Organizational Behavior
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《组织行为学》(双语)课程教学大纲课程中文名称(英文名称):组织行为学(Organizational Behavior)课程代码:B27052课程类别:专业课程课程性质:必修课课程学时: 32学分: 2适用专业:人力资源管理专业先修课程:普通心理学一、课程介绍1。
五、考核方式和成绩评定方法考核方式:期末闭卷考试成绩评定方法:平时成绩(含考勤、回答问题、作业等)占30%,期末考试成绩占70%六、教材与主要参考书目教材:《Essentials of Organizational Behavior》,Stephen P。
组织行为学名词解释组织行为学(Organizational Behavior,简称OB)是研究个体、团队和组织在工作环境中的行为和互动的学科。
1. 个体行为个体行为是指在组织中个人展示出的行动和决策。
2. 团队效能团队效能是团队成员有效地协同合作以实现共同目标的程度。
3. 组织文化组织文化是指在组织中共享的信念、价值观、行为规范和工作方式。
4. 领导力领导力是指影响和指导员工实现组织目标的能力。
5. 组织变革组织变革是组织在追求适应环境和实现目标时的重大改变。
6. 动机理论动机理论研究个体为何会产生行为并如何维持行为的动力。
7. 决策过程决策过程是指个体或团队在做出选择时的思考和行动过程。
Organization BehaviorChapter1anizational behavior (OB):A field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups and structure have on behavior within organization, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness2. Managers doManagement functionPlanningA process that includes defining goals, establishingstrategy(策略), and developing plans to coordinate(调整)activitiesControllingMonitoring activities to ensure they are beingaccomplished as planned and correcting anysignificant deviations(背离).OrganizingDetermining what tasks are to be done, who is todo them, how the tasks are to be grouped, whoreports to whom, and where decisions are to bemade.LeadingA function that includes motivating employees,directing others, selecting the most effectivecommunication channels, and resolving conflictsManagement role: 1) interpersonal(人际角色)Figurehead(头面人物) Leader(领导者) Liaison(联络人)2) informational(信息传递者)Monitor(监控者) Disseminator(传递者) Spokesperson(发言人)3) Decisional(决策角色)Entrepreneur(创业者) Disturbance handler(混乱处理者)Resource allocator(资源分配者) Negotiator(谈判者)Management skills: 1) Technical skillsThe ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise(专门技术).2) Human skillsThe ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, bothindividually and in groups.3) Conceptual skillsThe mental ability to analyze and diagnose(诊断) complex situations.3. Effective versus Successful Managerial Activities1) Traditional managementDecision making, planning, and controlling2) CommunicationExchanging routine(例行的) information and processing paperwork3) Human resource managementMotivating, disciplining, managing conflict, staffing(人员指挥), and training4) NetworkingSocializing, politicking(政治活动), and interacting(相互影响) with others4. Challenges and Opportunities for OB1) Responding to GlobalizationIncreased foreign assignmentsWorking with people from different culturesOverseeing movement of jobs to countries with low-cost labor2) Managing Workforce Diversity(差异,多样性)Embracing diversityChanging demographics(人口)Implications for managersRecognizing and responding to differences3) Improving Quality and ProductivityQuality management (QM)Process reengineering4) Responding to the Labor ShortageChanging work force demographicsFewer skilled laborersEarly retirements and older workers5) Improving Customer ServiceIncreased expectation of service qualityCustomer-responsive cultures6) Improving People Skills7) Empowering(授权) People8) Stimulating(刺激) Innovation(改革) and Change9) Coping with “Temporariness(临时性)”10) Working in Networked Organizations11) Helping Employees Balance Work/Life Conflicts12) Improving Ethical(伦理的) Behavior5. Independent and dependent variables1) individual-level variables个体水平变量人们带着不同的特点进入组织,这些特点将影响到他们在工作中的行为。
组织行为学英文参考文献Organizational Behavior: A Literature ReviewOrganizational behavior (OB) is a field of study that examines the impact of individuals, groups, and structures on behavior within organizations. It is an interdisciplinary field that draws from various disciplines, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, and management. The primary goal of OB is to understand and predict human behavior in organizational settings, with the ultimate aim of improving organizational effectiveness and efficiency.One of the key areas of focus in OB is the study of individual behavior within organizations. This includes factors such as personality, attitudes, perception, learning, and motivation. Understanding how these individual-level factors influence employee behavior and performance is crucial for managers and leaders. For example, research has shown that employees with a high need for achievement are more likely to be successful in their careers, while those with a high need for affiliation may be better suited for roles that involve collaboration and teamwork.Another important aspect of OB is the study of group dynamics andteam behavior. This includes examining how factors such as group size, cohesion, and leadership influence the way groups function and perform. Effective teamwork and collaboration are essential for organizational success, and OB research has provided valuable insights into how to foster these qualities. For instance, studies have shown that teams with clear goals, well-defined roles, and open communication tend to be more effective than those without these characteristics.Organizational structure and design are also key areas of focus in OB. This includes understanding how different organizational structures (e.g., hierarchical, matrix, or network) and processes (e.g., decision-making, communication, and control) impact employee behavior and organizational outcomes. Effective organizational design can help to align the organization's structure and processes with its strategic goals and the needs of its employees.Another important area of OB is the study of organizational culture and its impact on employee behavior and performance. Organizational culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and assumptions that guide the behavior of individuals within an organization. A strong, positive organizational culture can foster employee engagement, commitment, and job satisfaction, while a dysfunctional culture can lead to a variety of negative outcomes, such as high turnover, poor communication, and decreasedproductivity.OB research has also examined the role of leadership in shaping organizational behavior. Effective leadership is essential for organizational success, and OB research has provided valuable insights into the characteristics and behaviors of effective leaders. For example, research has shown that transformational leaders, who inspire and motivate their followers, tend to be more effective than transactional leaders, who focus on contingent rewards and punishments.In addition to these core areas, OB research has also explored a variety of other topics, such as organizational change and development, organizational politics and power, and the impact of technology on organizational behavior. As the business environment continues to evolve, the field of OB will need to adapt and expand to address new challenges and opportunities.Overall, the field of organizational behavior is a rich and dynamic area of study that has made significant contributions to our understanding of human behavior in organizational settings. By applying the principles and findings of OB research, organizations can improve their effectiveness, enhance employee well-being, and ultimately achieve their strategic goals.。
Organizational Behavior
Part1: Introduction to Organizational Behavior
Chapter1:organizational behavior overview Organizational behavior (OB) is a field of study devoted to understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations.
OB source:
1.Industrial and organizational psychology
2. Social psychology
3. Sociology
4. Anthropology
5. Economics
Integrative model of organizational behavior
1.Individual outcomes:
Job performance;Organizational commitment
2.Individual mechanisms:
Job satisfaction; stress; motivation; trust,justice and ethics; Learning and decision making
Individual characteristics:
Personality; cultural values; ability
Group mechanisms:
Teams; leaderships
Building a conceptual argument进行概念性论证
Resource-based view
◆Other resources(knowledge,decision-making,ability,culture) What makes a resource valuable?(图p.11)
Rare: resources,people
1.history-----a collective pool of experience,wisdom,and knowledge that benefits the organization.
2.Numerous small decisions-----people make many small decisions day-in and day-out,week-in and week-out.
3.Socially complex resources-----culture,trust,reputation.
Rule of one-eight
Three different correlation sizes (p.15)
How do we know OB?(p.15)
◆Method of Experience---people hold firmly to some belief
because it is consistent with their own experience and observations.
◆Method of Intuition---people hold firmly to some belief because
it “just stands to reason”--it seems obvious or self-evident.。