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摘要 (3)


一绪论 (6)

1.1课题背景及意义 (6)

1.2研究现状 (6)

1.3本论文研究的主要工作 (7)

二电力系统网络拓扑结构 (7)

2.1电网拓扑模型 (7)

2.2拓扑模型的表达 (9)

2.3广义乘法与广义加法 (10)

2.4拓扑的传递性质 (11)

三矩阵方法在电力系统网络拓扑的应用 (13)

3.1网络拓扑的基本概念 (13)

3.1.1规定 (13)

3.1.2定义 (14)

3.1.3连通域的分离 (14)

3.2电网元件的等值方法 (15)

3.2.1厂站级两络拓扑 (15)

3.2.2元件级网络拓扑 (16)

3.3矩阵方法与传统方法的比较 (16)

四基于关联矩阵的网络拓扑结构识别方法研究 (17)

4.1关联矩阵 (17)

4.1.1算法 (17)

4.1.2定义 (17)

4.1.3算法基础 (18)

4.2拓扑识别 (19)

4.3主接线拓扑辨识原理 (20)

4.4算法的简化与加速 (24)

4.5流程图 (25)

4.5.1算法流程图 (25)

4.5.2节点编号的优化 (26)

4.5.3消去中间节点和开关支路 (26)

4.5.4算法的实现 (27)

4.6分布式拓扑辨识法 (27)

4.7举例和扩展 (28)

五全文总结 (29)

参考文献 (30)

致 (31)











Power systems associated topology is the electrical energy, transport stream (production, use) flow, for conversion, protection and control the process component (the power systems in the analysis considered the impedance approximation to the components) state analysis, the aim is to facilitate analysis and calculation of the network model, and it bounded on the ems. The bottom and top. In the automation, information as the underlying (scada) topology is the basis of analyzing high applications,

such as state security (estimate, the waiting [1] topology is the purpose of analysis. therefore, the electricity system in real-time operation, these components of state changes to the run way. how the changes on plants stand real-time information, rapid and precise in following these changes is the power systems and automated schedulers the basis of the work [2]. Topology analysis in the electricity system in the deployment of automation is so important position, at least should be as follows.

(1) topology :to any analysis of the validity of the operation, the elements of the state of the situation in the electrical wiring, such as a single, double buses wiring and other buses 3/2 connection, the type of operator, we correctly handled, of course this must be in a real-time basis of reliable information will be realized.

(2) topology analysis, visualization : large-scale power systems of the associated topology structure are complex and the associated topology analysis is the complex network, the immediacy of the result is very important. if elements state (run, stopped) identity, the voltage between different levels, etc.

(3) topology analysis timely : topology analysis by the end of the associated topology analysis must be quick; we must meet the real decisions and control.