最新人体骨骼 医学解剖
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I:枝# bones of upper limb-clavicle vimi-scapulahumerus<radius尺什ulna——冷Itcranial bones加椎cervicalvcrlcbnicwn sternum肋ribsII® KtlumbarvertebraeF Z bones ofhandmtfemurK 般flbonesof lower limb*•杵fibulapatellasacrumJM梅thoracicvenebrae敏干骨skeleton oftrunk全身骨骼(前面观)The skeleton. Anterior aspectflat bone介气的不规則骨irregular pneumaticbone——W 11-short bone骨的分类Classification of bones关币软骨■一articular cartilage -滋养动脉nutrient a.periosteum—密质compact bone marrow骨的构造 Structure of the bone股、胫骨上端(额状切面)The upper parts of the femur and tibia. Frontal section件小梁tnibccula密质compact松賦spongy 椎体(矢状切面)The vertebral body. Sagittal section板障diploe顶肾剖面Section of the parietal Done一一板障能diploic canal__板障diploe外板outer plate 板障管Diploic canals横突肋卩I -- transverse costa ) fovea檢弓板 lamina ofvertebral arch,上肋卩||z zsuperior costalfovea notch一椎I:切迹 superior vertebral n otchA 上关B 突 superior articular胸椎(上面观)A thoracic vertebra. Superior aspectvertebral body —棘突spinous process上关廿突 椎1沏迹superior articular process / superior vertebral 横突肋卩i ]、 ' / notch transverse costalfovea上肋MIsuperior costal fovea一一椎体vertebral body卜肋Minferior costal fovea楝突—才一spinous process椎孔■一vertebral foramen横突 transverse process -一 1椎F 切迹interior veriebra!nolch横突-transverse processF 丰节突 inferiorarticular process胸椎(侧面观)A thoracic vertebra. Lateral aspect第I胸HI l()ththoracicvertebra笫卜•胸椎-I !th thoracicvertebra第册椎12th thoracicvertebra第1、V. X —XII胸椎(侧面观)The 1st ,5th ,10th to 12th thoracic vertebrae. Lateral aspect椎体钩uncus of vertebral body横突孔transverse foramen 、 椎弓根、 pedicle of 冃vertebral arch卜关巧突"inferior articularprocess.._練突spinous process颈椎(上面观)A cervical vertebra ・ Superior aspect闻结节前弓anterior tubercle anterior aruh.・为突凹 dental fovea 上关卩凹 一 superior articular fovea 横突 transverse process、椎动脉沟groove for、戶“…vertcbral a.n i : i i Uposterior tubercleThe atlas. Superior aspect■前结W anterior tubercle 后结节 posterior tubercle 上关fj 突 superior articular processvertebral arch侧块lateral mass '横突孔transverse foramen Iff 孔 vertebral foramen 麻q 一一 posterior arch寰椎(上面观)槛孔Ml :体vwcbnil foramen / vertcb ral body询结Yi anterior tubercle [比突|叫dental fovea侧块 lateral mass 横突transverse process横突孔transverse foramen tubercle寰椎(下面观)The atlas. Inferioraspectspinous process枢椎(上面观)The axis ・ Superior aspectiW 弓 anterior arch 、inferior articular \foveah iposterior arch匕关节而superior articularsurface横突孔——transverse foramen椎弓~vertebral arch一为突dens体vertebral body•横突 transverse prixjess --椎孔vertebral foramen--棘突—一后结i’J posterior ♦fl:孔-vertebral foramen椎体 vertebral body 椎弓根 pedicle ofvertebral x arch 横突、 transverse process上关节突 superior articularprocess “ w 孔vertebral foramen第七颈椎(上面观)7th cervical vertebra. Superior aspect腰椎(侧面观)A lumbar vertebra ・ Lateral aspect椎体钩 uncus of vertebral body 横突孔transverse foramen F 关节突 inferior articular、 process椎弓板 lamina ofvertebral arch乳突、■mamillary process副突accessor )F、 上关卩突檢刁根superior articular process / "/ vertebnil arch丄 一横突卞(rans vcrsc, pmcessprocess/棘突Tspinous 、 process 丫•椎体vertebral b(下关节突— inferiorarticular process椎下切迹inferior vertebral notch** 突■一spinous process椎孔vertebral foramen腰椎(上面观)A lumbar vertebra. Superior aspect椎体_ vertebral body |必巧突、 superior articular 、 process下关卩突-一inferior articularprocess 椎弓板lamina ofvertebral arch 棘 spinous 川T 根pedicle of vertebral arcliI樂accessory process乳突 mamillary process突process突nsverse processI.XV J ^supenor articular process谊恃尖 ----------- 二apex of sacrum舐骨(前面观〉The sacrum. Anterior aspect侧部latcnil partala of sacrum岬promontory、、•'- 、歹flttA i 孔 / / poMeru 打 sacral/■・foramina砥骨(后面观)The sacrum. Posterior aspect尖一—Aft n sacral canal I z 抵汁底/ base of sacrumapex of sacrum-« ffi sacral cornu恤机降--sacral tuberosity艇正中崎一一median sacral crest飆中问埼・intermediate sacral crcst恥皆裂孔一一sacral hiatus低外伸n lateralsacral crest4状面 auricular surface尾骨禹coccygeal cornu尾骨(前面观)The coccyx. Anterior aspect筑静脉切迹淡切迹jugular notchclavicular notchIi第£.PM.五肋切迹J3, 4,5thcostal '、 notches询側肌和障lubenniiy for vcrnilux ^ntrritr2动林沟、MJ I CUS fur Mibchvian a询斜角机络"、 tubercle forsLdlefiu> anterior肋体 shaft ofnb--助结YicoMai tubercle-・肋头 co%lallieadWT 附脉沟--sulcus for subclavian v.第 I. Ih XII 肋骨(上面观)The 1st, 2nd. 12th ribs ・ Supenor aspect胸竹柄——sternal inanubiium第一肋切迹 1st costal n (Hch第:肋切迹2nd costal notch胸骨角sternal angle胸卄体一sternal body剑突__xiphoid process第六、匕肋切迹—工6, 7th costal notches胸骨(前面观〉The sternum. Anterior aspect一・阳1•体sternal body第三• M 血肋切迹-<-«4, 5th costal notches第六、LIDJUJ 迹一二6, 7th costal notches—剑突xiphoid process胸骨(侧面观)The sternum. Lateral aspect锁切迹-clavicular notch—■胸件柄stcrrml manubrium第二肋切迹一一2nd costal nolch•一胸骨角sternal angle 3. 'I!,第一肋切迹1st costal notch(ubefvulum sellae 權冲经予 小 Woptic canalMl 孔foramen ruluixlumhypophysial fozf --卵MHLforamen ovate r-*孔foramen spino>um——Jantcnor clinoid process蛛H xpirx nf Kphmimlboneccrcbrul surface加d 林沟canxid suku\肩乐攵 dozmsd 加斜圾 嶂小舌 poMcrior clinoid process cliviiw sphenoid lingula■ E®superior orbit A I fixxure心谊沟■ileuspfcchia^vnaticus致骨(上面观〉The sphenoid bone. Superior aspect一蛭U«sphenoidal conchaaperture of sphenoxial MDUX w n pccrygoid canal■-咒嘤外轉板lateral ptcr )gcMd plate蝶管(HI 面观)The sphenoid bone. Anterior aspectoibi(a) surface冀切迹-pterygoid fissure说次内餘板 medialpterygoid platebodysphenoidal crcMIMI aforamen rotundum.大w greater wingKE«%upcri« ixbiiil fissure小W 、spl )en (Mdal ivufumnriKCM dorsum scllue pmocY的床咚-一—antenor clinoidprocess人—greater wing拔加沟—carotidpterygoid canal ”—5caphotd fbz盘切逝----------- ■pterygoid fissure y 「吧d蕊專篤鳥爲 zpinlcnur clinoid 、厂]/ cerebral ^urtace pmcE \ I / / x•-&哎新'名r:•sphenoidal rostnim興钩pterygoid hamulussuperior cirbiudfissure---興次外侧板latenil pierygoid- PlateW W pterygoid fossaI辱^一赵内加medial pterygoidplate蛟骨(后面观)The sphenoid bone. Posterior aspect ・中动脉沟wlcmfor middle temporala.tt l /l>l"l、、\uperameauil foveola 、、丘uii.m —kuprr.ainrjit.il、pinr外4门-external acoustic puce・—一tympwofniiuoid fi%wrcft突•一nusioid proecM^styloid process 彼®tympanic partmandibular fossa-tt 58 zygomatic proccu一一XW.V atlicular tuberclepetrosquamous Gssure、岩波裂petrotympanic fissure岩a petrosalpart(外面观)The temporal bone. External aspect询庭水能外I I external aperture ofaquedua of vestibuleS5W (内面观)The temporal bone. Internal aspect—4$八;状帶f 我 / arcuate eminencelaterad scmicuvular canal / a . — _ / /上 TWI?, / >uperiof semicircular c^nalZ川庭zvcMibukoval windowproKnonlcr>M 较隸肌Y 爷 vcmicanitl for tcnuir tympaniWK 中动林沟 sulcus for middile meningeala.anruatc eminence[义冲经丿I 逊・- trigeminal impression 岩部一petrosal part内耳门internal acoustic pore--鳞部squamous parttegmen tympani一岩上赛沟 Miclin for superiorpetrosal sinus・_ _乳突儿mastoid foramen乙状突沟sulcus for sigmoid sinus■■中动林沟MI I CIK for middle meningeal a.\mastoid antminaditus to mastoid antrum亠外 T UH^、 lateralscmicircuhf crinal鼓常I Kift - eptympanic recess外"Mt -external acoustic meatusnuutotd cellsU} I OH I processmaooid cellsa 农 nuiMoidprocess6w w round windou semicanal for auditor>rti 神经??tubecanal fvr facial nerve 'p)rainHlal eminence 9i 骨(剖面〉The temporal bone. Section•隆凸mentalprotuberancemental tubercle下颌骨(外侧面观)The mandible. Lateral aspectFfl*头hc4kJ of mandible下颌(前面观〉The mandible. Anterior aspectbead of mandiblel^fft "angle of mandibleW突condylar processbody of mandible mental foramenneck of mandiblecoronoid processramus of mandiblepterygoid tuberosityMW® alveolar part步msjuga alvcolaria 吆肌巾I降--masvctcric tuhcn»ity卜做切迹mandibular notchI讹孔mandibular foramenk£次coronoid process MS头head of mandibleWat加nevk of mandible ——W 5Kcondylar praxv*卜龍切连--manebh<ihr incisurv卜儘体sub!:gUXo body ofnuindibk )卜徵支rainus of mandible昭H" nundihuhr lingula * -卜僦孔marutibular rumen卜第小ML线mylohyoid line 丄一一翼机粗降ptcngowl tuherxvMtj an^lr of nuintiiblrmental yincKMJU 肌自subrandibukir fo%c<i di^asinu fossa下颌青(后面观)The mandible Posterior aspect舌昔体body of hyoid bone舌骨(上面观)The hyoid bone .Superior aspect尖分必" canine fossa泪沟、lacrimal groove 、lb曲I orbitalsurface 瀚突frontal process anterior lacrimal crest・F沟——0占infraorbital groo\ezygomatic process •——眾切迹nasal notchHK ML ''、infraorbital foramen__IR 突palatine process鼻前林antenor nasal spine 一一牙侑純juga alveolariaJ alveolar process上颌骨(前面观)The maxilla bone. Anterior aspect魏突zygomatic process额咲frontal processeihiiK)idal crest一一H*凌製孔maxillaryhiatus--------------conchal crest15次palatineprocess 厲切迹一nasal notch鼻怔休一anterior nasal ^pine一購人沟greater palatine sulcus-聘小沟lesser palatine sulcus alveolar prexess上颌骨(内侧面观)The maxilla bone. Medial aspect人字缝.一lambdoid sutureoccipital bone顶孔・parietal foramen矢状缝 sagittalsuture-一顶 thparietal bone.-冠状缝coronal suturefrontal bone颅(上面观)The skull. Superior aspectJ Fcn*ta galh小时 cerebellarhzMi »ft frolal cresi H 孔. foramen cecum 轨板、 cribrifomi pUie交义说沟sulcus prcchusnutKTU^ 、、,小K• / lesser *ingHki zoptic carnil 'postericc cliiMwd PTIKCM 冷於族沟--一 carotid Mikv 、 ___________________*uku* for middlemeningeal a. 岩I 演为 MI I CUS for inferior pCtfOSAl MIIU%mn •・inlcnial xouzic p<vc 技來孟一一 tegmen t )*mpani 谕庭水7?外lieexternal apenure of aqucdu.1 of vestibule 乙状寰沟" wlcv 、(or zgmo«d sinus Si 2冲经竹hypcigknMl cinalh\popl )>Mal hzui antenor climml prncz• 一 HI 仇foramen nxundum vtn dorMiin M?llae ___ *M4lforanievi ovak --£«!孔foramen hcenim_ ■・甘孔kwanxm vpino 、umirigemina! impression Mvium eminence、沟 Miku* forMipcncv pcumal ^inm 颈静脉孔 jugukir tciraincn ' Mclivus tt+FA:孔 forunwnmagnum It 内爼 mtcnul ocopiul crest復底内而 The internal surface of the base of the skull能动林竹一cariHid uimil Mitt *superior nucha line网I 线infenor nucha line刃呢外駕板・・ late ml ptery goid pbk聲U7孔 piMefim nasal jpmurc 贸冗内I 板•一medal p<crygetid plak* nuiKtoid notch 检询冰沟" wlcu 、fw occipital a. iiuisk»id flvraiiim«W4L --hiramen laccrum jugular fosMi 学孔孔一stybrnastoid foranien inciMve loniniiru 、rtijptt median palaune uitunr 水Y奚..bori/onul pl* / lr^iu%er>r paluiitte %uiurvz z greater palatineduramen“ I ;小孔 lc%*cffMhlinc 血 teamen八AL 』_ p<crvfoid foz** •) /)g<xnatK arch ____ Vft vomerarticular (u&rvlc_______ *Wiipharyngeal luhrrvle ■- Kttftmandibul<ir k*Nna--- 冬*M>I OK 1 prwe 耗---枕 R、 (xcipiul condyle ■扎陝mastoid process ■p w condylar canal ■ ttnxA(ofamen nugnuincxlcmal occipital crcMMhft 丹 external <x:cipiulpnitubenuKC颅底外面 The external sudace of the base of the skull人字■、 lambdoid suture occipital hwic外耳门-- external acoustic poren n porietul bone一-masseteric (uhemsity an 創c of mandibleM 必 temporal fo^satcmponl bone body of mandible mentalforamena 咲——mastoid processtrontal bone—— I®线superior temporal祖状显coronal suture --WA pterion tt n sphenoid bone■ ■肉骨 nasal bone*ll ft hen ma I hone^ygonulic ・vh zygomatic bone -一 I :颌付 maxilla・卜錮支 minusof mandible颅(侧面现)The skull. Lateral aspect颅(前面现)The skull. Anterior aspectfrontal boneghbella«孔-menta ) fonmen menial paxubcranceX -mandible竹、sphenoid bone 、、 離上罠- superior orbital fissurenasal bi>nc 中鼻屮一middle nasal cut H : ha maxilh IF 艸一 inferior nasal concha 和弓Nupcrviliary iirch.1« H parietal bone-・■ULsupraorbital foramen-瞰 fl- tcmpoial box --帆忡经竹optic canai■泪n lacnmalbone-一娥什zygomatic bone ■ MLinfniochKal foramenvomerangle cf niandiNeorbital wrface infraorbiul foramen卷神络管--optic canal ■Jl 切连 wpraoffbiul nouhmlcnor ortnud figure infmurbital groove Hk 上蛛 *upraorbiUlmargin ■上H wpenuc orbital fissure 孔poslenor ethmoidal foremenL" »IW/lanterior e (hnx>idal foramen -ill ft lacnmd L ■泪麻m posterior -fossa for-離卜缘infraorbiul margintXMlClacrimal cnemlacnmal sac■ (*■*) The orbit. Anterior aspectQ 泡.ethmoidal bulla»漠、frontal sinus■小房• ethmoidalcellules 、、I*第小房开LI opening of anterior ethmoidalcellules/忘篇小沟丿F 「l/ opening of posterior ethmoidal cellules z aperture of sphenoidal sinus帧妄开门-■ opening of rmnulsinun 钩次 uncinate processnasolacrimal canal切牙俗•-incisive canalsphenoidal sinus-垂体空hypophysial fossa■中筛小房开口 openingof middle ethmoidal cellules中如卩 middle nasal conchainferior nasa concha骨性鼻腔外侧壁 ⑵ The lateral wall of the bony nasal cavity ⑵脑帜屮动脉沟 sulcus for middle meningeal n 筛板cribriform plate一一免除外*1板 lateral pterjgoid plale 翼夹内需板medial pterygoid、 plate 水¥板horizonla) plate骨性鼻腔内侧壁 Themedial wall of the bony nasal cavity◎中潮\nasal septumhard pabtc颅的额状切 The skull. Frontal sectionlevatcr m. of一出鼻IIImiddleI.W'W 码超 内"fl^upenor obliquus cn»u galli medial rcctuxsphenoidal sinusvoiiujrE#'Pinferior naval conchafrontal sinus垂血板備骨)_一perpendicular plate (ethmoidbone)码冠 cristagalli鼻竹 nasalbone球切迹 nasalnotchpalatine processalveolar processIMsupcritn zzlmeatus钩哽・_uncinate processvixncr 1•小対clhnioidal cellules1次状吏沟^uku\ for\upcrior sagittal sinusMl第I n M H al CTVMfrontal sinusUrtMl ・anterior eihinoidalloranwncrista galli‘能板cnbrifomi plate• IM*孔/>g<»m.i(k<Hcmporj|foramen一中inkidle naval concha、KWifiinferior nazl mcuiu、帀ri板(W)pcrpcndkihr plaic(ethmoid bond■中® ifimiddle nazl incalu>J I伽inlenor nasal conchaI領蚩亠-maxillar)* “ninI •施U仪孔" maxillaryhiatus 水TW- hori/onul plate樓(冠状断面 > The skull. Coronal section中心臉沟Milcus for middle meningeal A.贰«£ criMa Ralli frontal Mnut L®屮、wpenor nasml 、、concha 0 1T nasal bone |g«WL・ maxillary hiutusF卿卩inferior nasalconcha IXXCSSsphrnocihmoidal 切幼能•inci%ive canaliW z , inlerior ru^al fmeatus /(Mhiinc proem middle nasalconcha « mc»tu!k中鼻ittmiddle nzlmeatus A U sphenoidalsinusapvrlurc & splwn. idul “z、/ J / 利Hihypophysial fbzJM'HJ inicvvuljcouwiicpore■丿冊『dipkie.outer plateinner phtc乙状女沟sukuH ft*sigmoid *mux■^.--忱外降凸externalcKapilalprncuhcraiKe、•击Fl*经筏hypoglossalcanal颅(矢状断面〉The skull. Sagittal section冠状缝- 一宀corona ) suture---- 前闵kanteriorfontanelle-欠耳八缝sagittal suture一 -人字缝lambdoid suture婴儿颅(上面观)The skull of a infant. Superior aspect婴儿颅(侧面观)The skull of a infant. Lateral aspect后I 刈 ----posterior fontanelle人了缝一一lambdoid suture后外侧肉--posterolateralfontanelle一一 I 询外测I対anterolateral fontanelle--冠状缝coronal suturearticular surface of acromionacromion '、盘上结卩■- supraglcnoid tubercle 关 Wife -------- glenoid cavity 启峰角/ acromial angle 蠶F 结” infraglenoid tubercle一一内测缘medial border喙coracoidxI. /fl superior angle启胛切迹 notch ofscapula/上缘I siperior borderprocess外侧缘--lateral border肩胛骨(前面观)启胛subscapular fossainferior angleThe scapula. Anterior aspect喙 突 supraglenoid tubercle coracoid process 么戶f内恻缘——medial border冈用一infraspinous fossainferior angle佔阴骨(后面观)The scapula Posterior aspect丿订胛切迹notch of scapula上缘supenor border・\冈上金——supraspinous fossaFl 胛凶--spine of scapuln_ _启绦acromion-痢峰处acromial angle--Fl 胛颈scapula neck*盂下结VF infraglcnoid tubercle——外側缘lateral border肱看(前面观》The humerus Anterior aspect肱會(后面观〉The humerus ・ Posterior aspect钻肓筒沟■- intenubcrcular sukus外科Misurgioil neck小头- capttulun ofhumeru\ft « radialfossa外l :・hlenil epicundyle 、、 小站h • k*»cr tubercleJftHlffl* -------------- 1deltoid (uben>si(yshufx of huincru^greater tubercle处付衢牟tmchlcu of humcnis,内卜JWf medial epicondyle小络伽—— crest of lesser tubercle 畑询——creM of greater tubercle 匕一耐头head & humerus/ coronoid fowalHEtf medial epicondykUuifl of humerus/ ulecnUKMl I OSM外科加-surgical neck一外±Wlateral cpicondyie--tt 神铮沟sulcus (be mdial n.MUcI K 4I J of humems-人站卩 greatertuherclc; 血什潮乍 尺神蛉沟 triKhka <»f humcnixMikuk for ulnar n.冠突 梯杵少 coronoid process headof radius 关节M ! articular fovea •竹间缘interosseous border茎突styloid process梯骨(前面观) 尺骨(前面观)The radius. Anterior aspect The ulna. Anterior aspect环耳八关Win 卜articular circumference桃竹颈'neck of radius梯骨粗降"radial tuberosityradius notch挠骨体 ----shaft of ■ radius°一 itt 乍切迹 trochlearnotch-尺骨粗隆ulnar tuberosity一 •尺什体shaft of尺骨头 headof ulna一•茎突styloidprocessolecranon环状关节面 articularcircumference尺切迹ulnar notch茎突 styloidprocess关节凹articular fovea尺切迹ulnar notch一棧骨体shaft ofradius后缘•-posterior border radial tuberosity梯切迹;radius notch |olecranon尺竹头一-head of ulna内侧面 ----medial surface件间缘interosse<His border环状“讪Iarticular circumference-梯件头head of radius、、挠件颈neck of radius些突styloid pnx:ess楼骨(后面观)The ulna. Posterior aspect The radius. Posterior aspect尺骨(后面观)第1-5祟件■-1st to5thmetacarpalbone 小釘HL、trapezoidbone、、的竹钧... hamulus ofhamate bone 钧#-------------------------------------hamate bone /十" 三卅卄"一 /triquetral bone 厩口任zpisiform bone / H tf lunate boneproximal phalanx头状件capitate bone scaphoid bone远卄指什——distal phalanx中YjfiW——middle phalanx_____ 折卄申联(ubemsity of phalanx--指铛体shaft of phalanx、指忡底base of phalanx --W头head of metacarpal boneshaft of metacarpal bone一-学什麻base of metacarpal bone 人^ffjn trapezium bone手骨(前面观)The bones of the hand ・ Anterior aspect蠟什底base of metacarpal bone 小多角骨 ---------------------------trapezoid bone / 大多角胃/trapezium bone “ “" 于舟付scaphoid bone__ WffiKtuberosity of phalanx—折T F 底base of phalanx、 pisiform bone月骨卩. lunate bonecapitate bone手骨(后面观)The bones of the hand. Posterior aspectantenor« * iliM crestiliac (ubennityauncular surface -IMposicrior superior iliac spinepenicnor mferior iliac vpinc屮什火切诳 gneMler mMchixrhuil jne ■堂针小切迩Iczcr M :iatic notch ttlW I M --antenor %upenor iliac spine状线- arcuatelinettfn KW 一 inferioriliac spine iliopubic eminenceIHTttpecten of pubt. pubec Kubervle shaft of metacarpal bone指件底base of phalanx指骨体-shah of phalanx一指忖淆乍 trochlea ofphalanx指骨体shaft of phalanx--第五第骨5th metacarpal bone钩n hamatebone十三角计 triquetralbonehead of mclacarpal bone学件体备后EM 一一 posterior superior iliac spine褊京Fit 、、posterior inferior iliac ^pine坐ft 人切迹一 greater sciatic notch 〃状面 lunate surface 电竹棟 ----- ischial spine 坐It 小切迷" lesser sciatic notch忖因•“ 一ischial tuberosityantenor infenor iliac spine■ItFl acetabulum--时骨结Y> pubic tubercle 、闭孔obturator foramen面观)The hip bone.讓骨(外External aspectiliac ala--粘结"iliac tubercle一一 IftM l.Manterior supenur iliac spineiliac (crestMHft acctubular fmsa-MBJWtt acetabularnotch头股件头凹忘必of femur 转fovea of femoral head \ trochanteric fossa股骨(前面观)The femur. Anterior aspectmedial condyle股骨(后面观)The femur. Posterior aspecturn拔——广neck of femur 厶j大转fgreiier (rvchanlcrM体$haft offemur外MW -- lateral epicondyle 收肌站Yi adductor luberule /\head of femur转子刨线intertnKhantcnc line帙曲patellar surface2内上umedial epicondyleM体shaft offemur内储料internal lip外侧悴external lip-大覧子greater trochanter--股杵颈neck of femur■转fiiiim intertrochantenccrest怦肌榊降glutealtuberosity-・驛间线intercondylarlinelinen asperalii poplitealsurface、外UHIlateral condyleintercondylar fossa恢底base of patella;关节面anticular surfaceapex of patellaapex of patella韻骨(前面观)The patella. Anterior aspeet顒骨(后面观)The patella. Posterior aspeet濮底base of patella前血-anterior surface外侧髒-lateral condyle腓骨头一head of fibula内踝关节面medial malleolar articular surfaceA__胫骨粗隆tuberosity of tibia-一外侧面lateral surface——胫竹体shaft of tibia件间缘-interosseous border一内测侏medial condyle/内探medial malleolus腓什体-shaft of fibula腓竹颈"dneck of fibula一一前缘anterior border--- 内侧面medial surface外踝一一lateral malleolus 下关Vilfijinferior articular surface腓骨(前面观)胫骨(前面观)The fibula. Anterior aspect Th© tibia. Anterior aspect髒间隆起、、鳥1為e 腓关俪intercondylar eminence 吋入• wfibular articular facet'/腓竹头尖/ apex of fibular head-一腓骨头斗一腓竹体shaft of fibula内踝-y!medial malleolus外踝窝lateral malleolar fossa比H 他肌线--soleal line滋养孔foramen nutricium骨间缘-一interosseous border内恻驟 medial condyle。
上肢带骨:肩胛骨2、锁骨2 自由上肢骨:肱骨2、桡骨2、尺骨2、腕骨16、掌骨10、指骨28 ①.腕骨(共16块)包括:手舟骨、月骨、三角骨、豆骨、大多角骨、小多角骨、头状骨、钩骨,左右成对,共16块。
②.掌骨(共10块)③.指骨(共28块,除拇指2块其余各指均为3块,左右成对)下肢骨:分下肢带骨和自由下肢骨下肢带骨:坐骨2、耻骨2(和称髋骨)自由下肢骨:股骨2、胫骨2、腓骨2、跗骨14、跖骨10、趾骨28 ①.跗骨(共14块)包括:距骨、跟骨、足舟骨、骰骨(各1块),左右成对,共8块。