Three men and three wishes
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Three WishesOnce upon a time, there lived a woodman and his wife. They were very poor, and they lived in a cottage on the edge of a forest. Every day, the woodman would set out early in themorning to chop down trees.As the woodman was travelling through the forest one day, he saw a fine old oak tree. "That will make plenty of planks," he thought, as he felt the blade of his axe to make sure it was sharp. He was about to strike the tree with the axe, when he heard someone crying out: "Please don't hurt this tree."The woodman looked around him and saw a tiny fairy. "If you do not hurt this tree , " she said , "I will grant you and your wife three wishes.""I won't hurt the tree," said the woodman kindly. Then the fairy vanished!That evening, the woodman walked slowly home. He was feeling very hungry and could not wait for his supper."Is my supper ready?" the woodman asked his wife."Not for at least two hours, replied his wife. So the woodman sat in a chair by the fire."I wish I had a big black sausage to eat right now," he said out loud. And suddenly, a delicious sausage appeared on the table before him! "Why has that black sausage suddenly appeared?" the woodman's wife asked.So the woodman told his wife the story about the fairy. But his wife was very angry. "You have wasted the first of our wishes," she said crossly. "I wish that sausage were on your nose!"And with that, the sausage jumped up and stuck fast on the woodman's nose. His wife could not pull it off and nor could he, so the only thing to do was to wish it on the table again, which the woodman did.What a waste of three wishes! The only thing the woodman had was a good supper of black sausage.。
三个火枪手THE THREE MUSKETEERS改编自大仲马的小说"Based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas".怎么样!So!当你再没办法的时候无论你看见什么Whatever you see just last your sword when all allow is failed.这帮了我很大的忙正如你看到的 - 是的父亲It was helped me well, as you can see. - Yes, Father.您为什么不坐一下呢? - 不不不时间很紧迫了why don't you sit down, sir? - no, no, no, time is short.你要走了you must be off.我把我的秘密武器给你I'm giving you my secret threats.还给你这1万5千元I give you also these 15 grands.还有这个And this.你爷爷买♥♥了这把剑来对付勒班陀的摩尔人Your grandfather bought this sword against the Moors in Lepanto.我曾经也用过它在国王亨利统治的时候I'm in some use of it, under the lead of King's Henry.现在它是你的了Now it is yours.它会带你去拜见火枪手的领导者特雷威尔先生It will introduce you to Mr. Treville who command the king of Musketeers. 你会永远记住它的我也会you will remember it well, and me.给你Here...我的儿子啊你快成为一个火枪手了My son, you are gonna be a Musketeer.你年轻应该要勇敢如果你有勇气的话You are yong you should be brave, and if your guts' strong.而且你叫达塔尼昂And the D'Artagnan.所以该打的时候就打So fight whenever you can.不要屈服于凌♥辱♥Never summit to insalts.除了国王和红衣主教的except from the king and the Cardinal Richelieu.要小心红衣主教因为他是通过国王来统治法国的Beware of the cardinal, for he rules France through the king. 但是你是为效忠于国王和皇后的人But you are a King's man and the Queen's.好了So...现在去和你母亲说再见吧Now go and say goodbye to your mother.你的膏药在包里Your balm is in the package.在你伤口上涂上就好Rup it in wherever you scratch.我在你的鞋子里面装了轮子I'm driving the wheels in you shoes well.好的母亲再见Yes, mother, good-bye.再见父亲Good-bye, father.再见Bye.不要把马卖♥♥了让它老死吧Don't sell the horse! Let him die old of its own age.记得要战斗啊and fight remember!保重Take care!听话Come on!看准了get on it.看起来有人骑在一只茶杯上Sighted there's someone riding above the cup.好像一块有脚的芝士That's just a cheese with legs.如果你笑的话你最好想想为什么Think what you have laugh ,sir. And you laugh together.如果是正在跟我说话If you speak to me.如果你不是一个绅士的话我不会和你说话If you weren't a gentleman I wouldn't speak to you. 我没和谁说话I was speaking at tuteur.但是我在和您说话啊But I'm speaking to you sir.如果你是个男人就转过身来Turn if you are a man.让我看看你现在倒是怎么笑Let me see your laugh now.啊Ah.这人真扯淡This gascons.你想让我♥干♥掉他吗?Do you like cut his throat?不No.他的马给处理掉让他走吧But among his ridiculous horse. Let him go.没时间谈了我的姑娘No time to talk, my lady.红衣主教命令你来英格兰The cardinal command you to England.你要让白金汉公爵离开伦敦了Do you have to let him know the moment.才让主教知道吗?till the Buckingham leaves London?然后呢?And then?我等待下一步指示I'll wait further orders.你呢?我什么时候才能再见到你?And you? when do I see you again?你...你这个刺客You!You assasin!我应该把你刺死的I shall thrust die you, sir.原谅我女士但是我必须把你朋友杀死Forgive me, madam. But I must kill your friend.噢你不怕吗?Oh, you're not terrified?哈! 走开白♥痴♥Ha! Away! Pumpkin!你会等到我消息的You will hear from me.他挺帅的He's very handsome.尽管他有些迟钝Even though he is bluntness, maybe.克劳德付钱吧Claude, pay the bill.你...You...特雷威尔先生在哪儿? - 在楼上跟我来Where is Mr. Treville? - He's upstairs, follow me.谢谢你Thank you.你太紧张那个腰带了You are doing more on belt proper.我有吗?I do?是啊Oh, yes.我曾经是个喜欢I used to be a man who must.每晚花钱在自己的衬衫上的男人spent his money on fine shirts in the night.什么?what?或者赚他情妇的钱?or want his mistress' money?哦不阿♥拉♥米斯那可是我自己的钱啊Oh, no, Aramis help me out to get her but my own money. 那都是金币啊那都是小事all of these are pistoles, oh, this is all trifles.但是的确是拿我的金币在床周围围了一圈啊but it is gold building all the way around the bed.太震惊了Astonishing!法国有足够的金子吗?There is enough gold in France to straight or let her sense.你介意我在抬起这珍贵的大衣多看一眼这腰带吗?Mind if I lift the costly coat to admire the belt more?不不不先生No, no, no, your pardon, sir.我感冒了I have a cold.自♥由♥裁量权都变成虚荣的时尚了Discretion being a part of vanity.我不明白I don't understand.我知道我眉毛很好看I know the one about valla...但是我不知道眼神好but it don't know eye contact will need.会令眉毛的效果大打折扣to be discrete half of that in time.长太帅了就是没办法shouldn't balost.这剑十分干脆利落It's very clean the sword dressed.是红衣主教守卫队的纪念品啊阿多斯先生a souvenir of the Cardinal's Guard, Mr. Athos.你是个骗子真扯淡You're a liar. That's more ballocks.当然你怎么这么快就看出来了?Of course. Why do you see that immediately?不要假装在你这里每一个人Don't pretended one from another.都得到不同的待遇or make any difference to a treament if you did.特雷威尔先生现在要见你了Mr. Treville will see you now.啊Ah.谢谢你Thank you.你老子说你带着他自己的剑吧达特尼昂先生Your father says you carried his own sword Mr. D'Artagnan. 是的Yes.嗯嗯哦Oh.你可以带着我的家伙等你的再长长点之前You may have taking my arm along until yours grows longer. 先生我不要任何人的怜悯Sir, I ask charity for no one.那就是说你不会拿是吧?年轻人Then you're unlikely to get it. Are you, young man?不不是怜悯No, not charity.是出于对老友儿子的一点爱和小恩惠Love and courtesy for the son of an old friend.让他的敌人在大洋彼岸哪儿凉快哪儿呆去to keep his enemies that in shore to far enough.谢谢您先生Thank you, sir.真谢谢您I do thank you.那是我能给你的所有了That is as much as I can offer you.你看到了剑客里面没有空位置安排给你了You see there is no place in the musketeers.只有你在军队里面服役过for a man till he has served the campaign.或者在其他的战斗方面立过大功or other ways distinguishes himself in the killing.但是我还是可以给德拉塞尔先生写封信But all I can do is write a letter to Mr. De La Salle.他是守卫的领导人commander of the guard.你...你这个懦夫我鄙视你You, you coward, I spit on you!什么?what?哦不说的不是您Oh, not on you, sir.说的是那个独眼龙on that man without the eye!你先生You, sir.I said stop sir.呀Yah.哦Oh.对不起先生我赶时间Excuse me, sir. I'm in a hurry.你当然很赶时间了年轻人You are certainly in a hurry, young man.我的意思是一句"对不起"是不够的You heard that I mean to expect the "excuse me" is insufficient. 你需要有人教教你怎么有礼貌You need a lesson in manners.我说过"对不起"了I said "Excuse me".我不需要有人教我懂礼貌I need no lesson in manners.无论如何你还是需要的You should have one anyway.哪儿?Where?12点在加尔默罗女修道会The Carmelite convent, at twelve.噢Oh.兜兜转转Go all the way around.停Stop!先生我在跑着呢 - 而且眼睛还瞎了Sir, I was running. - And with your eyes shut.先生您说什么? - 你去中心广场Sir, I beg your pardon? - You will come to the Plaza.哪儿? - 一点钟在卢森堡Where? - At the Luxembourg one o'clock.噢看啊Oh, look.原谅我先生们Forgive me, gentlemen.噢您好像掉了这个Oh, you, you drop this.金子的包装够花哨最好小心点阿♥拉♥米斯Gold for the parcing fancy, most "discreet", Aramis.这个包不是我的也不是我掉的The purse is not mine, sir, nor did I drop it.这个就是您的我看见他掉了Oh, your parcel, sir. I see it fall.你看到的太多了先生You see it the old too much, sir.你只是一个乡下佬而已You just a fourtmat country bad people.我就是乡下佬怎么了I'm the gascon, sir.所以你要学习更写文明的行为举止And you need to learn civilized behavior.好吧我也不是一个仗势凌人的人Well, I'm no bully. It's in the intended priest.即使必须的但是我也不想动手I fight to even I must.但是你让那位女士受委屈了But you have compromised the lady.那我们就约两点在特雷威尔酒店吧So we'll set in hotel Treville at two.先生先生Sir! Sir!你的钱包Your purse.好吧即使我被杀了也是死在剑客手里Oh well, if I will be killed, unleast at hands of a musketeer. 你挺准时的You punctual.即使你不用跑的Eventhough you're not running.但是你还是伤了我的胳膊But you did hurt my shoulder.我相信这样子打肯定对您来说非常不方便I trust that it will not convenient you sir.如果你想推迟决斗If you wish to prospone on meeting.不可能By no means.我用左手一样可以打I fight as well with my left hand.如果你觉得这个地方对你来说处劣势我道歉If you find this place you'll be disadvantageous, I do apologize. 您真是非常谦虚You're very courteous, sir.我正准备问您的伤口I was going to ask about your wound.我带着我麻麻做的药膏I have an ointment made by my mom.嗯?Hum?你是被吓到了吗?年轻人You're overwhelming, young man.哦我的帮手们来了Oh, here come my seconds.你要和这个乡巴佬打架吗?我也约了他干架呢You're fighting this out fellow, but I'm meeting him myself.但是现在不是一点钟啊But not till 1 o'clock, sir.不不不我下午要和这个人决斗No, no, no, I'm to fighting him this afternoon.是在两点吧At 2 o'clock sir.你在巴黎多久了?How long have you been in paris.从今早上八点钟开始就在这儿了Since 8 o'clock this morning.你真是一点儿时间都没有浪费啊You waste little time, sir.我父亲教育我说该打就打My father recommand I fight dues.好吧我们来希望你能你老子挣点面子吧Well, let us hope you can do him some credit.红衣主教护卫队The cardinal's guard!哎快点啊你们Cheers, gentlemen, quickly.啊是剑客们在法令的禁止下还在决斗Ah, musketeers! Dealing in the founds of the edicts.这是私事麦迪逊你这次可以绕路吗?This is private, Madison. Would you please beyondyour way.我们有责任维护♥法♥令We have the duty the suppress his order.和逮捕肇事者and the arrest the rollers.把你的的剑都举起来然后跟着我们走吧Put up your swords, and come along with us.不可能Impossible!想都别想Unthinkable!没希望Unlikely!嗯那我们要检举你们了Hum, then we must charge you.他们有六个我们只有三个There are 6 of them, we are only 3.不四个No, 4.你不是我们其中一员You are not one of us!这不关你的事孩子This is not your affair, boy.我也许不够技术但是我有当剑客的决心啊I may not have the tuny, but I have the heart to be a musketeer.年轻人你可以退下了Young man, you may retire!保命为上吧快走开Save your skin, and quickly.你叫什么? - 达特尼昂 - 那好吧What is your name? - D'Artagnan - Well then.我们四个: 阿多斯波尔多斯阿♥拉♥米斯和达特尼昂You have us, four of us:Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan. 杀啊Go!我们来祈祷吧Let us pray.善良的耶稣Gentle Jesus...我可以吗?May I?抱歉Sorry.给我把剑A sword!看上帝份儿上For god's sake sir.谢谢你Thank you.达特尼昂D'Artagnan!不No!不把他留给我No! Leave him to me.把剑放下先生Put down your sword, sir.不No.投降吧我命令你Surrender Biscart, my order.哦那倒不一样Oh, that's different.去把铃摇响吧那些修女回来治你们的伤的Come and ring the bell, the nun will attend to your wounded. 来兄弟们快走越快越好Come, gentlemen, the sooner and off the better.对啊对啊结束太快了Yes, yes, it was over too soon.啊娘的Ah blood!看着最好的弗兰德天鹅绒被你们毁了Look at the best flemish velvet ruined by your...被你们这些恶心的二货给毁了your sick kind of ruffiers.哦天啊你们要赔啊Oh, my god. You will pay for it.这花了我10个金币呢10 pistoles it costed me.不 20个金币再加20个当做教你们怎么懂礼貌的学费No, 20, 20 pistoles. And 20 more is a fine to teach you manners. 哈哈这群草包Ha ha, you sack!小偷Thief.你说什么?What?好了好了There, there."乐善好施"是红衣主教的其中一个品质是吧?Charity is one of the Cardinal virtue, remember?我们是要站这儿一直聊Are we gonna stand here and chat.等主教来逮捕我们回去吗?until the Cardinal marshal come arrest us.我们最好走吧各位Better be gone, gentlemen. I tell you.我们走Let's be off.呃先生Er, sir.你朋友们的伤About your friends wounds.我有我麻麻的膏药I have an ointment adhere my mother which.对伤病是最管用的whether you mind its most effective.我把剑扔天上然后那个二货往上看I threw my sword in the air, and as he looks up.波尔多斯波尔多斯Porthos! Porthos!把金币给我看看Pass me the pistoles.剑客们的座右铭是The Musketeers' motto young man is:.兄弟同心其利断金All for one and one for all.我们给他10个金币What should translate is ten for him,10个给他 10个给你 10个给我ten for him, ten for you, and ten for me.我亲爱的阿♥拉♥米斯需要10个来取悦他的情人My dear Aramis needs ten to impress his lady mistress.我的好波尔多斯需要10个来买♥♥他的衣服My good Porthos needs ten to be able himself to dress decently.我建议你需要10个来找个仆人和住的房♥子And you need ten for lodging and a servant I would suggest.而我呢And I.你呢?And you?我需要喝酒I need to drink.你会发现未来在喝醉了酒以后会变得非常美好You will find young man the future looks rosy at the bottom of the glass. 别担心亲爱的Not to worry, dear.我抓住你的头Let me catch your head.小心点儿Mind that.这是楼梯This is the staircase.你应该会喜欢这儿的先生两法郎一天而已I think you'll like it here, monsieur. For only two francs a day.这房♥间看起来真是非常豪华This chamber looks Snohomish.而且你仔细瞧瞧非常的干净And scrupulously clean if you observe.每隔一天就会打扫一次Swopt every second day.谦虚一点说真是帝王般的享受啊and more regent the modest speaking.啊有点灰尘你可以睡外面Ah, there are rusgle. You can sleep out there.隔音效果很好外面的叫声完全听不到effect of soundproof there is excellent. The scream will cast behind.在巴黎老天都掉不下来这样的馅饼啊They don't fall of these chambers like these in Paris.这儿你还可以看到非常好的城市景观Where else you can get the magnificent view of the city.噢Oh.的确如此但是请原谅我说的话Quite so, Mr Bonacieux, admit me is too absurd.但是这个你叫做房♥间的地方真是不适合…but this fixture you call a room is not fit for our.国王或者大主教住但是很适合我king or a cardinal but it suit me very well.你说两法郎吗?two francs you say?你要了? - 怎么样我都要You take it? - whatever it's offered.啊我的老婆伯纳修太太啊先生Ah, Madam Bonacieux, my wife, monsieur.她很正吧Is she not beautiful?很有魅力啊Enchanting.谢谢Thank you.像花瓣从很远的地方撒向人间一样She's as delicate as the petals pouring.精致From afar.你知道吗?我老婆是皇后的伴娘呢Of course, you know my wife is the best maid of the queen. 皇后是个很好的人我妻子有足够的自信和她媲美Very nice person the queen. My wife has every confidence. 我真是非常骄傲能成为她的丈夫Yes I am very proud of being her husband.她住这儿? - 不我住这儿And...she live here? - No, I live here.我美丽的康斯坦丝住在皇宫啊要不然住哪儿?My beautiful Constance Stays in the palace. where else?她一周来看我一次she visits me once a week.就在今晚Tonight, in fact.夫人一定非常向往这一天 - 是啊Madam must look forward to that eagerly. - Yes.噢快点啊你好笨Oh, faster, you dull!哦快啊快找人把它们转得快一点Oh, come on, somebody make them go faster with them.哦太奇妙了真是太奇妙了Oh, it's wonderful. It's absolutely wonderful.我觉得我想吐I feel like, I feel like sick.皇后到国王的骑士四号♥位Queen to king's knight 4.皇后到国王的骑士四号♥位Queen to king's knight 4.你的手下特雷威尔打倒了五个主教护卫Your ruffians Treville has spite 5 of the Cardinal guards.陛下是您的火枪手们Your Musketeers, my Majesty.是你养的流氓Your ruffians.骑士到国王的主教五号♥位Knight to king's bishop 5.骑士到国王的主教五号♥位Knight to king's bishop 5.我很难对他解释I'm hard to put to explain to him.当我睡觉的时候是谁在守卫着法国?who guards France when I sleep.当我在自我娱乐的时候是谁在不断的工作?whose larbors were unceasingly while I amuse myself.您受命于天吗?Your Mejesty refers to god?我受命于红衣主教和你说的不是那么一回事儿I refer to Cardinal Richelieu, which is not quite the same thing. 哦主教Oh, Cardinal.这起剑客暴♥乱♥事件This matter of tribute musketeers.没有头绪只有几把断剑Broken heads and broken swords.只是琐事而已陛下Trifles sire.白金汉伯爵在巴黎了The Duke Buckingham is in Paris.白金汉?在这儿?为什么啊?Buckingham ? Here? Why, God's name?要和我起冲突吗? - 为了的皇后吗Oh, to bloods against my honor? - The queen?你把那个恶棍抓回来 - 陛下您错了You will arrested the potla. - Sire, you are wrong.皇后对你很忠诚对法国也很忠诚The Queen is faithful, to you and to France.她爱你爱的非常热烈She loves your Majesty far too warmly.我不会被热情所蒙蔽的你抓住他I'm not squat by the heat. You arrest him.我们为什么要花这么大的精力做那事儿呢?Oh, why the scandal should we do that?逮捕英国的首相?Arrest the Prime Minister of England?没有理由陛下我们需要做的是把尊贵的爵士No, sire. What we must do is keep the noble duke.栓在一根绳子上让他继续和新教♥徒♥追求他的信仰on a string, to pursue his sodium pad with Protestants.和他的看不见的政♥治♥理想his politics muffled in a cloak.那皇后的心是否也无法摸透呢?And the queen muffled in her cloak under a window?皇后殿下的美貌让很多男人拜倒在她的石榴裙下Her Majesty's beauty affects all the men's worship.也有很多支持者And worshipers.但是她的美德是毋庸置疑的But her virtues is beyond questions.至于白金汉公爵他会被监视着的As the Duke of Buckingham, he will be watched.主教到皇后二号♥位Bishop to queen 2.主教到皇后二号♥位Bishop to queen 2.主教到皇后二号♥位Bishop to queen 2.将军Jaque.那边That way.开门Open up!开门Open up!再不开我们就把门撞开了We will strike the door down.啊Ah.有人要进来? 别担心等我抄家伙 - 哦亲爱的Did someone's coming? Don't worry, Constance. The weapons...- Oh, darling. 哈哈哈Ha ha ha.你得跟我走You will come with me.不我不走! 我不走你能把我怎么样?No, I won't. No, I won't. We see, what about that?你跟我走吧You will come with me.好的先生好的先生我跟您走Yes, sir, yes, sir. I come with you.截住她截住她Stop Her! Stop Her!你对我老婆做了什么?What have you done with my wife?康斯坦丝?Constance?达塔尼昂先生我要你Mr. D'Artagnan, I want you.我是你的女士等我喘过气来I'm yours Ma'am. As soon as I can catch my breath ma'am.我伤到你了吗? - 我伤到你了吗?Did I hurt you? - Did I hurt you?先生我今晚一定要去皇后那里Monsieur, I must get to the queen tonight.我不允许I can not allow it.我被人从床上拖下来了- 床是对你最好的地方了I was torn from the bed. - The best place for you, bed.床就是对于你来说最好的地方了Bed is the best place for you.来着躺会吧Collect some for more.谢谢你先生Thank you monsieur.哦我的丈夫Oh, my husband.哪儿?Where?在巴士底狱In the Bastille.哦真是令人担心啊Oh, I'm sorry to hear about it.现在最好的解决办法就是睡个好觉Now the best possible course is a good night sleep.尝试忘记它Try to foget about it.但是我丈夫在巴士底狱我无法睡着啊 - 不But I can't sleep with my husband in the Bastille. - No. 我好怕 - 哦我不怕I'm frightened. - Oh, I'm not.你应该和我睡You ought to sleep with me.你需要一个帮你驱赶恐惧的人You need a good cattle chase the fright away.先生我必须去皇后陛下身边她迫切需要我Mister, I must go to her Majesty, she needs me urgently. 我不能让你一个人在充满危险的大街上走I can not let you go to the streets are full of danger.而且你的脚都脏脏的and your legs and feets are dirty.哦…是啊Oh... yes.先生你必须要帮我啊你又年轻又勇敢Monsieur, you must help me. You are young and gallant. 我丈夫他非常懦弱而且说到他...My husband is just a weak man talk with me and...我能告诉你吗?我能相信你吗?Can I tell you? Can I trust you?用你跳动的心脏和生命去相信With your life which beats in your breast.我仿佛听到小白鸟挥打翅膀的声音I hear the flap of life like a little white bird.他通过我打听皇后 - 我听到充满生命力的翅膀拍打He sigints on the queen through me. - I hear the wings.红衣主教希望给我个警示因为我很皇后走得很近Cardinal wishes a warning, because I'm in the queen's confidence. 或许他们会利用我来对皇后不利perhaps yields to the attackers through me.你不能光着脏脚去找皇后啊You can not go to the Queen's with dirty legs.哦不行Oh, no.你现在有足够的力气下去洗干净吗?Are you strong enough to wash them.没有No.哦我可怜的丈夫没有了他我感到很无助啊Oh, my poor husband. Without him I feel so helpless.我还没试过给女人洗脚呢I've never washed the legs of a woman.我给马洗过脚给马洗的时候你要先从头开始I have done a horse's, with a horse's you start at the top.我不可以脏兮兮的去皇后那儿I can not go dirty to the queen.你觉得我在这儿会安全吗?Do you think I will be safe here?哦当然了康斯坦丝当然了Oh, yes, Constance. Yes.哦对不起Oh, sorry.这样不会有点冷吗?Won't it not be a llittle cold?至少让我送你过马路At least, let me have got you pass the way.不我必须走No, I must go.去找皇后前我要去见一个人 - 谁?I have to meet someone, before I go the queen. - Who?这么快就学会妒忌了?Are you jealous so soon?那当然了On every inch of you.我必须走了现在答应我你不会跟来I must go now. Promise you won't follow.哦Oh.给点钱盲人吧女士你是瞎的吗?Money for the blind ma'am. Are you blind?给点钱瘸子吧给点钱瘸子吧Money for the cripple, Money for the cripple.给点钱瘸子吧Money for the cripple.放开走开get off, go off.给点钱瘸子吧给点钱瘸子吧Money for the cripple, Money for the cripple.嘿今天你不走运了 - 给点钱孤儿吧Hey, not your day, is it? - Money for an orphan!施舍点钱给孤儿吧给点钱孤儿吧Money for a orphan, Money for a orphan.嘘shuh!给点钱孤儿吧Money for a orphan.施舍点钱吧Money, Money.先生在您走之前Before you go sir...我说先生在你走之前I say sir before you fight.先生sir.施舍点零钱吧If you got any change please.请您等等先生One moment, sir. If you please.你答应过我的But you promised.是的现在我知道为什么你要我答应你了Yes, and I can see now why you make me promise. 你和我不认识啊先生You have nothing to do with me, sir.不认识但是我和这位女士认识No, but I have something to do with this lady.抓着我的胳膊夫人先生晚上好Take my arm madam. Good evening, sir.天啊我的公爵陛下 - 陛下? - 你是…?For god's name, my lord. - My lord? - Are you...?白金汉公爵The duke of Buckingham.现在你知道你破坏了所有事儿了吧Now do you see you spoil everything.哦亲爱的…原谅我吧…我...Oh, my darling forgive me... I...哦陛下我该说什么好…我…我爱她所以我妒忌Oh, my lord, what do I say...I...I love her and I was jealous.这是在黑夜里攻击一个陌生人非常好的原因Perfectly exellent reason for attacking a stranger in the dark.您能满足我一个小小的要求吗?Would you obliged me in a small favour?任何事都可以陛下Anything, my lord.夫人和我打算去宫殿并不想被任何人知道Madam and I are going to the palace means not be seen.如果有人想跟踪我们If anyone should try to follow us.您可以把他杀掉吗?would you be good enough to kill him?谢谢你Thank you!哦好的…好的Oh, yes ... yes.你知道最危险的地方就是最安全的地方吗?Does your Grace know any private place which is as private as this public one? 哦…我… - 在这儿等等 - 什么?Well ...I ... - Wait here. - What?安妮… - 你怎么来了? - 来看你啊Anne ... - Why have you come? - To see you.哦你这个笨蛋!国王怀疑的Oh, it's foolish! The King suspects.而且大主教知道的话你会害了我的and the cardinal knows, and he'll ruin me if you can.他派了很多眼线…如果他已经监视到这儿怎么办?He spies the...what if he caught here?很明显我们不会被发现最起码在这个洗衣房♥里面Decidedly we must not be found, not with the dirty laundry washed.但是没有希望了我是国王的妻子了Oh but it's hopeless. I'm the wife of the king.这个卑鄙的小人And ill manner little prisey and.忽略你同时又嫉妒你ignores you, and jealous you at the same time.你欠了他什么?What do you owe to him?我欠了他不能对不起他I owe to him, not to disgrace him.这也是为什么我让你走Which is why I ask you to go.而且不要回头And not to return.哦亲爱的我们不是一般的人啊 - 的确我们不是Oh, my dear, we're not ordinary folk. - Indeed not.这也是我们互相彼此伤害到对方的原因And that's the point and it thrust both ways.我不是一个绅士或者农民I'm no little gentleman or farmboy.我是一国之主啊I'm the master of the great state there.这个国家有非常强大的船只和海军如果你需要我with great ships and armies too, if you need me.英国人从前来过法国The English come to France before.并没有像我现在拥有过这么充分的理由A lack of better reason than I have.你觉得我会因为赢得你而发动战争吗?You think I will threat for a war to win you?如果你不信等着看法国挑起战争吧If you doubt it, wait till Frances put his to draggle score the English for hell. 亲爱的亲爱的安妮Dear, dear Anne ...你知道你比任何我在洗衣房♥里面看到的东西都要美Do you know, you look lovelier than anything I've seen in the laundry before? 来再告诉我你爱我Come, tell me again that you love me.你要走了这里不安全You must go. It's not safe here.会有这么一天的到了那天…It will be oneday. Until then...给点东西我留作纪念吧一枚硬币什么都可以give me something to remember you by, a tocken, anything. 哦求你了你就当施舍给一个小穷孩儿吧Oh, come, a farm boy, sweetheart you are giving one.这些就是我最珍贵的东西了These are my best things.我一年之内会给你送回来Within a year I will bring them back to you.哦她们就是这样洗衣服的我从来都没有注意过Oh, that's how they do it. I have no notion.我以后穿衣服该怀着更尊敬的心情I should wear my shirt in future with more respect.哦天啊 - 走啊快点Oh, God! - Go on, quickly.站着别动Stand still!在这里面In here!在那There!不好意思Excuse me!请告诉我发生什么事儿了Please tell me what's going on.过来come here!让我来吧阁下My lord, may I?哦谢谢你Oh, thank you.来吧!来吧!Come on! Come on!哦我的头发Oh, my hair.我本来应该是能够应付的I probably could have managed,但是我还是得谢谢你们but I'll thanks you gentlemen anyway.那是谁? - 不知道啊And who is that? - I don't know.但是他听起来说话很得体是吧? - 是啊。
第47讲、《水浒传》《All Men Are Brothers》,《Heroes of the Marshes》,《Water Margin》,《three women and a hundred and five men》看到这些英文书名的时候你是不是很诧异呢?怎么咱们开始讲外国文学了吗?其实并不是,我们看到的这些书名,其实都是咱们中国的一部名著,哪部名著呢?就是大名鼎鼎的《水浒传》。
three man in a boat 中英对照
Three WishesOnce upon a time , there lived a woodman and his wife. They were very poor, and they lived in a cottage on the edge of a forest. Every day, the woodman would set out early in the morning to chop down trees. .One day,the woodman was in the forest.he saw a big oak tree. Oh! What a big oak tree! Look! This is my axe.It’s very shark.Let me try. He was about to strike the tree with the axe , when he heard someone crying out: "Please don't hurt this tree. "The woodman looked around him and saw a beautiful fairy. "If you do not hurt this tree , " she said , "I will grant you and your wife three wishes. ""I won't hurt the tree," said the woodman. Then the fairy vanished.That evening, the woodman walked slowly home. He was feeling very hungry."Is my supper ready?" the woodman asked his wife."Not for at least two hours, replied his wife."I wish I had a big black sausage to eat right now," he saidAnd with that. Suddenly, a sausage appeared on the table , his wife was very the woodman told his wife the story.But his wife was very angry. "You have wasted a wish," "I wish that sausage were on your nose !"And with that, the sausage jumped up and stuck on the woodman's nose. His wife and children could not pull off the only thing to do was to wish the sausage on the table again. "I wish the sausage go back to the table". Said the woodman.What a waste of three wishes! The only thing the woodman had was a good supper of black sausage.译文很久很久以前,居住着一个樵夫和他的妻子,住在大森林边上的一座小木屋里。
three man in a boat 中英对照摘要:1.介绍《Three Men in a Boat》的背景和作者2.概述小说的主要人物和故事情节3.分析小说的主题和文学价值4.总结小说的影响和口碑正文:【提纲】1.介绍《Three Men in a Boat》的背景和作者《Three Men in a Boat》(《三人同舟》)是英国作家杰罗姆·凯撒·刘易斯(Jerome K.Jerome)创作的一部经典幽默小说。
故事以英国泰晤士河为背景,讲述了三个主人公:乔、乔治和哈克,以及一条名叫Montmorency 的狗一同泛舟泰晤士河的冒险经历。
【提纲】3.分析小说的主题和文学价值《Three Men in a Boat》以轻松幽默的笔触描绘了三人一狗的冒险旅程,作品的主题涵盖了友谊、勇气、自然、人性等多个方面。
【提纲】4.总结小说的影响和口碑《Three Men in a Boat》自问世以来,一直备受好评。
三兄弟许愿作文英语Title: The Three Brothers' Wishes。
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between rolling hills and lush greenery, there lived three brothers: James, Thomas, and William. These brothers were known for their unwavering bond and their shared dreams of a better life. One starry night, as they sat around a crackling fire, they made a pact that would change their destinies forever.James, the eldest brother, gazed up at the twinkling stars and declared, "I wish for knowledge, wisdom, and the ability to make a difference in the world."Thomas, the middle brother, pondered for a momentbefore stating, "I wish for strength, courage, and the resilience to overcome any obstacle in my path."Lastly, William, the youngest brother, smiled softlyand said, "I wish for love, compassion, and the ability tobring joy to others."Little did they know, their wishes would set them on a journey filled with trials and triumphs.James, fueled by his thirst for knowledge, embarked on a quest for education. He traveled far and wide, devouring books and seeking out mentors who could impart their wisdom upon him. Through his dedication and perseverance, James became a renowned scholar, sharing his knowledge with all who sought it.Thomas, with his newfound strength and courage, became a protector of the weak and oppressed. He stood tall in the face of adversity, facing down bullies and tyrants with unwavering resolve. His acts of bravery inspired others to stand up for what they believed in, creating a rippleeffect of change throughout the land.Meanwhile, William's heart overflowed with love and compassion for his fellow beings. He dedicated his life to helping those in need, whether it be through acts ofkindness or simply lending a listening ear. His genuine empathy touched the hearts of many, bringing light intoeven the darkest of days.As the years passed, the three brothers grew older,their paths diverging yet intertwined by the common threadof their wishes. Though they faced challenges along the way, they never wavered in their pursuit of their dreams.In the end, it wasn't wealth or power that definedtheir success, but rather the impact they had on the world and the lives they touched along the way. And as theylooked back on their journey, they realized that the true magic lay not in the granting of their wishes, but in the journey they undertook to fulfill them.Thus, the tale of the three brothers serves as a reminder that true fulfillment comes not from what we possess, but from the legacy we leave behind and the lives we touch with our words and deeds. For in the end, it is love, wisdom, and compassion that truly make the world a brighter place for us all.。
中央电视台电视译制片目录 (1979—2001).txt我都舍不得欺负的人,哪能让别人欺负?一辈子那么长,等你几年算什么我爱的人我要亲手给她幸福别人我不放心我想你的时候我一定要找得到你不许你们欺负他!全世界只有我才可以!放弃你,下辈子吧!!中央电视台电视译制片目录 (1979—2001)1979年巧入敌后(南斯拉夫)我们的过去(菲律宾)红与黑 (Red And The Black, The /1954)(法国)1980年教授道路(巴基斯坦)联系(巴基斯坦)娜拉 (Nora) (挪威)鲁宾逊漂流记 (Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, The /1954)(墨西哥)鸽子号 (Dove,The /1974) (英国/美国)居里夫人 (Madame Curie) (5集, 英国)大西洋底来的人(Man From The Atlantis, The /1977-1978)(美国)加里森敢死队(26集, 美国)1981年小法岱特(法国)古拉杜安(巴基斯坦)卡斯特桥市长 (Mayor Of Casterbridge, The /1978) (7集, 英国)大卫?科波菲尔 (David Copperfield /1974) (6集, 英国)达尔文 (Voyage Of Charles Darwin, The /1978)(7集, 英国)1982年敌后金达莱(朝鲜)安娜?卡列尼娜 (Anna Karenina /1977) (10集, 英国)坦凯什大尉(12集, 匈牙利)1983年莱里的遭遇(美国)双城记 (Tale Of Two Cities, A) (4集, 英国)1984年亚瑟王 (King Arthur,The /1966) (8集, 英国)爸爸(4集, 民德)阿信(26集,日本)1985年男人和孩子(捷克)无边无岸(孟加拉)德黑兰’43年 (Tehran 43 /1980) (苏、法、瑞士)音乐之声 (Sound Of Music, The /1965) (美国)不走运的神枪手 (Unlucky Sharpshooter, The) (美国)真主的花园 (Garden Of Allah, The /1936) (美国)橄榄树公主 (Princess Of The Olive Tree) (美国)丽贝卡/蝴蝶梦 (Rebecca /1940) (美国)意乱情迷/爱德华大夫 (Spellbound) (美国)不平静的村庄 (Intranquil Village, The) (美国)汤姆?索亚历险记 (Adventures Of Tom Sawyer, The /1938)(美国)珍妮的肖像 (Portrait Of Jenny, The) (美国)我不能说再见 (I Can’t Say Good-bye) (美国)死亡飞行 (Death Flight /1977) (美国)两种爱 (Two Kinds Of Love) (美国)陌生人之家 (Stranger’s Family, A) (美国)小天使 (Our Little Girl /1935) (美国)亮眼睛 (Bright Eyes /1934) (美国)卷毛头 (Curly Top /1935) (美国)一月上尉/小水手 (Captain January /1936) (美国)小叛逆 (Little Rebel, The /1935) (美国)小酒窝 (Dimples /1936) (美国)小上校 (Little Colonel /1937) (美国)小孤女 (Rebecca Of Sunnybrook Farm /1938) (美国)小公主 (Little Princess, The /1939) (美国)小歌手 (Poor Little Rich Girl /1936) (美国)小特使 (Susannah Of The Mounties /1939) (美国)小海蒂 (Heidi /1937) (美国)开往慕尼黑的夜车 (Night Train To Munich /1940) (美国)追杀刺客 (Manhunt /1941) (美国)折断的箭/折箭为盟 (Broken Arrow /1950) (美国)美人计/声名狼籍 (Notorious /1946) (美国)尔虞我诈(美国)盗画之谜(英国)福尔摩斯探案集 (Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes, The /1985)(英国)我们共同的朋友(7集, 英国)死亡档案(13集, 民德)1986年他们为祖国而战(苏联)升华(苏联)34次快车(苏联)红莓(苏联)共和国什基德(苏联)阿巴里特66 (苏联)继承者(苏联)萨里达的故乡(苏联)柳波芙?雅洛瓦娅(苏联)人留在大地上(苏联)幼儿园 (Kindergarten /1984) (苏联)真真假假(印度)埃米尔侦察小分队(孟加拉)爱米丽之梦(加拿大)红发女郎(荷兰)失踪的红鬃马(美国)选女婿(美国)我心中有支歌 (With The Song In My Heart /1952)(美国)12海里珊瑚礁下 (Beneath 12-mile Reef /1953) (美国)欢乐今宵 (Tonight We Sing /1953) (美国)折断的长枪 (Broken Lance /1954) (美国)难忘的舞台生涯 (There’s No Business Like Show Business /1954)(美国)距贝克街23步远的地方 (23 Paces To Baker Street /1956) (美国)世上自由最可贵 (Best Things In Life Are Free, The /1956) (美国)查无此人 (Man Who Never Was, The /1956) (美国)斯迈里 (Smiley /1957) (美国)斯迈里得到一枝枪 (Smiley Gets A Gun /1958) (美国)爱情的礼物 (Gift Of Love /1983) (美国)罗宾汉的儿子 (Robin Hood’s Son /1959) (美国)重返故里 (Return To Peyton Place /1961) (美国)三百个斯巴达人 (Three Hundred Spartans /1962) (美国)冯?瑞安的快车/战俘快车 (Von Ryan’s Express /1965) (美国)飞行器里的好小伙 (Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines /1965) (美国)我从事危险职业 (I Deal In Danger /1966) (美国)绑架 (Kidnapped /1938) (美国)蓝鸟 (Blue Bird, The /1940) (美国)怀俄明的绿草 (Green Grass Of Wyoming /1948) (美国)好保姆 (Sitting Pretty /1948) (美国)地球停转那天 (Day The Earth Stood Still, The /1951) (美国)复活节的许诺 (Easter Promise, The) (美国)车站 (Station, The) (美国)暴风雨 (Tempest, The) (英国)家族 (Clan,The) (日本)入冬之前 (Before The Winter) (日本)黄玫瑰 (Yellow Roses, The) (巴基斯坦)孩子岛(8集, 联德)艰难时世 (Hard Times) (4集, 英国)狄更斯 (Charles Dickens) (13集, 英国)孩子啊(40集, 日本)茜嫂的盒饭店(11集, 日本)继承人(20集, 巴基斯坦)1987年穿警服的匪帮(波兰)五人餐桌(美国)一个便士(美国)东方列车谋杀案 (Murder On The Orient Express /1974) (美国)鱼死之日 (Day When The Fish Comes Out, The /1967) (美国)六人一台戏 (With SixYou Get Eggroll /1968) (美国)国王的荣誉 (King’s Honor, The) (美、保)纽带(巴基斯坦)绿色的田野(巴基斯坦)列宁办公室一个半小时(苏联)白俄罗斯火车站(苏联)挚爱(日本)假如没有爱(日本)站在斗争前列(民德)冬寒情暖(?)邦斯舅舅(?)奇迹(?)离婚案(?)错觉(?)黑马(?)驼背人(?)窃贼大师(?)跳破的舞鞋(?)陌生人之家(?)蓝宝石(?)孤身骑车人(?)白鬃野马(?)金壳虫(?)爱弥丽之梦(?)爱的迷网(?)海军协定(?)跳舞的小人(?)帕尔斯警长(?)抗争强权(?)两个警长(?)特别任务(?)菲茨和他的孩子们(?)谁也别想利用我(?)制造魔鬼的人(?)死亡陷阱(?)丹吉海湾(美国)秘密证人 (Secret Witness /1988) (美国)爱迪生兄弟 (Edison Twins /1985) (3集,美国)斯克鲁治/圣诞欢歌 (Scrooge /TV/1970)(美国)小人物 (Little Big Man /1970) (美国)小农场 (Little Farm, The) (美国)毛笔 (Writing Brush) (美国)男孩和女孩 (Boys And Girls) (美国)案件终结 (Case Closed /1987) (美国)惊天动地 (Something Big /1971) (美国)累赘 (Shiralee, The /1957) (英国)错误程序 (Improper Channel) (美国)小毛驴 (Little Brown Burro) (美国)号手 (Trumpeter) (美国)小戴维 (Rebelling Of Young David, The) (美国)一棵好树 (Good Tree, A) (美国)致命信号 (Vital Signs /1986) Charles Brown, A /1970) (美国)神秘的星期天 (That Secret Sunday /1986) (美国)爱的三重奏 (Classified Love /1986) (美国)小小方舟 (Little Ark, The /1972) (美国)复仇 (Rio Lobo /1970) (美国)谍海追杀 (Target /1952) (美国)困难时期 (Help Wanted) (美国)无耻之徒 (One Terrific Guy /1986) (美国)假若明天来临 (If Tomorrow Comes /1971) (美国)列宁的故事(4集, 苏联)草原小屋 (Little House On The Prairie /1974) (多集,美国)蓝眼睛(6集, 法国)奇婚记(4集, 匈牙利)无情的战线(13集, 民德)沃尔默一家 (Dans La Iourmente) (19集, 联德)夫妇(8集, 日本)1988年虎胆忠魂 (Odd Man Out /1947) (英国)幻觉 (Shining, The /1980) (英国)漫长炎热的夏天 (Long Hot Summer Day, A /1958) (美国)地心游记 (Journey To The Centre Of The Earth /1959) (美国)罗马之恋 (Three Coins In The Fountain /1954) (美国)安娜斯塔西娅/真假公主 (Anastasia /1956) (美国)阳光下的小岛 (Island In The Sun /1957) (美国)镇上来了马戏团 (When The Circus Comes To Town /1981) (美国)大海的女儿 (Daughter Of The Sea) (美国)海龟日记 (Dairy Of The Torture, A) (美国)荡妇怨 (Postman Always Rings Twice, The /1946) (美国)弗兰肯斯坦/科学怪人 (Frankenstein /1973) (美国)飞来的横财 (How To Steal A Million /1966) (美国)克里斯托夫案件/古宅之谜 (House On 92nd Street /1945) (美国)项链 (Slay Ride /1972) (美国)纯真的爱 (Innocent Love, An /1982) (美国)维瓦?扎巴特 (Viva Zabata /1952) (美国)黑人姑娘平妮 (Piney /1949) (美国)查德?哈娜 (Chad Hanna /1940) (美国)月落 (Moon Is Down /1943) (美国)太阳照样升起来 (Sun Also Rises, The /1957) (美国)穿灰色法兰绒衣服的人 (Man In The Flannel Suit, The /1956)(美国)悬赏 (Reward, The /1965) (美国)杀人狂(美国)绝代佳人(美国)故乡(日本)姐妹坡(日本)伊豆舞女(日本)三个老兵(捷克)九年级B班(加拿大)帽子(加拿大)杰克之心(加拿大)交流(加拿大)不朽的人(罗马尼亚)柴科夫斯基 (Tchaikovsky /1971) (苏联)两个人的火车站(苏联)无权转让的钥匙(苏联)小幻想家(苏联)红钟(苏联)湖畔奏鸣曲(苏联)达吉亚人(?)夏姆士的反击(?)纯洁(?)愿望实现的时候(?)秘密金库(?)虎口脱险(?)春天的十七个瞬间(12集, 苏联)约翰?塞巴斯蒂安?巴赫(4集, 民德)市府公务员(11集, 捷克)1989年葬礼(瑞士)上帝的礼物(非洲)豆蒙镇的居民和强盗(挪威)蜜月之行(捷克)希茜公主(Sissi)(英国)会飞的军官(法国)彩虹(Rainbow)(南斯拉夫)弗兰西丝(Frances /1982) (美国)窈窕淑女 (My Fair Lady /1964) (美国)黑天鹅号历险记 (Black Swan, The /1942) (美国)歌剧院的幽灵 (Phantom Of The Opera, The /1983) (美国)哈维姑娘 (Harvey Girls, The /1946) (美国)农家女 (Farmer’s Daughter, The /1940) (美国)猿人世界 (Planet Of Apes /1968) (美国)豹/豪气盖山河 (Leopard, The /1963) (美国)男子汉 (Man From Snowy River, The /1982) (澳大利亚)登月偷乘者(Stowaway To The Moon /1974) (美国)钢铁工人的心 (Heart Of Steel /1983) (美国)丹尼尔?布恩(Daniel Boone Frontier Trail Rider)(美国)平局(Draw)(美国)冲刺 (Breaking Away /1979) (美国)超级女谍 (Modesty Blaise /1966) (美国)勇往直前(美国)魂游1871 (美国)小贵族(美国)望子五岁(日本)邮政编码999 (日本)细雪(日本)影子(日本)临时工(?)比特拉古城(?)退潮的时候(?)忠诚(?)非法入境者(?)好像不认识你(?)大象音乐会(?)田园情侣(?)荷兰巨人西波尔特之谜(?)栗色小天使(?)艾迪生孪生(?)罗特的女儿(?)无人认领的孩子(?)21岁父亲(21集, 日本)奇异的世界(5集, 美国)1990年带路人 (Pathfinder /1987) (挪威)威尼斯的冬天(Venice En Hiver)(法、意)红海启示录(法、意)危险之至(英、美)老阳重现(意、法、摩)横冲直撞(斯里兰卡)生命的痕迹(朝鲜)魔发(加拿大)丈夫的家(印度)炽热的爱情(南斯拉夫)原子核基地(冰岛)空手道女侠(土耳其)击鼓少年(西班牙)别妨碍我(保加利亚)春风作伴(阿尔巴尼亚)反正有理(阿尔巴尼亚)叛逆(巴基斯坦)恩惠(巴基斯坦)蒙面复仇者(民德)小克劳斯和大克劳斯(民德)爱情与女王(民德)裸露在狼群(民德)有生命的音乐(匈牙利)胆小鬼(匈牙利)无孔不入的魔爪(匈牙利)银幕背后(波兰)忠诚的心(波兰)他是谁(波兰)殊死搏斗(意大利)战争狂人(意大利)亡命出租(意大利)非洲豹行动(意大利)伦敦上空的鹰(意大利)老人之家(罗马尼亚)从地狱归来(罗马尼亚)单独行动(罗马尼亚)酒神的秘密(罗马尼亚)打击 ( 苏联)财宝(苏联)红莓(苏联)海神节(苏联)英雄少年(苏联)1799年的秋季战役(苏联)动身前夕(苏联)舞步的力量(苏联)森林之歌(苏联)战争第四年(苏联)被遗忘的长笛曲 (Forghotten Tune For The Flute, A /1988)(苏联)小薇拉 (Little Vera /1988) (苏联)豺狼的陷阱(苏联)命令(苏联)没有证人(苏联)魔珠的故事(苏联)一个野心勃勃的小老头(法国)碧海情(法国)三个男人和一个摇篮 (Three Men And A Cradle /1985) (法国)驯狮女郎(法国)监察大臣(法国)拾贝女人/故里寻梦 (Shell Seekers, The /1989) (英国)黑骑士 (Black Knight, The /1954) (英国)雨中泪 (Tears In The Rain /1988) (英国)冲出敌占区 (Pied Piper, The /1972) (英国)圣诞伴侣(英国)长尾巴的孩子(英国)我的左脚 (My Left Foot /1989) (英国)第三个人 (Third Man, The /1949) (英国)克莱奥帕特拉/埃及艳后 (Cleopatra /1963) (美国)虎!虎!虎! (Tora! Tora! Tora! /1970) (美国)X工程 (Project X /1949) (美国)法国贩毒网 (French Connection, The /1971) (美国)碧血黄沙 (Blood And Sand /1941) (美国)诺玛?雷 (Norma Rae /1979) (美国)次神的孩子 (Children Of A Lesser God /1986) (美国)曼哈顿闹剧/曼哈顿的故事 (Manhattan Melodrama /1934)(美国)公共汽车站 (Bus Stop /1956) (美国)弋戈 (Gigot /1962) (美国)心中的女儿 (Daughter Of The Mind /1969) (美国)成功之路 (Road To Success, A) (美国)托尼?罗姆 (Tony Rome /1967) (美国)镜子 (Mirror, The) (美国)母女泪 (Tears Of Mother And Daughter) (美国)挑战者号 (Challenger, The /1968) (美国)白羽毛 (White Feather /1955) (美国)气球上的五星期 (Five Weeks In A Balloon /1962) (美国)海神号历险记 (Poseidon Adventure, The /1972) (美国)走出非洲 (Out Of Africa /1985) (美国)最后的大篷车 (Last Wagon, The /1956) (美国)钻石皇冠的故事 (Story Of The Jewel Crown, A)(美国)最长的一日 (Longest Day, The /1962) (美国)恐高症 (High Anxiety /1977) (美国)伤感的旅程 (Sentimental Journey /1946) (美国)三上银色快车 (Silver Streak /1976) (美国)多里特尔大夫 (Dr. Doolittle /1967) (美国)灰色骑士 (Gray Knight, The) (美国)你不能回家 (You Can’t Come Home) (美国)卡曼彻罗匪帮 (Commancheros, The /1961) (美国)不可征服的人 (Unconquerable) (美国)黛丝丽与拿破仑 (Desiree /1954) (美国)难忘的时刻 (Affair To Remember, An /1957) (美国)奔腾的河流 (River Of No Return /1954) (美国)弱者的追求 (Like Normal People /1979) (美国)走进现实 (From The Terrace /1960) (美国)白人的愿望 (Great White Hope, The /1970) (美国)绝望的使命 (Desperate Mission, The /1971) (美国)十四小时惊魂 (Fourteen Hours /1951) (美国)壮志凌云 (Top Gun /1955) (美国)赝品 (Counterfeit /1936) (美国)慧星降临之夜 (Night Of Comet) (美国)我爱你……再见(美国)昨日的情人(美国)你嫁给我吧(美国)卡提娅浪漫史(美国)机器人的悲剧(美国)铁窗情话(美国)反恐怖别动队(美国)曼德拉(美国)夜行(美国)熊(日本)案件(日本)饥饿海峡(日本)黑雨(日本)贫与美(日本)沙屋之梦(日本)片山刑警在酒吧(日本)黄金犬(日本)蛇谷的诅咒(日本)夏日的一页(日本)复仇的铁拳(日本)拥抱太阳(?)珠宝奇案(?)逃出罪恶世界(?)苦难的历程(13集,苏联)黑蜘蛛 (Black Spider, The /1983) (瑞士)交际花盛衰记 (Splendeurs Et Misere des Wardisane) 集,(法国)雾都孤儿 (Oliver Twist /1985) (6集, 英国)女领队 (Manageress, The) (6集, 英国)异国情天(6集,英国)简?爱 (Jane Eyre /1983) (10集,英国)夜色温柔 (Tender Is The Night /1961) (3集,美国)不该发生的事(3集,美国)故里(3集, 美国)回声 (Echoes /1983) (4集,美国)恶魔杰克 (Jack The Evil) (4集,美国)八十天环游地球 (Around The World In 80 Days)6集, 美国)时间隧道 (Time Tunnel) (13集,美国)带狗的警官 (Police Officer With The Dog, A) (22集,美国)侠胆雄师 (Beauty And The Beast /1987) (44集,美国)北国情(21-24集,日本)血的风波(18集,日本)赤魂(25集, 日本)沃尔默一家 (Dans La Iourmente) (3集,联德)寄希望于未来(3集,朝鲜)被吊人的反抗(3集, 墨西哥)星期一午夜(3集,澳大利亚)两个女人的命运(10集, 西班牙)人在旅途(30集,新加坡)情谊无价(36集, 台湾)1991年迷人的森林 (Charming Forest, The) (柬埔寨)舐犊情深 (To Save Nine) (意大利)海明威 (Ernest Hemingway) (意大利)跟踪豺狼 (Following The Jackal) (塔吉克斯坦)寄希望于未来(朝鲜)生命的痕迹(朝鲜)树中的男人(民德)诱惑(民德)亡军还乡(阿尔巴尼亚)法赫丽耶姐姐(土耳其)布瓦尔和佩居谢(法国)秋天的马拉松 (Autumn Marathon /1979) (苏联)女政委 (Commissar, The /1968) (苏联)奥勃洛摩夫生活中的几天 (Few Days Of Oblomov’s Life, A) (苏联)格里波夫的女演员 (Actress From Gribov, An) (苏联)别特罗夫与瓦谢金奇遇记 (Adventures Of Petrov And Wasechkin, The) (俄罗斯)理想丈夫 (Ideal Husband) (俄罗斯)天堂里的冬天 (Winter In The Paradise) (俄罗斯)白夜 (White Night) (俄罗斯)号手 (Trumpeter, The) (加拿大)情归何处 (Where The Spirit Lives /1989) (加拿大)共同的荣誉/光荣岁月 (Glory Enough For All /1988) (加拿大/美国)漫漫归乡路 (Long Way Home, A) (英国)鬼怪的故事 (Ghost Stories) (英国)冲出阴影 (Out Of Shadows) (英国)魔法时刻 (Magic Moments /1989) (英国)谍海情仇 (Impossible Spy, The /1987) (英国)逃离索比堡 (Escape From Sobibor /1987) (英国)梦的世界 (Shadowlands /1985) (英国)别无选择 (Zero Option, The) (英国)费舍尔医生 (Doctor Fischer Of Geneva /1983) (英国)百万英镑 (Million Pound Note, The /1953) (英国)老人与海 (Old Man And The Sea, The /1958) (美国)战地钟声 (For Whom The Bell Tolls /1943) (美国)别了,武器/战地春梦 (Farewell To Arms, A) (美国)紧急下潜 (Crash Dive /1943) (美国)漫长炎热的夏天 (Long Hot Summer, The /1958) (美国)失踪之谜 (Vanishing Act /1988) (美国)拯救落井幼儿 (Rescue Of Jessica McClure) (美国)争夺珍妮 (Fight For Jenny, A /1990) (美国)简和失落的城市 (Jane And The Lost City /1987) (美国)众口一声/彗星美人 (All About Eve /1950) (美国)胖子 (Fatso /1980) (美国)伦敦流浪记 (Lost In London /1985) (美国)牛仔之家 (Proud Men /1987) (美国)热心建筑师 (Mad Housers, The) (美国)大地儿女 (We Are The Children /1987) (美国)碧海英雄 (Baywatch: Panic At Malibu Pier /1989) (美国)嘉露莲的故事 (Caroline? /1990) (美国)误闯亚瑟王宫 (Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur’s Court, A /1989) (美国)玩偶之谷 (Valley Of The Dolls /1967) (美国)荣誉与死亡 (Honor And Death) (美国)飞越时空/费城试验 (Philadelphia Experiment, the /1984) (美国)爱情嘲笑安迪?哈迪 (Love Laughs At Andy Hardy /1946)(美国)我肩上的天使 (Angel On My Shoulder /1946) (美国)金臂人 (Man With Golden Arm, The /1955) (美国)农夫娶妻 (Farmer Takes A Wife, The /1935)(美国)马拉松四杰 (Games, The /1970) (美国)儿童公司 (Kidco /1983) (美国)野河 (Wild River /1960) (美国)橄榄球心曲 (All The Right Moves /1983) (美国)福尔摩斯兄弟历险记 (Adventure Of Sherlock Holmes’Smarter Brother, The /1975) 美国)可爱的考斯特 (Beloved Infidel /1959) (美国)坎坎舞 (Can-Can /1960) (美国)沃洛克 (Warlock /1959) (美国)皇后号历险 (Adventures Of A Queen) (美国)海伦?凯勒上 (Helen Keller: The miracle /1982) (美国)海伦?凯勒下 (Helen Keller: The miracle Continues /1984)(美国)泰拉斯家族 (From The Terrace /1960) (美国)曼哈顿的故事 (Tales Of Manhattan /1942) (美国)剧院凶杀案 (Dressed To Kill /1941) (美国)吸血蝙蝠精 (Nosferatu, The Vampire /1979) (美国)击沉卑斯麦号 (Sink The Bismark /1936) (美国)伊芙三副面孔 (Three Faces Of Eve, The /1957) (美国)黄色车票 (Yellow Ticket, The /1931) (美国)扎德兹神 (Zardoz /1973) (美国)气泡破裂之日 (Day Of The Bubble Burst, The)(美国)绅士喜欢金发女/百万富翁 (Gentleman Prefer Blondes /1953)(美国)异形 (Alien /1979) (美国)江洋大盗/逃亡大盗 (Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid /1969)(美国)蝙蝠奇侠 (Batman /1966) (美国)黑寡妇 (Black Widow, The /1947) (美国)公共汽车站 (Bus Stop /1956) (美国)黑骑士 (Dark Avengers /1990) (美国)小葛洛里娅 (Little Gloria…Happy At Last /1984) (美国)火球前进 (Fireball Forward /1972) (美国)虚虚假假 (Flim-Flam Man, The /1976) (美国)怎样嫁给百万富翁 (How To Marry A Millionaire /1953)(美国)同居者:一个爱情故事 (Inmates: A Love Story /1981) (美国)谋杀的杰作 (Masterpiece Of Murder, A /1986) (美国)超级艳谍 (Modesty Blaise /1966) (美国)佐罗的印记 (Mark Of Zorro, The /1974) (美国)托尼?罗姆 (Tony Rome /1967) (美国)时代的旅客 (Time Travelers, The /1964) (美国)不可驯服的女人 (Untamed /1940) (美国)牙买加风暴 (High Wind In Jamaica, A /1965) (美国)给三个妻子的一封信 (Letter To Three Wives, A /1949) (美国)扎帕塔万岁 (Viva Zapata! /1952) (美国)班多勒罗 (Bandolero! /1968) (美国)猿人世界 (Planet Of The Apes /1968) (美国)冲出敌占区 (Pied Piper, The /1942) (美国)法国马戏 (Reinvented Circus) (美国)别在意(日本)好人的条件(日本)寅次郎的故事(日本)外科医生(日本)小满的暑假日记(日本)护士的丈夫(日本)俄勒冈日记(日本)假面舞会 (Merry Worm’s Masquerade)(动画片)(澳大利亚)圣—罗曼斯案件 (Affaire Saint-Romans, L’) (7集,法国)警察总署 (Hotel De Police) (多集,法国)奥林匹克之王 (King Of Olympics) 4集, 美国)待到重逢时 (Till We Meet Again /1936) (3集,美国)姜树 (Ginger Tree, The) 4集,英国)风雨人生/心愿 (Act Of Will /1989) (4集,英国)简?爱 (Jane Eyre /1983) (6集,英国)是,大臣! (Yes, Minister!) (7集,英国)皇冠上的宝石 (Jewel In The Crown, The) (14集,英国)寻找格兰特船长 (Searching For Captain Grant) 3集,苏联)年轻的俄罗斯 (Young Russia, The) (9集,俄罗斯)导盲犬的故事(3集,日本)钓鱼迷日记(6集,日本)红的激流(25集,日本)空中小姐(20集,日本)鹰翔—恩格斯的青年岁月(3集,民德)人人梦想有匹马(18集,民德)叶塞尼娅 (Yesenia) (25集,墨西哥)蓝色月光 (Moonlighting /1985) (22集,美国)豪门恩怨 (Dynasty /1981) (85集,美国)法网柔情(20集,香港亚视)春去春又回(40集,台湾)1992年达娜 (Dana) (卡塔尔)拉比 (Labi) (布基纳法索)办公室的故事 (Story Of The Office, A) (苏联)卖花女/辟格梅林 (Pygmalion /1938) (英国)爱情与王位/江山美人 (Woman He Loved, The /1988)(英国)流血的土地 (Fighting Mad /1939) (美国)空中骑士 (Sky Riders /1976) (美国)师生情 (Conrack /1974) (美国)奇异的家庭 (Strange Family, A) (美国)九点到五点 (Nine to Five /1980) (美国)无声电影 (Silent Movie /1976) (美国)真假警察 (Seven-ups, The /1973) (美国)谍海风云/反复无常 (Caprice /1967) (美国)明星的诞生/星海沉浮录 (Star Is Born, A /1976) (美国)法森夺火龙 (Fathom /1967) (美国)苛刻合同 (Hard Contract /1969) (美国)我的父亲 (Voyage Round My Father, A) (美国)小角色 (Bit Part, The) (美国)紧急抢救 (Rescue Of Jessica McClure, The) (美国)爱子之心 (For Love Of A Child) (美国)天使在人间 (O Clarence) (美国)詹妮之歌 (Jenny’s Song) (美国)冰球新手 (Rookies /1988) (美国)水下敌人 (Enemy Below, The /1957) (美国)英雄成千 (Thousand Heroes, A) (美国)有前科的女人 (Woman With Past) (美国)冤狱 (Presumed Guilty /1991) (美国)乔尼?危险 (Johnny Dangerously /1984) (美国)青年与神灯 (Aladdin And The Lantern) (美国)穿一只红鞋的男人 (Man With A Red Shoe, The /1985) (美国)是死?是活? (To Be, Or No To Be? /1983) (美国)萨尔斯堡谍影 (Salzburg Connection, The /1972)(美国)雇佣侦探 (Peeper /1975)救援飞行 (Mercy Mission: The Rescue Of Flight 771)(美国)家庭相册 (Danielle Steel’s Family Album) (美国)完美陌生人 (Danielle Steel’s A Perfect Stranger)(美国)失踪 (Danielle Steel’s Vanished) (美国)夜惊魂 (Child In The Night /1990) (美国)只是为了爱 (For Love Alone /1986) (美国)十亿先生 (Mr. Billion /1977) (美国)杰茜 (Jessie /1984) (美国)老人与猫 (Harry And Tonto /1974) (美国)艾丽丝历险记 (Alice Adventures In Wonderland)(美国)罗宾汉 (Robin Hood /1991) (美国)神秘岛 (Fantasy Island /1976) (美国)手足情仇(美国)祝福(朝鲜)生命在燃烧(朝鲜)母亲(日本)梦街人(日本)永驻的夏天(日本)李香兰(日本)声音沉睡在平静的大海之中(日本)童年轶事(日本)兄弟(日本)北国情(日本)左迁(日本)你的名字(?)罗蒙诺索夫 (Mihailo Lomonosov) (11集,俄罗斯)少年卓别林 (Young Charlie Chaplin /1988) (3集,美国)谁是母亲 (Baby M /1988) (4集,美国)浪漫之旅 (Fine Romance, A) (13集,美国)艰难时世 (Hard Times) (4集,英国)邓普西和梅克皮斯/雌雄探案 (Dempsey and Makepeace)(11集,英国)金钱与权利 (Chateauvallon) (26集,法国)金色小提琴 (Golden Fiddles) (4集,澳大利亚)库洛希梅内斯/侠义记(9集,西班牙)沃尔默一家 (Dans La Iourmente) (19集,联德)1993年莫斯科不相信眼泪 (Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears /1980)(苏联)薇拉 (Vera) (民德)爸爸 (Daddy) (民德)名琴之父 (Stradivari) (意、法)开出租车的姑娘 (Taxi-Girl) (法国)死亡狩猎 (Death Hunt) (加拿大)爱情与强盗 (Love & Larceny) (加拿大)天赐良缘 (Made In Heaven) (英国)迪耶普战役 (Dieppe) (英国)贵族的婚礼 (Royal Wedding) (意大利)牧场浪漫曲/鸠马 (Lord Ranch/Panomino) (美国)噩梦 (Bad Dreams) (美国)马德里警长 (The Marshal Of Madrid)(美国)爸爸 (Danielle Steel’s Daddy) (美国)无菌罩内的少年 (Boy In The Plastic Bubble, The)(美国)小镇的分歧 (Town Torn Apart, A) (美国)地狱 (Three Mothers, The) (美国)超人 (Superman III) (美国)金海豹 (Golden Seal, The) (美国)502 航班谋杀案 (Murder On Flight 502) (美国)叔侄神探 (Nassarati The Brain) (美国)女乡村歌手 (Country Gold) (美国)外星族人 (Alien Nation) (美国)自私和傲慢 (Selfish And Pride) (美国)证人的眼睛 (Eyes Of A Witness) (美国)吧女斯特拉 (Stella) (美国)野蛮人科南 (Conan The Barbarian) (美国)海之歌 (Sea Song) (美国)饼屋女郎 (Mystic Pizza) (美国)改变 (Danielle Steel’s Changes)(美国)傲骨慈心 (Proud Rebel, The) (美国)浮尘女儿录 (Danielle Steel’s Kaleidoscope)(美国)铁城奇案 (Iron Maze) (美国)人生真谛 (Reason For Living: The Jill Ireland Story) (美国)雄师 (Lion, The) (美国)梦露与鲍比 (Marilyn And Me) (美国)爸爸长大了 (Daddy’s Grown Up) (美国)一个美国人在巴黎/魂断巴黎 (American In Paris, An)(美国)金童海豚 (Boy On A Dolphin) (美国)青山翠谷 (How Green Was My Valley /1941) (美国)空谷幽兰 (Valley Of Orchards, The) (美国)明星 (Star, The) (美国)埃及人 (Egyptian, The) (美国)乞力马扎罗的雪 (Snows Of Killimanjaro, The /1952) (美国)愤怒的葡萄/怒火之花 (Grapes Of Wrath, The /1940) )巴顿/巴顿将军 (Patton /1970) (美国)驿车/关山飞渡 (Stagecoach) (美国)安妮?弗兰克的日记 (Dairy Of Anne Frank, The) (美国)肯德基妇女 (Kentucky Woman) (美国)神探弗林特 (Dead On Target: Our Man Flint)(美国)傲骨正气 (Proud Ones, The) (美国)纯真的爱 (Innocent Love, An) (美国)女商奇遇 (Limit Up) (美国)暗杀发生之前 (Till Murder Do Us Part) (美国)美好的事 (Fine Things) (美国)秘密 (Secrets) (美国)肖像 (Portrait, The) (美国)剧作家的遭遇 (Author! Author!) (美国)神童 (Dear Bridgette) (美国)男子汉 (Hombre) (美国)寒窗恋 (Paper Chase) (美国)走向现实 (From The Terrace) (美国)将错就错(美国)匿名警官(美国)自君别后(美国)警探生涯(美国)金玫瑰洞 (Cave Of The Golden Rose, The) (4集,加拿大)有声与无声 (Sound And Silence) (4集,英国)第二次机会 (Second Chance) (16集,英国)被撕毁的誓约 (Shattered Promises) (3集,美国)豹 (Leopard) (3集,美国)晨星之子 (Son Of The Morning Star) (4集,美国)爱情与谎言 (Love, Lies & Murder) (4集,美国)成功湖的秘密 (Secret Of Lake Success, The) 12集,美国)出生入死 (Octopus, The) (12集,意大利)公路大货车(多集,意大利)法网情天 (Hidden Truth, The) (30集,新加坡)1994年跳华尔兹的女人 (Waltzing Regitze) (丹麦)露西娅 (Lucia) (菲律宾)红色27 (Picture Perfect) (法、加)荒野有情天 (The Earthling) (澳大利亚)灯塔山的故事 (Lantern Hill) (加拿大)大骗局 (Grand Larceny, The) (加拿大)阴差阳错(德国)连环计(德国)水手归来 (Sailor’s Return, The) (英国)异国恋人 (Love With A Perfect Stranger) (英国)我嫁了个影子 (I’m Married To A Dead Man) (法国)毁灭之路 (Road To Ruin) (法国)魔鞋 (If The Shoe Fits) (法国)开出租车的姑娘 (Taxi Girl, The) (法国)灵与肉 (Body And Soul) (美国)飞碟导航员 (Flight Of The Navigation) 美国)女超人 (Supergirl) (美国)霹雳5号 (Short Circuit) (美国)迂夫智妻 (He Fired, She Hired) (美国)圣诞前夜 (Christmas Eve) (美国)无悔今生 (Love, Mary) (美国)九霄惊魂 (Paradise 243 Miracle Landing) (美国)旋风车手 (Storming Home) (美国)爱的牺牲品 (Victim Of Love) (美国)机器战警 (Robocop) (美国)欺骗之网 (Web Of Deception, The) (美国)阿拉斯加的恶魔 (Hellhounds Of Alaska, The) (美国)月色撩人 (Moonstruck) (美国)贵族婚礼 (Wedding, A) (美国)致命婚姻 (Assault And Matrimony) (美国)故事奶奶 (Story Lady, The) (美国)赤胆追凶 (FBI Murders, The) (美国)俏语真情 (Little White Lies) (美国)杀人鳄鱼潭 (Killer Crocodile) (美国)明星残缘 (This Can’t Be Love) (美国)最佳搭档 (Entertainners, The) (美国)实习护士 (Nurses On The Line) (美国)乱云飞渡 (Till The Clouds Roll By) (美国)母爱 (Danielle Steel’s Once In A Lifetime) (美国)等你妈回来 (Wait Till Your Mother Gets Home) (美国)强盗普林斯 (Pirate Prince) (美国)旋风车手 (Storming Home) (美国)东方快车恋曲 (Romance Of The Orient Express) (美国)赤子之心 (Heart Of A Child) (美国)飞越阿拉斯加 (Flying Over Alaska) (美国)废墟红花 (Blossoms In The Dust) (美国)隐身人 (Invisible Man, The) (美国)回归 (Valkaboot) (美国)冒出来的杰克 (Jumping Jack Flash) (美国)我的子弹会转弯(美国)铁人计划(美国)怪信(美国)怪物幽灵(美国)摆脱罪恶(美国)推车人(美国)科特斯线索(美国)灰鹰传奇(美国)黑市拳手(美国)未来世界(美国)守护天使 (Guardian Angel) (美国)冬天的鹰(美国)忍者小英雄(美国)亿万女富豪 (La Milliarlane) (3集,法国)倔强的女人 (La Garconne) (4集,法国)赛车手 (Rally) (8集,意大利)海峡(5集,日本)童年(3集,日本)“飞驰”巾帼车队 (Rides) (6集,英国)怪趣旅馆 (Nutty House, The) (11集,英国)心灵之声 (Barbara Taylor Bradford’s Voice Of The Heart)(4集,英国)女医生Dr. (Quinn, Medicine Woman)(24集,美国)圣巴巴拉 (Santa Barbara) (33集,美国)1995年黑狼的嚎叫 (Der Schrei Der Schwarzen W?lfe) (德国)遗产奇案 (Mysterious crime Of Inheritance, A) (德国)夏日的困惑 (Ter?rztin Christine) (德国)博登布鲁克一家 (Budden Brooks) (德国)浮士德 (Doktor Fauster) (德国)克拉哈里的哈瑞 (Karahari Harry) (南非)震惊 (Shocked) (新西兰)巴尔干特快 (Balkan Express) (南斯拉夫)自己去看 (Go And See) (白俄罗斯)致命的遗产 (Fatal Inheritance) (爱尔兰)旋风 (Cyclone) (秘鲁)大诱拐 (Rainbow Kids) (日本)爱(日本)。
英语绘本教学TheThreeWishes听课反思[ 2021 22:15:18 | by: hplxx022 ]前不久,听了黄老师的英语绘本教学the three wishes,这一实效的课堂、生成的课堂、精彩的课堂让我的心灵为之震撼.故事讲述的是两位主人公,老奶奶叫nat,老爷爷叫net.一天老爷爷救了一位天使,天使让他许三个愿望.老爷爷第一个愿望是一根香肠,可是到最后,三个愿望许完后,还是只得到一根香肠的故事.黄老师就像位睿智而又富有童趣的语文老师,用英语教学的风格带领孩子们进入绘本的花园“散步”.——阅读前:首先,进行brain storming,复习与food、feelings相关的单词,继而进行发散思维训练和知识的巩固练习运用;然后介绍绘本的封面、标题、背景、主人公,并让学生猜一猜老人、天使、香肠这四者之间的关系,鼓励学生用所学过的词句进行猜测和描述,预测人物间发生了什么事情;接着设置悬念,让孩子们带着想象走入文本.——阅读中:1.阅读第一步:带着想象进入绘本学生带着阅读期待,初读绘本,整体感知.理清故事脉络,把握主线,突出重点.通过出示图片和句式,帮助梳理角色之间的关系.____likes_____.____eats______.____helps______.2.阅读第二步:带着问题理解绘本:黄老师让学生打开书,找出三个愿望,并用笔画出来.谓之“不动笔墨不读书”,让学生学会从文中提取信息,丰富认知.同时给出reading tip,提示学生:“仔细看图,能够帮助理解故事.”当学生找出答案,及时检测:the three wishes:the first wish: a sausage.the second wish: i wish the sausage was on the end of your nose.the third wish: i wish the sausage was off your nose.猜测原因,体会心情,指导进行对话朗读,读出不同的心情与语气.3.阅读第三步:带着期待朗读绘本教授绘本的正文部分时,先是老师读给学生听.让学生在欣赏图画的同时,细细地品读正文部分.在此基础上,学生自由朗读.4.阅读第四步:带着感情讲述绘本最有意思的是在解决问题的同时,引导学生抓住对人物情绪的感知,模仿人物的语气复述和表演故事.比如:读出快乐的表情,生气的语气.所有的语言,进行有感情有动作的朗读,具有了鲜活的生命力.5.阅读第五步:带着欣赏与他人分享.分两个层次,小组内说,分角色表演,再在此基础上制作读书推荐卡.一节课下来,黄老师并没有机械地操练单词、句型,而是通过猜测意思、联系上下文、借助图片、放置具体的语境等各种方式,在教句子的过程中教单词,更好的帮助学生理解记忆运用.孩子们在快乐的阅读中,在潜移默化的师生对话中,学习兴趣高涨,均能借助教师提供的语言框架大胆猜测,踊跃表达,学会了众多新授知识.学生结束课堂前,孩子们都能发表自己对文本独特的见解.这实在令我惊讶:有孩子说,ned和nat会很开心,因为他们至少还有一根香肠;有孩子又说,ned 和nat会不开心,因为他们本可以要得更多;有孩子说,我们不应该要求得太多……这就是阅读的魅力:仁者见仁,智者见智,让学生学有所获.。
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人生三大愿望英文作文高中英文:As a high school student, I often think about my three biggest wishes in life. These wishes are the things that I dream of achieving and that I hope will bring me happiness and fulfillment. The first of my three biggest wishes is to travel the world and experience different cultures. I have always been fascinated by the idea of exploring new places, trying new foods, and meeting new people. I believe that traveling is a great way to broaden my horizons and gain a deeper understanding of the world. For example, I dream of visiting the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru, exploring the bustling streets of Tokyo, and relaxing on the beautiful beaches of Bali.My second biggest wish is to have a successful career that I am passionate about. I want to find a job that allows me to use my skills and talents to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it's working in the medicalfield, pursuing a career in environmental conservation, or becoming a successful entrepreneur, I want to feelfulfilled and satisfied with the work that I do. For instance, I hope to one day become a doctor and provide medical care to those in need, or start a business that promotes sustainable living and environmental awareness.Finally, my third biggest wish is to build a loving and supportive family. I hope to find a life partner who shares my values and goals, and together, we can create a warm and loving home for our children. I want to be able to provide for my family and create happy memories together, such as going on family vacations, celebrating holidays, and supporting each other through the ups and downs of life.中文:作为一名高中生,我经常思考我人生三大愿望。
英语中国古典小故事Once upon a time in ancient China, there lived a humble farmer named Wu. He was known for his kindness and generosity towards all creatures, especially the animals in his village. Wu had a small plot of land where he grew vegetables and fruits, which he shared with the villagers.One day, as Wu was working in his field, he noticed a small, injured sparrow lying on the ground. It had a broken wing and was struggling to fly. Wu, being the compassionate man he was, decided to take the sparrow home and nurse it back to health.For weeks, Wu tended to the sparrow, feeding it and wrapping its wing with a soft cloth. Gradually, the sparrow regained its strength and its wing healed. One morning, as Wu was about to release the sparrow back into the wild, the bird suddenly spoke to him."Dear Wu," said the sparrow, "I am not an ordinary bird.I am a spirit who has taken the form of a sparrow to test the kindness of humans. Your kindness has moved me, and I wish to repay you."Wu, surprised but not afraid, asked, "How can a smallbird like you repay me?"The sparrow replied, "I will grant you three wishes.Anything you desire, I will make it come true."Wu, being a humble man, thought for a moment and said, "I wish for my village to be free from hunger and poverty."The sparrow nodded, and the next day, the villagers found their fields abundant with crops, and their livestock flourished. The village prospered, and Wu's wish was granted.Wu thought for a second wish and said, "I wish for the people in my village to be healthy and free from illness."Again, the sparrow nodded, and from that day on, the villagers lived long, healthy lives, free from sickness.For his third and final wish, Wu pondered deeply. He thought not of himself but of the greater good. "I wish for wisdom to govern my village, so that we may live in harmony and peace."The sparrow smiled and said, "Your wisdom and selflessness are rare, Wu. Your wish is granted."From that day forward, the village was known far and wide for its wise leadership and peaceful coexistence. Wu's legacy lived on, and the story of his kindness and the magical sparrow was passed down through generations, teaching the importance of compassion, generosity, and wisdom.。
TheThreeMusketeers_三个火枪手英语读后感400字"The Three Musketeers" is one of the French romantic writer Alexandre Dumas Alexandre Dumas's novel, the vast majority are based on real historical background, interlocking plot, very attractive, but the vivid language, in his description, the hands of the people show their personality, each image is very rich, therefore, Alexandre Dumas also won the "popular fiction king" reputation, "the Three Musketeers" is one of his masterpieces.This novel is based on the French king Louis thirteen dynasties and the rights inone red church nicephore during this period of history to stay in power in the background, the Three Musketeers loyal to King Ados, Bordeaux, Ala Mies and their friend Dahl camp clip, in order to protect the queen and king, they bravely fight the red church nicephore left to solve the various obstacles, arrived in Britain, successfully destroyed nicephore left plot.This book except the Musketeers, what impressed me most is Miledi and nicephore stay two villain. Miledi, her charming, beautiful appearance is like a scorpion like wicked heart. She helped keep nicephore Musketeers, when the red block, the church's plot was found, her fate is to be sent to the guillotine, also confirmed that the old saying, There is justice in this world.There are nicephore stay, as the French Prime Minister He, but the king trusted minister, but he is still not satisfied with what he has, to get more power. In order to control, he even framed the queen had an affair with others, to sow discord between the queen and king, let yourself off. But under the Musketeers confrontation, his plot ultimately did not succeed.In Alexandre Dumas's infectious description, the villainimpressed our minds again. It is because of these sinister and ruthless villain image background, will make the image more brave Musketeers, justice, true to life. And to promote the development of the story, let the Musketeers journey become very rough, the story more interesting.。
英⽂有声绘本《TheThreeWishes》三个愿望The Three Wishes.wav2:5来⾃卡蜜⼉读绘本打开今⽇头条,体验完整⾳频内容This story is about Ned and Nat,这是个关于⽼爷爷内德,⽼奶奶纳特,a fairy and a sausage.⼀个精灵还有⼀根⾹肠的故事。
Net and Nat were hungry.内德和纳特⾮常的饿。
They were always hungry.他们总是感到很饿。
Ned worked in the fields.内德在农⽥⾥⼲活。
Help!救命!One day, he helped a fairy.⼀天,他救了⼀个⼩精灵。
' Thank you. Have three wishes, 'said the fairy.“ 谢谢你。
Ned ran home.内德连忙跑回家去。
' Nat! We have three wishes! 'he shouted.“ 纳特!我们可以实现三个愿望!”他喊道。
'Ooh! ' said Nat.“ 哦!”纳特说。
'I wish for...'“ 我想要...”'A sausage!'said Ned.“ ⼀根⾹肠!”内德说。
'A sausage?'said Nat.“⼀根⾹肠?”纳特说。
'What a silly wish.'“ 真是个愚蠢的愿望。
”You fool!你才愚蠢呢!But I'm hungry!但我很饿!Ned was cross.内德很⽣⽓的。
' I wish the sausage was on the end of your nose! '“ 哼,我真希望这根⾹肠长到你⿐⼦上!”And it was.话⾳刚落,就成真了。
1. We three are the best team! (就像三根筷子,紧紧抱在一起就不容易折断,我们三个也是这样紧密团结。
2. The three of us can do anything! (我们三个就如同超级英雄三人组,没什么能难倒我们。
3. Three people, one heart. (好比三匹马朝着一个方向用力拉车,我们三人一条心。
4. We three are like peas and carrots. (就如同那形影不离的豌豆和胡萝卜呀。
5. The three of us, always together. (就像那分不开的连体婴,我们三个总是在一起。
6. Three people, three times the fun! (这就好像一个蛋糕分成三份,每个人都能享受到更多的快乐。
7. We three have so many stories. (仿佛是一本厚厚的故事书,我们三人有好多故事呢。
8. The three of us against the world. (如同三位勇士并肩对抗整个世界,我们无所畏惧。
9. Three people, a world of memories. (就像一个装满回忆的宝盒,我们三人有着属于自己的世界。
10. We three are an unbeatable trio! (简直就是那战无不胜的三人组合呀!)
Three men and three wishes There are three men lost on the sea. But they soon find a small island. It’s beautiful. There is much food and fresh water on the island.
Every day the three men get up at noon, go out to get food and have lunch. They swim in the sea in the afternoon. In the evening they play cards together. They feel very happy on the island.
One afternoon they see a bottle on the beach. They open the bottle. A genie comes out!
“I can only grant three wishes. There are three of you. I will grant one wish to each of you.” says the genie.
The first man says to the genie and the other two men, “I like it here on this island. It's very beautiful and clean. But I miss my friends back in Shanghai. I wish to meet my friends and watch a football match with them!” The
genie grants his wish, and the first man disappears.
The second man says to the genie and the other man, “I like it here on this island. It's very beautiful and clean. But I miss my family back in New York. I wish to meet my families and have dinner with them!” The genie grants his wish, and the second man disappears.
The third man says to the genie, “I like it here on this island. It's very beautiful and clean. And I have no family or friends back in London. I’ll just stay here. I wish those two men to come back and play cards with me.”
New words and expressions:
1.wish: ①愿望②希望
2.lost: 迷失的
3.island: 岛屿
4.fresh water: 淡水 cards: 打扑克
6.genie: 精灵
7.miss: ①想念②错过③(m大写时作称呼)小
8.match: 比赛 a football match: 观看一场足球比赛
10.grant: 答应,允许
11.disappear: 消失
12.stay: 留下
True or false:
1.There are four men lost in the sea.
2.The island is beautiful. There is lot of food
in it. But there isn’t much fresh water. 3.The men get up early in the morning (一大
早)every day.
4.They swim in the sea in the afternoon and
play cards in the evening.
5.The genie grants each of them three
6.The first man comes from China. He
wishes to meet his friends.
7.The second man comes from London. He
wishes to have dinner with his family.
8.The last man wishes to go home, too.。