爸你知道我刚才看到了什么Daddy, you know what I saw?是最奇异的事情It's the most fantastic thing.快来看Come look.我的儿子My son.儿子我真的很忙Look, son, I'm really busy...但是要你知道我需要什么吗but I'll tell you what I do need.我需要的是好运I need some good luck.好了Okay?好运先生Okay, Mr. Lucky, I think it's time...我们来分战利品we divvy up the loot.看看这些东西今晚真精彩Look at all of these things. What a night!你觉得这个如何这很好呀我要这些What do you think of this? This is pretty. I better take those. 试试看是好东西吧Try that. isn't that pretty?我要把这个收好这是好东西I better keep that. That's pretty nice.我最好拿这个你还太小了I think I'd better take that. Let me see.你不能拿这个No, you shouldn't have that.我最好拿这个你还太小了I better take that. You're a little too young for that.看看这个手表我拿这个Oh, look at that watch. I better take that.这个表不错That's a pretty watch.我应该用别的刀了I think it's about time I got myself another knife...所以我给你这把刀so I oughta give you this.你永远不会知道何时要用到You never know when a knife might come in handy.你要金子吗有很多金子You want some gold? There's lots of gold.你知道的You know...我想这是这里最有价值的东西I'll bet this is the most valuable piece here.这是比塞佛思马It's Bucephalus...是亚力山大大帝的爱马the magic horse of Alexander the Great.在很久以前国王本来要杀了比塞佛思马A long time ago, this king was going to kill Bucephalus... 因为他太野了国王没有办法骑这匹马because he was so wild the king couldn't ride him.他把比塞佛思马带到一个大广场He had Bucephalus brought into a big arena...人们从四面八方而来and people came from all around...大家都想看从未见过'cause they wanted to see this horse...最壮硕又黑又漂亮的骏马that was the biggest and blackest and strongest...又漂亮的骏马the most beautiful horse that ever was.飞利浦亲王就跟手下说国王菲利普走出去King Phillip goes walking out there...他正确的看着他的人and he looked right at his men.他说杀了那匹马He said, "Kill that horse."就在此时突然从群众有人喊着Just then, a voice called out from the crowd.我可以骑这匹马It said, "I can ride that horse."大家都在问是谁说的Everybody looked around. They said, "Who said that?" 他们看着他是一个小孩They looked over, and it was a kid...身高年纪都和你一样just about your size, just about your age.飞利浦亲王说And King Phillip looked over and he said...孩子如果你骑得了"Son, if you can ride that horse...你可以骑那匹马嗯you can have that horse." Hmm?所以亚力山大就走进广场So Alexander walked out into the big arena...比塞佛思马站在广场中♥央♥and standing in the middle of the arena was Bucephalus.又大又强壮He was big, and he was strong...他的前蹄一直在跺地and he was pawing the ground.眼睛充满怒火And there was fire in his eyes...鼻子一直在吐气and there was smoke coming out of his nose...它又and he went亚力山大走过去Alexander walked up...很快的跳上马背and quick as a cat he jumped up on his back...他抓长长马鬃and grabbed that long black mane...然后像闪电般的飞去and away they went just like lightning.它跃过群众They jumped right over the crowd, all the way over the stand... 然后奔驰到山丘and went riding out over the hill.大家在惊叹Everybody said,"Whew."鼻子一直在吐气Smoke coming out of his nose!眼睛充满怒火And fire in his eyes.这是我所听到的故事Fire in his e yes.Well, that's the way I heard the story. 拿去我要你把这个收起来Here. I want you to have this.这是小马Bucephalus.爸爸Dad?爸发生什么事Dad, What's going on?噢 AkdOw!Akd艾立克过来Alec, come here!别紧张我们会没事的Just take it easy. We'll be okay.发生什么事我不知道穿上这个What's happening? I don't know. Put this on.来帮我弄这个快点把救生衣穿上Help me with this. Come here, son. Put this life vest on. 没问题的把下面扣好It's okay. Tie the bottom.把下面扣好Tie the bottom. Ow!我们出去看看Let's get out of here.抓住这个栏干Hang on to that rail!呆在这里Stay right there!待在这里我马上回来Right there! I'll be back.不要动Stay there!我要帮这些人不要走开I'm going to go help. Don't move! Hang on!救命艾立克" Alec Hep Hey, Alec!爸爸Dad!救命Help!爸爸Dad!艾立克Alec!爸爸Dad!艾立克Alec!救命Help!救命Help!救命Help!救命Help!哇Aah!嗨Hey! Hey!它救了我一命He saved my life.我不能把它留在这岛上I can't leave the island without him. 它会死在这里的He'll die without me.黑神驹Black!黑神驹Black!让我走Let me go!黑神驹快Black,come on!黑神驹Black!献给艾立克雷森的诗"Ode to Alec Ramsey.我想我从未见过I think that I shall never see...像艾立克雷森一样勇敢的男孩a boy as brave as Alec Ramsey.又饥又渴恐惧又伤痛Hunger and thirst and fear and pain...他活着因为他内心有目标he lived because his heart had aim.一匹像黑神驹陪他A horse as black as night to day...野兽上帝a beast, a god...是神的化身伴着他with whom he did stay.他们睡在沙滩上与海洋玩耍They slept on the sand and played in the ocean... 愉快奔驰在小岛上and rode over the island in a singular motion. 现在他坐在此一个英雄Now here he sits, a hero among boys...一匹充满爱的马with the love of a horse...胜过一切的玩具much more than mere toys."我很高兴我的儿子安全回来了I'm very happy to have my son back.谢谢你Thank you.我真希望你也有救他父亲回来I wish you could have saved his father too.你真是一匹好马You're kind of a pretty horse.啊Aah!啊Aah!黑神驹不Black, no!不No!黑神驹回来Black,come back!艾立克Alec!哇Whoa!哇Wow!我有看到一匹黑♥马♥跑过去Yes, I saw a black horse! He ran thataway! 哇哇哇Whoa, whoa, whoa.嘿Hey!你怎么了What happened to you?一切一切Everything. 'Everything "?这是一大堆That's a whole lot.不可能发生的事情Can't be everything.你有没有没看到黑神驹Oh, you lost a black horse.是的是的你见过它吗Yeah, yeah! Have you seen him?你知道在哪里吗Do you know where he is?你有没有没看到黑神驹Didn't you tell me you saw a black stallion? 它怎么说Well, what did he say?它说不很远He says, "Well, not very far from here."过了农场Just past the dairy...有一个黑色的谷仓there's a big black barn.然后你看到一堆削瘦的树Then you see a long bunch of skinny trees... 你绕过去as you walk along.再朝你右边的晨星走And then you go night b y a morning star... 再朝你右边的晨星走一直走And you keep following that star...看到一大♥片♥草地就停下来听and see a large patch of green grass.然后你停止然后你听Then you stop, and then you listen...很快就可以看到你想找的东西and pretty soon you see just what you been Iookin' for.黑神驹Black?啊Aah!黑神驹你的Black, it's you!你好吗我就知道是你You okay? I knew it was you!你以为你在那里干什么What do you think you're doing over there, sonny?我在找我的马I'm getting my horse!你是个大肥贼And you're a big fat thief!没有人是贼你就是Nobody's a thief. You are!我说没有人是贼I said nobody's a thief!你以为你在叫谁是贼这是我的地盘Who do you think you're calling a thief? This is my place... 我觉得那是我的马and I'm thinking that that's my horse.不它是我的No ho ho! He's mine.不要激动孩子Hold on,son.你等等Wait a minute. You hold on there.你要怎么办呢Now,what are you gonna do here,buddy?你要怎么办What are you gonna do?不要紧张Easy,easy.也许他是你的Well, maybe he is yours.但是我花了一整晚But you know I spent all last night...才抓到这匹野马trying to catch this wild horse here? Huh?花了我一整晚All night I spent.你运气好是我抓到它而不是警♥察♥ You're just lucky I got him instead of the police.懂吗Hear me?它踢伤了收垃圾的He kicked a garbageman?它真有一套Yeah. He's something, all right.你吃早餐了吗Hey, did you have any breakfast?亨利Henfy...我想它喜欢在这里I think he likes it out here.试过养牛没有用Tried cows. That didn't work.每天早上5点要挤奶5:00 in the morning.养鸡Chickens.他们快把我逼疯了They just about drove me nuts, those chickens.如果你把这里清干净Look, if you clean this stall up in here real good... 然后你把他安置好我可以让你养它and you get it fit for him, I could let you have it.太多红色的牌Red cards, red cards. I've got too many red cards. 黑神驹跑得快吗Henry, is the Black fast?它很快He's fast.快到可以去比赛吗Fast enough to be a racehorse?黑神驹是属于沙漠马Alec, that Black is a desert horse.它当然是算很快He's fast, all right. Sure he's fast.但是它没有任何证明文件But he hasn't got any papers.不管快不快我想他们不会让它去比赛Fast or not, I don't think they'd ever let him run.我能问你一个问题吗Henry, can I ask you a question?当然可以Sure.你为何不继续从事训练工作Why did you stop training?我累了I got tired.你有想过Do you think you'll ever...再试一次吗"Y it again?当然有Sure I do.当然Sure.是工作嘛It's work.值得一试Worth it. Worth it, though.孩子稳住它你站在圈圈的中♥央♥ Hold on to him good, son! Stay in the center!让它跑另外一个方向Turn him around the other way.让它绕圈跑The other way, son. Bring him in and turn him around. 驾驾驾Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!这个礼拜的马赛毫无疑问It comes as no surprise that again this week...又是西部火红的突击者both Sun Raider, the fiery red stallion from the west...与东部亮灰色旋风对决and Cyclone, the sleek gray from the east...轻松的赢得比赛have won their races with ease,胜利成为它们的家常便饭and they have won with monotonous regularity.但是嗨嗨But. hey, hey!让我们来观赏两个冠军的竞争let's see these two champions run head to head...也许马迷可以欣赏到世界争霸战and perhaps horse fans would be treated to the match race of the century. 这里是嗨嗨This is hey,hey!吉姆尼维尔从伯蒙特为你报道Jim Neville from Belmont.要这样看不是这样看Looking this way. Not this way, down on the ground.看着前面Looking straight ahead. That's right.驾驾Hyah!Hyah!你要看什么东西来从手臂下面看To see what's coming in back, look under your arm.不是从肩膀往后看这里Not over your shoulder. Down under here. See in here?看下面发生什么事See what's going on down there all around you.你可以踢它快跑And you can scoot and boot, understand?你要保持平衡Then you've got your balance.你登上马镫膝盖夹紧Keep your knees in close when putting your stirrups on.检查你的骑座Check down underneath here too.让你坐的舒服Get that leather out of your way.收到下面去Pull it back in there underneath...让你的膝盖可以这里不要有东西so that your knees got nothing in the way.现在你起来Okay, now you're up.感觉一下脚上的感觉怎样Feel that in your legs? Hmm?有感到脚被拉住Feel it pulling on your legs back here? Uh huh.看着前面的路Okay. Look ahead down the lane.不你不需要上下动No, you don'tjump straight up and down.尽量保持身体的不动Just try and keep your body as still as possible.它会带动你跟着它的节拍He'll be moving, see. He'll be making that rhythm.你就跟着它的节拍Just go on with him.不要在它身上跳No, you don't have to pump him.让它保持向前直走Just kind of go straight ahead with him,huh?就好像你在丢东西No,like you're throwing it away.Like this.没错就这样Throw it away. That's right.丢东西Throw it away.当马要出闸门时When a horse starts out of that gate...你一定要记住you've got to remember this:记住你不能让它吓到自己You don't want him to outbreak you.你懂吗马匹准备好要开始You know what that means? That horse starts to settle. 他们很快的打开闸门They open that gate wham!有些马♥会♥突然地跑就完了like that, and some of them just scat whap!你不能这样你要拉紧缰绳So you grab a handful of mane...在开始前准备好就不会吓到你了just before he says "go," so he don't outbreak you.因为他们开闸门时你并不是坐着Because they open that gate, and you'll just be sitting in midair. 你懂吗Understand?黑神驹铁定会吓到你对This Black can outbreak you. Right.它绝对会这样He can move right on out there.艾立克You know, Alec...秘密secrecy这是重点that's the key word.是好的Yeah. Okay.不要只说好你懂我在说什么吗Don't just say "okay." Know what I'm talking about.这是秘密It's a secret.你和我我们之间的秘密You and me, we have a secret.听着我们只是热身下Listen to me. We'll make this a real easy workout.你懂吗好让它习惯这个地方All right. Get him used to this place.杰克和我会把拿破仑带过来Jake and I will be over here with Napoleon.你在这里走个半里Go down to the half mile pole and watch me...我会给你指示再开始跑and I'll give you the start by dropping my hat.我要你先走半里I want you to work him for a half mile...慢慢地加速then breeze him for a half mile, then pull him up nice and easy. 去走半里然后看我好的Go to the half mile pole and watch me. Okay.快开始Come on, let's go!这匹马对那个小孩而言太难了Too much horse for your boy.他会没事的Jake, he's gonna be all right.来拿仔走吧Come on, Nappy. Let's go.哇Whoa.快走去找他Go on, Nap! Go on, get him!停住它Pull him up!停住拿仔Pull him up, Nappy!从内圈停住停住On the inside! Pull him up!杰克走吧Come on, Jake.你的手还好吗Hey, your hands -You all right there?我没事Yeah, I'm okay.我现在最好让它走走好Henry, I better walk him now. All right, go ahead.让它冷静下来Cool him off, son.你看我这个Did you get what I got?就是这样Right on the button.这匹马还没尽全力Jake, that horse has got speed he ain't even tapped yet.你不会吧Well, you're not, uh不行You're not thinking你疯了You are out of your mind!这个怪物没有办法在这里跟他们比赛That monster has no more business being out on this track with class它是很快但太狂野He's fast, but he's wild!你有看到它到处乱跑的样子You saw him zigzagging all over the course.它的出生文件呢And what about his papers?它没有没有He ain't got any. He ain't你要怎么办自己跟自己比What are you going to do, hitch him up to a plow?不是No.我有主意了I got an idea.一对一的比赛跟旋风A match race? Cyclone?你太夸张了Oh, you -you are too much!你真是太夸张了You are really too much!你让我也跟着你疯起来You got me thinking kinda crazy too.紧抓我的手我要试试看Squeeze my hand. I want to try something here.你感觉到了吗抓力不错You feel that? That's a pretty good grip.是不错但是我们还是要加强你的抓力Not bad. But we're going to have to work on your grip.当我是骑师的时候我是用这个球看到没When I was a rider, I used to use this ball.球有什么用它加强你的力量What does the ball do? Strengthens your hands.不管整天做什么你就抓着这个球No matter what you're doing through the day, just use this ball.来吧Let me see you do it.下一次抓我的手时我们就知道不一样了Next time you grip my hand, we'll see a difference.记者有今年最热门的消息要告诉大家This reporter has the hottest racing news of the year. Hold on to your hats. 注意了最热门的一对一比赛The most sensational match race imaginable...东部的旋风对上西部的突击者between Cyclone from the east and Sun Raider from the west... 终于决定8月15日下午在圣安提娜举♥行♥is finally set for the afternoon of August 15 at Santa Anita.来证明谁是伟大的冠军马which is really the greatest champion.这里是嗨嗨吉姆尼维尔从伯蒙特为你报导This is hey, hey! Jim Neville from Belmont.不管你是谁Well, whoever you are...我们要开始了here we go.门开着It's open.今天真安静Sure is quiet in here today.有问题吗Anything wrong with that?黑神驹它The Black, he它不玩了he just wouldn't play.只是站在那里He just stands there...看着下雨and looks out into the rain.也许黑神驹今天心情不好Maybe the Black is blue today.你有想过这个吗心情不好You ever think of that? Blue?下雨老兄下雨Rain, man, rain.雨看到了吗Rain, see?我们要告诉大家We're gonna show everybody...它是世界上最快的马he's the fastest horse in the world.你觉得你了解动物吗You think you know that animal?是我了解它Yeah, I know him.嗯Well...我是不知道I don't know.嗯Hmm.我有奇怪的感觉I get a funny feeling.我觉得现在I feel right now...你最好让它保持狂野that you better let that horse stay wild, Alec. 这是它的精神It's his soul.乖黑神驹Easy, Black.乖Easy.他不会来的我不要听这些He ain't gonna show. I don't want to hear that. 他会到这里的He'll show. He'll show. He'll be here.他或许不记得我们了He probably doesn't even remember us.它会来这里我们过气了He'll be here. We're ancient history.我告诉你他会来的I tell you, he's gonna be here.来我们来安抚它Come on, work him. Get him out there.你还好吗Henry! You okay?他弄到你哪里我的手臂Where'd he get you? Yeah. On my arm.这里断掉了不要碰Here? it's not broken, is it? On my没事它只是碰了我一下No! Leave it alone! He just nicked me.不要这样Will you please stop好了好了All right, all right.什么What?他来了It's him.他来了不It's him. No.是他上帝It's him, by God.我说吧他会来I tell you, it's him.好了他来了小心Yeah, it's him! Take it easy.他来了It's him.好了All right, all right.帮他上马Give him a leg up there. All right.好了艾立克All right, Alec.记住这是我们的大好机会This is our big chance.全看你的了It's up to you.让它去吧All right, take him out.快让它发挥Come on, bring him on!快Come on!嘿他昏倒了Hey! Hey, he's out cold.帮他松开缰绳扶住他Get him out of that mane. Hold him steady, will you? 扶住他把刀给我You got' him f? Give me your knife.好了小心慢慢来I got it. Watch it! Hold him steady.小子Whoa. Whoa, sonny.给我刀这儿Gimme the knife. Here.你哪里找来这匹马Where'd you get this animal?带它走Get him off.小子Whoa, boy.带它离开这里我拉住了Get him out over there. I got him.小心自己Watch yourself. Watch it, sir.哦小子驾Whoa, boy. Hyah!发生什么事我掉下来了What happened? Did I fall off?没No.你骑得像冠军一样快No, you hung on like a champ.发生什么事黑神驹呢What happened? Where's the Black?没事别担心没事Don't worry about him. He's fine.他和拿仔在车上He's over in the van with Nappy.他很棒吧He did good, didn't he?他做的太好了You did great.你做的太好了You did great.你没事吧You all right?你看了之后感觉如何我不失望How did you like what you saw? Well, I wasn't disappointed. 不失望"Disappointed"? Come on!你一生中有看过一匹马能跑成这样吗You never saw a horse run like that in your life.戴雷这样你就可以回到马赛之中This could put you back in the action, huh, Dailey?不要这样说你知道我从来没喜欢过赛马Don't try to get hard with me. You know, Neville...我需要参加这次的比赛I need this race.我很需要这样你做得到的I need it bad, and you can do it.你会吗Huh? Will you do it?如果小孩都能骑到这样If that horse goes like that with a kid...那真的骑师会有这样的结果比赛呢what will he do with a real rider like Macorello? The race!孩子干得好你真有勇气Nice going, kid. You got guts.我曾说过旋风和突击者是世界上最快的马匹You heard me say that Cyclone and Sun Raider are the fastest horses today. 我现在反悔了因为我见到一匹马Well, I've seen another horse...单独在晚上奔驰that defies the imagination, that runs like a demon possessed...速度是巢湖你想象之外at night, alone, at speeds beyond belief.他从来没参加过比赛不知从何处而来He's never won a race, but I say he could be...但是它会是赛马史上最轰动的事情the greatest sensation in racing history.所以我要求So I challenge the owners...旋风和突击者的主人在即将比赛的场地of Cyclone and Sun Raider to meet this mystery horse...与神秘之马一较高低这不是开玩笑in their upcoming match race. This isn't a joke, folks.神秘之马是真的存在我以名誉保证This mystery horse is real. I'll stake my reputation on it.这里是嗨嗨吉姆尼维尔从伯蒙特为你报导This is hey, hey! Jim Neville from Belmont.你认识真正有名的骑师吗Do you know any good jockeys? Real good, famous jockeys?认识很多像冰人乔治渥夫There's a lot of them. George Wolf, the Iceman.冰人他们只是这样称呼他"Iceman"? That's just what they call him.乔治渥夫他们在报纸上称他为冰人Georgie Wolf. They call him in the newspapers "the Iceman"...因为他在马上非常的安静because he sits chilly on a horse.意思是他坐在上面他可以等他研究马匹That means he sits there, and he can wait. He's studying a horse. 他边骑边研究He's up there riding...他知道该怎么做going on with him, know what I mean?他上马后又开始研究马He's sitting up there going on...一直在研究just studying him.一直在研究Just studying him.当他开始行动时他说Then, when it's time to make his move, he'll say...冰人来了"Ah! Here comes the Iceman."嗯Hmm.妈你要我除草或洗完Mom, do you want me to mow the lawn...或干其它的事吗or wash the dishes or something?当然好Sure. Yeah.你为何不整理床把这里收干净Why don't you make all the beds and vacuum in here too?妈你看了这个没有是什么Mom, have you read this? -What is it?这是在讲神秘之马的事情Oh, this is more about that mystery horse, isn't it?孩子Boy!记得去年他们Remember last year when they were giving away...提到铝钢笔的事aluminum ballpoint pens for this黑神驹就是神秘之马The Black is the mystery horse.这个真惊人...the lengths they will go to get people...他们要安排一场跑马比赛to go to a horse race.而我要去骑And I'm gonna ride him.我去开I'll get it!艾立克你说什么What did you say? Wait,Alec.再等一下你说什么再说一遍Alec, wait one more second. Say that again.黑神驹就是神秘之马而我要骑它去比赛The Black is the mystery horse, and I'm going to ride him. 艾立克你那匹不是神秘之马That is not the mystery horse.就算他是你也不能骑它And even if he were, you're not going to ride him.这是个秘密我会尽快的告诉你It was a secret. I told you as soon as I could.你不能对我有任何秘密You're not supposed to keep secrets from your mother. 有人在门口Someone's at the door.我知道I know!雷森太太Mrs. Ramsey Oh!黑神驹就是神秘之马The Black is the mystery horse...而你要骑它去比赛and you're going to ride him in a race.好了Oh, well.好了Well, well, well!这真是个好时机Isn't this just fascinating timing?你们两个和那匹马到底发生了什么事What's been going on between you guys and that horse?我有权利知道I'd like to know. I have a right.我猜你就是在跟艾立克讲这个I guess you've been talking to Alec.我是要讲你愿意告诉我吗I have been trying to! Would you like to tell me something about this? 我很乐意请进吧I'd be happy to. Come in, please!这嗯很Well, it's, uh, quite a...说来话长雷森太太quite a long story, Mrs. Ramsey.我相信是这样但是你一定是在开玩笑I'm sure, but you've got to be kidding.以为我会让他去比赛You think I'm going to let him ride in a race?我的儿子会死在马赛之中My son could gel' killed in a horse race!我想你太夸张了I think you could be exaggerating a little.我不夸张不要骗我戴雷先生I'm not exaggerating. Don't lie to me, Mr. Dailey.你要他冒这生命危险我不会雷森太太You're willing to risk his life? I'm not! Mrs. Ramsey我已失去了丈夫我不要再失去儿子I've lost a husband, and I'm not' going to lose a son.我不会做任何会伤害他的事I wouldn't hurt that boy for anything in the world.你到底灌输了什么观念给他What kind of dreams are you filling up his head with?只是一场比赛It's much more than just a race.你儿子已经在心中决定了Your son has his heart set on it.再见戴雷先生Good-bye, Mr. Dailey.再见戴雷先生Good-bye, Mrs. Ramsey.艾立克我不能让你这么做Alec, I can't let you do it.我不会让你去赛马太夸张了I can't let you ride in that horse race. it's ridiculous. 对不起I'm sorry.那是什么What is that?亚力山大大帝的爱马Alexander the Great's horse.爸给我的Dad gave it to me.就在那次暴风雨前Just before the storm.它提醒我It reminds me of...和黑神驹的事the Black and me.亚力山的父亲给他的Alexander's father gave it to him...在他死之前before he died.我掉到水里I was in the water.我无法呼吸I couldn't breathe.那时好暗It was dark, and...我I...我不停的叫爸爸但是I yelled out for Dad, but我往上看I looked up...只有黑神驹在and there was the Black...我就抓住它and I grabbed on to him.它救了你一命对不对He saved your life, didn't he?我要怎么办What am I going to do?我必须要去骑I gotta ride.好吧艾立克Okay, Alec.尼维尔要公开比赛That Neville would do anything for publicity, huh? 我打赌神秘之马不会出现I'll bet the mystery horse don't even show.你看这个我可以打败它No one can beat him. I'll beat him.我听说曼度萨要来I heard Mendoza's gonna come in.谁会错过呢Who's missing from the room?可以轻易的打败它对谁要骑它That beats him right there. Who rides him, I wonder. 他要穿那个去哪里Where'd that guy get them silks at?他是要去参加万圣节真的是I oaks like he's ready for Halloween.一号♥骑师上去Rider number one up.一号♥ 先生要加两磅Number one, sir. Number one, add two pounds.懂吗乔治Got that, George?二号♥骑师Rider number two now.谢谢Thank you.三号♥骑师Rider number three.三号♥ 三号♥Number three?我看起来如何How do I look?三号♥ 快点Number three, please.我想他不会来的根本是个笑话I don't think he's gonna show. It's been a joke.三号♥骑师Rider number three!哦Well!神秘之马的骑师The mystery rider.到秤上Hop on the scale.他根本骑不了两里不可能太小了He won't be strong enough to go two miles. No way. Too small.请到秤上他是在秤上Rider on the scale, please. He's on the scale, sir.他在秤上He's on the scale?加上去吧Add it on.好了Okay. All right.带它出去Okay, take him out.好了带它出去All right, bring him out.突击者的主人史蒂夫·沃尔什...Sun Raider, owned by Mr. Steve Walsh...骑师是道格·克莱鲍伦ridden by Doug Claybourne.黑色的神秘之马And the black mystery horse...是三号♥ 主人和骑师is in number three, owned and ridden...是亚历山大·雷森By Alexander Ramsey.两里他们要跑场地两圈Two miles. They'II come by the stands one time and around again. 现场观众爆满The stands are jammed for what's considered a match race...中间是东部的冠军旋风between the champion of the east, Cyclone...和西部的冠军突击者and the champion of the west, Sun Raider.神秘之马是兴奋点The excitement centers on the mystery horse.它看起来像是这两个冠军之间的陪衬It looks like a match race between these two champions. 旋风和突击者比赛两里Cyclone and Sun Raider are going two miles.黑♥马♥就在那里The black horse is in there它正朝向黑神驹神秘之马He's moving on the mystery horse!把那匹马稳住Gate that one.旋风安静Whoa! Settle down!安静Settle! Whoa!停Stop! Whoa!停Stop!停黑神驹Stop, Black!停Stop!神秘之马有些问题There's some problem with the mystery horse!旋风保持一定的速度Cyclone keeping the pace.快Come on!他们现在领先They're in the far turn now.那个男孩Thaz' a boy!他赢了神秘之马赢了He's won! The mystery horse won!他赢了他赢了He won! He won!各位女士先生This, ladies and gentlemen他赢了他赢了He won! He won!他赢了He won!这匹马的脚像铁一般硬This horse has got a leg like iron. 孩子一切都会没事It's going to be all right, son.亨利Henry!。