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GSQ-JC-16C 型伸缩器
六、主要外形尺寸与法兰连接尺寸(符合GB/T 9113.1-2000)
API Spec 16C 产品设计要求规范设计方法应当遵照下列准则中的一项或多项标准。
设计允许应力应当由下列公式进行限定:Sm=2/3S,St=0.9Sy,式中:Sm 额定工作压力下的设计应力;Sy 材料的最小规定屈服强度;St 静压试验许用应力。
⑴、额定工作压力:Se=2/3Sy式中:Se——等效应力;S y——⑵、静压试验压力由下式确定:Se=Sy3、实验应力分析:应当使用ASME《锅炉于压力容器标准》第8卷第2分册附录6介绍的实验应力分析方法进行实验应力分析。
5、循环:产品应当能完成API 16C标准中对适用产品规定的预期操作循环6、操作力与扭矩:操作产品所需的力或扭矩应当在包括验收标准在内的书面规范内。
1、性能验证要求:性能验证要求见文件《API Spec 16C性能试验规范》。
一、 SMC绝缘板(不饱和聚酯玻璃纤维增强模塑料)SMC绝缘板采用不饱和聚酯片状模塑塑料压制而成,具有色泽均匀、耐电弧、FV0阻燃,吸水率低、耐漏电性好、尺寸公差稳定、翘曲小、介电强度及耐电压高。
SMC板材为 1000mm*2000mmSMC绝缘板材料已通过 ROHS环保检测和桂林高压所检测,目前我公司已与西门子,施耐德,东芝白云,森源电气等开关厂合作,为电气行业提供合格的产品。
二、 SMC的应用领域电工电气行业:各种开关柜的隔板、衬板、绝缘支座、支架、灭弧罩、灭弧筒及各类型的绝缘子、灭弧片、触头座、母线夹板及电机出线端子盒、电表箱等。
SMC 系列模塑料性能指标(JB7770-1995 标准 )指标值指标名称单位4341 SMC-14343 SMC-2 4331 SMC-3 密度g/cm3 ~吸水性mg ≤20 -模塑收缩率% ≤≤热变形温度( A 法)℃≥240 ≥220 冲击强度(简支架,无缺口)KJ/m2 ≥90 ≥60 ≥45 弯曲强度MPa ≥170 ≥150 ≥135常态≥× 103 × 1012 绝缘电阻Ω浸水 24h 后≥×1210 - 电气强度( 90℃变压器油中)MV/m ≥≥介质损耗因数( 1MHz)- ≤-相对介电常数( 1MHz)- ≤- 耐电弧S ≥180 ≥150 耐漏电起痕指数( PTI)V ≥600燃烧性级FVO - 长期耐热性温度指数- 155 130BMC 系列模塑料性能指标(JB7770-1995 标准 )指标值指标名称单位4342 BMC-14344 BMC-2 4332 BMC-3 密度g/cm3 ~吸水性mg ≤20 -模塑收缩率% ≤≤热变形温度( A 法)℃≥240 ≥220 冲击强度(简支架,无缺口)KJ/m2 ≥30 ≥25 ≥20 弯曲强度MPa ≥90 ≥80 ≥70常态≥× 103 ≥× 102 绝缘电阻Ω浸水 24h 后≥×1210 - 电气强度( 90℃变压器油中)MV/m ≥≥介质损耗因数( 1MHz)- ≤-相对介电常数( 1MHz)- ≤- 耐电弧S ≥180耐漏电起痕指数( PTI)V ≥600燃烧性级FVO - 长期耐热性温度指数- 155 130SMC材料在模压汽车配件行业特点及优势一、重量轻对于相同的部件,使用SMC复合材料制作后重量较之钢材轻20-30%,满足了汽车领域要求在保证部件强度的情况下减轻部件重量的要求,是汽车工业节能的理想产品。
目录页码1、范围. . . . . . . . . . . . 12、参考标准. . . . . . . .. . . . . 13、术语、定义和缩略语. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.1 、术语和定义. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.2、缩略语. . . . . 104 、设计要求. . . . . . . . . . . . 104.1、工作条件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104.2、产品规范 . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.3、设计方法 . . . . 144.4、性能要求. . . . . . . 154.5 、设计验证 (15)4.6 、通径和额定工作压力. .. . . . . . . . . 164.7 、封闭螺栓. . . 164.8 、卡箍. . . . . . . . . . 164.9、试验口、排放孔、管塞及仪表连接. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 164.10、设计文件. . . . . . . . . . . 165、材料要求. . . . . . . . . . . 175.1、总则. . . . . . . . . . 175.2、书面规范. . . . . . . . . . . . 175.3、钻井节流阀. . . 185.4、封闭螺栓. . . 185.5、柔性管线. . . . . 185.6、承压件、本体、阀盖、阀杆及端部接头. . . . . . . . . 185.7 、刚性管线. . . . . . 215.8 、质量鉴定试样. . . . . . . 226、焊接. . . . . . . . . . 256.1、总则. . . . . . . . . . 256.2、非承压焊接件. . . .. . . . . . . . . 256.3、承压加工焊接件. . . . . . . 256.4、承压补焊 . . . . . . . . . . . 296.5、堆焊. . . . 307、质量控制. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 327.1、总则. . . . . . . . . . 327.2、测量和试验设备 (32)7.3、质量控制人员资格. . . . . . . . . . 347.4、质量控制要求. . . . . 347.5、总成设备. . . . . . . . . . . 537.6、质量控制记录要求. . . . . . . . . . . . 588、标记. . . . . . . . . . 608.1、总则. . . . . . . . . . 608.2、低应力区域标记. . . . . . . . . 608.3、高应力区域标记. . . . . . . . . 60目录页码8.4 、设备特有标记. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 608.5、阀体、阀盖和法兰硬度标记.. . . . . . . . 609、储存和发运 (60)9.1、储存.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 609.2、发运... . . . . . . ... . . . 6110、设备特殊要求.... . . . . . 6210.1、总则.. . . . . . . ... . . . . 6210.2、端部连接和出口连接... . . . . . . . . . . . 6210.3 、环形垫.... . . . . . . . 6310.4 、螺栓和螺母.... . . ... . 6310.5、钻井节流阀... . . ... . 6310.6、钻井节流阀阀门.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6510.7、硬性节流和压井管线.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 10.8、柔性节流和压井管线.... . . . . . . . . . . 6710.9、液压控制系统—钻井节流阀.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7010.11、缓冲腔... . . ... . 7410.12、节流和压井管汇总成. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 7410.13、操作和维修手册的要求.. . . . . . . . . . 75附录A、(信息式)API标志专利使用.. . . . . 77附录B (规范性)设计验证过程.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80附录C(信息式)焊接坡口加工设计.. . . . . . . . . . . ..96附录D(信息式)热处理设备条件... . . . . 101附录E(信息式)管道热膨胀计算.. . . . . . 103附录F(信息式)采购指南... . 105附录G(规范性)钻井节流控制台系统.. . . . . 106附录H(信息式)节流和压井系统结构范例.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 参考文献目录... . . . . . . . . . . . 114图纸1、简单几何形状... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232、结构复杂的零件... . . . . . . . . . 233、钢试样锭结构 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244、焊接工艺评定洛氏硬度试验位置. . . . . . . . . . . . 275、焊接工艺评定维氏硬度试验位置... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286、硬度试验位置... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317、标准柔性管线结构.. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 678、标准粘结和非粘结柔性管线总成.. . .689、标准柔性管线端部接头... . . . . . . . . 6910、铰接式节流和压井管线范例.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73目录页码11、“旋转点”图例 (73)C.1、管子对焊接头.... . . . . . 96C.2、U形坡口.... . . . . . ... . . . 96C.3、厚壁V形坡口... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97C.4、连接件焊缝.... . . . 97C.5、孔修复... . . . . . ... . . 98C.6、补焊坡口——消除焊缝金属和基本金属的取样缺陷 . . . . . . . . . . . 99C.7、衬套/阀座内腔 (100)D.1、热电偶位置... . . . . . . . . . . . . 102H.1、2K 和3K 额定工作压力的节流管汇总成示例—用于地面防喷器安装.. . . . . . . . . . 109 H.2、5K 额定工作压力的节流管汇总成示例——用于地面防喷器安装.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 H.3、10K及以上额定工作压力的节流管汇总成示例——用于地面防喷器安装.. . .. . . . . 111 H.4、2K和3K额定工作压力的压井管线总成示例——用于地面防喷器安装. . .. . . . . . . . 111 H.5、5K 额定工作压力压井管线示例——用于地面防喷器安装. . . 112H.6、10K及以上额定工作压力压井管线示例——用于地面防喷器安装. . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 H.7、水下系统的节流和压井管汇示例.. . . .. . 113表格:1、金属和非金属材料以及柔性管线的额定温度. . . . 112、设备通径和额定工作压力. . . . . .. . 123、由壬、活动弯头和铰接式管线的尺寸和额定工作压力s. . . . 134、柔性管线的尺寸和额定工作压力.. . . . . . . . . . . 145、承压件的材料属性要求.. .. 186、承压件的材料牌号.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 197、承压件材料钢成分的最大限值. . . . . . . . 198、合金元件最大公差范围的要求...... . 199、验收标准和夏比V形坡口冲击要求... . . 2010、阀体、阀盖、节流和压井管线以及端部连接和出口连接的质量控制要求. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3511、最小硬度值.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3612、热加工件的验收标准.. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 4013、铸件的验收标准... . . . . . . . . . . 4014 、焊缝夹渣长度验收标准—射线探伤方式. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4215 、焊缝夹渣长度验收标准—超声波探伤方式. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4216、阀杆的质量控制要求................... . 4417、压力控制金属部分的质量控制要求.. . . . . . . . . . . 4518、阀门承压件的质量控制要求....... . . . . . . 4519、非金属密封材料的质量控制要求. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46目录页码20、柔性管线承压件的质量控制要求. . . 4821、硬管线的质量控制要求.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4922、加长标志的验收标准.. . . . . . .. . . . . . . 5023、公接头和母接头的质量控制要求.. . . . . 5324、质量控制要求—总成设备.. . . . . . 5425 、最小液压试验压力.. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 5526、金属标记的要求. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 6127、钻井节流阀和阀门的性能要求 (65)28、柔性管线的尺寸和额定工作压力.. . . . . .. . . . . 6929、柔性节流和压井管线的柔性规范级别(FSL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 7030、铰接式节流和压井管线部件的颜色编码 (73)B.1 、标准试验液体.... . . 85。
Instruction ManualElectric Actuator / Rod Type Series LEYGMotor: AC servo motor (100-200 VAC)The intended use of thisElectrical Actuator is to convert an electrical input signal into mechanical motion.1 Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.” They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC) *1), and other safety regulations. *1)ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power - General rules relating to systems. ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines. (Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218-1: Manipulating industrial robots -Safety. etc.∙ Refer to the product catalogue, Operation Manual and Handling Precautions for SMC Products for additional information. ∙ Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.CautionCaution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, ifnot avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.WarningWarning indicates a hazard with a medium level of riskwhich, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.DangerDanger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, ifnot avoided, will result in death or serious injury.Warning∙ Always ensure compliance with relevant safety laws and standards.All work must be carried out in a safe manner by a qualified person in compliance with applicable national regulations.2 SpecificationsSeries LEYG - Motor: Step [servo 24 VDC]Product Weight [kg]30501001502002503003050100150200250300Incremental E ncoder[S2] 1.80 1.99 2.31 2.73 3.07 3.41 3.67 1.81 2.02 2.26 2.69 2.95 3.27 3.51AbsoluteE ncoder[S6] 1.86 2.05 2.37 2.79 3.13 3.47 3.73 1.87 2.08 2.32 2.75 3.01 3.33 3.57AbsoluteE ncoder[T6] 1.80 2.00 2.40 2.80 3.10 3.50 3.70 1.90 2.10 2.30 2.70 3.00 3.30 3.60Absolute E ncoder[V6]1.701.902.202.603.003.303.601.701.902.202.602.903.203.4030501001502002503003050100150200250300Incremental E ncoder[S2] 3.24 3.50 4.05 4.80 5.35 5.83 6.28 3.24 3.51 3.90 4.64 5.06 5.56 5.96AbsoluteE ncoder[S6] 3.18 3.44 3.99 4.74 5.29 5.77 6.22 3.18 3.45 3.84 4.58 5.00 5.50 5.90AbsoluteE ncoder[T6] 3.20 3.40 4.00 4.70 5.30 5.70 6.20 3.20 3.40 3.80 4.60 5.00 5.50 5.90Absolute E ncoder[V6]3.103.404.004.705.305.706.203.103.403.804.505.005.505.90In-line Motor Type30501001502002503003050100150200250300IncrementalE ncoder[S2] 1.83 2.02 2.34 2.76 3.10 3.44 3.70 1.84 2.05 2.29 2.72 2.98 3.30 3.54AbsoluteE ncoder[S6] 1.89 2.08 2.40 2.82 3.16 3.50 3.76 1.90 2.11 2.35 2.78 3.04 3.36 3.60AbsoluteE ncoder[T6] 1.90 2.10 2.40 2.80 3.10 3.50 3.70 1.90 2.10 2.30 2.80 3.00 3.30 3.60Absolute E ncoder[V6]1.701.902.202.603.003.303.601.702.002.202.602.903.203.4030501001502002503003050100150200250300Incremental E ncoder[S2] 3.26 3.52 4.07 4.82 5.37 5.85 6.30 3.26 3.53 3.92 4.66 5.08 5.58 5.98AbsoluteE ncoder[S6] 3.20 3.46 4.01 4.76 5.31 5.79 6.24 3.20 3.47 3.86 4.60 5.02 5.52 5.92AbsoluteE ncoder[T6] 3.20 3.40 4.00 4.70 5.30 5.80 6.20 3.20 3.40 3.80 4.60 5.00 5.50 5.90Absolute E ncoder[V6]3.203.404.004.705.305.806.203.203.403.804.605.005.505.90Stroke[mm] TypeofMotorLEYG32M LEYG32L Stroke[mm] TypeofMotorSeriesSeriesLEYG25M LEYG25L LEYG25M LEYG25L Stroke[mm] SeriesLEYG32M LEYG32L Stroke[mm] TypeofMotorTypeofMotorSeries2 Specifications (continued)A dditional Weight2532Incremental E ncoder[S2]0.200.40Absolute E ncoder[S6]0.300.66Absolute E ncoder[T6]0.300.70Absolute E ncoder[V6]0.300.60Size LockNote 1) Please consult with SMC for non-standard strokes produced tospecial order.Note 2) This is the maximum value of the horizontal work load. Anexternal guide is necessary to support the load. The actual work load changes according to the condition of the external guide. Confirm the load using the actual device.Note 3) Thrust setting range when "pushing" operation in torque controlmode, etc. Refer to the thrust conversion graph shown in the catalogue as a guide.Set value LEYG25#S/32#S: 15 to 30% Set value LEYG25#T/32#T: 12 to 24% Set value LEYG25#V/32#V: 45 to 90%Note 4) The allowable speed changes according to the stroke.Note 5) The allowable collision speed for collision with the workpiecewith the torque control mode.Note 6) A reference value for correcting an error in reciprocal operation. Note 7) Impact resistance: No malfunction occurred when the actuatorwas tested with a drop tester in both an axial direction and perpendicular direction to the lead screw (the test was performed with the actuator in the initial state).Vibration resistance:No malfunction occurred in a test ranging between 45 to 2000 Hz, when the actuator was tested in both an axial direction and a perpendicular direction to the lead screw (the test was performed with the actuator in the initial state).Note 8) When the motor type is "T6-T9",the resolution will changedepending on the driver type.Note 9) The maximum instantaneous power consumption (including thedriver) is for when the actuator is operating.Note 10) Only when the motor option, "with lock", is selected.Note 11) For an actuator with lock, add the power consumption for thelock.WarningFor special products which include a suffix of “-X#”, “-D#”, please refer to the customer drawing of that specific product.3 Installation3.1 InstallationWarning∙ Do not install the product unless the safety instructions have been read and understood.∙ Do not use the product in excess of its allowable specification as listed in Section 2.∙ Ensure the product is sized correctly and is suitable for the application. ∙ Do not operate the product by fixing the piston rod and moving the actuator body.∙ When installing, inspecting or performing maintenance on the product, be sure to turn off the power supplies. Then, lock it so it cannot be tampered with while work is happening.3.2 EnvironmentWarning∙ Do not use in an environment where corrosive gases, chemicals, salt water or steam are present.∙ Do not use in an explosive atmosphere.∙ Do not expose to direct sunlight. Use a suitable protective cover.∙ Do not install in a location subject to vibration or impact in excess of the product’s specifications .∙ Do not mount in a location exposed to radiant heat that would result in temperatures in excess of the product’s specifications. ∙ Prevent foreign particles from entering the product.3 Installation (continued)3.3 MountingWarning∙ Observe the required tightening torque for screws.Unless stated otherwise, tighten the screws to the recommended torque for mounting the product.∙ Do not make any alterations to the product.Alterations made to this product may lead to a loss of durability and damage to the product, which can lead to injury and damage to other equipment and machinery.Do not scratch or dent the sliding parts of the table or mounting face etc., by striking or holding them with other objects. The components are manufactured to precise tolerances, so that even a slight deformation may cause faulty operation or seizure.∙ Do not use the product until it has been verified that the equipment can be operated correctly.After mounting or repair, connect the power supply to the product and perform appropriate functional inspections to check it is mounted correctly.∙ Do not use the product until it has been verified that the equipment can be operated correctly.∙ After mounting or repair, connect the power supply to the product and perform appropriate functional inspections to check it is mounted correctly.∙ Allow sufficient space for maintenance and inspection.Caution∙ When mounting the product, use screws with adequate length and tighten them to the recommended torque.Tightening with larger torque than the specified range may cause mal-function while the tightening with smaller torque can allow the displacement of actuator position. In extreme conditions the actuator could become detached from it’s mounting position.Work fixed / Plate tapped typeTighten the product mounting screws to the specified torque.Tightening to a torque over the specified range can cause operation failure, and insufficient torque can cause displacing or dropping of the attachment.Body fixed / Top mountingBody fixed / Bottom mounting Mounting / Head side tapped styleModel Screw Max.tighteningtorque [Nm]Max. thread depth [mm] LEYG25 M5 x 0.8 3.0 12LEYG32 M6 x 1.0 5.2 12 Model Screw Max.tighteningtorque [Nm]Max. thread depth [mm] LEYG25 M5 x 0.8 3.0 40.3LEYG32 M6 x 1.0 5.2 50.3ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONSModelLEYG25 LEYG25D (Parallel/In-line )LEYG32 (Parallel type) LEYG32D (In-line type) A c t u a t o r Stroke [mm] Note1)30, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250,300 30, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250,300 30, 50, 100, 150,200, 250,300 Work load [kg] HorizontalNote 2)18 50 50 30 60 60 30 60 60 Vertical 7 15 29 7 17 35 10 22 44Pushing force [N] Note3)65 to 131 127 to 255 242 to 485 79 to 157 154 to 308 294 to 588 98 to 197 192 to 385 368 to 736Maximum Speed[mm/s]Note4)900 450 225 1200 600 300 1000 500 250 Pushing Speed [mm/s]Note5)35 or less 30 or less Acceleration / Deceleration [mm/s 2] 5000 Positioningrepeatability [mm] Basic type ±0.02 Highprecision ±0.01Lost motion [mm] Note6) Basic type 0.1 or lessHigh precision 0.05 or lessLead [mm](including pulley ratio)12 6 3 20 10 5 16 8 4 Impact resistance/vibrationResistance [m/s 2] Note7)50 / 20 Actuation type Ball screw and Belt [1:1] / Ball screw Ball screw and Belt[1.25:1] Ball screwGuide typeSliding bearing (LEYG#M), Ball bush bearing (LEYG#L) Operating temperature range [℃] 5 to 40 Operating humidity range [%RH] 90 or less(No condensation) Regenerative optionMay be required by speed and work load(Refer to catalogue)E l e c t r i c a l Motor output/size 100W /☐40 200W /☐60 Type of MotorAC servo motor (100 / 200 VAC) Encoder Note8) Motor type S2-S3:Incremntal 17-bit encoder(Resolution:131072 p/rev)Motor type S6-S7:Absolute 18-bit encoder (Resolution:262144 p/rev)Motor type T6-T7:Absolute 22-bit encoder(Resolution:4194304 p/rev) Motor type V6-V7:Absolute 20-bit encoder (Resolution:1048576 p/rev) Maximum instantaneous power consumption [W] Note9) 445 724 L o c k u n i tType Note10) Non magneting lock Holding force [N] 131 255 485 157 308 588 197 385 736 Power consumption [W] at 20 ℃ Note11) LEY*G(S/T)* /LEY*G V * 6.3 / 5.5 7.9 / 6 Rated voltage[V] 24 VDC 0-10% Model Screw Max.tighteningtorque [Nm]Max. thread depth [mm] LEYG25 M5 x 0.8 3.0 8 LEYG32 M6 x 1.0 5.2 10Model Screw Max.tighteningtorque [Nm] Max. thread length [mm]LEYG25 M6 x 1.05.2 11 LEYG32 M6 x 1.0 5.2 123 Installation (continued)3.4 LubricationCaution∙SMC products have been lubricated for life at manufacture, and do notrequire lubrication in service.∙If a lubricant is used in the system, refer to catalogue for details.∙The recommended grease is lithium grade No.2Applied Region Grease Pack Number Weight [g]Piston rodGuideGR-S-010 10GR-S-020 20∙For products which include a “25A-” prefix the recommended grease islow condensation grease.Applied Region Grease Pack Number Weight [g]Piston rodGuideGR-D-010 104 Wiring4.1 WiringWarning∙Adjustment, mounting or wiring changes should not be carried outbefore disconnecting the power supply to the product.Electric shock, malfunction and damage can result.∙Do not disassemble the cables.∙Use only specified cables.Use only specified cables otherwise there may be risk of fire anddamage.∙Do not connect or disconnect the wires, cables and connectors whenthe power is turned on.Caution∙Wire the connector correctly and securely.Check the connector for polarity and do not apply any voltage to theterminals other than those specified in the Operation Manual.∙Take appropriate measures against noise.Noise in a signal line may cause malfunction. As a countermeasureseparate the high voltage and low voltage cables, and shorten thewiring lengths, etc.∙Do not route input/output wires and cables together with power or highvoltage cables.The product can malfunction due to noise interference and surgevoltage from power and high voltage cables close to the signal line.Route the wires of the product separately from power or high voltagecables.∙Take care that actuator movement does not catch cables.∙Operate with all wires and cables secured.∙Avoid bending cables at sharp angles where they enter the product.∙Avoid twisting, folding, rotating or applying an external force to thecable.Risk of electric shock, wire breakage, contact failure and loss of controlof the product can result.∙Select “Robotic cables”in applications where cables are movingrepeatedly (encoder/ motor/ lock).Refer to the relevant operation manual for the bending life of the cable.∙Confirm correct insulation.Poor insulation of wires, cables, connectors, terminals etc. can causeinterference with other circuits. Also there is the possibility thatexcessive voltage or current may be applied to the product causingdamage.∙R efer to the auto switch references in “Best Pneumatics“ when an autoswitch is to be used4.2 Actuator Ground connectionCaution∙The Actuator must be connected to ground to shield the actuator fromelectrical noise. The screw and cable with crimping terminal andtoothed washer should be prepared separately by the user.4 Wiring (continued)4.3 Wiring of Actuator to ControllerAC servo motor driverWarningUse only specified cables otherwise there may be risk of fire and damage5 How to Order∙For standard products, refer to the catalogue on the SMC website(URL: https://) for the how to order information.6 Outline Dimensions∙For standard products, refer to the catalogue on the SMC website(URL: https://) for outline dimensions.7 Maintenance7.1 General MaintenanceCaution∙Not following proper maintenance procedures could cause the productto malfunction and lead to equipment damage.∙If handled improperly electricity and compressed air can be dangerous.∙Maintenance of electromechanical and pneumatic systems should beperformed only by qualified personnel.∙Before performing maintenance, turn off the power supply and be sureto cut off the supply pressure. Confirm that the power has beendischarged and the air is released to atmosphere.∙After installation and maintenance, apply operating pressure andpower to the equipment and perform appropriate functional andleakage tests to make sure the equipment is installed correctly.∙If any electrical or pneumatic connections are disturbed duringmaintenance, ensure they are reconnected correctly and safety checksare carried out as required to ensure continued compliance withapplicable national regulations.∙Do not make any modification to the product.∙Do not disassemble the product, unless required by installation ormaintenance instructions.∙Incorrect handling can cause an injury, damage or malfunction of theequipment and machinery, so ensure that the procedure for the task isfollowed.∙Always allow sufficient space around the product to complete anymaintenance and inspection.7 Maintenance (continued)7.2 Periodical Maintenance∙Maintenance should be performed according to the table below:AppearanceCheckBelt CheckInspection before daily operation ✓Inspection every six months* ✓✓Inspection every 1,000 km* ✓✓Inspection every 5 million cycles* ✓✓*whichever of these occurs first.∙Following any maintenance, always perform a system check. Do notuse the product if any error occurs, as safety cannot be assured ifcaused by any un-intentional malfunction.7.3 Appearance Check∙The following items should be visually monitored to ensure that theactuator remains in good condition and there are no concerns flagged;・Loose Screws,・Abnormal level of dust or dirt,・Visual flaws / faults,・Cable connections,・Abnormal noises or vibrations.7.4 Belt Check∙If one of the 6 conditions below are seen, do not continue operatingthe actuator, contact SMC immediately.・Tooth shaped canvas is worn out.Canvas fibre becomes “fuzzy”, rubber is removed, and the fibre gainsa white colour. The lines of fibre become very unclear.・Peeling off or wearing of the side of the belt.The corner of the belt becomes round and frayed, with threadsbeginning to stick out.・Belt is partially cut.Belt is partially cut. Foreign matter could be caught in the teeth andcause flaws.・Vertical line of belt teeth.Flaw which is made when the belt runs on the flange.・Rubber back of the belt is softened and sticky.・Crack on the back of the belt.8 Limitations of Use8.1 Limited warranty and disclaimer/compliance requirements∙Refer to Handling Precautions for SMC Products.9 Product disposalThis product should not be disposed of as municipal waste. Check yourlocal regulations and guidelines to dispose of this product correctly, inorder to reduce the impact on human health and the environment.10 ContactsRefer to or for your local distributor /importer.URL : http// (Global) http// (Europe)'SMC Corporation, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JapanSpecifications are subject to change without prior notice from the manufacturer.© 2021 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved.Template DKP50047-F-085M24VDC(5) Lock cable(4) Encoder cable(3) Motor cable(1) Electric Actuator(2) DriverHostcontroller,etc(6) I/O Connector。
SMCJ5.0A-TR,CA-TR SMCJ188A-TR,CA-TRTRANSIL TM®PEAK PULSE POWER : 1500 W (10/1000µs)STAND OFF VOLTAGE RANGE :From 5V to 188V.UNI AND BIDIRECTIONAL TYPES LOW CLAMPING FACTOR FAST RESPONSE TIMEFEATURESSMC(JEDEC DO-214AB)Symbol ParameterValue Unit P PP Peak pulse power dissipation (see note 1)Tj initial = T amb 1500W P Power dissipation on infinite heatsink T amb = 50°C 6.5W I FSM Non repetitive surge peak forward current for unidirectional types tp = 10msTj initial = T amb200A T stg T j Storage temperature range Maximum junction temperature- 65 to + 175150°C °C T LMaximum lead temperature for soldering during 10 s.260°CNote 1 : For a surge greater than the maximum values, the diode will fail in short-circuit.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T amb = 25°C)DESCRIPTIONThe SMCJ series are TRANSIL TM diodes designed specifically for protecting sensitive equipment against transient overvoltages.Transil diodes provide high overvoltage protection by clamping action. Their instantaneous response to transient overvoltages makes them particularly suited to protect voltage sensitive devices such as MOS Technology and low voltage supplied IC’s.August 1999 - Ed: 5A Symbol ParameterValue Unit R th (j-l)Junction to leads15°C/W R th (j-a)Junction to ambient on printed circuit on recommended pad layout75°C/WTHERMAL RESISTANCES 1/5II F V F V CLV BRV RMI PPI RMVSymbol ParameterV RM Stand-off voltage V BR Breakdown voltage V CL Clamping voltage I RM Leakage current @ V RM I PPPeak pulse currentαTVoltage temperature coefficient V FForward voltage dropELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25°C)TypesI RM @ V RM V BR @ I R V CL @ I PP V CL @ I PP αT C maxmin maxmax maxtyp note210/1000µs 8/20µs note3note4Unidirectional Mark.Bidirectional Mark.µA V V mA V A V A 10-4/°C pF SMCJ5.0A-TR FUA SMCJ5.0CA-TR FBA 800 5.0 6.4109.217113.4746 5.79500SMCJ6.0A-TR FUB SMCJ6.0CA-TR FBB 800 6.0 6.71010.315213.7730 5.99000SMCJ6.5A-TR FUC SMCJ6.5CA-TR FBC 500 6.57.21011.214014.5690 6.18500SMCJ8.5A-TR FUD SMCJ8.5CA-TR FBD 58.59.4114.410519.55127.37000SMC10A-TR FUF SMCJ10CA-TR FBF 51011.11179221.74617.86000SMCJ12A-TR FUH SMCJ12CA-TR FBH 51213.3119.97925.33948.35250SMCJ13A-TR FUI SMCJ13CA-TR FBI 11314.4121.57327.23688.45000SMCJ15A-TR FUJ SMCJ15CA-TR FBJ 11516.7124.46432.53088.84300SMCJ18A-TR FUL SMCJ18CA-TR FBL 11820129.25339.32549.23700SMCJ20A-TR FUM SMCJ20CA-TR FBM 12022.2132.44842.82349.43500SMCJ22A-TR FUN SMCJ22CA-TR FBN 12224.4135.54448.32079.63200SMCJ24A-TR FUO SMCJ24CA-TR FBO 12426.7138.940502009.63050SMCJ26A-TR FUP SMCJ26CA-TR FBP 12628.9142.13753.51879.72900SMCJ28A-TR FUQ SMCJ28CA-TR FBQ 12831.1145.434591699.82700SMCJ30A-TR FUR SMCJ30CA-TR FBR 13033.3148.43264.31569.92500SMCJ33A-TR FUS SMCJ33CA-TR FBS 13336.7153.32969.714310.02400SMCJ40A-TR FUU SMCJ40CA-TR FBU 14044.4164.5248411910.12050SMCJ48A-TR FUW SMCJ48CA-TR FBW 14853.3177.42010010010.31800SMCJ58A-TR FUZ SMCJ58CA-TR FBZ 15864.4193.6161218310.41550SMCJ60A-TR GUA SMCJ60CA-TR GBA 16066.5196.615.71258110.51520SMCJ70A-TR GUB SMCJ70CA-TR GBB 17077.8111313.91466910.51350SMCJ85A-TR GUE SMCJ85CA-TR GBE 18594.4113711.51785610.61150SMCJ100A-TR GUG SMCJ100CA-TR GBG 110011111629.72124710.71000SMCJ130A-TR GUI SMCJ130CA-TR GBI 113014412097.52653810.8850SMCJ154A-TR GUL SMCJ154CA-TR GBL 11541711246 6.131731.510.8725SMCJ170A-TR GUM SMCJ170CA-TR GBM 11701891275 5.73532810.8675SMCJ188A-TRGUNSMCJ188CA-TR GBN 11882091328 4.63882610.8625Note 2 : Pulse test : t p < 50 ms.Note 3 : ∆V BR = αT * (T amb - 25) * V BR (25°C).Note 4 : V R = 0 V, F = 1 MHz. For bidirectional types,capacitance value is divided by 2.10s1000s%I PP 50tPULSE WAVEFORM 10/1000s100SMCJxxxA-TR, CA-TR2/5ORDER CODEBIDIRECTIONALNo suffix : UnidirectionalSURFACE MOUNTSTAND OFF VOLTAGE1500 WATTSSM C J 85 C A - TRTAPE & REEL 02550751001251501750. initial(°C)Ppp[Tj initial]/Ppp[Tj initial=25°C]Fig. 1: Peak power dissipation versus initial junc-tion temperature. 3: Peak pulse power versus exponential pulse duration (Tj initial=25°C).025507510012515012345678Tamb(°C)P(W)Rth(j-a)=Rth(j-l)Rth(j-a)=75°C/W Fig. 2: Continous power dissipation versus initial junction temperature.11010010001E-11E+01E+11E+21E+3Vcl(V)Ipp(A)tp=20µstp=1msSMCJ5.0A,CASMCJ58A,CASMCJ33A,CASMCJ18A,CASMCJ8.5A,CASMCJ130A,CASMCJ188A,CAFig. 4: Clamping voltage versus peak pulse cur-rent (Tj initial=25°C).Exponential waveform tp=20µs & tp=1ms.SMCJxxxA-TR, CA-TR3/51101002000.010.101.0010.00VR(V)C(nF)F=1MHzSMCJ5.0ASMCJ188ASMCJ58ASMCJ33ASMCJ18AFig. 5-1: Capacitance versus reverse applied volt-age (typical values) (SMCJxxA serie).0.51.0 1.52.0 2.53.0°CTj=125°CFig. 6: Peak forward voltage drop versus peak for-ward current (typical values).12345405060708090100S(cm²)Rth(j-a) (°C/W)Fig. 8: Thermal resistance junction to ambient ver-sus copper surface under each lead (Printed circuit board FR4, e(Cu)=35µm)1101002000.010.101.0010.00VR(V)C(nF)F=1MHzSMCJ5.0CASMCJ188CASMCJ58CASMCJ33CASMCJ18CAFig. 5-2: Capacitance versus reverse applied volt-age (typical values) (SMCJxxCA serie).1E-21E-11E+01E+11E+25E+ 7: Relative variation of thermal impedance junction to ambient versus pulse duration.(Printed circuit board FR4, S(Cu)=1cm 2).02550751001251501E-11E+01E+11E+21E+32E+3Tj(°C)IR[Tj] / IR [Tj=25°C]VBR<8.5VVBR upper or equal to 8.5VFig. 9: Relative variation of leakage current versus junction temperature.SMCJxxxA-TR, CA-TR4/5REF.DIMENSIONSMillimeters Inches Min.Max.Min.Max.A1 1.90 2.450.0750.096A20.050.200.0020.008b2.903.20.1140.126c0.150.410.0060.016E 7.758.150.3050.321E1 6.607.150.2600.281E2 4.40 4.700.1730.185D 5.55 6.250.2180.246L0.751.600.0300.063Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written ap-proval of STMicroelectronics.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics © 1999 STMicroelectronics - Printed in Italy - All rights reserved.STMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Brazil - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Italy - Japan - MalaysiaMalta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - U.S.A.Packaging : standard packaging is in tape and reel.PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA SMC (Plastic)ECLE2E1DA1A2bMARKING : Logo, Date Code, Type Code, Cathode Band (for unidirectional types only).FOOTPRINT DIMENSIONS (Millimeter)SMC Plastic.2.0 4.2 2.03.3Weight : 0.25 gSMCJxxxA-TR, CA-TR5/5。
equipment from voltage transients induced by lightning and other transient voltage events.Uni-directionalBi-directionalu For surface mounted applications in order to optimize board space u Low leakageu Uni and Bidirectional unit u Glass passivated junction u Low inductanceu Excellent clamping capabilityu 1500W Peak power capability at 10 × 1000µs waveform Repetition rate (duty cycle):0.01%u Fast response time: typically less than 1.0ps from 0 Volts to V BR min u Typical I R less than 5μA above 12V.u High Temperature soldering: 260°C/40 seconds at terminals u Typical maximum temperature coefficient ΔV BR = 0.1% × V BR @25°C × ΔTu Plastic package has Underwriters Laboratory Flammability 94V-0 u Matte tin lead –free Platedu Halogen free and RoHS compliantu Typical failure mode is short from over-specified voltage or current u Whisker test is conducted based on JEDEC JESD201A per its table 4a and 4cu IEC-61000-4-2 ESD 15kV(Air), 8kV (Contact)u ESD protection of data lines in accordance with IEC 61000-4-2 (IEC801-2)uEFT protection of data lines in accordance with IEC 61000-4-4 (IEC801-4)TVS devices are ideal for the protection of I/O interfaces, V CC bus and other vulnerable circuits used in Telecom, Computer, Industrial and Consumer electronic applications.ParameterSymbolValueUnitPeak Pulse Power Dissipation with a 10/1000µs waveform (Fig.1)(Note 1), (Note 2)P PPM 1500 Watts Peak Pulse Current with a 10/1000µs waveform.(Note1,Fig.3) I PP See Next TableAmps Power Dissipation on Infinite Heat Sink at T L =75°CP M(AV) 6.5 Watt Peak Forward Surge Current, 8.3ms Single Half Sine Wave (Note 3) I FSM 200 Amps Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage at 25A for Unidirectional Only (Note 4)V F 3.5/5.0 Voltage Operating junction and Storage Temperature Range.T J , T STG-55 to +150°CNotes:1. Non-repetitive current pulse, per Fig. 3 and derated above T A = 25°C per Fig.2. 2. Mounted on 5.0mm x 5.0mm (0.03mm thick) Copper Pads to each terminal.3. 8.3ms single half sine-wave, or equivalent square wave, Duty cycle = 4 pulses per minutes maximum.4. V F < 3.5V for V BR < 200V and V F < 6.5V for V BR > 201V.APart NumberMarking BreakdownVoltage V BR (V)@I T Uni Bi Uni Bi Reverse Stand-Off Voltage V RWM (V) MIN MAX Test Current I T (mA) Maximum Clamping Voltage V C @I PP (V) Maximum Peak Pulse Current I PP (A) Maximum Reverse Leakage I R @V RWM (μA ) SMCJ5.0 SMCJ5.0C GDD BDD 5.0 6.40 7.30 7.37 10 9.6 156.25 1000 SMCJ5.0A SMCJ5.0CA GDE BDE 5.0 6.40 7.00 7.37 10 9.2 163.04 1000 SMCJ6.0SMCJ6.0CGDF BDF 6.0 6.67 8.15 10 11.4 131.58 1000 SMCJ6.0A SMCJ6.0CA GDG BDG 6.0 6.67 7.37 10 10.3 145.63 1000 SMCJ6.5 SMCJ6.5C GDH BDH 6.5 7.22 8.82 10 12.3 121.95 500 SMCJ6.5A SMCJ6.5CA GDK BDK 6.5 7.22 7.98 10 11.2 133.93 500 SMCJ7.0 SMCJ7.0C GDL BDL 7.0 7.78 9.51 10 13.3 112.78 200 SMCJ7.0A SMCJ7.0CA GDM BDM 7.0 7.78 8.60 10 12.0 125.00 200 SMCJ7.5 SMCJ7.5C GDN BDN 7.5 8.33 10.20 1 14.3 104.90 100 SMCJ7.5A SMCJ7.5CA GDP BDP 7.5 8.33 9.21 1 12.9 116.28 100 SMCJ8.0SMCJ8.0CGDQ BDQ 8.0 8.89 10.90 1 15.0 100.00 50 SMCJ8.0A SMCJ8.0CA GDR BDR 8.0 8.89 9.83 1 13.6 110.29 50 SMCJ8.5 SMCJ8.5C GDS BDS 8.5 9.44 11.50 1 15.9 94.34 20 SMCJ8.5A SMCJ8.5CA GDT BDT 8.5 9.44 10.40 1 14.4 104.17 20 SMCJ9.0 SMCJ9.0C GDU BDU 9.0 10.00 12.20 1 16.9 88.76 10 SMCJ9.0A SMCJ9.0CA GDV BDV 9.0 10.00 11.10 1 15.4 97.40 10 SMCJ10 SMCJ10C GDW BDW 10.0 11.10 13.60 1 18.8 79.79 5 SMCJ10A SMCJ10CA GDX BDX 10.0 11.10 12.30 1 17.0 88.24 5 SMCJ11 SMCJ11C GDY BDY 11.0 12.20 14.90 1 20.1 74.63 5 SMCJ11A SMCJ11CA GDZ BDZ 11.0 12.20 13.50 1 18.2 82.42 5 SMCJ12 SMCJ12C GED BED 12.0 13.30 16.30 1 22.0 68.18 5 SMCJ12A SMCJ12CA GEE BEE 12.0 13.30 14.70 1 19.9 75.38 5 SMCJ13 SMCJ13C GEF BEF 13.0 14.40 17.60 1 23.8 63.03 5 SMCJ13A SMCJ13CA GEG BEG 13.0 14.40 15.90 1 21.5 69.77 5 SMCJ14 SMCJ14C GEH BEH 14.0 15.60 19.10 1 25.8 58.14 5 SMCJ14A SMCJ14CA GEK BEK 14.0 15.60 17.20 1 23.2 64.66 5 SMCJ15 SMCJ15C GEL BEL 15.0 16.70 20.40 1 26.9 55.76 5 SMCJ15A SMCJ15CA GEM BEM 15.0 16.70 18.50 1 24.4 61.48 5 SMCJ16 SMCJ16C GEN BEN 16.0 17.80 21.80 1 28.8 52.08 5 SMCJ16A SMCJ16CA GEP BEP 16.0 17.80 19.70 1 26.0 57.69 5 SMCJ17 SMCJ17C GEQ BEQ 17.0 18.90 23.10 1 30.5 49.18 5 SMCJ17A SMCJ17CA GER BER 17.0 18.90 20.90 1 27.6 54.35 5 SMCJ18 SMCJ18C GES BES 18.0 20.00 24.40 1 32.2 46.58 5 SMCJ18A SMCJ18CA GET BET 18.0 20.00 22.10 1 29.2 51.37 5 SMCJ19 SMCJ19C GEA BEA 19.0 21.13 25.76 1 34.0 44.10 5 SMCJ19A SMCJ19CA GEB BEB 19.0 21.10 23.30 1 30.8 48.73 5 SMCJ20 SMCJ20C GEU BEU 20.0 22.20 27.10 1 35.8 41.90 5 SMCJ20A SMCJ20CA GEV BEV 20.0 22.20 24.50 1 32.4 46.30 5 SMCJ22 SMCJ22C GEW BEW 22.0 24.40 29.80 1 39.4 38.07 5 SMCJ22A SMCJ22CA GEX BEX 22.0 24.40 26.90 1 35.5 42.25 5 SMCJ24 SMCJ24C GEY BEY 24.0 26.70 32.60 1 43.0 34.88 5 SMCJ24A SMCJ24CA GEZ BEZ 24.0 26.70 29.50 1 38.9 38.56 5 SMCJ26 SMCJ26C GFD BFD 26.0 28.90 35.30 1 46.6 32.19 5 SMCJ26A SMCJ26CA GFE BFE 26.0 28.90 31.90 1 42.1 35.63 5 SMCJ28 SMCJ28C GFF BFF 28.0 31.10 38.00 1 50.0 30.00 5 SMCJ28A SMCJ28CA GFG BFG 28.0 31.10 34.40 1 45.4 33.04 5 SMCJ30 SMCJ30C GFH BFH 30.0 33.30 40.70 1 53.5 28.04 5 SMCJ30A SMCJ30CA GFK BFK 30.0 33.30 36.80 1 48.4 30.99 5 SMCJ33 SMCJ33C GFL BFL 33.0 36.70 44.90 1 59.0 25.42 5 SMCJ33A SMCJ33CA GFM BFM 33.0 36.70 40.60 1 53.3 28.14 5 SMCJ36 SMCJ36C GFN BFN 36.0 40.00 48.90 1 64.3 23.33 5 SMCJ36A SMCJ36CA GFP BFP 36.0 40.00 44.20 1 58.1 25.82 5 SMCJ40 SMCJ40C GFQ BFQ 40.0 44.40 54.30 1 71.4 21.01 5 SMCJ40A SMCJ40CA GFR BFR 40.0 44.40 49.10 1 64.5 23.26 5 SMCJ43 SMCJ43C GFS BFS 43.0 47.80 58.40 1 76.7 19.56 5 SMCJ43ASMCJ43CAGFTBFT43.047.8052.80169.4 21.61 5APart NumberMarking BreakdownVoltage V BR (V)@I T Uni Bi Uni Bi Reverse Stand-Off Voltage V RWM (V) MIN MAX Test Current I T (mA)Maximum Clamping Voltage V C @I PP (V) Maximum Peak Pulse Current I PP (A) Maximum Reverse Leakage I R @V RWM (μA ) SMCJ45 SMCJ45C GFU BFU 45.0 50.00 61.10 1 80.3 18.68 5 SMCJ45A SMCJ45CA GFV BFV 45.0 50.00 55.30 1 72.7 20.63 5 SMCJ48 SMCJ48C GFW BFW 48.0 53.30 65.10 1 85.5 17.54 5 SMCJ48A SMCJ48CA GFX BFX 48.0 53.30 58.90 1 77.4 19.38 5 SMCJ51 SMCJ51C GFY BFY 51.0 56.70 69.30 1 91.1 16.47 5 SMCJ51A SMCJ51CA GFZ BFZ 51.0 56.70 62.70 1 82.4 18.20 5 SMCJ54 SMCJ54C GGD BGD 54.0 60.00 73.30 1 96.3 15.58 5 SMCJ54A SMCJ54CA GGE BGE 54.0 60.00 66.30 1 87.1 17.22 5 SMCJ58 SMCJ58C GGF BGF 58.0 64.40 78.70 1 103.0 14.56 5 SMCJ58A SMCJ58CA GGG BGG 58.0 64.40 71.20 1 93.6 16.03 5 SMCJ60 SMCJ60C GGH BGH 60.0 66.70 81.50 1 107.0 14.02 5 SMCJ60A SMCJ60CA GGK BGK 60.0 66.70 73.70 1 96.8 15.50 5 SMCJ64 SMCJ64C GGL BGL 64.0 71.10 86.90 1 114.0 13.16 5 SMCJ64A SMCJ64CA GGM BGM 64.0 71.10 78.60 1 103.0 14.56 5 SMCJ70 SMCJ70C GGN BGN 70.0 77.80 95.10 1 125.0 12.00 5 SMCJ70A SMCJ70CA GGP BGP 70.0 77.80 86.00 1 113.0 13.27 5 SMCJ75 SMCJ75C GGQ BGQ 75.0 83.30 102.00 1 134.0 11.19 5 SMCJ75A SMCJ75CA GGR BGR 75.0 83.30 92.10 1 121.0 12.40 5 SMCJ78 SMCJ78C GGS BGS 78.0 86.70 106.00 1 139.0 10.79 5 SMCJ78A SMCJ78CA GGT BGT 78.0 86.70 95.80 1 126.0 11.90 5 SMCJ80 SMCJ80C GGA BGA 80.0 88.96 108.80 1 143.2 10.47 5 SMCJ80A SMCJ80CA GGB BGB 80.0 88.80 97.60 1 129.6 11.57 5 SMCJ85 SMCJ85C GGU BGU 85.0 94.40 115.00 1 151.0 9.93 5 SMCJ85A SMCJ85CA GGV BGV 85.0 94.40 104.00 1 137.0 10.95 5 SMCJ90 SMCJ90C GGW BGW 90.0 100.00 122.00 1 160.0 9.38 5 SMCJ90A SMCJ90CA GGX BGX 90.0 100.00 111.00 1 146.0 10.27 5 SMCJ100 SMCJ100C GGY BGY 100.0 111.00 136.00 1 179.0 8.38 5 SMCJ100A SMCJ100CA GGZ BGZ 100.0 111.00 123.00 1 162.0 9.26 5 SMCJ110 SMCJ110C GHD BHD 110.0 122.00 149.00 1 196.0 7.65 5 SMCJ110A SMCJ110CA GHE BHE 110.0 122.00 135.00 1 177.0 8.47 5 SMCJ120 SMCJ120C GHF BHF 120.0 133.00 163.00 1 214.0 7.01 5 SMCJ120A SMCJ120CA GHG BHG 120.0 133.00 147.00 1 193.0 7.77 5 SMCJ130 SMCJ130C GHH BHH 130.0 144.00 176.00 1 231.0 6.49 5 SMCJ130A SMCJ130CA GHK BHK 130.0 144.00 159.00 1 209.0 7.18 5 SMCJ140 SMCJ140C GHA BHA 140.0 155.68 190.40 1 250.6 5.99 5 SMCJ140A SMCJ140CA GHB BHB 140.0 155.00 171.00 1 226.8 6.61 5 SMCJ150 SMCJ150C GHL BHL 150.0 167.00 204.00 1 268.0 5.60 5 SMCJ150A SMCJ150CA GHM BHM 150.0 167.00 185.00 1 243.0 6.17 5 SMCJ160 SMCJ160C GHN BHN 160.0 178.00 218.00 1 287.0 5.23 5 SMCJ160A SMCJ160CA GHP BHP 160.0 178.00 197.00 1 259.0 5.79 5 SMCJ170 SMCJ170C GHQ BHQ 170.0 189.00 231.00 1 304.0 4.93 5 SMCJ170A SMCJ170CA GHR BHR 170.0 189.00 209.00 1 275.0 5.45 5 SMCJ180 SMCJ180C GHS BHS 180.0 201.00 244.80 1 322.2 4.66 5 SMCJ180A SMCJ180CA GHT BHT 180.0 201.00 220.00 1 291.6 5.14 5 SMCJ190 SMCJ190C GHU BHU 190.0 211.21 258.40 1 340.1 4.41 5 SMCJ190A SMCJ190CA GHV BHV 190.0 211.00 232.00 1 307.8 4.87 5 SMCJ200A SMCJ200CA GHW BHW 200.0 224.00 247.00 1 324.0 4.60 5 SMCJ220A SMCJ220CA GHX BHX 220.0 246.00 272.00 1 356.0 4.20 5 SMCJ250A SMCJ250CA GHZ BHZ 250.0 279.00 309.00 1 405.0 3.70 5 SMCJ300A SMCJ300CA GJE BJE 300.0 335.00 371.00 1 486.0 3.10 5 SMCJ350A SMCJ350CA GJG BJG 350.0 391.00 432.00 1 567.0 2.60 5 SMCJ400A SMCJ400CA GJK BJK 400.0 447.00 494.00 1 648.0 2.30 5 SMCJ440A SMCJ440CAGJMBJM440.0492.00543.001713.0 2.10 5Note:1. Suffix 'A ' denotes 5% tolerance device. Without 'A' denotes 10% tolerance device2. Add suffix 'C 'or ' CA ' after part number to specify Bi-directional devices3. For Bi-Directional devices having V R of 10 volts and under, the I R limit is doubleAATemperature Cycle JESD22-A104 Weight 0.007 ounce, 0.21 gramPressure Cooker JESD22-A102 Case JEDEC DO-214AB Molded Plastic over glass passivated junctionHigh Temp. Storage JESD22-A103 Polarity Color band denotes cathode except BipolarHTRBJESD22-A108 TerminalMatte Tin-plated leads, Solderable per JESD22-B102DThermal ShockJESD22-A106Reflow ConditionLead –free assembly -Temperature Min (T s(min))150°C -Temperature Max (T s(max)) 200°CPre Heat- Time (min to max) (t s )60 -180 Seconds Average ramp up rate ( Liquidus Temp T L ) to peak3°C/second max T S(max) to TL - Ramp-up Rate3°C/second max - Temperature (T L ) (Liquidus) 217°CReflow- Time (min to max) (t s )60 -150 SecondsPeak Temperature (T P ) 260 +0/-5°CTime within 5°C ofactualpeakTemperature (t p )20 -40 Seconds Ramp-down Rate6°C/second max Time 25°C to peak Temperature (T P ) 8 minutes MaxDo not exceed280°CRamp-down PreheatCritical Zone Time to peak temperature(t 25℃ to peak)T P T L S(max)S(min)25Ramp-upTimePhysical SpecificationsEnvironmental SpecificationsSoldering Parameters0.646 (16.4)0.512(13.0)Arbor Hole DiameterDimensions are in inches (and millimeters)0.157 (4.0) 0.059 (1.5)Diameter 0.315 (8.0)Cover tape。
SMCJ SERIESSURFACE MOUNT TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORSPART NUMBER REVERSE BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN TEST MAXIMUM PEAK REVERSE MARKING ADD C FOR BI- STAND-OFF VOLTAGE VOLTAGE CURRENT CLAMPING PULSE LEAKAGE CODE DIRECTIONAL VOLTAGE VBR (V) VBR (V) IT VOLTAGE CURRENT @ VRWMSee Note 1 VRWM (V) MIN. @IT MAX. @IT (mA) @Ipp Vc (V) Ipp (A) IR(A) UNI BI µSMCJ5.0(C) 5.0 6.40 7.55 10 9.6 156.2 1000 BDD GDD SMCJ54(C) 54 60.0 76.00 1 96.3 15.6 5 BGD GGD SMCJ48(C) 48 53.3 67.50 1 85.5 17.5 5 BFW GFWSMCJ43(C) 43 47.8 60.50 1 76.7 19.6 5 BFS GFS SMCJ36(C) 36 40.0 50.70 1 64.3 23.3 5 BFN GFN SMCJ30(C) 30 33.3 42.20 1 53.5 28.0 5 BFH GFH SMCJ26(C) 26 28.9 36.60 1 46.6 32.2 5 BFD GFD SMCJ22(C) 22 24.4 30.90 1 39.4 38.1 5 BEW GEW SMCJ18(C) 18 20.0 25.30 1 32.2 46.6 5 BES GES SMCJ16(C) 16 17.8 22.60 1 28.8 52.1 5 BEN GEN SMCJ14(C) 14 15.6 19.80 1 25.8 58.1 5 BEH GEH SMCJ12(C) 12 13.3 16.90 1 22.0 68.2 5 BED GED SMCJ10(C) 10 11.1 14.10 1 18.8 79.8 5 BDW GDW SMCJ8.5(C) 8.5 9.44 11.92 1 15.9 94.3 25 BDS GDS SMCJ7.5(C) 7.5 8.33 10.67 1 14.3 104.9 100 BDN GDNSMCJ6.5(C) 6.5 7.22 9.14 10 12.3 122.0 500 GDH BDH SMCJ5.0(C)A 5.0 6.40 7.25 10 9.2 163.0 1000 BDE GDE SMCJ54(C)A 54 60.0 69.00 1 87.1 17.2 5 BGE GGE SMCJ48(C)A 48 53.3 61.30 1 77.4 19.4 5 BFX GFX SMCJ43(C)A 43 47.8 54.90 1 69.4 21.6 5 BFT GFT SMCJ36(C)A 36 40.0 46.00 1 58.1 25.8 5 BFP GFP SMCJ30(C)A 30 33.3 38.30 1 48.4 31.0 5 BFK GFK SMCJ26(C)A 26 28.9 33.20 1 42.1 35.6 5 BFE GFE SMCJ22(C)A 22 24.4 28.00 1 35.5 42.2 5 BEX GEX SMCJ18(C)A 18 20.0 23.30 1 29.2 51.4 5 BET GET SMCJ16(C)A 16 17.8 20.50 1 26.0 57.7 5 BEP GEP SMCJ14(C)A 14 15.6 17.90 1 23.2 64.7 5 BEK GEK SMCJ12(C)A 12 13.3 15.30 1 19.9 75.3 5 BEE GEE SMCJ10(C)A 10 11.1 12.80 1 17.0 88.2 5 BDX GDX SMCJ8.5(C)A 8.5 9.44 10.82 1 14.4 104.2 20 BDT GDT SMCJ5.0(C)A 7.5 8.33 9.58 1 12.9 116.3 100 BDP GDP SMCJ6.5(C)A 6.5 7.22 8.30 10 11.2 133.9 500 BDK GDK SMCJ6.0(C)A 6.0 6.67 7.67 10 10.3 145.6 1000 BDG GDG SMCJ58(C)A 58 64.4 74.10 1 93.6 16.0 5 BGG GGGSMCJ51(C)A 51 56.7 65.20 1 82.4 18.2 5 BFZ GFZ SMCJ45(C)A 45 50.0 57.50 1 72.7 20.6 5 BFV GFV SMCJ40(C)A 40 44.4 51.10 1 64.5 23.2 5 BFR GFR SMBJ33(C)A 33 36.7 42.20 1 53.3 28.1 5 BFM GFM SMCJ28(C)A 28 31.1 35.80 1 45.4 33.0 5 BFG GFG SMCJ24(C)A 24 26.7 30.70 1 38.9 38.6 5 BEZ GEZ SMCJ20(C)A 20 22.2 25.50 1 32.4 46.3 5 BEV GEV SMCJ17(C)A 17 18.9 21.70 1 27.6 53.3 5 BER GER SMCJ15(C)A 15 16.7 19.20 1 24.4 61.5 5 BEM GEM SMCJ13(C)A 13 14.4 16.50 1 21.5 69.7 5 BEG GEG SMCJ11(C)A 11 12.2 14.00 1 18.2 82.4 5 BDZ GDZ SMCJ9.0(C)A 9.0 10.0 11.50 1 15.4 97.4 10 BDV GDV SMCJ8.0(C)A 8.0 8.89 10.23 1 13.6 110.3 50 BDR GDR SMCJ7.0(C)A 7.0 7.78 8.95 10 12.0 125.0 200 BDM GDM SMCJ6.0(C) 6.0 6.67 8.45 10 11.4 131.6 1000 GDF BDF SMCJ58(C) 58 64.4 81.60 1 103 14.6 5 BGF GGF SMCJ51(C) 51 56.7 71.80 1 91.1 16.5 5 BFY GFY SMCJ45(C) 45 50.0 63.30 1 80.3 18.7 5 BFU GFU SMCJ40(C) 40 44.4 56.30 1 71.4 21.0 5 BFQ GFQ SMCJ33(C) 33 36.7 46.50 1 59.0 25.2 5 BFL GFL SMCJ28(C) 28 31.1 39.40 1 50.0 30.0 5 BFF GFF SMCJ24(C) 24 26.7 33.80 1 43.0 34.9 5 BEY GEY SMCJ20(C) 20 22.2 28.10 1 35.8 41.9 5 BEU GEU SMCJ17(C) 17 18.9 23.90 1 30.5 49.2 5 BEQ GEQ SMCJ15(C) 15 16.7 21.10 1 26.9 55.8 5 BEL GEL SMCJ13(C) 13 14.4 18.20 1 23.8 63.0 5 BEF GEF SMCJ11(C) 11 12.2 15.40 1 20.1 74.6 5 BDY GDY SMCJ9.0(C) 9.0 10.0 12.60 1 16.9 88.7 10 BDU GDU SMCJ8.0(C) 8.0 8.89 11.30 1 15.0 100.0 50 BDQ GDQ SMCJ7.0(C) 7.0 7.78 9.86 10 13.3 112.8 200 BDL GDLPART NUMBER REVERSE BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN TEST MAXIMUM PEAK REVERSE MARKING ADD C FOR BI- STAND-OFF VOLTAGE VOLTAGE CURRENT CLAMPING PULSE LEAKAGE CODE DIRECTIONAL VOLTAGE VBR (V) VBR (V) IT VOLTAGE CURRENT @ VRWMSee Note 1 VRWM (V) MIN. @IT MAX. @IT (mA) @Ipp Vc (V) Ipp (A) IR(A) UNI BI µSMCJ60(C) 60 66.7 84.5 1 107 14.0 5 BGH GGH SMCJ160(C) 160 178 226.0 1 287 5.2 5 BHN GHN SMCJ130(C) 130 144 182.5 1 231 6.5 5 BHH GHHSMCJ110(C) 110 154.5 1 196 7.7 5 BHD GHD 122 SMCJ90(C) 90 100 126.5 1 160 9.4 5 BGW GGW SMCJ78(C) 78 86.7 109.8 1 139 10.8 5 BGS GGSSMCJ70(C) 70 77.8 98.6 1 125 12.0 5 BGN GGN SMCJ60(C)A 60 66.7 76.7 1 96.8 15.5 5 BGK GGK SMCJ160(C)A 160 178 205.0 1 259 5.8 5 BHP GHP SMCJ130(C)A 130 144 165.5 1 209 7.2 5 BHK GHK SMCJ110(C)A 110 122 140.5 1 177 8.4 5 BHE GHE SMCJ90(C)A 90 100 115.5 1 146 10.3 5 BGX GGX SMCJ78(C)A 78 86.7 99.7 1 126 11.4 5 BGT GGT SMCJ70(C)A 70 77.8 89.5 1 113 13.3 5 BGP GGP SMCJ64(C)A 64 71.1 81.8 1 103 14.6 5 BGM GGM SMCJ170(C)A 170 189 217.5 1 275 5.5 5 BHR GHRSMCJ150(C)A 150 167 192.5 1 243 6.2 5 BHM GHMSMCJ120(C)A 120 133 153.0 1 193 7.9 5 BHG GHG SMCJ100(C)A 100 111 128.0 1 162 9.3 5 BGZ GGZ SMCJ85(C)A 85 94.4 108.2 1 137 10.4 5 BGV GGV SMCJ75(C)A 75 83.3 95.8 1 121 12.4 5 BGR GGR SMCJ64(C) 64 71.1 90.1 1 114 13.2 5 BGL GGL SMCJ170(C) 160 189 239.5 1 304 4.9 5 BHQ GHQ SMCJ150(C) 150 167 211.5 1 268 5.6 5 BHL GHL SMCJ120(C) 120 169.0 1 214 7.0 5 BHF GHF 133SMCJ100(C) 100 111 141.0 1 179 8.4 5 BGY GGY SMCJ85(C) 85 94.4 119.2 1 151 9.9 5 BGU GGU SMCJ75(C) 75 83.3 105.7 1 134 11.2 5 BGQ GGQ。