袁贵仁 (安徽蚌埠固镇) 赵薇 祖海 解晓东 the stars of Anhui 周涛 The national AAAAA scenic spot 西递宏村 world cultural heritage ------Hongcun One of the five largest fresh water-lake in China 大家应该也有点累了,稍作休息 大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流 The celebrities of Anhui 老子 庄子 华佗 包拯 The celeb桐ri城tie三s o祖f Anhui 方 苞 姚鼐 刘大櫆 胡锦涛 吴邦国 李克强 汪洋 (安徽绩溪) (安徽肥东) (安徽定远) (安徽宿州) Minister of Education There are lots of mountains, such as Yellow Mountain , JiuHua Mountain and so on. 五岳归来不看山, 黄山归来不看岳 World Natural and Cultural Heritage Mount Tianzhu JiuHua Mountain is one of the four scared mountains of Chinese Buddhism 用英文介绍家乡安徽 The Location of AnHui Mymhy ohommeetotwonwn AN HUI AN HUI is in the eastern of China, there is famous of beautiful scenery and all kinds of culture . 芜湖铁画“迎客松” Pear Garden Pear Garden Pear Garden Pear Garden my classmates The biggest being fourth generation China theme park -ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu------Anhui Wuhu Fu Li roast chicken ( 符离集烤鸡)中国四大名鸡之一 珠 城 蚌 埠 It is a pity that I couldn`t buy these for you! 霸 王 别 姬 垓 下 古 战 场 “榆抱桑”“浣发 池” 浣发池: 虞姬于此取水濯 发 榆桑: 虞姬所化 榆树和桑树像同根所 发, 见 证项羽和虞姬凄 美的爱情。 起源于安徽的 黄梅戏 梁祝 文房四宝 徽墨(安徽徽州)、宣纸(安徽宣州)、歙砚(原歙州府) 四宝之乡饱眼福,今生之喜在皖南 ------日本一画家