ABB变频器 ACS1000_调试手册
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EPS EPSSonnenschein 12 VDC Batteries电子电源X4-3 (+27Vdc)X4-5 (+27Vdc)BATTERY 12V / 6 Ah电池12V/6AhBATTERY 12V / 6 Ah电池12V/6Ah电池管理与接口如果安装了两个多选项),需要安装四个备用电池(每个在ACS 1000 运行的时候可以进行备用电池的替换AI 4 电机WDG W 相温度)(AO 1 Programmable) (AO 2 Programmable)(AO 1 可编程)(AO 2 可编程)(AI 3 Motor WDG Temp V)(AI 4 Motor WDG Temp W)AI 2 电机WDG W 相温度(AO 1 Programmable) (AO 2 Programmable)(AO 1 可编程)(AO 2 可编程)Q11Q1T1T1备用电池Q11=泵或风机Q1=EPS 电源G5 / G6G5 / G6-X10选项Cooling Fan(s)冷却风机Connections depending on theauxiliary voltage (Type code,digit 18)连接方法取决于辅助电压(型号代码、18位)EPS 1EPS 1选项EPS 2 (WCD)EPS 2 (WCD)A B B L t d -19-气压监控控制(CTRL)接地隔离装置选项选项AMC=应用电机控制器INT=接口EPS=电子电源VLSCD=电压等级短路检测ADCVI=模拟-数字电流-电压接口OWP=过电压保护IOEC=输入-输出电子板GUSP=门极单元电源。
ACS 1000中压交流传动315 - 5000 kW技术样本ACS1000中压交流传动315 - 5000 kW 鼠笼式感应电动机的精确速度和转矩控制技术样本目录第一章 - 概述51.1简介 51.2标准解决方案 51.3关键技术 51.4技术优势 61.5ACS 1000 产品类型 6第二章 - 标准特性 72.1IGCT 功率半导体器件 72.2无熔断器设计 72.3直接转矩控制 72.4输入电路82.5输出电路 92.6系统原理图 9第三章 - 硬件说明 113.1电磁兼容性 113.2ACS1000 柜体设计 113.2.1风冷型 113.2.2水冷型 123.2.3主电路接线端子 133.3控制单元 133.4门锁 143.5防护等级 153.6吊装装置 153.7柜体颜色 153.8附加柜体 15第四章 - 用户接口174.1概述 174.2CDP 312 控制板 174.3标准输入/输出接口板 184.4现场总线适配器模块 214.5PC 工具 21第五章 - 参数和应用宏 235.1概述 235.2不同应用宏的适用场合 23 ACS 1000 技术样本15.3应用宏的输入/输出接口 24第六章 - 标准功能 276.1概述 276.2标准控制功能 276.2.1总体功能 276.2.2主回路断路器控制 296.2.3本地和远程控制 296.2.4故障诊断 306.2.5可编程数字和模拟输出 316.2.6可编程模拟输入 316.2.7输入信号源选择和信号处理 316.3标准保护功能 326.3.1可编程故障保护功能 326.3.2已编程的保护功能336.3.3其它保护功能 356.4其它功能 356.4.1用户特定的可选件 36第七章 - 可选件 377.1环境条件 377.2柜体设计 377.3输入侧 387.4输出侧 397.5变频器冷却系统 417.6变频器隔离开关和旁路 437.7辅助控制接口457.8PC 工具45第八章 - 传动系统选型 478.1概述 478.2主回路断路器 478.2.1主回路断路器控制 478.2.2跳闸回路 478.2.3主回路断路器特性 498.3输入变压器选型 518.4ACS1000 变频器选型 528.4.1输出滤波器 528.4.2非平方负载应用 528.4.3ACS1000 选型表 538.5电机选型 568.5.1负载曲线 568.5.2选型标准 578.5.3更新改造应用 578.5.4转矩冲击 57 2ACS 1000 技术样本附录 A - 安装指南 59环境条件 59安装 59功率设备安装 62概述 62变压器一次侧电缆 62变压器二次侧电缆 62电机电缆 63功率电缆选型 63辅助电源电缆 63控制电缆 63电缆布线 63ACS1000 电缆进线方式和接线端子 6412脉波ACS1000 变频器的变压器接线图 6524脉波ACS1000 变频器的变压器接线图 6512/24脉波变频器的电机接线图66附录 B - 技术数据 67变压器连接/变频器输入 67变频器输出/电机连接 68辅助电源69环境条件 69传动降容70风冷型变频器 70水冷型变频器 71运输和储存71冷却72风冷型变频器 72水冷型变频器 72保护功能 73模拟输入 74模拟输出74数字输入75数字输出 76辅助电源输出 76参考电压输出77DDCS光缆链路 77柜体封装77附录 C - 外形尺寸及重量79附录 D - 适用的规范和标准 83CE 标志 83低压标准 83机械标准 83 ACS 1000 技术样本3电磁兼容性(EMC) 标准 83电磁辐射 84电磁防护 84UL 标志 84适用的规范和标准 84附录 E - ACS 1000 产品型号 87 4ACS 1000 技术样本 第一章-概述1.1简介ACS 1000 系列变频器是ABB公司 为中满足中压变频器市场要求而专门设计生产的产品。
ABB变频器操作说明书关键信息项:1、变频器型号:____________________________2、适用电压范围:____________________________3、最大输出功率:____________________________4、控制方式:____________________________5、防护等级:____________________________6、工作环境温度:____________________________7、冷却方式:____________________________1、概述11 本协议旨在提供关于 ABB 变频器的详细操作说明,以确保用户能够安全、正确地使用该设备。
12 ABB 变频器是一种用于调节电机转速和控制电机运行的电力电子设备。
2、安装与接线21 安装环境211 变频器应安装在干燥、通风良好的场所,避免阳光直射和雨淋。
212 环境温度应在规定的工作环境温度范围内。
213 安装地点应远离强电磁场干扰源。
22 接线要求221 严格按照变频器的接线图进行接线,确保接线正确、牢固。
222 输入电源的相线、零线和地线连接应正确无误。
223 电机的接线应与变频器的输出端子相匹配。
3、操作面板与参数设置31 操作面板功能介绍311 显示区域,用于显示变频器的运行状态、参数值等信息。
312 按键区域,包括启动、停止、调速、菜单选择等按键。
32 参数设置方法321 进入参数设置模式,通过操作面板上的菜单键进行选择。
322 按照参数列表,输入相应的参数值,并保存设置。
4、运行操作41 启动与停止411 按下启动键,变频器按照设定的参数启动电机。
412 按下停止键,变频器停止输出,电机逐渐停止运转。
42 调速操作421 通过操作面板上的调速按键或外接调速信号,调整电机的转速。
422 注意调速范围应在变频器允许的范围内。
5、故障诊断与处理51 常见故障代码及含义511 列举常见的故障代码,并说明其对应的故障类型。
ACS 1000中压变频器用于 315 - 5000 kW 鼠笼式感应电动机的速度和转矩控制ACS 1000变频器系统说明ACS 1000 变频器系统说明目录1. 变频调速系统概述3 1.1 主回路断路器3 1.2 主电源变压器3 1.3 ACS1000 变频器31.4 电动机 32. ACS 1000说明 4 2.1 概述 4 2.2 主要特点 4 2.3 规范与标准 5 2.4 变频器详细说明 5 2.4.1 功率硬件 5 2.4.2 控制硬件7 2.4.3 参数与应用宏10 2.4.4 特殊功能102.4.5 机械结构113. PC 工具121. 变频调速系统概述变频调速系统由主回路断路器、隔离变压器、变频器和电动机等组成。
1.1 主回路断路器变频器必须由位于隔离变压器原边之前的主断路器进行保护并互相联锁。
1.2 隔离变压器由隔离变压器的几个次级绕组向变频器供电。
1.3 ACS1000 变频器ACS1000属于中压标准型变频器,既适用于平方关系的转矩负载,也适用于恒转矩负载。
ACS1000设置表PARAMETER V ALUES02/06/10 15:55:34Target: 0,1ACTUAL SIGNALS:1.01 ProcessSpeed 0 %1.02 MotorSpeed 0 rpm1.03 MotorSpeedFilt 0 rpm1.04 SpeedMeasured 0 rpm1.05 Parameter 1.05 NOT USED1.06 MotorFrequency 0 Hz1.07 MotorCurrent 0 A1.08 MotorTorqueFilt 0 %1.09 MotorTorque 0 %1.10 ShaftPower 0 %1.11 MotorV oltage 0 V1.12 Parameter 1.12 NOT USED1.13 RS 0.0309944 Ohm 1.14 LS 74.3297 mH 1.15 Sigma LS 4.37188 mH 1.16 Rotor Time 3837.94 ms1.17 ActSpeedFeedback INTERNAL1.18 MotCurrPhaseU_rms 0 A1.19 MotCurrPhaseV_rms 0 A1.20 MotCurrPhaseW_rms 0 A1.21 MotCurrUnbalance 0 AACTUAL SIGNALS:2.01 ControlMode SPEED-CTRL 2.02 DC V oltage Udc1 0.00321202 V 2.03 DC V oltage Udc1 6.58618e-005 % 2.04 DC V oltage Udc2 -0.0385442 V 2.05 DC V oltage Udc2 -0.000790341 % 2.06 DC V oltage Udc1+2 -0.0353322 V 2.07 DC V oltage Udc1+2 -0.000724479 % 2.08 DC V oltage Udc2-1 -0.0417563 V 2.09 DC V oltage Udc2-1 -0.000856203 % 2.10 InvCurrent IU 0.000890141 A 2.11 InvCurrent IW 0.0289296 A2.12 InvEarthCurrent -0.019138 A2.13 FiltCurrent IU 1.08686 A2.14 FiltCurrent IW 0.388547 A2.15 SwitchFreqAct 0 Hz2.16 InvAirTemp1 26.7062 CACTUAL SIGNALS:3.01 SpeedRef2 0 rpm3.02 SpeedRef3 0 rpm3.03 SpeedErrorNeg 0 rpm3.04 TorquePropRef 0 %3.05 TorqueIntegRef 0 %3.06 TorqueDerRef 0 %3.07 TorqueAccCompRef 0 %3.08 TorqueRef 1 0 %3.09 TorqueRef 2 0 %3.10 TorqueRef 3 0 %3.11 TorqueRef 4 0 %3.12 TorqueRef 5 0 %3.13 TorqueUsedRef 0 %3.14 FluxUsedRef 0 %3.15 FluxAct 0 %3.16 FieldWkPointAct 50 Hz3.17 dv/dt 0 rpm/s3.18 PID-Ctrl Act1 0 %3.19 PID-Ctrl Act2 0 %3.20 PID-Ctrl Dev 0 %3.21 DS FollowCtrlWord 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00003.22 DS SpeedRef 0 rpm3.23 DS TorqRefA 0 %3.24 Ref1 OverrSystem 03.25 Ref2 OverrSystem 0ACTUAL SIGNALS:4.01 ExternalRef2 0 %4.02 InvWtrCoolTemp 0 C4.03 InvWtrCoolPress1 0 bar4.04 InvWtrConductivit 0 uS4.05 ExternalRef1 770.938 rpm4.06 InvAirTemp2 0 C4.07 TrafoTemp1 0 C4.08 TrafoTemp2 0 C4.09 MotorWdgTmpPhU1 26 C4.10 MotorWdgTmpPhV1 26.3 C4.11 MotorWdgTmpPhW1 26.2 C4.12 AI1 IOEC1 12.2508 mA4.13 AI2 IOEC1 0.0863659 mA4.14 AI3 IOEC1 0.108339 mA4.15 AI4 IOEC1 0.0650033 mA4.16 AI1 IOEC2 0.130312 mA4.17 AI2 IOEC2 6.08712 mA4.18 AI3 IOEC2 6.10513 mA4.19 AI4 IOEC2 6.09994 mA4.20 DI1-7StatusIOEC1 254.21 DI8-14StatusIOEC1 1214.22 DI1-7StatusIOEC2 04.23 DI8-14StatusIOEC2 104.24 AO1 IOEC1 3.99999 mA4.25 AO2 IOEC1 3.99999 mA4.26 AO1 IOEC2 3.99999 mA4.27 AO2 IOEC2 3.99999 mAACTUAL SIGNALS:5.01 DO1-6 StatusIOEC1 125.02 DO1-6 StatusIOEC2 285.03 DataLog 1 Status 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1001 0000 00015.04 UsedApplicatMacro NONE SEL5.05 Control Location EXTERNAL 15.06 ApplBlockOutput 771.121 rpm5.07 BackspLockTimeRem 0 s5.08 IdealMotCurr 0 A5.09 MotULoadAlmCurr 0 A5.10 MotULoadTripCurr 0 A5.11 MotOLoadAlmCurr 0 A5.12 MotOLoadTripCurr 0 A5.13 ActRunFan/Pump NONE5.14 ActRunIntTrafoFan NONE5.15 AutoChgFan1Pmp1On 0 h5.16 AutoChgFan2Pmp2On 0 h5.17 AutoCoolWaitTime 0 minINFORMATION:6.01 SoftwareVersion 'MSOH4530'6.02 DTC Version 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0100 0111 00006.03 Appl SW Version 0000 0000 0000 1001 0001 0010 0010 00106.04 AMC SerialNumber 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00006.05 ApplDuty 95.8383 %6.06 AuxTimeUse 1.76667 h6.07 InvTimeUse 0 h6.08 MotorTimeUse 0 h6.09 MWhInverter 0 MWh6.10 InvNomV oltage 3300 V6.11 InvNomCurrent 360 A6.12 InvNomPower 1800 kW6.13 InverterType AirCooling6.14 FilterInductance 1.79994 mH6.15 FilterCapacity 159.999 uF6.16 RLF 0 Ohm6.17 NumOfMotorStarts 26.18 RealTime YYMMDD 1002066.19 RealTime HHMMSS 1553046.20 MaxDriveInvCurrnt 684.48 ACONTROL WORDS:7.01 MainControlWord 1187.02 AuxControlWord1 07.03 AuxControlWord2 84547.04 AuxControlWord3 07.05 EnableControlWord (Integer16)7.06 OverrControlWord 07.07 FollowControlWord 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00007.08 IB ControlWord1 (Integer16)7.09 IB ControlWord2 (Integer16)STATUS WORDS:8.01 MainStatusWord 7608.02 AuxStatusWord1 20968.03 AuxStatusWord2 164028.04 AuxStatusWord3 163848.05 AuxStatusWord4 08.06 LimitWord1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00008.07 LimitWord2 08.08 DI StatusWordIO1 155138.09 DI StatusWordIO2 12808.10 DriveStatusWord ErthIsoClosFAULT&ALARM WORD:9.01 FaultWord1 09.02 FaultWord2 89.03 FaultWord3 09.04 FaultWord4 2569.05 FaultWord5 09.06 FaultWord6 09.07 FaultWord7 09.09 FaultWord9 09.10 FaultWord10 09.11 AlarmWord1 09.12 AlarmWord2 329.13 AlarmWord3 09.14 AlarmWord4 09.15 AlarmWord5 09.17 AlarmWord7 09.18 AlarmWord8 09.19 SSW FaultDiag 327679.20 SSW AlarmDiag 32767START/STOP/DIR:11.01 Ext1Strt/Stop/Dir DI1P,2P11.02 Ext2Strt/Stop/Dir NOT SEL11.03 Direction FORWARD11.04 Ext1 MCB Control FRONT DOOR11.05 Ext2 MCB Control FRONT DOORREFERENCE SELECT:12.01 KeypadRefSelect REF1 (rpm) 12.02 Ext1/Ext2 Select EXT112.03 ExtRef1Select REF2/IO1AI1 12.04 ExtRef1Minimum 0 rpm 12.05 ExtRef1Maximum 1495 rpm 12.06 ExtRef2Select KEYPAD 12.07 ExtRef2Minimum 0 %12.08 ExtRef2Maximum 100 % 12.09 MotPotTracking NOANALOGUE INPUT:13.01 AutoOffsetCalib NO13.02 AI1 Scale IO1 100 %13.03 AI1 Minimum IO1 4mA/2V 13.04 AI1 Filter IO1 1 s13.05 AI1 Invert IO1 NO13.06 AI1 Offset IO1 0 mA13.07 AI1 Scale IO2 100 %13.08 AI1 Minimum IO2 4mA/2V 13.09 AI1 Filter IO2 1 s13.10 AI1 Invert IO2 NO13.11 AI1 Offset IO2 0 mA13.12 AI2 HighValue IO2 200013.13 AI2 LowValue IO2 013.14 AI2 Minimum IO2 4mA/2V 13.15 AI2 Filter IO2 10 s13.16 AI2 Invert IO2 NO13.17 AI2 Offset IO2 0 mA13.18 AI3 HighValue IO2 200013.19 AI3 LowValue IO2 013.20 AI3 Minimum IO2 4mA/2V 13.21 AI3 Filter IO2 10 s13.22 AI3 Invert IO2 NO13.23 AI3 Offset IO2 0 mA13.24 AI4 HighValue IO2 200013.25 AI4 LowValue IO2 013.26 AI4 Minimum IO2 4mA/2V 13.27 AI4 Filter IO2 10 s13.28 AI4 Invert IO2 NO13.29 AI4 Offset IO2 0 mADIGITAL OUTPUTS:14.01 DO2Group+IndexIO1 80414.02 DO2 BitNumber IO1 1214.03 DO2 Invert IO1 DIRECT 14.04 DO1Group+IndexIO2 80114.05 DO1 BitNumber IO2 114.06 DO1 Invert IO2 DIRECT 14.07 DO2Group+IndexIO2 80114.08 DO2 BitNumber IO2 214.09 DO2 Invert IO2 DIRECT14.10 DO3Group+IndexIO2 80114.11 DO3 BitNumber IO2 714.12 DO3 Invert IO2 DIRECT14.13 DO4Group+IndexIO2 80114.14 DO4 BitNumber IO2 314.15 DO4 Invert IO2 DIRECTANALOGUE OUTPUTS:15.01 A01Group+IndexIO1 10815.02 A01 Invert IO1 NO15.03 A01 Minimum IO1 4 mA15.04 A01 Filter IO1 0.1 s15.05 A01 Scale IO1 10015.06 A02Group+IndexIO1 10715.07 A02 Invert IO1 NO15.08 A02 Minimum IO1 4 mA15.09 A02 Filter IO1 0.1 s15.10 A02 Scale IO1 33015.11 A01Group+IndexIO2 10315.12 A01 Invert IO2 NO15.13 A01 Minimum IO2 4 mA15.14 A01 Filter IO2 0.1 s15.15 A01 Scale IO2 149515.16 A02Group+IndexIO2 11015.17 A02 Invert IO2 NO15.18 A02 Minimum IO2 4 mA15.19 A02 Filter IO2 0.1 s15.20 A02 Scale IO2 1650SYST CTRL INPUT:16.01 ProcessStop DI8-IO216.02 ParameterLock OPEN16.03 Passcode 016.04 FaultResetSel KEYPAD16.05 UserMacro IO Chg NOT SEL 16.06 OldUserPasscode 016.07 NewUserPasscode 0UTILITIES:17.01 ProbeVariable InvCurrent U 17.02 InverterCurrent U -0.0311549 A DC 17.03 InverterCurrent U 0.340479 A AC 17.04 InverterCurrent U 0.341814 A rmsPROCESS SPEED:18.01 Scale 10018.02 Unit %DA TA STORAGE:19.01 DATA 1 019.02 DATA 2 019.03 DATA 3 019.04 DATA 4 019.05 DATA 5 019.06 DATA 6 019.07 DATA 7 019.08 DATA 8 0LIMITS:20.01 MinimumSpeed 774 rpm20.02 MaximumSpeed 1650 rpm20.03 StopDriveTube 9.99928 rpm20.04 MaxMotorCurrent 100 %20.05 MaximumTorque 120 %20.06 MinimumTorque -120 %20.07 SPC TorqMax 120 %20.08 SPC TorqMin -120 %20.09 TREF TorqMax 120 %20.10 TREF TorqMin -120 %20.11 FreqTripMargin 7.99999 Hz20.12 AtSetpointMargin 0.999999 %START/STOP/MCB:21.01 FlyStartEnable OFF21.02 StopFunction STOP RAMPNG 21.03 ProcessStopMode COAST STOP 21.04 ProcessStopMCBCtr STAY CLOSED 21.05 ProcessStopSpdDif 10 rpm/s21.06 MCB OnControlMode TWO SIGNALS 21.07 MCB FeedbackSig TWO SIGNALS 21.08 MCB AvailableSig LOW ACTIVE 21.09 MCB CloseTimeLim 3 s21.10 MCB OpenTimeLim 3 s21.11 BackspinLockFunc OFF21.12 BackspinLockTime 0 s21.13 BackspinLockReset OFF21.14 FlyBackSrchEna OFFRAMP FUNCTIONS:22.01 Acc/Dec 1/2Sel DI4-IO222.02 AccelTime1 120 s22.03 DecelTime1 120 s22.04 AccelTime2 60 s22.05 DecelTime2 60 s22.06 ProcessStopRamp 20 s22.07 ShapeTime 10 s22.08 VariableSlope OFF 22.09 VarSlopeRate 0.00405312 sSPEED REFERENCE:23.01 SpeedRef 774 rpm 23.02 InchingSpeed1 0 rpm23.03 InchingSpeed2 0 rpm23.04 SpeedCorrection 0 rpm23.05 SpeedShare 100 %23.06 SpeedErrorFilter 0 ms23.07 WindowSelectOn OFF23.08 WindowIntegOn OFF23.09 WindowWidthPos 0 rpm 23.10 WindowWidthNeg 0 rpm 23.11 SpeedStep 0 rpmSPEED CONTROL:24.01 DroopRate 0 %24.02 KPS 9.99999 24.03 KPS Min 9.99999 24.04 KPS WeakPoint 0 %24.05 KPS WPFiltTime 99.8974 ms 24.06 Set P Weighting OFF24.07 SetPointWeight 100 %24.08 TIS 2.50006 s 24.09 TIS Init Value 0 %24.10 BAL OFF24.11 BAL Ref 0 %24.12 DerivationTime 0 ms24.13 DerivFilterTime 7.98702 ms 24.14 AccCompDerivTime 0 s24.15 AccCompFiltTime 7.98702 ms 24.16 SlipGain 100 %24.17 KPS TIS MinFreq 2 Hz24.18 KPS TIS MaxFreq 4.67999 Hz 24.19 KPS ValueMinFreq 100 % 24.20 TIS ValueMinFreq 100 %TORQUE REFERENCE:25.01 TorqueRefA 0 %25.02 TorqueRefA FTC 1000.05 ms 25.03 LoadShare 100 % 25.04 TorqueRefB 0 %25.05 TorqRampUpTime 0 s25.06 TorqRampDownTime 0 s25.07 TorqRef AorB Sel TORQ REF BTORQREF HANDLING:26.01 TorqueSelector SPEED26.02 LoadCompensation 0 %26.03 TorqueStep 0 %FLUX CONTROL:27.01 FluxOptimazion OFF27.02 FluxBraking OFF27.03 FluxRef 100 %27.04 FluxMax 140 %27.05 FluxMin 20 %27.06 FieldWkPointMax 99.9999 %27.07 MinOptimizedFlux 85 %SCALAR CONTROL:29.01 FrequencyRef (Real) 29.02 FrequencyMax (Real) 29.03 FrequencyMin (Real)MOTOR PROTECTION:30.01 ExtMotorThermProt SOFT STOP 30.02 MotWdgUTempMeas1 SOFT STOP 30.03 MotWdgVTempMeas1 SOFT STOP 30.04 MotWdgWTempMeas1 SOFT STOP 30.05 MotTempAlarmLevel 95 C30.06 MotTempTripLevel 135 C30.07 MotProtCurrLevel1 231.411 %30.08 MotProtCurrLevel2 200 %30.09 MotProtCurrLevel3 150 %30.10 MotProtTime1 20 s30.11 MotProtTime2 480 s30.12 MotProtTime3 1200 s30.13 StallFunction NO30.14 StallFrequency 7.99999 Hz30.15 StallTimeLimit 30 s30.16 UnderloadFunc NO30.17 UnderloadTime 10 s30.18 UnderloadCurve 130.19 FloatingGndSel (Boolean)FAULT FUNCTIONS:31.01 UnV oltRestartEnab OFF31.02 UnV oltWaitTime 30 s31.03 AI<MinFuncExtRef1 NO31.04 AI<MinFuncExtRef2 CNST SPEED15 31.05 BattChangeEnab OFF31.06 PanelLossSupervis FAULTSUPERVISION:32.01 LimSupervisAction NO32.02 LimSupDelayTime 5 s32.03 SpeedRefFunction NO32.04 SpeedRefLimit 0 rpm32.05 SpeedActFunction NO 32.06 SpeedActLimit 0 rpm32.07 MotCurrFunction NO32.08 MotCurrLimit 0 A32.09 MotTorqFunction NO32.10 MotTorqLimit 0 %32.11 SupSig1 Function NO32.12 SupSig1Group+Indx 850132.13 SupSig1 Limit 10032.14 SupSig2 Function NO32.15 SupSig2Group+Indx 850232.16 SupSig2 Limit 100CONSTANT SPEED:33.01 ConstantSpeedSel DI3(SPEED3) 33.02 ConstantSpeed1 0 RPM33.03 ConstantSpeed2 0 RPM33.04 ConstantSpeed3 774 RPM 33.05 ConstantSpeed4 300 RPM 33.06 ConstantSpeed5 600 RPM 33.07 ConstantSpeed6 900 RPM 33.08 ConstantSpeed7 0 RPM33.09 ConstantSpeed8 0 RPM33.10 ConstantSpeed9 0 RPM33.11 ConstantSpeed10 0 RPM33.12 ConstantSpeed11 0 RPM33.13 ConstantSpeed12 0 RPM33.14 ConstantSpeed13 0 RPM33.15 ConstantSpeed14 0 RPM33.16 ConstantSpeed15 774 RPMCRITICAL SPEEDS:34.01 CriticalSpeedSel OFF34.02 CritSpeed1Low 0 rpm34.03 CritSpeed1High 0 rpm34.04 CritSpeed2Low 0 rpm34.05 CritSpeed2High 0 rpm34.06 CritSpeed3Low 0 rpm34.07 CritSpeed3High 0 rpm34.08 CritSpeed4Low 0 rpm34.09 CritSpeed4High 0 rpm34.10 CritSpeed5Low 0 rpm34.11 CritSpeed5High 0 rpmEXT MOTOR PROT:35.01 BearingTmpProtDE ALARM 35.02 BrgTmpAlarmLevDE 95 C 35.03 BrgTmpTripLevDE 115 C 35.04 BearingTmpProtNDE ALARM 35.05 BrgTmpAlarmLevNDE 95 C 35.06 BrgTmpTripLevNDE 115 C35.07 ExtMotorProtAlarm OFF35.08 MotorCoolingProt OFF35.09 VibrationProtDI OFF35.10 VibrationProtAI1 NO35.11 VibrationProtAI2 NO35.12 VibrationAlmLev 80 %35.13 VibrationTripLev 90 %35.14 LoadBrgTmpProt1 NO35.15 LoadBrgTmpAlmLev1 110 C35.16 LoadBrgTmpTrpLev1 120 C35.17 LoadBrgTmpProt2 NO35.18 LoadBrgTmpAlmLev2 110 C35.19 LoadBrgTmpTrpLev2 120 C35.20 MotWdgUTempMeas2 (Integer16) 35.21 MotWdgVTempMeas2 (Integer16) 35.22 MotWdgWTempMeas2 (Integer16)TRANSFORMER PROT:36.01 TrafoTmpProtectDI ON36.02 TrafoTmpProtectAI NO36.03 TrafoTmpAlmLExt/3 70 C36.04 TrafoTmpTrpLExt/3 90 C36.05 TrafoBuchholzProt ON36.06 TrafoOilLevProtec OFF36.07 TrafoTmpSelect (Integer16) 36.08 TrafoTmpAlarmLev1 (Real)36.09 TrafoTmpTripLev1 (Real)36.10 TrafoTmpAlarmLev2 (Real)36.11 TrafoTmpTripLev2 (Real)36.12 OutpTrafoTmpProt NO36.13 OutpTrafoTmpAlmL 70 C36.14 OutpTrafoTmpTrpL 90 CEXT INV PROTECT:37.01 ExtWtrCoolingProt (Boolean)37.02 ExtOutputIsolator (Boolean)37.03 ExtInputIsolator (Boolean)37.04 OutsideAirTmpProt NO37.05 OutAirTmpAlmLev 40 C37.06 OutAirTmpTripLev 55 COPTIONAL FUNC:38.01 MotorHeater YES38.02 MotorCooler NO38.03 MotCoolerTimeOff 300 S38.04 CabinetHeater NO38.05 BrkChopInstalled (Boolean)38.06 BrkResiOvertemp (Boolean) 38.07 SynBypassFunction NORIDE THROUGH:39.01 RideThroughEnable ON39.02 RideThroughTime 8 s39.03 RideThrghMinSpeed 0 rpm39.04 AuxRideThrghEnabl ON39.05 AuxRideThrghTime 5 sPID-CONTROL:40.01 PID Gain (Real) 40.02 PID IntegratTime (Real)40.03 PID DerivTime (Real)40.04 PID DerivFilter (Real)40.05 ErrorV alueInvers (Boolean) 40.06 ActualValueSel (Integer16) 40.07 Act1Minimum (Real) 40.08 Act1Maximum (Real) 40.09 Act2Minimum (Real) 40.10 Act2Maximum (Real) 40.11 Act1UnitScale (Real)40.12 Act1Unit (Integer16) 40.13 Act2UnitScale (Real)40.14 Act2Unit (Integer16) 40.15 AI<MinFuncExtAct1 (Integer16) 40.16 AI<MinFuncExtAct2 (Integer16)COOLING SYSTEM:41.01 Fan/PumpCycleTime 1041.02 Fan1/Pump1RunTime 641.03 AirCoolFanSel ONE(FAN1)41.04 FanAlarmReset OFF41.05 InvAirFilterSupvi OFF41.06 RedAuxFanInstall (Boolean) 41.07 IntegTrafoFanInst NO41.08 TrafoFanAlmReset OFF41.09 WtrCoolPumpSel (Integer16) 41.10 PumpAlarmReset (Boolean) 41.11 AutoCoolOnDelay (Real) 41.12 WtrCoolStartSeq (Boolean) 41.13 WtrValveLiftHeigh (Real)41.14 WtrValveMotorLift (Real)41.15 WtrPmpChangeMask (Real) 41.16 WtrAutoCoolMode (Integer16) 41.17 WtrAutoCoolStCond (Real) 41.18 WtrValveCtrlSel (Boolean) 41.19 WtrTmpDeadBand (Real) 41.20 WtrValvePulseIntv (Real)41.21 WtrValvePulseWidth (Real)41.22 InvWtrTmpTripLevLo (Real)LOAD PROTECTION:42.01 LoadProtFunction OFF 42.02 LoadProtDelayTime 30 s 42.03 UnderLoadAlarmLim 80 % 42.04 UnderLoadTripLim 70 % 42.05 OverLoadAlarmLim 110 % 42.06 OvderLoadTripLim 120 % 42.07 LoadProtStartFreq 2 Hz 42.08 FrequencyLevel P1 5 Hz 42.09 FrequencyLevel P2 10 Hz 42.10 FrequencyLevel P3 15 Hz 42.11 FrequencyLevel P4 20 Hz 42.12 FrequencyLevel P5 25 Hz 42.13 FrequencyLevel P6 30 Hz 42.14 FrequencyLevel P7 35 Hz 42.15 FrequencyLevel P8 40 Hz 42.16 FrequencyLevel P9 45 Hz 42.17 LoadProtStartCurr 10 A 42.18 CurrentLevel P1 30 A 42.19 CurrentLevel P2 50 A 42.20 CurrentLevel P3 70 A 42.21 CurrentLevel P4 90 A 42.22 CurrentLevel P5 110 A 42.23 CurrentLevel P6 130 A 42.24 CurrentLevel P7 150 A 42.25 CurrentLevel P8 170 A 42.26 CurrentLevel P9 190 AESP PROTECTION:43.01 MotPhaseUnbalFunc OFF 43.02 MotPhUnbalDelTime 30 s 43.03 MotPhUnbalAlmLim 10 % 43.04 MotPhUnbalTripLim 15 %CUSTOMER SUP SIG:48.01 CustSig1Reaction NOT SEL 48.02 CustSig1TypeSel AND 48.03 CustSig1.1Grp+Idx 804 48.04 CustSig1.1BitNum 1348.05 CustSig1.1Invert DIRECT 48.06 CustSig1.2Grp+Idx 804 48.07 CustSig1.2BitNum 1348.08 CustSig1.2Invert DIRECT 48.09 CustSig1.3Grp+Idx 804 48.10 CustSig1.3BitNum 1348.11 CustSig1.3Invert DIRECT 48.12 CustSig2Reaction NOT SEL 48.13 CustSig2TypeSel AND 48.14 CustSig2.1Grp+Idx 804 48.15 CustSig2.1BitNum 1348.16 CustSig2.1Invert DIRECT 48.17 CustSig2.2Grp+Idx 80448.18 CustSig2.2BitNum 1348.19 CustSig2.2Invert DIRECT48.20 CustSig2.3Grp+Idx 80448.21 CustSig2.3BitNum 1348.22 CustSig2.3Invert DIRECTSPEED MEASURING:50.01 SpeedScaling 1500 rpm50.02 SpeedMeasMode A _-_ B DIR50.03 SpeedFeedbackSel INTERNAL50.04 EncoderPulseNR 204850.05 EncoderAlm/Fault ALARM50.06 SpeedActFiltTime 0 msMASTER ADAPTER:51.01 MODULE TYPE 'NOT DEFINED ' 51.02 FIELDBUS PAR2 (Integer16) 51.03 FIELDBUS PAR3 (Integer16) 51.04 FIELDBUS PAR4 (Integer16) 51.05 FIELDBUS PAR5 (Integer16) 51.06 FIELDBUS PAR6 (Integer16) 51.07 FIELDBUS PAR7 (Integer16) 51.08 FIELDBUS PAR8 (Integer16) 51.09 FIELDBUS PAR9 (Integer16) 51.10 FIELDBUS PAR10 (Integer16) 51.11 FIELDBUS PAR11 (Integer16) 51.12 FIELDBUS PAR12 (Integer16) 51.13 FIELDBUS PAR13 (Integer16) 51.14 FIELDBUS PAR14 (Integer16) 51.15 FIELDBUS PAR15 (Integer16)ACTSIGNALS IO5&6:64.01 DI1-7 StatusIOEC5 (Integer16)64.02 DI8-14StatusIOEC5 (Integer16)64.03 DI StatusWord IO5 (Integer16)64.04 DO1-6 StatusIOEC5 (Integer16)64.05 DI1-7 StatusIOEC6 (Integer16)64.06 DI8-14StatusIOEC6 (Integer16)64.07 DI StatusWord IO6 (Integer16)64.08 DO1-6 StatusIOEC6 (Integer16)SYNCHRON BYPASS:65.01 SM1AvailableSig (Integer16)65.02 SM2AvailableSig (Integer16)65.03 SM3AvailableSig (Integer16)65.04 SM4AvailableSig (Integer16)65.05 SynOnControlMode (Boolean)65.06 BrkCloseTimeLimit (Real)65.07 BrkOpenTimeLimit (Real)65.08 MaxMtrCurForSwiSm (Real) 65.09 DifferentMotPar (Boolean) 65.10 FluxChange/s (Real) 65.11 Freq. Change / s (Real) 65.12 Synchrot. Vers. (Boolean)DDCS CONTROL:70.01 CH0 NodeAddress 12570.02 CHO LinkControl 1570.03 CH0 BaudRate 4 Mbit/s70.04 CH0 Timeout 0 ms70.05 CH0 ComLossCtrl COAST STOP 70.06 CH1 LinkControl 1070.07 CH2 NodeAddress 170.08 CH2 M/F Mode NOT IN USE 70.09 CH2 MasterSignal1 70770.10 CH2 MasterSignal2 230170.11 CH2 MasterSignal3 31370.12 CH2 LinkControl 1070.13 CH2 Timeout 100 ms70.14 CH2 ComLossCtrl COAST STOP 70.15 CH3 NodeAddress 170.16 CH3 LinkControl 1570.17 FollowerSpeedRef FOLLOWER 70.18 FollowerTorqRef MASTEROPTION MODULES:75.01 IOEC3 OptionBoard YES75.02 IOEC4 OptionBoard NO75.03 EncoderModule NO75.04 FBA Comm.Module NOACT SIGNALS IO3:80.01 TrafoTempExt/3 0 C80.02 BearingTempDE 27 C80.03 BearingTempNDE 24.5 C80.04 OutsideAirTemp 0 C80.05 AI1 IOEC3 0.0692759 mA 80.06 AI2 IOEC3 6.16097 mA 80.07 AI3 IOEC3 5.96139 mA 80.08 AI4 IOEC3 0.0604256 mA 80.09 DI1-7 StatusIOEC3 480.10 DI8-14StatusIOEC3 480.11 DI StatusWord IO3 51680.12 AO1 IOEC3 20 mA80.13 AO2 IOEC3 3.99999 mA 80.14 DO1-6 StatusIOEC3 880.15 LoadBearTemp1 0 C80.16 LoadBearTemp2 0 C80.17 VibraSens1 0 % 80.18 VibraSens2 0 % 80.19 WtrCoolPress2 0 bar 80.20 WtrCoolPressDiff 0 barAN INPUT IOEC3:81.01 AutoOffsetCalib OFF81.02 AI1 HighValue IO3 2000 81.03 AI1 LowValue IO3 081.04 AI1 Minimum IO3 4mA/2V 81.05 AI1 Filter IO3 10 s81.06 AI1 Invert IO3 NO81.07 AI1 Offset IO3 0 mA 81.08 AI2 HighValue IO3 2000 81.09 AI2 LowValue IO3 081.10 AI2 Minimum IO3 4mA/2V 81.11 AI2 Filter IO3 10 s81.12 AI2 Invert IO3 NO81.13 AI2 Offset IO3 0 mA 81.14 AI3 HighValue IO3 2000 81.15 AI3 LowValue IO3 081.16 AI3 Minimum IO3 4mA/2V 81.17 AI3 Filter IO3 10 s81.18 AI3 Invert IO3 NO81.19 AI3 Offset IO3 0 mA 81.20 AI4 HighValue IO3 2000 81.21 AI4 LowValue IO3 081.22 AI4 Minimum IO3 4mA/2V 81.23 AI4 Filter IO3 10 s81.24 AI4 Invert IO3 NO81.25 AI4 Offset IO3 0 mA 81.26 AI1 Select IO3 t IO3 81.27 AI4 Select IO3 t IO3DIG INPUT IOEC3:82.01 DI1 Invert IO3 DIRECT 82.02 DI2 Invert IO3 DIRECT 82.03 DI4 Invert IO3 DIRECT 82.04 DI6 Invert IO3 DIRECT 82.05 DI8 Invert IO3 DIRECT 82.06 DI11 Invert IO3 DIRECTAN OUTPUT IOEC3:83.01 A01Group+IndexIO3 2301 83.02 A01 Invert IO3 NO83.03 A01 Minimum IO3 4 mA 83.04 A01 Filter IO3 0.1 s83.05 A01 Scale IO3 183.06 A02Group+IndexIO3 108 83.07 A02 Invert IO3 NO83.08 A02 Minimum IO3 4 mA83.09 A02 Filter IO3 0.1 s83.10 A02 Scale IO3 100DIG OUTPUT IOEC3:84.01 D01Group+IndexIO3 80784.02 D01 BitNumber IO3 084.03 D01 Invert IO3 DIRECT84.04 D02Group+IndexIO3 80484.05 D02 BitNumber IO3 1384.06 D02 Invert IO3 DIRECT84.07 D03Group+IndexIO3 80184.08 D03 BitNumber IO3 284.09 D03 Invert IO3 DIRECT84.10 D04Group+IndexIO3 80184.11 D04 BitNumber IO3 384.12 D04 Invert IO3 DIRECT84.13 D05Group+IndexIO3 80784.14 D05 BitNumber IO3 384.15 D05 Invert IO3 DIRECT84.16 D06Group+IndexIO3 80784.17 D06 BitNumber IO3 484.18 D06 Invert IO3 DIRECTACT SIGNALS IO4:85.01 PIDActualValue1 (Real) 85.02 PIDActualValue2 (Real) 85.03 MotorWdgTmpPhU2 (Real) 85.04 MotorWdgTmpPhV2 (Real) 85.05 MotorWdgTmpPhW2 (Real) 85.06 AI1 IOEC4 (Real) 85.07 AI2 IOEC4 (Real) 85.08 AI3 IOEC4 (Real) 85.09 AI4 IOEC4 (Real) 85.10 DI1-7 StatusIOEC4 (Integer16) 85.11 DI8-14StatusIOEC4 (Integer16) 85.12 DI StatusWord IO4 (Integer16) 85.13 AO1 IOEC (Real) 85.14 AO2 IOEC4 (Real) 85.15 D01-6 StatusIOEC4 (Integer16)AN INPUT IOEC4:86.01 AutoOffsetCalib (Boolean) 86.02 AI1 HighValue IO4 (Integer16) 86.03 AI1 LowValue IO4 (Integer16) 86.04 AI1 Minimum IO4 (Boolean) 86.05 AI1 Filter IO4 (Real)86.06 AI1 Invert IO4 (Boolean) 86.07 AI1 Offset IO4 (Real)86.08 AI2 HighValue IO4 (Integer16) 86.09 AI2 LowValue IO4 (Integer16) 86.10 AI2 Minimum IO4 (Boolean) 86.11 AI2 Filter IO4 (Real)86.12 AI2 Invert IO4 (Boolean) 86.13 AI2 Offset IO4 (Real)86.14 AI3 HighValue IO4 (Integer16) 86.15 AI3 LowValue IO4 (Integer16) 86.16 AI3 Minimum IO4 (Boolean) 86.17 AI3 Filter IO4 (Real)86.18 AI3 Invert IO4 (Boolean) 86.19 AI3 Offset IO4 (Real)86.20 AI4 HighValue IO4 (Integer16) 86.21 AI4 LowValue IO4 (Integer16) 86.22 AI4 Minimum IO4 (Boolean) 86.23 AI4 Filter IO4 (Real)86.24 AI4 Invert IO4 (Boolean) 86.25 AI4 Offset IO4 (Real)86.26 AI2 Select IO4 (Integer16)DIG INPUT IOEC4:87.01 DI1 Invert IO4 (Boolean) 87.02 DI4 Invert IO4 (Boolean)AN OUTPUT IOEC4:88.01 A01Group+IndexIO4 (Integer16) 88.02 A01 Invert IO4 (Boolean) 88.03 A01 Minimum IO4 (Integer16) 88.04 A01 Filter IO4 (Real)88.05 A01 Scale IO4 (Real)88.06 A02Group+IndexIO4 (Integer16) 88.07 A02 Invert IO4 (Boolean) 88.08 A02 Minimum IO4 (Integer16) 88.09 A02 Filter IO4 (Real)88.10 A02 Scale IO4 (Real)DIG OUTPUT IOEC4:89.01 D01Group+IndexIO4 (Integer16) 89.02 D01 BitNumber IO4 (Integer16) 89.03 D01 Invert IO4 (Boolean) 89.04 D02Group+IndexIO4 (Integer16) 89.05 D02 BitNumber IO4 (Integer16) 89.06 D02 Invert IO4 (Boolean) 89.07 D03Group+IndexIO4 (Integer16) 89.08 D03 BitNumber IO4 (Integer16) 89.09 D03 Invert IO4 (Boolean) 89.10 D04Group+IndexIO4 (Integer16) 89.11 D04 BitNumber IO4 (Integer16) 89.12 D04 Invert IO4 (Boolean) 89.13 D05Group+IndexIO4 (Integer16) 89.14 D05 BitNumber IO4 (Integer16) 89.15 D05 Invert IO4 (Boolean)89.16 D06Group+IndexIO4 (Integer16) 89.17 D06 BitNumber IO4 (Integer16) 89.18 D06 Invert IO4 (Boolean)D SET REC ADDR:90.01 D SET 1/10 V AL 1 (Integer16) 90.02 D SET 1/10 V AL 2 (Integer16) 90.03 D SET 1/10 V AL 3 (Integer16) 90.04 D SET 3/12 V AL 1 (Integer16) 90.05 D SET 3/12 V AL 2 (Integer16) 90.06 D SET 3/12 V AL 3 (Integer16) 90.07 D SET 5/14 V AL 1 (Integer16) 90.08 D SET 5/14 V AL 2 (Integer16) 90.09 D SET 5/14 V AL 3 (Integer16) 90.10 D SET 7/16 V AL 1 (Integer16) 90.11 D SET 7/16 V AL 2 (Integer16) 90.12 D SET 7/16 V AL 3 (Integer16)D SET TR ADDR:91.01 D SET 2/11 V AL 1 (Integer16) 91.02 D SET 2/11 V AL 2 (Integer16) 91.03 D SET 2/11 V AL 3 (Integer16) 91.04 D SET 4/13 V AL 1 (Integer16) 91.05 D SET 4/13 V AL 2 (Integer16) 91.06 D SET 4/13 V AL 3 (Integer16) 91.07 D SET 6/15 V AL 1 (Integer16) 91.08 D SET 6/15 V AL 2 (Integer16) 91.09 D SET 6/15 V AL 3 (Integer16) 91.10 D SET 8/17 V AL 1 (Integer16) 91.11 D SET 8/17 V AL 2 (Integer16) 91.12 D SET 8/17 V AL 3 (Integer16)D SET REC ADDR:92.01 D SET 18 V AL 1 (Integer16) 92.02 D SET 18 V AL 2 (Integer16) 92.03 D SET 18 V AL 3 (Integer16) 92.04 D SET 20 V AL 1 (Integer16) 92.05 D SET 20 V AL 2 (Integer16) 92.06 D SET 20 V AL 3 (Integer16) 92.07 D SET 22 V AL 1 (Integer16) 92.08 D SET 22 V AL 2 (Integer16) 92.09 D SET 22 V AL 3 (Integer16) 92.10 D SET 24 V AL 1 (Integer16) 92.11 D SET 24 V AL 2 (Integer16) 92.12 D SET 24 V AL 3 (Integer16) 92.13 D SET 26 V AL 1 (Integer16) 92.14 D SET 26 V AL 2 (Integer16) 92.15 D SET 26 V AL 3 (Integer16) 92.16 D SET 28 V AL 1 (Integer16) 92.17 D SET 28 V AL 2 (Integer16) 92.18 D SET 28 V AL 3 (Integer16) 92.19 D SET 30 V AL 1 (Integer16) 92.20 D SET 30 V AL 2 (Integer16) 92.21 D SET 30 V AL 3 (Integer16)D SET REC ADDR:93.01 D SET 32 V AL 1 (Integer16) 93.02 D SET 32 V AL 2 (Integer16) 93.03 D SET 32 V AL 3 (Integer16) 93.04 D SET 34 V AL 1 (Integer16) 93.05 D SET 34 V AL 2 (Integer16) 93.06 D SET 34 V AL 3 (Integer16) 93.07 D SET 36 V AL 1 (Integer16) 93.08 D SET 36 V AL 2 (Integer16) 93.09 D SET 36 V AL 3 (Integer16) 93.10 D SET 38 V AL 1 (Integer16) 93.11 D SET 38 V AL 2 (Integer16) 93.12 D SET 38 V AL 3 (Integer16) 93.13 D SET 50 V AL 1 (Integer16) 93.14 D SET 50 V AL 2 (Integer16) 93.15 D SET 50 V AL 3 (Integer16)D SET TR ADDR:94.01 D SET 19 V AL 1 (Integer16) 94.02 D SET 19 V AL 2 (Integer16) 94.03 D SET 19 V AL 3 (Integer16) 94.04 D SET 21 V AL 1 (Integer16) 94.05 D SET 21 V AL 2 (Integer16) 94.06 D SET 21 V AL 3 (Integer16) 94.07 D SET 23 V AL 1 (Integer16) 94.08 D SET 23 V AL 2 (Integer16) 94.09 D SET 23 V AL 3 (Integer16) 94.10 D SET 25 V AL 1 (Integer16) 94.11 D SET 25 V AL 2 (Integer16) 94.12 D SET 25 V AL 3 (Integer16) 94.13 D SET 27 V AL 1 (Integer16) 94.14 D SET 27 V AL 2 (Integer16) 94.15 D SET 27 V AL 3 (Integer16) 94.16 D SET 29 V AL 1 (Integer16) 94.17 D SET 29 V AL 2 (Integer16) 94.18 D SET 29 V AL 3 (Integer16) 94.19 D SET 31 V AL 1 (Integer16) 94.20 D SET 31 V AL 2 (Integer16) 94.21 D SET 31 V AL 3 (Integer16)D SET TR ADDR:95.01 D SET 33 V AL 1 (Integer16) 95.02 D SET 33 V AL 2 (Integer16) 95.03 D SET 33 V AL 3 (Integer16) 95.04 D SET 35 V AL 1 (Integer16)95.05 D SET 35 V AL 2 (Integer16) 95.06 D SET 35 V AL 3 (Integer16) 95.07 D SET 37 V AL 1 (Integer16) 95.08 D SET 37 V AL 2 (Integer16) 95.09 D SET 37 V AL 3 (Integer16) 95.10 D SET 39 V AL 1 (Integer16) 95.11 D SET 39 V AL 2 (Integer16) 95.12 D SET 39 V AL 3 (Integer16) 95.13 D SET 51 V AL 1 (Integer16) 95.14 D SET 51 V AL 2 (Integer16) 95.15 D SET 51 V AL 3 (Integer16)REAL TIME CLOCK:98.01 SetNewRealTime PANELSET OFF 98.02 SetValue Year 201098.03 SetValue Month 298.04 SetValue Day 598.05 SetValue Hours 1498.06 SetValue Minutes 398.07 SetValue Seconds 098.08 ActV alue Year 201098.09 ActV alue Month 298.10 ActV alue Day 698.11 ActValue Hours 1598.12 ActV alue Minutes 5398.13 ActV alue Seconds 11START-UP DATA:99.01 Language ENGLISH99.02 MotorNomV oltage 3300 V99.03 MotorNomCurrent 330 A99.04 MotorNomFreq 50 Hz99.05 MotorNomSpeed 1495 rpm99.06 MotorNomPower 1650 kW99.07 MotorCosPhi 0.8999.08 Motor ID Run NO99.09 Filter ID Run NO99.10 ControlMode DTC99.11 AplicationRestore NO99.12 Drive ID Number 099.13 ApplicationMacro NONE SEL99.14 ControlMode(DTC) Speed Ctrl。
Drive IT低压交流传动用户手册高性能矢量控制变频器ACS550-01 变频器(0.75…160 kW)ACS550 变频器相关手册通用手册ACS550-01/U1 用户手册 (0.75…160 kW)• 安全指南 • 安装 • 起动• 内置现场总线 • 现场总线适配器 • 诊断 • 维护•技术数据法兰安装指导组件 , IP21 / UL type 1 外形尺寸 编号FMK-A-R1 R1 100000982 FMK-A-R2 R2 100000984 FMK-A-R3 R3 100000986 FMK-A-R4 R4 100000988 AC8-FLNGMT-R51R5 ACS800-AC8-FLNGMT-R6 1R6PNTG01U-EN 1. 不适用于 ACS550-01 系列组件 , IP54 / UL type 12 外形尺寸 编号FMK-B-R1 R1 100000990 FMK-B-R2 R2 100000992 FMK-B-R3 R3 100000994 FMK-B-R4 R4100000996可选件手册( 手册和可选件一起发货 )MFDT-01 FlashDrop 用户手册 3AFE68591074 ( 英文 )OHDI-01 115/230 V 数字输入模块用户手册 3AUA0000003101 ( 英文 )OREL-01 继电器输出扩展模块用户手册 3AUA0000001935 ( 英文 )OTAC-01 脉冲编码器接口模块用户手册 3AUA0000001938 ( 英文 )RCAN-01 CANopen 总线适配器用户手册 3AFE64504231 ( 英文 )RCCL-01 CC-Link 总线适配器用户手册 3AUA0000061340 ( 英文 )RCNA-01 ControlNet 总线适配器用户手册 3AFE64506005 ( 英文 )RDNA-01 DeviceNet 总线适配器用户手册 3AFE64504223 ( 英文 )RECA-01 EtherCAT 总线适配器用户手册 3AUA0000043520 ( 英文 )REPL-01 Ethernet POWERLINK 总线适配器用户手册3AUA0000052289 ( 英文 )ACS550 User’s Manual2010ABB 版权所有RETA-01 Ethernet 总线适配器用户手册3AFE64539736 ( 英文 )RETA-02 Ethernet 总线适配器用户手册3AFE68895383 ( 英文 )RLON-01 LonWorks 总线适配器用户手册3AFE64798693 ( 英文 )RPBA-01 PROFIBUS-DP 总线适配器用户手册3AFE64504215 ( 英文 )R ET A-01 Ethernet 总线适配器用户手册3AUA0000042896 ( 英文 )技术目录•安全•安装•起动•故障诊断•技术数据维护手册ACS50, ACS55, ACS150, ACS310, ACS320,ACS350, ACS550, ACH550 电解电容重整指导3AFE68735190 ( 英文 )CANopen 为 CAN 公司所持有的注册商标。
ABB变频器现场调试步骤ABB变频器现场调试步骤一、检查变频器接线1 检查变频器输入线输出线有没有接颠倒。
线路接颠倒,将烧毁变频器元件2 检查变频器外接斩波器或外接制动电阻外接斩波器,变频器的接线端子(UDC+,UDC-)外接制动电阻,变频器的接线端子(R+,R-)内置斩波器时,制动电阻悟接到(UDC+,UDC-)时,将烧毁变频器内充电电阻3 检查变频器输入点(+24V)与控制屏内的交流电是否短路。
4 如果变频器带编码器,编码器线路先不要投入。
二电机辩识(以起升宏CRANE为例)1 记录电机名牌参数。
2 电机的机械接手拖开(stardard方式)3 变频器上电4 更改10.1=INTERNAL如果不设此参数, 辩识过程中报BRAKE FLT故障5 更改16.09=OFF如果不设此参数, 辩识过程中报DC UNDERVOLT故障6 传动必须处于LOCAL模式99.02=CRANE99.03=NO99.04=DTC99.05,06,07,08,09=电机铭牌99.10=stardard方式7 参见ACC固件手册电机辩识部分进行参数辩识.三以实验室ACS800变频器为例,结合实验室图纸,参数设置列表.通讯方式参数设置参数号设定值含义备注解释小车10start/stop/dir起动/停止/方向外部控制地10.01COMM.CW ext1 start/stop/dir设定ext1 的信号源10.02NOT SEL ext2 start/stop/dir ext2 的信号源10.03REQUEST direction设定旋转方向选定11reference select给定选择11.01REF1(rpm) keypad ref sel有效键盘给定的选择11.02EXT1 ext1/ext2 select外部控制地选择输入3COMM REF14relay outputs继电器输出14.01COMM.REF relay ro1 output零速信号14.02COMM.REF relay ro2 output电流输出14.03COMM.REF relay ro3 output故障信号输出16system ctr inputs系统控制输入16.01COMM CW3 run enable运行允许输入16.02OPEN16.03230316.04COMM CW7 fault reset sel故障复位输入16.05NOT SEL16.06OFF16.07DONE20limits极限20.01-1000 rpm minimum speed设定运行范围最小速度20.021000 rpm maximum speed设定运行范围最大速度20.03200% maximum current?20.04200% maximum torque?20.05OFF overvoltage ctrl20.06OFF undervoltage ctrl直流欠压控制器20.09-MAXTORQ20.1-300%21start/stop起动/停止21.01AUTO start function起动功能选择(自动)21.02300MS21.03RAMP stop function停机功能故障21.04NO21.055RPM21.0630%22accel/decel加速/减速22.01ACC/DEC1 acc/dec 1/2 sel加/减速积分变化率选择22.02 3.0s accel time 1加速积分变化率122.03 3.0S decel time 1减速积分变化率122.042S22.052S2727.01brake chopper ON 激活制动斩波器功能32supervision监视32.01abs low lim speed1 function速度1监视逻辑32.02100rpm speed1 limit QS速度1监视值32.05HIGH LIMIT current function 电流1监视逻辑32.061A current limit 电流监视值51与98组关联51.01READ_ONLY MODULE TYPE51.02 5 Node address 通讯地址51.03 1.5MBIT/S Baud rate 通讯波特率51.04PPO5 PPO TYPE51.05PZD3 OUT51.06105 PZD3 IN 变频器发送数据转矩实际值51.07PZD4 OUT51.08104 PZD4 IN 变频器发送数据电机电流51.09PZD5 OUT51.10A107 PZD5 IN 变频器发送数据直流母线电压51.11PZD6 OUT51.12314 PZD6 IN 变频器发送数据辅助状态字4 51.13PZD7 OUT51.14PZD7 IN 变频器发送数据51.15PZD8 OUT51.16PZD8 IN 变频器发送数据92与98组关联92.01302 Main DS STATUS WORD 状态字92.02102 Main DS ACT1 速度实际值92.03105 MAIN DS ACT2 转矩实际值92.04104 AUX DS ACT3 电机电流92.05107 AUX DS ACT4 直流母线电压98option modules可选模块98.01YES encoder module与50组关联设置时应先设98.02FIELDBUS COMM MODULE98.03NO DI/O EXT MODULE 198.04NO DI/O EXT MODULE 298.05NO DI/O EXT MODULE 398.06NO AI/O EXT MODULE98.07generic drive COMM INTERFACE99start -up data电机起动数据99.01ENGLISH language 设定选择语言99.02FACTORY appliction macro设定选择应用宏99.03NO applic restore设定99.04DTC motor ctrl mode设定电机控制模式99.05motor nom voltage设定额定电压(电机铭牌值)99.06motor nom current设定额定电流(电机铭牌值)99.07motor nom freq设定额定频率99.08motor nom speed设定额定速度(电机铭牌值)99.09motor nom power设定额定功率(电机铭牌值)通讯方式特别注意事项1 当选用RPBA-01通讯模块时,98.07参数必须设定为GENERIC DIRVES2 PZD IN表示变频器输出数据,从变频器到现场总线控制器的数据必须设定在51组参数中,92组可不设定3 通讯地址由变频器上地址选择钮决定.同时设定51.02中参数.4 通讯控制时,程序里控制字第2,3,5,6,7,10位必须恒为1.继电器方式参数设置参数号设定值含义备注解释小车10start/stop/dir起动/停止/方向外部控制地10.01DI1F DI2R ext1 start/stop/dir设定ext1 的信号源10.02NOT SEL ext2 start/stop/dir ext2 的信号源10.03REQUEST direction设定旋转方向选定11reference select给定选择11.01REF1(rpm) keypad ref sel有效键盘给定的选择11.02EXT1 ext1/ext2 select外部控制地选择输入3AI112constant speeds恒定速度12.01DI4,5,6 const speed sel恒速选择12.02100rpm const speed 1恒速112.03300rpm const speed 2恒速212.04500rpm const speed 3恒速312.05800rpm const speed 4恒速414relay outputs继电器输出14.01SPEED 1 LIM relay ro1 output零速信号14.02CURRENT LIM relay ro2 output电流输出14.03FAULT relay ro3 output故障信号输出16system ctr inputs系统控制输入16.01YES run enable运行允许输入16.02OPEN16.03230316.04DI3 fault reset sel故障复位输入16.05NOT SEL16.06OFF16.07DONE20limits极限20.01-1000 rpm minimum speed设定运行范围最小速度20.021000 rpm maximum speed设定运行范围最大速度20.03200% maximum current?20.04200% maximum torque?20.05OFF overvoltage ctrl20.06OFF undervoltage ctrl直流欠压控制器20.09-MAXTORQ20.1-300%21start/stop起动/停止21.01AUTO start function起动功能选择(自动)21.02300MS21.03RAMP stop function停机功能故障21.04NO21.055RPM21.0630%22accel/decel加速/减速22.01ACC/DEC1 acc/dec 1/2 sel加/减速积分变化率选择22.02 3.0s accel time 1加速积分变化率122.03 3.0S decel time 1减速积分变化率122.042S22.052S2727.01brake chopper ON 激活制动斩波器功能32supervision监视32.01ABS LOW LIM speed1 function速度1监视逻辑32.02100rpm speed1 limit QS速度1监视值32.05HIGH LIMIT current function 电流1监视逻辑32.061A current limit 电流监视值98option modules可选模块98.01YES encoder module与50组关联设置时应先设99start -up data电机起动数据99.01ENGLISH language 设定选择语言99.02FACTORY appliction macro设定选择应用宏99.03NO applic restore设定99.04DTC motor ctrl mode设定电机控制模式99.05motor nom voltage设定额定电压(电机铭牌值)99.06motor nom current设定额定电流(电机铭牌值)99.07motor nom freq设定额定频率99.08motor nom speed设定额定速度(电机铭牌值)99.09motor nom power设定额定功率(电机铭牌值)四试运行,常出现故障1 变频器报BRAKE FLT 故障时,参见故障信息,常见原因制动器确认信号没有送到变频器中。
注意事项ACS 1000变频器是中压传动产品,因此在对其进行操作和维护时必须依据ACS 1000用户手册,以保证人身安全和设备安全。
1.在对变频器、变压器和电机进行操作和维护之前,必须确保ACS 1000变频器前门上黄色指示亮起并且接地开关处在接地状态。
2.只有ACS 1000变频器前门上黄色指示亮起后,才可以操作接地开关。
请查阅ACS 1000用户手册中的故障列表,有任何疑问请与ABB联系。
操作规程有关详细的变频器操作规程请参阅ACS 1000 用户手册。
6.充电一分钟后,按控制盘上的LOC/REM键选择控制模式;7.在本地控制模式,按REF键设置速度给定值;在远程控制模式,速度给定值由现场电位器(EXT. 1)或DCS(EXT. 2)给定;通过选择开关或通讯选择EXT. 1和EXT.2。
ONE KEEP VIEW ABB变频器调试与设置详解目录CATALOGUE•变频器基本概念与原理•ABB 变频器产品介绍•调试前准备工作与注意事项•基本参数设置方法与技巧分享•高级功能应用与优化配置建议•常见问题排查与解决方案汇总PART01变频器基本概念与原理变频器定义及作用变频器定义变频器是利用电力半导体器件的通断作用将工频电源变换为另一频率的电能控制装置。
PART02 ABB变频器产品介绍03ACS380系列经济型变频器,适用于简单调速和节能应用,具有紧凑的设计和易用性。
ABB 变频器系列概述调速范围高控制精度确保设备稳定运行,提高生产效率。
挤压机a c s1000变频器操作规程-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN挤压机变频器操作规程1设备性能参数及功能挤压机变压器铭牌规格参数相位: 3频率: 50HZ额定功率-HV: 1604kVA额定功率-LV1: 802kVA额定功率-LV2:802kVA额定高电压: 10000V额定低电压1: 1903V额定低电压2: 1903V额定电流 HV:额定电流 LV1:额定电流 LV2:接线组别: Dd0y11LI耐压(HV/LV): 75/40KVAC耐压(HV/LV): 28/10KV%IZ HZ-LV1/LV2: %防护等级: IP54重量: 7050KG执行标准: IEC 60076-11型号: 1LKR131864变频器铭牌型号参数额定输入电压 1903 V额定输入电流 137 A额定输入频率 50 Hz最大允许电流 15 KA,1s额定输出电压 0…3300 V额定输出电流 200 A额定输出频率 60 Hz输出频率范围 0…66 Hz成套装置系统用电负荷简介挤压机变频器主要供EXM-0701挤压机使用,EXM-0701挤压机电机功率为1661KW,用电负荷约1661KW。
设备铭牌参数型号:AMD 500L6R BABFM 防爆等级:EX d ib II B T4环境温度:-20..+℃防护等级:IP55接线方式:3~Y 重量:8000KG逆变器参数设置功率:1661KW电压:3300V电流:340A频率:56HZ转速:1117rpm功率因数:TRN=2536msT max=变频器电源:446 1300 1300 KW885 3300 3300 V350 280 262 APF56 79 HZ300 1117 1575 rpm设备组成、原理简介变频器柜门元器件S5151 急停按钮位柜门下方紧急情况下停车按钮H5152 黄色指示灯位于柜门中间允许地刀合闸指示灯S5152 ON line 白色按钮指示灯位于柜门中间送电时用于远控合闸挤压机整流变中压柜BH10 EX-0701 LTR9断路器1208(中压柜已打至远方位)完成变频柜送电S5153 Offline 白色按钮指示灯位于柜门中间H5151/A5152 Acs1000变频器操作显示控制面板位于柜门中间上方配合显示设置变频器参数等变频器柜内元器件G5052菲尼克斯电源模块位于柜内上方用于控制回路输出用24VDC电源使用G5051菲尼克斯电源模块位于柜内下方用于控制回路输出用24VDC电源使用Q5052断路器开关位于柜内中间用于G5052电源模块供电开关Q5051断路器开关位于柜内中间用于G5051电源模块供电开关Q5073 24v隔离变压器位于柜内下方用于将380V变24V风扇控制电源S7041门禁限位开关位于柜内上方用于配合柜门H7041,H7042照明Q7041断路器开关位于柜内中间用于H7041,H7042照明用电开关A5171 控制AMC板、A5191控制IOEC板均位于柜内中间A5181逆变器控制板位于柜内中间用于控制逆变器整体工作原理EXM-0701挤压机变频器柜已送电备妥且工艺条件满足,由工艺DCS发出启动信号至变频器柜X700端子排上到变频器柜内控制板A5201 X11,由控制板A5201发出合闸命令到K5321线圈得电,K5321挤压机高压开关合闸EXM-0701挤压机主电机得电运行。
ABBACS 1000Medium Voltage Drives315 – 5000 kW400 – 6200 hpCommissioning ManualDocument No.: 3HBS210669 ZAB E01 Rev.-Issued 13-10-2006ABB ABB reserves all rights to this document, also in the event of patent issueor registration of any other industrial property protection right. Misuse, in particular duplication and forwarding to third parties, is not permitted. This document has been checked with due care and attention. However,should the user find any errors, these should be reported to ABB. ABB aims to maintain the most modern standard, therefore, entries in this manual may differ from the actual product.ABBTable of ContentsChapter 1 -Overview (5)1.1.Safety (5)1.2.Scope of Commissioning (5)1.3.Reports (6)1.4.Related Documents and Parameter References (6)1.5.Tools (6)Chapter 2 -Precommissioning Check List (7)2.1.Office Preparations (7)2.2.Scope of Delivery (8)2.3.Pre-Conditions for Commissioning (8)Chapter 3 -Inspection of Installation (11)3.1.MCB (11)3.2.Transformer (ACS 1000i: N.A.) (11)3.3.Converter Room (12)3.4.Converter (13)3.5.Ground Connections (14)3.6.Motor (14)Chapter 4 -Safety (15)Chapter 5 -Connecting Auxiliary Supply to the Converter (17)5.1.EPS Auxiliary Power Supply (17)5.2.Phoenix Auxiliary Power Supply (18)5.3.Checking Of Auxiliary Backup Batteries (21)Chapter 6 -Commissioning of the Cooling System (23)6.1.Water-Cooled ACS 1000 (23)6.1.1.Checking the Internal and External Cooling Circuits (23)6.1.2.Filling Up the Internal Cooling Circuit (24)6.1.3.Functional Test of the Redundant Fan (24)6.2.Air-Cooled ACS 1000 and ACS 1000i (24)Chapter 7 -Insulation Resistance Measurements (27)7.1.Preparations (27)7.2.External MCB (27)7.3.Internal MCB (only ACS 1000i) (28)7.4.Transformer (28)7.5.Converter (Standard Air- and Water-Cooled ACS 1000) (30)7.6.Converter (ACS 1000i) (33)Chapter 1 - Overview ABB 7.7.Motor (35)7.8.Power Cables (36)Chapter 8 -Preparing the System (37)8.1.MCB and Protection Relay (37)8.2.Transformer (37)8.3.Converter (38)8.3.1.Standard Hardware (38)8.3.2.Optional Hardware (40)8.3.3.Customer Parameters (40)8.3.4.Motor Parameters in Group 99 And 112 (40)8.3.5.Testing of the MCB Control and the Tripping Loop (43)8.3.6.Testing of I/O’s (45)8.3.7.Testing of Fieldbus-Communication (45)8.4.Motor (45)Chapter 9 -Energizing, First Start and Load Test (47)9.1.Energizing the Converter (47)9.2.First Start (50)9.3.Load Test (51)9.4.Testing of Ride Through and Auto Restart Functions (51)9.4.1.Main Power Ride Through (51)9.4.2.Auxiliary Power Ride Through (52)9.4.3.Auto Restart (53)Chapter 10 -Final Work (55)10.1.Spare Parts (55)10.2.Customer Training (55)10.3.Parameter Backup (55)10.3.1.Saving Parameters and System Software using DriveWindow (56)10.3.2.Saving Parameters and System Software using DriveDebug (59)10.4.Customer Approval (63)10.5.Customer Documentation (63)10.6.Documentation and Back-up Copies for Supportline (63)10.6.1.Supportline Contact Information (64)ABB Chapter 1 - OverviewChapter 1 - OverviewThe purpose of the manual is to assist in commissioning the ACS 1000frequency converter. It includes necessary instructions, practical hints andreferences to related documentation to successfully commission theconverter and the related equipment as needed for the application.NOTICE!Commissioning of the converter may only be carried out by personnelwho have been certified at “expert” or “master” level by the ProductResponsible Unit.1.1. SafetyThe safety instructions in this manual, in the User’s Manual and the localsafety regulations must be observed to maintain safety to all thoseinvolved in commissioning the drive system.DANGER!Working on energized equipment can be a life hazard.Mechanical forces, electric shock and burn can cause severe injuries ordeath.Safety related work practices must be followed at all times.Take appropriate measures when working on the drive system.1.2. ScopeofCommissioningNormally, the commissioning engineer is only responsible for theconverter. If agreed by contract, the commissioning engineer can take onthe commissioning of:•Motor,•Transformer,•MCB,•Protection relays,•External devises (actuators, sensors etc.).Chapter 1 - Overview ABB1.3. ReportsDuring commissioning, the Commissioning Report and the Field ServiceReport and must be filled in. Templates of the documents are available onthe MV AC Drives Portal.1.4. Related Documents and Parameter ReferencesThe following manuals and specifications provide information on the driveequipment:•ACS 1000 User’s Manual,•WCU Operation and Maintenance Manual,•Signal and Parameter Table,•Main Circuit Breaker Specification and Application Note,•Tripping Loop Application Note,•Power Cable Specification,•Main Transformer Specification,•Motor Specification,•ACS 1000 Service and Maintenance Manual.When third-party equipment is included in the scope of commissioningsee also:•Main circuit breaker manual,•Transformer manual,•Motor manual.1.5. Tools•Toolbox with normal tools like screwdrivers, spanners etc.•Torque spanner 10 - 75 Nm for hexagon head screws M6 to M12•Personal computer with NDPA-02 PCMCIA-card, NDPC-12 opticaltransmitter / receiver, optical fiber cables and DriveWindows orDriveDebug•Multimeter with test wires and clips, for example Fluke 87• 5 kV Megger, for example AVO BM11D•Water pump equipped with hoses and ISO-R½ female connector, forexample Wolfcraft 2200 3000 L/H (PartsOnline code 09811402)ABB Chapter 2 - Precommissioning Check ListChapter 2 - Precommissioning Check List2.1. OfficePreparationsFor an efficient commissioning, make sure that the following items arecompleted before travelling to site:•Copy of field service report•Copy of commissioning report•Copy of converter documentation•Information about the scope of delivery•Information about SW and EPLD updates 1 and 3•Special tuning instructions for converter 1•Information on possible converter upgrades 1•Setting values for motor parameters (equivalent circuit of the motor)•Commissioning program (to be agreed with customer) •Needed tools 2•Suitable megger for insulation test 2•Digital camera•(Spare parts for commissioning)1 Contact MV AC Supportline for information, see chapter 10.6.1Supportline Contact information2 See chapter 1.5 Tools3 Preprogrammed EPLD’s have to be ordered from PartsOnline,delivering of the ordered part can take several days depending on where it has to be deliveredChapter 2 - Precommissioning Check List ABB ofDelivery2.2. ScopeAfter receiving the converter and related equipment, the customer isasked to check all items against the bill of material and for shippingdamages. Missing parts should be reported immediately to the carrier andthe project responsible ABB organization. All claims for damage shouldbe made to the carrier and ABB should be notified.To avoid unnecessary delay of the commissioning, the commissioningengineer must assure himself that the equipment is complete and intact.It is recommended practice to photograph damaged equipment and sendthe photographs to ABB and the carrier.2.3. Pre-Conditions for CommissioningIn order to ensure an uncomplicated and fast commissioning, it isimportant that the converter and associated equipment are ready forcommissioning. Reviewing and completing the items in the below listbefore the commissioning engineer arrives on site will help to achievethis.1. Mechanical Installation of the Converter•Converter is securely fixed to the floor•Customer side raw water piping is completed and the pipesare connected to the converter•Raw water supply is ready2. Electrical Installation of the Converter•All control cables going into the converter are connected,appropriately labelled and the customer side connections arecompleted•Types and cross sections of control cables are suitable forthe signal type and signal level•Types and cross section of power cables are selectedaccording to the “ABB power cable specification”•Ground cable of converter is tightened on both ends•Transformer and motor cables are not fastened at both ends(cables and converter must be meggered before connection)ABB Chapter 2 - Precommissioning Check List3. Main Circuit Breaker (MCB)•The MCB is selected as per “ABB MCB specification”•High voltage power connections are completed•The MCB is ready to be tested with the converter•The MCB protection relay settings are set and tested•Safety devices (door locks etc.) are tested and in operation4. Converter Transformer•Grounding is completed•Transformer auxiliaries (dehydrating breathers, cooling,protection devices) are ready•Safety devices (door looks etc.) are tested and in operation4. Motor•Motor is installed, aligned and alignment protocol is available•Grounding is completed•Motor auxiliaries (bearing lubrication, space heater, coolingetc.) are ready5. Megger Tests•All power cables to converter transformer, between convertertransformer and converter and between converter and motorare meggered and the measured values are within therequired limits•Test report of the megger test is availableIf the test is carried out by the converter commissioningengineer, one additional day per converter-motor combinationneeds to be reserved. After the test, the mains cables can beconnected, except at the converter end. The test must complywith the specification (5 kV / 60 seconds).Chapter 2 - Precommissioning Check List ABB6. Power•Medium voltage is available for start-up of the converter•Low voltage auxiliary power is available for start-up of theconverter7. Miscellaneous•Sufficient number and correct type of spare parts are available•Sufficient quantity of deionised water is available •Air conditioning of drive room is ready for load run of converter•Optional equipment (chiller unit etc.) is readyABB Chapter 3 - Inspection of InstallationChapter 3 - Inspection of InstallationIn order to achieve a trouble-free commissioning, it is mandatory that theinstallation, including third-party equipment, is inspected.The status of the installation is checked and it is verified that converterand related equipment are as specified for the application and have beeninstalled according to the installation instructions and the applicablesafety regulations.Checking the installation is performed with the guidance of theCommissioning Report. Equipment data asked for in the report must beobtained and noted in the corresponding sections of the report.If further information on the equipment is required, the applicabledocumentation of the manufacturers should be consulted.3.1. MCBCheck that the main circuit breaker is installed properly according to thelocal requirements and according to the instructions in the MCBdocumentation. Pay special attention to the following:•Ambient conditions,•MCB power circuit connections,•MCB grounding connections,•MCB auxiliary voltage supply,•Interface cabling between the MCB and the ACS 1000,•Prevention of local control.The local control of the MCB must be inhibited; all external controls tothe MCB must go through the ACS 1000.ACS 1000i: N.A. in case the MCB is installed in the converter.3.2. Transformer (ACS 1000i: N.A.)Check that the transformer is installed properly according to localrequirements and according to the instructions in the transformerdocumentation. Pay special attention to:•Ambient conditions,•Transformer power circuit connections,•All connections must be done with appropriate ends,Chapter 3 - Inspection of Installation ABB•Cables and busbars must have sufficient cross-sections inaccordance with load current,•Sharp bends in high-voltage conductors must be avoided,•Minimum clearances between phase-to-phase and phase-to-earthparts must always be observed (this includes also the distances fromcables to windings),•All connections must be tight and mechanically secure, it isrecommended to use a torque-wrench when tightening bolts forelectrical connections (see Table 3-1),Table 3-1 Recommended tightening torques for different bolt sizesBolt size Tightening torqueNmM6 6 (9)NmM8 15 (22)M10 30 (44)NmNmM12 50 (75)NmM16 120 (190)•Transformer grounding connections,•Make sure that transformer secondary power circuit protective shieldconnections are made according to recommendations (both endsconnected to ground),•The transformer frame must be connected to the protectivegrounding system,•Interface cabling between the transformer and the ACS 1000.Room3.3. ConverterWhen inspecting the converter room, attention must be paid to thefollowing:•Building work must be finished in the converter room.•The converter room must be clean (free of dust) and dry.•Air filters must be in place.•Air conditioning must be available latest when the converter will beoperated continuously.If the condition of the converter room hampers effective commissiong, thecustomer and the responsible ABB project engineer must be informedimmediately.Cleanness of the converter room should be checked several times duringcommissioning.ABB Chapter 3 - Inspection of Installation3.4. ConverterThe inspection includes the mechanical and electrical installation of theconverter. By visually checking the converter, the commissioningengineer obtains an overview of the condition of the converter and canreact in time if corrections have to be made.Useful information on the requirements for the installation site is written inthe User’s Manual of the converter, Chapter 3 - Mechanical Installationand Appendix C – Mechanical Drawings.If the installation of the converter has not been carried out as required orthe condition of the converter hampers effective commissiong, thecustomer and the responsible ABB project engineer must be informedimmediately.When inspecting the converter, the checklist below can be used as aguide. Depending on the configuration of the converter and applicableoptions, there might be less or more check items. Always see suppliedparts list, mechanical and electrical drawings for reference.Check List•Installation and damages of components.•Cable openings should be closed to avoid dust entering into thecabinets.•Foreign parts, dust and moisture must not be present in the convertercabinets.It is very important that there is no dust and moisture inside thecabinets. Dust and moisture weaken the busbar insulation. Dusttends to build up on air-cooling elements, thus impairing cooling.•Converter doors must open and close easily.If the doors cannot be opened and closed properly, the alignment ofthe converter must be checked and corrected.•Floor fixings must be mounted.The mounting holes are indicated in Appendix C- Layout Drawing inthe User’s Manual of the converter.•Cooling water connections must be made.Information on the flange sizes or project specific features are shownin Appendix C- Layout Drawing in the User’s Manual of the converter.•Termination and routing of power cables.All cable connections between converter and transformer andbetween converter and motor are shown in Appendix D – ElectricalDrawings in the User’s Manual of the converter. Project specific cableentries are indicated in Appendix C – Mechanical Drawings in theUser’s Manual of the converter.Chapter 3 - Inspection of Installation ABBIMPORTANT!Power cables must not be connected at the converter before theinsulation resistance of the converter and the motor have beenmeasured.Ground connections must be carried out carefully to prevent that highpotentials will occur in any parts, which can be touched easily.Inspection of ground connections includes the following:•The converter must be connected to the ground system of the factory(system ground).•The shields of all power cables must be connected to the groundbusbar.•The cross section of the cable shields must be in accordance with thePower Cable Specification.3.6. MotorThe motor area must be cleaned so that it is safe to run the motor. Allwaste that can come in contact with the shaft or the cooling air inlets mustbe removed.The motor installation includes the piping of lubrication and water-coolingsystem and the alignment of the motor. An alignment protocol must beavailable on site.The motor frame must be connected to the ground network of the plant.For more details see instructions of the motor manufacturer.ABB Chapter 4 - SafetyChapter 4 - SafetyBefore power is applied to the converter, it must be checked that allcovers are back in place so that voltage-carrying parts cannot be touchedaccidentally. Interlocks, which prevent that medium and high voltage unitscan be accessed accidentally, must be in operation.•Protection covers inside the converter must be refitted.If covers have to be removed for measuring purposes, appropriatesafety signs and temporary barriers must be installed and personnelinvolved in the commissioning must be informed.•Cabinet door locks must be checked.The doors should be kept closed whenever possible. This also helpsto keep the cabinets clean.Door keys should only be given to persons who take part in thecommissioning.•All openings of the motor must be closed and shaft covers must beinstalled.The area around the motor must be cordoned off to preventaccidents during the uncoupled motor tests.•All covers of power cable terminals or terminal boxes in theconverter, motor, transformer and MCB must be closed.•Open transformer and motor cable ends must be tied together andproperly grounded.Chapter 4 - Safety ABBABBChapter 5 - Connecting Auxiliary Supply to the ConverterChapter 5 - Connecting Auxiliary Supply to the ConverterFor the next steps, auxiliary voltage is needed.The auxiliary power supply can be made according to two different concepts in the ACS 1000. • With EPS-board (old concept).•With Phoenix power supply modules (new concept).5.1. EPS Auxiliary Power SupplyWhen the ACS 1000 is equipped with EPS-board(s), it is supplied with one common 3-phase 400, 480 or 575 VAC (other voltages asengineered option) auxiliary supply for the control electronics and the cooling system.Procedure for switching on the auxiliary voltage: 4 Make sure that the protection switches Q1, Q11, Q12, Q13, Q14 and all optional switches are off.5Check the settings of the protection switches Q1, Q11, Q12, Q13 and Q14 (see Table 5-1 and Table 5-2).The settings for all other switches are project specific.Table 5-1 Settings for protection switches (ACS 1000A)Frame sizeA1 A2 / A3Supply Frequency [Hz] 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 HzQ1 (control) 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94Q11 (fan 1)4.25 4.25 7.30 6.87 400 Q12 (fan 2)4.25 4.25 7.30 6.87 Q1 (control) N.A. 0.78 N.A. 0.78Q11 (fan 1)N.A. 3.54 N.A. 5.73 480 Q12 (fan 2)N.A. 3.54 N.A. 5.73 Q1 (control) N.A. 0.65 N.A. 0.65Q11 (fan 1)N.A. 2.95 N.A. 4.78 AuxiliarySupply Voltage[V]575 Q12 (fan 2) N.A. 2.95 N.A. 4.78Chapter 5 - Connecting Auxiliary Supply to the ConverterABBTable 5-2 Settings for protection switches (ACS 1000W)Frame sizeW1 W2 / W3Supply Frequency [Hz]50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz Q1 (control) 1.62 1.62 1.62 1.62 Q11 (pump 1)4.10 4.50 4.10 4.50 Q12 (pump 2)4.10 4.50 4.10 4.50 Q13 (fan 1) 2.61 3.10 2.61 3.10 400 Q14 (fan 2) 2.61 3.10 2.61 3.10 Q1 (control) N.A. 1.35 N.A 1.35 Q11 (pump 1)N.A 4.20 N.A 4.20 Q12 (pump 2)N.A 4.20 N.A 4.20 Q13 (fan 1)N.A 2.59 N.A 2.59 480 Q14 (fan 2) N.A 2.59 N.A 2.59 Q1 (control) N.A 1.12 N.A 1.12 Q11 (pump 1)N.A 3.50 N.A 3.50 Q12 (pump 2)N.A 3.50 N.A 3.50 Q13 (fan 1) N.A 2.16 N.A 2.16 AuxiliarySupply Voltage [V] 575 Q14 (fan 2)N.A 2.16 N.A 2.166 Check that the voltage selection in the 3-phase auxiliary transformer T1 is correct selected for each phase.7Check that the 3-phase auxiliary voltage supplied from customer side is within tolerance and write down the value (can be measured from terminal X10).8 Switch on the auxiliary voltage to the converter control electronics with the circuit breaker Q1.9Check that the 24 VAC auxiliary voltages at the transformer secondary are correct in all three phases.10 Check that the 32 VAC auxiliary voltages at the transformersecondary are correct in all three phases. 11 Check that the output voltage of the EPS-board(s) are ok (27 VDC,27 VAC and +/- 20 VDC). 12 Check that both the yellow and green LED’s on all subprints on bothGUSP-units (Gate Unit power Supply) are on.5.2. Phoenix Auxiliary Power SupplyWhen the ACS 1000 is equipped with Phoenix auxiliary power supplies, the supply can be arranged different ways. The exact configuration can be checked from position 18 in the typecode.A External 3-phase supply and external 1-phase safe line for control.B External 3-phase supply and internal UPS.ABBChapter 5 - Connecting Auxiliary Supply to the ConverterD Internal 3-phase supply and external 1-phase supply (no safe line) forcontrol and internal back-up battery. E Internal 3-phase supply and internal 1-phase supply for control andinternal back-up battery. F Only available for 575 VAC 3-phase supply.IMPORTANT!Configurations A and B are only available for 400 VAC / 480 VAC 3-phase supply.Configurations D and E are only available for ACS 1000i with 60Hz supply network.Procedure for switching on the auxiliary voltage: 1 Make sure that the switch S5001 (in configration E only) is in position 1 (i.e. the external commissioning auxiliary power supply is used). 2 Make sure that the protection switches Q5051, Q5052, Q5073, Q5021, Q5022, Q5023, Q5024 and all optional switches are off. 3 Check the settings of all protection switches (see Table 5-3, Table 5-4, Table 5-5 and Table 5-6).Table 5-3 Settings for protection switches (control hardware supply)1P- Auxiliary SupplyVoltage [V]3P- Auxiliary SupplyVoltage [V]120 230 400 480Q5052 (control) N.A. N.A. 1.6 1.4 Q5073 (aux. trans.)1 0.5 0.3 / 0.85* 0.25 / 0.7**if ACS 1000i with intergrated contactor and configuration BTable 5-4 Settings for protection switches (ACS 1000A)Frame sizeA1 A2 / A3Supply Frequency (Hz)50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz Q5021 (fan 1)4.25 4.25 7.30 6.87 400Q5023 (fan 2) 4.25 4.25 7.30 6.87 Q5021 (fan 1)N.A. 3.54 N.A. 5.73 480Q5023 (fan 2) N.A. 3.54 N.A. 5.73 Q5021 (fan 1)N.A. 2.95 N.A. 4.78 Auxiliary SupplyVoltage [V]575Q5023 (fan 2)N.A. 2.95 N.A. 4.78Chapter 5 - Connecting Auxiliary Supply to the ConverterABBTable 5-5 Settings for protection switches (ACS 1000W)Frame sizeW1 W2 / W3Supply Frequency (Hz)50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz Q5021 (pump 1) 4.10 4.50 4.10 4.50 Q5023 (pump 2)4.10 4.50 4.10 4.50 Q5022 (fan 1) 2.61 3.10 2.61 3.10 400Q5024 (fan 2) 2.61 3.10 2.61 3.10 Q5021 (pump 1) N.A 4.20 N.A 4.20 Q5023 (pump 2)N.A 4.20 N.A 4.20 Q5022 (fan 1) N.A 2.59 N.A 2.59 480Q5024 (fan 2) N.A 2.59 N.A 2.59 Q5021 (pump 1) N.A 3.50 N.A 3.50 Q5023 (pump 2)N.A 3.50 N.A 3.50 Q5022 (fan 1) N.A 2.16 N.A 2.16 Auxiliary SupplyVoltage [V]575Q5024 (fan 2)N.A 2.16 N.A 2.16Table 5-6 Settings for protection switches (ACS 1000i)Frame sizeA1 A2 / A3Supply Frequency (Hz)50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz Q5021 (fan 1) 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 Q5022 (fan 2)5.73 5.73 5.73 5.73 Q5023 (fan 3) 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 400Q5024 (fan 4) 5.73 5.73 5.73 5.73 Q5021 (fan 1) N.A 3.54 N.A 3.54 Q5022 (fan 2)N.A 3.54 N.A 5.73 Q5023 (fan 3) N.A 3.54 N.A 3.54 Auxiliary SupplyVoltage [V]480Q5024 (fan 4)N.A 3.54 N.A 5.734Check that the one-phase and / or three-phase auxiliary voltage supplied from customer side is within tolerance and write down the value, can be measured from.• Terminals X11:1 and X11:2 in case of external 1-phase auxiliary power supply.• Terminals X11:3 and X11:4 in case of internal 1-phase supply (only applicable in ACS 1000i). •Terminals X10:1, X10:2 and X10:3 in case ofinternal (only applicable in ACS 1000i) or external 3-phase auxiliary power supply.5Check that the settings of the UPS modules are correct (if applicable).• Battery Select: 7.2 Ah •Tmax: 5 minABB Chapter 5 - Connecting Auxiliary Supply to the ConverterIMPORTANT!During commissioning the Battery Select switch on the UPS modulescan be set to “Service”. In the service mode, the UPS module will notkeep the control hardware supplyed from the backup batteries and thusrebooting of the converter is faster.6 Switch on the auxiliary voltage to the control electronics with thecircuit breakers Q5051 and / or Q5052 (see the drive specific wiringdiagrams).7 Check that the output voltages of the power supply modules are ok(27 VDC +/- 0.5 VDC), in case necessary tune the output voltage oneach power supply.8 Switch on the 24 VAC power supply with the circuit breaker Q5073and measure the.9 Check that both the yellow and green LED’s on all subprints onGUSP1 and GUSP2 (Gate Unit power Supply) are on.5.3. Checking Of Auxiliary Backup BatteriesIf it is more than 6 months from the dispatch of the converter from thefactory in Switzerland, check the charging of the auxiliary backupbatteries and check the function of the auxiliary ride-through function. Ifnecessary replace the batteries with new ones.IMPORTANT!Auxiliary batteries are considered to be wear-and-tear-parts and cannotbe replaced as warranty.Chapter 5 - Connecting Auxiliary Supply to the Converter ABBABB Chapter 6 - Commissioning of the Cooling System Chapter 6 - Commissioning of the Cooling System6.1. Water-Cooled ACS 10006.1.1. Checking the Internal and External Cooling CircuitsCAUTION!Do not switch on a cooling pump if the cooling circuit is empty. If a pumpruns dry, the pump seals will be immediately damaged.Check that the installation is made as described in chapter 2 – Installationin the WCU Operation and Maintenance Manual.Check especially:•Connection of raw water hoses / pipes.•Direction of raw water flow.•Requirements for the raw water (temperature, flow, pressure etc.).•Leakage water connection.•For bent hoses and visible damages in the internal cooling circuit.NOTICE!Especially the hoses on the sinus filter choke can easily be bent during the installation, see Figure 6-1).Figure 6-1 Hoses on sine filter chokeChapter 6 - Commissioning of the Cooling System ABB•Cleanness of the strainer Z1.This should be checked again after some days of operation becauseduring the first time of water flow possible loose particles and dirtfrom the water pipes should be flushed out and caught in the strainer.6.1.2. Filling Up the Internal Cooling CircuitFill the internal cooling circuit according to the instructions in chapter 3 –Starting up the Cooling System in the WCU Operation and MaintenanceManual.After filling up the internal cooling circuit, remember to:•Vent (deaerate) the internal cooling pumps.•Check the direction of internal water flow (check the direction ofrotation of the pumps).•Check the direction of rotation of the auxiliary cooling fans.•Check the water level in the expansion vessel.of the Redundant FanTest6.1.3. FunctionalIn case the converter is equipped with redundant cooling fans, check thefunction according to the instruction below.1 Start pump number 1, fan number 1 (standard fan inside cabinet)starts rotating, the air-flaps under the redundant fan should be closedand the air flaps under the internal fan should open.2 Feel the air flow (how strong does the fan blow).3 Switch off the motor circuit breaker of the standard fan, the redundantfan starts rotating, the air flaps under the redundant fan should openand the air flaps under the internal fan should close.4 Feel the air flow of redundant fan, it should blow as strong as fannumber 1.5 In case the air flow is much weaker you have to change the directionof rotation of the redundant fan.ACS 1000 and ACS 1000i6.2. Air-Cooled•Check that the air exhaust box on top of the converter is assembledaccording to the instructions (ACS 1000i: N.A.).•Check that all applicable fans installed on top of the converter areinstalled (only ACS 1000i).•Check that the fan(s) are rotating smoothly and in the right direction.•In case of redundant fans check that the installation of the fan box ismade according to the instructions.。