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二、工法特点MSS下行式移动模架施工现浇梁施工工法具有以下特点:1. 施工速度快:通过实现梁体下行式浮动施工,可以大幅度提高施工效率,节省了时间和人力成本。
2. 施工过程灵活:根据不同的设计要求,可以调整施工顺序和浇筑节奏,适应不同结构形式和进度要求。
3. 施工质量高:采用模板模具保证梁体的准确性和规整性,可控制混凝土浇筑过程,确保梁体质量达到设计要求。
4. 安全性能好:通过合理的施工工艺和安全措施,确保作业人员和设备的安全,减少施工事故发生的概率。
5. 可重复使用:模板模具和机具设备可以反复使用,提高了施工工艺的经济性和可持续性。
五、施工工艺MSS下行式移动模架施工现浇梁施工工法的施工工艺包括以下几个主要阶段:1. 模板安装:根据设计要求,将模板模具安装在梁体位置,并确保其水平和垂直度。
2. 钢筋绑扎:根据结构设计要求和施工图纸,进行钢筋的加工和绑扎。
3. 混凝土浇筑:通过搅拌站将混凝土输送至施工点,根据设计要求控制混凝土的流动性和浇筑量。
30m连续箱梁现浇移动模架 施工方案攀枝花公路桥梁工程总公司 铜汤高速公路十八合同段项目部30m连续箱梁现浇移动模架施 工 技 术 方 案1、概述1.1、方案选定。
其中有6座桥梁为30m 连续箱梁,总孔跨数为110跨。
逐 “1孔+邻孔6m”为一施工段安模现浇,逐段拆移支架和牵引桁梁,至全桥完成,桁梁、支架全部拆除。
移动模架法现浇砼连续箱梁施工技术xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx摘要介绍以六四式军用梁和八三军用墩等军用器材拼成的移动模架施工现浇混凝土连续箱梁的施工技术在xx 快速轨道交通工程中的应用以及在施工中应该注意的事项。
关键词移动模架法连续箱梁施工技术1 工程概况xx 市区至滨海新区快速轨道交通工程是xx 城市交通的重要组成部分,也是目前全国最长的轻轨工程。
该轻轨工程全长45.409 公里,其中高架桥部分长40.0 公里,占全长的88.1%。
上部结构以现浇砼连续箱梁为主,且梁型以3-25 米梁为多。
2 施工方案选择xx 开发区北海路至第五大街地层岩性为淤泥质粘土,处于软塑~流塑状态,厚度为11.4~17.9 米,承载力极低。
移动模架适用于地址较差、有水或跨越路口但不能中断交通的条件下进行现浇梁施工,其主要技术性能参数如下:①跨度Lp≤35 米②梁体重量G≤500 吨/孔③线路坡度i≤15%,曲线半径R≥400m④进度15 天/联3 移动模架法施工技术3.1 移动模架法施工的特点移动模架是以移动式桁架为主要支承结构的整体模板支架,可一次完成一联梁体混凝土的浇筑,适用于跨度小于50m 的多跨简支梁和连续梁的施工。
3.2 移动模架施工方案用移动模架法施工现浇混凝土连续箱形梁时,施工前在桥墩两侧布置可纵向移动的拆装式钢桁梁作为主桁梁,桁梁下部则用“八三”军用墩作支架,以“六四”军用梁作为支撑体系。
第二章工程概况一、预应力连续箱梁主要尺寸杭州湾跨海大桥I合同北引桥A15-A25墩上部结构为1联(30+9X50)M预应力斜腹板连续箱梁和A33-A56墩上部结构为3联(8X50)M 预应力斜腹板连续箱梁。
海上移动模架现浇混凝土箱梁施工作者:蔡清愉来源:《卷宗》2017年第08期摘要:MSS移动模架系统(move support system)是世界桥梁施工的先进工法,施工时无需在桥下设置模板支架,采用两个支撑在牛腿上的钢结构主梁支承模板系统,两主梁通过牛腿支架支撑在桥墩柱上。
关键词:移动模架;变宽段;箱梁1 工程概况泉州湾跨海大桥秀涂互通主线桥和北岸浅水区引桥部分位于海上、部分处于浅滩区域,桥下最大净空34.298m,分左右两幅,结构为预应力混凝土连续箱梁,其跨径包括50m和45.6m 两种,采用单箱单室箱断面及由单箱双室变为单箱三室或者四室斜腹板的等高变宽箱梁断面形式,箱梁包括等截面和变截面,等截面顶宽为16.5m、20.25m两种,变截面从20.25m过渡到31.576m,最重梁段混凝土为1616m3。
2 移动模架选型根据工程情况采用下行非自行式移动模架系统,共设置三对牛腿,施工时只用其中两对牛腿,另一对牛腿在移动模架纵移前预先安装在下一孔桥墩承台上,以缩短施工周期。
MSS滑移模架施工工艺及技术控制Proceedings of the fourteenth annual meeting of the society of bridge and structural engineering, Chinese society of Civil EngineeringChinese Institute of civil engineering of bridge and structural engineering institute proceedings of the fourteenth annual conference of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge project. Construction technology and technical control of MSS sliding die setNanjing Yangtze River Bridge 50m bridge constructionLiu Jizheng, Qi Lujie, Wang Xiaoshan(Shandong Province Traffic Engineering Corporation, Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge Project Department)[Abstract] this paper briefly introduces the structure and composition of MSS slip and its application in construction. Sliding formwork; construction technology; deflection control I. General Situation of the projectNanjing Yangtze River Bridge North Bridge bridge upper structure for 16m*30m and 5m*50m PC with variable cross section continuous beam bridge. The whole bridge section is composed of two single box and single chamber beam sections separated from top to bottom, and a central partition cover plate is arranged in the middle. among5 * 50m approach bridge in30m approach bridge and the main bridge transition section, the bridge is located in land and water, land a hole, four holes on the water, the peak water level 7m. Therefore, it is very important to choose an optimum construction scheme.Two, scheme comparisonBased on the bridge position of 50m bridge, two schemes should be adopted for the construction of superstructure: 1. Supportconstruction, set up a full support with one hole on the river bank, insert four hole copper pipe pile in water, and build a steel pipe pile support. Adopt the construction without scaffold. That is, the introduction of foreign advanced equipment - sliding die frame for construction.The first construction plan is the traditional construction method of our company. There are abundant construction experience, the technology is easy to control, but this scheme for water construction, heavy workload, Jixietaiban, the economy is not reasonable, the construction schedule is not ideal. Second kinds of construction schemes, advanced construction equipment, with the leading domestic level, but this kind of equipment is used for the first time our company, the technology is difficult to control, for the construction of water in the middle span cast-in-place continuous beam bridge is particularly suitable for. Synthetic manifold reasonsIn consideration of Nanjing bridge project of the company ultimately decided to use no scaffolding construction that the introduction of MSS sliding formwork system.Three, sliding mode profilesThe MSS slide beam introduced by our company is mainly composed of six parts, the bracket (Niu Tui), the main beam (Gang Xiangliang), the crossbeam, the back beam, the external die and the internal die. Each part is equipped with an internal hydraulic or mechanical system. The structure and function of each component are as follows:1. bracketBrackets are commonly called brackets and triangular structures. Through the reserved hole (diameter: 80cm*100cm) insert attached to the pier on the pier. Its role is to supportthe main girder, the main girder load transfer to the pier on the bracket. A sliding block is arranged on the top face of each bracket. It is equipped with two pairs of 20t horizontal automatic moving hydraulic jacks.A 450t vertical automatic hydraulic jack, a longitudinal moving hydraulic jack. The main beam is embedded in the overhead travelling crane. In order to reduce the friction between the main beam and the crown when moving in longitudinal direction, the crane is equipped with a poly four vinyl slide board, and the main beam is positioned in the direction of the slab, the direction of the bridge and the vertical height through the three hydraulic system.2. main beamThe sliding girder is a pair of steel box girders. The section size of the steel box girder is wide: 2.0m, height: 3.0m, length 64.8m, divided into six sections - 10.7m + 4*0.8m+10.9m). The joints are connected by friction type high strength bolts. In order to make the main beam slide along the bridge from the upper hole to the next hole, the front and back of the main beam is equipped with a bridge type nose bridge, long 21m. The main girder is a load bearing component of the sliding mode, weighing about 350t. The main beam is provided with a window, and the crossbeam is provided with a main beam; a vertical hydraulic jack, a mechanical jack and a horizontal jack are arranged in the window. The steel beam is hinged with the main beam through the pressure system, and the main beam is subjected to the construction load of the external, internal and upper structure transferred by the crossbeam.3. beamThe whole sliding mode has 18 pairs of cross beams, the beam is "H" type, the steel structure size is 35cm*90cm*900cm, eachpair of beams for pin connection, the beam spacing 3.6m, the beam has no pin hole, in order to install the external mold support. The cross beam can be adjusted vertically and transversely through the pressure system in the main beam. 4. external dieThe outer mold comprises a bottom plate, web plate, rib and flange component. The floor plate is directly laid between the two adjacent transverse beams and corresponds with the crossbeam. The connecting direction of each pair of bottom plates along the direction of the cross beam is connected by common bolts. The outer template joint is in the outer mould central axis. Total floor width 6.5m. The web, rib and flange also corresponds with the beam, and through the template bracket and the supporting beams are provided to install. 5. internal modelSet along the internal mold mold shifting system including the template, electric car, rail and beam model. The transverse transportation and installation of electric car to complete the. The electric car is equipped with a hydraulic system, through which the hydraulic system to complete the installation of internal die.Four 、 construction principle and process flow of Slipform The installation and adjustment of slip and slip mold MSS template is "hydraulic" as the driving force to the hydraulic jack to work in control equipment, hydraulic control device, the hydraulic jack push, thus completing the adjustment in place, the cross beam and the inner and outer mould installation and adjustment. Before construction, first of all, the preparation of the construction along the technical program. The purchase of special equipment, machinery and equipment, leasing large lifting equipment. Sliding mode constructionaccording to the following procedures: (Niu Tui) bracket assembly, girder assembling and related construction design tools in place, lifting bracket girder hoisting and installation, beam main beam in place, laying floor, installation of formwork support, installation and construction of the outer web and flange plate, plate, die. Five, slip form site specific assemblyThe quality of field assembly of slip form directly affects the quality, schedule and construction safety of box girder construction. Therefore, when assembling,According to the design drawings along the die, in strict accordance with the "steel construction technical specifications" for operation, for high-strength bolt joint surface, careful inspection, one by one surface treatment, so as to achieve the proper coefficient of friction. High strength bolt connection, take the initial and final material express, repeated operation, make every bolt meet the design of torque wrench torque value, and periodic calibration, ensure the connecting force strength, preventing engineering accidents, affecting the quality of construction safety and construction (with) parts must be removed or treated qualified rear can use. Bracket assembly on site: because the bracket is triangular and has a certain height, the site assembly is unstable and should be supported by a triangular support. The lifting bracket placement, pier reserved hole, with the top bracket by leveling leveling, so that the crane on the surface smooth slip. In order to prevent the carriage capsized in the force, each of the bracket is composed of thread to pull, embedded pier, so the installation bracket should be on the other side of unilateral temporary placement of a carrying pole, wear thread tension, to prevent instability.The main beam is installed; because the main girder is self important, the whole hoisting is difficult. During construction, the crane is hoisted at two times, and temporary support is arranged in the span to carry out the closure assembly. This requires the temporary support of the elevation of accurate measurement and slope, so that the steel beam in the middle of the smooth docking, assembly.After the main girder is assembled, the crossbeam is placed at the main beam window, and the main beam is placed under the influence of the hydraulic system, and the bridge is positioned accurately in the direction of the hydraulic system when all the beams are installed. A total station or theodolite is installed at the center of the pier, the bridge axis is released, the crossbeam is adjusted according to the axis of the bridge, and the bottom plate is laid with a pin, and the axis deviation is controlled within 5mm. Then, the installation of the web and flange plates.When assembling the slip form, the parts are required to be connected reliably. After assembly, the utility model can be safely and reliably checked, and can be used for the construction of the upper structure.Six 、 adjustment of template and elevation controlIn order to better set camber, this set of sliding formwork is designed with LCM formwork, and the design is supported by sheet iron. According to the actual construction practice, taking into account the quality of the cast beam body, we adopted the putty to add the curing agent to adjust the caulking and smoothing. As a kind of better mending joint material, it has good curing speed and high strength. It meets the requirement of construction specification. The quality of the cast beam is better.Elevation control: it is difficult for the construction of the sliding mode to reserve a certain degree of arch so that the beam can reach its design elevation as much as possible. Therefore, the source of the deflection value of the construction frame should be considered comprehensively; the theoretical calculation of deflection value should be accurate. The source of this set of sliding mode deflections has the following four aspects:(L) deflection value of concrete self weight (value supplied by manufacturer VCE company);(2) the deflection caused by the cantilever boom (without considering the weight of the sliding form) is calculated according to the 13mm (according to the triangle distribution) and adjusted accordingly when measured;(3) prestressed tensioning the camber, between the front and rear pivot part according to parabola distribution, parabolic center maximum deflection according to 20mm, the maximum cantilever deflection according to 13mm (according to triangle);(4) the deflection caused by the settlement of the bracket is calculated according to 10mm.Through observation, deflection deflection calculation and the actual construction process of the accord, but slightly different, so in the construction of a hole, careful observation of each construction stage, measuring the deflection value changes, but compared with the theoretical calculation, so as to guide the construction of the next hole; reduces the construction error, guarantee the construction of the girder elevation and the design elevation deviation is reduced to less than 1cm.Seven, the construction process of box girderThe 50m approach box girder adopts equal section beam, the beam height is 2.6m, the box girder roof thickness is constant, the web and floor thickness change, the bridge width is 32m, and the upper and lower separate single box single chamber section, the straight bridge. Box girder construction from the beginning of the shore, each construction at the next gap in the gap 8m (L / 6 near) continuous construction, construction process flow chart shown in figure 1.Because the construction operation is cyclical, in order to improve work efficiency and speed up the construction process, each process should be compact and connected. At the same time, the preparation of the next process is effectively shortened, and the construction period is shortened.During the construction, the first pouring hole, the template before and after the pivot in before and after the piers, and other casting hole. In order to ensure the smooth construction joint, located in front of the pier top pivot, after the pivot on the cantilever end has been pouring completed, the rear suspension rod lifting beam main beam, as a support.The pouring of concrete adopts one casting construction method, and the two step is carried out. Pour the bottom and the web first and then pour the roof. And start from the end of the cantilever to prevent excessive deflection deformation of the main beam span.In the end of construction need to move across, first sliding off the rack, demoulding, lift the connection beam according to pin horizontal slip, outside, avoid the pier, then the longitudinal slip to the next hole. The main beam with a connecting rod, a crossbeam and a template is unstable when moving; in order to achieve balance, the concrete counterweight is arranged outside the main beam.Eight, concluding remarksThe construction of the project adopts the sliding formwork method, with a high degree of mechanization. The complete process such as formwork, steel bar, concrete and tensioning technology can be completed in the mold base. At the same time as the construction work period, and not subject to the interference of external factors, not only for the project management, but also can improve the quality of the project, to speed up the construction schedule, shorten the construction period, the construction period is the fastest single hole with only 12 days to complete. And it is crucial to complete the construction of 50m approach bridge before the closure of the main bridge.The movable scaffolding system requires a set of equipment and accessories, in addition to a considerable amount of steel, it needs a set of mechanical power equipment and automatic device, a large investment, in order to improve the efficiency, must solve the assembly and scientific management problems.The construction of 50m approach bridge adopts this set of moving formwork, which solves these two problems. The main components along the die are assembled, which can be used in bridges of different spans, different bridge widths and different shapes, so as to enlarge the service surface and reduce the construction cost. In the construction of the professional construction team, organization of scientific management, the fixed operation, do use equipments, and pay attention to maintenance and maintenance equipment, give full play to the ability to use the equipment, and achieved good economic benefits.Reference[l] Ministry of communications, First Highway EngineeringBureau. Highway Construction Manual (bridge and culvert). Beijing: people Communications Press, 1985[2] fan Lichu. Prestressed concrete continuous girder bridge. Beijing: China Communications Press, 1985.1。
MSS移动模架现浇箱梁施工方案与方法1、工程程概况(略)武汉至广州客运专线乌龙泉至花都段新建工程下邓家湾大桥,跨径布置为29*32. 6m 无碴轨道后张法预应力混凝土简支箱梁。
2.1 MSS移动支撑模架的组成:移动支撑系统由主梁、鼻梁、横梁、推进台车、支撑托架、外模、内模、挂梁、平台爬梯等主要构件组成。