Best Management Practices Guidebook for Special Event-Generated Waste in Rural Communities
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“我们现在做一个Best Practice(简称BP)的方法,要求把每一个零件做错的事情做一个总结,然后再看精品分析,写最佳实践。
4.好的流程来自哪里?我认为最好的来源是来自公司内做法的提炼,来自员工最佳实践的总结(咨询顾问称之为Best Practice)。
做好企业流程管理的六个建议《赢在战略》开课时我的一个标准“流程”是:1. 让参课的老板拿出手机来,2. 把手机关闭。
英文版谈论管理制度的书Management is a necessary component in any organization, whether it is a business, a non-profit or a government agency. The management system is the framework that an organization uses to direct, control and coordinate its resources towards the achievement of organizational goals. A well-functioning management system can help an organization to increase its productivity, efficiency and overall performance. In this paper, we will discuss various aspects of management systems, including its importance, key components, and best practices.Importance of Management SystemA well-designed management system is crucial for the success of any organization. It helps in setting direction for the organization, ensuring that resources are used efficiently, and that staff members are working towards the common goals and objectives. A management system also helps in identifying and managing risks, monitoring performance, and making necessary adjustments to ensure that the organization is staying on track. Without a proper management system in place, an organization can experience chaos, inefficiency, and poor decision making, which can ultimately lead to failure.Components of Management SystemThere are several key components of a management system. These include goal setting, planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. These components help in providing a framework for an organization to manage its operations effectively.Goal setting: The management system starts with setting clear and specific goals and objectives for the organization. These goals should be aligned with the overall mission and vision of the organization and should be measurable and achievable.Planning: Once the goals are set, the next step is to develop a plan to achieve those goals. This involves identifying the tasks, resources, and timelines required to reach the goals.Organizing: This involves arranging the resources and activities in a way that helps in achieving the set goals. This includes assigning roles and responsibilities, creating an organizational structure, and establishing communication channels.Leading: This involves motivating, guiding, and supervising the employees, as well as making important decisions, and fostering a productive work environment. Controlling: This involves monitoring the performance of the organization, comparing it with the set goals, and making necessary adjustments to ensure that the organization is on the right track.Best Practices of Management SystemThere are several best practices that can help in designing an efficient management system.Clear communication: Good communication is essential for an efficient management system. The goals, plans, and roles should be communicated clearly to all the stakeholders to ensure everyone is on the same page.Use of technology: Technology can be used to streamline processes, automate tasks, and improve communication. This can help in increasing efficiency and productivity.Performance measurement: Regular measurement of performance against the set goals is important for ensuring that the organization is on track. This can help in identifying areas of improvement and making necessary adjustments.Employee engagement: Engaging employees in the management system can lead to a more motivated workforce. Involving employees in decision making, setting goals, and providing regular feedback can contribute to their job satisfaction and ultimately improve the organization’s performance.Continuous improvement: A good management system should be flexible and open to change. Continuous improvement is important for staying competitive and adapting to changes in the market and business environment.ConclusionIn conclusion, a well-designed management system is crucial for the success of any organization. It provides a framework for setting goals, planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the resources, and activities of an organization. By following best practices and constantly improving, an organization can create an efficient management system that helps in achieving its goals and objectives.。
agile practice guide 簡體-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述:Agile Practice Guide《敏捷实践指南》是由美国项目管理协会(PMI)与敏捷联盟(Agile Alliance)合作编写的一本指南。
在概述部分,我们将对agile practice guide进行简要介绍,包括其定义、目的和应用领域等。
绿色街道的建设为城市雨水管理提供了一个创新的方式,在国外绿色街道已经得到了一些的实践,从西雅图的SEA street分析建立绿色街道的过程,并以此寻找建设方法6个层次。
1 城市雨水的问题当国内面对暴雨天气还在吵嚷着需要好好建设下水道系统的今天,欧美国家已经把这项一向被认为文明先进的工程渐渐摒弃了。
1.1 雨水难以排出城市城市的大面积开发,下水道已经如蛛网般爬满城市地下空间了。
Best Management Practices: GoosegrassDescriptionGoosegrass (Eleusine indica) is a very troublesomegrass weed found in many aspects of turfgrassmanagement. Historically, one might think ofgoosegrass as being a golf course or athletic fieldissue. However, this weed is spreading into other turfareas like lawns and parks. Often, it seems that turfmanagers have goosegrass under control, but by lateJuly or August goosegrass is everywhere. A greaterpresence of goosegrass has been observed in cool-season turf throughout the Midwest andNortheastern United States over the last severalyears. It particularly can be a problem on drivingrange tees. Although it is more common to seegoosegrass in warmer climates, it has beendocumented up the East coast to Massachusetts.HabitatGoosegrass is a native plant of temperate to tropicalclimates. It competes successfully with warm andcool-season turfgrass during summer months insituations where the canopy has been thinned due tovarious turfgrass pests, areas of poor fertility, orintense traffic. This weed demonstrates a high degreeof tolerance to drought conditions. With that beingsaid, goosegrass is well equipped to establish itself indense turf stands and surviving mowing heights fromputting greens to lawns.IdentificationGoosegrass is a prostrate-growing summer annual with a flat stem. Mature plants grow in clumps with the base of the stems being distinctively white to silver incolor hence one of its most common synonyms silver crabgrass. The ligule is toothed,membranous, and divided at the center resembling the letter ‘M’. The seed heads contain 2 -7spikes that form at the tip of the seed stalk resembling a zipper.Its main way of reproduction is by seed. Goosegrasstypically germinates later in spring compared toother annual grasses like crabgrass. Goosegrassgerminates when soil temperatures reach 63 to 65°F,which is usually at least two to four weeks later thancrabgrass. Research has found that fluctuatingdaytime temperatures of 85 to 95° F with nighttimetemperatures in the upper 60s to mid-70s stimulatesgoosegrass germination.ManagementCultural:Goosegrass is highly competitive during warmer parts of the year and can thrive if conditions are not favorable for desired turf. In salt-tolerant grasses, like seashore paspalum, pouring rock salt on the crown of the plant can desiccate individual goosegrass plants. Severe infestations may indicate the need for improved cultural practices such as aerification to alleviate compaction. Sound agronomic practices that improve the growing conditions of turf may also reduce goose grass competition.Chemical:Preemergence herbicides used for crabgrass control can be an effective tool for goosegrass control. Preemergence herbicides targeting goosegrass should be delayed approximately 3 to 4 weeks after preemergence crabgrass application. Goosegrass has developed resistance to dinitroaniline herbicides and metribuzin, so it is important to use sound rotational practices. Since the change in MSMA use restrictions, postemergence goosegrass control has become more challenging. Even though selective herbicides effective on goosegrass are limited, there are still some that can provide effective control. Dismiss and Dismiss South both will control goosegrass when applied to newly emerged weeds in the 1-4 leaf growth stage. Research has demonstrated that a combination of 8 fl oz/A Dismiss + 17 fl oz/A Revolver® provides effective postemergence control of larger goosegrass plants. By combining sound management practices with herbicides strategies containing Dismiss or Dismiss South will result in effective goosegrass control and a healthier turf stand.ReferencesPhoto Courtesy: Aaron Hathaway, Michigan State Univ.Color Atlas of Turfgrass Weeds: A Guide to Weed Identification and Control Strategies. L.B. McCarty et al. 2nd ed. 2008 John Wiley and Sons, Inc.Goosegrass: The new king of turfgrass weeds? J.S. McElroy, Ph.D.2015. Golf Course Management. Vol. 83:5. pp. 90-94. Always read and follow label directions. FMC, FMC logo and Dismiss are registered trademarks of FMC Corporation. ©2017 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved.。
你一定要读的50部管理学经典1. 《从优秀到卓越》教导我们如何实现卓越的领导力和管理技巧。
"Good to Great" teaches us how to achieve excellent leadership and management skills.2. 《管理学》是一本经典的管理学教科书,对管理理论和实践进行了系统的总结和分析。
"Management" is a classic textbook on management, systematically summarizing and analyzing management theoryand practice.3. 《创新者的解答》为我们揭示了创新的本质和关键要素。
"The Innovator's Dilemma" reveals the essence and key elements of innovation.4. 《领导力》帮助我们了解领导者应该具备的品质和技能。
"Leadership" helps us understand the qualities and skills that leaders should possess.5. 《执行力》告诉我们如何将战略转化为实际行动和结果。
"Execution" tells us how to turn strategy into actual actions and results.6. 《竞争优势》为我们解释了企业在市场竞争中如何取得优势地位。
"Competitive Advantage" explains how businesses can gaina competitive edge in the market.7. 《团队协作》强调了团队合作在组织中的重要性和运作方式。
国外公路标准中国沥青网 2008年9月3日国外发达国家公路、桥梁及隧道工程方面相关的标准或指南。
农村公路设计、施工和养护汇编美国1. Best Practices for Design and Construction of Low Volume Roads 设计与建设低交通量道路的最佳实践2. BUREAU OF LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS MANUAL地方公路和街道局手册3. City and County Design Standards城市与农村道路设计标准4. COORDINATION OF LOCAL ROAD CLASSIFICATION WITH THE STA TE HIGHW AY SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION地方公路分类和州的公路分类之间的协调5. Design and Evaluation of Two Bridge Railings for Low-Volume Roads低交通量道路双向扶手桥梁设计和评估6. DESIGN OF LARGE STONE ASPHALT MIXES FOR LOW- VOLUME ROADS USING使用大石头块与沥青混合的低交通量道路设计7. Development of Comprehensive Low-V olume Pavement Design Procedures复杂低交通量道路路面设计过程的发展8. Growing Traffic in Rural America:Safety, Mobility and Economic Challenges美国农村交通的增长:安全,机动性和经济方面的挑战9. Guidelines for developing a guardrail manual for low-volume roads低交通量道路护栏手册发展指南10. guidelines for mountain stream relocations in North Carolina美国卡罗莱纳州山脉影响道路改线指南11. GRA VEL ROADS MAINTENANCE AND DESIGN MANUAL 砂石道路养护和设计手册12. HIGHW AY DESIGN MANUAL Chapter 4 Design Criteria & Guidance For Bridge Projects On Low V olume Highways 公路设计手册第4章低交通量道路桥梁工程设计标准和规范13. Local Road Surfacing Criteria地方道路路面标准14. Minnesota''s Design Guide for Low V olume Aggregate Surfaced Roads明尼苏达州低交通量道路路面设计指南15. Minimizing Low V olume Road Water Displacement降低低交通量道路积水16. Maintenance of Signs and Sign Supports for Local Roads and Streets 地方公路和街道交通标志养护17. RURAL ROAD SHOULDERS农村公路路肩18. Rural Safety, Access and Connectivity农村公路安全,可到达性和连通性19. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR LOW-VOLUME ROADS低交通量道路交通控制设备20. Traffic Engineering Manual 交通工程手册加拿大1. Alpine Ski Village Roads Chapter高山积雪的农村公路篇章2. 2000-2001 Enhancing the Quality of Life for Rural Canadians 2000-2001提高加拿大农村地区生活质量3. 2002-2003 Making a Difference in Rural Canada 2002-2003年创建一个不一样的加拿大农村4. Celebrating Success in Rural Canada庆祝加拿大农村的胜利5. handbk04 URBAN & REGIONAL PLANNING 城市与区域规划手册6. Low Volume Roads-Interim Guidelines 低交通量道路中期报告7. Revised Section 1420 Subdivision Road Design Parameters低等级道路设计参数8. Rural Action Plan农村行动计划9. RURAL ROAD STANDARDS POLICY 农村公路标准政策10. SUBDIVISION ROADS CHAPTER 低等级道路章节11. subdivision-design-manual 低等级道路设计手册欧盟1. Design of Rural Transport Infrastructure 农村公路运输基础设施设计2. Fly Ash Mixtures as Flexible Structural Materials for Low-Volume Roads(芬兰)用Fly灰混合物作为低交通量道路的柔性结构材料3. Guide to UK Low V olume National Type Approval(文件夹) 英国低交通量道路指南4. Guidelines on Auditing Rural Transport Services (爱尔兰)农村公路运输审查指南5. MANUAL FOR THE LABOUR-BASED CONSTRUCTION OF BITUMINOUS SURFACINGS ON LOW-VOLUME ROADS 基于人力建造的含沥青的低交通量道路路面设计手册6. Management of rural road networks 管理农村公路路网7. Minor Rural Road Construction 次等级农村公路建设8. Practical Guidelines for Rural Road Maintenance 农村公路养护实用指南9. Rural Transport Knowledge 农村公路运输知识日本1. Guide to Fixed Access Systems for Rural Areas 农村地区确定可到达系统指南2. PRESENT STATE OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE 目前国家交通基础结构3. Urban rural community infrastructure 城市与农村基础设施4. Draft Standard for Small-sized Vehicle-only Roads 小车道设计标准(草案)澳大利亚1. 7.0 RURAL NON-FREEWAY HIGHWAY DESIGN 第7章农村非高速公路设计2. Design Guidelines 设计指南3. Design Standards for Rural Subdivision Streets 农村低等级街道设计标准4. Pavement Design Guide for Subdivision and Secondary Roads 二级和二级以下公路路面设计指南5. Rural Design Standards农村道路设计规范6. Rural Rustic Road Program 乡村道路计划7. SHORT TERM TRAFFIC CONTROL HANDBOOK 短期交通控制手册8. Subdivision Street Requirements 低等级街道需求9. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR LOW-VOLUME ROADS低交通量道路交通控制设备新西兰1. A Guide to the Structural Design of Road Pavements 路面结构设计指南2. LOW VOLUME ROADS SYMPOSIUM-REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUNDING 低交通量道路地区研讨会发展基金3. Standards and Guidelines Manual 标准与指导方针指南4. State Highway Geometric Design Manual 国家公路几何设计手册非洲1. A GUIDELINE FOR LOW-VOLUME SEALED ROADS IN THE SADC REGION SADC地区低交通量密封道路设计指南2. Africa Transport-Economic Evaluation of Low Volume Roads 非洲低交通量道路运输经济评估3. Design Approach for Low V olume Sealed Roads in the SADC region SADC地区低交通量密封道路设计方法4. EOD-Analysis of road performance in Ghana(加纳)为环境提供最优设计:加纳国分析道路性能5. guideline on low volume sealed roads 低交通量密封道路设计指南6. Guiding Principles for National Community of Practitioners on Rural Road Engineering农村公路工程设计原理—为社会从业者提供指南7. Low-V olume Roads Engineering Best Management Practices Field Guide 低交通量道路最优管理方法指南8. Management Guidelines for Road Improvements 道路改进管理指南9. Rural Roads 农村道路国外公路安全汇编(交通安全)美国1. 2005 Roadmap to State Highway Safety Laws 2005年州政府关于公路路标安全的法律2. A GUIDE FOR HIGHW AY SAFETY PROGRAM MANAGERS 公路安全项目管理指南3. BUS OCCUPANT SAFETY 公共汽车占据安全4. Collision Vulnerability Manual 冲突点手册5. Development of a Highway Safety Manual 发展中的道路安全手册6. Development of Maintenance-Free Highway Safety Appurtenances 发展中的免费维护公路安全设施7. Final Rule on Work Zone Safety and Mobility 道路工作区安全和机动车最终规范8. GUIDANCE FOR IMPLEMENTA TION OF THE AASHTO STRA TEGIC HIGHW AY SAFETY PLAN-AASHTO公路安全战略计划的执行指南9. Improving the Compatibility of Vehicles and Roadside Safety Hardware 提高车辆与路侧安全设施的兼容性10. Maintenance Work Zone Safety 保持道路工作区安全11. National Traffic Signal_TechReport 技术报告-国家交通信号标志12. Nchrp rpt Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features 公路特征安全性能评估推荐程序13. Overhead Sign Structures Design Manual 高架信号结构设计手册14. Public Transportation Safety Board Annual Report 2003 2003年公共交通安全委员会年度报告15. Road Safety Audits 道路安全核查16. Roadway Safety Guide 路线安全指南17. Roadside Safety Analysis Program (RSAP)-Engineer Manual 路侧安全分析程序-工程手册18. SHORT term TRAFFIC CONTROL HANDBOOK 短期交通控制手册19. Strategic Plan for Improving Roadside Safety 提高路侧安全战略规划20. SIGNAL DESIGN MANUAL FOR DIAMOND INTERCHANGES 菱形互通式立交信号设计手册21. SIGNAL TECHNICIAN''S INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FORADV ANCE WARNING OF END-OF-GREEN PHASE AT HIGH SPEED TRAFFIC SIGNALS 为高速车流安装高级绿灯末期警告信号与保养手册22. URBAN SAFETY MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES- ROAD SAFETY STRA TEGIES FOR URBAN COMMUNITIES 城市交通安全管理指南-城区道路安全策略加拿大1. Construction and Maintenance Signs 建造和维护交通标志2. Cost-Shared Project Sign Specifications 费用共享项目交通标志规范3. Highway Accident System (HAS) user manual 道路事故系统使用者手册4. Manual of Standard Traffic Signs and Pavement Markings 交通标志标准和路面设计手册5. Establishing a Process for Determining Traffic Signal Safety Warrants 为交通安全警告标志建立一个决策过程6. Road Safety Vision 2010 - 2002 Annual Report 2020年道路安全前景7. Railway Safety Management System Guide 铁路安全管理系统指南8. Sign_Fabrication_Specs 标志设计规格9. snow_avalanche_safety_manual 雪崩安全手册10. Traffic Management Guidelines for Work On Roadways 道路工作交通管理指南11. TrafficControllerDesignManual 交通控制设计手册12. 交通标志设计欧盟1. AnnualRpt 01-02 on the Loss Prevention Work 01-02年度报告:预防产生损失2. AnnualRpt 02-03 on the Loss Prevention Work 03-04年度报告:预防产生损失3. Designing for Safety 安全设计4. Guidelines for the Application of Special Speed Limits 特殊速度限制应用指南5. Guidelines for the safety Management System欧盟安全管理系统指南6. Road Safety Bill 道路安全法案7. Road Safety Good Practice Guide 道路安全实用指南8. Roadside Infrastructure for Safer European Roads 欧盟道路路侧基础设施安全9. Towards Safer Roads in Developing Countries 关于发展中国家道路安全10. Traffic safety measures and observance 交通安全措施和遵守11. TrafficControllerDesignManual 交通控制设计手册日本1. For Improving Safety and Comfort in Road Spaces 为道路空间提高安全性和舒适性2. Interim evaluation report (draft) Traffic Safety Research Subgroup 交通安全研究小组中期评估报告(草案)澳大利亚1. SIGN DESIGN MANUAL 交通标志设计手册2. Australian Road Rules 澳大利亚道路规范3. Temporary Traffic Control Manual 2003 edition 临时交通控制手册(2003版)4. Urban planning for road safety 为道路安全的城市规划新西兰1. Measures of exposure to risk of road crashes in New Zealand 新西兰公布道路交通事故测定方法2. STA TE HIGHWAY SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL 国家公路安全管理系统手册3. SAFETY EV ALUATION 安全评估公路工程及养护类美国1. Traffic Engineering Manual 交通工程手册2. Comprehensive Pavement Design Manual 复杂路面设计手册3. FLH Project Development and Design Manual FLH项目发展和设计手册4. FLH Construction Manual FLH施工手册5. HIGHW AY DESIGN MANUAL 公路设计手册6. Location & Design Manual 特定区域设计手册7. Road Design Manual 道路设计手册8. Asphalt Pavement Repair Manuals of Practice 沥青路面维护实用手册9. Concrete Pavement Repair Manuals of Practice混凝土路面维护实用手册10. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 公路分级11. Horizontal and Vertical Design 平曲线和竖曲线设计12. Materials Inspection Manual 材料检测手册13. NCHRP Report 475, _A Procedure for Assessing and Planning Nighttime Highway Construction and Maintenance 一个程序用来评估和计划夜间公路建造和养护14. NCHRP Synthesis 293 - Reducing and Mitigating Impacts of Lane Occupancy During Construction and Maintenance 减轻施工和维护期间占用道路的影响15. Policy on Highway Lighting 道路照明政策16. Roadway Delineation Practices Handbook 路线定线实用手册17. work zone guidebook 道路工作区指南加拿大1. 2002 pavement surface condition rating manual 2002年路面条件等级手册2. Design Build Minor Standard Specifications 2004 建筑设计最小标准规范3. Highway Maintenance Guidelines and Level of Service Manual 公路养护指南和服务水平手册4. ROADSIDE DESIGN - Guidelines for Clear Zones, Barriers etc 路侧设计-路肩和栅栏指南5. Standard Specifications for Highway Construction (2004) 道路施工标准规范6. Streets_Design 街道设计7. TAC Geometric Design Guide 加拿大运输部几何设计指南欧盟1. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges 道路和桥梁设计手册2. Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works 道路工作合同文件手册3. A GUIDE TO GEOMETRIC DESIGN几何设计指南4. Current and Proposed Practices for Nondestructive Highway Pavement Testing当前被建议的对路面测试的非破坏方法5. GFA IN UK ROAD PA VEMENTS Research, use and performance GFA在英国的路面研究,使用和实施6. NEW CONSTRUCTION AND REHABILITATION COST GUIDE FOR HIGHWAYS 道路新的施工和复原方法指南7. Performance Indicators for Road Pavements 路面性能指示8. Review of the Use of storm water BMPs in Europe路面养护(欧盟)9. Winter Road Maintenance and Expert Systems 冬季道路养护和专家系统日本1. 2003annual rpt 2003年度报告澳大利亚1. Geometric Design 几何设计2. Maintenance 养护3. Road Design Manual 道路设计指南4. HIGHW AY DEPARTMENT ACCESS AND RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH GUIDELINES 道路通达性和右侧宽度指南5. PA VER PLACED SURFACE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION GUIDELINES 铺路机建造路面检测指南6. RIDOT Traffic Design Manual TIDOT 交通设计手册7. ROAD DESIGN MANUAL (METRIC) 道路设计手册(米制的)新西兰1. State Highway Geometric Design Manual 国家公路几何设计手册2. GEOMETRIC EV ALUATION 几何设计评估3. PA VEMENT DESIGN GUIDE 路面设计指南4. Pavement Evaluation 路面评估5. Standards and Guidelines Manual 标准和指南手册6. STATE HIGHW AY ASSET MANAGEMENT MANUAL 国家现有公路养护手册7. State Highway National Pavement Condition Report 2004 final 国家公路路面条件报告(2004年最终)8. TRAFFIC MONITORING FOR STATE HIGHW AYS 国家公路交通监视国外交通战略环评和公路环境规划汇编(环境保护)美国1. Air Quality 空气质量2. Corridor Preservation 通道保存3. Environmental Protect 环境保护4. Highway Traffic Noise Barrier Materials and Cost By State 公路噪声屏障材料和国家成本费用5. Historical & Archaeological Preservation 历史文物古迹保护6. Noise Design 噪声设计7. Project Development 计划发展8. Title VI & Environmental Justice 环境公平性9. Transportation & Community & Systems Preservation Pilot Program 交通、社会和驾驶员保持系统10. Transportation Enhancements 交通强健性11. Environmental Analysis for Transportation Projects 交通项目的环境影响分析12. ENVIRONMENTAL ENHANCEMENT AND MITIGATION PROGRAM 环境增强和减缓项目13. Environmental Justice & Transportation A Citizen''s Handbook 环境公平性和市民交通手册14. NCHRP Report 443 - Primer_ Environmental Impact of Construction 建设的环境最主要影15. NOISE ABATEMENT POLICY 噪声消除政策16. Traffic Noise Management 交通噪声管理17. ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN GUIDE 环境设计指南加拿大1. Design Signage and Maintenance Guidelines Waterfront Trail 在滨水地区路段设计标志和养护指南2. Environmental Management System Manual 环境管理系统手册3. Highway Environment Fact Sheets 公路环境情况说明书4. WARS - Wildlife Accident Reporting System 野生动物伤害报告制度5. Best Management Practices for Fish Habitat Issues Related to Minor Bridge Maintenance 小桥维护为鱼群提供栖息地的最佳管理方法6. Environmental Construction Operations Plan (ECO PLAN) Framework 环境建设运行规划框架7. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING 环境规划8. Wildlife Accident Reporting and Mitigation in British Columbia 在BC野生动物伤害报告和缓解理方法日本1. environmental guidelines(老挝)环境指南2. Urban Environment Regeneration 城市环境重建3. Environmental Management System 环境管理系统澳大利亚1. 2003 RTA Environment Report 2003年道路交通管理部门环境报告新西兰1. Environmental Evaluation 环境评估国外公路景观设计汇编(环境保护)美国1. Aesthetics 美学2. Lincoln Highway Landscape Interpretation Manual 林肯公路道路景观设计手册3. Scenic Byways 小道风景4. Roadside Vegetation 路侧植被5. Wild & Scenic Rivers 野生动物和河流风景6. Florida Highway Landscape Guide 佛罗里达道路景观设计指南7. Guidelines for Planting within Highway Right-of-Way 公路右侧植树指南8. Basic Principles of Landscape Design 景观设计基础原理9. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES ELEMENT 建筑景观设计原理指南10. Landscape Design 景观设计11. Landscape Design and the Experience of Motion 景观设计和运作经验12. Landscaping Guidelines 景观美化指南加拿大1. Construction Inspector''s Handbook for Landscape Planting 景观植树的建筑监理师手册2. Landscape Design and Tree Preservation Standards 景观设计和树木保护标准1. Car Park and Landscape Design 停车场景观设计2. Landscape Design Standards 景观设计标准3. APPL Y ENVIRONMENTAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN PRINCIPLES 应用环境景观设计原理4. Virtual Reality in the landscape design process 虚拟现实的景观设计过程日本1. Landscape Visualization by VRML 用虚拟现实使景观可视化2. Viewed and Borrowed Landscape in Japanese Gardens 日本花园的景观与虚拟澳大利亚1. Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Urban Design 建筑学,景观和城市设计2. Architecture and Landscape Design for Vital Urban Centers 重要城市街道建筑和景观设计新西兰1. GUIDELINES FOR HIGHW AY LANDSCAPING 公路景观设计指南旧桥加固、检测汇编(公路桥梁)美国1. Bridge Inventory Manual 桥梁编制手册2. Complete Bridge Inspection Manual 桥梁检测完全手册3. CONDITION EV ALUATION OF CONCRETE BRIDGES RELATIVE TO REINFORCEMENT CORROSION 为抗腐蚀的混凝土桥梁环境条件评估4. Design Vehicular Live Load (桥梁上)车辆实时载荷设计5. GUIDELINES FOR THE USE, DESIGN, AND CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE APPROACH SLABS使用,设计和建造引桥板层指南6. Hydraulic Vulnerability Manual 水压压强手册7. Improved Live Load Deflection Criteria for Steel Bridges 钢桥提高实时抗负载偏斜手册8. INFLUENCE OF THE NEW LRFD SEISMIC GUIDELINES ON THE DESIGN OF BRIDGES IN VIRGINIA 美国弗吉尼亚地震对桥梁设计的影响指南9. INTERIM CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR DURABILITY OF P(中国沥青网sinoasphalt)OST-TENSIONED BRIDGE SUBSTRUCTURES 悬拉桥基础的耐久性设计指南与建议的中期结论10. Long Span Bridge & Culvert, LLC 长跨桥及涵洞11. Manual for Condition Evaluation and Load Rating of Highway Bridges Using Load and Resistance Factor Philosophy 使用负荷与抗拉因素综合评估公路桥等级手册12. Nondestructive Methods for Condition Evaluation of Prestressing Steel Strands in Concrete Bridges 对钢筋预应力混凝土桥梁的条件非破坏性评估方法13. Prestress Losses in Pretensioned High-Strength Concrete Bridge Girders在高压力下要求混凝土桥梁支柱预应力消失14. Prestressed Concrete Construction Manual 预应力混凝土桥梁建设手册15. Repair and Rehabilitation of Bridge Components Containing Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement 使用空气保护膜修补或复原桥梁结件16. SEISMIC RETROFITTING MANUAL FOR HIGHW AY BRIDGES 公路桥抗地震改进手册17. Seismic Vulnerability Manual 抗地震手册18. Steel Details Vulnerability Manual 钢铁弱点详细手册19. TECHNIQUES FOR MEASURING EXISTING LONG-TERM STRESSES IN PRESTRESSED CONCRETE BRIDGES. VOLUME 2 MANUAL OF INSTRUCTION 预应力混凝土桥梁现有的长期测量方法.第2卷使用手册加拿大1. Bridge Best Practice Guidelines 桥梁最佳施工指南2. Bridge Construction Inspection Manual-2002 2002年桥梁结构检测手册3. Bridge Construction Manual 桥梁建设手册4. Construction Guidelines 建设指南5. Bridge Size Culverts Design Guidelines 桥梁大小涵洞设计指南6. BRIDGE STRUCTURES DESIGN CRITERIA 桥梁结构设计标准7. Design Manual for Bridges and Structures 桥梁和结构设计手册8. Contract Administration Manual - Highway and Bridge Maintenance 合同管理手册-公路与桥梁养护9. HYDRAULICS and STRUCTURES CHAPTER 水力学与结构章节10. Hydraulics Manual 水力学手册11. Manual of Bridge Standards and Procedures 桥梁标准与程序设计手册12. Manual of Bridge Standards and Procedures 桥梁标准与程序设计手册(设计图)13. Specifications for Bridge Construction 桥梁建设规范14. Repair Manual for Concrete Bridge Elements - V1.0 混凝土桥梁基础修复手册欧盟1. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges 道路与桥梁设计手册2. UI SC 181 BRIDGE DESIGN, EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT AND PROCEDURES 桥梁设计,施工安排和进度日本1. Long span bridge health monitoring system in Japan 日本长跨桥健康监视系统2. SEISMIC VERIFICATION OF LONG-SPAN BRIDGE OF HONSHU-SHIKOKU BRIDGES 日本本洲-四国长跨大桥抗地震核查3. WIND RESISTANT DESIGN MANUAL FOR HIGHWAY BRIDGES IN JAPAN 日本公路桥抵抗风力设计手册4. Standardization on Fatigue Design of Steel Bridges and Countermeasures 设计钢桥抗疲劳标准和对策5. Revision of the Highway Bridge Specifications for Performance 公路桥实施规范(修订版)澳大利亚1. BRIDGE DESIGN MANUAL 2004 2004年桥梁设计手册2. Road and Bridge Specifications 道路桥梁规范新西兰1. ROADING AND BRIDGING 公路与桥梁建设与保养2. Design and construction of rubble mound breakwaters 碎石护堤设计与建造3. Roads and Bridges 道路和桥梁4. BRIDGE EV ALUA TION 桥梁评估5. BRIDGE MANUAL 桥梁手册国外公路隧道质量检测评定、公路隧道运营和安全评价汇编(隧道)美国1. HIGHW AY AND RAIL TRANSIT TUNNEL INSPECTION MANUAL 道路和铁路隧道检测手册加拿大1. Bridge and Tunnel Infrastructure Protection 桥梁和隧道基础结构保护2. Segment Design for Tunnelling Productivity 隧道分段设计以提高生产效率3. Tunnel engineering handbook 隧道工程手册欧盟1. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 隧道及地下空间技术2. A COMPARATIVE RISK ANAL YSIS FOR SELECTED AUSTRIAN TUNNELS 奥地利挑选出来的隧道安全比较分析3. COMITE D’EV ALUATION DE LA SECURITE DES TUNNELS ROUTIERS评估隧道爆破安全(法)4. CROSS SECTION DESIGN FOR UNI- AND BI-DIRECTIONAL ROAD TUNNELS 交叉口区道路隧道5. DESIGN OF SPRAYED CONCRETE FOR UNDERGROUND SUPPORT 地下支柱浇注混凝土设计6. dossier pilote des tunnels隧道设计(法语)7. EU tunnel fire safety action 欧盟隧道烟火安全行动8. Interlaced Spheres and Multidimensional Tunnels交织的多面球体隧道(德)9. ITA GUIDELINES FOR STRUCTURAL FIRE RESISTANCE OF ROAD TUNNELS ITA道路隧道烟火抵抗结构设计指南10. Road Tunnels道路隧道手册(挪威)11. Safety in European Road Tunnels 欧洲道路隧道安全12. The CRREL South Pole Tunneling System波兰南部隧道系统13. Transport of Dangerous Goods through Tunnels Technical Report of Mission 技术报告:危险品运输通过道路隧道14. TSI Safety in Railway Tunnels 铁路隧道安全日本1. Tunnel Design, Component Layout, Maintenance Scinario 隧道设计,结构设计和养护2. Current Safety Issues in Traffic Tunnels 当前交通隧道安全情况3. New design and construction method for tunnels driven through water-bearing Shirasu 隧道穿过水底的新的设计和建造方法澳大利亚1. GENERAL TUNNEL PLANT 隧道安置综述2. MAINTENANCE 隧道养护3. TUNNEL DESIGN 隧道设计4. TUNNEL LINING SYSTEMS 隧道灯光系统。
制浆造纸缩略语BBCT = best convential pollutant cotrol technology最常用污染物操纵技术BDMT = bone dry metric tons绝干公吨BME = bipolar membrane electro dialysis两极膜电透析BMP = best management practices最优治理实践BOD = biochemical oxygen demand生化耗氧量BP = boiling point沸点BPK = bleached papergrade kraft and soda(生产)白纸用硫酸盐和荷性纳法浆BPT = best practicable control technology最佳有用操纵技术BTU = british thermal unit英热单位BW = basis weight定量CCAD = computer aided design运算机辅助设计CBLI = chemistry-based leak indicator化学(法)示漏器CC = consistency controller浓度调剂器CFD = computational fluid dynamics运算流体动力学CI = colour index比色指数= cofidence interval置信区间CL = colored ledger彩色底板CLSM = confocal laser scanning microscopy共焦激光扫描显微镜CMC = carboxy methylated cellulose羧甲基纤维素COMS = compliance optimization modeling system寻优模型系统CP = chemical pulp化学浆= chemical pure化学纯CPPC = coordinated phosphate/pH chemistry controller配位磷酸盐/pH调剂器CR = consistency regulator浓度调剂器CRP = chloride removal process氯化物排出法CSD = condensate steam distillation column冷凝汽馏塔CTMP = chemical treatment in terms of sulphonation硫化期间的化学处理 = chemithermomechanical pulp化学热磨机械浆CTU = centigrade thermal unit公制热量单位CV = coefficient variation偏离系数= crystal violet结晶紫DD = dioxide二氧化物DAF = dissolved air floatation(溶)气浮DCS = dissolved and colloidal substances溶解与胶态物= distributed control system集散操纵系统DELS = Doppler electrophoretic light scattering多普勒电泳光扫描DIP = deinked pulp脱墨纸浆DKP = deinked kraft pulp脱墨牛皮纸浆DLK = double-line clippings双线限位DMS = dynamic mechanical spectroscopy动力谱学DMSO = dimethyl sulfoxide二甲亚砜DMT = dimethyl terephthalate对邻苯二甲酸二甲酯DO = dissolved oxygen溶解氧DP = degree of polymerization聚合度DSC = differential scanning calorimetry微分扫描量热法DVC = digital valve controller数字伐操纵器EEC = embedded costs插入成本ECF = elemental chlorine free无元素氯(漂白)EDTA = ethylene eiamine tetraacetic acid乙二胺四乙酸EPC = experimental prismatic calcite实验棱镜方解石ERV = estimated replacement value估量取代值ESP = electrostatic precipitator静电滤尘器= emergency shutdown procedure事故停机程序EVA = ethylene vinyl acetate乙烯乙酸乙烯酯ESPRA = empire state paper research associates国立造纸研究会EVOH = ethylene-vinyl alcohol乙烯-乙烯醇FFAS = formamidine sulfinic acid甲脒亚磺酸FBB = folding box board折叠箱纸板FBK = fully bleached kraft全漂牛皮纸FC = flow controller流量操纵器FID = free induction decays自由感应衰减FP = freezing point冰点;凝固点GGDP = gross domestic product本国生产总值GEMS = general energy and materials balance system通用能量和物料平稳系统GLC = gas-liquid chromatography气液色谱GPC = gel permeation chromatographic analysis凝胶渗透色谱分析GPM = gallons per minute加仑/分钟HHC = high consistency高浓HCR = high consistency refiner高浓磨浆机HD = high density高密度HPR = high production rate高生产率HPSEC = high-performance size-exclusion chromatography高性能粒度筛析色谱法HRT = hydraulic retention time水力停留时刻HTH = high test hypochlorite高级漂粉HV = high voltage高压HW = hardwood硬木IIMPM = interactive multiplanar model相互作用的多面模型IPST = institute of paper science and technology造纸科技研究院IWC = international water consultants国际水质顾咨询团JJIT = just-in-time正好;准时KKP = kraft pulp牛皮浆;硫酸盐浆LLC = level controller液面操纵器LCC = lignin-carbohydrate complexes木素-碳水化合物复合体LCL = lower control limits操纵下限LCR = level cotroller and recorder液面操纵记录仪LDPE = low density poly ethylene低密度聚乙烯LDV = laser Doppler velocimetry激光多普勒测速法LIVG = low inlet velocity gasification process低入口速度气化工艺LPR = low production rate低生产率LRD = long rang dependence广范畴相关LVDT = linear position transducer线性位移变送器LWC = lightweight coated低定量涂布的MMACT = maximum achievable control technology最大可达操纵技术MAP = modified atmosphere packaging改良常压包装法MC = marginal cost边际成本= medium consistency中浓(度)MDI = methylendiphenyl diisocyanate亚甲苯二苯二异氰酸酯MeB = methylene blue亚甲基兰,四甲基兰MEK = methyl ethyl ketone甲(基)乙(基)酮MF = machine finished机械整饰的MG = machine glazed机械上光的= malachte green孔雀绿MISS = mixed liquor suspended solids (有机物与活性污泥 )混合液中悬浮固体MOW = mixed office waste混合办公废纸MRP = matal removal process金属(离子)脱除过程MSW = municipal solid waste都市固体废物MVP = moisture vapor permeability水蒸汽渗透性MWL = milled wood lignin磨木木素NNC = nitrocellulose 硝化纤维素NF = nanofiltration超滤 (毫微过滤)NMR = nuclear magnetic resonance核磁共振NSPS = new source performance standards新的资源性能标准NSSC = neutral sulfite semi-chemical pulp中性亚硫酸半化学浆OOCC = old corrugated container旧瓦楞纸箱OD = over dry绝干;烘干OEE = overall equipment efficiency总设备效率OIT = oxidative induction temperature氧化起始温度O&M = operating and maintenance 使用与爱护ONP = old newspaper旧新闻纸OPP = oriented polypropylene取向聚丙烯OPR = oil penetration rates渗油率OWL = oxidized white liquor氧化白液PPAL = positron annihilation life time正电子湮没寿命PC = pressure controller压力调剂器PCA = principal components analysis主成分分析PCC = precipitated calcium carbonate沉淀碳酸钙PCR = pressure controller and recorder压力调剂记录仪PDSC = pressure differential scanning colorimetry压差扫描量热术PEMS = predictive emissions modeling system推测排放模型系统PEO = poly ethylene oxide聚氧化乙烯PGS = papergrade sulfite造纸用硫磺PGW = pressurized groundwood压力磨木浆PM = paper machine 造纸机;抄纸机PM/ECCM = preventive maintenance and essential care and condition monitoring预防修理/差不多修理及状态监测PP = polypropylene聚丙烯PSES = pretreatment standards for existing sources现存资源推测标准PSM = process safety management(生产)过程安全治理PTFE = polytetrafluoroethylene聚四氟乙烯PTR = photothermal radiometry光热辐射分析法PVC = polyvinylchloride聚氯乙烯PVDC = polyvinyl dichloride聚二氯乙烯PVSK = polyvinylsulfate聚乙烯硫酸酯RRDH = rapid displacement heating快速置换加热法RH = relative humidity相对湿度RMP = refiner mechanical pulp木片磨木浆;盘磨机械浆RN = regular number纸板标准号RT = radiographic testing射线照相试验,X射线检验SSBK = solid bleached kraft(同质)漂白牛皮纸SBR = sequencing batch reactors程序化间歇反应器SC = super calendered超级压光的SDI = silt density index污泥浓度指数SE = supplemental energy补充能量;辅助能SEC = size exclusion chromatographic粒度筛析色谱法SEM = scanning electron microscope扫描电子显微镜SEM-EDS = scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive spectrometry扫描电子显微镜—能量分散能谱测定法SGW = stone ground wood磨石磨木浆SIF = stress intensity factor应力强度系数;应力强化因子SOPs = standard operating procedures标准作业程序SP = sulphite pulp亚硫酸盐纸浆SPC = satislical process control过程操纵SRT = solids retention time粒子留着时刻SUB = solid unbleached board(同质)本色浆纸板SW = softwood软木;针叶树SWL = sulphite waste liguor亚硫酸盐废液TTAC = totally applied chlorine总用氯量TC = temperature controller温度调剂器TCDF = tetrachlorodibenzofuran四氯二苯并呋喃TCF = totally chlorine-free全无氯(漂白)TCR = temperature controller and recorder温度调剂记录仪TGA = thermal gravimetric analysis热重分析TLA = thin layer activation薄层活性化TMP = thermo mechanical pulp热磨机械浆TP = thermo-plastic热塑性的TQ = threshold quantity临界量(值)TRS = total reduced sulfur总还原硫TS = tensile strength抗张强度TSS = total suspended solids总悬浮固体量UUBB = unbeached board本色(浆)纸板UBK = unbeached kraft本色牛皮纸UCL = upper control limits操纵上限UT = ultrasonic testing超声试验UV = ultraviolet紫外光VVOC = volatile organic compound挥发性有机化合物WWAS = waste-activated sludge废活性污泥WFMT = wet fluorescent magnetic particle test湿荧光磁粉试验WL = white ledger白色帐簿纸WLC = white-lined chipboard白浆衬里的粗纸板WP = wood pulp木浆WVTR = water vapor transmission rate水蒸汽传递速度YYI = yellow index返黄值;返黄指数YP = yield point屈服(软化)点。
本科毕业论文“海绵城市”理念对合肥内涝防治的应用研究*名:**学号: ***********专业班级:地质工程指导老师:**院系:土木工程学院岩土系提交日期:年月日安徽建筑大学土木工程学院摘要中国城市已经进入“城市病”集中爆发期,其中,内涝灾害是城市化带来的城市型洪水灾害,对经济建设发展和构建和谐社会构成极大的危害。
制浆工艺impregnator预浸器refiner盘磨机preheater预加热器pre-steaming bin预蒸仓heat recovery热回收thickner浓缩机Twin-Roll Press双辊挤浆机Thickening浓缩HC-bleaching高浓漂白Reject chest渣浆池Reject refiner渣浆池Screw drainer螺旋卸料器Plug screw feeder料塞螺旋喂料器Primary screen一段筛Stator plate定盘Standpipe立管Flat zone平盘区Blow line喷放管线Pressure cyclone压力旋风分离器Gravity重力Impurity杂质Extractive抽取物Manganese锰Equalizing bin匀料仓Rotomixer转子混合器Bleaching liquor漂液Disc screen盘筛Level indicator液位指示器Metering screw计量螺旋Gyratory screen旋筛Reclaim卸料Screw feeder螺旋喂料器Distallition蒸馏Shive纤维束Barometric leg水腿Filtrate滤液White water chest白水池Dewater脱水Pressurized preheating常压预加热Single-disc refiner单盘盘磨机Latency潜能Preheater加热器Double-disc refiner双盘盘磨机Load split荷载分配Coarse fiber粗纤维Reject浆渣Single-stage refining一段磨浆Pilot scale中试厂Energy consumption能耗Tear strength撕裂强度Retention time滞留时间Overpressure超压Lamella薄片Fiber wall纤维墙Compressed steam压缩蒸汽Soft fiber软纤维Moisture content水份Softness柔软度Toughness硬度Tensile index抗张指数Tear index撕裂指数Light scattering光散射系数Bulk松厚度Yield得率Standard newsprint 标准新闻纸Improved newsprint改良新闻纸Saturated steam饱和蒸汽Suspended solid悬浮物Effluent treatment污水处理Dew point露点Screen basket筛鼓Fastening bolt 坚固螺栓Stuffing box填料箱Inspection hatch检查孔Hub轮毂spherical thrust roller bearing球墨止推滚柱轴承fastening screw紧固螺丝friction force摩擦力valve tray 填料方式bubble cap汽泡盖sieve tray滤网盘downcomer下导管weir堰板volatile component挥发元素Gap clearance盘隙Refining intensity磨浆强度Centrifugal force离心力Drag force拖拉力Residence time停留时间Long fiber content长纤维含量Conical refiner椎形盘磨机Breaker bar破碎棒Hydrogen peroxide过氧化氢Sodium hydroxide氢氧化钠Sodium silicate硅酸钠Sodium sulfite亚硫酸钠Hydrosulfite次硫酸钠transducer传感器thermometer温度计neutral point中性点dynamic balance动态平衡Short circuit current短回路电流The related vocabulary for A package (A包相关词汇)Approach flow system流送系统disc filter多盘Thick stock screening浓浆筛选super clear filtrate超清滤液Fiber recovery纤维回收clear filtrate清滤液Cleaner除砂器cloudy filtrate浊滤液Flying wing Deculator cord packing盘根with cleaner 飞翼式除气器 double suction pump双吸泵Headbox 流浆箱make-up water补充水Wire pit 机外白水槽accept良浆Condenser冷凝器reject尾渣V acuum pump真空泵interface衔接Centrifugal pump离心泵sight glass视镜Diagram pump隔膜泵votex nozzle涡流喷嘴Screw pump螺杆泵throttling valve节流阀Displacement pump置换泵recovered fiber回收纤维WW channel白水方管NBKP漂白针叶硫酸盐浆Dilution headbox screen稀释水筛BCTMP漂白化学热磨机械浆HB screen纸机筛poplar pulp杨木浆Broke thickener chest损纸浓缩浆池sweetener垫层浆Dry broke intermitted chest干损纸中间浆池DIP脱墨浆Silencer消音器broken损纸Seal pit水封池dilution water稀释水Manifolds上浆总管sealing water密封水Separator分离器defibrination纤维疏解V ibrations sensor振动传感器oscillating shower摆动喷淋FC motor变频电机flow sheet流程图Dosing chest配浆池emergency stop急停Mixing chest混合浆池manufacturing drawing制造图Machine chest抄前池foundation drawing基础图Stuffing box填料箱reference drawing参考图Header总管functional diagram功能图Distribution pipe布浆管interlocking diagram连锁图Deflector 导流板over flow溢流Suction side引程侧solid content固含量Head扬程buffer缓冲器Counter flange配对法兰furnish配比Anchor bolt地脚螺栓magnetic flow-meter电磁流量计Slid rail 滑轨periodical variation周期波动Tensioning equipment张紧装置random variation随机波动Wall ring大法兰(墙环)fiber orientation纤维定向Motor stand电机座scaling结垢Fastening element紧固件pressure pulsation压力脉冲Steam heater蒸汽加热器flow evenness均衡流量Plug flow滞流short circulation短循环Transition flow过渡流(混流) air pocket气袋slime腐浆turbulence flow紊流(湍流)Medium-consistency storage tower中浓储浆塔plunger pump潜水泵部分造纸术语:grade 纸种grammage 定量width on reel 卷取纸幅宽coating weight 涂布量moisture before coating 涂前水份moisture on reel 卷取水份steam pressure 蒸汽压力steam consumption 蒸汽灌消耗量wire speed 网速press speed 压榨速度reel speed 卷取速度furnish 浆料配比 HB 流浆箱浆料温度press data 压榨数据supplier 供应商installed date安装日期days running运行天数style型号basis weight克重tension张力felt width on stretcher张紧辊上毛毯宽度stretched/stretch to go张紧辊张紧位置uhle box 毛毯真空箱vaccum真空度air velocity空气流速vacuum system 真空系统edge shower边缘喷淋水lubrication shower低压润滑喷淋水HP shower高压喷淋水moisture profiles水份图像moisture point measurements水份测量点absorption capability透水度常用高得率浆中英文对照SGW (Stone Ground Wood) 磨石磨木浆PGW (Pressurized Ground Wood) 压力磨石磨木浆TGW (high Temperature Ground Wood) 高温磨石磨木浆RMP (Refiner Mechanical Pulp) 盘磨机械浆TMP (Thermo-Mechanical Pulp) 预热盘磨机械浆CMP (Chemi-Mechanical Pulp) 化学盘磨机械浆CTMP (Chemi-Thermo-Mechanical Pulp) 化学预热机械浆APMP (Alkaline Peroxide Mechanical Pulp) 碱性过氧化氢化学机械浆SCMP (Sulfonated Chemi-Mechanical Pulp) 磺化化学机械浆BMP (Bio-Mechanical Pulp) 生物机械浆SEP (Steam Explosion Pulping) 蒸汽爆破法制浆EMP (Extruder Mechanical Pulp) 挤压法机械浆SCP (Semi-Chemical Pulp) 半化学法浆NSSC (Neutral Sulphite Semi-Chemical pulp) 中性亚硫酸盐法半化学浆ASSC (Alkaline Sulphite Semi-Chemical pulp) 碱性亚硫酸盐法半化学浆各种缩写:AA = atomic absorption原子吸收ABS = acrylonitrile-buladrene styrene丙烯腈—丁;烯—苯乙烯ACAR = angular correlation of annihilation radiation消除辐射的角相关性AM = acrylamide丙烯酰胺AOX = adsorbable organic halides可吸附的有机卤化物AP = plkali pulp碱法纸浆APAM = anionic polyacrylamide阴离子型聚丙烯酰胺ASB = aerotion stabilization basin稳定曝气池AST = activated sludge treatment活性污泥处理BBCT = best convential pollutant cotrol technology最常用污染物控制技术BDMT = bone dry metric tons绝干公吨BME = bipolar membrane electro dialysis两极膜电透析BMP = best management practices最优管理实践BOD = biochemical oxygen demand生化耗氧量BP = boiling point沸点BPK = bleached papergrade kraft and soda(生产)白纸用硫酸盐和荷性纳法浆BPT = best practicable control technology最佳实用控制技术BTU = british thermal unit英热单位BW = basis weight定量CCAD = computer aided design计算机辅助设计CBLI = chemistry-based leak indicator化学(法)示漏器CC = consistency controller浓度调节器CFD = computational fluid dynamics计算流体动力学CI = colour index比色指数= cofidence interval置信区间CL = colored ledger彩色底板CLSM = confocal laser scanning microscopy共焦激光扫描显微镜CMC = carboxy methylated cellulose羧甲基纤维素COMS = compliance optimization modeling system寻优模型系统CP = chemical pulp化学浆= chemical pure化学纯CPPC = coordinated phosphate/pH chemistry controller配位磷酸盐/pH 调节器CR = consistency regulator浓度调节器CRP = chloride removal process氯化物排出法CSD = condensate steam distillation column冷凝汽馏塔CTMP = chemical treatment in terms of sulphonation硫化期间的化学处理= chemithermomechanical pulp化学热磨机械浆CTU = centigrade thermal unit公制热量单位CV = coefficient variation偏离系数= crystal violet结晶紫DD = dioxide二氧化物DAF = dissolved air floatation(溶)气浮DCS = dissolved and colloidal substances溶解与胶态物= distributed control system集散控制系统DELS = Doppler electrophoretic light scattering多普勒电泳光扫描DIP = deinked pulp脱墨纸浆DKP = deinked kraft pulp脱墨牛皮纸浆DLK = double-line clippings双线限位DMS = dynamic mechanical spectroscopy动力谱学DMSO = dimethyl sulfoxide二甲亚砜DMT = dimethyl terephthalate对邻苯二甲酸二甲酯DO = dissolved oxygen溶解氧DP = degree of polymerization聚合度DSC = differential scanning calorimetry微分扫描量热法DVC = digital valve controller数字伐控制器EEC = embedded costs插入成本ECF = elemental chlorine free无元素氯(漂白)EDTA = ethylene eiamine tetraacetic acid乙二胺四乙酸EPC = experimental prismatic calcite实验棱镜方解石ERV = estimated replacement value预计取代值ESP = electrostatic precipitator静电滤尘器= emergency shutdown procedure事故停机程序EVA = ethylene vinyl acetate乙烯乙酸乙烯酯ESPRA = empire state paper research associates国立造纸研究会EVOH = ethylene-vinyl alcohol乙烯-乙烯醇FFAS = formamidine sulfinic acid甲脒亚磺酸FBB = folding box board折叠箱纸板FBK = fully bleached kraft全漂牛皮纸FC = flow controller流量控制器FID = free induction decays自由感应衰减FP = freezing point冰点;凝固点GGDP = gross domestic product本国生产总值GEMS = general energy and materials balance system通用能量和物料平衡系统GLC = gas-liquid chromatography气液色谱GPC = gel permeation chromatographic analysis凝胶渗透色谱分析GPM = gallons per minute加仑/分钟HHC = high consistency高浓HCR = high consistency refiner高浓磨浆机HD = high density高密度HPR = high production rate高生产率HPSEC = high-performance size-exclusion chromatography高性能粒度筛析色谱法HRT = hydraulic retention time水力停留时间HTH = high test hypochlorite高级漂粉HV = high voltage高压HW = hardwood硬木IIMPM = interactive multiplanar model相互作用的多面模型IPST = institute of paper science and technology造纸科技研究院IWC = international water consultants国际水质顾问团JJIT = just-in-time正好;准时KKP = kraft pulp牛皮浆;硫酸盐浆LLC = level controller液面控制器LCC = lignin-carbohydrate complexes木素-碳水化合物复合体LCL = lower control limits控制下限LCR = level cotroller and recorder液面控制记录仪LDPE = low density poly ethylene低密度聚乙烯LDV = laser Doppler velocimetry激光多普勒测速法LIVG = low inlet velocity gasification process低入口速度气化工艺LPR = low production rate低生产率LRD = long rang dependence广范围相关LVDT = linear position transducer线性位移变送器LWC = lightweight coated低定量涂布的MMACT = maximum achievable control technology最大可达控制技术MAP = modified atmosphere packaging改良常压包装法MC = marginal cost边际成本= medium consistency中浓(度)MDI = methylendiphenyl diisocyanate亚甲苯二苯二异氰酸酯MeB = methylene blue亚甲基兰,四甲基兰MEK = methyl ethyl ketone甲(基)乙(基)酮MF = machine finished机械整饰的MG = machine glazed机械上光的= malachte green孔雀绿MISS = mixed liquor suspended solids (有机物与活性污泥 )混合液中悬浮固体MOW = mixed office waste混合办公废纸MRP = matal removal process金属(离子)脱除过程MSW = municipal solid waste城市固体废物MVP = moisture vapor permeability水蒸汽渗透性MWL = milled wood lignin磨木木素NNC = nitrocellulose 硝化纤维素NF = nanofiltration超滤 (毫微过滤)NMR = nuclear magnetic resonance核磁共振NSPS = new source performance standards新的资源性能标准NSSC = neutral sulfite semi-chemical pulp中性亚硫酸半化学浆OOCC = old corrugated container旧瓦楞纸箱OD = over dry绝干;烘干OEE = overall equipment efficiency总设备效率OIT = oxidative induction temperature氧化起始温度O&M = operating and maintenance 使用与维护ONP = old newspaper旧新闻纸OPP = oriented polypropylene取向聚丙烯OPR = oil penetration rates渗油率OWL = oxidized white liquor氧化白液PPAL = positron annihilation life time正电子湮没寿命PC = pressure controller压力调节器PCA = principal components analysis主成分分析PCC = precipitated calcium carbonate沉淀碳酸钙PCR = pressure controller and recorder压力调节记录仪PDSC = pressure differential scanning colorimetry压差扫描量热术PEMS = predictive emissions modeling system预测排放模型系统PEO = poly ethylene oxide聚氧化乙烯PGS = papergrade sulfite造纸用硫磺PGW = pressurized groundwood压力磨木浆PM = paper machine 造纸机;抄纸机PM/ECCM = preventive maintenance and essential care and condition monitoring预防维修/基本维修及状态监测PP = polypropylene聚丙烯PSES = pretreatment standards for existing sources现存资源预测标准PSM = process safety management(生产)过程安全管理PTFE = polytetrafluoroethylene聚四氟乙烯PTR = photothermal radiometry光热辐射分析法PVC = polyvinylchloride聚氯乙烯PVDC = polyvinyl dichloride聚二氯乙烯PVSK = polyvinylsulfate聚乙烯硫酸酯RRDH = rapid displacement heating快速置换加热法RH = relative humidity相对湿度RMP = refiner mechanical pulp木片磨木浆;盘磨机械浆RN = regular number纸板标准号RT = radiographic testing射线照相试验,X射线检验SSBK = solid bleached kraft(同质)漂白牛皮纸SBR = sequencing batch reactors程序化间歇反应器SC = super calendered超级压光的SDI = silt density index淤泥浓度指数SE = supplemental energy补充能量;辅助能SEC = size exclusion chromatographic粒度筛析色谱法SEM = scanning electron microscope扫描电子显微镜SEM-EDS = scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive spectrometry扫描电子显微镜—能量分散能谱测定法SGW = stone ground wood磨石磨木浆SIF = stress intensity factor应力强度系数;应力强化因子SOPs = standard operating procedures标准作业程序SP = sulphite pulp亚硫酸盐纸浆SPC = satislical process control过程控制SRT = solids retention time粒子留着时间SUB = solid unbleached board(同质)本色浆纸板SW = softwood软木;针叶树SWL = sulphite waste liguor亚硫酸盐废液TTAC = totally applied chlorine总用氯量TC = temperature controller温度调节器TCDF = tetrachlorodibenzofuran四氯二苯并呋喃TCF = totally chlorine-free全无氯(漂白)TCR = temperature controller and recorder温度调节记录仪TGA = thermal gravimetric analysis热重分析TLA = thin layer activation薄层活性化TMP = thermo mechanical pulp热磨机械浆TP = thermo-plastic热塑性的TQ = threshold quantity临界量(值)TRS = total reduced sulfur总还原硫TS = tensile strength抗张强度TSS = total suspended solids总悬浮固体量UUBB = unbeached board本色(浆)纸板UBK = unbeached kraft本色牛皮纸UCL = upper control limits控制上限UT = ultrasonic testing超声试验UV = ultraviolet紫外光VVOC = volatile organic compound挥发性有机化合物WWAS = waste-activated sludge废活性污泥WFMT = wet fluorescent magnetic particle test湿荧光磁粉试验WL = white ledger白色帐簿纸WLC = white-lined chipboard白浆衬里的粗纸板WP = wood pulp木浆WVTR = water vapor transmission rate水蒸汽传递速度YYI = yellow index返黄值;返黄指数YP = yield point屈服(软化)点。
关于水污染和解决方法的英语作文英文回答:Water pollution is a pressing environmental issue that affects both human health and the ecosystem. It occurs when harmful substances, such as chemicals, industrial waste, and sewage, enter water bodies and contaminate them. Water pollution can have severe consequences, including:Human health risks: Consuming contaminated water can lead to a range of health problems, including diarrhea, dysentery, and even more serious diseases like cholera and typhoid fever.Ecosystem damage: Water pollution can harm aquatic life, disrupt food chains, and destroy habitats. This can have cascading effects on the entire ecosystem, potentially leading to the loss of biodiversity.Economic losses: Water pollution can also haveeconomic impacts, such as reduced tourism and fisheries revenue.To address water pollution, a comprehensive approach is required, involving both preventive and remedial measures. Some key strategies include:Regulation and enforcement: Governments can implement and enforce regulations to limit the discharge ofpollutants into water bodies. This includes setting water quality standards and requiring industries to treat their wastewater before releasing it.Wastewater treatment: Effective wastewater treatment systems are essential for removing pollutants from sewage and industrial waste. This involves using various technologies to separate solids, remove pathogens, and reduce chemical contaminants.Best management practices: Industries and agricultural operations can adopt best management practices to minimize the runoff of pollutants into water bodies. This includesmeasures such as erosion control, nutrient management, and proper waste disposal.Education and public awareness: Educating the public about water pollution and its consequences is crucial for promoting responsible behaviors. This can include campaigns to reduce water usage, properly dispose of waste, and support conservation efforts.In addition to these measures, technological advancements can also play a significant role in addressing water pollution. For example, researchers are developing innovative methods for detecting and removing emerging contaminants, such as microplastics and pharmaceuticals.By implementing a comprehensive approach that combines regulation, treatment, prevention, education, and technological advances, we can work towards reducing water pollution and protecting this vital resource for future generations.中文回答:水污染的危害:水污染会对人类健康和生态系统造成严重危害。
管理能力提升类书籍Reading books that focus on improving management skills can be highly beneficial for individuals who are looking to enhance their leadership abilities and advance in their careers. Such books provide valuable insights, strategies, and techniques that can help readers become more effective managers and leaders in various professional settings. They offer practical advice on how to communicate effectively, make sound decisions, motivate teams, and achieve organizational goals.阅读专注于提升管理能力的书籍对于希望提升领导能力并在职业生涯中取得进步的个人来说非常有益。
One key aspect of management books is that they often incorporate real-life examples and case studies to illustrate the principles and concepts being discussed. By highlighting successful management practices and the outcomes of various leadership strategies, readers can gain a deeper understanding of how to apply these teachings intheir own professional lives. These real-world examples can inspire and motivate individuals to implement changes and improvements in their management approach.管理书籍的一个关键方面是它们通常会引入真实案例和案例研究来阐明所讨论的原则和概念。
环境保护减少水污染的英文作文Environmental Protection to Mitigate Water Pollution.Water pollution is a significant environmental problem that poses grave threats to aquatic ecosystems, human health, and the overall well-being of our planet. The discharge of untreated wastewater, industrial effluents, agricultural runoff, and other contaminants into water bodies leads to the degradation of water quality and disrupts the delicate balance of aquatic life. To address this pressing issue, it is imperative to implement comprehensive environmental protection measures aimed at reducing water pollution and safeguarding the health of our water resources.Regulatory Measures:Establishing and enforcing stringent regulations on the discharge of pollutants into water bodies is crucial. Governments can impose limits on the concentration ofharmful substances in effluents and mandate the adoption of best management practices by industries and agriculture. Additionally, regular monitoring and enforcement mechanisms should be put in place to ensure compliance with environmental standards and deter violations.Wastewater Treatment:Upgrading and expanding wastewater treatment infrastructure is essential to effectively removepollutants from water before it is discharged into natural water bodies. Advanced treatment technologies, such as membrane filtration, activated carbon adsorption, and biological processes, can significantly reduce the concentration of contaminants in wastewater and make it safe for release into the environment.Industrial Pollution Control:Industries generate a wide range of pollutants, including heavy metals, toxic chemicals, and nutrients. Implementing pollution control measures within industries,such as installing wastewater treatment systems, using cleaner production techniques, and adopting waste minimization practices, can significantly reduce the discharge of harmful substances into water bodies.Agricultural Best Practices:Agricultural activities can contribute to water pollution through the runoff of fertilizers, pesticides, and animal waste. Promoting sustainable agricultural practices, such as implementing buffer zones around water bodies, using cover crops to reduce erosion, and managing livestock waste responsibly, can mitigate the impact of agriculture on water quality.Protection and Restoration of Wetlands:Wetlands play a vital role in maintaining water quality by filtering pollutants, reducing erosion, and providing habitat for aquatic plants and animals. Protecting and restoring wetlands can help to reduce water pollution and enhance the resilience of aquatic ecosystems.Public Awareness and Education:Educating the public about the importance of water conservation and the impacts of water pollution is crucial for fostering responsible behavior and encouraging individuals to adopt practices that protect water resources. Public awareness campaigns and educational programs canraise awareness about the causes and consequences of water pollution and empower individuals to take action to reduce their contribution to the problem.International Cooperation:Water pollution often transcends national boundaries, especially in transboundary water bodies. Enhancing international cooperation and coordination is essential for developing and implementing effective solutions to reduce water pollution in shared water systems. This can involve sharing information, establishing joint monitoring programs, and coordinating pollution control measures among neighboring countries.Monitoring and Evaluation:Regular monitoring of water quality is critical for assessing the effectiveness of pollution control measures and identifying emerging threats. Data collected through monitoring programs can provide valuable information for decision-making, adjusting strategies, and ensuring the continued protection of water resources.中文回答:环境保护以减少水污染。
项目管理流程英文缩写Project Management Processes and Their Acronyms.Project management is a crucial aspect of any organization, as it involves the planning, execution, and closure of projects to ensure their successful completion within specified time, cost, and quality constraints. To simplify and standardize project management processes, various acronyms and abbreviations have been coined. Inthis article, we will explore some common project management process acronyms and their detailed explanations.1. PMBOK: This acronym stands for "Project Management Body of Knowledge." PMBOK is a guidebook published by the Project Management Institute (PMI) that provides a standardized framework for project management. It outlines the processes, principles, and best practices that project managers should follow to ensure the success of their projects.2. PRINCE2: PRINCE2, which stands for "Projects IN Controlled Environments," is a project management methodology that emphasizes controlled and structured project delivery. It was developed by the UK government and is widely used in both the public and private sectors. PRINCE2 focuses on seven principles, seven themes, and seven processes to ensure effective project management.3. Agile: Agile is a project management approach that emphasizes adaptability, collaboration, and continuous improvement. It was developed in response to thetraditional waterfall approach, which often led toinflexible and unresponsive project delivery. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Extreme Programming, promote iterative development, customer involvement, and cross-functional teams to deliver projects quickly and efficiently.4. WBS: WBS stands for "Work Breakdown Structure." It is a hierarchical decomposition of a project into smaller, more manageable components called work packages. The WBS helps project managers allocate resources, assignresponsibilities, and estimate costs and durations. It also serves as a foundation for project planning, monitoring, and controlling.5. Gantt Chart: Named after its inventor, Henry Gantt, the Gantt chart is a popular project management tool that visually represents the start and end dates of project activities. It helps project managers identify critical path activities, monitor progress, and identify potential delays. Gantt charts are often used in conjunction with other project management tools and techniques.6. Risk Management: Risk management is the process of identifying, analyzing, and responding to project risks to minimize their impact on project objectives. It involves the development of a risk register, identification of potential risks, assessment of their likelihood and impact, development of risk response plans, and monitoring and controlling risks throughout the project lifecycle.7. Stakeholder Management: Stakeholder management involves identifying, understanding, and engaging withproject stakeholders to ensure their support and satisfaction. Stakeholders are individuals or groups who have an interest in the project's success or failure. Stakeholder management involves communication, negotiation, and consensus building to ensure that stakeholders' needs and expectations are met.8. Scope Management: Scope management involves defining, planning, and controlling the work required to complete a project successfully. It involves the development of a project scope statement, scope baseline, and scope change control process. Scope management ensures that the project remains focused on delivering the agreed-upon outputswithin the agreed-upon time, cost, and quality constraints.9. Time Management: Time management involves planning, scheduling, and controlling the project's timeline toensure its timely completion. It involves the developmentof a project schedule, allocation of resources, and monitoring and controlling progress against the schedule. Time management techniques such as critical path method (CPM) and earned value management (EVM) help projectmanagers identify and manage potential delays.10. Cost Management: Cost management involves planning, estimating, budgeting, and controlling project costs to ensure that they remain within approved budgets. It involves the development of a cost management plan, cost estimates, and cost baselines. Cost management techniques such as earned value management (EVM) and variance analysis help project managers identify and address cost overruns.In conclusion, project management processes are complex and require the application of various tools, techniques, and acronyms to ensure their effective implementation. PMBOK, PRINCE2, Agile, WBS, Gantt Chart, Risk Management, Stakeholder Management, Scope Management, Time Management, and Cost Management are some of the most common acronyms associated with project management processes. Understanding these acronyms and their associated processes andprinciples is crucial for successful project delivery.。
BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES GUIDEBOOK FOR SPECIAL EVENT-GENERATED WASTEIN RURAL COMMUNITIESBath Heritage Days, Maine HCS Flower Show, New HampshireTunbridge World’s Fair, VermontProduced by the Northeast Recycling Council, Inc.© July 2006With funding from the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development Solid Waste Management Grant ProgramTable of Contents Acknowledgements (4)Introduction (5)I. Understanding Waste Reduction Strategies (6)A. Reduce (6)B. Reuse (7)C. Recycle (7)D. Compost (7)E. Handling Special Waste (8)II. Getting Started – Understanding Recycling Program Details (9)A. Planning for Success (9)B. Understanding Existing Conditions (9)C. Targeting the Waste Stream (10)1) PAPER PRODUCTS (10)2) BOTTLES AND CANS (11)3) ORGANIC WASTE (12)4) BULKY WASTE (13)5) OTHER WASTE (13)D. The Dollars and Cents of Waste Management (14)1) COSTS (14)2) REVENUE/SAVINGS (14)E. Estimating the Environmental Benefits of Recycling (15)III. The Nitty Gritty – Organizing Recycling Program Details (15)A. Getting Commitment from the Top (15)B. Designating a Point Person / Steering Committee (16)C. Creating a Realistic Plan (16)D. Negotiating with Haulers (18)E. Dealing with Event Vendors (19)1)STRATEGIES FOR VENDOR PARTICIPATION (19)2) COMMUNICATION IS THE KEY (20)F. Equipment and Containers (20)H. Staff and Volunteers (22)I. Leveraging Partnerships (23)IV. Event Management and Evaluation – Implementing the Plan & Taking a Look Back24A. Point Person (24)B. Set Up (24)C. During the Event (24)D. After the Event (24)E. Publicity and Education (25)F. Frequently Asked Questions (26)APPENDICES (28)Appendix A: Selected Events Summary (29)1) SELECTED EVENT PROFILES (29)2) SELECTED EVENTS’ WASTE GENERATION (31)Appendix B: Recycling Planning Work Sheet (33)Appendix C: Recycling Budget Form (35)Appendix D: Helpful Resources and Links (36)1) SPECIAL EVENTS WITH ESTABLISHED RECYCLING PROGRAMS (36)2) USEFUL WASTE CONVERSION FACTORS (36)Appendix E: Sample Recycling Sign (37)Appendix F: Sample Press Release (38)AcknowledgementsThe Northeast Recycling Council, Inc. (NERC) would like to express its sincere appreciation to the many individuals and organizations who contributed to the development of the Best Management Practices Guidebook for Special Event-Generated Waste in Rural Communities. NERC would also like to extend a special thank you to the USDA for funding this project through its Rural Utility Services, Solid Waste Management Grant program.During the development of the project, a team of individuals from state and local government in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, as well as the event coordinators from the six participant special events, provided ongoing input, assistance, and support for this initiative. In particular, we would like to thank:MaineGeorge McDonald, Maine State Planning OfficeBruce White, Maine State Planning OfficeMari Eosco, Bath Main Street ProgramLeslie Trundy, Bath Main Street ProgramPaula Adam, Bath Waste Management DistrictJon Whitten, Clinton Lions Club Fair and the Maine Association of FairsDon Harrington, Clinton Lions Club Fair and the Maine Association of FairsNew HampshireDonald Maurer, New Hampshire Department of Environmental ServicesSharon Yergeau, New Hampshire Department of Environmental ServicesBob Silk, Cheshire Fair Grounds and New Hampshire Association of Fairs and Exhibitions Joe Sears, Deerfield Agricultural FairSteven Curtin; Home, Healthcare, Hospice & Community Services (HCS) Development Office Megan Burke Kidder, HCS Flower Show Committee ChairTim Parsons, New Hampshire Municipal AssociationVermontCarolyn Grodinsky, Vermont Agency of Natural ResourcesKate Barash-Engel, Association of Vermont RecyclersErin Croom, Association of Vermont RecyclersKrista Harness, Association of Vermont RecyclersDonna Casey, Central Vermont Solid Waste Management DistrictTim Cianciola, Craft Producers, Inc.Joyce Majors, Lamoille County Solid Waste Management DistrictRebecca Begoin, Tunbridge Fair AssociationEuclid Farnham, Tunbridge Fair AssociationNERC would like to thank Peter Allison and DSM Environmental Services, as the project consultants, for assisting NERC with the implementation of the pilot project and the development of the Guide.IntroductionAgricultural fairs, heritage days, flower and animal shows, and other special events are important occasions for thousands of rural communities across the United States each year. These events showcase unique aspects of the host town or village, and represent one of the few opportunities when residents and businesses can come together to celebrate what makes their community special. One element of these events that is often taken for granted is the amount and management of solid waste generated in the days leading up to, during, and at the close of the event. Special events in the United States generate hundreds of thousands of tons of waste each year. For event organizers, managing this waste (otherwise known as refuse, garbage, or trash) can represent a significant cost, consume many volunteer or staff hours, and presents problems with unsightly litter and nuisances. Much of this material can be recycled or composted, or avoided altogether. In addition to the specific economic and environmental benefits of reducing the amount of waste going to disposal, special events are an ideal forum for promoting recycling by demonstrating that recycling is possible wherever you are.Fortunately, there are many ways that event organizers can dramatically reduce the amount of waste that ends up being disposed of as trash. In addition to reducing nuisances, proactive waste reduction and recycling1 strategies are good for the environment. They lessen the environmental impacts associated with landfill water discharges and incinerator air emissions from disposed trash, and conserve resources that go into making new products by providing recycled material for manufacturing. Further, recycling efforts also send a positive message to event attendees, staff, and volunteers that it is possible to be good environmental stewards when away from home or work.The Best Management Practices Guidebook for Special Event-Generated Waste in Rural Communities (Guidebook) is intended to help event organizers and individuals responsible for event waste management that are already considering developing or expanding source reduction and recycling programs. The Guidebook was developed by the Northeast Recycling Council, Inc. (NERC) with funding from the United States Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development Solid Waste Management Grant program.The Guidebook is the result of over a year working with event organizers, state and local recycling officials, and other partners in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont to test a variety of recycling strategies at six special events in rural communities. In each state, one of these events was an agricultural fair. The other recycling pilots were implemented at a flower show, a heritage day, and a crafts fair. For each of these events, a planning team conducted site visits with event organizers, gathered data on past solid waste management activities, and developed a Recycling Plan that included recommendations for reducing waste at the 2005 event.2 Following is a list of the events.•Bath Heritage Days, Maine•Clinton Lions Club Agricultural Fair, Maine•Deerfield Agricultural Fair, New Hampshire•HCS Flower Show, New Hampshire•Stowe Celebrates Summer, Vermont•Tunbridge World’s Fair, Vermont1 For simplicity, the term “recycling” will be used generically in this Guide. Unless otherwise noted, “recycling” will include waste reduction, materials reuse, recycling, and composting.2 A summary of the events and major findings, as well as the web links to the selected events’ detailed Recycling Plans,are included in Appendix A.During or after each event, a waste characterization analysis of material to be disposed of or recycled was conducted. These analyses involved the hand sorting of hundreds of pounds of trash to analyze the major components of the waste, by type. Based on the collected data, observations at the events, and communications with event organizers, revised recommendations were presented to each event organizer for further developing their event’s Recycling Plan for 2006.These studies informed the moregeneralized suggestions in thisGuidebook and, in many cases, arereferenced as examples in the text. ThisGuidebook is intended as a mentoringdocument to be actively used by eventorganizers in rural communities aroundthe country, and to serve as a launchingpoint for new ideas and suggestions. Ifyou have any comments or suggestionsfor expanding the scope and possible useof this document, please send them toMary Ann Remolador of NERC atmaryann@.Waste Sort at Clinton Lions Club Agricultural Fair, MaineI. Understanding Waste Reduction StrategiesMuch of the materials generated at special events can be recycled or composted, or avoided altogether. In addition to the specific economic and environmental benefits of reducing the amount of waste going to disposal, special events are an ideal forum for promoting recycling by demonstrating that recycling is possible wherever you are.Listed in the order of environmental priority, reduce, reuse, recycle, and composting are the elements of a well established “waste reduction hierarchy”.A. ReduceFor special event organizers, identifying practical ways to reduce the amount of waste going to disposal is the key objective. Reducing the amount of waste generated at an event for disposal is the most effective way to cut waste costs and provide environmental benefits. Waste reduction strategies include:•Limit or eliminate trash disposal services for vendors. Often vendors pack up in a hurry and leave behind all types of items (e.g., rugs, broken lawn chairs, crushed coolers, old display racks, and old products), leaving the event organizers with the problem of clean-up and disposal costs. Put a clause in the vendor contracts that requires them to pack out all waste, or limits the types of allowable waste. Charge a penalty to all who don’t comply.•Encourage or require vendors to supply drinks in containers that can be recycled as part of the event’s recycling program.•Limit the number of printed materials, if experience indicates there are usually extras.•Be sure that any printed materials are two-sided and on recycled-content paper.•Consider requiring that vendors use compostable plates, cups, flatware, and trash bags.B. Reuse•Choose reusable signs, recycling containers, and other equipment that can be stored for re-use in future years.•Encourage and facilitate vendor efforts to donate leftover items, such as food or durable products.C. RecycleCardboard – Set up a designated, covered storage area for non-waxed cardboard. A dumpster in which vendors and event staff and volunteers can place flattened cardboard boxes is ideal. At some smaller events, cardboard can be transported by staff or volunteers to municipal recycling centers. This option must be negotiated with the town’s recycling program prior to dropping off materials. For larger events, it makes sense to contract with a recycling company or waste hauler to provide the container and take the cardboard for recycling.Paper – The majority of recyclable paper will be event promotional materials (e.g., fliers, newsletters, and maps) discarded by event-goers or as the result of over production. Setting up paper recycling can be challenging, because it is critical for paper to stay dry and not be mixed with food waste, plastic, or other refuse. Small, specially-marked containers near the exits are one strategy for capturing these materials.Returnable Cans and Bottles - These are a very valuable commodity in states with Bottle Bills. As such, special effort should be made to capture these containers. It may be possible to partner with a local organization, charity, or company to run the returnable recycling program. Some events even charge recycling companies a fee for the privilege of collecting all the returnable containers. These types of arrangements can reduce the event organizers’ efforts, support local jobs, and get the material out of the waste stream.Other Recyclable Food & Beverage Containers- Aluminum, glass, steel, and plastic cans and bottles should be collected in designated containers with clear signage. (See section below on signage and sample containers.) A well-marked recycling container should be placed next to every trash container, even those for vendors, to make recycling as convenient as trash disposal.Wood Pallets– If vendors have product delivered on pallets, either require that vendors take them back or designate a space for empty pallets to be stored, for later management. Pallets may be collected by a pallet recycling company, residents, and local companies in need of pallets. They may also be chipped for mulch, bio-mass fuel, or for composting.Grease– Two types of businesses are interested in collecting grease: rendering companies and those that turn it into bio-fuel. In either case, the company will provide containers for collecting the grease. These are typically 55-gallon barrels. On occasion, larger tanks are provided that can be kept at an event site for a longer period until full. This is particularly useful if many events are held at the same site during the year. There may also be residents in the community producing their own bio-fuel that might be willing to collect and remove the grease.D. CompostA range of materials generated at special events are biodegradable and can be composted. Common compostable materials include: animal manures and bedding; wet or soiled paper or cardboard; vegetative waste (e.g., flowers, brush, leaves and chipped wood); food waste; and biodegradable flatware, dishware, and bags. These materials can be composted either off- or on-site. Below are some general composting guidelines, and a special note on food composting.Off-Site Composting•Contract with a permitted compost company to take material. The event organizers need to clearly understand and implement the requirements for acceptable materials, including allowable levels of non-degradable materials such as plastic.•Determine the type and number of storage containers needed to store the organic waste. The containers are likely to be provided by the composting company contracted to take the material.•Ensure that the storage location is away from event participants to reduce odor concerns.•Always keep food waste in covered containers to reduce pest and odor problems.On-Site Composting•Check with local and state authorities regarding permits and requirements for on-site composting. Composting food waste typically is more highly regulated than composting plant material and animal-related materials.•Consult with local authorities and state environmental agencies for on-site composting technical assistance. Funding assistance may also be available through the state.•On-site composting requires site management (e.g., turning the material, and monitoring temperature and moisture) and a plan for the use of the end-product. Ideal sites are flat, away from water sources, and are located a reasonable distance from neighbors.Special Notes about Food Waste Composting - While none of the participant events included food waste composting, other special events in the Northeast have done so. Some specific lessons learned from these included:•Require all vendors to use biodegradable flatware and dishware. Otherwise, the food waste will be “contaminated” with plastic and other non-biodegradable materials, making it more difficult and costly to compost the food waste.•Plan to use a volunteer-staffed picking line to remove unwanted materials, when non-degradable waste is unavoidable. While messy, this is a very effective strategy. This public display of separating food from recyclables and waste also creates an opportunity for the public to learn about the importance of recycling and composting. For more information, see the Lowell Folk Festival /recycle.htm and the Common Ground Fair /fb_12zgb.html.E. Handling Special WasteSpecial waste includes hazardous materials such as car batteries, chemicals, mercury-containing products, car oil, and some electrical devices. It may also include potentially infectious waste such as hypodermic needles, used bandages, or other products containing blood or human waste. Regulations regarding the safe handling of these materials are governed by federal, state, and local laws. Waste managers should be familiar with these rules, even in the absence of a recycling program. State-specific information for the Northeast states may be obtained from the following:•Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection/wst/recycle/ctrecycles.htm•Delaware Natural Resources & Environmental Control /awm •Delaware Solid Waste Authority /•Maine State Planning Office /spo/recycle/•Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection /dep/recycle/•New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services /•New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection /dep/dshw/recycle/•New York Department of Environmental Conservation /•Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection/dep/site/default.asp•Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation/main.cfm?CFID=34547&CFTOKEN=35981794•Vermont Agency of Natural Resources /II. Getting Started – Understanding Recycling Program DetailsDeveloping a recycling program for special events may seem like a daunting effort, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, there is every reason that a recycling program can add energy, interest and enthusiasm to an event without requiring significant additional time or resources. This section lays out the key components to consider in a recycling program. You do not need to do them all. In many cases it makes sense to start with the easier, less expensive, yet important efforts, and expand them in future years. The key is to get started.A. Planning for SuccessAs with all aspects of an event, it is helpful to have a clear plan for the recycling program. By ‘event’, this document applies to scheduled and planned experiences such as flower shows or craft fairs, municipal or organization-sponsored celebrations, agricultural or cultural fairs and celebrations--a gathering where people attend for educational, social or other purposes. The number of attendees and the location will have a direct bearing on the possible scale and scope of the recycling that can be planned. To the extent possible, start thinking about recycling at the beginning of the event planning process (e.g., site layout, vendor outreach, budgeting, and public relations efforts). Be sure to develop and document a Recycling Plan. The written Recycling Plan will help to ensure that implementation goes smoothly, and will be essential if the task of program coordination is transferred to a different person. Also, it is a useful tool for evaluating and revising the event’s recycling program. For promoting the event’s recycling program, have a booth to describe the recycling efforts being implemented, how attendees and vendors can participate, and the benefits of recycling to the community.B. Understanding Existing ConditionsA critical step in the planning process is to have a good understanding of the event’s existing waste. Some basic questions to ask at the outset are listed below, and a more detailed Planning Checklist is included in Appendix B.3•How much waste is typically generated at the event (in weight or volume)?•Who manages waste collection?•Who hauls the waste away?•What types of trash and recycling containers are used and who provides them?•What are the waste-related costs for trash and recycling containers, hauling, disposal, recycling, and labor (either in dollars or volunteer time)?•What materials are recycled?•Who generates what types of waste and how much? Guessing is fine!•What recycling opportunities exist in the community?•Are there local organizations, agencies, or individuals that might be interested in supporting recycling efforts?3 The Recycling Plans for the participant events also provide examples of how these questions were answered.Answering these questions will help to draw a picture of existing conditions. This will make it easier to identify which materials to target for recycling, viable strategies for managing these materials, the financial implications, and which key individuals or organizations can help carry out the efforts.Based on data collected and analyzed in the course of designing and implementing the six event recycling programs, the amount of waste generated per event attendee ranged from 0.22 pounds to 1.25 pounds per person. See Table 1. for details.Table 1. Waste Generated Per EventEvents EstimatedAttendeesPounds of Total MaterialsGenerated(Recycled & Disposed)Pounds ofGenerated Materialsper AttendeeBath Heritage Days 75,000 16,187 .22Clinton Lions ClubAgricultural Fair17,000 6,790 .40 Deerfield Agricultural Fair 120,000 150,000 1.25 HCS Flower Show 6,720 7,034 1.05Stowe CelebratesSummerNotreported2,889Tunbridge World’s Fair 50,000 45,000 .90C. Targeting the Waste Stream“What’s in the waste?” is one of the first questions to ask when developing an event Recycling Plan. When this question was asked of the six event organizers, many could readily answer the question. They already knew the types of materials generated by different participants, and where and when this waste occurred. Following is a description of the most common types of materials found in the waste stream at the selected special events.1) PAPER PRODUCTSCorrugated Cardboard - Large amounts of corrugated cardboard, or old corrugated containers (OCC), are found in special event waste. At the selected events, cardboard averaged about 14 percent of the material generated, and was as high as 23 percent at the Tunbridge Agricultural Fair and 30 percent at the HCS Flower Show. Most of these cardboard boxes were generated by vendors at the beginning of events, when they were unpacking supplies and setting up booths. While some cardboard is “waxed” to protect raw fruits and vegetables from spoilage, most is dry and clean, and readily recyclable. (Waxed cardboard can be composted, but typically cannot be recycled into paper products.)Recyclable Paper – Event organizers and vendors generate significant quantities of recyclable paper--leftover fliers, maps, newsletters, or other marketing materials. For example at the Stowe Celebrates Summer event, 23 percent of the total waste was from unused event publications. As long as these materials are kept clean and dry, they can be recycled in many community recycling programs.2) BOTTLES AND CANSThere was an average of 14.5 percent bottles and cans in the six events’ waste (by weight), including deposit and non-deposit beverage containers, glass, plastic, and metal food containers.Beverage Containers - Glass, aluminum, and plastic (#1 PET plastic) bottles from soft drinks, water, and beer are commonly found in special eventwaste. While some events prohibit beer, or only allowbeverages to be sold as “fountain drinks” in paper orplastic cups, bottles and cans find their way into thewaste stream. Many attendees bring thesecontainers in backpacks; vendors keep their ownsupply to quench their thirst; and if camping ispermitted at the event, bottles and cans will inevitablybe present in that waste too. Depending on localrecycling programs or services offered by haulers,beverage containers may be able to be combined(“commingled”), or they may need to be segregatedbefore they are sent to a recycling center or facility.HCS Flower Show, New HampshireReturnable Bottles and Cans - Eleven states, including Maine and Vermont, have “Bottle Bills” or deposit systems that provide a financial incentive (typically $.05 per container) for collecting and recycling beverage containers.4 While the materials used to make these containers are identical to other non-redeemable bottles and cans, it is useful for event organizers to consider them separately to maximize the economic benefit from their collection.Since data on the amount of returnable beverage containers recycled at each event was not obtainable, approximations on the amounts of beverage containers generated at the events were recorded. At the Maine and Vermont events, the returnable beverage containers averaged 11 percent (by weight) of the waste generated at the events. In New Hampshire, a non-Bottle Bill state, beverage containers totaled 9 percent (by weight) of the waste generated.Recyclable Glass, Plastic and Metal Containers - In addition to beverage containers, significant amounts of glass, plastic, and metal food containers are found in special event waste. These materials are generally from food vendors. In most communities, these materials are easily recycled. However, these containers are likely to be coated with food waste, such as mustard, grease, tomato sauce, etc., and may need to be rinsed before they can be recycled. In general, the two types of plastic containers that are most often recyclable are opaque or tinted HDPE (#2) containers, and clear PET (#1) containers. (Numbers indicating the type of plastic resin used in the container are located on the bottom of the container.) In some recycling programs, as with beverage containers, food containers may be able to be combined or commingled in one recycling bin, or they may need to be separated before being received at a recycling center or facility.4 A list of Bottle Bill states and a summary of the containers, deposits, and other issues addressed in their laws can be found at: /.3) ORGANIC WASTEFood Waste - Special events and food go hand-in-hand - fried dough, corn on the cob, hot dogs, and soft drinks, etc. And where there is food, there tends to be food waste. Food waste includes preparation-waste or leftover/unsold food from vendors, as well as plate scraps from attendees.Capturing food waste for possible consumption bypeople or animals, or diverting it for composting,represents significant waste reduction opportunities.These are also among the most complex efforts toinitiate and may require the greatest planning and carein implementation.Serving Packaging - Where there is food waste, thereis also serving packaging (e.g., plates, cups, bags, andcutlery). For the purposes of the conducted wastecharacterization studies, serving packaging referred toproducts that attendees use to eat food with, but notthe packaging in which the vendors receive the food.Deerfield Agricultural Fair, New HampshireDuring this project, we found that it was not feasible to separate the food waste from the serving packaging. At each of the six special events, the largest component of waste was food and serving packaging. In fact, on average, food and serving packaging represented 41 percent of the sorted waste by weight. Please note: Waxed or plastic coated packaging has very limited potential to be recycled. It may be composted, if it is specifically made out of biodegradable materials such as paper or cornstarch.Grease and Cooking Oils - Food vendors preparing and selling fried dough, French fries, onion rings, and other fried foods generate grease and cooking oils that can and should be diverted from the waste stream. While the total amount of grease and cooking oils is not significant from a weight perspective, it is a very important waste to address to avoid improper handling--dumping on the ground, pouring down drains, or being disposed in dumpsters. In some areas, there are rendering companies that will provide barrels for grease collection. Thegrease is then used to make new products (e.g., animal feedsupplements, soap, cosmetics, and plastics). There is also agrowing market for used cooking oils and grease as a componentof “biodiesel,” a fuel source that can be produced from vegetable oiland grease.Animal Waste - Agricultural events that showcase animals createsubstantial animal waste. Cow, horse, goat, sheep, rabbit, goat,and chicken bedding, and manure are all compostable.Vegetative Waste - Flower shows and other events often havevegetative waste – flowers, greenery, trees – that can beTunbridge World’s Fair, Vermont composted or chipped for mulch.。