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东风本田汽车公司生产的一款车型,CR-V是comfortable runabout-vehicle的缩写,从名字就可以看出它对舒适性的要求是首要的,它的历史可追溯至1995年10月,至今已遍布全球162个国家和地区。
A12018 PRICE LIST AND ORDER FORMS CLASS 1 METERS FOR REFINED PETROLEUM PRODUCTSEFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2018List Prices FCA Lake Bluff, IllinoisPrices are subject to change without noticeFor Customer Service In USA/Canada: 1-800-458-5262 | Fax: 847-295-1057For Customer Service Outside USA/Canada: 01-847-295-1050After Hours Emergency Service Number (USA/Canada Only): 1-800-458-5262ForPurchaseOrders:********************LC_PRICE_A1_V2:0118Effective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without Notice2 Liquid Controls, LLC Class 1 M Series Meters for Refined FuelsOrdering Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Model Number Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Base Model & Registration Pricing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Standard & Optional Accessories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Class 1 MS Series Steel Case Meters for Refined FuelsOrdering Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Model Number Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Base Model & Registration Pricing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Standard & Optional Accessories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26LCR-II Software Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28LCR 600 Software Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Terms & Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30TABLE OF CONTENTSEffective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeFor Customer Service Inside the USA/Canada: 1-800-458-5262, Outside the USA/Canada: 01-847-295-1050 3 CLASS 1 M SERIES REFINED FUELSORDERING GUIDEORDERING GUIDE for Class 1 M Series MetersCLASS 1 M SERIES REFINED FUELSNOTE: To ensure proper systems selection, be sure to identify Temperature, Viscosity Range, Required Flow Rate, and System Pressure before proceeding.STEP 1: Select Meter Size Based on Pressure and Flow Rate of Class 1 Fluid*Higher pressure available without accessories.Effective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without Notice4 Liquid Controls, LLC STEP 2:Select Electronic or Mechanical RegistrationSTEP 3: Select Accessory Package Based on Electronic or Mechanical RegistrationCLASS 1 M SERIES REFINED FUELSORDERING GUIDEA Meter + RegisterB Meter + Register + StrainerC Meter + Register + Strainer + Air Eliminator E Meter + Register + PrinterF Meter + Register + Strainer + PrinterG Meter + Register + Strainer + Air Eliminator + Printer I Meter + Register + Preset ValveJ Meter + Register + Strainer + Preset ValveK Meter + Register + Strainer + Air Eliminator + Preset Valve L Meter + Register + Preset Valve + PrinterM Meter + Register + Strainer + Printer + Preset ValveN Meter + Register + Strainer + Air Eliminator + Printer + Preset Valve P Meter Only (No Register or Gear Plate)SMeter Only POD (No Register)Effective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeFor Customer Service Inside the USA/Canada: 1-800-458-5262, Outside the USA/Canada: 01-847-295-1050 5 STEP 3: (Con’t ) Accessory Packages with Electronic RegistrationSTEP 3: (Con’t ) Accessory Packages with Mechanical RegistrationCLASS 1 M SERIES REFINED FUELSORDERING GUIDEMeterElectronic RegisterStrainer Air EliminatorPreset Valve PrinterKI JGEFCABPSNLMMeterCounterStrainerAir EliminatorPrinterPreset CounterPreset ValveMeter with PODEffective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without Notice6 Liquid Controls, LLCSTEP 5: Fill Out Model Number Matrix.STEP 6: Use page 7 to Complete the Order Form with the Standard Build.STEP 4:Select Additional Accessories CLASS 1 M SERIES REFINED FUELSMODEL NUMBER MATRIXIf Ø is chosen, this item will not show in part number.* LCR-II supplied as Class 1, Div 2 enclosure. If Class 1, Div 1 required, refer to adder in “L” price book.** I (Internal Pulser): Register is mounted directly on meter via counter adapter.*** E (External Pulser): Register is mounted remotely via POD pulser.Effective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeFor Customer Service Inside the USA/Canada: 1-800-458-5262, Outside the USA/Canada: 01-847-295-10507 CLASS 1 M SERIES REFINED FUELSORDER FORMApplication Fluid:Viscosity:Registration Units Of Measure:Flow Direction: ☐ Left To Right ☐ Right To Left Strainer Mesh Sizes: ☐ 20M ☐ 40M ☐ 80M Flange Material: ☐ Aluminum ☐ Steel*Software: SR________ SL________ ST________* For Electronic Registration only. See pages 28-29 for options.Effective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without Notice8 Liquid Controls, LLCCLASS 1 M SERIES REFINED FUELSBASE MODEL AND REGISTRATION PRICINGEffective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeFor Customer Service Inside the USA/Canada: 1-800-458-5262, Outside the USA/Canada: 01-847-295-10509 CLASS 1 M SERIES REFINED FUELSBASE MODEL AND REGISTRATION PRICINGEffective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without Notice10 Liquid Controls, LLC CLASS 1 M SERIES REFINED FUELSBASE MODEL AND REGISTRATION PRICINGPrices for M60 with strainer or strainer/air eliminator include 4” RF flanges and inlet / outlet low. For 6”, add the 6” strainer option and the 6” RF flange option.*Preset versions of the mechanical M60 meters include a mechanical preset. A microswitch must be chosen at an added charge and a valve must be supplied separately.Effective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeCLASS 1 M SERIES REFINED FUELSSTANDARD & OPTIONAL ACCESSORIESIf Ø is chosen, this item will not show in part number.● Standard OptionalEffective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeCLASS 1 M SERIES REFINED FUELSSTANDARD & OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES● StandardOptional*For Refined Fuel truck applications with Mechanical Air Elimination, a Guide Rod is recommended.** Not for use with lube oils or viscous product.Effective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without Notice● Standard OptionalCLASS 1 M SERIES REFINED FUELSSTANDARD & OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES*Recommended for Refined Fuels**Recommended for Lube Oils or High Flow Rate ApplicationsEffective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeFlanges are available in Aluminum (A) or Steel (S) for M5 through M40 meters, or Aluminum Only for M60 meters.CLASS 1 M SERIES REFINED FUELSSTANDARD & OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES● Standard OptionalEffective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeCLASS 1 M SERIES REFINED FUELSSTANDARD & OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES● Standard OptionalEffective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeCLASS 1 M SERIES REFINED FUELSSTANDARD & OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES*Only for 5-digit preset. Others listed are available only with 4-digit presets.Counter extension length may be limited based on accessory package chosen. Consult factory for confirmation.● Standard OptionalEffective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeCLASS 1 MS SERIES REFINED FUELSORDERING GUIDEORDERING GUIDE for Class 1 MS Series MetersCLASS 1 MS SERIES REFINED FUELSNOTE: To ensure proper systems selection, be sure to identify Temperature, Viscosity Range, Required Flow Rate, and System Pressure before proceeding.STEP 1: Select Meter Size Based on Pressure and Flow Rate of Class 1 Fluid*Higher pressure available without accessories.Effective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeCLASS 1 MS SERIES REFINED FUELSORDERING GUIDESTEP 2: Select Electronic or Mechanical RegistrationSTEP 3: Select Accessory Package Based on Electronic or Mechanical RegistrationA Meter + RegisterB Meter + Register + StrainerC Meter + Register + Strainer + Air Eliminator E Meter + Register + PrinterF Meter + Register + Strainer + PrinterG Meter + Register + Strainer + Air Eliminator + Printer I Meter + Register + PresetJ Meter + Register + Strainer + PresetK Meter + Register + Strainer + Air Eliminator + Preset L Meter + Register + Preset + PrinterM Meter + Register + Strainer + Printer + PresetN Meter + Register + Strainer + Air Eliminator + Printer + Preset P Meter Only (No Register or Gear Plate)SMeter Only POD (No Register)Effective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeCLASS 1 MS SERIES REFINED FUELSORDERING GUIDESTEP 3: (Con’t ) Accessory Packages with Electronic RegistrationSTEP 3: (Con’t ) Accessory Packages with Mechanical RegistrationMeterElectronic RegisterStrainer Air EliminatorPrinterGE FCABP SMeter CounterStrainer Air EliminatorPrinterPreset CounterMeter with PODEffective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeSTEP 5: Fill Out Model Number MatrixSTEP 6: Use page 21 to Complete the order form with the Standard Build.STEP 4: Select Additional AccessoriesCLASS 1 MS SERIES REFINED FUELSMODEL NUMBER MATRIXIf Ø is chosen, this item will not show in part number.* LCR-II supplied as Class 1, Div 2 enclosure. If Class 1, Div 1 required, refer to adder in “L” price book.** I (Internal Pulser): Register is mounted directly on meter via counter adapter.*** E (External Pulser): Register is mounted remotely via POD pulser.Effective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeCLASS 1 MS SERIES REFINED FUELSORDER FORMDistributor Name:Date:Application Fluid:Viscosity:Registration Units Of Measure:Flow Direction: ☐ Left To Right ☐ Right To LeftStrainer Mesh Sizes: ☐ 20M ☐ 40M ☐ 80M *Software: SR________ SL________ ST________* For Electronic Registration only. See pages 28-29 for options.Effective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeCLASS 1 MS SERIES REFINED FUELSBASE MODEL AND REGISTRATION PRICINGCLASS 1 MS SERIES REFINED FUELSEffective January 1, 2018BASE MODEL AND REGISTRATION PRICINGPrices Subject to Change Without NoticeEffective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeCLASS 1 MS SERIES REFINED FUELSBASE MODEL AND REGISTRATION PRICINGEffective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeCLASS 1 MS SERIES REFINED FUELSBASE MODEL AND REGISTRATION PRICINGEffective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeCLASS 1 MS SERIES REFINED FUELSSTANDARD & OPTIONAL ACCESSORIESIf Ø is chosen, this item will not show in part number.● StandardOptionalBe sure to choose Microswitch.Effective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeCLASS 1 MS SERIES REFINED FUELSSTANDARD & OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES● StandardOptionalCounter extension length may be limited based on accessory package chosen. Consult factory for confirmation.Effective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeSOFTWARE OPTIONSLECTROCOUNT LCR-IILECTROCOUNT LCR -II FIRMWARE, LANGUAGE AND TICKET SOFTWARE Software for LCR-II must be specified in the Purchase Order.Effective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without NoticeSOFTWARE OPTIONSLECTROCOUNT LCR 600DELIVERY SCREENEach LCR600 is set with a default delivery screen at the factory. Please select a delivery screen when ordering, butremember the delivery screen can be changed in the field. The default options are:Volume and PresetDetailed POS POS Upgrade onlyPump and Print (Standard)SOFTWARE PART NUMBERING SYSTEMSoftware for LCR 600 must be specified in the Purchase Order.LECTROCOUNT LCR 600 FIRMWARE, LANGUAGE AND TICKET SOFTWAREEffective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without Notice STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLYING TOALL LIQUID CONTROLS METERS AND ACCESSORIESDistributor Discount ScheduleRefer to your Sales Agreement for the appropriate Discount Schedule for parts CLASS A.PrintsCertified dimensional prints will be supplied when specified on purchase order. One (1) per meter assembly. Additional prints will be supplied as requested.ManualsSets of parts lists, installation, operation, maintenance and repair manual will be supplied when specified on purchase order, one (1) per meter assembly. Additional manuals will be supplied at cost.PalletizingWith shrink wrap: $100 per palletWith banding: $100 per palletMinimum OrderMinimum charge per order is $250 net.Special TestsNet / Unit USD1. Master/reference meter proving, including certified test report and accuracy curves:$5002. Testing/calibration of meter based on special operating characteristics:$500Example: test repeatability at two points• All special testing of meters will be performed on solvent (1.4 cps)• For packaging other than standard commercial, consult factory.Field ServicesWarranty – LC offers technical advising services for select product lines during product installation and start-up to ensure a seamless commencement of operations.Non-Warranty – Technical staff is available to provide on-site field service to assist customers. Charges for the above work are $100 per hour or $800 per day, plus transportation, lodging and meals. A purchase order must be issued authorizing the work before a service technician is assigned.Return GoodsNo return goods will be accepted unless pre-approved and clearly display a factory assigned RMA number and an MSDS sheet if requiredNon-Warranty Product Evaluation and RepairNon-warranty product will be reviewed at LC upon receipt subject to an evaluation fee of $100. This fee will be applied to any subsequent product repair work authorized by the customer. A purchase order must be issued authorizing the work.Rapid Delivery System / Breakdown SituationIf a distributor requires “Rapid Delivery Service” (RDS) of standard meters, or RUSH of standard parts, an expediting fee applies (10% of net price or $250, whichever is greater). This fee will be added if LC ships the meter within five (5) or the parts within three (3) working days after acknowledged receipt of order (order entered into LC computerized production/ inventory system).TagsSpecial marking on existing tag available upon request, $100 per tag.TERMS & CONDITIONSEffective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without Notice For Customer Service Inside the USA/Canada: 1-800-458-5262, Outside the USA/Canada: 01-847-295-105031Warranty The Seller’s products are warranted against defects in material or workmanship for a period of one (1) year from date of installation, provided that the warranty shall not extend beyond twenty-four (24) months from the date of original shipment from Seller. Seller’s obligations, as set forth below, shall apply only to failure(s) to meet the foregoing obligations provided that Seller is given written notice within thirty (30) days of any occurrence from which a claim of defect arises. If a warranty dispute occurs, the Purchaser shall be required to provide Seller with proof of date of sale. The minimum requirement to establish date of sale shall be a copy of the Seller’s invoice. In the event that a factory inspection by Seller or its designee(s) supports the validity of a claim at the discretion of Seller, repair, replacement or refund shall be the sole remedy for defect and shall be made, free of charge, ex works factory. In no event shall Seller be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, indirect or exemplary damages arising out of warranty, contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, including but not limited to, loss of profit or revenue, loss of use of the product or any associated products and/or equipment, cost of substitute goods or services, downtime costs or claims of or by Purchaser’s clients or customers. In any event the total liability of Seller for any and all claims arising out of or resulting from the performance, non-performance or use of the product shall not exceed the purchase price of the individual product giving rise to the claim. All other guaranties, warranties, conditions and representations, either express or implied, whether arising under any statute, common law, commercial usage or otherwise are excluded. Electronic products require installation, start-up and servicing by local factory-trained service representatives. In the absence of installation, start-up and servicing of electronic products by Seller trained service representatives, this warranty is null and void. Seller’s obligations as set forth above shall not apply to any product, or any component or part thereof, which is not properly installed, used, maintained or repaired, or which is modified other than pursuant to Seller’s instructions or approval. NOTE: The above warranty applies only to products manufactured by, Liquid Controls, LLC. Lake Bluff, Illinois. Private label, OEM, and/or products manufactured by, Liquid Controls, LLC‘s licensee(s) are specifically excluded from the above warranty. Consult factory for all non-Liquid Controls, LLC manufacturer’s warranties. NO IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL APPLY.TERMS & CONDITIONSAcceptance of Orders All orders for sales of products and all prices, terms, credits and conditions of shipment shall be subject to the acceptance and approval of Liquid Controls, Lake Bluff, Illinois.• Should you need a part not shown in this price list, contact the factory for the price and availability.• For packaging other than standard commercial, consult factory.L I Q U I D C O N T R O L S© 2018 Liquid ControlsLC_PRICE_A1_V2:0118Effective January 1, 2018Prices Subject to Change Without Notice105 Albrecht DriveLake Bluff, IL 60044-2242Inside the USA/Canada: 1-800-458-5262Outside the USA/Canada: 01-847-295-1050Fax: 847-295-1057。
中文产品说明书 2015 CCTV 产品DOCCTZH1507产品说明书 2015 / 修订号 1507所示的全部摄像机和镜头只用于说明, 并非随产品提供 ("ULISSE", "ULISSE COMPACT", "NXPTZ/NXPTZT", "MAXIMUS MPX/MPXT", "MAXIMUS MHX/MHXT", "NTC" 除外)。
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VIDEOTEC: 辉煌的历史在近三十年,在視頻監控行業的活動,我們設計,創建並獲得專利的眾多產品監測所有類型的外部環境。
遍布全球的销售和技术支持VIDEOTEC的销售和生产总部位于意大利东北部,占地1.3万平方米,另外在法国,美国,加拿大以及亚太地区设立了分部. 迄今为止,VIDEOTEC已经在全球建立了超过100家分销商的营销网络,总的来说,即使面对安防领域最复杂的行业要求,我们也能提供一整套完整的产品选型以及解决方案.产品适合于各种行业我们产品的适用范围非常广泛:从政府部门到国有或私有企业,商业部门,银行以及监狱的视频监控.在这些领域之外还有工业上的应用,比如在高温环境下或特殊的气候环境下,交通控制系统下,城市检测以及海滩和边境系统下,防止某些潜在的爆炸性事件的发生.无与伦比的品质每个VIDEOTEC的解决方案都是由我们的专业人员与国际尖端大学以及研究机构合作后的结果.这种操作模式允许我们作为行业先锋,在实验中用专业的技术以及先进的材料来创造出绝对创新的产品以及解决方案.易安装易维护我们的产品的性能是完美的,并且它的易于安装以及持久稳定性更保证了我门著重于设计的产品理念,这也是我们公司的独特标志,是我们对产品的卓越品质的一份保证.3香港內容9云台摄像机单元防爆云台摄像机单元不锈钢云台摄像机29摄像机外壳隐蔽监视摄像机防护罩防破坏摄像机防护罩防爆摄像机及其防护罩不锈钢摄像机及其防护罩447云台马达不锈钢云台遥测防爆解码器53红外/白光照明灯57视频内容分析63控制键盘矩陣视频分配器67视频传输69摄像机支架5OIL AND GAS市場INDUSTRY PLANTSTERMINALSDRILLING RIGS OIL AND GAS TANKERS PIPELINESOFFSHORE MARINEONSHORE - PERIMETER APPLICATIONSONSHORE - INTERNALAPPLICATIONS OIL AND GAS PLATFORMS67INFRASTRUCTURES AND TRANSPORTATIONCITY SURVEILLANCEBRIDGESPARKING LOTSUNDERGROUNDSAIRPORTSRAILWAYS AND STATIONSHIGHWAYSSTADIUMSTUNNELS8规格如有改变,恕不另行通知。
FORD MUSTANG - CUSTOMER PRICE LIST Effective from 20th January 2015SERIES RANGE5.0 V8 GTAddition to 2.3 EcoBoost2.3 EcoBoost 5.0-litre V8 quad cam 32 valve engine with induction sound tubePerformance brake system featuring Brembo 6-piston front callipers and2.3 EcoBoost engine with direct injection and twin-scroll turbocharger Electronic Brake PrefillFully independent front and rear suspension Electronic Line Lock (track use only)Limited Slip Differential (LSD)Launch Control (manual only // track use only) Performance brake system featuring 4-piston front callipers and 19" multi-spoke alloy wheels Electronic Brake Prefill"GT" exterior badge on bootlid Selectable Driving Modes - Snow/Wet, Normal, Sport and Track "5.0" exterior badge on front wingsElectronic Stability Control (ESP) with three settings GT front grille featuring vertical power bars19" black 5x2-spoke alloy wheelsXenon High Intensity Discharge (HID) headlampsPower-folding door mirrors with Mustang logo projection puddle lamps SYNC 2 8" colour touchscreen with 9-speaker DAB radio, USB & Bluetooth Tip:connectivity, voice control and Ford Emergency AssistanceThe Custom Pack is available on both 2.3 and 5.0 models and includes Auto headlamps, rain-sensing wipers and auto-dimming rear-view mirror generous levels of additional equipment featuring an enhanced audio Reach & rake adjustable leather steering wheel with integrated controls system, climate controlled seats, reverse parking sensors, 19" alloy wheels 6-way power adjustable front seats, driver's seat with power lumbar adjust in Lustre Nickel and chrome side window surrounds on Fastback models Ford KeyFree system with Ford Power Starter Button and keyless entry Rear view cameraDual zone Electronic Automatic Temperature Control (EATC) Track Apps with accelerometer technology (tack use only) MyColour ambient interior lighting Ford MyKey®Isofix rear seatsFrom £28,995 *From £32,995 *Availability Notes* 'On the road' price includes one years road fund licence, DVLA first registration fee £55 and an estimated £25 for number plates.£1,795MUSTANG RANGE HIGHLIGHTSA GUIDE TO KEY MODEL LEVELS2.3 EcoBoost Fastback Manual From 5.0 V8 GT Fastback Manual From 5.0 V8 Convertible Automatic From Availability Notes* 'On the road' price includes one years road fund licence, DVLA first registration fee £55 and an estimated £25 for number plates.Combining the power and character of the 5.0 V8 with the joy of open-top driving and a 6-speed automatic featuring SelectShift paddle control, this Mustang is the epitome of performance and style.£28,995 *£32,995 *£38,495 *The entry-level Mustang provides thoroughbred levels of performance from its advanced 2.3 EcoBoost engine, a striking exterior with 19" alloy wheels and premium interior ambience featuring a choice of leather trims andSYNC 2 8" colour touchscreen.For unleashed Mustang performance, sound and character, the 5.0 V8 GT is designed to deliver. Highlights include the throaty V8 leveraging 418PS and 524Nm of torque, an enhanced braking performance system and additional GT features such as Electronic Line Lock and Launch Control (track useonly)Recommended On the Road Price £2.3 EcoBoostFastback 2.3 EcoBoost Petrol 6 Speed Manual I 17923,808.3328,570.0028,995.00142.98285.95Fastback 2.3 EcoBoost Petrol 6 Speed Auto L 22824,629.1729,555.0030,495.00182.41364.82Convertible 2.3 EcoBoost Petrol 6 Speed Manual I 18427,141.6732,570.0032,995.00168.41336.82Convertible2.3 EcoBoostPetrol6 Speed AutoL22927,962.5033,555.0034,495.00207.08414.155.0 V8 GTFastback 5.0 V8Petrol 6 Speed Manual M 29926,520.8331,825.0032,995.00196.41392.82Fastback 5.0 V8Petrol 6 Speed Auto M 28127,770.8333,325.0034,495.00205.66411.32Convertible 5.0 V8Petrol 6 Speed Manual M 30629,854.1735,825.0036,995.00221.08442.15Convertible5.0 V8Petrol6 Speed AutoM28931,104.1737,325.0038,495.00230.33460.65Availability NotesØ The CO 2 emissions test figures shown in the table do not express or imply any guarantee of the emissions or fuel economy of a car in the class in question. All the figures are based on tests conducted on vehicles with standard wheels and tyres. Optional or Accessory wheels and tyres mayhave an effect on the emissions or fuel consumption of a vehicle. For further information on CO 2 and fuel performance please refer to our Fuel and Performance section* Not applicable to retail or private car buyers. BIK values are the monthly taxation payment applicable to company car users. BIK values were correct at the time of printing and are based on taxation rates for 2015/16 tax year. P11D value is the sum of Recommended price + VAT & Number plate charge (£25)OPTIONAL FEATURESB a s i c R R P£(E x c l . V A T )T o t a l R R P £ (I n c l . V A T )WheelsN/A N/A N/A N/A □□Part of Pack Part of Pack Additional Options"Shaker Pro" premium audio system with navigation*662.50795.00Climate Controlled Seats (heating and cooling)*412.50495.00Reverse parking sensors*245.83295.00Custom Pack1495.831,795.00KeyS = Standard, O = Option, at extra cost, ─ = Not available, □ = Included in Custom Pack * = not available with Custom Pack (already included)19" Lustre Nickel multi-spoke alloy wheel (as part of Custom Pack)O O OO 5.0 V 8 G T 19"black 5x2-spoke alloy wheel ─S 19" black multi-spoke alloy wheelO 2.3 E c o B o o s tS─O O Includes "Shaker Pro" premium audio system with navigation; Climate controlled seats; Reverse parking sensors; 19" Lustre Nickel multi-spoke alloy wheels; Side windows chrome surround (Fastback only)OCOLOUR AND TRIM2.3 E c o B o o s t5.0 V 8 G TB a s i cR R P £(E x c l . V A T )T o t a l R R P £ (I n c l . V A T )Trim*Ebony Leather O OCeramic Leather - please see below for colour combination availability O ODark Saddle Leather - please see below for colour combination availabilityO OColour and Trim Combinations* (same availability on 2.3 EcoBoost and 5.0 V8 GT)Exterior Body ColourCompetition Orange (Solid)Race Red (Solid)Oxford White (Solid)208.33 250.00 Absolute Black (Metallic)495.83 595.00 Deep Impact Blue (Metallic)495.83 595.00 Guard (Metallic)495.83 595.00 Magnetic (Metallic)495.83 595.00 Ingot Silver (Metallic)495.83 595.00 Ruby Red (Metallic)495.83 595.00 Triple Yellow (Tri-Coat)662.50795.00KeyS = Standard, O = Option, at extra cost, ─ = Not Available*Colours and trims reproduced in this price list may vary from the actual colours due to the limitations of the printing processes used.No cost option No cost option No cost option O ----O O -O O O O OO O -O O O O -O -O O O O Dark Saddle TrimCeramic TrimEbony TrimO No cost option-No cost option OFUEL & PERFORMANCEFastback2.3 EcoBoost Manual Stage VI M6314 (231)43417910.1 (28.0) 6.8 (41.5)8.0 (35.3)2.3 EcoBoost Automatic Stage VI A6314 (231)43422814.5 (19.5)7.3 (38.7)9.9 (28.5)5.0 V8 Manual Stage VI M6418 (308)52429920.1 (14.1)9.6 (29.4)13.5 (20.9)5.0 V8 Automatic Stage VI A6418 (308)52428118.6 (15.2)8.2 (34.5)12.0 (23.5)Convertible2.3 EcoBoost Manual Stage VI M6314 (231)43418410.4 (27.2) 6.9 (40.9)8.2 (34.5)2.3 EcoBoost Automatic Stage VI A6314 (231)43422914.1 (20.0)7.7 (36.7)10.0 (28.3)5.0 V8 Manual Stage VI M6418 (308)52430620.1 (14.1)9.8 (28.8)13.6 (20.8)5.0 V8 AutomaticStage VI A6418 (308)52428919.9 (14.2)8.7 (32.5)12.8 (22.1)'MANUFACTURERS ON THE ROAD' PRICES INCLUDE:VED BandCO 2 Emissions (g/km)*Number Plates (Estimated)£Government First Registration Fee£First Year Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) (Petrol/Diesel)£Total £A up to 10025.0055.000.0080.00B 101 to 11025.0055.000.0080.00C 111 to 12025.0055.000.0080.00D 121 to 13025.0055.000.0080.00E 131 to 14025.0055.00130.00210.00F 141 to 15025.0055.00145.00225.00G 151 to 16525.0055.00180.00260.00H 166 to 17525.0055.00290.00370.00I 176 to 18525.0055.00345.00425.00J 186 to 20025.0055.00485.00565.00K 201 to 22525.0055.00635.00715.00L 226 to 25525.0055.00860.00940.00MOver 25525.0055.001090.001170.00The fuel economy figures quoted in the table below are achieved by following strict EU governed test procedures and are specifically designed to enable customers to compare vehicles from allmanufacturers on a like-for-like basis. Fuel consumption is directly affected by the length of the journey; number of passengers and the amount of luggage carried; individual driving style; road and traffic conditions; weather conditions; vehicle age, mileage, condition and standard of maintenance; use of vehicle features such as air conditioning; and any modifications to the vehicle such as the addition of a roof rack. Your fuel economy will vary based on these and other factors and, for these reasons, many drivers may not achieve the EU fuel economy figures (below) in day-to-day driving, although the vehicle is technically capable of doing so.ØThe declared fuel/energy consumptions, CO 2 emissions and electric range are measured according to the technical requirements and specifications of the European Regulations (EC) 715/2007 and (EC) 692/2008 as last amended. Fuel consumption and CO 2 emissions are specified for a vehicle variant and not for a single car. The applied standard test procedure enables comparison between different vehicle types and different manufacturers. In addition to the fuel efficiency of a car, driving behaviour as well as other non-technical factors are very important in determining a car's fuel/energy consumption, CO 2 emissions and electric range. CO 2 is the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. A guide on fuel economy and CO 2 emissions which contains data for all new passenger car models is available at any point of sale free of charge or can be downloaded under /.The delivery charge is included in the Basic Recommended Retail price and is made on all models for delivery to the Dealer's premises. Where delivery is not made to the customer at the Dealer's premises a further charge may be made by the Dealer.The Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) charged on new cars is based on their engine's CO 2 emissions (expressed in grams per kilometre (g/km). *CO 2 emissions are measured according to the technical requirements and specifications of the European Regulations (EC) 715/2007 and (EC) 692/2008 as last amended.The chart above shows the Bands and the VED which will be levied (effective 1st April 2014). The 1st Mustang deliveries are not scheduled until Q4 2015. Any government-led changes to the First Year VED applicable in the forthcoming taxOTHER PRICING CONSIDERATIONSCustomer Order Price ProtectionFord's Price Protection Plan means that the price you pay is the same as the price on your order as long as you are prepared to accept delivery within three months, and in any event, as soon as your vehicle is available. Your Dealer has full details of the plan. Ford Motor Company Ltd is not liable for changes in price caused by Government changes in tax rates or changes in other applicable legislation.VATVAT is shown calculated at 20%. The total price of a vehicle, including factory fitted options and accessories fitted by the Ford Dealer, will be subject to VAT on retail sale.Price ChangesThis price list is effective from 20th January 2015. The prices in the publication were true and accurate at the time of printing. You should, however, check details with your Dealer as there may have been changes in view of Ford's policy of continuous development. The right is reserved to change prices at anytime. Change to government legislation or tax changes could result in a change to published prices. ILLUSTRATIONS, DESCRIPTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONSThe product information in this publication was correct at the time of going to print. However, Ford's policy is one of continuous product development. The right is reserved to change specifications and colours of the models and items illustrated and described in this publication at any time. For the latest details always consult your Ford Dealer. Throughout this publication, wherever a feature is described as being an 'Option' or'Option Fitment/Pack' etc., you should assume that it will be at extra cost to the base vehicle, unless specifically stated to the contrary. All models and colour combinations are subject to availability.Some images portrayed are of a pre-production model and/or are computer generated, therefore the design/features on the final version of the vehicle may differ in various respects. In addition, some of the features shown on the vehicles may be optional, e.g. metallic paint.Please also note s ome driver assistance features and safety features described in this publication are designed to function using sensors, whose performance may be affected under certain weather or environmental conditions.。
2015版机电产品报价手册、机电产品报价2011机电产品报价手册编著中国机械工业信息研究院数据中心卷册数全套9分册共18本含光盘光盘数一张开本 16开定价 3298.00元优惠价 1680元一机床分册二仪器仪表与医疗器械分册三通用设备分册四升降搬运设备分册目录五泵阀分册六工业专用设备分册七电气设备及器材分册八交通运输设备分册九制药及炼油化工设备分册详细目录通用设备分册(一)第一章锅炉第二章原动机第三章液压与气压动力机械第四章真空获得设备第五章气体压缩机及气体分离设备第六章通用零部件通用设备分册(二)第六章通用零部件第七章烘箱和炉用燃烧器第八章真空应用设备第九章传热设备第十章空调设备第十一章冷藏、冷冻设备和热泵第十二章气体净化与纯化设备第十三章包装机械第十四章衡器第十五章风机通用设备分册(三)第十五章风机第十六章分离机械机床分册(一)第一章金属切削机床机床分册(二)第一章金属切削机床机床分册(三)第一章金属切削机床机床分册(四)第一章金属切削机床第二章锻压机械机床分册(五)第二章锻压机械第三章拉拔设备第四章石材加工机床第五章石材加工机床第六章气动工具机床分册(六)第七章金属切割和焊接设备第八章热处理设备第九章机床附件第十章其他设备升降搬运设备分册(一) 第一章轻小起重设备第二章起重机升降搬运设备分册(二)第二章起重机第三章水利闸门启闭机第四章叉车及搬运车辆第五章升降机升降搬运设备分册(三) 第六章输送机械第七章给料机械第八章装卸机械第九章其他升降搬运设备泵阀分册(一)第一章清水离心泵第二章耐腐蚀离心泵泵阀分册(二)第二章耐腐蚀离心泵第三章离心油泵第四章船舶用离心泵第五章污水泵泵阀分册(三)第五章污水泵第六章杂质泵第七章潜水泵第八章旋涡泵第九章往复泵第十章回转泵第十一章其他泵第十二章闸阀第十三章截止阀第十四章节流阀泵阀分册(四)第十五章球阀第十六章蝶阀第十七章隔膜阀第十八章旋塞阀第十九章专用阀门泵阀分册(五)第二十章液压阀第二十一章气动控制阀第二十二章真空阀门第二十三章调节阀第二十四章柱塞阀第二十五章浆液阀第二十六章排污阀第二十七章电磁阀第二十八章其他阀门工业专用设备分册(一) 第一章农、林、牧、渔业机械第二章非金属矿制品工业专用设备第三章陶瓷机械设备第四章粮油及饮料加工设备第五章食品加工机械工业专用设备分册(二) 第五章食品加工机械第六章制药机械设备工业专用设备分册(三) 第六章制药机械设备第七章纺织机械第八章缝纫、服饰及制革机械工业专用设备分册(四)第八章缝纫、服饰及制革机械第九章日用化工机械设备第十章电工专用设备第十一章木材处理设备第十二章造纸及纸加工设备第十三章印刷工业专用设备第十四章橡胶工业专用设备第十五章塑料工业专用设备第十六章炼油化工设备工业专用设备分册(五) 第十六章炼油化工设备第十七章机械维修专用设备第十八章文化办公设备第十九章社会公共安全设备圾器材第二十章矿山采掘和洗选设备第二十一章建筑工程机械第二十二章钻探机械第二十三章金属铸造设备) 仪器仪表与医疗器械分册(一第一章自动仪表及系统仪器仪表与医疗器械分册(二) 第一章自动仪表及系统第二章电工仪器仪表仪器仪表与医疗器械分册(三) 第二章电工仪器仪表第三章生产或供应气体、液体或电力用的计量仪表第四章光学仪器第五章分析仪器仪器仪表与医疗器械分册(四) 第六章试验机第七章实验仪器与装置仪器仪表与医疗器械分册(五) 第七章实验仪器与装置第八章电子和通信测量仪器仪器仪表与医疗器械分册(六) 第八章电子和通信测量仪器第九章钟表及定时仪器第十章专用仪器仪表第十一章仪器仪表元件及器材第十二章计量标准器具第十三章长度测量仪器、量具第十四章机械量仪表、计数器第十五章量仪、转速计第十六章医疗器械电气设备及器材分册(一) 第一章电机第二章变压器电气设备及器材分册(二) 第二章变压器第三章互感器第四章电抗器第五章调压器第六章电力电容器第七章低压电器及设备电气设备及器材分册(三) 第七章低压电器及设备第八章高压电器及设备第九章电线电缆电气设备及器材分册(四) 第九章电线电缆第十章蓄电池第十一章防盗、火灾报警设备及类似装置第十二章广播电视设备电气设备及器材分册(五) 第十二章广播电视设备第十三章电子元器件第十四章变频器第十五章可编程序控制器交通运输设备分册(一) 第一章牵引车第二章挂车第三章客车第四章货车第五章专用汽车交通运输设备分册(二) 第五章专用汽车第六章越野车第七章商务用车第八章轿车第九章电动车第十章船艇第十一章其他交通运输设备制药及炼油化工设备分册。