美国波多里奇- Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award leadership model
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面对这种情况,美国前商业部长马可姆波里奇(Malcolm Baldrige)先生召集了几十位经济专家、管理学家和企业家进行研究,以寻找出路。
一份由私人竞争力顾问机构撰写的关于波多里奇奖的报告《21世纪的美国质量》(AERICAN quality for the 21st Century)中谈道:"比起其他的任何项目,美国波多里奇国家质量奖都更加注重于把质量做为国家和民族的最高优先级,在全国范围内推广质量改进及绩效卓越的典范,传播他们的做法。
2023年第2期品牌与标准化Analysis on the Change ofEvaluation Criteria of Baldrige National Quality AwardXU Jie(Guangxi Institute of Standards and Technology ,Nanning 530007,China )Abstract :Starting from the analysis of the changes in the evaluation criteria of the Baldrige National Quality Award in the United States ,this paper briefly introduces the situation of the National Quality Award in China and the United States ,analyzes the main changes of the Baldrige Excellence Framework in 2023-2024,and compares the evaluation criteria of the Baldrige National Quality Award in China and the United States from the framework structure and the setting of the clause score ,with a view to providing a reference for the revision of the evaluation criteria of the China Quality Award.Key words :Baldridge National Quality Award ;China Quality Award ;evaluation criteria浅析美国波多里奇国家质量奖评价准则变化许洁(广西壮族自治区标准技术研究院,广西南宁530007)【摘要】本文从分析美国波多里奇国家质量奖评价准则变化出发,简要介绍了中美国家质量奖情况,剖析了2023—2024版波多里奇卓越框架主要变化内容,从框架结构、条款分值设置两方面对中美两国质量奖评价准则进行了对比分析,以期为中国质量奖评价准则修订提供参考。
在全世界所有国家质量奖中,最为著名、影响最大的当推日本爱德华〃戴明质量奖(Edward Deming prize)、美国马尔科姆〃波多里奇国家质量奖(Malcolm Baldrige award)和欧洲质量奖(European Quality award),这三大世界质量奖被称为卓越绩效模式的创造者和经济奇迹的助推器。
FEDEX社的 1:10:100的法则
在服务部门在美国内受最高荣誉的(Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award)奖的(FEDEX, Federal Express)社有一个“1 : 10 : 100的法则”.发生不良即时改正时会发生1的成本, 因害怕责任追究而隐藏,离开工厂门时,会发生10的成本, 这些到了客户手中返回来时就会发生100的成本.
而且包括设计阶段来说的话“1 : 10 : 100 : 1000的法则”来说的企业也有.在设计阶段解决的话只会产生 1的成本,但发生返回时就会产生1000的成本.
按工厂整体来看的话,也就是说在前面工程解决会发生 1的成本,越是在后面工程解决就会需要 10, 100, 1000的成本.所以,一定要在前面工程完整地去完成后,再流到后续工程来进行管理.
美国的波德里奇国家质量奖(Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award,MBNQA)迈出了更大的一步,将质量管理与组织文化、战略、资源整合等核心职能进行了关联,但可惜的是波奖提出的就是一个评价模型,在质量3.0的理论框架下,质量对于这个新角色依然觉得力不从心。
泽瑟摩尔(Zaithaml)在1988年首先从顾客角度提出了顾客感知价值理论,她认为在企业为顾客设计、创造、提供价值时应该从顾客导向出发,把顾客对价值的感知作为决定因素;顾客价值是由顾客而不是由供应企业决定的,顾客价值实际上就是顾客感知价值(Customer Perceived Value,CPV)。
世界三大质量奖在全世界所有国家质量奖中,最为著名、影响最大的当推日本爱德华·戴明质量奖(Edward Deming prize)、美国马尔科姆·波多里奇国家质量奖(Malcolm Baldrige award)和欧洲质量奖(European Quality award),这三大世界质量奖被称为卓越绩效模式的创造者和经济奇迹的助推器。
该奖项是以美国原商业部部长Malcolm Baldrige命名的,他积极支持质量管理工作,认为这是一个国家取得成功和保持长期繁荣的重要因素。
评奖的依据是“波多里奇优秀业绩评定准则”(Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence)。
一、评奖过程1、奖项的申请评奖的目的l 促进各单位将改进业绩作为提高竞争力的一个重要途径l 使达到优秀业绩单位的成功经验和策略得以广泛推广并由此取得效益该奖项发放的范围是:¨制造企业¨服务行业¨小型企业¨教育机构¨健康卫生机构申请单位必须提交按照“优秀业绩评定准则”要求填写的介绍本机构业绩的申报材料,包括:l 经证明有效的认证证书l 填写完整的申请表l 包括机构概况和按照评定准则答卷的申请报告2、奖项的评审申报材料由波多里奇国家质量奖评审部门的专家进行审查和评定。
有授予個人的獎項,例如:阿曼德· V ·費根堡姆獎章、石川獎章等等。
戴明品質管理1951年,日本率先打出産品品質的旗幟,並由此成立其國家品質最高獎——戴明獎(W.Edward Deming)。
而美國到了30年以後,即20世紀80年代中期,才設立馬爾科姆•波多裏奇國家質量獎(Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award)。
以立法形式确立波多里奇卓越绩效项目,并设立马尔科姆•波多里奇国家质量奖(Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award,MBNQA,以下简称“波奖”)。
面对全球日益严峻复杂的经济和政治形势,美国商务部和国家标准与技术研究院(National Institute of Standards and Technology,NIST)为确保波多里奇卓越绩效项目能够更好地提升美国的竞争力,有效应对当今经营环境中最有意义的挑战,并提高该项目的影响力和可及性,2021年项目监督委员会进行了全面、独立的审查,并对项目提出系统改进建议。
如果这个令人遗憾的消息真的变为现实,它将退守至两个狭小的B2G、B2B 市场,不再是一家B2C 公司。
这样的分拆不仅会令卡尔·伊坎(Carl Icahn)为代表的摩托罗拉股东稍感遂愿,同样也会令其集群通信和机顶盒业务部门主管们松一口气,面向政府公共部门的集群通信业务去年赢利12亿美元,正好可以全被用来填补手机业务12亿美元的亏损。
目前有80多个国家和地区设立了质量奖,其中最具影响力和代表性的世界质量奖:美国波多里奇国家质量奖(Malcolm Baldrige award)、日本戴明奖(Edward Deming prize)、欧洲质量奖(European Quality award),这三大世界质量奖被称为卓越绩效模式的创造者和经济奇迹的助推器。
质量标准日本质量奖是基于日本质量管理标准JIS Q 9001为基础,结合日本管理理念,注重质量管理的全过程,并将其拓展到企业外部,注重对供应商和顾客的关系管理,是日本对企业的综合评价体系。
马耳他X奖(Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award)是美国政府颁发的全国性质量奖项,其基于极信任度的管理方式,注重决策的科学化和改进质量的创新模式,鼓励企业创新并推广其优秀的质量管理模式。
可以看到,三大质量奖都很注重质量标准的制定,主要依据国家标准和企业实践要求,而CQMA的质量标准主要与ISO 9001标准相似,符合国际质量要求。
波多里奇国家质量奖获得者(1988年到2009年, 其中一些奖项在某些年度空缺).Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Winners2009 (5)Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & TechnologiesKansas City, Mo. (manufacturing)MidwayUSAColumbia, Mo. (small business)AtlantiCareEgg Harbor Township, N.J. (health care)Heartland HealthSt. Joseph, Mo. (health care)VA Cooperative Studies Program Clinical Research Pharmacy Coordinating Center Albuquerque, N.M. (nonprofit)2008 (3)Cargill Corn Milling North AmericaWayzata, Minn. (manufacturing)Poudre Valley Health SystemFt. Collins, Colo. (health care)Iredell-Statesville SchoolsStatesville, N.C. (education)2007 (5)PRO-TEC Coating Co.Leipsic, Ohio (small business)Mercy Health SystemsJanesville, Wisc. (health care)Sharp HealthCareSan Diego, Calif. (health care)City of Coral SpringsCoral Springs, Fla. (nonprofit)U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC)Picatinny Arsenal, N.J. (nonprofit)2006 (3)MESA Products, Inc.Tulsa, Okla. (small business)Premier Inc.San Diego, Calif. (service)North Mississippi Medical CenterTupelo, Miss. (health care)2005 (6)Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc.Monticello, Minn. (manufacturing)DynMcDermott Petroleum OperationsNew Orleans, La. (service)Park Place LexusPlano, Texas (small business)Richland CollegeDallas, Texas (education)Jenks Public SchoolsJenks, Okla. (education)Bronson Methodist HospitalKalamazoo, Mich. (health care)2004 (4)The Bama CompaniesTulsa, Okla. (manufacturing)Texas Nameplate Company, Inc.Dallas, Texas (small business)Kenneth W. Monfort College of BusinessGreeley, Colo. (education)Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital HamiltonHamilton, N.J. (health care)2003 (7)Medrad, Inc.Indianola, Pa. (manufacturing)Boeing Aerospace SupportSt. Louis, Mo. (service)Caterpillar Financial Services Corp.Nashville, Tenn. (service)Stoner Inc.Quarryville, Pa. (small business)Community Consolidated School District 15Palatine, Ill. (education)Baptist Hospital, Inc.Pensacola, Fla. (health care)Saint Luke’s Hospital of Kansas CityKansas City, Mo. (health care)2002 (3)Motorola Inc. Commercial, Government and Industrial Solutions Sector Schaumburg, Ill. (manufacturing)Branch-Smith Printing DivisionFort Worth, Texas (small business)SSM Health CareSt. Louis, Mo. (health care)2001 (5)Clarke American Checks, Incorporated San Antonio, Texas (manufacturing)Pal’s Sudden ServiceKingsport, Tenn. (small business) Chugach School DistrictAnchorage, Alaska (education)Pearl River School DistrictPearl River, N.Y. (education)University of Wisconsin-Stout Menomonie, Wis. (education)2000 (4)Dana Corp.-Spicer Driveshaft Division Toledo, Ohio (manufacturing)KARLEE Company, Inc.Garland, Texas (manufacturing) Operations Management International, Inc. Greenwood Village, Colo. (service)Los Alamos National BankLos Alamos, N.M. (small business)1999 (4)STMicroelectronics, Inc.-Region Americas Carrollton, Texas (manufacturing)BI Performance ServicesMinneapolis, Minn. (service)The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. Atlanta, Ga. (service)Sunny Fresh FoodsMonticello, Minn. (small business)1998 (3)Boeing Airlift and Tanker ProgramsLong Beach, Calif. (manufacturing)Solar Turbines Inc.San Diego, Calif. (manufacturing)Texas Nameplate Company Inc.Dallas, Texas (small business)1997 (4)3M Dental Products DivisionSt. Paul, Minn. (manufacturing)Solectron Corp.Milpitas, Calif. (manufacturing)Merrill Lynch Credit Corp.Jacksonville, Fla. (service)Xerox Business ServicesRochester, N.Y. (service)1996 (4)ADAC LaboratoriesMilpitas, Calif. (manufacturing)Dana Commercial Credit Corp.Toledo, Ohio (service)Custom Research Inc.Minneapolis, Minn. (small business)Trident Precision Manufacturing Inc.Webster, N.Y. (small business)1995 (2)Armstrong World Industries’ Building Products Operation Lancaster, Pa. (manufacturing)Corning Telecommunications Products Division Corning, N.Y. (manufacturing)1994 (3)AT&T Consumer Communications ServicesBasking Ridge, N.J. (service)GTE Directories Corp.Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas (service)Wainwright Industries Inc.St. Peters, Mo. (small business)1993 (2)Eastman Chemical Co.Kingsport, Tenn. (manufacturing)Ames Rubber Corp.Hamburg, N.J. (small business)1992 (5)AT&T Network Systems Group/TransmissionSystems Business UnitMorristown, N.J. (manufacturing)Texas Instruments Inc.Defense Systems & Electronics Group Dallas, Texas (manufacturing)AT&T Universal Card Services Jacksonville, Fla. (service)The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Co.Atlanta, Ga. (service)Granite Rock Co.Watsonville, Calif. (small business) 1991 (3)Solectron Corp.Milpitas, Calif. (manufacturing)Zytec Corp.Eden Prairie, Minn. (manufacturing) Marlow IndustriesDallas, Texas (small business)1990 (4)Cadillac Motor Car DivisionDetroit, Mich. (manufacturing)IBM RochesterRochester, Minn. (manufacturing) Federal Express Corp.Memphis, Tenn. (service)Wallace Co. Inc.Houston, Texas (small business) 1989 (2)Milliken & Co.Spartanburg, S.C. (manufacturing) Xerox Corp.Business Products and Systems Rochester, NY (manufacturing)1988 (3)Motorola Inc.Schaumburg, Ill. (Manufacturing) Commercial Nuclear Fuel Division of Westinghouse Electric Corp. Pittsburgh, Pa. (manufacturing) Globe Metallurgical Inc.Beverly, Ohio (small business)。
下面将介绍一种常用的组织评估模型:Baldrige 组织评估模型。
Baldrige 组织评估模型是由美国国家质量奖(Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award)发起的一项评估和改进组织绩效的国家级质量奖项。
Baldrige 组织评估模型基于七个关键要素,包括领导力、战略规划、客户关系、测量分析、知识管理、流程管理和绩效结果。
下面将对这些要素逐一进行介绍:1. 领导力:组织的领导层必须有明确的愿景和价值观,能够指导组织的战略和行动,并能够激励和发展组织内的人才。
2. 战略规划:组织需要制定明确的长期和短期战略规划,包括目标、策略和行动计划,以实现组织的愿景和使命。
3. 客户关系:组织需要建立有效的客户关系管理体系,从客户角度了解其需求和期望,并不断满足客户的需求和提高客户满意度。
4. 测量分析:组织需要建立有效的绩效评估体系,通过定量和定性的数据分析,了解组织绩效的偏差和改进的机会。
5. 知识管理:组织需要建立有效的知识管理体系,包括知识获取、共享和应用,以提高组织的创新能力和学习能力。
6. 流程管理:组织需要建立有效的流程管理体系,包括流程设计、流程控制和流程改进,以提高组织的运营效率和质量水平。
7. 绩效结果:组织需要定期评估和报告绩效结果,包括财务和非财务绩效,以及对利益相关方的影响。
总结来说,Baldrige 组织评估模型是一种综合评估组织绩效的方法,通过对领导力、战略规划、客户关系、测量分析、知识管理、流程管理和绩效结果等关键要素的评估,帮助组织发现问题和改进机会,提高组织的绩效和竞争力。
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award leadership modelVictor Prybutok andRobert CutshallVictor Prybutok is based at the Department of Business Computer Information Systems,College of Business Administration,University of North Texas,Denton,Texas,USA. Robert Cutshall is based at the College of Business,Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi,Corpus Christi,Texas,USA.Baldrige Award,Leadership,Modelling,Quality assessmentIn this study,a Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA)criteria-based survey was used to assess the quality status of organizations that employ quality professionals.The objective was to focus on the relationship between leadership (LS),information and analysis,human resource planning,process quality,and customer focus.The result was the development of an MBNQA-based model that demonstrated the relationship between executive LS and the MBNQA factors.The Emerald Research Register for this journal isavailable at/researchregisterThe current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at/0263-5577.htm IntroductionUS organizations are using quality improvement techniques to produce higher quality products and services at significantly reduced costs.Studies (T anner et al.,1995)show that the cost savings associated with quality improvements often occur early,within3years,in the long term quality management effort.Hence,actively managing quality is helping US organizations to become more competitive in the global market (Scheuermann et al.,1997).Consistent with the application of quality improvement techniques is the assessment of quality and evaluation of the internal and external customers’perception of quality.In this study,a Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA)criteria-based survey was used to assess the quality status of organizations that employ quality professionals.An MBNQA-based survey,of American Society for Quality(ASQ) Dallas Section,was conducted to measure the perceptions of quality among quality professionals and to measure the relationships among the MBNQA dimensions.Specifically,this work focuses on the relationship between leadership (LS),information and analysis(IA),human resource(HR)planning,process quality(PQ),and customer focus(CF).The sample selected for this study comprised of ASQ quality professionals.As a result of the expertise of the respondents,this data set provides an unique insight into the relationships among the dimensions that compose quality in an organization.Developing a measurement instrument is an important step in assessing the quality,or perception of quality,of an organization(Bemowski and Stratton,1995;Black and Porter,1996;Prybutok and Stafford,1997). Hence,exploration of the relationships in the MBNQA as measured by the instrument we developed was the main objective of this work. Factor analysis and regression models were used to explore the relationships among the MBNQA and LS dimensions in the MBNQA quality framework. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award The United States Department of Commerce (1998)created the MBNQA in1987to enhance competitiveness(Bell and Keys,1998;Decarlo and Sterett,1990).Specific goals of the award include promoting awareness of the relationship between quality and competitiveness,increasing understanding about the level of quality required to achieve world class recognition,and fostering the sharing of information about quality by world class organizations(Bemowski,1995;BemowskiIndustrial Management&Data SystemsVolume104·Number7·2004·pp.558–566q Emerald Group Publishing Limited·ISSN0263-5577 DOI10.1108/02635570410550223and Stratton,1995).One of the most frequent uses of the MBNQA criteria is for self assessment (Bemowski and Stratton,1995;Black and Porter, 1996;Reimann,1989;Vokurka,2001;Wu et al., 1997).Self-assessment is important because it helps an organization to define its quality system and select customer driven quality objectives (Reimann,1989).The MBNQA criteria consists of which are seven functionally related major categories listed below and each of these major categories are further divided for a total of32 subcategories.(1)LS is the category that embodies all otherMBNQA criteria(Sullivan,1992).(2)IA is the category that supports all of theother categories(Forza,1995;Omdahl,1992).(3)Strategic quality planning examines theorganization’s strategic business planningand implementation processes(Marquardt,1992).(4)HR development and planning analyzes theprocess by which an organization developsand realizes the full potential of its work force(Leifield,1992).(5)Management of PQ addresses design,production,support systems,supplierquality,and quality assessment(Heaphy,1992).(6)Quality and operational results assess how anorganization is performing in areas that areultimately important to the customer and inidentifying trends in those areas(Case andBigelow,1992).(7)CF and satisfaction focus on how anorganization manages its customers(Desatnick,1992).These categoriesfit into a framework composed of four basic elements:(1)driver,(2)system,(3)measures of progress,and(4)goal.The1999MBNQA criteria lists senior executive LS as the driver that creates values,goals,and systems that guide the pursuit of quality objectives (Bell and Keys,1998;Sullivan,1992).Processes such as information analysis,strategic quality planning,HR development and planning,and management of PQ provide the system needed by senior management to measure progress with quality and operational results.Based on the analysis of the information provided by the measure of progress,senior management can determine if the goal of customer satisfaction has been achieved.Research objectivesThe research objective of this work is to explore the relationships between LS and the other dimensions of the MBNQA.This study reports the analysis related specifically to survey items that elicited responses about the quality processes of several organizations in different industries. Data collectionThere is a need for instrument development and research that empirically contributes to the development of TQM practices and self-assessment frameworks for organizations(Black and Porter,1996;Wu et al.,1997).Therefore,a quality practices assessment instrument was developed by using the content of each of the major MBNQA criterion and writing items requiring either a Likert style(strongly disagree to strongly agree)or to leave the item blank if it is not applicable.This approach parallels the development of Prybutok and Spink’s(1999) MBNQA instrument for parison of the two instruments shows their similarity and strengthens the validity of this instrument.Each item was designed to reflect one aspect of the MBNQA criteria.Quality experts,including a MBNQA lead assessor,a T exas quality award examiner,and several certified quality engineers, reviewed the initial survey for content validity. Two of these survey evaluators had worked for MBNQA winners.After incorporating many of the suggested changes,the survey was reviewed again by the experts.The survey was administered to members of the ASQ,Dallas Section.The members surveyed ranged from CEOs to senior staff members.The industries represented ranges from electronics and other electronic equipment and components, to nondepository credit institutions.Out of the89 surveys distributed at a Dallas section meeting62were returned.Though some respondents occasionally left a response blank,most of the items had62respondents.The limitations imposed by the sample were not critical to this work because the intent of this work was to explore the relationships among the MBNQA dimensions and not to describe the views of ASQ members. Data analysisFactor analysisFactor analysis is a multivariate statistical method that identifies the extent to which the responses tothe items in the survey have common variances (Hair et al.,1995).Factor analysis was used to determine the interdependence between variables and allows definition or confirmation of conceptualized dimensions(Churchill,1979).In this study factor analysis was used to determine the groupings(factors)of the items in the instrument to each of the MBNQA dimensions. The goal was to obtain a unidimensional measure for each of the seven dimensions.A principal components factor analysis was used to analyze survey Items1-7as they related to senior executive LS,which is the drive for the othersix factors.Survey items:senior executive LSThe responses to seven survey items,which related to the perceptions of executive LS,were analyzed in this study.The items were as follows.(1)Item1.My company has a strong set ofquality values that is applied consistentlythroughout all facets of the organization. (2)Item2.In my company quality goals are atleast as important asfinancial goals.(3)Item3.T op management promotescooperation among managers andsupervisors across different levels anddifferent functions of the organization. (4)Item4.My company evaluates performancewith regard to quality of all functions of theorganization on a regular basis.(5)Item5.T op management in my company isconcerned with the organization’s impact onthe external community on the followingissues:health and safety.(6)Item6.T op management in my company isconcerned with the organization’s impact onthe external community on the followingissue:environmental protection.(7)Item7.T op management in my company isconcerned with the organization’s impact onthe external community on the followingissue:ethical business practices.ResultsFactor analysisT able I focuses on the results from a factor analysis of Items1-7that related to senior executive LS issues,and shows the factor loadings for each item. Items5and6were removed from the analysis because they did not load cleanly on any factor (over0.5loading on one factor and less than0.5on all others(Hair et al.,1995)),but rather loaded on several factors.T able I shows that after elimination of these two items the factor analysis produced a unidimensional measure of LS.The factor loadings revealed that the itemsgrouped into four related factors represent uniquedimensions of quality:Factor1:HR development and managementT able II shows the ten items loaded onto thisfactor.These items represent a MBNQAdimension that focuses on the respondentsperceptions of HR plans derived from a strategicquality plan,well-defined management practicesused to promote individual employee and teamcontributions to quality objectives,monitoring theextent and involvement by all levels of employees,formal quality training,performancemeasurement,recognition,and reward,maintaining a work environment conducive toemployee growth,and monitoring employeesatisfaction.(1)Item20.My company has HR plans derivedfrom the strategic quality plan that are aimedat achieving the full potential of the workforce.(2)Item21.My company has well-definedmanagement practices and otherTable I Factor loadingsVariables Factor1Factor2 Item1.My company has a strongset of quality values that is appliedconsistently throughout all facetsof the organization0.87520.124 Item2.In my company quality goals areat least as important asfinancial goals0.79320.400 Item3.Top management promotescooperation among managers andsupervisors across different levelsand different functions of theorganization0.82620.313 Item4.My company evaluates performancewith regard to quality of all functions ofthe organization on a regular basis0.74420.344 Item5.Top management in mycompany is concerned withthe organization’s impact on theexternal community on thefollowing issue:health and safety0.5030.807 Item6.Top management in mycompany is concerned with theorganization’s impact on the externalcommunity on the following issue:environmental protection0.4660.809 Item7.Top management in my companyis concerned with the organization’simpact on the external communityon the following issue:ethicalbusiness practices0.7240.218 Eigenvalue 3.3680.744 Variance explained67.3514.88mechanisms(i.e.awards or suggestionsystems or similar)that are used to promote individual employee contributions to quality objectives.(3)Item22.My company has well-definedmanagement practices and othermechanisms(i.e.work teams or qualitycircles or similar)that are used to promoteteam contributions to quality objectives. (4)Item23.My company monitors the extentand effectiveness of involvement by allcategories and levels of employees.(5)Item24.All employees in my companyreceive formal quality training in theknowledge and skills required for them tomeet the quality objectives associated withtheir responsibilities.(6)Item25.My company has systems thatsupport recognition as a quality objective. (7)Item26.My company has systems thatsupport rewards as a quality objective. (8)Item27.My company has systems thatsupport performance measurement as aquality objective.(9)Item28.My company maintains a workenvironment conducive to the well-being andgrowth of all employees.(10)Item29.My company regularly monitorsemployee satisfaction and uses the resultsto support its quality improvement efforts. Factor2:CF and satisfactionT able III shows the12items that were loaded on this factor.This factor represents a MBNQA dimensions about the degree of CF and satisfaction achieved within an organization.The dimension includes components that focus on seeking to determine the quality expectations of the customer,the effectiveness of customer management,the ability to measure CF,and how the organization compares on its customer satisfaction with competitors,industry averages, industry leaders,and world leaders.(1)Item46.My company has a formal methodfor determining current quality requirementsand expectations of customers.(2)Item47.My company has a formal methodfor determining future quality requirementsand expectations of customers.(3)Item48.My company has a formal methodfor determining product and service featuresdesired by the customer and/or customergroups.(4)Item49.My company has a formal methodfor evaluating the relative importance ofproduct and/or service features to itscustomers.(5)Item50.My company provides effectivecustomer management.(6)Item51.My company continuously improvesits customer management practices.(7)Item52.My company has objective servicestandards against which service quality ismeasured.(8)Item53.My company makes both implicitand explicit commitments that promote trustand confidence from its customers.(9)Item54.My company resolves customercomplaints promptly and effectively. (10)Item55.My company formally analyzescustomer complaints to determine theirunderlying causes in order to make necessaryimprovements in products and services. (11)Item56.My company formally examinescustomer complaints in order to makenecessary improvements to its processes. (12)Item57.My company measures and analyzestrends and current levels of customersatisfaction.(13)Item58.My company compares its customersatisfaction results with principalcompetitors.Table II Factor loadings for HRs development and managementVariables Factor1 Item20.My company has HR plans derived fromthe strategic quality plan that are aimed atachieving the full potential of the work force0.794 Item21.My company has well defined managementpractices and other mechanisms(i.e.awards orsuggestion systems or similar)that are used topromote individual employee contributionsto quality objectives0.825 Item22.My company has well-defined managementpractices and other mechanisms(i.e.work teams orquality circles or similar)that are used to promoteteam contributions to quality objectives0.711 Item23.My company monitors the extent and effectivenessof involvement by all categories and levels of employees0.759 Item24.All employees in my company receive formalquality training in the knowledge and skills requiredfor them to meet the quality objectives associatedwith their responsibilities0.658 Item25.My company has systems that supportrecognition as a quality objective0.875 Item26.My company has systems that supportrewards as a quality objective0.908 Item27.My company has systems that supportperformance measurement as a quality objective0.775 Item28.My company maintains a work environmentconducive to the well-being and growth of all employees0.791 Item29.My company regularly monitors employeesatisfaction and uses the results to support itsquality improvement efforts0.849 Eigenvalue 6.361 Variance explained63.615(14)Item59.My company compares its customersatisfaction results with industry averages.(15)Item60.My company compares its customersatisfaction results with industry leaders. (16)Item61.My company compares its customersatisfaction results with world leaders. Factor3:management of PQT able IV shows the nine items that were loaded onto factor3.This factor represents a MBNQA dimension that is related to the designs in customer requirements,quality issues in the early design phase,analyzing process capabilities, monitoring the processes used to produce products and services,continuously improving the processes used to produce products and services.(1)Item30.My company has a systematicmethod for introducing new products andservices which include designs in customerrequirements.(2)Item31.My company has a systematicmethod for introducing new products andservices which address quality issues early in the design phase.(3)Item32.My company has a systematicmethod for introducing new products andservices which analyze process capabilities.(4)Item33.My company monitors the processesused to produce products and services inorder to identify when they are out-of-control and make necessary corrections. (5)Item34.My company continuously improvesthe processes used to produce its productsand services.(6)Item35.My company formally assesses thequality of its systems.(7)Item36.My company formally assesses thequality of its processes and practices.Variables Factor1Factor2Factor3 Item46.My company has a formal method for determiningcurrent quality requirements and expectations of customers0.75120.08620.373 Item47.My company has a formal method for determiningfuture quality requirements and expectations of customers0.8260.03820.297 Item48.My company has a formal method for determiningproduct and service features desired by the customerand/or customer groups0.75520.11220.444 Item49.My company has a formal method for evaluatingthe relative importance of product and/or servicefeatures to its customers0.77020.09720.405 Item50.My company provides effective customer management0.67420.3320.388 Item51.My company continuously improves its customermanagement practices0.76620.1600.249 Item52.My company has objective service standards againstwhich service quality is measured0.79020.2210.102 Item53.My company makes both implicit and explicit commitmentsthat promote trust and confidence from its customers0.71320.4530.300 Item54.My company resolves customer complaintspromptly and effectively0.62120.4610.364 Item55.My company formally analyzes customer complaintsto determine their underlying causes in order to makenecessary improvements in products and services0.81320.2900.076 Item56.My company formally examines customer complaintsin order to make necessary improvements to its processes0.78820.2350.062 Item57.My company measures and analyzes trendsand current levels of customer satisfaction0.82020.05420.327 Item58.My company compares its customer satisfactionresults with principal competitors0.6230.7020.156 Item59.My company compares its customer satisfactionresults with industry averages0.6290.7010.025 Item60.My company compares its customer satisfactionresults with industry leaders0.6310.7150.249 Item61.My company compares its customer satisfactionresults with world leaders0.6210.7320.139 Eigenvalue8.489 2.806 1.257 Variance explained53.05517.5377.853(8)Item37.My company formally assesses thequality of its products and services.(9)Item38.My company maintainsdocumentation and other modes ofknowledge preservation and transfer,tosupport its quality assurance,assessment,and improvement efforts.(10)Item39.My company’s quality requirementsare communicated to all external suppliers ofgoods and services.(11)Item40.My company has methods in placeto evaluate the quality of goods and servicessupplied by external suppliers and guaranteethat they satisfy all quality requirements. (12)Item41.My company monitors trends andcurrent levels for key measures of productand service quality.Factor4:IAT able V shows the seven items that were loaded onto factor4.Factor4represents a MBNQA dimension that is focused on the respondents’perceptions of their organizations’storage, transfer,and use of information.(1)Item8.There are well-documented processesand techniques used to ensure reliability. (2)Item9.There are well-documented processesand techniques used to ensure consistency.(3)Item10.There are well-documentedprocesses and techniques used to ensurereview.(4)Item11.There are well-documentedprocesses and techniques used to ensuretimely update.(5)Item12.My company regularly performscomparisons of its quality processes to world-class benchmarks to support qualityplanning,evaluation and improvement. (6)Item13.Quality data and informationgathered internally are systematicallyanalyzed to help support the company’soverall quality objectives.(7)Item14.Quality data and informationgathered externally are systematicallyanalyzed to help support the company’soverall quality objectives.Variables Factor1Factor2Factor3 Item30.My company has a systematic method forintroducing new products and services which includedesigns in customer requirements0.52520.3710.385 Item31.My company has a systematic method forintroducing new products and services which addressquality issues early in the design phase0.80520.47320.031 Item32.My company has a systematic methodfor introducing new products and serviceswhich analyze process capabilities0.72820.48220.290 Item33.My company monitors the processes used to produceproducts and services in order to identify when they areout-of-control and make necessary corrections0.82920.15720.241 Item34.My company continuously improves the processesused to produce its products and services0.75520.10920.505 Item35.My company formally assesses the quality of its systems0.6930.55320.223 Item36.My company formally assesses the qualityof its processes and practices0.6970.49820.286 Item37.My company formally assesses the qualityof its products and services0.7630.1840.068 Item38.My company maintains documentation and othermodes of knowledge preservation and transfer,to supportits quality assurance,assessment,and improvement efforts0.6560.3720.384 Item39.My company’s quality requirements are communicatedto all external suppliers of goods and services0.74920.1820.279 Item40.My company has methods in place to evaluatethe quality of goods and services supplied by external suppliersand guarantee that they satisfy all quality requirements0.7400.0620.335 Item41.My company monitors trends and current levels for keymeasures of product and service quality0.8020.1410.258 Eigenvalue 6.442 1.413 1.086 Variance explained53.68011.7789.046MBNQA factors that were excluded from this modelT able VI shows thefive items that were loaded onto the strategic quality planning dimension of the MBNQA.The strategic quality planning dimension is focused on the respondents’perceptions of their organizations’strategic planning process and strategic plans.(1)Item15.My company has a well-definedshort-term(1-2years)strategic qualityplanning process to help maintain quality LSin the marketplace.(2)Item16.My company has a well-definedstrategic plan to increase customersatisfaction.(3)Item17.My company has a strategic qualityplan that details how we will pursue marketLS through providing superior qualityproducts and services.(4)Item18.My company has a strategic qualityplan that details how we will pursue marketLS through improving the effectiveness of alloperations of the company.(5)Item19.My company’s strategic quality planhas specific goals and strategies thateffectively address issues impacting futurequality for key product and quality features. While these items were all loaded onto one factor, the strategic quality planning factor was notsignificant in the LS model.Hence,this factor was removed from the model via stepwise regression.T able VII shows the four items that were loaded onto the quality and operational results factor of the MBNQA.The four items are as follows.(1)Item42.My company objectively comparesits current quality levels with principalcompetitors.(2)Item43.My company objectively comparesits current quality levels with industryleaders.(3)Item44.My company objectively comparesits current quality levels with world leaders.(4)Item45.My company monitors trends andcurrent levels for the most importantindicators of supplier quality.The quality and operational results factor were not significant in the LS model as presented in this study,but this could result in multicollinearity among the factors.Regression analysisThis analysis was conducted to explore the relationship between senior executive LS and the six other MBNQA dimensions.For each dimension a unidimensional measure was created by removing items that did not specifically load onto one factor.The linear sums of each of theTable V Factor loadings for IAVariables Factor1 Item8.There are well-documented processesand techniques used to ensure reliability0.822 Item9.There are well-documented processesand techniques used to ensure consistency0.843 Item10.There are well-documented processesand techniques used to ensure review0.879 Item11.There are well-documented processesand techniques used to ensure timely update0.863 Item12.My company regularly performs comparisonsof its quality processes to world-class benchmarksto support quality planning,evaluation and improvement0.799 Item13.Quality data and information gathered internallyare systematically analyzed to help supportthe company’s overall quality objectives0.692 Item14.Quality data and information gathered externallyare systematically analyzed to help supportthe company’s overall quality objectives0.707 Eigenvalue 4.521 Variance explained64.591Table VI Factor loadings for strategic quality planningVariables Factor1 Item15.My company has a well-defined short-term(1-2years)strategic quality planning process to helpmaintain quality LS in the marketplace0.851 Item16.My company has a well-defined strategicplan to increase customer satisfaction0.903 Item17.My company has a strategic quality plan thatdetails how we will pursue market LS throughproviding superior quality products and services0.891 Item18.My company has a strategic quality plan thatdetails how we will pursue market LS through improvingthe effectiveness of all operations of the company0.863 Item19.My company’s strategic quality plan has specificgoals and strategies that effectively address issuesimpacting future quality levels for key productand quality features0.830 Eigenvalue 3.767 Variance explained75.340Table VII Factor loadings for quality and operational resultsVariables Factor1 Item42.My company objectively compares its currentquality levels with principal competitors0.907 Item43.My company objectively compares its currentquality levels with industry leaders0.950 Item44.My company objectively compares itscurrent quality levels with world leaders0.879 Item45.My company monitors trends and current levelsfor the most important indicators of supplier quality0.731 Eigenvalue 3.030 Variance explained75.759。