Neurological Examination (神经系统体格检查)
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Driver's Occupational Health Examination Items
Driver's occupational health examination is an important aspect for ensuring road safety. It helps to evaluate the physical and mental fitness of drivers to operate vehicles safely. There are several key examination items that drivers need to undergo:
1. Physical Examination: This includes measuring height, weight, blood pressure, heart rate, and conducting a general physical examination to assess overall health.
2. Vision Test: Drivers need to undergo a comprehensive eye examination to assess visual acuity, peripheral vision, and color vision. Good vision is essential for safe driving.
1. 血常规:blood routine examination
2. 尿常规:urine routine examination
3. 肝功能检查:liver function test
4. 肾功能检查:renal function test
5. 心电图:electrocardiogram (ECG)
6. 胸部X射线检查:chest X-ray examination
7. 腹部超声检查:abdominal ultrasound examination
8. 彩色多普勒超声检查:color Doppler ultrasound examination
9. 骨骼X射线检查:skeletal X-ray examination
10. 眼底检查:fundus examination
11. 鼻喉科检查:otolaryngological examination
12. 妇科检查:gynecological examination
13. 男科检查:andrological examination
14. 神经系统检查:neurological examination
15. 精神科评估:psychiatric assessment
16. 牙科检查:dental examination
17. 皮肤科检查:dermatological examination
18. 消化系统检查:gastrointestinal examination
19. 内镜检查:endoscopic examination
1. 血液检查 (Blood Test)
- 血常规检查 (Complete Blood Count)
- 血型检查 (Blood Typing)
- 血糖检查 (Blood Glucose Test)
- 血脂检查 (Lipid Profile Test)
- 血液生化检查 (Blood Biochemical Test)
- 血凝检查 (Coagulation Test)
2. 尿液检查 (Urinalysis)
- 尿常规检查 (Routine Urinalysis)
- 尿液培养 (Urine Culture)
- 尿蛋白检查 (Urine Protein Test)
- 尿糖检查 (Urine Glucose Test)
- 尿酮体检查 (Urine Ketone Test)
3. 影像学检查 (Imaging Test)
- X射线检查 (X-ray Examination)
- CT扫描 (Computed Tomography Scan)
- MRI检查 (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
- 超声波检查 (Ultrasound Examination)
- PET扫描 (Positron Emission Tomography Scan)
Neurological system examination is a crucial skill assessment for healthcare professionals, especially for neurologists and neurosurgeons. It involves a comprehensive assessment of the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) to evaluate the functioning and integrity of the nervous system.
The examination begins with a thorough history-taking, where the healthcare professional asks the patient about their symptoms, medical history, and any relevant past events. This helps in understanding the context and guiding the subsequent examination.
Next, the healthcare professional performs a general inspection, looking for any obvious abnormalities or signs of neurological dysfunction. This includes observing the patient's gait, posture, and overall appearance.
1. 神经系统病史:医生会询问患者有关神经系统病史的信息,包括以往是否有神经系统疾病、手术史、药物使用史等。这些信息有助于医生了解患者的病情和病因。
2. 神经系统体格检查:医生会对患者进行全面的神经系统体格检查。这包括观察患者的姿势、步态、面容等外貌特征,检查患者的感觉、运动、反射、肌力等方面的功能。
3. 神经系统影像学检查:医生可能会要求患者进行一些神经系统影像学检查,如脑部CT扫描、MRI等。这些检查可以帮助医生观察患者的神经结构和功能,以确定是否存在异常。
4. 神经系统功能检查:医生可能会进行一些特殊的功能检查,以评估患者的神经系统功能。例如,医生可以进行神经传导速度检查、脑电图检查等,以评估神经传导的速度和脑电活动的正常与否。
5. 神经系统实验室检查:医生可能会要求患者进行一些实验室检查,以评估患者的神经系统功能。例如,医生可以进行血液检查、脊髓液检查等,以评估患者的炎症指标、神经递质水平等。
神经系统(nervous system)是机体内对生理功能活动的调节起主导作用的系统,主要由神经组织组成,分为中枢神经系统(central nervous system, CNS)和周围神经系统(peripheral nervous system, PNS)两大部分。中枢神经系统又包括脑(brain)和脊髓(spinal cord),是神经活动的中枢和指挥部。脑又分为大脑(cerebrum),小脑(cerebellum)和脑干(brainstem)。大脑是最高级的神经中枢,负责思维、记忆、情感、意识、语言等高级功能。小脑是协调运动和维持平衡的重要结构。脑干连接大脑和脊髓,控制呼吸、心跳、血压等基本生命活动。周围神经系统包括颅神经(cranial nerves)和脊神经(spinal nerves),是中枢神经系统与身体其他部分的联系纽带。颅神经共有12对,主要分布在头颈部,传递视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉等特殊感觉,以及面部表情、咀嚼、吞咽等运动。脊神经共有31对,从脊髓出发,分布在胸、腹、盆腔和四肢等部位,传递皮肤、肌肉、关节等一般感觉,以及四肢和躯干等运动。
The assessment of newborns using the Dubowitz Neonatal Neurological Examination, also known as DASS (Dubowitz Assessment of Gestational Age, Neuromuscular Maturity and Behavioral State), is crucial in determining the overall health and development of a newborn. This assessment is commonly used by healthcare professionals to evaluate the neuromuscular maturity, behavioral state, and gestational age of newborns within the first hours or days of life.
During the assessment, a healthcare provider will observe the newborn's posture, tone, reflexes, activity, and behavior to determine their maturity and overall well-being. The assessment may also include measuring the infant's length, weight, and head circumference to further evaluate their physical development. By