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1. 引言:介绍所参与的技术交流活动的背景和目的。
2. 活动概述:对参与的交流活动进行简要概述,包括时间、地点、参与人员等信息。
3. 交流内容:详细描述所参与的技术交流活动的内容,包括讨论的主题、提出的问题、解决的方法等。
4. 交流收获:总结交流活动中所获取的收获和经验,包括新的技术知识、解决问题的思路、学习到的技术技巧等。
5. 参与感想:分享个人的参与感受和体会,包括与他人的交流互动、合作的体验、对技术水平的认识等。
6. 总结:对整个技术交流活动进行总结,强调其对个人技术提升和团队共享的重要性,提出进一步的改进和推广建议。
7. 后续计划:说明参与技术交流活动后的后续计划,包括进一步学习的方向、应用到实际工作中的具体计划等。
1. 文中不要出现标题相同的文字,避免重复。
2. 材料要简洁明了,重点突出,尽量使用清晰的语言表达。
3. 可以使用列表、图表等方式展示关键信息,提高阅读体验。
4. 可以适当添加交流活动中的图片、视频等素材,加强文档的可视化效果。
5. 结合个人经历和感受,展示自己的独特观点和实际收获,让读者更易于理解和接受。
1. IPM的概念和原理IPM,即集成电路制造过程,是指将芯片设计的数据转换为实际芯片的制造过程。
2. IPM的设计与仿真IPM的设计与仿真是高度相关的。
3. 工艺流程制定的重要性工艺流程制定是IPM中至关重要的一环。
4. 相关职位描述在IPM的设计、仿真和工艺流程制定中,涉及到的相关职位包括芯片设计工程师、工艺工程师、工艺仿真工程师等。
一個提供IPMI v1.5的典型BMC大約需要32k RAM和128k快閃記憶體。
在這種情況下,伺服器可管理性的實現總成本(包括BMC chip、BMC 韌體和健康監視元件)將達40-50美元。
采用IPMI協議的一種創新性解決方案是利用高性價比的迷你基板管理控制器,它在安全遠程重啟、安全重新上電、LAN警告和系統健康監視方面能提供基本的IPMI v1.5遠程可管理性。
例如,緊急BIOS POST代碼可以通過LAN從典型的0×80 I/O埠重定向到遠程終端。
除了基本的IPMI功能和系統工作監視功能外,通過利用2個快閃記憶體之一儲存以前的BIOS,mBMC 還能實現BIOS快速元件的選擇和保護。
这里重点介绍粉末注射成型(MIM)01、MIM概述MIM即(Metal Injection Molding)是金属注射成型的简称。
第二章 IPMC 的制备新型智能材料IPMC (Ion-exchange polymer membrane metal composite )是离子型电致动聚合物EAP (electroactive polymer )的一种。
目前基体膜主要有DuPont 公司的Nafion TM 膜和日本的Flemion 膜、Selemion 膜[54]。
这三种膜中最常用的是DuPont 公司的Nafion TM 膜。
本文中IPMC 是通过采用杜邦公司的Nafion 溶液来浇铸出基底膜,然后经过化学镀在基底膜的两侧沉积铂粒的方式制备而成的。
2.1 IPMC 制备原理IPMC 主要通过化学镀的方法获得,整个实验流程图如2.1所示。
首先将Nafion 膜进行粗化以增加膜表面与溶液的接触面积,这样可以吸附更多的离子。
其次,将粗化过的Nafion 膜放到铂氨复合物水溶液中吸附[Pt(NH3)4]2+。
然后,将Nafion 膜放到盛有去离子水和NaBH4的梨形瓶中,如图2.2所示。
逐步提高温度并滴加NaBH4溶液,通过置换反应,使得吸附在Nafion 膜表面的[Pt(NH3)4]2+的Pt 析出。
这些Pt 粒子沉积在膜的表面形成了金属电极。
粗化的Nafion 膜H +[Pt(NH3)4]2+离子吸附Pt 主化学镀次化学镀离子交换Li+图2.1 IPMC 制备工艺流程由于主化学镀后膜表面的Pt 粒子分布不是特别均匀,所以又进行了次化学镀实验,以使沉积到膜表面的金属粒子更多,更致密和均匀,同时增大其导电性。
反应结束后,用镊子轻轻地将IPMC 从梨形瓶中取出,注意不要划伤表面电极。
清洗完IPMC 后,为了用Li +替换Na +,将其放入到稀盐酸中在数显恒温水浴锅中煮。
图2.2 IPMC化学镀装置主化学镀的化学还原反应公式为(2-1)(2-2)(2-3)。
一個提供IPMI v1.5的典型BMC大約需要32k RAM和128k快閃記憶體。
在這種情況下,伺服器可管理性的實現總成本(包括BMC chip、BMC 韌體和健康監視元件)將達40-50美元。
采用IPMI協議的一種創新性解決方案是利用高性價比的迷你基板管理控制器,它在安全遠程重啟、安全重新上電、LAN警告和系統健康監視方面能提供基本的IPMI v1.5遠程可管理性。
例如,緊急BIOS POST代碼可以通過LAN從典型的0×80 I/O埠重定向到遠程終端。
除了基本的IPMI功能和系統工作監視功能外,通過利用2個快閃記憶體之一儲存以前的BIOS,mBMC 還能實現BIOS快速元件的選擇和保護。
IPM(Intelligent Power Module)是一种集成了多种功能的电源模块,用于驱动电机、进行电源转换和电流控制等应用。
ipm封装流程培训资料 -回复"IPM封装流程培训资料"的主题是关于IPM (Integrated Pest Management,综合有害生物管理)封装流程的培训资料。
第一部分:IPM概述首先,我们将介绍I PM的基本概念和原则。
IPM封装流程是IPM实施过程中的关键环节,它使得农业生产者能够系统地应用I P M原则,并确保最佳的效果。
这些资料将提供以下内容:1. IPM封装流程的基本原则:介绍IPM封装流程的基本原则,包括害虫监测、阈值设定、决策制定和评估。
2. 害虫监测方法:详细介绍害虫监测的不同方法,包括使用猎捕器具进行野外监测、摄像头监测、诱虫和树干粘虫板等。
3. 阈值设定方法:指导农作物管理人员如何设定阈值。
4. 决策制定方法:培训资料将介绍如何根据害虫监测和阈值设定的结果来制定合适的决策。
- IPMI -Addenda, Errata, and Clarifications Intelligent Platform Management Interface Second Generation Specificationv2.0, revision 1.0 Intelligent Platform Management InterfaceSpecificationv1.5, revision 1.1Addendum Document Revision 32/15/06Addenda, Errata, and ClarificationsCopyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Intel Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Company,NEC Corporation, Dell Inc., All rights reserved.INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY DISCLAIMERTHIS SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION, OR SAMPLE.NO LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED OR INTENDED HEREBY.INTEL, HEWLETT-PACKARD, NEC, AND DELL DISCLAIM ALL LIABILITY, INCLUDING LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OF PROPRIETARY RIGHTS, RELATING TO IMPLEMENTATION OF INFORMATION IN THIS SPECIFICATION. INTEL, HEWLETT-PACKARD, NEC, AND DELL, DO NOT WARRANT OR REPRESENT THAT SUCH IMPLEMENTATION(S) WILL NOT INFRINGE SUCH RIGHTS.I2C is a trademark of Philips Semiconductors. All other product names are trademarks, registered trademarks, or servicemarks of their respective owners.I2C is a two-wire communications bus/protocol developed by Philips. IPMB is a subset of the I2C bus/protocol and was developed by Intel. Implementations of the I2C bus/protocol or the IPMB bus/protocol may require licenses from various entities, including Philips Electronics N.V. and North American Philips Corporation.Intel, Hewlett-Packard, NEC, and Dell retain the right to make changes to this document at any time, without notice. Intel, Hewlett-Packard, NEC, and Dell make no warranty for the use of this document and assumes no responsibility for any error which may appear in the document nor does it make a commitment to update the information contained herein.2Addenda, Errata, and ClarificationsContents Introduction (6)Errata Numbers (6)Revision 1 (6/1/04) Addenda, Errata, and Clarifications (7)E269(See 2/15/06 Addenda, Errata, and Clarifications, below) (7)E329Errata - Table 13-8, RMCP/RMCP+ Packet Format for IPMI via Ethernet (7)E330Clarification - Table 42-3, Sensor Type Codes (7)E331Clarification/Typo - Table 22 18, Cipher Suite Record Format (8)E332Errata - Table 44-11, Command Number Assignments and Privilege Levels (8)E333Addendum - Table 43 15, Sensor Unit Type Codes (8)E334Typo - Table 44-11, Command Number Assignments and Privilege Levels (9)E335Errata and Clarification - Table 3-1, Required BMC Functions (9)E336Errata - Table 44-11, Command Number Assignments and Privilege Levels (9)E337Clarification - Section 32.3, OEM SEL Record - Type E0h-FFh (10)E338Clarification - Section 22.10, Get BT Interface Capabilities Command - applies to IPMI v1.5 and v2.0 (10)E339Addendum - Table 25-4, Serial/Modem Configuration Parameters (11)E340Clarification - Figure 9-8, Aborting KCS Transactions in-progress and/or Retrieving KCS Error Status (11)E341Addendum - Table 30-9, Alert Immediate Command, and Table H-1, Sub-function Number Assignments (13)E342Addendum - Table 42-3, Sensor Type Codes (14)E344Errata - Table 36-3, Sensor Type Codes, Missing Errata E256 (14)E345Errata - Table 17-1, PEF Action Priorities (15)E346Clarification - Section 13.31.4, Integrity Algorithms, Table 22-30, Set Channel Security Keys (15)E347Addendum and Clarification - Table 22-17, Get Channel Cipher Suites Command (16)E348Typos (17)E349Errata - Table 22-12, Get System Interface Capabilities Command (17)E350Errata and Clarification - Table 13-21, xRC4-Encrypted Payload Fields (17)E351Errata - Table C3-1, Service Processor Management Interface Description Table Format (applies to IPMI v1.5 & v2.0) (18)E352Addendum - Table 43-13, Entity ID Codes (18)E353Addendum - (applies to IPMI v1.5 only) (19)E354Clarification - Table 43-13, Entity ID Codes (19)E355Clarification - Table 22-30, Set Channel Security Keys Command (19)E356Errata - Section 6.12.8, Session Sequence Numbers (20)E357Addendum and Clarification - Table 36-3, Sensor Type Codes (22)E358Addendum and Clarification - Table 30-9, Alert Immediate Command (23)E359Addendum - Section 17.7, Event Filter Table and Table 30-2, Get PEF Capabilities Command..24 E360Addendum - Section 21, Firmware Firewall & Command Discovery Commands (27)E361Typos and Clarifications - Section 13.28, Authentication, Integrity, and Confidentiality Algorithm Numbers (32)E362Typos and Clarifications - Section 13.31, RMCP+ Authenticated Key-Exchange Protocol (RAKP)323Addenda, Errata, and ClarificationsE366Errata - Table 22-35, Set User Password Command (35)Revision 2 (5/5/05) Addenda, Errata, and Clarifications (36)E363Typo, Table 5-4, System Software IDs (36)E364Clarification - Table 22-17, Get Channel Cipher Suites Command (36)E365Typos - Tables 21-7, -8, -9 (36)E367 Addendum - Table 24-2, Activate Payload Command, Table 15-2, SOL Payload Data Format (37)E368Typos - Section 21, Firmware Firewall & Command Discovery Commands (39)E370Clarification - Table 32-1, SEL Event Records (41)E372Addendum - “settable sensors” (42)E373Addendum - Table 42-3, Sensor Type Codes (46)E374Addendum - Table 28-3, Get Chassis Status Command (47)E375Addendum - Table 42-3, Sensor Type Codes (47)E376Addendum - Table 42-3, Sensor Type Codes (47)E377Clarification - Section 20.1, Get Device ID Command, & Table 20-2, Get Device ID Command (48)E378Addendum - Set Serial Routing Mux command (49)E379Addendum - Command Forwarding (50)E380Addendum - Table 25-4, Serial/Modem Configuration Parameters (57)E381Addendum - Set / Get System Info Command (58)E382Clarification - Table 21-2, Get NetFn Support Command (62)E383Clarification - Table 23-4, LAN Configuration Parameters (63)E384Clarification - Table 27-3, Set Watchdog Timer Command, Table 27-4, Get Watchdog Timer Command (64)E385Clarification/Errata - Section 13.28.4, Integrity Algorithms (65)E386Clarification - Table 22-26, Get AuthCode Command (65)Revision 3 (2/15/06) Addenda, Errata, and Clarifications (67)E269Addendum and Clarification - Table 22-32, Get User Access Command (67)E387Addendum - Table 22-24, Close Session Command (68)E388Typos - Section 6.13.2, Send Message Command From System Interface, and Table 28-14, Boot Option Parameters (69)E389Errata - Table 24-7, Get Payload Instance Info Command (70)E390Addendum and Clarification - Table 43-13, Entity ID Codes (70)E391Addendum - Section 6.13.4, Bridged Request Example (70)E392Addendum - Table 42-3, Sensor Type Codes (71)E393Typo - Table 43-13, Entity ID Codes (71)E394Addendum - Table 23-2, Set LAN Configuration Parameters Command, Table 26-3, Set SOL Configuration Parameters Command, Table 30-4, Set PEF Configuration Parameters Command72 E395Errata - Table 43-13, Entity ID Codes (72)E396Addendum and Clarification on E372 “Settable Sensors” (73)E397Addendum - Get / Set SEL Time UTC Offset Commands (73)E398Addendum - Additional Completion Code for Section 35b.4, Forwarded Command Command75 E399Clarification - Table 22-2, Set BMC Global Enables Command, Table 22-3, Get BMC Global Enables Command (76)E400Addendum - Writable SDRs Optional (77)E401Addendum and Clarification - Table 22-25, Get AuthCode Command (79)4Addenda, Errata, and ClarificationsE402Addendum - Table 42-3, Sensor Type Codes (80)E403Addendum - Table 23-4, LAN Configuration Parameters (81)E404Addendum and Clarification - Section 1.2, Reference Documents, 20.8, Get Device GUID Command, and 22.14, Get System GUID Command (81)E405Addendum - Section 1.2, Reference Documents (82)E406Clarification - Table 22-15, Get Channel Authentication Capabilities Command (82)E407Addendum - Table 13-15, RMCP+ and RAKP Message Status Codes (83)E408Addendum and Clarification - Table 13-10, RMCP+ Open Session Response, RAKP Message 3 error handling (84)E409Addendum - Additional IPMI Channel Number support (85)E410Addendum - Table 35b-5, Forwarded Command Command (96)E411Clarification and Errata - 15.11 SOL Packet Acknowledge and Retries (97)5Addenda, Errata, and ClarificationsIntroductionThis document presents errata and clarifications applying to the Intelligent Platform Management Interface Specification Second Generation Specification, v2.0, revision 1.0, and Intelligent Platform Management Interface Specification v1.5, revision 1.1. For the IPMI v1.5 Specification, this errata document picks up where the IPMI v1.5 Addenda, Errata, and Clarifications document, revision 5 document left off.As of this writing the IPMI specifications are available from the IPMI Web Site at:/design/servers/ipmiThe section, table, and figure references are given relative to the given revision of the specification, unless otherwise noted. Where examples are given, text additions are shown with double underlines, and text deletions are shown with strike-through.Unless noted, errata apply to IPMI v2.0 only.Errata NumbersThe errata numbers pick up from where numbers for previous errata documents left off. This is done to help avoid confusion when referring to errata across revisions of the specification and errata documents. Some errata numbers are skipped in this document. This is intentional. The errata numbers are derived from numbers used for tracking errata and clarification requests within the IPMI Promoters group. The gaps in the sequence result from requests that have been dropped or that are still in progress.6Addenda, Errata, and Clarifications7Revision 1 (6/1/04) Addenda, Errata, and ClarificationsE269 (See 2/15/06 Addenda, Errata, and Clarifications, below) .E329 Errata - Table 13-8, RMCP/RMCP+ Packet Format for IPMI via Ethernet The lengths of the Pad Length and Next Header fields were missing in the in RMCP+ column of the table. This has been corrected as follows:Table 13-8, RMCP/RMCP+ Packet Format for IPMI via EthernetFormatFieldRMCP /IPMI 1.526Fh ASF RMCP 298h RMCP / IPMI 2.0 “RMCP+” 26Fh Value …Pad Length 1 1 indicates how many pad bytes were added so that theamount of non-pad data can be determined.Next Header1 1 Reserved in IPMI v2.0. Set to always = 07h for RMCP+packets defined in this specification. …E330 Clarification - Table 42-3, Sensor Type Codes The naming for Offset 05h in the Physical Security sensor as "Unauthorized dock/undock" was ambiguous regarding what state would be reported. This has been clarified as follows:Table 42-3, Sensor Type CodesSensor Type Sensor Type Code Sensor-specific Offset EventPhysical Security (ChassisIntrusion) 05h 00h 01h 02h 03h General Chassis Intrusion Drive Bay intrusionI/O Card area intrusionProcessor area intrusion04h LAN Leash Lost (system is unplugged from LAN)The Event Data 2 field can be used to identify which networkcontroller the leash was lost on where 00h corresponds to thefirst (or only) network controller.05h 06h Unauthorized dockFAN area intrusion (supports detection of hot plug fan tampering)Addenda, Errata, and Clarifications8E331 Clarification/Typo - Table 22 18, Cipher Suite Record Format The table has been updated to correct typos and clarify that the first field of the Cipher Suite Record starts with either a C0h or C1h byte, followed by one or more ID bytes depending on whether the Cipher Suite is a standard or OEM Cipher Suite, respectively.Table 22-18, Cipher Suite Record Format size Tag bits [7:6] Tag bits [5:0]2 or 5 - This field starts off with either a C0h or C1h "Start of Record" byte, depending on whether theCipher Suite is a standard Cipher Suite ID or an OEM Cipher Suite, respectivelyByte 1:[7:0] = 1100_0000b. Start of Record, Standard Cipher SuiteData following C0h (1100_0000b) start of record byte:Byte 2 - Cipher Suite IDThis value is used a numeric way of identifying the Cipher Suite on the platform. It’s used incommands and configuration parameters that enable and disable Cipher Suites. See Table 22-19, Cipher Suite IDs.[5:0] = 1100_0001b. Start or Record, OEM Cipher SuiteData following C1h (1100_0001) start of record byte:Byte 2 - OEM Cipher Suite IDSee Table 22-19, Cipher Suite IDs.Byte 3:5 - OEM IANA Least significant byte first. 3-byte IANA for the OEM or body that defined the Cipher Suite.E332 Errata - Table 44-11, Command Number Assignments and Privilege Levels Incorrect privilege level definition for Activate/Deactivate Payload commands. Table 44-11, Command Number Assignments and Privilege Levelssection NetFn CMD C U O A … Activate Payload24.1 App 48h [10] [10] [10] Deactivate Payload 24.2 App 49h [10] [10] [10]…10. The configuration parameters for a given payload type determine the privilege level required to activate /deactivate the payload.E333 Addendum - Table 43 15, Sensor Unit Type Codes The IPMI Units table was missing 'grams' as one of the measurement units. In addition, Fatal Errors (which are a special class of uncorrectable error in some bus implementations) were not included. These units have been added to the table as follows:Table 43-15, Sensor Unit Type Codes…Addenda, Errata, and Clarifications9 23minute 57 becquerel 91 fatal error 24 hour 58 PPM (parts/million) 92 grams…E334 Typo - Table 44-11, Command Number Assignments and Privilege Levels Table 44-11. Command Number Assignments and Privilege Levels had a bad cross-reference. It states that “Set User Access” is in section 22.25, but it isn’t. Section 22.25 is “Set Channel Security Keys Command”. Section 22.26 is the “Set User Access Command”.E335 Errata and Clarification - Table 3-1, Required BMC Functions There was a 'cut and paste' error in the specification where text from the SDR Repository requirements was copied to the SEL Interface requirements. This has been corrected by deleting the erroneous text as follows. In addition, since the SEL is critical to post-mortem failure analysis, it is required to be accessible whenever the BMC is accessible. This requirement is also included in the update to table 3-1.Table 3-1, Required BMC Functions…SEL Interface M The BMC must provide a System Event Log interface. The event log must holdat least 16 entries. SEL access must be provided via the system interface. TheSEL must be fully accessible via all mandatory SEL commands through allsupported interfaces to the BMC whenever the system is powered up or inACPI 'S1' sleep state. SEL read access is always mandatory whenever theBMC is accessible, and through any interface that is operational, regardless ofsystem power state. .-…E336 Errata - Table 44-11, Command Number Assignments and Privilege Levels The specification was missing the command number assignments for Firmware Firewall commands. These are defined as follows:Table 44-11, Command Number Assignments and Privilege Levelssection NetFn CMD C U O A IPM Device “Global” Commands …Get NetFn Support 21.2 App 09h XGet Command Support 21.3 App 0Ah XGet Command Sub-function Support 21.4 App 0Bh XGet Configurable Commands 21.5 App 0Ch XGet Configurable Command Sub-functions 21.6 App 0Dh Xunassigned - App 0Eh-0Fh - - - - Set Command Enables 21.7 App 60h XGet Command Enables 21.8 App 61h XSet Command Sub-function Enables 21.9 App 62h XGet Command Sub-function Enables 21.10 App 63h X…Addenda, Errata, and Clarifications10 E337 Clarification - Section 32.3, OEM SEL Record - Type E0h-FFh An OEM ID is not part of the record. As with other OEM commands and operations, the OEM ID for the record is inferred from the Get Device ID command. Since the record has no mechanism for returning which controller or software logged the record, the ID must be presumed to be the MFR ID from the Get Device ID command to the BMC.32.3 OEM SEL Record - Type E0h-FFhE0h - FFh Range reserved for non-timestamped OEM SEL records. The SEL Device does not automaticallytimestamp these records. The four bytes passed in the byte locations normally used for the timestampwill be directly entered into the SEL . SEL viewer applications should not interpret byte positions 4:7in this record as a timestamp . These records are entered via the Add SEL or Partial Add SELcommands.Note that an OEM ID is not part of this record. Since the record also has no mechanism for returningwhich controller or software logged the record, the OEM ID for this record is presumed to be the MFRID from the Get Device ID command to the BMC.E338 Clarification - Section 22.10, Get BT Interface Capabilities Command - applies to IPMI v1.5 and v2.0This applies to both IPMI v1.5 and v2.0. (For IPMI v1.5 this is for section 18.9.) The size definitions for bytes 3 and 4 was ambiguous / misleading. The names implied that the value was returning the size of the buffer (i.e. how many bytes a driver could write to the interface) when instead the value was returning the maximum 'message payload' size that could be accepted. This is clarified as follows: 22.10 Get BT Interface Capabilities CommandThe BT interface includes a Get BT Interface Capabilities command that returns various characteristics of the interface, including buffer sizes, and multithreaded communications capabilities.Table 22-13, Get BT Interface Capabilities Command byte data fieldRequest Data - -Response Data 1 Completion Code2 Number of outstanding requests supported (1 based. 0 illegal)3 Input (request) buffer message size in bytes. (1 based.)[1]4 Output (response) buffer message size in bytes. (1 based.)[1]5 BMC Request-to-Response time, in seconds, 1 based. 30 seconds,maximum.6 Recommended retries (1 based). (see text for BT Interface)1. For Bytes 3 and 4 (Input and Output Buffer size), the buffer message size is thelargest value allowed in first byte (length field) of any BT request or responsemessage. For a send, this means if Get BT Interface Capabilities returns 255 inbyte 3 (input buffer size) the driver can actually write 256 bytes to the input buffer(adding one for the length byte (byte 1) that is sent in with the request.)E339 Addendum - Table 25-4, Serial/Modem Configuration ParametersA new, optional, parameter is defined to help speed software detection of bit rate support for the channel. This parameter is specified as follows:Table 25-4, Serial/Modem Configuration Parameters Parameter # Parameter Data (non-volatile unless otherwise noted)[1]…Bit Rate Support (READ ONLY, optional) 50 This parameter returns a read-only bitfield indicating which bit rates are supported for thisserial channel.data 1 - Bit Rate Support[7:6] - reserved[4] - 115.2 kbps[3] - 57.6 kbps[2] - 38.4 kbps[1] - 19.2 kbps (required)[0] - 9600 bps…E340 Clarification - Figure 9-8, Aborting KCS Transactions in-progress and/or Retrieving KCS Error StatusThe block labelled "Write READ dummy byte to DATA_IN, phase=error3" can be confusing. The READ control code value (68h) must be written, not just any 'dummy' data byte. This is clarified as follows:Figure 9-8, Aborting KCS Transactions in-progress and/or Retrieving KCS Error Statusaccess only.BMC sets status to READ_STATE and writesthe error status byte tothe DATA_OUT register.E341 Addendum - Table 30-9, Alert Immediate Command, and Table H-1, Sub-function Number AssignmentsThe Alert Immediate command works well for testing alerts, but it cannot effectively be used for generating events that contain event data. The command is extended to allow event data to be delivered with the alert, and table H-1 is updated to allow reporting of this optional capability as a sub-function.Table 30-9, Alert Immediate CommandBytefielddata…3 Alert String SelectorSelects which Alert String, if any, to use with the alert.[7] - 0b = don’t send an Alert String1b = send Alert String identified by following string selector.[6:0] - string selector.000_0000b = use volatile Alert String.01h-7Fh = non-volatile string selector.The following “Platform Event Parameters” ( bytes 4:11) can be used to fill inthe corresponding event data fields of a Platform Event Trap. Whensupported, all bytes (4:11) must be supplied. Implementation of thiscapability is OPTIONAL but highly recommended for IPMI v2.0implementations. See Table 29-5, Event Request Message Fields, forspecification of the individual fields.4 Generator ID5 EvMRev6 Sensor Type7 Sensor #8 Event Dir | Event Type9 Event Data 110 Event Data 211 Event Data 3Response Data 1 Completion Code. Generic codes, plus following command-specificcompletion codes:81h = Alert Immediate rejected due to alert already in progress.82h = Alert Immediate rejected due to IPMI messaging session active on thischannel.83h = Platform Event Parameters (4:11) not supported.…Table H-1, Sub-function Number AssignmentsSubFn # NetFn CMD…Immediate S/E 16h Alertreserved / unspecified 0Alert to Channel 1 1Alert to Channel 2 2Alert to Channel 3 3Alert to Channel 4 4Alert to Channel 5 5Alert to Channel 6 6Alert to Channel 7 7Platform Event Parameters 8…E342 Addendum - Table 42-3, Sensor Type CodesThe specification primarily covers events for failures related to OS Hangs and startup, but did not cover events for 'normal' OS shutdown or if a power down or reset occurs that is not related to a BMC or pushbutton initiated power down or resets. The specification also did not cover whether of not the soft-shutdown was initiated by PEF, or if a shutdown that was requested via a local s/w agent failed. This is addressed with the following additions:Table 42-3, Sensor Type CodesSensor Type SensorTypeCodeSensor-specificOffset Event…System Boot / Restart Initiated 1Dh 00h Initiated by power up (this would typically be generated byBIOS/EFI)01h Initiated by hard reset (this would typically be generated byBIOS/EFI)02h Initiated by warm reset (this would typically be generated byBIOS/EFI)03h04hUser requested PXE bootAutomatic boot to diagnostic05h OS / run-time software initiated hard reset06h OS / run-time software initiated warm reset07h System Restart (Intended to be used with Event Data 2 and or 3as follows:)Event Data 2[7:4] - reserved[3:0] - restart cause per Get System Restart Cause command.Event Data 3Channel number used to deliver command that generatedrestart, per Get System Restart Cause command.…OS Stop / Shutdown 20h 00h Critical stop during OS load / initialization. Unexpected errorduring system startup. Stopped waiting for input or powercycle/reset.01h Run-time Critical Stop (a.k.a. ‘core dump’, ‘blue screen’)02h OS Graceful Stop (system powered up, but normal OS operationhas shut down and system is awaiting reset pushbutton, power-cycle or other external input)03h OS Graceful Shutdown (system graceful power down by OS)04h Soft Shutdown initiated by PEF05h Agent Not Responding. Graceful shutdown request to agent viaBMC did not occur due to missing or malfunctioning local agent.E344 Errata - Table 36-3, Sensor Type Codes, Missing Errata E256IPMI v1.5 Errata revision 5, E256 - the offset for “Addendum - Timestamp Synch Event" was missed in v2.0 rev 1.0 of the specification. (The note associated with the offset was already part in the spec, however.) This is corrected as follows. The note associated with the offset was already part in the spec.Table 36-3, Sensor Type Codes…System Event 12h 00h ……05hTimestamp Clock Synch.This event can be used to record when changes are made to thetimestamp clock(s) so that relative time differences between SELentries can be determined. See note [1].Event Data 2[7] - first/second0b = event is first of pair.1b = event is second of pair.[6:4] - reserved[3:0] - Timestamp Clock Type0h = SEL Timestamp Clock updated. (Also used when bothSEL and SDR Timestamp clocks are linked together.)1h = SDR Timestamp Clock updated.…E345 Errata - Table 17-1, PEF Action PrioritiesThe priority for ICMB Group Control Operation as a PEF action was not listed in PEF Priority Table. This is corrected as follows:Table 17-1, PEF Action PrioritiesAction PriorityAdditionalInformationpower down 1 (optional)power cycle 2 (optional) Will not be executed if a power downaction was also selected.reset 3 (mandatory) Will not be executed if a power down orpower cycle action was also selected.Diagnostic Interrupt 4 (optional) The diagnostic interrupt will not occur if ahigher priority action is also selected to occur.ICMB Group Control 5 (optional) Performs ICMB group control operationaccording to settings from the Group Control Tableparameter in the PEF Configuration Parameters.Send Alert 6 (mandatory if alerting is supported) Send alerts inorder based on the selected Alert Policy.Alert actions will be deferred until after the powerdown has completed.There is an additional prioritization within alertsbeing sent: based on the Alert Policy Table entriesfor the alert. This is described further in Section17.11, Alert Policy Table.OEM OEM (optional) Priority determined by OEM.E346 Clarification - Section 13.31.4, Integrity Algorithms, Table 22-30, Set Channel Security KeysThe size of K G (160 bits) was not explicitly defined, nor were the sizes of K G and K R parameters called out in the Set Channel Security Keys command. In addition, a recommendation has been added to indicate that a 160-bit user key should be used when “one-key” logins are used. This has been clarified with additions to section 13.31.4 and 22.25 as follows:13.31.4 Integrity AlgorithmsThe Integrity Algorithm Number specifies the algorithm used to generate the contents for the AuthCode “signature”field that accompanies authenticated IPMI v2.0/RMCP+ messages once the session has been established.Unless otherwise specified, the integrity algorithm is applied to the packet data starting with the AuthType/Format field up to and including the field that immediately precedes the AuthCode field itself.HMAC-SHA1-96 and HMAC-MD5-128 utilize the Session Integrity Key as the key for use in HMAC. For “two key” logins, 160-bit key K G is used in the creation of SIK. For “one key” logins, the user’s key (password) is used in place of K G. To maintain a comparable level of authentication, it is recommended that a full 160-bit user key be used when “one key” logins are enabled for IPMI v2.0/RMCP+.Table 22-30, Set Channel Security Keys Commanddatafieldbyte…ID3 Key[7:0] - key ID.00h = RMCP+ “K R” key (20 bytes). The “K R”key is used as a unique value forrandom number generation. Note: A BMC implementation is allowed toshare a single K R value across all channels. A utility can set K R andlock it for one channel, and then verify it has been set and locked forany other channels by using this command to read the key from otherchannels and checking the ‘lock status’ field to see if it matches and isunlocked.01h = RMCP+ “K G” key (20 bytes). “K G” key acts as a value that is used forkey exchange for the overall channel. This key is not lockable in orderto enable a password/key configuration utility to set its value. Thisvalue is used in conjunction with the user key values (passwords) inRAKP-HMAC-SHA1 and RAKP-HMAC-MD5 authentication. I.e. theremote console needs to have a-priori knowledge of both this key valueand the user password setting, in order to establish a session.all other = reserved…E347 Addendum and Clarification - Table 22-17, Get Channel Cipher Suites Command The specification did not indicate the format of data returned when the “list supported algorithms” parameter was selected. This is corrected as follows:Table 22-17, Get Channel Cipher Suites Command…Index.3 List[7] - 1b = list algorithms by Cipher Suite0b = list supported algorithms[1][6] - reserved[5:0] - List index (00h-3Fh). 0h selects the first set of 16, 1h selects the nextset of 16, and so on.00h = Get first set of algorithm numbers. The BMC returns sixteen (16)bytes at a time per index, starting from index 00h, until the list datais exhausted, at which point it will 0 bytes or <16 bytes of list data.…1. When listing numbers for supported algorithms, the BMC returns a list of the algorithmnumbers for each algorithm that the BMC supports on a given channel. Each algorithm is。
IPMI详细介绍-整理版IPMI详细介绍一、IPMI含义智能平台管理接口(IPMI:Intelligent Platform Management Interface)是一项应用于服务器管理系统设计的标准,由Intel、HP、Dell和NEC公司于1998年共同提出,当前最新版本为2.0。
图1-IPMI架构图2-ATCA系统二、IPMI发展历史IPMI 2.0是该系列技术规范的第三代产品。
位于德州Sugar Land的服务器厂商Augmentix副总裁兼CTO戴夫·麦金利(Dave McKinley)说:"倡导者们计划开发出一种标准方式,可以通过不同的平台获取信息。
这些都不错,但是IPMI究竟是如何工作的?麦金利解释说,主板上有一种被称为基板管理控制器(BMC Baseboard ManagementController)的小型分离式处理器,BMC与主处理器和板上各元件相连接,监控并且在一定程度上管理各物理组件的状态。
IPMI V2.0工作原理详解高性能、可靠的系统常常存在一个缺点:它们通常是利用具有很少或没有互操作性的专有部件生产的。
服务器厂商从1998年起就开发了用于跨平台系统管理的IPMI标准,目前有160多家厂商采用了IPMI 1.5。
这项标准的最新版本——IPMI 2.0在今年2月宣布推出。
SOL改变IPMI会话过程中本地串口传送方向,从而提供对紧急管理服务、Windows专用管理控制台或Linux 串行控制台的远程访问。
这些LAN 会话增强功能加上新的有效负载能力,使多种类型的管理数据流(如加密或未加密的IPMI和SOL)可通过一个LAN会话传送。
1.利用IPMI接口实现对安全逻辑运算板的温度及电压的实时监控 [J], 王澜;孙军峰
2.互联网背景下中小城市家居花艺消费市场开发与利用探究 [J], 胡双玲;赵宇;张明;王晓珊;陈兰
3.文化润疆战略背景下的档案资源开发利用探究 [J], 黄娜
4.乡村振兴战略背景下梅州市乡村文化开发利用探究——以平远石角村为例 [J],
5.乡村振兴战略背景下忻城县土司文化资源的开发与利用探究 [J], 陈岚岚
接下来,我们将介绍IPM封装流程的步骤:1. 识别需求:了解项目需求和应用场景,明确所需要封装的传感器或终端设备类型和功能需求。
2. 硬件选型:根据需求确定合适的硬件平台,包括处理器、传感器模块、通信模块等。
3. 软件开发:进行软件开发,包括底层驱动程序、数据采集与处理模块、通信协议栈等。
4. 数据格式设计:定义设备的数据格式,确定传感器数据的上报方式和数据结构,如JSON、XML等。
5. 通信协议选择:根据需求选择合适的通信协议,如MQTT、HTTP、CoAP等。
6. 安全设计:考虑设备的安全性,包括数据加密、认证、权限控制等。
7. 硬件调试和集成:对封装后的设备进行硬件调试和软件集成,确保设备正常工作并与物联网平台能够对接。
8. 性能测试:对封装后的设备进行性能测试,包括数据采集精度、传输速度、系统响应速度等。
9. 设备注册和管理:将封装后的设备注册到物联网平台,建立设备管理系统,实现设备的远程控制和监控。