1. What are the three categories of goods movements?
Three such categories: – bulk movements, – multi-drop movement and – multi-part loads.
2. What are the characteristics of bulk movements?
Typically bulk movements are of lowvalue commodities which can be moved at low cost, usually with no great urgency.
适合于散装运输的最普通 的货物是:如煤炭、谷 物、水泥、石油、家庭 垃圾以及各种各样的商 业废物。
大多数的货物都能够用多种方 法来移动。本单元谈到三 种这样的类别:散装货运 输、多点式运输以及多种 零担载货。
Bulk movements
The most common goods suitable for bulk movements are, for example, coal, grain, cement, oil, household refuse and commercial waste of all kinds.
课堂教学之—— Step 4 课文学习
理解课文的意思 对难句进展语法和
教师在讲解课文时, 除对课文进展翻 译之外,还要顺 带讲解一下难句
Freight loads 载货
Most of the types of goods are capable of being moved in a variety of ways. This unit deals with three such categories: bulk movements, multi-drop movement and multi-part loads.