当前位置:文档之家› 雅思口语:人物篇(外表+性格描写大全)



Topic: How to describe a person

How to make friends


(gorgeous 长相完美average / plain / common looking 长相一般good

looking 长得好看)


fair-skinned 白皮肤的

round face 圆脸

a pale complexion 肤色暗淡的

oval face 瓜子脸

slightly dark / tanned 肤色较深

square face 方脸

oriental 黄皮肤的,东方人的

a haggard face 瘦削的脸

suntanned 棕褐色


brown 棕色皮肤

plump cheeks, chubby cheeks 胖乎乎的脸蛋 pale 肤色


脸部feature: (2)Eyes:

scar 伤疤 bright /

sparkling / twinkling / shining eyes 闪闪发光

dimple 酒窝 hazel eyes 淡褐色


freckles (雀斑 - 复数) deep-set 深陷的/ sunken 凹陷的

a mole 黑痣 bulging/protruding 凸出的

spots 斑contact lenses 隐


pimples (痘痘 - 复数) wearing glasses 戴眼镜

Wrinkles / lines 皱纹 thick bushy eyebrows 浓


clean-shaven 胡子刮的干净的 thin eye brows 淡眉毛

unshaven 未剃胡子的 long eye lashes 长睫毛

high cheek bones 高颧骨

pointed chin 尖尖的下巴 Stuff on face:

double chin双下巴 beard 落腮胡

even 整齐的 bristle,

stubble 胡须茬儿

uneven 不整齐的 moustache 上唇上的


(3) Nose:

(4) mouth:

High – bridged nose 高鼻梁

thin lips 薄嘴唇/

straight nose 直鼻梁

thick lips 厚嘴唇

long nose 长鼻梁 cherry lips 樱桃嘴

noble nose 好看的鼻子

flat nose 塌鼻

snub- nosed 朝天鼻,猪鼻子

upturned nose 朝天鼻

aquiline / hooked nose 鹰钩鼻

a roman nose 鹰钩鼻,高鼻梁

(5)hair style:

straight 直的

dyed 染色的;

curly 卷发的

golden 金黄色的;

wavy hair波浪发

jet-black 乌黑的;

spiky hair 刺头,板寸头blonde 淡黄色(金发美女)

crew cut 平头



fair 金色的;

pigtails 辫子

brunette 浅黑色的;

parted hair 分头

mousey 灰褐色的;


chestnut 栗色的.

fairly long很长(正合适)


(6)Figure/ build

small / large fat 肥胖的(较贬义)overweight(较客气)





strapping 魁梧的

blimp n.胖子thin 瘦的

slim 苗条的

tall 高的; plump丰满

short 矮的

tallish 有些高的; overweight 超重slight 瘦小的

short and stout 矮胖well-built身材魁梧medium height 中等身材average height 一般身材; middle-sized 身高中等的below average 低于平均身高

medium build 中等身材 perfect figure完美的身材 fit健康的

beefcake 体格强壮的









extroverted/sociable/outgoing 外向的



























































nosy person喜欢打听事情的人dazzling耀眼的


hunky 健美有魅力

sexy delicate精致的breathtaking令人激动的attractive alluring 诱人的eye candy 养眼,花瓶

arm candy 漂亮女人shapely身材匀称的



charming迷人的dreamboat 梦中情人

dishy 诱人的


fair-weather friends(类似中文里的“酒肉朋友”) back-stabbers 出卖朋友的人

hit it off一拍即合

egar beaver工作积极(地道表达)

share and share alike有福同享

Sb. Has been around某人阅历丰富。


Topic: How to describe a person How to make friends 1.appearance (gorgeous 长相完美average / plain / common looking 长相一般good looking 长得好看) (1)Face fair-skinned 白皮肤的 round face 圆脸 a pale complexion 肤色暗淡的 oval face 瓜子脸 slightly dark / tanned 肤色较深 square face 方脸 oriental 黄皮肤的,东方人的 a haggard face 瘦削的脸 suntanned 棕褐色 baby-faced娃娃脸 brown 棕色皮肤 plump cheeks, chubby cheeks 胖乎乎的脸蛋 pale 肤色 苍白 脸部feature: (2)Eyes: scar 伤疤 bright / sparkling / twinkling / shining eyes 闪闪发光 dimple 酒窝 hazel eyes 淡褐色 的眼睛 freckles (雀斑 - 复数) deep-set 深陷的/ sunken 凹陷的 a mole 黑痣 bulging/protruding 凸出的 spots 斑contact lenses 隐 型眼镜

pimples (痘痘 - 复数) wearing glasses 戴眼镜 Wrinkles / lines 皱纹 thick bushy eyebrows 浓 密独眉毛 clean-shaven 胡子刮的干净的 thin eye brows 淡眉毛 unshaven 未剃胡子的 long eye lashes 长睫毛 high cheek bones 高颧骨 pointed chin 尖尖的下巴 Stuff on face: double chin双下巴 beard 落腮胡 even 整齐的 bristle, stubble 胡须茬儿 uneven 不整齐的 moustache 上唇上的 小胡须 (3) Nose: (4) mouth: High – bridged nose 高鼻梁 thin lips 薄嘴唇/ straight nose 直鼻梁 thick lips 厚嘴唇 long nose 长鼻梁 cherry lips 樱桃嘴 noble nose 好看的鼻子 flat nose 塌鼻 snub- nosed 朝天鼻,猪鼻子 upturned nose 朝天鼻 aquiline / hooked nose 鹰钩鼻 a roman nose 鹰钩鼻,高鼻梁 (5)hair style: straight 直的 dyed 染色的; curly 卷发的 golden 金黄色的;


IELTS SPEAKING TEST Part 1 Work or study 1.Do you work or are you a student? 2.What subject(s) are you studying? 3.Why did you choose to study that subject? 4.(For high school) Why did you choose those subjects? 5.Is that a popular subject (to study) in your country? 6.Do you think it's popular because people want to gain knowledge or is there some other reason? 7.What are the most popular subjects (= university degree courses = majors) in China? 8.Did your family help you choose that course? 9.What school (or university) do you go to? 10.Why did you choose that university (or, school)? 11.Do you have any recreational or entertainment activities at your school/university? 12.How do you like your subject? 13.What do you like about your subject? 14.Do you think it's important to choose a subject you like? (Why?) 15.(For university students) What are your favourite classes/ courses/ subjects at university? 16.(For high school students) What's your favourite subject at school? 17.Is your subject interesting? (Why? / Why not?) 18.Do you think it's important to choose a subject you are interested in? (Why?) 19.What's the most interesting part of your subject? 20.(For high school) What's the most interesting of your subjects at school? 21.What are your future work plans? (after you graduate) 22.Do you think what you are studying now will be very useful (or, relevant or, important) for this type of work? 23.How will you (or, how do you plan to) get the job you want? 24.Do you think it will be easy to find that kind of work? 25.Why are you taking the IELTS test? 26.In addition to gaining knowledge, what other ways have you benefited from your school/university experience? Accommodation 1.What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? 2.Who do you live with? 3.How long have you lived there? 4.Do you plan to live there for a long time? 5.Can you describe the place where you live? 6.Which room does your family spend most of the time in? 7.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room? 8.Are the transport facilities to your home very good? 9.Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? 10.Please describe the room you live in. 11.Is there anything you don't like about the place where you live?


雅思口语part2话题万能模板:事件类今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是雅思口语part2话题万能模板:事件类的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧! 首先我们来说说“一件从数学中学到的事情”,拿到这个话题,先不要急着回答,可以用笔稍微构思一下思路,该怎么回答。首先,可以说一下这件事是什么、发生在什么时候,也就是作文中的事件和事件,这里需要注意的就是具体描述一下什么事但是又不能啰嗦累赘,而时间则可以大致概括点明即可。我们就从资料中的例子来说:高中的时候从乘法表中学到的一件事。 然后,要具体叙述一下这件事,即是最重要的部分,发生的地方、牵扯到的人物、以及这件事情影响到你的原因,为什么影响到你…… 资料例子来说:在高中的一次数学竞赛中失败,以至于灰心丧气,甚至对自己产生怀疑,而此时数学老师拿乘法的规则来比喻人生中的失败与成功的关系来鼓励我,以至于我从失败中走出来,从新赢得了下一次的数学竞赛。这件事情使我明白了,生活就如同数学乘法,有无数种可能,多种多样,我们要坦然面对。 而这里的例子看似像我们中文作文中的思路,但是关键在于它表述方式以及用词造句,不能太中式化。这里的重点,就是描述事件经过,即“在高中的一次数学竞赛中失败,以至于灰心丧气,甚至对自己产生怀疑,而此时数学老师拿乘法的规则来比喻人生中的失败与成功的关系来鼓励我,以至于我从失败中走出来,从新赢得了下一次的数学竞赛。”而老师的话则是重中之重,因为他让我明白了道理“生活就如同数学乘法,有无数种可能,多种多样,我们要坦然面对。”也是我深深牢记的原因,以及这件事对我影响深刻的原因。

而最后,只需要简单概括,从这件事中学到的东西即可。其实这个话题思路并不是很难,关键在于烤鸭们的表述以及词汇的积累。 其实,大家都知道事件类话题是雅思口语考试中最简单的、最容易描述,却也是最常见的话题,所以大家要多注意积累素材、思考思路。其实“A way of communication”和“A good parent”这两个话题也可以用这个例子来阐述回答,而最关键的则是把老师的那段话稍作转述即可。例如,“A way of communication”我们可以先描述手机及其性能作用,以及现今的流行趋势,然后从一件事引到交流方式,还是那件事,还是那写话,只不过要突出老师用短信的方式告知我,最后,简单概述手机的用处及好处即可。是不是很简单呢?同样的,“A good parent”只需要根据情况把那些话转述为父母亲对你说的话,已经对你的影响,所以一个模板真的是百用哦! 那么我们赶紧来看看还有哪些话题可以这样转换呢? 多米诺骨牌效应:=Something you learned from math=Something you learned from your family=A piece of advice=A change you had=An important stage in your life=A text message you got=A letter you got=An E-mail you got=A way of communication=An important decision you made=A person who helped you=A kind thing someone did to you=A family member you love talking to=A good parent=An elderly family member=A neighbor=A good friend=A teacher=A science course you took=A subject you love/d at school=Your personality=First day of college=Your experience of getting money as a gift=Your experience of getting congratulations=A person you helped=A thing your friend did made you admire.


人: 1. A family member made you proud/who has had important influence on you 2. A creative inventor or musician 3. A politest person you know /An interesting neighbor/ a person who just moved home/ A person you have met before and you want to know more about 4. A person that made you laugh/An occasion or a person that made you laugh 5. A person you are interested in 6. a famous person in your country/ a famous person who has great influence on you 7. A teacher you have had 8. Two friends from a same family 人: 1. A family member made you proud/who has had important influence on you Let me tell you about my grandma, who plays a very important part in my life. She has always been there for me, when I was a young child, she used to look after me, because my parents both had a job and couldn’t stay at home to look after me. Since I went to university, I don’t get to see her as often as I used to, but I give her a call on a regular basis to check how she is doing. She is not that tall, but because she always holds herself very straight, she doesn’t look that short. She has many wrinkles on her forehead and around her eyes, but she say it makes her look wiser. My grandma is a very kind person. She smiles a lot, and she always wants to help everybody. Everyone knows she is extremely considerate and thoughtful. She used to be a teacher, so many people in my hometown knows her. A lot of her former students visit her whenever they go back home. I can’t say that her schedule has been busy even though she is already seventy, but she seems to enjoy a peaceful and relaxing life. She cooks pretty much every day, and every morning she gets up early to go grocery shopping and she buys the newspaper on a daily basis. She has a fixed routine[ru:?ti:n] and she stick to it. After lunch she takes a nap and then goes for a walk. My grandma plays an influential role in my life. I definitely learned a lot from her. She showed me how to be a polite and respectful person. She also encouraged me when I was in middle school and I found school a bit boring. I feel so proud that I have such a kind grandma who always keeps a positive attitude which infects everyone around her. 2. A creative inventor or musician I want to talk about Yo-Yo Ma who is one of the most renowned cellists [?t?el?st] in the world. The first time I heard his music is when I watch a Hong Kong movie called Ashes of Time in which Yo-Yo Ma was invited by the director to create music in this film. This movie is enhanced by Yo-Yo’s stunning music. From that time his music interested me a lot and I was intensely curious to know more about him. When he was at the age of 4, his father gave him lessons on the cello[?t?el??] and he was able to give his performance in public when he was 5. When yoyo was 9 he had the opportunity to study at a famous music school in New York. Now he’s considered to be one of the greatest cellists in the world. He tours the world playing his cello. Some


2019年9-12月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:有意义的 歌 有意义的歌 P2 Describe a song that is meaningful to you. You should say: what song it is; when you first heard it; what the song is about; and explain why it is meaningful to you. P3 1.Is it good for children to learn music? 2.How do Chinese people learn music? 3.Do men and women play different kinds of musical instruments? 4.what's the status of traditional music now? 5.Do all grades have music class? 6.Is music class important? 7.What kind of music do children like? 8.Why would some parents force their children to learn some musical

instruments? 解析 题目要求考生描述“一首对你有意义的歌”。作答要点包括:是什么歌、什么时候第一次听到、歌是关于什么的,并说明为什么这首歌对你有特殊意义。 范文 Three years ago, a song came out that celebrated being young and relaxed and I was instantly crazy about it. It was called ‘Young for you’ and the beat and melody were off the hook! The song became a massive hit across China that year and you could hear it being played everywhere. When I listen to the song now it immediately takes me back to my youth. I first heard the song playing in a shopping mall and was instantly drawn to it. The singer's voice was like no other I had ever heard before and the melody was haunting and sad. I stopped shopping and used an app on my phone to identify the tune. I immediately downloaded the album off iTunes.


雅思口语part2中不建议背诵范文 背诵的痕迹如果比较明显在雅思口语中是很不利的,下面一起来看看有哪些需要注意的吧! 雅思口语part 2中不建议背诵范文 有很多同学常常觉得雅思口语考试从6分到7分是一个不可逾越的鸿沟,其实大家如果能够将自己的语言丰富一些,细节描述更多一些,获得7分以上,还是很有机会的。 对于一些描述性的雅思口语part 2题目,不少同学表示可说的内容比较少,所以在2分钟之内的表达显得干巴巴的,没有什么实质性的东西。事实上,如果能够提升自己对于细节的专注程度,在part 2的考试中能够令人眼前一亮。 我们以“描述你在特殊场合穿着的衣服”这个话题为例。如果仅仅描述一件衣服,那么可说的内容很少。但是如果我们更加专注于如何描述这件衣服的背景和增添一些比较地道的描述,那么实际的效果是大不相同的。仅以下文为例,供广大考生参考。 Describe a piece of clothing you wear on a special occasion Key points:Graduation,school,pink dress,accessory, Actually,in my high school,students are required to wear the school uniforms each day at school. Everyone looks the same to a great extent.【程度的描述】No one's special. So after a while,we all have the similar physical features. Baggy pants,oversized jackets,and big glasses on our faces,【生动的描述】of course【的语序】. Lucky enough【选取比较自然的连接词】,we had a graduation ceremony,and the high school allowed us to wear something casual 【转换词性】on that very day. For this special day,I picked up a really nice dress. My mum and I found it at an elegant shopping mall,which was stunning in the store window.【还是细节描写,而且增添了背景故事】I had my eyes on that dress immediately. It was a pink dress with a black leather belt,which was neither too fancy nor too formal.【加入形容的部分】It boasts an graceful cutting style with a U-neck shape. Somehow,it reminded me of a typical Chanel dress.【加入了西方背景知识】My mum said it might be too mature for my age,but I believe it was OK.【自然


雅思口语话题常见问题一:你要描述的人是谁?Who this friendis?/Who he or she is?/Who thisperson is?/Who the character was?/Who these two people are? 这个问题是几乎所有人物类话题的第一问,属于必答题。回答这一问题的时候,我们不但需要告诉考官这个人是谁(这是最基本的),而且要对所描述的他/她进行一些修饰,要让考官在没有见过这个人的情况下能够闭上眼仿佛看到这个人就正站在身旁一样。评书中所说的“此人眉分八彩,目若朗星,准头端正,齿白唇红”起的就是这一作用。比如我们来一起看看下面这段对人的描述: He is well oversix feet tall,has this long straggly brown hair. He has a perpetual look ofbemusement on his face,full-sleeve tattoos on both arms,and always wears some variation of a sleeveless leather vest,holey blue jeans tucked into his beat-up cowboy boots,and a cigarette between his lips at all times。 他身高六尺有余,头上散着棕色的头发。他的眼神既忧郁又总带有困惑。双臂从上到下布满了纹身。他总是身着各种无袖皮坎肩,把满是破洞的蓝色牛仔裤裤腿扎进那几双破旧的牛仔靴里,而且嘴里无时无刻的不叼着根烟。 如果我们作答的时候可以说出以上的描述,考官想不给你高分都不可能。因为在他们脑海中可以清晰的浮现出这个人的形象,他好像正在向考官们走来,嘴里吐着烟圈,马上要说“How are you doing,man?”了。所以,如果我们想让自己的作答能够使考官眼前一亮、记忆深刻,我们就要抓住细节来充分描述,比如说这个人身上比较有特点的地方:发型、体态、眼神、穿着等等。这些细节的描述远比那种范范的诸如“He‘s quite tall and strong with long hair on his head。”要生动的多,所得的分数自然也就相距甚远了。 建议:我们在练习时不妨把人物类话题归为老人、孩子、同龄人、公众人物这么几类,然后再分别用细节描述这几类人,使得在回答Who he or she is?时给考官一种活灵活现的感觉。 雅思口语话题常见问题二:你是怎么遇到这个人的?How you firstmet this person?/How you know this person?/How you know him/her?/How you know aboutthis person? 如果各位烤鸭对人物类的机经很熟悉的话,就不难发现这是另外一道在该类话题中出现的高频题。回答该题时,要让考官有一种是 “当事人”感觉。所以我们要把当时第一次见到所描述对象的场景详细的讲述给考官,细节的描述不但可以增加故事的真实性,而且还能


Objects: Sth You Saved Money For Describe something that you saved money to buy. You should say: what it was how long it took you to save enough money to buy it why you wanted to buy this thing and explain how you felt when you bought it. Part3 1.Which is better for saving money, using a credit card or using cash? 2.What do young people in your country save money for? 3.Who do you think saves money easier, men or women? 4.You do some people find it hard to save? 5.How can young people learn to manage their financial affairs? A Gift You Would Like To Give Describe a gift you would like to give to one of your friends. You should say: who you would like to give this gift to what the gift would be how much it would cost and explain why you would like to give this gift to this person. Part3 1.Why do people give gifts to others? 2.When do people in your country give gifts? 3.What should people consider when choosing a gift? 4.Do you think some parents give too many things to their children? 5.Can you suggest any ways to improve that situation? Sth You Cannot Live Without Describe a thing you cannot live without, (besides a mobile phone and a computer). You should say: what it is what it looks like what you use it for and explain why you think you cannot live without this thing. Part3 1.Why do young people like to use high-tech products? 2.Are there any features on your mobile phone that you don't need?


雅思口语万能模板 今天给大家收集了雅思口语万能模板,快来一起学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语万能模板:自我介绍Sample Sample1: My name is ________. I am graduate from ________ senior high school and major in ________. There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family. In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.


People Cards: It’s actu ally quite hard for me to choose just one member of my family as I feel close to all o them, but I get on very well with my younger sister, Sara, so I’ll talk about her. Um… she’s 18 months younger than I am, but we are very similar in personality. We’re both outgoing and … quite noisy. And we enjoy the same things … um… the same books … er … the same music, even the same friends. Um… on the other hand, we’re totally different in looks. She’s much taller than I am , even though she’s younger. Er… another th ing is that I have dark hair while she has fair hair. I also have slightly darker skin that hers. Um… with her fair skin, she has freckles, which I don’t, of course. I suppose the reason that we’re close is because we share the same character and interests. In my opinion, that’s why it is important in a relationship – to have things like that in common. And I think we’re close because we’re nearly the same age as each other and we grew up doing things together. Appearances and Personalities: Personalities: Carefree Outgoing Self-confident Sensitive Thoughtful Generous Honest Fun-loving Loyal Serious Laid-back Sociable Amusing Reliable Open-minded Affectionate Considerate Quiet Practical Intelligent Talented Creative Ambitious Hardworking Authoritative Single-minded She always looks happy. She is great fun Comparing: We’re fairly /very similar in character/ personality/ looks We’re both shy/ outgoing/ hardworking We’re both tall/ dark/thin We both have large eyes/ a round face/ a small mouth We enjoy/like/dislike the same sort of books/music/ sports On the other hand At the same time Contrasting: W e’re rather/ totally different in looks/ our interests/ our temperaments I’m slightly/ much more serious/ more outgoing than her/ him She/he’s slightly /much taller/ fatter/ older than me

雅思口语part 2 人物篇

Describe an old person who you admire (描述一个老人) You should say: Who this person is What does he or she look like What kind of person he or she is Explain why you admire this person ANS: Speaking of the old person I admire, the first one springing to my mind is my grandpa. My grandpa is over 70 years old, but looks much younger than he actually is. He is of medium weight and medium height. He looks very energetic and charismatic My grandpa used to work in a large and state-owned company. After retirement he liked practicing Tai Chi, walk the birds, play chess and so on. He is a very warm-hearted, humorous and experienced man. The reason why I admire my grandpa is that he taught me a lot in left. First, he taught me to respect people around me and be an honest person. He is popular in our neighborhood because he is friendly to everyone. Also, he has taught me that how to face the life positively. Anyway, I believe my grandpa has an important influence on me. Describe a school friend who you remember well (描述一个同龄人:邻居或朋友) You should say: What does he or she look like What kind of person he or she is How you became friends Explain why you remember him or she so well ANS: Speaking of a school friend I remember, the first one springing to my mind is Amy. She was 16 years old at that time with an oval face. I remember her sparkling eyes and small red mouse very well. There is always a big smile on her face. She was the most warm-hearted an d sweetest person I’ve ever met. She was a sound person, who has perfect natural temperament. We began to talk with each other after class. Little by little, we became best friends and we like peas and carrots. I think the main reason I can remember her so well is because we have many things are similar. We always help each other and support each other. She always gives me a listening ear, a helping hand and the most sincere words. She knew the things that I wouldn’t tell anyone else. I definitely missed her a lot after I graduated from secondary school.

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