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关于联想记忆词汇教程List I不管白猫黑猫,能抓住老鼠的都是好猫。
联想记忆词汇教程 List Ihypothesis n. 假设iceberg n. 冰山icicle n. 冰挂,冰柱icon n. 图标,偶像identical adj. 同一的identify v. 认出ideology n. 思维方式,意识形态idiocy n. 白痴idiosyncrasy n. 个人特性在巨大的iceberg上有白色的icicle,上面挂满了鲜红的明教的icon--圣火,张无忌identify了这是自己的idiocy兄弟联想记忆,他们是idiocy父母所生,不过idiosyncrasy不同,ideology也有很大的区别,hypothesis不是因为小时候的那场病,也许自己的兄弟同样是顶天立地的高手。
idiot n. 白痴,傻子idiotic adj. 愚蠢的idol n. 偶像idyllic adj. 田园的ignite v. 点火,使燃着ignoble adj. 卑微的ignominious adj. 可耻的;不名誉的ignorance n. 无知*ignorant adj. 无知的,不了解的ignore v. 忽视illegible adj. 难辨认的illegitimate adj. 非法的;私生的青春idol因为ignorance,ignore了安全问题,结果illegitimate的idiot孩子因为illegible缘故找不到亲生父亲,这一次idiotic行为引起了轰动,一些小报记者扇风ignite,结果全国都知道了ignominious丑闻,这个最后只好找到ignoble看守idyllic老人为她抚养这个孩子。
illicit adj. 违法的illiterate n. 文盲illuminate v. 照明,照亮;说明illusion n. 幻觉illustrate v. 说明illustrious adj. 辉煌的;著名的imaginary adj. 虚构的imaginative adj. 富于想象的imbibe v. 饮imbue v. 浸染;灌输当你进入illustrious红楼,你会有一种illusion,感觉进入了imaginary世界,灯光illuminate了屋内所有的角落,这是imaginative美国的著名设计师设计,讲解员illustrate了赖昌星一伙的illicit走私活动,赖昌星小学文化,基本上是illiterate,它的手上imbue着人民的血汗,吃山珍imbibe香槟。
关于联想记忆词汇教程List J-L 不管白猫黑猫,能抓住老鼠的都是好猫。
联想记忆词汇教程List J-Ljolt v. 摇动joyous adj. 快乐的,高兴的judgment n. 判决jumble v. 混杂*junction n. 连接,汇合处juncture n. 时刻; 结合点jurisdiction n. 司法权justify v. 证明…是正当的justly adv. 公正地juvenile adj. 青少年的在justly 法官judgment 公布的juncture ,一些juvenile 观众jolt 着他们的双手支持释放因为打人入狱的麦当娜,法官最后行使jurisdiction ,justify 麦当娜防卫,joyous 的人们高兴的欢呼着,入狱10 天的麦当娜心中jumble 着欢喜和激动。
juxtaposition n. 并排,并置keen adj. 热情的,渴望的,敏锐的ken n. 知识; 视野kennel n. 狗窝kidnap v. 绑架kindle v. 燃起; 激起kinetic adj. 运动的,活动的kingdom n. 王国knowledgeable adj. 有见识的laborious adj. 勤劳的; 费力的,艰难的在大明kingdom ,东厂的太监kidnap 了大量的keen knowledgeable 知识分子,控告他们利用kinetic ken 制造了大量的工具给劳动人民耕田。
然而太监却把他们关进了kennel ,这kindle 百姓的愤怒,laborious 百姓们在东厂的门口juxtaposition 放置了两口棺材,送给太监们。
labyrinth n. 错综复杂的事件; 迷宫lag n./v. 落后lament n. 悲伤;vt. 痛惜land v. 着陆,降落山崩,滑坡,压倒性的胜利landslide v.精神不振的languid adj.*languish v. 变衰弱lash v. 鞭打持久的lasting adj.lately adv. 最近lately 一些labyrinth 总是在俄罗斯发生,比如一些lag 的农村landslide ,飞机land 时的事故等等,lament 的人们要求调查,这让管理人员languid ,俄罗斯克格勃lasting 调查下发现了一些蓄意破坏的人们,lash 他们之后他们招供了自己的行为。
Wish you success!联想记忆词汇教程list 1abandon v. 放弃,抛弃abashed adj. 局促不安的,羞愧的abate v. 减少abbreviate v. 缩写,缩短,使简略abdicate v. 放弃权利abduct v. 绑架,诱拐abhor v. 憎恶 abhorrent adj.可恶的,可恨的abide v. 遵守;忍受ability n. 能力韦小宝决定abdicate自己的鹿鼎公的爵位,abide和小玄子的约定,abate和小玄子以及天地会的矛盾,abide孤独离开京城,然而abhorrent胖头陀趁机abduct了双儿,abashed的韦小宝abhor 别人胁迫自己,决定暂时abandon自己的想法,利用天地会的ability调查双儿的下落,abbreviate寻找时间。
ablaze adj. 闪耀的abnormal adj. 异常的abolish v. 废除;取消aboriginal n. 土著; adj. 土著的,原来的abortive adj. 失败的;流产的;早产的abridge v. 缩短,删节absolute adj. 绝对的absolve v. 赦免;解除(责任)absorb v. 吸收,吸引;并吞absorbing adj. 引人入胜的杨过看到远处ablaze的鬼火,感觉事情有些abnormal,于是临时决定abolish英雄大会,absolve了李莫愁的罪过,以absorb更多的人加入到对付金轮法王的战斗中。
而abortive的法王为了abridge与杨过的实力差距,absorb了aboriginal的勇士,这样的对决在当时是absolute absorbing大新闻。
从词汇辅助记忆的角度,“联想记忆词汇教程”可算是别出心裁、独树一帜,能否静下心来学完全部内容,那就得看你的了!Wish you success!联想记忆词汇教程 List Nnap n./v. 打盹儿narrate v. 叙述nationality n. 国籍natural adj. 自然的naughty adj. 顽皮的,淘气的naval adj. 海军的navigation n. 航海nearly adv. 几乎needy adj. 贫穷的nitric adj. 氮的马拉多纳narrate着自己小时候的经历,nationality为阿根廷的马拉多纳因为needy生活经常忍饥挨饿nearly饿死,只能靠nap来忘记,后来在naval 的叔叔在一次navigation归来送给了他一只充满了nitric皮球,凭着natural 天赋naughty的小马很快就成了当地的足球英雄。
neglect v. 疏忽;忘记negligence n. 过失;疏忽*negligent adj. 忽略的negotiate v. 谈判,交涉;议定nervous adj. 易激动的;神经的neutral adj. 中立的;中性的*neutralize v. 中和;压制nibble v. 细咬;细食nimble adj. 轻快的;灵敏的nervous殷离因为叫张无忌永远的在自己身边,在无忌的肩头nibble了一块疤痕,然后nimble逃掉了,但是这块疤痕却深深的印在无忌心中,在和赵敏negotiate关于明教将在战争中保持neutral的'过程中,因为neglect,被赵敏看到伤疤,这个小小的negligence叫赵敏有了把柄。
nocturnal adj. 夜间的nod n./v. 点头,首肯nomadic adj. 流浪的,游牧的nominate v. 提名,推荐nonsense n. 胡说,废话nostalgia n. 思乡,怀旧notable adj. 著名的,显要的notch n. 槽口,凹痕,峡谷noted adj. 著名的,知名的notorious adj. 臭名昭著的在notable贼代会上,大家一致nominate喜欢nonsense的相声演员老牛作为2002年先进工作者,在过去的一年中老牛同志勤勤恳恳,不辞劳苦的利用nocturnal时间,大家都休息的时候入室盗窃,为我们notorious贼代会做出了不可磨灭的贡献,至今牛老还nomadic生活在街头,大家一致nod在流动的金贼奖底座的notch刻上他的名字,同时文件下发在监狱里的第二支部,会上大家一致哼起了noted 《nostalgia曲》---《明月何时照我回》。
单词联想记忆法高中版汇总单词联想记忆法(高中版)一:构词联想记忆careful ness细心care ful细心的careful ly细心地care关爱、谨慎care less粗心的careless ly粗心地careless ness粗心re act影响、反应react ion反应、反作用react ive反应的、活性的actor男演员/actress女演员act行动、表演ac tion动作、行动act ive活泼的、活跃的act ivity活动interac tion相互作用、互动inter act相互作用、相互影响interac tive交互式的、相互作用的·前缀:通常改变词义1、表示否定或相反意义的前缀①un- “不”unlike unhappy untidy unfair uncover②dis- “不”discover dismiss disappointed disagree, dislike③in-/im- “不”,用于以c,b,m,p等开头的词。
impossible impolite impatient incorrect inexact indirect④ir- “不”,用于以r开头的单词irregular⑤il- “不”,用于以l开头的单词illegal⑥mis- “错误地”mistake misuse mislead misunderstand⑦non- “不”non-stop non-smoker non-fat non-alcoholic2、表示其他意义的前缀:①re- “再;又;重”。
rewrite review replay remind②a- “...的”,多构成表语形容词。
alone alike alive afraid③tele- “远程的”。
telephone television telescope④en- “使”,构成动词。
enlarge enable encourage (反:discourage)⑤inter- “关系相互”。
关于联想记忆词汇教程List C不管白猫黑猫,能抓住老鼠的都是好猫。
联想记忆词汇教程 List Ccabinet n. 内阁;壁柜calculate v. 计划;计算,估计caliber n. 品质;直径cancel v. 取消canny adj. 精明的;节俭的canopy n. 树荫,华盖,蚊帐canvas n. 帆布canyon n. 峡谷carbohydrate n. 碳水化合物*carbon n. 碳临时的cabinet正在calculate今年的收成,因为cancel了树木的税收,一些canny的农民在canyon附近搭起canvas的帐篷,重点种植树木,所以峡谷附近canopy茂盛,树的caliber也很好。
candidate n. 候选人calamity n. 灾难;不幸之事capable adj. 有能力的capacious adj. 能容大量的captivate v. 迷惑,把…弄糊涂captivity n. 囚禁,拘留cardiac adj. 心脏的cardinal adj. 首要的,基本的career n. 职业;生涯cargo n. 货物一个以杀人越cargo为career的人cardinal要求是capable,要精力旺盛,面对calamity要冷酷,要有一颗永不怜悯的cardiac ,在别人都在captivate的时候要迅速的找到生路。
carnage n. 大屠杀,残杀carnal adj. 肉体的carnival n. 狂欢节carnivorous adj. 食肉的castigate v. 谴责casual adj. 随便的;非正式的casualty n. 意外cataclysm n. 洪水,大灾难catastrophe n. 异常的灾祸catching adj. 传染的;迷人的清朝政府总代表韦小宝castigate八国联军在北京的carnage,在这场catastrophe之后还casualty的发生了黄河决口引起的cataclysm,鼠疫等catching开始发作。
单词联想记忆法(高中版)一:构词联想记忆careful ness细心care ful细心的careful ly细心地care关爱、谨慎care less粗心的careless ly粗心地careless ness粗心re act影响、反应react ion反应、反作用react ive反应的、活性的actor男演员/actress女演员act行动、表演ac tion动作、行动act ive活泼的、活跃的act ivity活动interac tion相互作用、互动inter act相互作用、相互影响interac tive交互式的、相互作用的·前缀:通常改变词义1、表示否定或相反意义的前缀①un- “不”unlike unhappy untidy unfair uncover②dis- “不”discover dismiss disappointed disagree, dislike③in-/im- “不”,用于以c,b,m,p等开头的词。
impossible impolite impatient incorrect inexact indirect④ir- “不”,用于以r开头的单词irregular⑤il- “不”,用于以l开头的单词illegal⑥mis- “错误地”mistake misuse mislead misunderstand⑦non- “不”non-stop non-smoker non-fat non-alcoholic2、表示其他意义的前缀:①re- “再;又;重”。
rewrite review replay remind②a- “...的”,多构成表语形容词。
alone alike alive afraid③tele- “远程的”。
telephone television telescope④en- “使”,构成动词。
enlarge enable encourage (反:discourage)⑤inter- “关系相互”。
联想记忆词汇教程 list s(联想记忆词汇教程 list s)联想记忆词汇教程 list ssalvage v (海上) 救护, 抢救范例, 样品 sample n.sanctimonious adg. 亵渎神灵的sanction 批准, 制裁, 同意 n.sanctuary n 圣殿, 避难所.sane adg. 理智的; 健全的(公共) 卫生 sanitation n.神志清楚的 sanity n.讽刺, 挖苦 sarcasm n.* sarcastic adg. 讽刺的, 挖苦的sardonic adg. 讽刺的, 嘲笑的sanctimonious星宿派经过他们首领丁春秋的sanction, 占领了太阳sanctuary, 一些sane 的人们劝他们收手, 然而遭到了不讲sanitation的异教徒们的sarcasm, 他们到处大小便, 虚竹带领着salvage队杀进了圣殿, 解救出了sanity人们, sardonic看着这肮脏的场面.这场战役成了逍遥派的成功的sample写进了教科书.使饱享; 使满足 satiate v.讽刺文学 satire n.satirical adg. 讽刺的satisfactory adg. 令人满意的浸透 saturate v.save prep.除了; v.拯救savings 储蓄 n.尝味 savor n.scale v 攀登; n.规模; 尺度; 秤; 鳞片scan v 浏览, 扫描.satire代表人物鲁迅先生的小说使我们satiate了酣畅的辩论技巧, save satisfactory小说, 鲁迅先生写了大量的杂文satirical批判了当局者的不顾百姓死活的行为, 这些书saturate着鲁迅先生的心血, 我们在scan图书的时候时时刻刻可以savor到鲁迅先生的苦心.平时鲁迅先生喜欢利用自己的savings去scale高山, 兴趣广泛.丑闻 scandal n.scanty adg. 贫乏的scarce adg. 缺乏地, 不足的惊吓, 使受惊 scare v.scatter 分散 v.景色 scenery n.* scenic adg. 风光的, 景色的scent 气味, 痕迹, 香味 n.schedule n 时间表; 计划表.计划, 方案 scheme n.因为一条内裤的scent, 克林顿受到了调查, 克林顿的scandal在国家情报局的scheme下因为scarce证据而免于被弹劾, 受到scare的克林顿无法欣赏尼亚加拉大瀑布秀丽的scenery, 制定了schedule 发展经济, 在加州地震中成功的scatter了人群, 帮助物质scanty 百姓度过了难关.奖学金 scholarship n.scoop 挖掘; 汲取; n.勺子 v.scope 范围; 余地 n.烤焦; 使褪色 scorch v.炎热的天气 scorcher n.scornful adg. 轻蔑的scout n. 侦察员; 童子军 v.巡逻;scramble 攀, 争夺, 蔓延 v.scrap n 碎片, 废料; vt.废弃.刮擦; n.刮痕 scratch v.沙漠的太阳能scorch人的皮肤, 如此scorcher也不能阻碍scout去寻找飞机失事留下的scrap, 一个队员scramble沙漠中唯一的一棵树看到了树皮上一些scratch, 通过大scope搜查终于scoop出了埋在地下的飞机残骸, 首长决定给每一个scout一万块的scholarship 表彰他们的英勇的行为.没想到童子军们scornful的看着首长, 觉得给的钱太少.screen v. 遮蔽 n.屏幕;screw 螺丝 v.拧紧 n.踌躇; 顾忌 scruple v.scrupulous adg. 严谨的, 讲究的细察 scrutinize v.雕塑品 sculpture n.v 烧灼 sear.调味品, 佐料 seasoning n.归隐; 隔离 seclusion n.分泌 secrete v *.secretion n 分泌 (物).福尔摩斯scrutinize着博物馆被盗的现场,A large number of sculpture lost, Holmes found a cigarette sear carpet, windows screw is loose, the Wahson scrupulous scruple for a moment, think the thief is in from the window, Holmes shook his head and pointed nose by some cabinet screen the same secretion, there are some spilled seasoning powder that is, the smell of pepper sneezing criminals out of the nose, the criminal must have rhinitis, and Wahson also bet if you guessed wrong would be ahead of seclusion.Sect n. factionsSectional, adj., departmental, partialSecular, adj., secular, earthlySedate adj., quiet*sediment, N., sediment, sedimentOn the surface of seemingly adv., it seemsSeep v. leakageSegment n. part; fragmentSegregate, V. isolation, separationSeize v. capture captureSeemingly sedate the great lady Xue Baochai heart but very secular point of view, he not only seize Wang Xifeng's segment management right, also used in various sect struggle, successfully sent his henchmen seep into the court, in the most critical information sectional help out to be reviewed by the segregate master.Selection n. selectionSelective adj. pickySelfish adj. selfishSemester n. semesterSensible, adj.; sensible; obvious; feltSensitive, adj. sensitiveSensitize v. makes light sensitiveSensuous, adj., aesthetic, sensorySentimental, adj., sentimental, sentimentalSequence n. sequenceSentimental Lin Daiyu used 4 second semester myself to study sensitize film technology, in the Grand View Garden opened a studio, according to Yuan Ying lament sequence to photograph them, but she still selective selection Xue Pan's photos of rich sensuous photo, sensitive Lin believes that this is a selfish, but she did not contradict her sensible.Serene adj.; serene; sereneSerenity n. quiet, calmSerious adj.; serious; seriousSermon n. preachingSerrated, adj., serratedSession n. meetings; a period of time; a timeSever v. separate, cut offSevere adj., serious, seriousShabby adj. the ragged, tatteredShackle v. bound, with fetters of zirconiumIn shabby Master Hongqi serenity at Guo Jing, Guo Jing woke up to see the old beggar serene smile, the old beggar serious told Guo Jing that his wound is serrated severe, he had to wander in the bed not Guo Jing shackle. But due to the convening of the Huashan mountain session, they must be sever for a period of time, can not hear the old beggar sermon.Shade n. shadow; differenceShaft, N. axis, handleShake v. shake; shakeShallow, adj., shallowShameless adj., shameless!Sharpen v. sharpening; so keenShatter n. fragments; vt. shatter and shatterShear v. trimSheathe v. (sword) into the sheathSheer adj.; pure; pureYang Guo gently fly into the forest of banyan shade, sharpen of a branch as thick as a sword, a sword is shaft, head of shallow shake laugh, do not care about each other five or six weapon sheer handle the ancient, Quanzhen shameless seven peopletogether head up. No one can describe this shiny sword, 7 personal weapons while landing, Yang Guo has branches but sheathe, and shear had just finished, without any damage, the enemy's weapon but by the powerful strength shock shatter.Shield v. protection, asylumShifting adj. is fleetingShove v. pushingShrewd, adj., smartShrink v. contractionShrub n. bushesShuffle v.Shuffle, shuffle, mixShun v. avoidsSick adj. sick n. patientSicken adj. bored; nauseatedShrewd shield Huang Rong in order to kill the enemy Guo Fu, Shun, between shove with Guo Fu into shrub, shifting, King Jinlun will kill over, an odor is sicken sick, Huang Rong turned his head, when the king saw Guo Fu shrink figure, King shuffle over HuangRong's heart almost jump out.Siege v. siege, siegeSigh v. sighSignificant v. meaningful; important"Signify v." means "yes"Silica n. silicaSilly adj. silly, confusedSimmer v. simmered and simmered; full of (anger)Simulate v. acting; camouflageSimultaneously adv. at the same timeSin n. sin, sinIn the face of Liu Bei Zhang Fei simultaneously Guan siege himself, Lv Bu gently sigh, sin, sin, silly I was in Dong fell so next, as well as home farm significant, although the home silica field is not good, after all, is their home ah, nothing when simmer hen, too strong such a life, against Liu Bei signify die ah ~ ~ ~ "simulate Lv Bu actor on the stage singing grief.Singe, v., micro burning, hot cokeSinister adj.; ominous; evilSite n. siteSkein n. group, bundle*skeptic n. skepticsSkeptical, adj., doubtingSketch v. sketch n. sketches;Skillful, adj., skilledSkim v. skimmingSkimpy adj. too few; miserlyIn the face of crime site some singe evidence skimpy skillful Bao, cigarette butts, gloves evidence, facial contour sketch criminals, suddenly there are some sinister Bao skeptical skim files a material, when a skein workers walked, Bao spotted the suspect.Skip v. skipSlab, N. plates, slicedSlacken v. relaxationSlag, N. dross, slagSlander v. rumor, slanderSlant v. tilt n. slope;Slap v. Slap ShotSlate n./v. slate nominationSlight, adj., minor, minorSlim adj. slender; slenderHoles in slag camp, slim xiaoluobutou is correspondent, he often skilled skip messy slab, slant slate climbed to send a message by slap method, the wall, he slight move also did not escape the eyes of his spy Fu CHIGO, slacken fast gas nose askew, so slander said to kill all the camp the people.Slippery, adj., slippery, wrestlingSlogan n. slogan; sloganSlope n. slopes, tilts, V. tiltsSloppy adj.; thin; muddySloth n. lazy sloth (animal)Slovenly adj.; impure; associative memorySlug n. slow people, objectsSluggish adj. slackSlump v. fell suddenlySly adj. cunning; avoid being seen.The fog is full of people in sloppy slug walk, because the road slippery sloth, some people go to work by car, slovenly on the wall everywhere is a new brush slogan, some people work in the workshop of sly sluggish, do one day at a time, this time in the workshop on slope slump a piece of steel, heavily hit at large a head. This is the scene of 70s.Smash v. crushingSmear v. coated; smearedSmell v. smellsSmother v. make asphyxia; suffocatedSmudge, n./v. stain, stainSnag n. barrierSnap v. of crackling, suddenly rupture, taking a snapshot, snappedSneak v. sneakSneer v. ridiculedThe factory in 70s was full of smash glass, the machine smell was called smother, and the workers were smear with smudge,There is a mess of snag everywhere, so you can only sneak in the workshop, and there are snap voices everywhere, but people live happily, and no one will sneer other people.Sniff v. sniffing and sniffingSnippet n. sporadic words, fragmentsSnobbish adj. snobbish snobbishness.Snug, adj., cozy, warmSober, adj., sober; moderateSociable, adj., friendly, sociableSojourn v. sojourn; sojournSolar adj. sunSole adj. uniqueSolemn adj.; solemn; grandSolar is shining down, people have snug feeling, bursts ofdistant bells solemn church, Harry Potter sniff, head of the sober in sociable gradually, the old house of Sally sojourn for a long time, in addition to the landlord, the landlord only sole dog with her, go out when the mother snippet and echoed in the ears, you must beware of snobbish. Ah, Potter.Solicit v. soliciting; solicitingSolicitous adj.; anxious; anxiousSolidly adv. firmlySolitary adj. singleSolitude n. is isolated from the outside worldSomewhat adv. a littleSoothe v. comfort; ease; mitigateIn the face of solitude isolated from the cell, the count of Monte Cristo somewhat despair, solitary cell, solidly wall, Monte Cristo solicitous looking at the outside of the sun and the meadow, solicit had let him go, it was held in the same prison cellmate soothe he don't worry, you will get used to it.Sophisticated adj. refined, sophisticated.Soundproof v./adj. sound proofSouvenir n. souvenirsSovereignty n. sovereigntySpaceship n. spacecraftSpacious adj. vast and spaciousSpan v. spans the N. span for a period of time;Sparingly, adj., frugal, frugalSpark v. inspiration, flash n. spark;Spawn n./v. * * * *Sophisticated spaceship in the spacious space to sparingly energy, reduce the radiation by the soundproof equipment in space span a year, their achievements spark the old hen, they were determined as spawn, sovereignty and souvenir dedicated to maintain the territorial integrity of the astronauts.Specify v. specify; specifySpecimen, N. specimens, samplesSpectacle n. spectacleSpectacular adj., spectacular, spectacularSpectator n. spectators; spectatorsSpeculate v. speculates; meditationSpeedy, adj., fast, fastSpell n. for a while, for a whileSpew v. vomiting*sphere n. sphereThe spacecraft called specimen to retrieve all the spectator spew spell speculate, scientists probably because of bad smell, they specify the space travel spectacle spectacular speedy story to let the audience quiet.Spin v. rotation*spinal adj. spine*spine n. spineSpineless adj. without backbone; invertebrateSpiral adj. spiral; V. spiral up or downSplash, v., splash, splashSpleen n. spleenSplendid adj.; brilliant; brilliantSplendor n. glorious, spectacularSpoil v. damage, spoil, spoilSpineless spin a traitor Hu Hansan hand Tai Chi ball, thought himself splendid the future, one hand holding a refreshing spleen tea, then two Chiam too spiral along the escalator downstairs came in, Hu Hansan accidentally put the tea splash out spoil the table painted splendor landscape painting.Sponsor n./v. sponsorsSpontaneous adj. spontaneous; instinctiveSporadic adj. sporadicSpot n. site; spotted v. recognized;Spouse n. spouseSpout v. spewing outSprain v. sprainSprawl v.蔓延;伸出手脚N.扩展;浪花/诉喷雾春天泉水诉跳跃N.;巴乔在意大利甲级联赛中再一次扭伤了自己的脚踝,他痛苦的单脚弹簧出场地,蔓延躺在草坪上,他的配偶在家里正在看直播,看到这里伤心的喷口一口鲜血,巴乔的赞助商阿迪达斯公司和一些零星球迷自发捐款,在圣西尼球场外面的现货建立了一座喷雾弹簧纪念他。
联想记忆词汇教程(三)联想记忆词汇教程(三)联想记忆词汇教程list 10demonstrate v. 论证;演示demur v. 抗议;踌躇denote v. 指示;表示denounce v. 谴责,声讨;告发dense adj. 密集的*density n. 密度deny v. 否认depart v. 离开,出发dependent adj. 依靠的,依赖的depict v. 描写,叙述印度deny在昨天进行了dense核试验,demonstrate了自己不可能进行这样大规模的演习,他们对一些示威的游行群众的demur表示了遗憾,并且呼吁群众不要相信一些别有用心的记者dependent感觉的depict,希望群众depart广场,四下里政府denote秘密警察进行调查。
deplete v. 耗尽,倒空deplore v. 深悔;悲痛deport v. 驱逐出境,放逐;举止deposit v. 存款,放置;n.押金depot n. 仓库;v.容纳deprecate v. 抨击,抗议depreciate v. 贬值depredation n. 掠夺,破坏depress v. 使沮丧depression n. 萧条;沮丧;[地质]凹陷秦烩deplete了国家depot中deposit资金,导致了宋朝的货币的depreciate,经济depression,人们生活贫困,deplore选择了秦烩做宰相,岳飞deprecate 了秦烩的所作所为,却遭到了deport的惩罚,人民普遍感到depress,加上金国不断的骚扰,depredation 百姓的财物,人们生活极度贫苦。
deputy n. 代理人derange v. 扰乱deride v. 嘲笑,愚弄derive v. 派生,起源desalination n. 脱盐,(海水)淡化desert n. 沙漠;v.遗弃deserve v. 应得design n. 设计,图案;v.设计designate v. 指定;指派designing adj. 狡猾的;蓄意的在撒哈拉desert中,因为缺水,居民只能到designate的地点购买淡水,所以一些designing的淡水deputy design一些desalination的设备,derange了淡水的供应,政府deserve到的利益受到了损害,从而derive了很多的矛盾,遭到了邻国的deride。
关于联想记忆词汇教程List E不管白猫黑猫,能抓住老鼠的都是好猫。
联想记忆词汇教程 List Eeager adj. 渴望的;热心的ebb v. 衰退;退潮eccentric adj. 古怪的eccentricity n. 怪癖,古怪eclipse n./v. 衰落,(日,月)食;v.掩盖ecological adj. 生态的,生态学的economic adj. 经济的economical adj. 节约的,经济的economics n. 经济(学)economize v. 节俭随着美国economics ebb,越来越多的人失业,人民的生活越来越economize,没有人在关心ecological方面的争议,为了economical生活人们放弃了奢侈的生活,一些人甚至染上了eccentric eccentricity,用手绘的纸币满足自己对金钱的需要,人们eager economic复苏,认为这不过是短暂的eclipse过程就好像天文学的eclipse一样只是瞬间的事情。
*ecosystem n. 生态系统ecstasy n. 狂喜;恍惚edge n. 边edible adj. 可食的edifice n. 宏伟的建筑edify v. 陶冶,教化efface v. 涂抹;消除effect n. 效果;印象effective adj. 有效的;有影响的effectuate v. 使实现efficient adj. 有效率的为了effectuate世界杯出线的梦想,几代人呕心沥血edify下一代,当我们的足球队终于出线的时候,到处都是脸上efface国旗的人们,为了effective突出人民ecstasy心情,办事情极为efficient导演联想记忆在edifice天安门举办了大型的露天免费的餐饮会,在桌子edge摆放了足够一万人edible蛋糕,取得了很好的effect。
1. 建立联想图像:我们可以将课文中的关键词或重点句子转化为图像,通过联想这些图像来复述课文内容。
2. 利用动作联想:动作可以帮助我们更好地理解和记忆课文。
3. 利用情感联想:情感是人类记忆的重要因素之一。
二、常见的联想记忆方法1. 故事联想法:将课文中的内容整合成一个有趣的故事,通过故事情节的联想来记忆课文。
2. 地点联想法:将课文中的内容与具体的地点联系起来,利用地点的特点和形象来记忆课文。
3. 动画联想法:将课文内容转化成动画片段,通过想象这些动画来记忆课文。
联想记忆法示范例词1、Arm n. 手臂;v. 武装◆ His arms are very strong. 他的双臂非常强壮。
◆ The men armed themselves with sticks and stones. 这些人以棍棒和石块作为武器。
2、Back n. 背部;v. 支持◆ A small boy rode on the elephant's back. 一个小男孩骑在大象背上。
◆ Her parents backed her in her choice of career. 她父母支持她的职业选择。
3、Bank n. 银行;n. 河岸◆ I need to go to the bank. 我得去趟银行。
关于联想记忆词汇教程List H
联想记忆词汇教程 List H
halt v. 踌躇;停止
hamper v. 妨碍
handicap v. 妨碍;使不利
handicraft n. 手艺,技巧,手工艺品
handle v. 操纵n.把手
hands-on adj. 亲手做的,实习的
handy adj. 灵巧的;方便的
haphazard adj. 偶然的;随便地
harass v. 侵扰
hardheaded adj. 冷静的;顽固的
hardheaded荆柯准备利用hands-on匕首刺杀秦王,荆柯是当时handicraft最好的铸剑人,有着最handy双手,能同时handle多把利刃,在铸剑的时候一个小孩子harass 了他,就是这个haphazard失误hamper了他做出天下第一的利刃。
*hardly adv. 几乎不
hardy adj. 强壮的;耐劳的
harness v. 利用
harry v. 掠夺;折磨
harsh adj. 严厉的;刺耳的
harvest n./v. 收获
hasten v. 催促;vi.赶紧
hasty adj. 匆忙的
hatch v. 策划,孵出,孵(**)
hatchet n. 短柄斧
hardy程咬金harness自己的三hatchet杀败了叛军,失败的敌军hasty的丢下了了大量的军用物资,所以老程顺手harry了大量的金银,harvest颇丰,harsh的老程hasten 士兵赶紧收拾战场,这时候战鼓齐鸣,敌人杀了回来,原来这是敌人hatch的一场阴谋。
hatred n. 憎恶,憎恨
haughty adj. 傲慢的,轻蔑的
haul v. 拖曳;拖运
haunt v. 萦绕于心;常到
haven n. 港口;避难所
*hazard n. 危险;公害
hazardous adj. 危险的
head vt. 向某处走去 n.头;
headstrong adj. 顽固的
heal v. 治愈,使和解;n.痊愈
healthful adj. 有益健康的
hearsay n. 谣传,风传
heave v. 用力举起;拖
hectic adj. 忙碌的;发热的
heedless adj. 不留心的
heel v. 尾随 n.脚后跟;
heirship n. 继承权
helpless adj. 无助的
hem n. (衣服的)褶边
herald v. 宣布,预示; n.使者,先驱
面色苍白的王菲都劝她以后要多吃healthful 蔬菜。
herculean adj. 力大无比的
heredity n. 遗传
heresy n. 异端;邪说
heritage n. 遗产
hermit n. 隐居者
hesitate v. 犹豫,踌躇;含糊
heterogeneous adj. 异样的,异类的
hew v. 砍,伐;削
hexagonal adj. 六边形的
hibernation n. 冬眠
联想记忆词汇教程list 18
hideous adj. 骇人听闻的,丑恶的
hierarchy n. 等级(制度),阶层
highlight v. 强调;n.精彩场面
hike v. 远足,上升
hilarious adj. 高兴的;热闹的
hilarity n. 欢闹
hinder v. 妨碍
hinge v. 依…而定;n.铰链
hinterland n. 内地
hoarse adj. (声音)嘶哑的
在封建的hierarchy制度中,清宫里到处都是hideous 丑闻,因为清朝highlight的是盲从,所以康熙决定去hinterland hike的时候,所有的小太监都假装hilarious 要死,其实谁都不想一去几个月,hinder了家庭的幸福,康熙看到小太监们hilarity的场面,hoarse宣布hinge工作成绩,谁可以去,谁不能去。
hoax n./v. 愚弄
hoist n. 吊车 v.升起;
holocaust n. 大屠杀
homage n. 敬意
homicide n. 杀人
homogeneous adj. 同类的;相似的
horizon adj. 水平的地平线的
horror n. 恐惧
hospitable adj. 好客的
hostile adj. 敌对的,不友好的
holocaust ,holocaust ,holocaust!横尸遍野,一眼望不到头甚至延伸到horizon。
大量的尸体用hoist 送进焚烧炉,这种homogeneous残杀令人horror,面对hostile日本的残酷的homicide,所有的中国人都感到无比的愤慨,一些英勇的游击队员hoax了日军,杀死敌人100人,赢得了大家的homage,一些hospitable老百姓纷纷的宴请游击队员。
howl v. 咆哮
hubbub n. 嘈杂
huddle v. 拥挤;n.杂乱
humane adj. 仁慈的,亲切的
humid adj. 潮湿的
humidity n. 潮湿
humiliate v. 屈辱;贬抑
humorous adj. 幽默的
hump n. 驼峰;vi.隆起
hunch n. 预感
在干燥的沙漠中,没有任何humidity的地方,只有一群骆驼huddle在一起howl,韦小宝闻到空气中有一丝的危险,hunch到自己的形势不妙,带着苏荃骑上hump冲进hubbub集市,当冲出包围的时候再也抑制不住心中的humiliate,humid眼睛充满了泪水,humane 苏荃轻轻的拍
hunger v. 饥饿;渴望
hurdle n. 篱笆;障碍
hurl v. 猛投;猛冲
hurricane n. 飓风
husbandry n. 耕种;管理
hustle v. 驱赶
hybrid n. 杂种;混血儿
hydroelectric adj. 水力发电的
hygiene n. 卫生
hypersensitive adj. 过分敏感的
欧亚hybrid费翔忍受着hunger,在田间hustle老黄牛husbandry着一亩三分地,由于地区落后,没有hydroelectric,也就没有能源,只能靠老牛耕田,hygiene 条件极度恶劣,蚊虫蟑螂到处都是,这时候一阵hurricane 吹过,把hurdle吹起来,hurl向马圈里的赤兔白龙驹,hypersensitive白龙驹猛地冲出草料棚。