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衡阳市第八中学2014届高三上学期第二次月考数学(理)试题时量:120分钟 满分:150分 命题人:刘美容 审题人:颜军一、选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.设集合{}{}{}1,2,3,4,1,2,3,2,3,4U M N ===,则()U C MN =( A ){}{}{}.1,4.2,3.2,4.A B C D φ2.设集合{}{}03,02M x x N x x =<≤=<≤,则a M ∈“”是a N ∈“”的( B ) ....A B C D 充分不必要条件必要不充分条件充要条件不充分也既不必要条件3.若函数2log ,0()2,0x x x f x a x ⎧>⎪=⎨-≤⎪⎩有且只有一个零点,则a 的取值范围是( C ). a B a C a D a >≥≤<4.已知函数()sin(2),2f x x x R π=-∈,则()f x 是( B ).A π最小正周期为的奇函数 .B π最小正周期为的偶函数.2C π最小正周期为的奇函数 .2D π最小正周期为的偶函数5.已知tan 2θ=,则22sinsin cos 2cos θθθθ+-=( D )4534....3445A B C D --6.若11222(21)(1)m m m +>+-,则实数m 的取值范围是( D ).().(1,2)2)A B C D -∞+∞- 7. 已知函数1(),4,()2(1),4,xx f x f x x ⎧≥⎪=⎨⎪+<⎩则2(2log 3)f +的值为( A )1111....241263A B C D 8.已知()f x 是R 上最小正周期为2的周期函数,且当02x ≤<时,3()f x x x =-,则函数()f x 的图像在区间[0,6]上与x 轴的交点个数为( B ). B C D二、填空题(本大题共7小题,每小题5分 ,共35分.把答案填在答题卡中对应题号后的横线上) 9.120(1)x dx -+⎰=3. 解:131202(1)()33x x dx x -+=-+=⎰10. 已知函数()f x =,则()f x 的定义域为 5(,2]3 .解:125log (35)0035123x x x -≥⇒<-≤⇒<≤,所以定义域为5(,2]311.若曲线22y x =的一条切线与直线480x y +-=垂直,则切线的方程为 420x y --=解:设切点为00(,)x y ,4y x '=,则000441,2x x y =⇒=∴=,所以切线方程为:24(1)420y x x y -=-⇒--=12.已知35cos ,cos(),,513ααβαβ=+=-都是锐角,则cos β= 65解:因为,αβ都是锐角,且35cos ,cos(),513ααβ=+=- 所以412sin ,sin(),513ααβ=+= 则5312433cos cos[()]cos()cos sin()sin 13513565βαβααβααβα=+-=+++=-⨯+⨯=13.函数f (x )=2sin(ωx +φ)(ω>0,-π2<φ<π2)的部分图象如图所示,则(0)f 的值是解:353(),,241234T T ππππω=--=∴=∴=把5(,2)12π代入,得552sin()22662k ππϕπϕπ+=⇒+=+2,,3223k k Z ππππϕπϕϕ∴=-+∈-<<∴=-()2sin(2)(0)2sin()33f x x f ππ∴=-∴=-=14.对任意两个实数12,x x ,定义11212212,,max(,),.x x x x x x x x ⎧≥⎪=⎨<⎪⎩若2()2,()f x x g x x =-=-,则max((),())f x g x 的最小值为 -1 .解:22,21max((),()),21x x x f x g x x x ⎧-≤-≥⎪=⎨--<<⎪⎩或,所以max((),())f x g x 的最小值为-115.已知集合{}(,)()M x y y f x ==,若对于任意实数11(,)x y M ∈,存在22(,)x y M ∈,使得12120x x y y +=成立,则称集合M 是“垂直对点集”.给出下列四个集合:①1(,)M x y y x ⎧⎫==⎨⎬⎩⎭;②{}(,)2xM x y y e ==-;③{}(,)cos M x y y x ==④{}(,)ln M x y y x ==.其中是“垂直对点集”的序号是 ②③ . 解:对于①,注意到121210x x x x +=无实数解,因此①不是“垂直对点集”; 对于②,注意到过原点任意作一条直线与曲线2x y e =-相交,过原点与该直线垂直的直线必与曲线2x y e =-相交,因此②是“垂直对点集”;对于③,与②同理;对于④,注意到对于点(1,0),不存在22(,)x y M ∈,使得2210ln 0x x ⨯+⨯=,因为20x =与20x >矛盾,因此④不是“垂直对点集”. 答案:②③三、解答题(本大题共6小题,共75分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤) 16. (本小题满分12分)已知向量(sin ,1),(3cos ,cos 2)(0)2A x A x x A ==>m n ,函数()f x =⋅m n 的最大值为4. (1)求A ; (2)求()f x 在[0,]2x π∈上的值域.17. (本小题满分12分) 已知函数13()sin()cos(),44f x x x x R ππ=-+-∈ (1)求()f x 的最小正周期和最小值; (2)已知44cos(),cos(),(0)552a πββααβ-=+=-<<≤,求证:2[()]20f β-=.18.(本小题满分12分)已知函数()ln f x x x =-, ()ln ag x x x=+,(0a >). (1)求函数()g x 的极值; (2)已知10x >,函数11()()()f x f x h x x x -=-,1(,)x x ∈+∞,判断并证明()h x 的单调性.19. (本小题满分13分)旅行社为某旅行团包飞机去旅游,其中旅行社的包机费为16000元.旅行团中的每个人的飞机票按以下方式与旅行社结算:若旅行团的人数不超过35人时,飞机票每张收费800元;若旅行团的人数多于35人时,则予以优惠,每多1人,每个人的机票费减少10元,但旅行团的人数最多不超过60人.设旅行团的人数为x人,飞机票价格为y元,旅行社的利润为Q元.(1)写出飞机票价格y元与旅行团人数x之间的函数关系式;(2)当旅行团人数x为多少时,旅行社可获得最大利润?求出最大利润.20. (本小题满分13分) 已知函数f (x ) = 3ln ,()2(0).x g x x x=-> (1)试判断当()()f x g x 与的大小关系; (2)试判断曲线()y f x =和()y g x =是否存在公切线,若存在,求出公切线方程,若不存在,说明理由.21. (本小题满分13分) 已知函数2()2ln f x x x =-(1)若方程()0f x m +=在1[,]e e内有两个不等的实根,求实数m 的取值范围;(e 为自然对数的底数)(2)如果函数()()g x f x ax =-的图象与x 轴交于两点1(,0)A x 、2(,0)B x 且120x x <<.求证:12()0g px qx '+<(其中正常数,1,p q p q q p +=≥满足且).。
2014湖南省衡阳八中高三高考模拟理科综合试题含答案时量:150分钟总分300分1、所有答案必须写到答题卡上,否则不计分;2、可能用到的相对原子质量:Fe:56 Cu:64 C:12 Na:23 H:1 O:16 N:14 Pb:207第Ⅰ卷一、选择题(本卷共13小题。
在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符......)......合题目要求的1.下列有关酶与A TP的相关叙述正确的是A.人体内环境pH变化不影响细胞内酶的催化作用B.有些酶的组成元素与ATP的组成元素相同C.叶肉细胞中ATP的产生一定伴随着氧气的消耗D.生物体内ADP转化成ATP所需能量的来源都是相同的2.下列关于大豆种子萌发过程中物质变化的描述中,正确的是A.种子萌发过程中,种子鲜重不断增加的原因是种子内的有机物含量在不断增加B.种子萌发过程中根向地生长是由根部生长激素分布不均造成的C.若测得某一时刻种子吸收O2与释放CO2的体积比为1:3,则此时种子胚细胞的无氧呼吸与有氧呼吸消耗葡萄糖之比为2:1D.大豆种子在萌发的过程中自由水比结合水的比值升高,代谢增强3.下列有关叙述正确的是A.性激素进入受体细胞的过程与蛋白质功能有关B.格里菲思以小鼠和肺炎双球菌为材料证明了DNA是遗传物质C.摩尔根用假说—演绎法证明了果蝇白眼基因位于X染色体上D.萨克斯用同位素标记法证明了光合作用的产物除氧气外还有淀粉4.在果蝇的X染色体上可以发生隐性突变,而隐形突变会导致不同情况的出现:如突变不会引起个体死亡、突变会导致完全致死(突变体全部死亡)和不完全致死(突变体死亡一部分),下图表示经诱变处理的红眼雄果蝇与野生型纯合红眼雌果蝇交配(B表示红眼基因),得F1,使F l单对交配,分别饲养,观察F2的分离情况。
3.下列关于细胞结构和功能及细胞分裂有关的叙述,正确的是()A.线粒体是细胞需氧呼吸的主要场所,故其内氧气的浓度一般比细胞基质中要高B.菠菜根尖分生区内高尔基体受破坏后会影响细胞分裂,可能会形成多核细胞C.二倍体生物的细胞在有丝分裂后期,细胞中染色体∶染色单体∶DNA=1∶2∶2D.在光学显微镜下,经染色后仍无法观察到完整细胞核的细胞肯定是原核细胞【答案】B【解析】试题分析:蓝藻是原核生物,能进行有氧呼吸但没有线粒体,故A错;在植物细胞的有丝分裂末期,在赤道板的位置上形成细胞板,最后形成细胞壁,而高尔基体与细胞壁的形成有关因此高尔基体被破坏后不能形成细胞壁,细胞不能分裂成两个,从而形成多核细胞,故B正确;有丝分裂后期,着丝点分裂细胞中没有染色单体,故C错;有些真核生物也没有细胞核,如哺乳动物成熟的红细胞和高等植物成熟的筛管,故D 错。
2014湖南省衡阳八中高三高考模拟物理试题含答案14.质点做直线运动的位移x 与时间t 的关系为x = 4 - t 2 (各物理量均采用国际单位制单位),则该质点A .一直做匀加速直线运动B .先做匀减速直线运动再做匀加速直线C .任意相邻1s 内的位移差都是1mD .任意1s 内的速度增量都是2m/s 215.两电荷量分别为q 1和q 2的点电荷放在x 轴上的O 、M 两点,两电荷连线上各点电势φ随x 变化的关系如图所示,其中A 、N 两点的电势为零,ND 段中C 点电势最高,则 A .q 1和q 2的为等量异种电荷 B .A 点的电场强度大小为零C .NC 间场强方向向x 轴正方向D .将一负点电荷从N 点移到D 点,电场力先做正功后做负功16.地面上有一水管,管口向上,管内横截面积为S ,有水从管口处以不变的速度源源不断地沿竖直向上方向射出,水柱高为h ,设出口处横截面上各处水的速度都相同,并假设水流在空中不散开,不计空气阻力。
则水流稳定后在空中水的体积为A .hsB .2hsC .3hsD .4hs17. 宇宙飞船以周期为T 绕地球作圆周运动时,由于地球遮挡阳光,会经历“日全食”过程,如图所示。
已知地球的半径为R ,地球质量为M ,引力常量为G ,地球自转周期为0T 。
太阳光可看作平行光,宇航员在A 点测出的张角为α,则下列说法正确的是:A. 飞船绕地球运动的线速度为απsin 2T R B. 一天内飞船经历“日全食”的次数为T /T 0 C. 飞船每次“日全食”过程的时间为πα2T D. 飞船周期为)2/sin()2/sin(ααπGM R R T =18.如图所示,在光滑水平桌面上,有两根弯成直角的相同金属棒,它们的一端均可绕固定转动轴O 自由转动,另一端b 互相接触,组成一个正方形线框,正方形每边长度均为L.匀强磁场的大小为B ,方向垂直桌面向下,当线框中通以图示方向的电流I 时, 则下列说法正确的是:A. 两金属棒在b 点的相互作用力大小为F=BILB. 两金属棒在b 点的相互作用力大小为F=2BILC. 转轴O 对棒 Oab 的作用力大小为F=22BIL ,方向水平向左 D. 转轴O 对棒 Oab 的作用力大小为F=22BIL ,方向沿aO 方向19.如图所示,边长为L 、不可形变的正方形导线框内有半径为r 的圆形A磁场区域,其磁感应强度B 随时间t 的变化关系为B= kt (常量k>0)。
2014届高三文科数学模拟试题命题人:刘一坚 刘慧英 审题人:唐志军考试时间:120分钟一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分.共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中.只有一项正确。
每小题选出答案后.用2B 铅笔把答题卡上;对应题目的答案标号涂黑,多涂、不涂或涂错均得0分.1.设全集{1,2,3,4,5,6},{1,2,3,4},{3,4,5}U P Q ===,则()U P C Q ⋂= A .{1,2,3,4,6} B .{1,2,3,4,5} C .{1,2,5} D .{1,2}2. 在复平面内,复数1ii-对应的点位于 A .第一象限 B . 第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限3. 分段函数⎩⎨⎧>≤=-0,log ,0,2)(3x x x x f x 则满足1)(=x f 的x 值为A .0B . 3C .30或D .312A C7.阅读如图所示的程序框图,运行相应的程序,如果输入某个正整数n 后,输出的(30,40)S ∈,那么n 的值为 A .3 B .4 C .5 D .68.若函数32()(,,0)f x ax bx cx d a b c =+++>在R 上是单调函数,则'(1)f b的取值范围为A.(4,)+∞B.(2)++∞C.[4,)+∞D.[2)++∞9. 在区间15,⎡⎤⎣⎦和24,⎡⎤⎣⎦分别取一个数,记为a b ,, 则方程22221x y a b +=表示焦点在y轴上且离心率小于2()()|1|g x M x x =--的零点个数为 A . 1个 B 2个 C 3个 D 4个二、填空题:本大题共5小题,每小题5分。
11. 已知直线l 的参数方程为12x y ⎧=⎪⎪⎨⎪=+⎪⎩ (t 为参数),曲线C 的极坐标方程为2cos ρθ=, 则曲线C 上的点到直线l 的距离的最小值为_________.12.用系统抽样法要从160名学生中抽取容量为20的样本,将160名学生随机地从1~160编号,按编号顺序平均分成20组(1~8号,9~16号,…,153~160号),若第16组抽出的号码为126,则第1组中用抽签的方法确定的号码是13.如图,已知平行四边形ABCD 中,AB=2,AD=1,A=060,点M在AB 边上,且AM=23AB,则DM DB = 14.设z kx y =-,其中实数,x y 满足2025020x y x y y --≤⎧⎪+-≥⎨⎪-≤⎩,若当且仅当3,1x y ==时,z 取得最大值,则k 的取值范围为 .15. 1937年提出了一个著名的猜想:任给一个正整数n,如果n ;如果n 是奇数,则将它乘3加1(即31n +),不断重复这样1.如初始正整数为6,按照上述变换规则,我们可以得到一个数列:6,3,10,5,16,8,4,2,1.对于科拉茨猜想,目前谁也不能证明,也不能否定,现在请你研究:(1)如果2n =,则按照上述规则施行变换后的第8项为 . (2)如果对正整数n (首项)按照上述规则施行变换后的第8项为1(注:1可以多次出现),则n 的所有不同值的个数..为 .三、解答题:本大题共6小题。
2014年高考模拟(4)衡阳八中2014届第一次质量检测高考模拟2014-09-04 2312衡阳市八中2014届高三第一次质量检测语文试卷一、语言文字运用(18分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中加点字的读音全都正确的一组是A.伶人(líng)悭吝(jiān)一沓纸(dá)目眦尽裂(zì)B.脊梁(jǐ)炮烙(páo)白炽灯(zhì)一叶扁舟(biǎn)C.伺机(sì)蜷曲(quán)刽子手(guì)人为刀俎(zǔ)D.别扭(biâ)隽永(jùn)供认不讳(gîng)挈妇将雏(qiâ)2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是A.赡养疏浚毛骨耸然蓬头垢面B.辑拿坍塌额手称庆班师回朝C.辍学消弭义愤填膺功亏一匮D.焦躁坐标变本加厉缘木求鱼3. 下列各句中,加点的熟语使用恰当的一句是① 在高三教学进入冲刺阶段,部分语文教师________字词教学,以为这是小儿科,将其交给学生自学,这是教师认识不到位的一种表现。
② 因为有政府的________支持,庞大的中国市场和超前的软件设计作后盾,所以我敢向微软叫板。
③ 医疗改革关乎老百姓的健康和生命,各级政府和卫生部门要给百姓一个________,真正解决老百姓“看病难”的问题。
A.忽略全力许诺 B.忽视鼎力许诺C.忽视全力承诺 D.忽略鼎力承诺4. 下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是A.山的东麓有“初唐四杰”之一的骆宾王的墓。
5.下列句子中,没有语病的一项是A. 达芬奇家具涉嫌虚假宣传被曝光,社会各界对此极为关注,央视记者采访该企业负责人时,正式向消费者道歉。
衡阳市八中2013届高三第四次教育质量检测试题语文命题人:王畅审题人:罗丽辉本试卷共7道大题,考试时间为150分钟,满分150分一语言文字运用(18分,每小题3分)1下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是()A.粗犷.(guǎng)体.己(tī)胸脯.(pú )丢卒保车.(chē)B 皲.裂(jūn)腈.纶(jīng)漂洗(piào)唯唯诺诺(wěi)C 贮藏(zù)谮.言(zhēn) 畸.形(jī)瞠.目结舌(chēng)D 眼睑.(jiǎn)咋.舌(zé)愠.色(yùn)解.甲归田(jiě)2.下列词语中,有错别字....的一组是()A.最近,有关2012年诺贝尔文学奖得主莫言作品是否该入选中学生教材的话题引起热议,有专家担心学生读不懂作品中的魔幻现实主义。
D 伦敦奥运会留下了太多难忘的瞬间。
3、下面句中的词语,使用不恰当...的一项是( )A .余秋雨在各个领域都能干得风生水起....,随着上海徐家汇本月23日完成发行申购,作为徐家汇第十大股东,他身价暴增,已经成为“准亿万富翁”。
B 中国的汽车市场那么大,不是哪一家可以独吞的,各个厂家都可以找到自己的定位,得到自己的份额,各取所需,各得其所....。
衡阳市八中2014届高三第二次月考文科数学(本卷满分150分,时量120分钟) 命题人:刘一坚 审题人:刘慧英注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试题相应的位置。
2. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试题上无效。
1.已知函数()xf x e x =+,则函数()f x 的导函数为A.x eB.1x e +C.ln 1x +D.xe x + 2.已知点(tan ,cos )P αα在第三象限,则角α的终边在A. 第一象限B. 第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限3.函数3()34f x x x b =+-在(0,1)内有零点.则A .b>0B .b<1C .0<b<1D .b<21 4.已知集合{1,2,3,4}A =,2{|,}B x x n n A ==∈,则A B =A.{1,4}B.{-1,,1}C.{1,2}D.∅5.曲线y=53123+-x x 在 x=1处的切线的倾斜角为 A. 6π B. 43π C. 4π D .3π6. 函数()ln 2f x x =-的图象大致为7.函数()f x =的定义域为A. [2,2]-B.(0,2]C.(0,1)(1,2)D. (0,1)(1,2] 8. 函数),2,0)(sin(R x x A y ∈π<ϕ>ωϕ+ω=的部分图象如图所示,则函数表达式为A .)48sin(4π-π-=x yB .)48sin(4π-π=x yC .)48sin(4π+π=x yD .)48sin(4π+π-=x y9.已知函数22,0,()ln(1),0x x x f x x x ⎧-+≤=⎨+>⎩,若|()|1f x ax ≥-恒成立,则a 的取值范围是(A )[2,0]- (B )[2,1]- (C) [4,0]- (D) [4,1]- 二、填空题:本大题共6小题。
衡阳八中高三年级实验班第一次高考模拟考试试卷文科数学第I 卷 选择题(每题5分,共60分)本卷共12题,每题5分,共60分,在每题后面所给的四个选项中,只有一个是正确的。
1.已知集合{}{}212,0M x x N x x x =-<<=-4<,则M N ⋂= ( ) A .()0,4 B .()1,4- C .()1,2- D .()0,22.若复数z 满足iz=1+2i ,其中i 为虚数单位,则在复平面上复数z 对应的点的坐标为( ) A .(﹣2,﹣1) B .(﹣2,1) C .(2,1) D .(2,﹣1)3.设,则a ,b ,c 的大小关系为( )A .a >b >cB .a >c >bC .b >a >cD .c >b >a4.已知公差不为0的等差数列{a n }满足a 1,a 3,a 4成等比数列,S n 为数列{a n }的前n项和,则的值为( )A .2B .3C .﹣2D .﹣3 5.将函数f (x )=sin2x+3cos2x 图象上所有点向右平移6π个单位长度,得到函数g (x )的图象,则g (x )图象的一个对称中心是( ) A .(3π,0) B .(4π,0) C .(12π-,0) D .(2π, 0) 6.设实数,x y 满足3010210x y y x x +-≤⎧⎪⎪-≥⎨⎪-≥⎪⎩,则y x u x y =-的取值范围为( ) A .1,22⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦ B .2,23⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦ C. 23,32⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦ D .33,22⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦7.程大位是明代著名数学家,他的《新编直指算法统宗》是中国历史上一部影响巨大的著作.它问世后不久便风行宇内,成为明清之际研习数学者必读的教材,而且传到朝鲜、日本及东南亚地区,对推动汉字文化圈的数学发展起了重要的作用.卷八中第33问是:“今有三角果一垛,底阔每面七个.问该若干?”如图是解决该问题的程序框图.执行该程序框图,求得该垛果子的总数S 为( )A .120B .84C .56D .288.记集合A={(x ,y )|x 2+y 2≤16},集合B={(x ,y )|x+y ﹣4≤0,(x ,y )∈A}表示的平面区域分别为Ω1,Ω2.若在区域Ω1内任取一点P (x ,y ),则点P 落在区域Ω2中的概率为( )A .B .C .D .9.某几何体的三视图如图所示,其中俯视图中六边形ABCDEF 是边长为1的正六边形,点G 为AF 的中点,则该几何体的外接球的表面积是( )A.316π B. 318π C. 48164π10.函数f (x )=x|x |ln 的图象大致形状是( )A .B .C .D .11.已知双曲线﹣=1(a>0,b>0)的左、右焦点分别为F1、F2,点P在双曲线的右支上,且|PF1|=4|PF2|,则此双曲线的离心率e的最大值为()A. B. C. D.12.已知f(x)是定义在(0,+∞)上的非负可导函数,且满足xf'(x)+f(x)≤0,对任意的0<a<b,则必有()A.af(b)≤bf(a) B.bf(a)≤af(b) C.af(a)≤f(b) D.bf(b)≤f(a)第II卷非选择题(共90分)二.填空题(每题5分,共20分)13.已知向量45(2sin,cos)36aππ=,(),1b k=.若//a b,则k=.14.已知椭圆+=1(a>b>0)的左、右焦点分别为F1,F2,过F1且与x轴垂直的直线交椭圆于A、B两点,直线AF2与椭圆的另一个交点为C,若S△ABC=3S,则椭圆的离心率为15.已知A,B是求O的球面上两点,且∠AOB=120°,C为球面上的动点,若三棱锥O﹣ABC体积的最大值为,则求O的表面积为16.若函数f(x),g(x)满足:∀x∈(0,+∞),均有f(x)>x,g(x)<x成立,则称“f(x)与g (x)关于y=x分离”.已知函数f(x)=a x与g(x)=log a x(a>0,且a≠1)关于y=x分离,则a的取值范围是三.解答题(共8题,共70分)17.(本题满分12分)在锐角△ABC中,角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,向量,向量,且.(Ⅰ)求角B的大小;(Ⅱ)若sinAsinC=sin2B,求a﹣c的值.18.(本题满分12分)如图,三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1的所有棱长均相等,AA1⊥平面ABC,E为AA1的中点.(1)求证:平面BC1E⊥平面BCC1B1;(2)求直线BC1与平面BB1A1A所成角的正弦值.19.(本题满分12分)交强险是车主必须为机动车购买的险种.若普通6座以下私家车投保交强险第一年的费用(基准保费)统一为a元,在下一年续保时,实行的是费率浮动机制,保费与上一年度车辆发生道路交通事故的情况相联系,发生交通事故的次数越多,费率也就越高,具体浮动情况如表:某机构为了研究某一品牌普通6座以下私家车的投保情况,随机抽取了60辆车龄已满三年的该品牌同型号私家车的下一年续保时的情况,统计得到了下面的表格:(Ⅰ)求一辆普通6座以下私家车在第四年续保时保费高于基本保费的频率;(Ⅱ)某二手车销售商专门销售这一品牌的二手车,且将下一年的交强险保费高于基本保费的车辆记为事故车.假设购进一辆事故车亏损5000元,一辆非事故车盈利10000元,且各种投保类型车的频率与上述机构调查的频率一致,完成下列问题:①若该销售商店内有六辆(车龄已满三年)该品牌二手车,某顾客欲在店内随机挑选两辆车,求这两辆车中恰好有一辆为事故车的概率;②若该销售商一次购进120辆(车龄已满三年)该品牌二手车,求一辆车盈利的平均值.20.(本题满分12分)如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知椭圆C :22a x +22by =1(a >b >0)的离心率e= 23,在顶点为A(﹣2,0),过点A 作斜率为k (k≠0)的直线l 交椭圆C 于点D ,交y 轴于点E . (1)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)已知点P 为AD 的中点,是否存在定点Q ,对于任意的k (k≠0)都有OP ⊥EQ ?若存在,求出点Q 的坐标,若不存在,说明理由;(3)若过点O 作直线l 的平行线交椭圆C 于点M ,求|OM ||AE ||AD | 的最小值.21.(本题满分12分)已知函数.(1)当a=﹣1时,求函数f(x)的单调增区间;(2)若函数f(x)在(0,+∞)上是增函数,求实数a的取值范围;(3)若a>0,且对任意x1,x2∈(0,+∞),x1≠x2,都有|f(x1)﹣f(x2)|>2|x1﹣x2|,求实数a的最小值.选做题请考生从22、23题中任选一题作答,共10分。
衡阳市八中2014届高三第三次月考文科数学命题人:刘慧英、孙艳红 审题人:刘一坚1. 复数21i-化简的结果为 ( ) A .1i + B .1i -+ C . 1i - D .1i --2.已知集合{M x y ==,{}2N y y x x R ==∈,,则M N ⋂=( )A.(0)+∞,B. [)0+∞,C. (1)+∞,D. [)1+∞,3.下列四个函数中,既是奇函数又在定义域上单调递增的是( ) A .1y x =-B.tan y x =C .3y x = D .2log y x =4.“函数x x f a log )(=在区间(0,+∞)上为增函数”是“a =3”的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件5.那么所得的图像所对应的函数解析式是( )A. sin 2y x =B.cos 2y x =C.6.已知||1,||2,a b a b ==与的夹角为120°,则a b a +在方向上的投影为 ( )A . 0B .1C .-1D .27.已知等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为3n n S a =+,N n *∈,则实数a 的值是 ( ) A .3- B .3 C .1- D .1 8.函数f (x )=(1-cos x )sin x 在[-π,π]的图象大致为 ( )11.若曲线ln y kx x =+在点()1,k 处的切线平行于x 轴,则k =______. 12.若的内角、、满足6sinA=4sinB=3sinC,则13.如果向量 (, 1)a k =与(4, )b k = 共线且方向相反,则k =14.已知函数()y f x =是定义在R 上的奇函数,且当(,0)x ∈-∞时不等式,()'()0f x xf x +<恒成立,若0.30.33(3),(log 3)(log 3)af b f ππ==3311(log )(log )99c f =,则a ,b ,c 的大小关系(用“>”连接)是15.定义在(,0)(0,)-∞+∞ 上的函数()f x ,如果对于任意给定的等比数列{}n a ,{()}n f a 仍是等比数列,则称()f x 为“等比函数”。
【全国名校】2014届湖南衡阳市第八中学高三上期第二次月考英语卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________I、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1.It is _____ he often fails in exams____ makes his parents worried about him.A.because;thatB.that;thatC.不填;thatD.what;that【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查主语从句和强调句:首先第二个填that为强调句,It is ...that...中的that 为固定搭配,去掉It is ...that...来看,这是句子为That he often fails in exams makes his parents worried about him.在这一句中That he often fails in exams 为主句,这是个强调的主语从句,选B。
考点:考查主语从句和强调句2.Mr White _______his racing bicycle by himself yesterday, but I’m not sure whether it is readyA.repairedB.had repairedC.was repairingD.would repair【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查时态:句意:怀特先生昨天自己修自行车,但是我不确定现在是不是修好了。
因为时间是yesterday,排除BD项,又因为but I’m not sure whether it is ready这句话,排除A。
考点:考查时态3.Our English teacher , having explained to us how to design a project, allowed us a whole week’s preparation and then ______the class.A.to dismissB.dismissedC.dismissingD.having dismissed【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查动词时态。
PART ONE LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A (22.5%)Directions In this section, you’ll hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letters (A,B or C) on the question booklet.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 11. Why is the man sleeping on the job?A. He has to work late.B. He has to get up early.C. He has a busy social life.2.How did the man probably go to work in the past?A. By bus.B. By train.C. By motorbike. Conversation 23.Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At a hotel.B. In a park.C. At a drugstore.4.What is the matter with the woman’s son?A. He has got sunburned.B. He got hurt in a park.C. He has a stomachache.Conversation 35.What can we know about Boswell?A. People there are warm-hearted.B. It is half the size of Highland Park.C. It offers better education.6.What’s the probable relationship between Jack and Mary?A. Husband and wife.B. Boss and secretary.C. Teacher and student.Conversation 47.What’s the price of the blouse?A. $64.B. $34.C. $13.8.What does the woman take at last?A. An expensive blouse.B. A pair of shoes.C. A nice blouse.9.What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?A. Husband and wife.B. Customer and salesman.C. Customer and tailor.Conversation 510.Where does the man suggest the woman stay?A. In a hotel.B. In a flat.C. With a family.11.What does the man think of sharing a flat with others?A .Housework costs time.B. It will be comfortable.C. It will save much time.12.Who can help to find a family to stay with?A. The travel agency.B. The Students’ Union.C. The student adviser.Conversation 613.What does the man want to make an ad for?A. Furniture.B. Garden supplies.C. An apartment.14.Why does the man want to sell his belongings?A. He needs money.B. He is moving.C. He likes new things.15.Why does the man decide to make changes in what has been written?A. To make it clearer to understand.B. To make it easier to read.C. To make it cheaper to print.SECTION B (7.5 marks)Directions In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.PART TWO LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGESECTION A (15%)Directions Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B ,C andD. Choosethe one answer that best completes the sentence.21.Sometimes we reach a point ______ we fail to decide which one is better, the journey or the destination.A. thatB. whereC. whenD. whom22. —Have you told Mr. Smith about the meeting?—Not yet.I ______ him in a minute.A. calledB. callC. will callD. have called23. Sometimes you have to stop thinking too much and just go ______ your heart takes you.A. whenB. whereC. whetherD. if24. —Tony, you must have noticed the student who broke the glass.—I’m sorry. I ______ attentively.A. studiedB. was studyingC. am studyingD. would study25. The government set up a working group which was made up of some experts ______ theproblem.A. to look intoB. having looked intoC. looked intoD. look into26. I ______ glasses since I was in primary school and I dislike them. They make me look like abookworm.A. have wornB. have been wearingC. have been wornD. was wearing27. —How can you catch a taxi at home?—Don’t worry.I have opened an account on DiDi Dache.I ______ for a taxi driver to pick me up here.A.was waiting B.have waited C.am waiting D.had waited 28. Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence ______ what you look like makes muchdifference to your life.A. thatB. whichC. whetherD. how29. To the surprise of all the students, they were given a sudden test without ______ in advance.A. toldB. tellingC. to be toldD. being told30. —Has everyone in your class passed the driving test?—No, ______ only Jackson and I who______ passed it.A. it was; hadB. it is; hasC. there is ; haveD. it is; have31. The meeting ______ over, all of them left the room, ______ to lock the door.A. was; forgotB. was; forgettingC. being; forgotD. being; forgetting32. English is a language that many young people around the world ______ not speak perfectlybutat least ______ understand.A. would; mightB. may; canC. will; mustD. could; might33. It is imagination ---______ it dreams, if you wish --- that promotes the mind for healthy growth.A. callB. calledC. callingD. to call34. —What a heavy rain!—Yes.I ______ to take an umbrella with me, but I didn't.A.have planned B.would plan C.had planned D.will plan35. ______ your support, I could have missed the first prize.A. Should it not be forB. Had it not been forC. If it had been forD. If it should be forSECTION B (18%)Directions For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A.B. C. and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Dr. David Sullivan, a pediatric dentist (⼉科⽛医), is just wild about teeth. So are some of his patients.You see, Dr. David, as many people call him, has some unusual patients. They aren’t the children he 36 sees each day. They’re, well, big, and hairy and sometimes weigh more than four hundred pounds. They’re 37 animals.On most days, Dr David tends to his human patients, teaching them how to care for their 38 . On some days, however, the Cincinnati Zoo calls with some special work for him to do. Since 1982, Dr. David has volunteered to perform dental surgery on many of the animals. This would be a 39 experience for most.Luckily, Dr. David feels differently. “I’m not 40 of the animals,” he says. “I have been around them so much that I’m used to them.”How does a children’s dentist find himself 41 the teeth of a black rhino or a monkey? For Dr. David, it was a matter of chance.“When I was a kid in school, the only thing I ever 42 to be was a veterinarian (兽医),” says Dr. David. “I even applied to the veterinary school in college.” But Dr. David soon realized that veterinary work was 43 for him. “I volunteered at a veterinarian’s office to get some experience,” he says. “I was pitiful. I couldn’t breath e. My eyes were swollen shut. I had allergy symptoms.” So Dr. David tried pediatric dentistry and found he loved it.After he became a dentist, Dr. David 44 at Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. While there, he was asked to help with dental work on some of the 45 in the hospital’s research lab. It wasn’t long before he began a dental program for the animals.Word of Dr. David’s work with animals 46 , and soon King’s Island Amusement Park and the Cincinnati Zoo were calling to ask for his 47 . Now he regularly gets calls from the zoo.36. A. clearly B. typically C. rarely D. traditionally37. A. dead B. pet C. real D. toy38. A. feet B. ears C. eyes D. teeth39. A. frightening B. painful C. wonderful D. valuable40. A. fond B. afraid C. tired D. ashamed41. A. worrying about B. asking about C. preparing for D. caring for42. A. hated B. managed C. wanted D. failed43. A. impossible B. wonderful C. necessary D. imperfect44. A. arrived B. performed C. studied D. worked45. A. kids B. models C. animals D. adults46. A. rang B. spread C. faded D. broke47. A. help B. advice C. opinion D. permission SECTION C (12%)Directions Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.Pro tecting your children from harm is just as important online as it is in the real world.48 a parent or carer, you can play an important role in helping children have safe and positive experiences online.The Internet offers 49 exciting world of experiences for children and the whole family. Using the Internet can be entertaining, educational and rewarding. However, 50 also involves risks and challenges. Children 51 be exposed to content that is violent, prohibited or even illegal. They may also experience cyber bullying (欺凌⾏为) 52 be at risk from contact by strangers. Children may —unknowingly or deliberately —share personal information without realizing that they may be subject to identity theft, or 53 they are leaving behind content that might not reflect well on them 54 the future.By taking an active role in talking with your children about the risks and answering their questions or concerns about something that they find on the Internet, 55 can help them stay safer online.PART THREE READING COMPREHENSION (30%)Directions Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.ASalesman Ramesh lived in the southern part of India. He got his first assignment in the month of June, the start of the rainy season in the area. He was given a list of local laundry owners whom he had to approach and sell products to. He was scared and thought he wouldn’t be able to fulfill the task, but he accepted the challenge as he had no other choice.The next day he started approaching the laundry owners, and within 15 days he got a really nice response. Most of them purchased his products, but they borrowed money from Ramesh to buy the products. Everyone promised to pay him back within the next 15 days.During the last week of June amidst heavy showers, he started visiting the laundry owners to collect money. Upon visiting half of them, he realized he hadn’t collected a penny.After almost 14 days, on a bright sunny Monday morning, he started visiting the laundry owners once again. Suddenly, by noon Ramesh realized that he had collected the payments from almost 50% of the owners.He worked hard throughout the day, and by the end of the day he had completed 90% of his target for June and July. At last,he became the “star performer” for the months of June and July.Why did the laundry owners look at the sky and tell him to come the next day when Ramesh visited them? He went to a laundry owner and asked him the question. The owner said, “This is the month of the rainy season and we have to wash the clothes, dry them off and iron them before handing them over to customers. If the sun doesn’t shine, how can we dry our clothes and earn money to pay you back?” Ramesh then realized that it was his patience and endurance that kept him going and ultimately helped him achieve success.Like Ramesh, each one of us should realize that apart from being honest and hard-working, if we can keep our patience, we are inching up the ladder of success.56. What can we learn about Ramesh?A. He didn’t like the job of salesman.B. He was confident in his first task.C. His customers were mainly the local laundry owners.D. He accomplished his sales task perfectly within 10 days.57. The laundry owners asked Ramesh to come later, because ___________.A. they felt embarrassed about refusing Ramesh directlyB. they didn’t want to pay Ramesh back at allC. they had to wait for the sun to come out to dry clothesD. they had to save up money to pay for the products they bought58. Which of the following best describes Ramesh?A. Hard-working and patient.B. Patient and generous.C. Generous and hard-working.D. Confident and persuasive.59. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. June is the start of the rainy season in the southern part of India.B. To sell products, Ramesh helped his customers to wash clothes.C. Ramesh became the “star performer” for the next three months.D. A minority of customers paid for the products using the money from Ramesh.60. What does the author try to tell us?A. Plans are everything.B. Patience leads to success.C. Customers must come first.D. Success is one thing; luck is another.BPhysical fitness refers to good health, and is the result of regular exercise, proper diet and nutrition, and proper rest for physical recovery. A person who is physically fit will be able to walk or run without getting breathless and he or she will be able to carry out the activities of everyday living and will not need help. How much each person can do will depend on their age andwhether they are a man or woman. A physically fit person usually has a normal weight for height. The relation betweenheight and weight is called the Body Mass Index. A taller person can be heavier and still be fit. If a person is too heavy or too thin for the height it may affect the health.Mental health refers to a person’s emotional and psychological well-being. “A state of emotional and psychological well-being in which an individual is able to use his or her thinking and emotional(feeling) abilities, function in society, and meet the ordinary demands of everyday life.”One way to think about mental health is by looking at how well a person functions. Feeling capable and efficient, being able to handle normal levels of stress, having good friends and family, and leading an independent life, and being able to “bounce back” or recovering from hardships, are all signs of mental health.Public Health refers to trying to stop a disease that is unhealthy to the community, and does not help in long life or promote your health. This is fixed by organized efforts and choices of society, public and private clubs, communities and individuals.It is about the health of many people, or everybody, rather than one person. Public health stops instead of encouraging a disease through surveillance(监督) of cases. To prevent being sick, it is good to do healthy behaviors, such as hand washing, vaccination programs and so on. When infectious diseases break out, washing hands may be especially important.61. What is the best title of the passage?A.Three healthy LivesB. Importance of HealthC. Something about HealthD. Physical, Mental and Public Health62.What does “Body Mass Index” in Paragraph 1 consist of?A. Abilities, functions and demands.B. Height, weight and their relation.C. Exercise, proper diet and nutrition.D. Recovery, independence and relation.63.What are the signs of mental health?A. Living an independent life and suffer from hardships.B. Reducing norma l levels of stress and handle “bounce back”.C. Living an independent life and own good friends and family.D. Increasing emotional demands and psychological well-being.64.Once Bird Flu takes place, that refers to _______.A. the problem of public healthB. the problem of mental healthC. the problem of physical healthD. the importance of washing hands.65.What can promote your body health according to the passage?A. Family, society and individuals.B. Regular exercise, proper diet and nutrition.C. Private clubs, communities and individuals.D. Hand washing, vaccination and other healthy behaviors.CThe oil from palms (棕榈) has a wide variety of uses and is found in food, soaps and shampoos. An international team found a gene that made some of the trees produce more oil than others.Dr Rajinder Singh, from government agency the Malaysian Palm Oil Board, said, “The oil palm has three fruit forms a thick-shelled type —the Dura; those that don’t have any shell—the Pisifera; a third form produced as a cross between the thick shell and the one without the shell—the Tenera, which are more of the fleshy fruit to produce the oil,” and the researchers identified the gene producing this trait.While oil palm growers attempt to grow only the thin-shelled Tenera variety, up to 10% of the seeds can be contaminated (污染的), and turn out to be the other less oily plants. Prof. Martienssen, from the Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory, said, “We can now use that gene in genetic testing, which will allow growers as well as producers to know exactly what sort of tree they are planting before it produces fruit. It takes a long time for these trees to produce fruit, but by being able to predict exactly what sort of fruit that trees will produce, it will greatly assist growers.”The researchers say this could offer a more sustainable form of agriculture. Prof. Martienssen said, “This finding gives us huge hope. We hope to maximi ze land usage and produce a lot more on the same amount of lan d, because we do not want to destroy the rainforest any more.”However, the environmental group WWF-UK said that the global demand for oil palm was growing rapidly, making the expansion of plantations inevitable.Adam Harrison, the organiz ation’s food and agriculture policy officer, said, “In a sense it does not matter if a ‘good’ variety replaces forest or a ‘bad’ one, the wildlife and communities that need access to that land will suffer. So for palm oil to be sustainable, the process of allocating (分配) land needs to be controlled. There is an abundance of low-carbon, low-wildlife and conflict-free land available and there is no more need for forest areas to be changed.”66. What can we infer from the passage?A. The plantation of oil palms has decreased in recent years.B. The Dura produces less oil than other two types of palm fruit.C. It takes less time to produce fruit, Pisifera, than other two types of fruit.D. The researchers are trying to produce more palms with the fruit, Tenera.67. What difficulty are the oil palm growers faced with?A. The more oily palms easily died of bad weather.B. The more oily palms can change to the less oily ones.C. They don’t have enough land to grow oil palms.D. They are unable to predict exactly what sort of fruit the trees they are planting will produce.68. According to his statement in Paragraph 4, Prof Martienssen thought they should ______.A. expand the plantation of oil palmsB. plant more other trees instead of oil palmsC. make full use of less land to plant oil palmsD. only grow the more sustainable type of oil palms69. The underlined word “inevitable” in the last but one paragraph means ______.A. unchangeableB. improperC. uncertainD. impractical70. Over which issue Adam Harrison showed his concern?A. The oil palm is not a good replacement of the forest.B. The palm oil the researchers are testing is unsustainable.C. There is not enough land for the plantation of oil palms.D. The plantation of oil palms will affect the native environment.PART FOUR WRITING (45%)SECTION A (10%)Directions Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Earthquake experience can be very frightening for anyone. Knowing what to do safely during the earthquake is important. It can help in reducing anxiety and increases the awareness and ability to deal with it properly. No one knows when an earthquake will hit or how damaging it will be. The following are some simple tips that could save your life.Create an earthquake plan, which includes the actions that you and your family will take when the earthquake occurs, and identify “safe zones” within the house to shelter in when an earthquake strikes. Prepare things like high-energy food, flashlight, radio, batteries and bottled water on hand, as during a quake, it is likely that electricity and water will be cut off.If you are at home when an earthquake strikes, get under a large item of furniture and hold on or stay in a corner. If the ceiling falls down it will land on the edge of the furniture and slope towards the floor. Stay in your seat if you are in a stadium or a theater. Get below the level of the back of the seat and cover your head and neck with your arms.If you are walking outdoors when an earthquake strikes, move into an open area away from buildings, street lights and glass windows. These could fall and injure you. If you are driving when an earthquake strikes, carefully pull over at the side of the road and don’t get out of your car until the shakes pass.After the earthquake, avoid routes with tunnels or bridges in case of aftershocks. Electricity and water supplies are likely to be cut off, so save your water supplies. Listen to a battery-operated radio for emergency instructions and information. Use the telephone for emergency calls only.Title 71 for Earthquake SafetyI. 72 of earthquake knowledge* Reducing anxiety* Increasing the 73 to deal with an earthquake properlyII. Before an earthquake* Creating 74* Identifying “safe zones” to shelter in* Preparing things in case of an emergencyIII. 75W hen you are 76* At home; getting under a large item of furniture and staying in a corner* In a stadium or theatre staying in your seat and using your arms to protectyour 77When you are outdoors* Walking moving into an open area* Driving stopping driving and remaining 78 until the shakes pass IV. After an earthquake* Avoiding using 79* Saving water supplies* Getting emergency instructions and information over the 80* Avoiding using the telephone without emergency callsSECTION B (10 %)Directions Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.As I had not yet had the opportunity to have work experience, I was eager to start. When I first arrived, I was a little nervous, but everybody was so friendly and welcoming that I felt at ease immediately .My first task was to help audit(审核) information within MySignpost using a spreadsheet (电⼦制表软件)on the computer after checking that the website links, telephone numbers and addresses were correct on the website. I also learned how to construct the weekly newsletter sent out each Friday to all registered members.The staff were always attentive and ready to help, which really taught me how to work effectively at whatI was doing. As well as being friendly and a great team to work with, they were flexible with workhours andconsiderate.During my work experience, I feel I have learned how to work effectively in an office environment.confident in these tasks. I also feel that my work experience has made me more confident of learning newskills, being punctual, and dressing according to the dress code(准则). All of these factors have helped me gainan insight into the work environment and the importance of being punctual, and learn new skills that will beinvaluable in the future.I would highly recommend anybody to undertake a work placement —it is an excellentway to acquireskills and experience a work environment, and will make you feel more confident for future careers.81.How did the author feel at first? (No more than 10 words) ( 2 marks)__________________________________________________________________________________82.What skills did the author learn from his first task? ( No more than 13 words) ( 3 marks)_______________________________________________________________________________ ___83. Why could the author work effectively during his work experience? ( No more than 9 works) (2 marks)_______________________________________________________________________________ ___84. What can we get from undertaking a work placement, according to the author? ( No more than5 words)(3 marks)_______________________________________________________________________________ _____SECTION C (25%)书⾯表达:中央电视台在2014年春节期间,推出“新春⾛基层”节⽬,主题是“家风是什么?”你校英⽂报针对该话题进⾏征⽂活动。
2014湖南省衡阳八中高三高考模拟数学理试题含答案命题:张贤华、郭端香、唐志军 审题:唐志军一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.复数i(1i)z =+(i 是虚数单位)的共轭复数z 在复平面内对应的点在 A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限2.设集合{}{}260,2x M x x x N y y M N =+-<==⋂=,则 A. ()0,2B. [)0,2C. ()0,3D. [)0,33.已知某篮球运动员2013年度参加了25场比赛,若从中抽取5场,用 茎叶图统计该运动员5场中的得分如图所示,则该样本的方差为 A.4C.10D.164.设命题:p 平面=l m l m αββ⋂⊥⊥平面,若,则;命题:q 函数sin y x =的图象关于直线2x π=对称.则下列判断正确的是A.p 为真B. q ⌝为假C. ∨p q 为假D. p q ∧为真5. 执行如图所示的程序框图,如果输入2a =,2b =,那么输出的a 值为A.4B.16C.256D.3log 166. 已知实数x ,y 满足约束条件6003x y x y x ì-+?ïïï+?íïï£ïïî则93x y z -=的最小值为A. 27B.127 C. 3 D. 137.三棱柱的侧棱与底面垂直,且底面是边长为2的等边三角形,其正视图(如图所示)的面积为8,则该三棱柱外接球的表面积为A. 163πB. 283πC. 643πD. 24π8.抛物线2:2(0)C y px p =>的焦点为F ,M 是抛物线C 上的点,若OFM ∆的1 2 39 2 581外接圆与抛物线C 的准线相切,且该圆面积为36π,则p = A.2 B.4 C.6 D.89.已知函数()2,0ln ,0kx x f x x x +≤⎧=⎨>⎩()k R ∈,若函数()y f x k =+有三个零点,则实数k 的取值范围是 A. 2k ≤- B. 21k -≤<-C. 10k -<<D. 2k ≤10.已知P 是△ABC 所在的平面内一点,AB=4,0PA PB PC ++=,PA PB PB PC PC PA ∙=∙=∙, 若点D 、E 分别满足DC AC =-,3BE EC =则AP DE ⋅=A .8B .C .-D .-8二、填空题:(本大题共6小题,考生只作答5小题,每小题5分,共25分)(一)选做题(请考生在第11、12、13三题中任选两题作答,如果全做,则按前两题计分) 11.(几何证明选讲)如图,AB ,CD 是半径为1的圆O 的两条弦,它们相交于AB 的中点P ,PD=23,∠OAP=30°,则CP =______.12.(极坐标与参数方程) 在极坐标系(ρ,θ)(ρ>0, 0 ≤θ <2π)中,曲线ρ=2sinθ 与ρcosθ=-1的交点的极坐标为______。
衡阳市八中2014届高三第三次月考文科数学注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试题相应的位置。
2. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试题上无效。
1. 复数21i-化简的结果为 ( A ) A .1i + B .1i -+ C . 1i - D .1i --2.已知集合{M x y ==,{}2N y y x x R ==∈,,则M N ⋂=( D )A.(0)+∞,B. [)0+∞,C. (1)+∞,D. [)1+∞, 3.下列四个函数中,既是奇函数又在定义域上单调递增的是( C ) A .1y x =-B.tan y x =C .3y x = D .2log y x =4.“函数x x f a log )(=在区间(0,+∞)上为增函数”是“a =3”的( B ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 5.将函数()sin(2)6f x x π=+的图像向右平移6π个单位,那么所得的图像所对应的函数解析式是( D )A. sin 2y x =B.cos 2y x =C.2sin(2)3y x π=+D.sin(2)6y x π=- 6.已知||1,||2,a b a b ==与的夹角为120°,则a b a +在方向上的投影为 ( A ) A . 0 B .1 C .-1 D .27.已知等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为3n n S a =+,N n *∈,则实数a 的值是 ( C ) A .3- B .3 C .1- D .1 8.函数f (x )=(1-cos x )sin x 在[-π,π]的图象大致为 ( C )9.已知nn a )31(=,把数列{}n a 的各项排列成如下的三角形状,记),n m A (表示第m 行的第n 个数,则)(12,10A = ( B ) A.9231)( B.9331)( C. 9431)( D.11231)(二、填空题:本大题共6小题。
5%)Directions: In this section,you’ll hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers。
For each conversation,there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices。
Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letters (A,B or C)on the question booklet.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 11。
Who isn’t the new swimmer?A. Jack。
B. The woman。
What does the coach want the swimmers to do?A. Follow the rules.B. Keep practicing in the deep water. C。
Take a shower immediately.Conversation 23。
What is the woman doing?A. Buying a present。
Preparing a birthday party。
C. Giving some advice。
What will the man get for Linda?A. A book.B. A magazine.C. A CD.Conversation 35。
衡阳市八中2014届高三第3次月考数学(理387班)命题人及审题人:张贤华考生注意:本试卷共21道小题,满分100分,时量120分钟,请将答案写在答题卷上.一.选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求.1.己知一个几何体是由上、下两部分构成的组合体,其三视图如右图示, 若图中圆的半径为1,则该几何体的体积是( ) A .43π B .2πC .38πD .103π2. 一个算法的程序框图如右图所示,若该程序输出的结果是631,则判断框内 应填入的条件是( )A.4i <B.4i >C.5i <D.5i >3.方程22(1)230a x ax +--=的两根12,x x 满足)(2121x x x -<且01>x , 则实数a 的取值范围是( )A.()3,1B. ()+∞+,31C. )31,23(--D. ),23(∞+- 4.已知函数21,0,()(1),0.x x f x f x x -⎧-≤=⎨->⎩若方程()f x x a =+有且只有两个不相等的实数根,则实数a 的取值范围是( )A .(),1-∞B .(],1-∞C .()0,1D .[)0,+∞ 5.如右图所示为函数()()2sin f x x ωϕ=+(0,2πωϕπ>≤≤)的部分图象,其中,A B 两点之间的距离为5,那么()1f -=( )AB. C .2 D .2- 6.如图,已知双曲线2213yx -=,, A C 分别是虚轴的上、下端点,B 是左顶点, F 为左焦点,直线AB 与FC 相交于点D ,则BDF ∠的余弦值是( )ABD7.已知α、β是三次函数3211()2(,)32f x x ax bx a b R =++∈的两个极值点,且(0,1)α∈,(1,2)β∈,则21b a --的取值范围是( ) A .1(,1)4B .1(,1)2C .11(,)24-D .1(0,)38. 方程1169x x y y +=-的曲线即为函数()y f x =的图像,对于函数()y f x =,有如下结论:①()f x 在R 上单调递减;②函数()4()3F x f x x =+不存在零点;③函数()y f x =的值域是R ;④若函数()g x 和()f x 的图像关于原点对称,则函数()y g x =的图像就是方程1169y y x x +=确定的曲线。
”这表明夏、商、周政治制度的特点之一是( ) A.按照血缘亲疏分配政治权力 B.形成内外相辅的地方政权体制C.实行神权与政权相结合的制度 D.国家和家族宗法制度密切结合2.“昔者天子有争(同诤,下同)臣七人,虽无道,不失其天下。
”材料说明“争臣”( )A.有利于对各级官员的监察 B.有利于对天子诸侯的谏议C.从法律上真正约束了王权 D.防止了各级政府决策失误3.唐代柳宗元在《封建论》一文中认为:“封建非圣人之意也,势也。
”对于文中“势”的理解正确的是( )A.西周初年的复杂局面 B.强大的贵族势力 C.日益强化的皇权 D.唐朝强盛的国力4.公元前219年,秦始皇来到泰山下。
由此可见,秦始皇主张( )A.书同文 B.度同制 C.车同轨 D.行同伦5.易中天教授曾在《中国大一统》中谈道:“中国大一统局面在全世界也找不出第二个,历经2000多年至今还是大一统国家,这是中国特色的精神文明影响的结果。
”这里的“精神文明”可能是( )A.“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”的忧患意识 B.“天下为公”意识的影响C.专制主义中央集权制度的不断完善 D.“合久必分,分久必合”的历史规律6.古希腊民主政治形成的特定条件是( )A.地处欧、亚、非三大洲要冲 B.独特的自然地理环境C.古希腊人民对民主、自由的追求 D.城邦的出现及其激烈的争夺7.梭伦“按财产估价把人民分成四个等级.……指定以相应的官职……至于列在日佣等级的人,他只允许他们充当民众会和法庭的成员。
”“与四个等级的划分相适应,分配不同的兵役义务:每个等级的公民都有自备武装服兵役的义务,第一二等级充当骑兵……”结合所学知识,下列关于对梭伦改革的理解不正确的是( )A.雅典人可以按照财产的多寡享受一定的民主权利B.按照财产划分等级,是对从前按照血统和门第划分等级的否定C.体现了公民权利与义务相统一的思想D.这项改革对氏族贵族是一个打击8.亚里士多德在《雅典政制》中说,雅典议事会的成员由400人改为500人,每(地域)部落出50人,而在以前,每(血缘)部落则出100人。
上述变化发生于( ) A.梭伦改革前 B.梭伦改革时期 C.克利斯提尼改革时期 D.伯里克利任首席将军期间9.伯利克里说:“在私人生活中,我们是自由和宽恕的。
这表明( )A.私有财产不可侵犯 B.债务人与债权人关系紧张C.高利贷已成为严重的社会问题 D.运用法律调节借贷关系11.有学者评述某部法律“对于受压制的平民来说,它不仅在书面上给予他们以安全感,而且全面保障他们反对贵族法官在刑事判决方面滥用职权。
”结合所学知识判断这位学者所评述的法律是( )A.《十二铜表法》 B.《查士丁尼民法大全》 C.《美国1787年宪法》 D.《拿破仑法典》12.西方学者认为:“工业革命之所以在英国开始的决定性因素之一,就是在十六七世纪中这里已经形成了有利于工业化的社会政治结构、心理状态和价值尺度。
”文中的“社会政治结构”奠基于( )A.《大宪章》 B.《权利请愿书》 C.《大抗议书》 D.《权利法案》13.“欧洲人进行了思想理论的探索,但美洲却首先成为政治上实践的土壤。
”18世纪晚期,北美人民实践欧洲启蒙思想的表现有( )①为摆脱殖民统治进行民族独立战争②实现三权分立的政治体制③消除种族歧视,构建平等社会④建立联邦共和国政府A、①②③B、①②④C、②③④D、①③④14.19世纪英国一位著名政治家说,美国1787年宪法是“在特定的历史时期人类智慧和意志所创造出的最美妙的杰作”。
对两种评价的解读正确的是( )A.“特定的历史时期”:美国两党制形成时期 B.“最美妙的杰作”:邦联制赋予政府权力C.“最先承认了人权”:世界上最早实行代议制 D.“有色人种奴隶制”:体现了该宪法的局限性15.美国学者斯科特·戈登在《控制国家——西方宪政的历史》中写道:“……社会的全盘重建是必要的,而这一伟大任务只有具有不受拘束的坚定且无情的政府才能完成……美国的政治发展……并没有摒弃英格兰的政治遗产;相反,美国政治重建的设计师试图保持并完善这种遗产。
”对此理解正确的是( )A.美国和英国一样都实行资产阶级代议制 B.美国联邦政府的职能相当于英国的责任制内阁C.美国总统和英国首相都必须对国会(议会)负责 D.美、英两国都通过颁布宪法加强中央政府的权力16.1802年拿破仑发表演说:“现在有了一个政府,有了各种权力机构,但此外全国还剩下什么呢?一盘散沙。
”材料反映拿破仑( )A.竭力维护共和制 B.力图强化中央集权C.企图复辟封建帝制 D.力主对外扩张,建立一统欧洲的大帝国17.《法兰西第三共和国宪法》规定:“总统有权召开两院的特别会议。
”这说明( )A.总统控制议会 B.总统权大,议会权小 C.总统的权力受议会限制 D.行政权与立法权相制约18.1871年《德意志帝国宪法》第十五条规定:“联邦议会的主席职位及其事务的领导权属于由皇帝任命的帝国宰相。
”此规定表明( )A.国家元首由选举产生 B.国家行政权属于宰相C.国家权力中心为议会 D.宰相只对国家元首负责而不对议会负责19.在德意志帝国里,皇帝有权任命帝国首相和官员,有权召集和解散议会。
上述材料反映了德意志的最大政治特点是( )A.具有浓厚的专制主义和军国主义色彩 B.君权至上和君主专制C.德意志政治家和议员地位低下 D.将军享有国家最高的政治权利20.德意志帝国和法兰西第三共和国的国家元首都拥有比较大的权力,但二者也有很大的不同,具体表现在( )①前者可以无条件任命内阁首脑,后者须经参议院同意方可任命内阁②前者任期终身,后者任期七年③前者几乎不受任何制约,后者受到议会的制约④前者拥有的绝对权力大于后者A.①②③B.②③④ C.①③④D.①②③④21.有位学者把17世纪40年代明朝崇祯帝和英国查理—世两位君主的暴亡,视为两个民族历史的一个楔子——世界的天平开始失衡,西方的崛起、东方的没落明显加快。
其观察问题的着眼点在于( )A.政权发生更替 B.文化途径迥异 C.国力对比变化 D.社会形态转变22. 章开沅先生说:“ 1895年,中国有三个人各自作出了自己一生最重要的选择:康有为选择了变法,孙中山选择了革命,张謇选择了实业,……可以称之为殊途同归。
”这里的“同归”最有可能指的是( )A. 民主政治的追求B. 向西方学习的实践 C.救国救亡的时代任务 D. 个人命运的选择23. 《新编剑桥世界近代史》中有这样的评述:“两个学说都发现了变化的原因在于斗争——生存竞争和阶级竞争。
”这两个学说最终形成于( )A. 17世纪晚期B. 18世纪中期C. 19世纪中期D. 20世纪初期24.孙中山认为它是“对于欧美新文化之反动”“……其勇锑之气,殊不可当,真是令人佩服。
”这应该是孙中山对哪一历史事件的高度评价?( )A.三元里人民抗英B. 义和团运动C.台湾军民反割台斗争D.五四运动25.列宁说:“毫无出路的处境十倍地增强了工农的力量,使我们能够用与西欧其它一切国家不同的方法来创造发展文明的根本条件”。
十月革命“用与西欧其它一切国家不同的方法”的含义是( )A.采用暴力革命的方式来夺取政权 B.以社会主义革命的方式推进国家的现代化C.开创了国际社会主义运动的新局面 D.利用商品、市场和货币关系发展经济26.下列有关两幅德国不同时期版图的叙述不正确的是( )图1 图2A.图1的成立标志着德国迈入资本主义,并改变了欧洲的政治格局B.图1结束于二战后,该时期德国政体为君主立宪制,国体为联邦制C.图2的联邦德国实行“社会市场经济”,成为战后西欧经济的“火车头”D.图2由于民主德国最后并入联邦德国使德国再次完成统一27.抗战初期,蒋介石致电某部:“25日一战,歼寇如麻,足证官兵用命,深堪嘉慰。
两则材料称赞的是( ) A.淞沪会战 B.平型关战役 C.百团大战 D.台儿庄战役28.中国的慈禧与英国的维多利亚女王是几乎同时代的统治者,两人统治下的国家对比强烈,以下与此有关的评述错误的是()A.英帝国势达极盛而中国完全沦为半殖民地半封建社会B.英国虽盛但已有衰落迹象而中国虽衰也已见一些生机C.二人治国方式手腕的不同造成两国一盛一衰D.此时形成两国差异的根源在于所属的政治制度而不在于她们本人29.美国学者约翰•奈斯比特在《中国大趋势》一书中,形容中国特殊模式的民主是以信任为连接纽带,以自上而下的政治领导和自下而上的公民参与为结构特征的“纵向民主”,是一种有别于以往西方所走的民主(“横向民主”)道路,使中国稳定转型,避免了以往西方为走向民主而造成的资源浪费。
下列说法正确的是( )A.中国的民主政治模式是最佳模式B.政治协商是中国民主政治的特点C.中国民主政治建设无需借鉴西方 D.“中国模式”应该在世界各国推广30.2011年国际关系领域出现了“春”(利比亚等中东乱局)、“夏”(英国伦敦社会骚乱)、“秋”(美国纽约“占领华尔街”行动)、“冬”(朝鲜最高领导人金正日逝世)等重大事件。