything is ok, then it should display the following screen:Further information about configuring and running Tomcat can be found in the documentation included here, as well as on the Tomcat website –.Tomcat can be stopped by executing the following commands on a windows machine:Tomcat can be stopped by executing the following commands on the UNIX (Solaris, Linux, etc.) machine:Once we are done with this last step, we are ready to proceed for the first Web Services Example, which we will discuss in the next chapter.End of ebook previewIf you liked what you saw…Buy it from our store @ https://。
Biztalk入门基础教程调用Web Services2021年10月编号说明:(本文档编号依照以下原则进行:x.y.z x: 大版本更新,文档结构变化y: 具体方案的更改,部分内容的修正z: 文字修改,奇数为包含对上一版修改记录的稿子偶数为对上修改稿的定稿)目录1 前言 (4)2 具体步骤: (4)1前言在Biztalk Server中调用Web Services,典型的应用包括四类消息:A.导入消息——从接收管道接收的外部应用传到Biztalk Server中的消息;B.请求消息——从Biztalk Server中向Web Services请求的消息;C.回应消息——从Web Services返回给Biztalk Server的消息;D.输出消息——从Biztalk Server输出到外部应用的消息。
在Biztalk Server中,每个消息都有自己的消息类型。
其中的消息B和C的消息类型,是由Biztalk Server自动生成的。
具体来说,是在将Web Services添加到Biztalk Server项目的Web引用时生成的;而消息A和D的消息类型是由导入和输出的消息内容来决定的。
在具体应用时,导入消息可能和输出消息的结构相同,只是导入消息的某些字段为空,通过调用Web Services后,将这些字段补充完整,然后向外输出。
通常在Biztalk Server调用Web Services需要完成如下任务:一、创建一个Web Service二、创建一个Biztalk Server项目并添加Web引用三、创建一个用于定义导入和输出消息类型的架构四、创建业务流程五、编译、布署和测试2具体步骤:一、创建一个Web Service1. 在C:"Inetpub"wwwroot下创建一个TestService.asmx文件,其源程序如下:<%@WebService Language="c#"class="TestService" %>using System;using System.Collections;using ponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Diagnostics;using System.Web;using System.Web.Services;public class TestService : System.Web.Services.WebService{[WebMethod]public string CheckUserId(string strUserId){if (strUserId == "admin"){return"Administrator";}else{return"User";}}}2. 在浏览器中,输入http://localhost/TestService.asmx,对Web Service进行测试。