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ANSYS命令翻译,每条加1-3分(已翻译365条)[free][color=red]常用命令,每条加1分(已翻译365条)[/color]A,P1,P2,........P18 连接点生成面P1-P18 生成面的点号(用键盘输入,最多18个),最少3个,如果p1=p,可以在图中拾取(仅在GUI中有效)注意: 点p1到p18一定按顺时针或逆时针方向沿面顺序输入,这个顺序也确定了面的法线正向(按右手法则)。
菜单:main>prepro cesso r>modeli ng>create>area>arbitr ary>throug h KPs[color=red]在大家的共同努力下,已经翻译了[/color][color=blue]365条[/color][color=red]命令,整理在附件中.[/free][/color][[i] 本帖最后由雨人于2008-10-4 13:56 编辑[/i]]Re:ANSYS命令中文版,每条加3分既然版主带头,那小生我也献丑来一段BLC4,0,0,200,100 创建一个长方形BLC 就是 block的简写.BLC4 通过脚点创建一个四边形或者是长方体.BLC4 命令的完整写法是 BLC4, XCORNE R, YCORNE R, WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH= BLC4, X轴坐标值, Y轴坐标值,四边形的宽度, 四边形的高度, 四边形的深度(创建长方体时用到)由此可得:本题命令流的意思是:创建一个左下脚点坐标值为(0,0),宽度为200,高度为100的长方形(深度为0).菜单: Prepro cesso r > Modeli ng > Create > Areas> Rectan gle > By 2 Corner s [color=red]翻译不够完整,每条命令都有NOTE的,很重要[/color]Re:ANSYS命令翻译,每条加3分我也响应号召。
ANSYS命令翻译,每条加1-3分(已翻译365条)[free][color=red]常用命令,每条加1分(已翻译365条)[/color]A,P1,P2,........P18 连接点生成面P1-P18 生成面的点号(用键盘输入,最多18个),最少3个,如果p1=p,可以在图中拾取(仅在GUI中有效)注意: 点p1到p18一定按顺时针或逆时针方向沿面顺序输入,这个顺序也确定了面的法线正向(按右手法则)。
菜单:main>preprocessor>modeling>create>area>arbitrary>through KPs[color=red]在大家的共同努力下,已经翻译了[/color][color=blue]365条[/color][color=red]命令,整理在附件中.[/free][/color][[i] 本帖最后由雨人于2008-10-4 13:56 编辑[/i]]Re:ANSYS命令中文版,每条加3分既然版主带头,那小生我也献丑来一段BLC4,0,0,200,100 创建一个长方形BLC 就是block 的简写.BLC4 通过脚点创建一个四边形或者是长方体.BLC4 命令的完整写法是BLC4, XCORNER, YCORNER, WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH= BLC4, X轴坐标值, Y轴坐标值, 四边形的宽度, 四边形的高度, 四边形的深度(创建长方体时用到)由此可得:本题命令流的意思是:创建一个左下脚点坐标值为(0,0),宽度为200,高度为100的长方形(深度为0).菜单: Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Rectangle > By 2 Corners [color=red]翻译不够完整,每条命令都有NOTE的,很重要[/color]Re:ANSYS命令翻译,每条加3分我也响应号召。
ansys命令中英文解释2007-03-21源自:IT粉丝网网友评论0 条进入视频教程分享一下!BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO ANSYS COMMANDSThe symbol '*' corresponds to the following:* --> k, l, a, v, e, n, cm, et, mp, r where ==>k --> Keypointsl --> Linesa --> Areav --> Volumese --> Elementsn --> Nodescm --> componentet --> element typemp --> material propertyr --> real constant$ --> d, f, sf, bf, ic, where ==>d --> DOF constraint (ux... in Structural, Temp in thermal,f --> Force Load ( Heat in thermal)sf --> Surface load on nodesbf --> Body Force on NodesMore Commands can be generated by sensible combinations of " $* " family of commands. See the following list of $* possible options$* --> dk --> DOF constraints on KP (Vx,Vy,Pres... in CFD)dl --> DOF constraints on Linesda --> DOF constraints on Areasfk --> Force on Keypointssfl --> Surface load on Linessfa --> Surface load on Areassfe --> Surface load on element facesbfk --> Body Force on Keypointsbfl --> Body Force on Linesbfa --> Body Force on Areabfv --> Body Force on Volumesbfe --> Body Force on Elementsic --> Initial Conditions ",p" --> If ",p" was issued at the end of the Command(in Input Window) the GUI based picking menu will be activated. Useful for listing, plotting, meshing, deleting, etc..**********************************************************1. Listing of picked Entities:COMMAND SYNTAX: *LIS,p & $*LIS,pA few Combinations of this command are:klis,p --> List KPllis,p --> Lists Linesalis,p --> Lists Areasvlis,p --> Lists Volumeselis,p --> Lists Elementsnlis,p --> Lists Nodescmlis,p --> Lists componentscslis,p --> Lists user created local co-ordinate systemsdlis,p --> Lists DOF constraints specfied on nodesdalis,p --> Lists DOF constraints applied on Areasflis,p --> Lists force on Nodessfllis,p --> Lists Surface Load on linesbfalis,p --> Lists body force load applied on Areasiclis,p --> Lists Initial condition on NodesIf ",p" was not issued, all entites currently selected will be listed.For certain commands ",p" cannot be issued. See the below mentioned commandsetlis --> Lists the different element types definedmplis --> Lists whatever Material propertiesrlis --> Lists whatever real constantscslis --> Lists all co-ordinate systemscmlis --> Lists all components*********************************************************2. Plotting of Entities: COMMAND SYNTAX: *plo KPLO / LPLO / APLO / VPLO / EPLO / NPLO / CMPLO /**********************************************************3. deleting of Entities:COMMAND SYNTAX: *DEL,p & $*DEL,pKDEL,p / LDEL,p / ADEL,p / VDEL,p / EDEL,p / NDEL,p / CMDEL,p / DDEL,p /DKDEL,p / DADEL,p / FDEL,p / SFDEL,p / SFEDEL,p / SFADEL,p / SFLDEL,p /BFADEL,p / ......The syntax for this command is very similar to LISTING command.**********************************************************4. distance between two entities:COMMAND SYNTAX: *DIS,pndis,p --> Distance between two nodeskdis,p --> Distance between two KPs**********************************************************5. Meshing of geometries:COMMAND SYNTAX: *MES,pKMES,p / LMES,p / AMES,p / VMES,p**********************************************************6. Size settings for Lines and Areas before meshing :COMMAND SYNTAX : *size,,p Lesiz,p / Aesize,p*********************************************************7. Clearing Meshes of already meshed geometries:COMMAND SYNTAX: *CLE,p KCLE,p / LCLE,p / ACLE,p / VCLE,p**********************************************************8. BOOLEAN Operations: IntersectCOMMAND SYNTAX : *IN* AINA,p / VINV,p / LINL,p / AINV,p / LINV,p / LINA,p**********************************************************9. BOOLEAN Operations: GLUECOMMAND SYNTAX : *GLUE VGLUE,p / AGLUE,p / LGLUE,p**********************************************************10. Boolean Operations: SUBTRACT/DIVIDE:COMMAND SYNTAX: *sb*,p See the following examples to understand how this works: asba,p --> Subtract Area from Areaasbl,p --> Divide Area by linevsba,p --> Divide volume by Arealsbw,p --> Divide line by Workplanevsbw,p --> Divide volume by Workplaneasbw,p --> Divide area by Workplanevsbv,p --> subtract Volume by another volumeMore combinations exist. The user needs to explore them for themselves --> forms a part of learning**********************************************************11. Boolean Operations: Overlap:COMMAND SYNTAX: *OVLAP,p AOVLAP,p / VOVLAP,p**********************************************************12. Concatenation of Lines / Areas --> for map meshingCOMMAND SYNTAX : *ccat,pLCCAT,p --> Concatenation of Lines for Map meshing AreaACCAT,p --> Concatenation of Areas for Map meshing Volume*********************************************************13. Dragging operationCOMMAND SYNTAX : *drag,pvdrag,p --> Drag areas along a line to create a new volumeadrag,p --> Drag line along a line to create a new arealdrag,p --> Drag KP along a line to create a new line**********************************************************14. Copy Geomtric entitiesCOMMAND SYNTAX : *GEN,,pKGEN,,p / LGEN,,p / AGEN,,p / VGEN,,pPlease note that *GEN commands are also used for MOVE operations. The difference lies in the value specified in the 10th field of these *GEN commands. By default it is 0 --> which does the COPY operation. If specfied as 1 --> it does the MOVE operation**********************************************************15. Bottom -to- Top modeling commands:COMMAND SYNTAX : *,p & **,pk,p ---> Allows user to pick KP in the Workplanel,p ---> Create lines from existing KPak,p ---> Create area from KPal,p ---> Create area from linesv,p ---> Create Volume from KPva,p ---> Create Volume from Arease,p ---> Create Elem from existing nodesen,p ---> Create Elem from nodes**********************************************************16. To apply common Boundary Conditions such as DOF constraint, Forces, Surface Loads, Bodyforce Loads and Initial conditions* --> is meant for the KLAVE entities only (KLAVEN stands for KP, Lines, Area, Volumes & ELem ) 16a. DOF constraint :COMMAND SYNTAX : $*,p ( Please Note: NOT all * are valid)See the valid combinations below:D,p --> To apply DOF on nodesDK,p --> To apply DOF on KeypointsDL,p --> Apply DOF on LinesDA,p --> Apply DOF on Areas ( symmetry or Anti-symmetry will be prompted)****************16b. FORCE Loading:COMMAND SYNTAX : $*,pSee the valid combinations below:f,p --> Forces on nodesfk,p --> Force on Keypoints(fa,p or FV,p or FL,p ----> Since force cannot be applied on Lines or Area & volumes... this command does not exist.)****************16c. Surface Loads:COMMAND SYNTAX : $*,pSee the valid combinations below:sf,p --> Surface Load on a set of Nodessfl,p --> Surface Load on Linessfa,p --> Surface Load on Areasfe,p --> Surface Load on Element(SFk,p and SFV,p do not exist since pressure cannot be applied on a single Kp and neither can it be applied on a volume)****************16d. BodyForce Load: COMMAND SYNTAX : bf*,pSee the valid combinations below:bf,p --> Bodyforce Load on a set of Nodesbfk,p --> Bodyforce Load on KPbfl,p --> Bodyforce Load on Linesbfa,p --> Bodyforce Load on Areasbfv,p --> Bodyforce Load on Volumesbfe,p --> Bodyforce Load on Element****************16e. Initial conditions:ic,p --> Initial Conditions on Nodes(P.S: Initial Conditions can be applied only to nodes. )***********************************************************17. To refine a mesh :COMMAND SYNTAX : *ref,pkREF,p / kREF,p / aREF,p / eREF,p / nREF,p***********************************************************18. To TRANsfer loads from the Solid model to the FE model:COMMAND SYNTAX : $TRANdtran / ftran / sftran / bftran & SBCTRAN(SBCTRAN --> Transfers all solid model loads to FE model)***********************************************************19. Writing / Reading information to a file (ASCII)COMMAND SYNTAX : *read, & *write,NWRITE / MPWRITE / ETWRITE / RWRITE / EWRITE / CDWRITENREAD / MPREAD / ETREAD / RREAD / EREAD / CDREAD / LDREAD(Some of these commands ETWRITE/ETREAD , RWRITE/RREAD are undocumented. But they do work) The Commands CDWRITE and CDREAD are used to write/read all FE model related info (w or w/o geometry to ASCII files) Its recommended the user read the online help on these two commands before using themThe LDREAD commands are used to read loads (LD) from other analysis types. For example: Temp from Thermal results file (*.rth) are applied onto Structural elements.好,我来补充一下楼上师兄的命令。
[推荐]ANSYS常用的命令(中文翻译资料大全)1. A,P1,P2,…,P17,P18(以点定义面)2. AADD,NA1,NA2,…NA8,NA9(面相加)3. AATT,MAT,REAL,TYPE,ESYS,SECN(指定面的单元属性)【注】ESYS为坐标系统号、SECN为截面类型号。
4. *ABBR,Abbr,String(定义一个缩略词)5. ABBRES,Lab,Fname,Ext(从文件中读取缩略词)6. ABBSAVE,Lab,Fname,Ext(将当前定义的缩略词写入文件)7. ABS,IR,IA,--,--,Name,--,--,FACTA(取绝对值)【注】*************8. ACCAT,NA1,NA2(连接面)9. ACEL,ACEX,ACEY,ACEZ(定义结构的线性加速度)10. ACLEAR,NA1,NA2,NINC(清除面单元网格)11. ADAMS,NMODES,KSTRESS,KSHELL【注】*************12. ADAPT, NSOLN, STARGT, TTARGT, FACMN, FACMX, KYKPS, KYMAC【注】*************13. ADD,IR, IA, IB, IC, Name, --,-- , FACTA, FACTB, FACTC(变量加运算)14. ADELE,NA1,NA2,NINC,KSWP(删除面)【注】KSWP =0删除面但保留面上关键点、1删除面及面上关键点。
15. ADRAG,NL1,NL2,…,NL6,NLP1,NLP2,…,NLP6(将既有线沿一定路径拖拉成面)16. AESIZE,ANUM,SIZE(指定面上划分单元大小)17. AFILLT,NA1,NA1,RAD(两面之间生成倒角面)18. AFSURF,SAREA,TLINE(在既有面单元上生成重叠的表面单元)19. *AFUN, Lab(指定参数表达式中角度单位)20. AGEN, ITIME, NA1, NA2, NINC, DX, DY, DZ, KINC, NOELEM, IMOVE(复制面)21. AGLUE,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面间相互粘接)22. AINA,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(被选面的交集)23. AINP,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面集两两相交)24. AINV,NA,NV(面体相交)25. AL,L1,L2,…,L9,L10(以线定义面)26. ALIST,NA1,NA2,NINC,Lab(列表显示面的信息)【注】Lab=HPT时,显示面上硬点信息,默认为空。
ANSYS命令中英文解释2007-03-21源自:IT粉丝网网友评论0 条进入视频教程分享一下!BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO ANSYS COMMANDSThe symbol '*' corresponds to the following:* --> k, l, a, v, e, n, cm, et, mp, r where ==>k --> Keypointsl --> Linesa --> Areav --> Volumese --> Elementsn --> Nodescm --> componentet --> element typemp --> material propertyr --> real constant$ --> d, f, sf, bf, ic, where ==>d --> DOF constraint (ux... in Structural, Temp in thermal,f --> Force Load ( Heat in thermal)sf --> Surface load on nodesbf --> Body Force on NodesMore Commands can be generated by sensible combinations of " $* " family of commands. See the following list of $* possible options$* --> dk --> DOF constraints on KP (Vx,Vy,Pres... in CFD)dl --> DOF constraints on Linesda --> DOF constraints on Areasfk --> Force on Keypointssfl --> Surface load on Linessfa --> Surface load on Areassfe --> Surface load on element facesbfk --> Body Force on Keypointsbfl --> Body Force on Linesbfa --> Body Force on Areabfv --> Body Force on Volumesbfe --> Body Force on Elementsic --> Initial Conditions ",p" --> If ",p" was issued at the end of the Command(in Input Window) the GUI based picking menu will be activated. Useful for listing, plotting, meshing, deleting, etc..**********************************************************1. Listing of picked Entities:COMMAND SYNTAX: *LIS,p & $*LIS,pA few Combinations of this command are:klis,p --> List KPllis,p --> Lists Linesalis,p --> Lists Areasvlis,p --> Lists Volumeselis,p --> Lists Elementsnlis,p --> Lists Nodescmlis,p --> Lists componentscslis,p --> Lists user created local co-ordinate systemsdlis,p --> Lists DOF constraints specfied on nodesdalis,p --> Lists DOF constraints applied on Areasflis,p --> Lists force on Nodessfllis,p --> Lists Surface Load on linesbfalis,p --> Lists body force load applied on Areasiclis,p --> Lists Initial condition on NodesIf ",p" was not issued, all entites currently selected will be listed.For certain commands ",p" cannot be issued. See the below mentioned commandsetlis --> Lists the different element types definedmplis --> Lists whatever Material propertiesrlis --> Lists whatever real constantscslis --> Lists all co-ordinate systemscmlis --> Lists all components*********************************************************2. Plotting of Entities: COMMAND SYNTAX: *plo KPLO / LPLO / APLO / VPLO / EPLO / NPLO / CMPLO /**********************************************************3. deleting of Entities:COMMAND SYNTAX: *DEL,p & $*DEL,pKDEL,p / LDEL,p / ADEL,p / VDEL,p / EDEL,p / NDEL,p / CMDEL,p / DDEL,p /DKDEL,p / DADEL,p / FDEL,p / SFDEL,p / SFEDEL,p / SFADEL,p / SFLDEL,p /BFADEL,p / ......The syntax for this command is very similar to LISTING command.**********************************************************4. distance between two entities:COMMAND SYNTAX: *DIS,pndis,p --> Distance between two nodeskdis,p --> Distance between two KPs**********************************************************5. Meshing of geometries:COMMAND SYNTAX: *MES,pKMES,p / LMES,p / AMES,p / VMES,p**********************************************************6. Size settings for Lines and Areas before meshing :COMMAND SYNTAX : *size,,p Lesiz,p / Aesize,p*********************************************************7. Clearing Meshes of already meshed geometries:COMMAND SYNTAX: *CLE,p KCLE,p / LCLE,p / ACLE,p / VCLE,p**********************************************************8. BOOLEAN Operations: IntersectCOMMAND SYNTAX : *IN* AINA,p / VINV,p / LINL,p / AINV,p / LINV,p / LINA,p**********************************************************9. BOOLEAN Operations: GLUECOMMAND SYNTAX : *GLUE VGLUE,p / AGLUE,p / LGLUE,p**********************************************************10. Boolean Operations: SUBTRACT/DIVIDE:COMMAND SYNTAX: *sb*,p See the following examples to understand how this works: asba,p --> Subtract Area from Areaasbl,p --> Divide Area by linevsba,p --> Divide volume by Arealsbw,p --> Divide line by Workplanevsbw,p --> Divide volume by Workplaneasbw,p --> Divide area by Workplanevsbv,p --> subtract Volume by another volumeMore combinations exist. The user needs to explore them for themselves --> forms a part of learning**********************************************************11. Boolean Operations: Overlap:COMMAND SYNTAX: *OVLAP,p AOVLAP,p / VOVLAP,p**********************************************************12. Concatenation of Lines / Areas --> for map meshingCOMMAND SYNTAX : *ccat,pLCCAT,p --> Concatenation of Lines for Map meshing AreaACCAT,p --> Concatenation of Areas for Map meshing Volume*********************************************************13. Dragging operationCOMMAND SYNTAX : *drag,pvdrag,p --> Drag areas along a line to create a new volumeadrag,p --> Drag line along a line to create a new arealdrag,p --> Drag KP along a line to create a new line**********************************************************14. Copy Geomtric entitiesCOMMAND SYNTAX : *GEN,,pKGEN,,p / LGEN,,p / AGEN,,p / VGEN,,pPlease note that *GEN commands are also used for MOVE operations. The difference lies in the value specified in the 10th field of these *GEN commands. By default it is 0 --> which does the COPY operation. If specfied as 1 --> it does the MOVE operation**********************************************************15. Bottom -to- Top modeling commands:COMMAND SYNTAX : *,p & **,pk,p ---> Allows user to pick KP in the Workplanel,p ---> Create lines from existing KPak,p ---> Create area from KPal,p ---> Create area from linesv,p ---> Create Volume from KPva,p ---> Create Volume from Arease,p ---> Create Elem from existing nodesen,p ---> Create Elem from nodes**********************************************************16. To apply common Boundary Conditions such as DOF constraint, Forces, Surface Loads, Bodyforce Loads and Initial conditions* --> is meant for the KLAVE entities only (KLAVEN stands for KP, Lines, Area, Volumes & ELem ) 16a. DOF constraint :COMMAND SYNTAX : $*,p ( Please Note: NOT all * are valid)See the valid combinations below:D,p --> To apply DOF on nodesDK,p --> To apply DOF on KeypointsDL,p --> Apply DOF on LinesDA,p --> Apply DOF on Areas ( symmetry or Anti-symmetry will be prompted)****************16b. FORCE Loading:COMMAND SYNTAX : $*,pSee the valid combinations below:f,p --> Forces on nodesfk,p --> Force on Keypoints(fa,p or FV,p or FL,p ----> Since force cannot be applied on Lines or Area & volumes... this command does not exist.)****************16c. Surface Loads:COMMAND SYNTAX : $*,pSee the valid combinations below:sf,p --> Surface Load on a set of Nodessfl,p --> Surface Load on Linessfa,p --> Surface Load on Areasfe,p --> Surface Load on Element(SFk,p and SFV,p do not exist since pressure cannot be applied on a single Kp and neither can it be applied on a volume)****************16d. BodyForce Load: COMMAND SYNTAX : bf*,pSee the valid combinations below:bf,p --> Bodyforce Load on a set of Nodesbfk,p --> Bodyforce Load on KPbfl,p --> Bodyforce Load on Linesbfa,p --> Bodyforce Load on Areasbfv,p --> Bodyforce Load on Volumesbfe,p --> Bodyforce Load on Element****************16e. Initial conditions:ic,p --> Initial Conditions on Nodes(P.S: Initial Conditions can be applied only to nodes. )***********************************************************17. To refine a mesh :COMMAND SYNTAX : *ref,pkREF,p / kREF,p / aREF,p / eREF,p / nREF,p***********************************************************18. To TRANsfer loads from the Solid model to the FE model:COMMAND SYNTAX : $TRANdtran / ftran / sftran / bftran & SBCTRAN(SBCTRAN --> Transfers all solid model loads to FE model)***********************************************************19. Writing / Reading information to a file (ASCII)COMMAND SYNTAX : *read, & *write,NWRITE / MPWRITE / ETWRITE / RWRITE / EWRITE / CDWRITENREAD / MPREAD / ETREAD / RREAD / EREAD / CDREAD / LDREAD(Some of these commands ETWRITE/ETREAD , RWRITE/RREAD are undocumented. But they do work) The Commands CDWRITE and CDREAD are used to write/read all FE model related info (w or w/o geometry to ASCII files) Its recommended the user read the online help on these two commands before using themThe LDREAD commands are used to read loads (LD) from other analysis types. For example: Temp from Thermal results file (*.rth) are applied onto Structural elements.好,我来补充一下楼上师兄的命令。
Ansys部分命令中英文对照表第一篇:Ansys 部分命令中英文对照表Ansys 有限元软件部分命令中英文对照表【File】文件管理菜单【Change Jobname】改变作业名【Change Title】改变标题【Preferences】进行菜单过滤操作,选择求解类型【preprocessor】前处理菜单【Element Type】选择单元类型【Add/Edit/Delete】添加、编辑,删除【Bean】横梁,杆件【Real Constants】设置实常数【Cross-secttional area】=AREA 横截面积【Area moment of inertia】=IZZ 面积惯性矩【Material props】设置材料性能数据【material model】材料模型【structural】结构【Linear】线型【Elastic】弹性的【Isotropic】同方向性的【EX】弹性模量【PRXY】泊松比【Modeling】创建几何模型【Create】创建,生成关键点、线、面,体【define table】定义表格【Contour Plot】用云图显示解【Clear】清除【Keypoint】关键点【In Active CS】【Lines】线,线性【Sraight Line】直线【Meshing】网格划分【Meshtool】网格划分工具【Size Cntrls】网格划分前尺寸设置【Manualsize】材料尺寸【Box】盒子,框选【Loads】施加边界条件、荷载等【solution】进入求解菜单【Define Loads】定义荷载【Settings】设置【Force】力、荷载、作用【Aplly】施加外界条件、荷载等【Current LS】用当前载荷步求解【moment】力矩【Nodes】节点【General postproc】进入通用后处理菜单【Plot Reaults】绘制结果数据【Deformed shape】变形形状【Def+undefonment】变形的和未变形的【Element】单元【SAVE-DB】存储工作文件【RESUM-DB】读取工作文件【QUIT】退出ANSYS第二篇:部分新闻专业术语中英文对照表客里空是指那些通过想象来写新闻,润色新闻的记者。
ANSYS_Workbench菜单中英文对照ANSYS Workbench是一种CAD软件,用于进行工程仿真分析。
以下是ANSYS Workbench菜单中的一些常见选项及其对应的英文对照。
1. 文件(File)- 新建(New)- 打开(Open)- 保存(Save)- 另存为(Save As)- 退出(Exit)2. 编辑(Edit)- 撤销(Undo)- 重做(Redo)- 剪切(Cut)- 复制(Copy)- 粘贴(Paste)- 删除(Delete)3. 视图(View)- 缩放(Increase Zoom)- 缩小(Decrease Zoom)- 适应视图(Fit View)- 剖面视图(Section View)- 窗口(Window)- 标尺(Ruler)4. 插入(Insert)- 几何体(Geometry)- 网格(Mesh)- 装配(Assembly)- 边界条件(Boundary Conditions) - 加载(Loads)- 材料(Materials)5. 模型(Model)- 几何体(Geometry)- 网格(Mesh)- 求解(Solve)- 后处理(Postprocessing)- 优化(Optimization)- 网络计算(CFD)6. 工具(Tools)- 设置(Options)- 命令(Command)- 定义(Definition)- 计算器(Calculator)- 脚本(Script)- 存档(Archive)7. 窗口(Window)- 图形(Graphics)- 网格(Meshing)- 场景(Scene)- 后处理(Postprocessing)- 信息(Information)- 动画(Animation)8. 帮助(Help)- ANSYS帮助(ANSYS Help)- 教程(Tutorial)- 论坛(Forum)- 联系技术支持(Contact Technical Support)- 关于(About)以上仅是ANSYS Workbench菜单中的一部分选项,还有其他选项和功能可以根据具体需求进行探索和使用。
ansys命令流翻译aaaddaattabbrabbresabbsavabsaclearaccatadamsadaptaddadeleadragaesizeafilltaflistafsurfafunainvagenagluealallselamapameshanorm ansys数学函数antypeaoffstaplotaptnareverseaselaskaskinaslvasubautotsaxlabbfeblc4blc5 block boptn bsplinebtol cdreadce ceintf cfclos cfopen cfwrite circle clear clocalcm cmgrp cmsel command con4 cone /contourCP cpintf create crplimcs csdele cskp cslistcsys cswpla /cval cyclecyl4cyl5 cylind czmeshddadel desize dmpart dim /distdadkdl dmpart *do *dowrite dscale dsyme edwrite egen eintf elist emid emodif *enddo ensys eplot eqslv esel eshape esize esln essolv esort esurf et etable exit exitoptffc fcdele fdelefe filenamefillfsum FVMESHgetgogoprgridgrtypgsgdatagsumhfscat HPTCREATE HPTDELETE icifinistateinputinquireirlfisfillistress iswritekkcenterkdkdelekdistkesizekeyoptkeywkfillkgenklkmodifkmoveknodektran KWPAVEll2angl2tanlanglarclovlap lreverse lrotatlsbllsel lssolve lssovelstr lswriteltan/mailmat mfourimfun midtol modopt mopermp mpdata mplib msdatamsg mshape mshcopy mshkey MSPROP msspec n/nerr NFIELD nmodifnoprnorlnplot nrotatnslanslensolnsort numcmp numvarpcirc NREFINE nummrg opanlopclr oploop outres outrp output parres parsav pathpbcpcirc pgwrite pldisp plesol pletabplf2dpmacro pnumpred pretab prnsol prssol prvar psearch /PSF/psf psmesh pstresrreal rectng repeat rforce rpolyrpr4 rprismsave sbctran secdata secnum secoffset secplot secread sectype sesymmsetsfsfa SFBEAM sfgrad /show shpp smax smooth smin spline ssumsucrtb toper torus treadvext vfact vgen vget vglue vimp vinp vinv vitrp vlen voffst vplot vread vrotat vsba vsbv vsbw vsel vsweep vsymm vwrite /wait window wpcsys wpoffswpstyl/XFRMXVARXVAROPTyrangezoomemunit,mksUIMP, MAT, Lab1, Lab2, Lab3, VAL1, VAL2, VAL3 wpavearotatsphere后⾯直接接关键点⾯布尔加弧度⾓度转化amesh后⾯跟的是⾯,体的序号。
ansys命令翻译Posted by: vtwPosted on: 2004-04-08 12:11我建议每天一条大家常用的比较详细、熟悉的命令,这样时间长了,大家都变成高手了,斑竹如果支持,就给我加分呀,我觉得自己的想法不错!首先我来一条命令:VSBV, NV1, NV2, SEPO, KEEP1, KEEP2 —Subtracts volumes from volumes,用于2个solid相减操作,最终目的是要nv1-nv2=?通过后面的参数设置,可以得到很多种情况:sepo项是2个体的边界情况,当缺省的时候,是表示2个体相减后,其边界是公用的,当为sepo的时候,表示相减后,2个体有各自的独立边界。
keep1与keep2是询问相减后,保留哪个体?当第一个为keep 时,保留nv1,都缺省的时候,操作结果最终只有一个体,比如:vsbv,1,2,sepo,,keep,表示执行1-2的操作,结果是保留体2,体1被删除,还有一个1-2的结果体,现在一共是2个体(即1-2与2),且都各自有自己的边界。
同理,将v换成a及l是对面和线进行减操作!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------回复:【建议】每天一条详细命令,从我开始,有没有人支持!Copy to clipboard Posted by: hobyPosted on: 2004-04-09 07:53觉得这个建议非常的不错,大家每天可以贴出自己最熟悉的,最常用的命令,这样我们在不知不觉中可以学习到很多东西,知识在于积累嘛,希望各位版主大力支持8D。
我也来一个:[color=blue]mp,lab, mat, co, c1,…….c4 定义材料号及特性lab: 待定义的特性项目(ex,alpx,reft,prxy,nuxy,gxy,mu,dens)ex: 弹性模量nuxy: 小泊松比alpx: 热膨胀系数reft: 参考温度reft: 参考温度prxy: 主泊松比gxy: 剪切模量mu: 摩擦系数dens: 质量密度mat: 材料编号(缺省为当前材料号)co: 材料特性值,或材料之特性,温度曲线中的常数项c1-c4: 材料的特性-温度曲线中1次项,2次项,3次项,4次项的系数[/color]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------回复:【建议】每天一条详细命令,从我开始,有没有人支持!Copy to clipboard Posted by: vtwPosted on: 2004-04-09 11:54支持的人不多呀,但今天我也要来一个,坚持几天之后,看看反映如何!定义DP材料:首先要定义EX和泊松比:MP,EX,MA T,……MP,NUXY,MA T,……定义DP材料单元表(这里不考虑温度):TB,DP,MAT进入单元表并编辑添加单元表:TBDATA,1,CTBDATA,2,ψTBDATA,3,……如定义:EX=1E8,NUXY=0.3,C=27,ψ=45的命令如下:MP,EX,1,1E8MP,NUXY,1,0.3TB,DP,1TBDA TA,1,27TBDA TA,2,45这里要注意的是,在前处理的最初,要将角度单位转化到“度”,即命令:*afun,deg希望每个人每天在这里都能够学到知识,有不懂的地方回复,希望斑竹大力支持,也希望大家支持,把自己喜欢的命令全部都贴在下面!不要只索取,要懂得付出!相信一个月后,大家在这里学到的东西,足可以用命令解决普通的问题了!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------回复:【建议】每天一条详细命令,从我开始,有没有人支持!Copy to clipboard Posted by: pjwseuPosted on: 2004-04-09 12:45欢迎各位跟帖。