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算法导论课程作业答案Introduction to AlgorithmsMassachusetts Institute of Technology 6.046J/18.410J Singapore-MIT Alliance SMA5503 Professors Erik Demaine,Lee Wee Sun,and Charles E.Leiserson Handout10Diagnostic Test SolutionsProblem1Consider the following pseudocode:R OUTINE(n)1if n=12then return13else return n+R OUTINE(n?1)(a)Give a one-sentence description of what R OUTINE(n)does.(Remember,don’t guess.) Solution:The routine gives the sum from1to n.(b)Give a precondition for the routine to work correctly.Solution:The value n must be greater than0;otherwise,the routine loops forever.(c)Give a one-sentence description of a faster implementation of the same routine. Solution:Return the value n(n+1)/2.Problem2Give a short(1–2-sentence)description of each of the following data structures:(a)FIFO queueSolution:A dynamic set where the element removed is always the one that has been in the set for the longest time.(b)Priority queueSolution:A dynamic set where each element has anassociated priority value.The element removed is the element with the highest(or lowest)priority.(c)Hash tableSolution:A dynamic set where the location of an element is computed using a function of the ele ment’s key.Problem3UsingΘ-notation,describe the worst-case running time of the best algorithm that you know for each of the following:(a)Finding an element in a sorted array.Solution:Θ(log n)(b)Finding an element in a sorted linked-list.Solution:Θ(n)(c)Inserting an element in a sorted array,once the position is found.Solution:Θ(n)(d)Inserting an element in a sorted linked-list,once the position is found.Solution:Θ(1)Problem4Describe an algorithm that locates the?rst occurrence of the largest element in a?nite list of integers,where the integers are not necessarily distinct.What is the worst-case running time of your algorithm?Solution:Idea is as follows:go through list,keeping track of the largest element found so far and its index.Update whenever necessary.Running time isΘ(n).Problem5How does the height h of a balanced binary search tree relate to the number of nodes n in the tree? Solution:h=O(lg n) Problem 6Does an undirected graph with 5vertices,each of degree 3,exist?If so,draw such a graph.If not,explain why no such graph exists.Solution:No such graph exists by the Handshaking Lemma.Every edge adds 2to the sum of the degrees.Consequently,the sum of the degrees must be even.Problem 7It is known that if a solution to Problem A exists,then a solution to Problem B exists also.(a)Professor Goldbach has just produced a 1,000-page proof that Problem A is unsolvable.If his proof turns out to be valid,can we conclude that Problem B is also unsolvable?Answer yes or no (or don’t know).Solution:No(b)Professor Wiles has just produced a 10,000-page proof that Problem B is unsolvable.If the proof turns out to be valid,can we conclude that problem A is unsolvable as well?Answer yes or no (or don’t know).Solution:YesProblem 8Consider the following statement:If 5points are placed anywhere on or inside a unit square,then there must exist two that are no more than √2/2units apart.Here are two attempts to prove this statement.Proof (a):Place 4of the points on the vertices of the square;that way they are maximally sepa-rated from one another.The 5th point must then lie within √2/2units of one of the other points,since the furthest from the corners it can be is the center,which is exactly √2/2units fromeach of the four corners.Proof (b):Partition the square into 4squares,each with a side of 1/2unit.If any two points areon or inside one of these smaller squares,the distance between these two points will be at most √2/2units.Since there are 5points and only 4squares,at least two points must fall on or inside one of the smaller squares,giving a set of points that are no more than √2/2apart.Which of the proofs are correct:(a),(b),both,or neither (or don’t know)?Solution:(b)onlyProblem9Give an inductive proof of the following statement:For every natural number n>3,we have n!>2n.Solution:Base case:True for n=4.Inductive step:Assume n!>2n.Then,multiplying both sides by(n+1),we get(n+1)n!> (n+1)2n>2?2n=2n+1.Problem10We want to line up6out of10children.Which of the following expresses the number of possible line-ups?(Circle the right answer.)(a)10!/6!(b)10!/4!(c) 106(d) 104 ·6!(e)None of the above(f)Don’t knowSolution:(b),(d)are both correctProblem11A deck of52cards is shuf?ed thoroughly.What is the probability that the4aces are all next to each other?(Circle theright answer.)(a)4!49!/52!(b)1/52!(c)4!/52!(d)4!48!/52!(e)None of the above(f)Don’t knowSolution:(a)Problem12The weather forecaster says that the probability of rain on Saturday is25%and that the probability of rain on Sunday is25%.Consider the following statement:The probability of rain during the weekend is50%.Which of the following best describes the validity of this statement?(a)If the two events(rain on Sat/rain on Sun)are independent,then we can add up the twoprobabilities,and the statement is true.Without independence,we can’t tell.(b)True,whether the two events are independent or not.(c)If the events are independent,the statement is false,because the the probability of no rainduring the weekend is9/16.If they are not independent,we can’t tell.(d)False,no matter what.(e)None of the above.(f)Don’t know.Solution:(c)Problem13A player throws darts at a target.On each trial,independentlyof the other trials,he hits the bull’s-eye with probability1/4.How many times should he throw so that his probability is75%of hitting the bull’s-eye at least once?(a)3(b)4(c)5(d)75%can’t be achieved.(e)Don’t know.Solution:(c),assuming that we want the probability to be≥0.75,not necessarily exactly0.75.Problem14Let X be an indicator random variable.Which of the following statements are true?(Circle all that apply.)(a)Pr{X=0}=Pr{X=1}=1/2(b)Pr{X=1}=E[X](c)E[X]=E[X2](d)E[X]=(E[X])2Solution:(b)and(c)only。
插入排序算法:INSERTION-SORT(A)1 for j ←2 to length[A]2 do key ←A[j]3 ▹Insert A[j] into the sorted sequence A[1,j - 1].4 i ←j - 15 while i > 0 and A[i] > key6 do A[i + 1] ←A[i]7 i ←i - 18 A[i + 1] ←key插入排序的正确性证明:课本11页。
复杂度分析:分分治算法中的递归式是基于基本模式中的三个步骤的,T(n)为一个规模为n的运行时间,得到递归式T(n)=Q(1) n<=cT(n)=aT(n/b)+D(n)+C(n) n>c附加习题:请给出一个运行时间为Q(nlgn)的算法,使之能在给定的一个由n个整数构成的集合S和另一个整数x时,判断出S中是否存在有两个其和等于x的元素。
算法导论答案算法导论概述《算法导论》是一本经典的计算机科学教材,由Thomas H. Cormen、Charles E. Leiserson、Ronald L. Rivest和Clifford Stein合著。
1. 什么是算法?算法是一系列明确定义的步骤,用于解决特定问题或完成特定任务。
2. 为什么学习算法很重要?学习算法的重要性体现在以下几个方面:•提高问题解决能力:算法是解决问题的有效工具。
3. 《算法导论》提供了哪些内容?《算法导论》这本书详细介绍了算法的基本概念和设计技巧,并提供了许多典型算法的实现和分析。
算法导论(第三版)-复习-第六部分图论22-26[转]22习题22.1-5 有向图G(V, E)的平⽅图。
矩阵表⽰时,若w[i, j]、w[j, k]同时为1则将w[i, k]置1.习题22.1-6 O(V)的时间寻找通⽤汇点。
汇点的特征是邻接矩阵的第j列除[j, j]外所有元素为1. 可将每⾏调整[j ,j]后作为⼀个整数,所有整数与运算,为1的位是汇点。
习题22.1-7 有向⽆环图的关联矩阵B,BB’每个元素C[i, j]=∑B[i, k]*B’[k, j]=∑B[i, k]*B[j, k],即同时进i, j两结点与同时出i, j的结点总数-⼀进⼀出i, j两结点的结点总数。
习题22.2-7 类似BFS,d mod2为0则标为B(娃娃脸),d mod2为1则标为H(⾼跟鞋)。
wrestler(G){for each u in G{(u,v)=Adj[u];if(v.mark==u.mark){throw error;}if(v.d==NIL) {v.d=u.d+1; v.mark=v.d mod 2;}}}习题22.2-8 任意点之间的最短路径。
重复的Dijktra算法或Floyd-Warshall算法习题22.2-9 ⽆向图扩展为有向图。
另,思考题2-3 关于霍纳规则,有些部分没有完成,故没把解答写上去,我对其 c 问题有疑问,请有解答方法者提供个意见。
插入排序算法伪代码INSERTION-SORT(A)1 for j ←2 to length[A]2 do key ←A[j]3 Insert A[j] into the sorted sequence A[1..j-1]4 i ←j-15 while i > 0 and A[i] > key6 do A[i+1]←A[i]7 i ←i − 18 A[i+1]←keyC#对揑入排序算法的实现:public static void InsertionSort<T>(T[] Input) where T:IComparable<T>{T key;int i;for (int j = 1; j < Input.Length; j++){key = Input[j];i = j - 1;for (; i >= 0 && Input[i].CompareTo(key)>0;i-- )Input[i + 1] = Input[i];Input[i+1]=key;}}揑入算法的设计使用的是增量(incremental)方法:在排好子数组A[1..j-1]后,将元素A[ j]揑入,形成排好序的子数组A[1..j]这里需要注意的是由于大部分编程语言的数组都是从0开始算起,这个不伪代码认为的数组的数是第1个有所丌同,一般要注意有几个关键值要比伪代码的小1.如果按照大部分计算机编程语言的思路,修改为:INSERTION-SORT(A)1 for j ← 1 to length[A]2 do key ←A[j]3 i ←j-14 while i ≥ 0 and A[i] > key5 do A[i+1]←A[i]6 i ←i − 17 A[i+1]←key循环丌变式(Loop Invariant)是证明算法正确性的一个重要工具。
另,思考题2-3 关于霍纳规则,有些部分没有完成,故没把解答写上去,我对其 c 问题有疑问,请有解答方法者提供个意见。
插入排序算法伪代码INSERTION-SORT(A)1 for j ←2 to length[A]2 do key ←A[j]3 Insert A[j] into the sorted sequence A[1..j-1]4 i ←j-15 while i > 0 and A[i] > key6 do A[i+1]←A[i]7 i ←i − 18 A[i+1]←keyC#对揑入排序算法的实现:public static void InsertionSort<T>(T[] Input) where T:IComparable<T>{T key;int i;for (int j = 1; j < Input.Length; j++){key = Input[j];i = j - 1;for (; i >= 0 && Input[i].CompareTo(key)>0;i-- )Input[i + 1] = Input[i];Input[i+1]=key;}}揑入算法的设计使用的是增量(incremental)方法:在排好子数组A[1..j-1]后,将元素A[ j]揑入,形成排好序的子数组A[1..j]这里需要注意的是由于大部分编程语言的数组都是从0开始算起,这个不伪代码认为的数组的数是第1个有所丌同,一般要注意有几个关键值要比伪代码的小1.如果按照大部分计算机编程语言的思路,修改为:INSERTION-SORT(A)1 for j ← 1 to length[A]2 do key ←A[j]3 i ←j-14 while i ≥ 0 and A[i] > key5 do A[i+1]←A[i]6 i ←i − 17 A[i+1]←key循环丌变式(Loop Invariant)是证明算法正确性的一个重要工具。
openjudge 24 单词长度摘要:一、问题背景1.介绍OpenJudge 平台2.问题编号243.问题主题:单词长度二、问题分析1.问题描述2.问题分析3.可能的解决方案三、算法设计与实现1.暴力枚举法2.动态规划法3.Trie 树4.算法比较与优化四、代码实现1.使用暴力枚举法实现2.使用动态规划法实现3.使用Trie 树实现4.代码性能测试与分析五、总结与展望1.问题总结2.算法优缺点分析3.对未来相关问题的展望正文:一、问题背景在编程竞赛和算法练习平台上,如LeetCode、牛客网等,经常会遇到一些有趣且具有一定挑战性的算法题目。
今天我们要探讨的是来自OpenJudge 平台的第24 题:单词长度。
这种方法时间复杂度为O(n^2),空间复杂度为O(1),其中n 为字符串长度。
2.动态规划法:我们可以用一个数组dp 来存储以每个字符结尾的单词长度。
这样,在遍历字符串的过程中,我们可以根据dp 数组快速判断当前字符是否为单词边界,并更新dp 数组。
时间复杂度为O(n),空间复杂度为O(n),其中n 为字符串长度。
3.Trie 树:利用Trie 树存储字符串中的所有单词,并记录每个节点的子节点数量。
这样,在遍历字符串的过程中,我们可以通过查询Trie 树来获取以当前字符结尾的单词长度。
时间复杂度为O(n),空间复杂度为O(n),其中n 为字符串长度。
第1章算法在计算中的作用章算法在计算中的作用什么是算法?为什么要对算法进行研究?相对于计算机中使用的其他技术来说,算法的作用是什么?在本章中,我们就要来回答这些问题. 1. 1算法算法简单来说,所谓抹法(also*llem)就是定义良好的计算过程,它取一个或一组值作为输入,并产生出一个或一组值作为输出。
下面是有关该排序间题的形式化定义,的形式化定义,输入:由n 个数构成的一个序列编出:对输人序列的一个排列(重排) 例如,给定一个输人序列(31. 41. 59. 26, 41, 58).一个排序算法返回的怕出序列是(26, 31. 41. 41. 58, 59).这样的一个输人序列称为该排序问趣的一个实例G .-e)。
《算法导论(原书第3版)》第24章部分题⽬解答第24章单源最短路径24.1 Bellman-Ford算法24.1-4思路:先做|V|-1遍松弛操作,然后再做⼀遍松弛操作,对于这次松弛操作中dist值被更新的点,必然包含了每个负环中的⾄少⼀个点。
对于这些点做dfs查找它们能够在图中到达哪些点,所有被搜索到的点即为题⽬要求找的点部分c++代码:#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const int maxn = ...;const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;//正⽆穷struct E{int x,y,z;//三元组(x,y,z)表⽰⼀条有向边。
}vector<E> es;//存边vector<int> e[maxn];//模拟邻接链表vector<int> vec;//存起始点void bellman(int s){for(int i = 1; i<=n; i++)d[i]=inf;d[s] = 0;for(int t = 1; t<n; t++){for(auto e:es){if(d[e.x]!=inf && d[e.x]+e.z<d[e.y])d[e.y] = d[e.x] + w;}}for(auto e:es){if(d[e.x]!=inf && d[e.x]+e.z<d[e.y]){vec.push_back(y);}}}int v[maxn];void dfs(int x){v[x] = 1;for(auto y: e){if(!v[y]) dfs(y);}}void solve(int s){bellman(s);for(auto x:vec){if(!v[x]) dfs(x);}for(int i = 1; i<=n; i++){if(v[i]) cout<<"负⽆穷"<<endl;else if(d[i]==inf) cout<<"不可达"<<endl;else cout<<d[i]<<endl;}}24.1-5思路:跑⼀遍Bellman-Ford算法,具体做法如下:1、初始化∀v∈V,d[v]=0。