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在汉英同声传译中,语用学的重要性主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 语境适应:不同的文化背景和语言习惯导致同一句话在不同语境下含义可能大相径庭。
2. 语言表达:语用学研究语言的使用方式,包括口头和书面表达。
3. 文化差异:汉英文化差异巨大,包括价值观、习俗、信仰等。
三、汉英同声传译的语用学应用1. 词汇选择:在同声传译中,词汇的选择至关重要。
2. 句式转换:汉英句式结构存在较大差异,如汉语多意合,英语多形合。
3. 文化背景的补充:在翻译过程中,有时原话的某些含义可能难以通过语言本身传达。
Comparative Analysis on deictic expressionsin Chinese and EnglishIntroductionThis paper has discussed the deixis in English and Chinese. The deixis in English is divided in to five categories: person deixis, time deixis, p lace deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis. We just analysis person deixis and time deixis .It has also illustrated through the typical examples the concrete usage of the deixis in the deictic context. Deixis is one of the most important tasks in the pragmatic research. It is because the linguistic phenomenon "deixis" exists in linguistic language that it has good reason s to show the close relations between language and the environment in which language is used.Deixis is a technical term(from Greek verb ‘deknum’, meaning “show, point , indicate .”) which means “pointing” via language. Any linguistic form used to accomplish this ‘pointing ’ is called a deictic expression. It is used to indicate the function or property that certain words, such as personal and demonstrative pronouns, place and time adverbs and others have in language.Levinson contends that deixis generally works in an egocentric way. That is, unless otherwise stated:The central person is the speaker, the central time is the time at which the speaker produces the utterance, the central place is the speaker’s location at utterance time or CT, the discourse centre is the point which the speaker is currently at in the speaker’s social status and rank, to which the status or rank of addressees or referents is relative. (Levinson, 1983:64)Comparative analysis on deictic expressions in Chinese and English.Person deixisPerson deixis indicates the role of participants in communication. It is expressed through the use of personal pronouns or ‘pronominals’as linguists call such as I and you , the speaker (I) and the addressee (you ).Pronominals or personal pronouns may fall into three groups, namely,the first person, the second person and the third person.As for the first person, person deixis encodes a distinction between the singular and plural. For example, in Chinese northern dialect, “wo men” is usually singular in meaning with reference to speaker(s) only while “zan men” is often plural in meaning with reference to both speakers and addressees. However, in modern English, there is only one word for “we”.If we are carefully enough, we shall notice that in some languages, the category of plural notion is not applied to the first person in the same way as it is to the person. Some languages even make a distinction between‘we–inclusive –of-addressee and ‘we-exclusive-of-addressee.’Such distinction may not be common in English, but dose exist in the contraction of ‘‘let’s’ and some other circumstances when reference to context is necessary. For example:1) Let us try again.2) Let’s go to the cinema.“Let us” in 1) is “we-exclusive-of-addressee” and is singular in meaning. While “let’s” in 2) is “we–inclusive –of-addressee”. It refers to both the speaker and addressee and is plural in meaning.As for the second person, Chinese has two different sets of pronouns , an informal one for use when talking to friends and a more formal one or honorific one used for showing respect to the addressees who are older or more important than the speaker, to show the distinction between the singular and plural. For example, there is a distinction between “ni” ,“ni men” and “nin”. The last is used when we are talking to people who are older or more important than us.In English, however, there is no such a distinction; “you” is used for both the singular and plural and is the only form that people use to refer to an addressee or addressees. In both spoken and written English , the second person pronoun “you” can be used to refer to anyone as in the following examples:You will never be successful until you do your best.As a matter of fact, only the first person and the second person are actually participating in the drama.The third person is defined negatively as neither the first nor the second, and dose not correlate with any positive participant role. Normally the third person pronoun is indicating neither the speaker/speakers nor addressee/addressees.The speaker and the addressee are necessarily present in the speech situation, whereas other persons and things to which reference is mademay be absent from the situation, they may be left unidentified. Time deixisTime deixis is a group of words that indicate time. Different language has different lexical means of expressing the concept of time. Time deictic expressions include time adverbs such as “this”, “last”, “next”, “week”, “month”, “year”, “now”, “then”, ”ago”, “later”“yesterday”,“today”, “tomorrow” and tense system.Pragmatic study of time deixis concerns the specification and understanding of temporal points relative to the time at which communication takes place. Like person deixis, time deixis also takes into account a point of origin or the base point.Due to the search for the point of view regarding time (or time origin) in understanding time deictic information, pragmatists have made a distinction between coding time (CT: the time when a message is formed) and receiving time (RT: the time when a message is received).Though making a list of time deixis in one language is relatively simple, the use of time deixis, however, is not always so straightforward.The topic of time deixis has been complicated by the interaction between its calendric and non-calendric.“Now” The time deixis “now” indicates two different time spans . One is the time at which the speaker is producing the utterances while the other is “the time which spans from CT (including CT) to a certain period after the CT. For example:I am working on a new project now.I’ll see you today“Then” contrasts with “now’ and indeed can be understood as “not now” so mean both past and future time. For example:I will have finished my university life thenAnother very important time deictic is the tense system. In fact, almost every sentence makes a reference to an event time. Often this event time can only be determined in relation to the time of the utterance. For example:1) China will hold the Olympics games in Beijing.2) China held the Olympics games in Beijing.3) China held the Olympics games in Beijing in 2008.Languages in the world differ in pre-emptive deictic terms for the days. For example, English has only a three-number set of pre-emptiveterms (“yesterday”, “today”, “tomorrow”); Mandarin Chinese has five (“qian tian”, “zuo tian”, “jin tian”, “ming tian”, “hou tian”) and so on.SummaryDeixis presents and shows the property of all pragmatic language use -----that of relying on the speaker ----hearer setting up a common context to which a very wide range of language uses can be interpreted.In this paper, we have briefly compared the differences of person deixis and time deixis in Chinese and English. At the same time, we also have briefly examined of pragmatic functions of some deictic items such as I, here, now, etc. We figure out the importance of the common and the difference in different language. We assume the addressee’s knowledge of the speaker’s identity (in the case of place deixis) in order to identity and understand the deictic information conveyed by these lexical items in communication.In the whole process, we have gradually come to realize that the literal meanings and the referents of deictic items are different in different countries and languages and may vary under different contexts. So it’s very important for us to analysis the deixis in varied perspectives providing different countries’ culture backgrounds.。
”这句子读起来挺顺的,我们的感觉是语法没问题,但它究竟表达什么意思呢? 既然“强壮”,怎么会“虚弱”呢? 既然“温柔”,怎么还会“狂奔”呢? 简直是一派胡言乱语嘛。
再下来是一个语言学界经常引用的例子:“it is cold in here . ”“这里头冷”,听起来语法没问题,其字面意义也一清二楚,即“某一地点气温比较低”。
(何兆熊,1989 :13) 就不是传统的句法学和语义学所能解决的问题,因为“说话人很可能是为了请听话人做点什么,比如关上门窗,打开暖气,借件衣服御寒等。
”(同上,1989 :14) 换句话说,这里要研究的不是句子本身的意义, 而是研究“语言在使用中的意义” ,“语言在语境中的意义”,归根结底是“说话人的意义”,也可简称为“话语意义”。
(何自然,1997 :122) 这就是语用学(pragmatics) 的研究对象。
关键词:语用学礼貌原则教学应用一、礼貌原则的由来(一)礼貌的界定在众多关于礼貌的各种文献中,围绕“礼貌”一词进行的研究主要有五个方面,具体如下:(1)礼貌是人们在交际中的一种现实目的(Politeness as areal-world goa1)。
(2)礼貌是一种敬重(Politeness as the deference)。
(3)礼貌是一种语体(Politeness as the register)。
(4)礼貌是一种话语表层现象(Politeness as an utterancelevel phenomenon)。
(5)礼貌是一种语用现象(Politeness as a pragmatic phi—nominee)。
(二)礼貌原则提出的必要性在英语语用学习领域中,提及言语行为理论(Speech Act Theory).人们会很自然地联想到美国语言哲学家格赖斯(H.P.Grieve)的会话含义学说(Convocational Implicate),即为了保证会话的顺利进行,谈话双方必须共同遵守一些基本原则,尤其是用来解释会话结构的“合作原则”(Cooperative Principle)。
语言学论文-语用学Comparison between Chinese and EnglishIdiomsAbstract: Idioms exist in both Chinese and English, and they have been used frequently for a long time. Furthermore, idioms are fixed phrases extracted from language over long time of usage. Although they are formed in short phrases, for example idioms known as “成语” in Chinese, which has only four or eight letters, their meanings are exuberant and connotative. Therefore, the analysis of the idiom’s usage and the cultural differences it reflects is significant to every language learner and translator.Key words: idiom; culture;comparison; differences1 Theoretical Foundation of the Idiom1.1 Definitions of Chinese IdiomsAccording to “Modern Chinese Dictionary”, “Cheng yu”is fixed phrases or short sentences which are concise, having been accepted by common people through years of usage.According to “Cihai”, “Shuyu”(Idiom) is fixed phrases or sentences of a language, which cannot be modified arbitrarily. It must be interpreted as a semantic unit. It includes set phrases, proverbs, maxims, locutions and two-part allegorical sayings, etc.1.2 Definitions of English Idioms“Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture”has two definitions of idiom: (1) a phrase which means something different from the meaning of the separate words from which it is formed; (2) the way of expression typical of a person or a group in their use of language (Summers P., 1998: 657).“Th e New Oxford English Dictionary”defines that idiom is:(1) a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words; (2) a form of expression natural to a language, person, or a group of people (Pearsall J, 2001:908).1.3 The Rhetoric of IdiomsIdiom is the distillate of the nation language abstracted bypeople during a long practice. There are three main features of idiom rhetoric: abundant comparisons, vivid words and lively contrasts.First, simile is a direct comparison, in which subject, reference and indicator of resemblance are all present. Such as the Chinese idiom “轻如鸿毛” and the English idiom “as light as a feather”.Second, metaphor—use of a word or phrase to indicate something different from the literal meaning. For example, the Chinese idiom “口若悬河”,it doesn’t mean the river hang on the mouth, but means someone who speaks eloquently and volubly.Third, metonymy—means correspondence or partial similarity between two things that are compared. For instance, “犬马之劳”means to sever somebody faithfully like the dog or the horse. “be in the pipeline”means that if a plan is in the pipeline, it is being developed and will happen in the future.Fourth, analogy is to compare two things or people so that differences are made clear. “口蜜腹剑”literally means someone is honey-mouthed but dagger-hearted. That is to say the person is treacherous and hypocritical. “To bite the hand that feeds one”also uses the contrast. It means to treat someone badly who has helped you in some way.F ifth, exaggeration such as “垂涎三尺” exaggerated means a drool with great envy. “A stream of tears”means someone is really heart-broken.is revealed, like the denotative meaning of words, especially for those culturally-loaded words like idioms. Idioms have a close relationship with the culture to which it is attached that they truly reflect the values and philosophy of life of the people in that culture and are rich in cultural connotations.Comprehension of the Exotic IdiomsThere are some exotic idioms in the Chinese idioms. Such as “以眼还眼”comes from the English idiom “an eye for an eye”. This idiom which comes from the Bible means that if someone does something wrong, they should be punished by having the same thing done to them. And another Chinese idiom “诺亚方舟”, “Noah’s ark” also comes from the Bible.The English idiom “An Achilles’heel” means a small fault in a person or system which might cause them to fail. This idiom is from Greek mythology. Achilles was a man who was killed when he was injured on his heel, because this was the only part of his body where he could be harmed.Therefore, idioms can be an effective tool of learning culture. And learning culture items like idioms can be one of the good examples to learn both language and culture simultaneously. Learning idioms can also make us learn more about the knowledge of cultural background.2 Compare Chinese Idioms with English Idioms2.1 Similarities between Chinese and English IdiomsAs human civilization has developed in a similar way, both English and Chinese idioms are similar in basic moral concepts and value viewpoint, which has formed a common base for both cultures. Their similarities are as follows: First, in both English and Chinese we have alike idioms to express the hard-working, brave and indomitable human nature and the good will and forgiveness. Also there are many idioms in both languages to praise the pi oneering spirit. For example, “既往不咎, Let bygones be bygones”, “心安理得, Have peace of mind”, “有志者,事竟成, Where there is a will, there is a way”, “有始有终, From beginning to end”, etc. Second, those idioms in both English and Chinese to expr ess verities are same. Such as “眼见为实, Seeing is Believing”,etc. Third, the same imagination in both English and Chinese has the same comparison in the idiom. For instance, “轻如鸿毛, As light as a feather”, “冰清玉洁, Be as clear as crystal”, etc.The above similarities are essential to the intercultural communication. Different cultures may conflict in many aspects, but must agree on basic morals and value points. Only by agreeing on basic morals and value points, can cultural conflicts be limited in a tolerable level and intercultural communication carried out.2.2 Differences between Chinese and English Idioms2.2.1 Differences in Animal-related IdiomsAnimals are friends of human. They have so many links withhuman beings and human languages. Before the arrival of modern civilization, sometimes even today, the basic necessities in human life such as food, clothing and transportation and so on are obtained directly or indirectly from various animals. Among all kinds of animals, dogs are particularly valuable in protecting property, finding things and hunting quarries. Pigeons have long been used to deliver messages. Of course, some animals can also do harmful things to human beings, such as wolf, mice, etc., but no matter what they do, whether good or bad, animals are closely related with the daily life of human beings including everyday speech and animal-related idioms are come into being.Dog in most of the English idiom symbolizes the lay folk as “guy”. There is no d erogatory sense in it, such as “a lucky dog 幸运儿”, “love me, love my dog 爱屋及乌”, “help a lame dog over a stile 助人渡过难关”, etc. Of course, there is a little derogatory sense of dog used in idioms to describe the useless, woeful thing. For example, “ a dog in the manager 占着位子不做实事”, “ lead a dog’s life 过着可悲的生活”, etc. On the contrary, in Chinese idiom dog is used to describe beggarliness. Therefore, most of the dog related Chinese idiom is derogatory, like “狗急跳墙—a cornered be ast will do something desperate”, “狗尾续貂—a wretched seq uel to a fine work, incongruous”, “蝇营狗苟—shamelessly seek personal gain”, and others like “狗血喷头,狗仗人势,狗咬狗” etc.Differences in Color-related IdiomsThere are many idioms related to color both in Chinese and English, such as black (黑) and white (白); Black actually is the complete absorption of all light, while white is opposite to black. Therefore, in idioms Black and White also stand on two extreme points. As the original meaning of the black and white, they have the same expression in both Chinese and English idioms, such as “black and white 黑白分明”, “in black and white 白纸黑字”, “turn black into white 颠倒黑白”, etc. But there are some differences in their transferred meaning.In English idiom, black is used to describe atrocity, death and ominous thing, l ike “black sheep 害群之马”, “a black day 不吉利的日子”, etc. But sometime black also has a commendatory usage, such as “a business in the black 盈利的事业”. White in English idiom means chastity, integrity and elegance, for instance “a white lie 善意的谎言”, “the white day 良辰吉日”, and they have the “ white wedding”.In Chinese idiom, black is only used to describe incorrect, bad and criminal thing, for example, “心黑手狠—heartless and cruel”, etc. White in Chinese idiom is unlike its using in English idiom. It represents dreariness, poor and bereavement, for example, “白手起家—start something from scratch”, “一穷二白—poor and blank”, “红白喜事—wedding and bereavement”, etc.(潘红, 2005:209)Differences in Numeral-related IdiomsNumber, as an important part of language, is embodied withdifferent cultural background. Idioms with numbers are the central core and cream of languages, reflecting the wisdom of human kind. They have strong ethnical, historical and regional colors, reflecting the culture difference of different nationalities.To analysis numbers in both Chinese and English idioms, I find that the substantive meaning of number in both Chinese and English idioms is same. For example, “一心一意—whole-heartedly”, “one thing leads to another—一环扣一环”. Furthermore, in English idioms most of the numbers, except the number three and seven, are used as a substantive. It’s the biggest difference between Chinese and English numeral-related idiom. Because expect the substantive meaning of numbers in Chinese idiom, there are many abstractive meaning of numbers used in Chinese. First, the abstractive meaning of number in Chinese always expresses “more”or “less”. For example, one, half and “寸” are used to express “less”, like “一无所长—have no special skill”, “手无寸铁—unarmed”, etc. While three, five, six and nine are used to express “more”, nothing to say hundred and thousand, such as “三头六臂,三令五申,成百上千”, etc. Second, the numb er ten and one sometimes means “whole or all”, such as “十全十美—be perfect in every way”, “一如既往—just as in the past”. Third, two numbers in the same idiom usually express a transformation or a proportion, such as “三长两短—unforeseen accidents”, “十拿九稳—be very sure of success”, “百无一是—have no merits at all”. Fourth, some idioms arecustomarily be used, such as “一退六二五—deny all responsibility”and “不管三七二十一—regardless of the consequences”.(吕叔湘, 2002: 198) They are come from the custom of the counting frame which we used in ancient for counting numbers.In summary, from what is discussed above, we know that numbers play important roles in human cultures. They have strong connotations in both English and Chinese cultures.2.2.4 Differences in Mythology-related IdiomsThere are numerous idioms related to myths in English and Chinese. In English idioms, idioms of mythical origins are mainly from Greek and Roman mythology, which originating from their worship of the nature by Greek and Roman ancestors. Similarly, in Chinese idioms, mythology is generally of Chinese origin. These idioms reflect the formation of Chinese Culture in the primitive stage. They show a full scope of primitive recognition of the world.Take “dragon 龙”for example, dragon is a frequenter in both Chinese and English Myths, so there are many mythical idioms related to dragon. However, the associated meaning of dragon and 龙are opposite. In English, dragon connotes “a terrible fire-breathing monster”or “a giant that eats man”. According the famous legend “Beowulf”, a dragon that had three heads and could breathe fire guarded treasure for the “devils”. So dragon is always associated with devil. In the medieval times,“dragon”was associated with “sin”and it was the symbol of “heresy”. Nowadays, there is the idiom “chase the dragon—means take drugs”, so we can see how evil the dragon is in the westerners’ view.The opposite associated meaning of dragon in Chinese is always a commendatory. First, we see dragon is the totem of the Chinese people. We call ourselves the descendants of dragon proudly, such as “龙的传人”and “龙子龙孙”. Second, dragon in Chinese is associated with “emperor”, because emperors always name themselves as “真龙天子—the god’s son not the devil’s”. Third, dragon is associat e with “talent”, such as the id iom “龙生龙子,虎生豹儿—means talented perso n’s descen dants must be prominent”. Fourth, dragon is also associated with "good luck and success", such as “龙凤呈祥—means good luck”, and “望子成龙—means people hope their children can get success”, etc.3: ConclusionThrough the comparison between Chinese and English Idioms, their differences and similarities are obvious. This is meaningful and helpful for every language learners and users.References:[1] Alfred Lord Tennyson. Poems [M].Cambridge Press.2001.[2] Nida nguage,culture and translation [M].ShanghaiForeign Language Education Press,2000.[3]Pearsall J. The New Oxford English Dictionary [M].Oxford University Press,2001.[4] Summers P. 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Pragmatic Vagueness in Verbal CommunicationAbstract:Pragmatic vagueness is a common phenomenon in verbal communication. Combined with the existing achievements, the thesis attempts to analyze the phenomenon of pragmatic vagueness, pragmatic vagueness as a strategy in verbal communication and its pragmatic functions in verbal communication from the perspectives of cognitive pragmatics and sociolinguistics, in English examples, in order to prove the necessity of pragmatic vagueness as a communicative strategy. That is, for its pragmatic functions, the communicators make widely use of pragmatic vagueness in order to realize their communicative intentions and achieve successful communication.Key words: pragmatic vagueness, pragmatic functions ,strategyⅠ. IntroductionAs the research on pragmatics is deepened, many scholars conducted research on pragmatic vagueness. Pragmatic vagueness is an important pragmatic strategy. The research on pragmatic vagueness in verbal language is intriguing, realistic and useful. Verbal language is not only useful for its parishioners but also for English learners.In daily communication, people sometimes use precise language to express their ideas, but more often people prefer to use vague language to convey information. Vagueness is completely intrinsic in human language and the frequent use of hedges just fully testifies this inborn nature of language. The use of hedges is a common phenomenon in language communication. Therefore, the appropriate use of hedges in interaction can enhance the expressive force and communicative effect of language, making the expressions more natural, decent, polite, flexible, and effective. Moreover, the right use of hedg es can send people’s emotion and ideas more properly thereby helps to maintain a good interpersonal relationship between the two parties in communication and achieve the communicative goal successfully.Ⅱ. Pragmatic VaguenessCommunication falls into three categories in terms of conversational analysis: literal talk, loose talk and metaphorical talk. Indeed, most people’s conversation in daily life is loose in verbal communication, to some extent, carrying approximation,fuzziness, generality, ambiguity, ambivalence. In addition, daily conversation usually carries connotative expression such as metaphor, meiosis, irony and hyperbole. (He Ziran, 2000:8) The peripherical meaning or range error manifested in pragmatics is called generality or vagueness. (He Ziran, 1990:8) From what these scholars discussed above, we know that pragmatic vagueness in communication is very important.(a)Being a strategy of communication, pragmatic vagueness relies on various linguistic structures to realize its functions. Thus, the addressor needs to manipulate her language so as to choose a proper linguistic structure which can carry out her strategy. Through careful observation of the data, we generalize three ways of linguistic manipulation involved in the strategy of pragmatic vagueness, namely, enhancing the context-dependency of the utterance, broadening the interpretative range of the utterance, widening the distance between the idea and its way of expression. Furthermore, some specific linguistic devices are included in each category. Thus, the variability of pragmatic vagueness is demonstrated through its ways of linguistic manipulation.Ⅲ.Pragmatic Vagueness as a Strategy in Verbal CommunicationAs we all know, verbal communicative activities requires linguistic technique and diction of words. Due to different ideology and value, there are always different views on the same issue which is a common phenomenon. Therefore, verbal language is a vital strategy to achieve success in communicative activities.Vagueness is a traditionally focused topic of the study of epistemic theory as well as semantic theory about which there have appeared a large quantity of articles, and among which semantic factors are highly involved and consequently cognitive factors are seldom taken into account. Couched within Sperber and Wilson’s (1986/1995) Relevance Theory, the thesis makes the claim that pragmatic vagueness is a linguistic choice and a communicative strategy chosen by interlocutors to achieve optimal relevance.(b) The author, based on the relevant discussions on vagueness at home and abroad in recent years, makes a systematic analysis of pragmatic vagueness in the new light of cognitive pragmatics with passing comments on the limitations of the explanations provided by epistemic theory,semantic theory, speech act theory and Co-operative Principle. Linguistic devices at different levels such as phonology, lexicon, rhetoric and speech act work as pragmatic vagueness triggers to facilitate the search for optimal relevance. The conclusion is that pragmatic vagueness conforms to the Principle of Relevance in that it can achieve the greatest cognitive effects with the least processing efforts. The communicative functions of pragmatic vagueness include giving right amount of information, expressing the addresser’s propositional attitude, manipulating the focus of the addressee’s attention and achieving humorous and polite effects. Appropriate use of pragmatic vagueness as a communicative strategy is of positive significance to the development of learners’pragmatic competence and the avoidance of pragmatic failure.IV. Communicative functions of vaguenessLanguage is for communication, whereas vagueness may lead to better communication. Using vagueness can avoid being presumptuous in language communication. When we have to touch some topics that are unpleasant, we tend to choose more vagueness expressions to refer to those painful topics so as not to hurt the hearer’s fee ling. We can find the theoretical foundation for this motivation in Leech’s Politeness Principle. Vagueness just minimize the impoliteness and maximize the politeness in communication. The functions of vagueness are in agreement with those of Politeness Principle too, as they both offer more benefit to the hearer and leave more cost to the speaker, with the purpose that both of the two sides will feel respected and have favorable impression of each other. As politeness is usually regarded as the manifestation of human civilization, euphemism is one of the most effective strategies to display politeness while modulating interpersonal relationship in human communication.SubstitutionAccording to the definitions of vagueness and we know that a great number of English vagueness serve as the substitutions for verbal taboos. The term taboo ( ta meaning “mark”, boo meaning “exceedingly”) of Polynesian origin denotes anything linguistic and nonlinguistic, which is prohibited or forbidden.(c) Taboo refers to the situation in which a word or name can be used in a community only under special conditions, whether only by certain persons or only in certain circumstances. Just as violating a cultural taboo can be quite offensive, so is it with a verbal taboo in pressc onferences. The “word” has been and continues to be in most societies perceived as a powerful instrument that may evoke evil spirits, make bad things happen and instigate to violence and revolution and numerous other activities. While taboo of words occurs when a particular topic is considered valid for discussion, vagueness expression or terms are required. Diplomatic vagueness has a very serious reason for being. They can conceal the things people fear most —death, the dead or the supernatural. Euphemisms can also eliminate unhappiness, embarrassment and fear etc. so as to relieve people psychologically.PolitenessPoliteness is another very important function that vagueness serve in social life. “Some of the vagueness is used to avoid crudeness and indecency for the sake of a polite conversation”. (d) Grice formulated Cooperative Principle of utterance in which the Maxim of Manner was defined as “Be perspicuous and specific; To avoid obscurity; To avoid ambiguity; To be brief and to be order ly.”(e)The roundabout nature of vagueness goes against the Maxim of Manner, which can only be fairly explained well by Leech’s Politeness Principle “Approbation Maxim: minimize dispraise of other, maximize praise of other”. (f) In other words, euphemisms are to minimize impolite expressions and maximize polite expressions.DisguiseBesides the two functions of vagueness mentioned above, there is still another one more important function at work in vagueness communication, namely, the Disguise Function. Here we mean that because of the vagueness of, vagueness it has become a very important tool for political leaders or the diplomats or statesmen to distort the facts or and present a false picture of peace and prosperity and to beautify whatever the authority have do ne. For example, in the Iraq War, they use “Operation Iraqi Freedom” for beautifying their military invasion, “possible movement” refers to military attack, “air operation” or “air strikes” for air attack, “enter the war” to show their reluctance to fight the war etc.(g) and we may find many such kind of these vagueness in press conferences. The most important and ultimate function or purpose of the use of diplomatic vagueness in press conferences is to disguise or beautify their invasive essence or other evil actions or the separation of words from truth. In American and British societies nowadays, diplomatic vagueness are always purposely devised to disguise scandals in wars and politics, deliberately invented to beautify lowly occupations and excessively inflated to promote sales in advertisement.V. ConclusionAs we stated earlier, vagueness is one of the important and universal linguistic phenomena. Due to the special characteristics like substitution, indirectness etc. it is becoming one of the main communicative approaches. The thesis has attempted to study the vagueness expressions used in the question-answer patterns from the perspective of pragmatics.The article is an overview of the functions and communicative functions of vagueness, and from the pragmatic analysis of the materials, it can be seen clearly that the use of vagueness basically violate the Quality Maxim, the Quantity Maxim, and the Manner Maxim of the Cooperative Principle and the frequency of violating the Quality Maxim is the highest among the three ones. That is to say, the vagueness used in the question-answer patterns generally does not violate the Relation Maxim of the Cooperative Principle.There is an old saying in English: Necessity is the mother of invention. The creation of vagueness also cannot depart from people’s needs of them. People need vagueness for social communication, to vagueness the taboo, to show their politeness and to disguise. As a sociolinguistic phenomenon, the formation of vagueness is the result of the combination of various social psychological factors and pragmatic factors.Studies on vagueness from a pragmatic perspective reveal how vagueness flout the Cooperative Principle so as to obey the Politeness Principle in communication and how factors from their socio cultural and communicational context influence their application in communication. Any change of one or more factors of a communication event, will have an effect on our decision of whether to use vagueness. The expressive vagueness plays a non-fungible role in communication. It is vagueness that makes language more powerful, magical and pleasant. People’s speech does reflect their background, their activities, and the values they hold, therefore, we can learn much about the English people by looking at their use of vagueness. The studies on English vagueness can not only help to develop intercultural communicative competence, but also enlighten English language learning and teaching. Therefore, multidisciplinary, multi-angle, and multi-level studies on vagueness are necessary for English learners to understand the English history and society and communicate with native English speakers better. There are still a lot in this field waiting to be explored, and vagueness deserve more attention and comprehensive studies.References:1.Brown, P and Levinson,S.1978. “Universals in language Usage: Politeness Phenomena”. In Goody, E, N. (ed.): Questions and Politeness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 56-310.2.Channell, J. 1994 Vague Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.3.Ellis, R. 1985. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.4.Grice, H. P. (1975). Logic and conversation. In Cole, P&Morgan, J, L, (eds,) Syntax and Semantics, V ol, 3: Speech Acts. New York: Academic Press.5.Hubler, A. 1983. Understatements and Hedges in English. Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA:John Benjamins. /koff, G. 1972. “Hedges: A Stu dy in Meaning Criteria and the Logic of Fuzzy Concepts”. Papers from the Eighth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society 1972. 183—228 Reprinted in: Journal of Philosophical Logic. 1973.4: 2.458—508.Corpus(a) Daily conversation usually carries connotative expression such as metaphor, meiosis, irony and hyperbole. (He Ziran, 2000:8) The peripherical meaning or range error manifested in pragmatics is called generality or vagueness. (He Ziran, 1990:8) (b) Cou ched within Sperber and Wilson’s (1986/1995) Relevance Theory, the thesis makes the claim that pragmatic vagueness is a linguistic choice and a communicative strategy chosen by interlocutors to achieve optimal relevance.(c) The term taboo ( ta meaning “mark”, boo meaning “exceedingly”) of Polynesian origin denotes anything linguistic and nonlinguistic, which is prohibited or forbidden.(d)Some of the vagueness is used to avoid crudeness and indecency for the sake of a polite conversation.(e) Be perspicuous and specific; To avoid obscurity; To avoid ambiguity; To be brief and to be orderly.(f) Approbation Maxim: minimize dispraise of other, maximize praise of other.(g) I n the Iraq War, they use “Operation Iraqi Freedom” for beautifying their military inva sion, “possible movement” refers to military attack, “air operation” or “air strikes” for air attack, “enter the war” to show their reluctance to fight the war etc.。
英语语⾔学⽅⾯的论⽂关于英语语⾔学⽅⾯的论⽂ 在⽇常学习、⼯作⽣活中,⼤家都跟论⽂打过交道吧,论⽂的类型很多,包括学年论⽂、毕业论⽂、学位论⽂、科技论⽂、成果论⽂等。
英语语⾔学⽅⾯的论⽂1 《浅析美国英语与英国英语的区别及应⽤》 摘要:标准现代英式英语和美式英语,虽然两者互相理解没有很多实质性的差异,但对两者的各⽅⾯进⾏⼀个⼤概的⽐较,还是有很多细微的差别的。
关键词:美国英语;英国英语;分析对⽐;区别及应⽤ 在全球⼀体化的背景下,英语已成为世界通⽤语⾔,在社会⽣活、交往或交流中都扮演着重要⾓⾊。
即使有人提及语用学也只是将它比做“杂物箱”(ragbag)或“废纸篓”,接纳语义学容纳不下的内容(何自然,吴亚欣, 2001)。
语用学作为语言学的一个相对独立的分支而得到国际学界的承认可以说有三个标志:一是1977年《语用学杂志》(Journal of Pragmatics)在荷兰阿姆斯特丹正式出版;二是1983年由列文森所编著的第一部语用学教科书《语用学》(Pragmatics)问世;三是1986年“国际语用学会”正式成立。
谈大学英语教学中的语用教学一.引言2005年我国新修订的《大学英语》教学大纲与 2007 年我国教育部办公厅印发的《大学英语课程教学要求》明确规定“大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行交际。
2014-2015学年第一学期语用学与英语教学课程考核(研究报告)题目:An analysis of Pragmatic Failure with Cross-cultural Communications学号(准考证号):1230100054姓名:焦凯丽专业:英语(教法方向)年级:2012级学院:外国语学院完成日期:2015年 1 月10日IntroductionThe Cross-cultural Pragmatics is a relatively young linguistic branch compared with the Traditional Linguistics and Structural Modern Linguistics. It attaches great importance to the research of cross-cultural characteristics. And the cross-cultural pragmatic failure is a common phenomenon in cross-cultural communication process. This paper focus on the analyzing of different kinds of pragmatic failures in our cross-cultural communication, at the same time, giving reflections and feedbacks on our English learning and Language teaching. Being in the rapid developed century of our human society, we should heighten the awareness of appropriating use of pragmatic language in our cross-cultural communication.Part I Theoretical basisBefore Noam Chomsky, Traditional Linguistics and Structural Modern Linguistics regarded language as a system of completely self-sufficient blocking structure, which put an emphasis on the vision field of language researches on the description of linguistic entity and put the language teaching on a cultural vacuum to conduct a rigid practice. But this failed to attach the expected research on the Social culture which affects the language how it affects the construction, comprehension and expression. As a result, linguistic theories couldn't resolve realistic problems of language. And often communicators who have learned some basic knowledge such as phonetic, lexicon and grammar still couldn't carry out proper and effective communication. The birth of sociolinguistics breaks through the research restriction of traditional linguistics and pragmatics and structural. It deepens people’s realization to linguistic social nature and construct a high qualified platform for the study of the Intercultural Communication. However, all kinds of failure still occur in the intercultural communication which influences the quality of international communication because communications cannot master enough foreign knowledge or acknowledge the culture feature of foreign nation. So the research of pragmatic failure in the cross-cultural communication has become a problem of important theoretic meaning and realistic value in the contemporary linguistic study.Cross-cultural Pragmatics is a relatively young linguistic branch, growing out of pragmatics and comparative linguistics, and introducing cultural factors into the research scope of pragmatics. It attracted great importance to the research of cross-cultural characteristics. Cross-cultural pragmatics is the study of the use of second language in cross-cultural speech communication when the pragmatic problem occurs. The conception pragmatic of pragmatic failure was formally proposed by the famous British scientist Jenny Thomas in her thesis "Cross一Cultural Pragmatic Failure" in 1983 which established a theoretical framework for the analysis of pragmatic failure and cultural transfer. She defines pragmatic failure as "inability to understand what is meant by what is said." Thus, Cross-cultural pragmatic failurecan refer to the misunderstanding and even conflict arising in the communication process because of the hearer's failure to catch discourse implication of the speaker accurately and because of his following improper output of utterances, which may be proper in his culture. The pioneer study of pragmatic failure in China goes to He Ziran and his fraternity. In 1984, they launched investigation into pragmatic differences between English and Chinese in reference to Thomas theory, and made known their results of investigation together with explanations about pragmatic failure. Cross-cultural pragmatic failure is a common phenomenon in cross-cultural communication process, in this process, the speaker disobeys the communication standard and social customs, ignores hearer's identity or status, harms the special cultural value of target language, causes the breaking off or failure of communication, makes communicating obstacles, then communication cannot achieve the expected results. Though there is no grammatical error, the wrong way of speaking or the improper performance makes the communication lose the expected effect.Part II Case studiesThere are many kinds of pragmatic failure in our cross-culture communication. First is about the phonetic pragmatic failure. A teacher who teach Chinese in England recalled that, ”My student, John is a typical English gentleman. When we walk down stairs, he always said that '请小心裸体(楼梯),下流,一起下流(下楼)吧。
The Cooperative Principle of Pragmatics:An Analysis of the Verbal Humour in the Sitcom Home with KidsSince the language was born, the research of it has never interrupted. Humor is the spice of our lives, leave it the life will be boring. Pragmatics is a main branch of Linguistics, with the development of pragmatic theory, linguists and hobbyists from many angles analysis on verbal humor and achieved fruitful results.While cooperative principle, as one of the most important pragmatic principle, makes a systemic study about language use and lays a solid foundation for later development of pragmatics. The violation of cooperative principle can often generate conversational implicature or achieve certain communicative effects. On the basis of previous humour and pragmatic theory research, I will analysis from the point of the cooperative principle of those verbal humour dialogue in the sitcom "Home with Kids", which reflects the daily life of a rebuilt family and attracts many Chinese audiences by its creating writing, good acting as well as its wonderful transcripts.1. Four Maxims of the Cooperative PrincipleIn 1975, the language philosopher H. P. Grice published a seminal article entitled “The Cooperative Principle” which created quite a stir in the linguis tic world and generated a large number of linguistic publications that are built on Grice's postulates.According to Grice, in conversational exchange, people usually try to reach a common goal by mutual efforts or at least make the conversation develop in the direction of their expectation. To achieve this, people need to cooperate with each other. Grice' theory of the cooperative principle explains how it is possible for the speaker to convey more than what is literally said and foe the hearer to understand.The four maxims of CP are Quantity Maxim, Quality Maxim, Manner Maxim and Relation Maxim. The maxim of quantity has two sub-maxims that require the cooperativespeaker to say as much as but no more than is required for his particular purposes in the talk exchange. The maxim of quality also has two sub-maxims, which demands that the speaker say only what he believes to be true and for which he has sufficient evidence. The maxim of relation urges the speaker to make his contribution relevant to the communication context. The maxim of manner requires the speaker to be methodical and to avoid ambiguity, prolixity, and obscurity. In short, as Grice put it for the cooperative principle, "make yourconversational contribution such as is required,at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged". The cooperative principle is the foundation of pragmatic interpretation of humor, of which the flouting of maxims plays a very important role.2. Floutings of CP Maxims and Humor ProductionIn actual conversation, a participant may deliberately flout CP maxims for some reason or special need. As an important category of non-observance of the conversational maxims, a flout is distinguished by deliberately triggering the hearer's search for an implicature. The speaker employs this way seemingly against the cooperative principle to reinforce the communicative effect. In this way the speaker can make his conversation humorous and thus produce the effect of humor. In fact, flouting of the CP is often seen in Chinese sitcoms. Of course, sitcom writers also deliberately flout the principle in order to achieve humorous effects.2.1 Flouting the Quantity MaximWhen a speaker offers more or less information than is required by the situation with the intention of generating an implicature, he flouts the maxim of quantity. Look at the following example:(1 (In Episode 093, Liu Xing goes to Internet café and Liu Mei keeps asking what he did there.Xing: You'd better not interfere with my business from now on!(以后我的事情你少管 .Mei: What did you say? I don't interfere with your business? Why didn't you say it when I breast-fed you? Why didn't you say it when you were sick? Why didn't you say it when you fell to the ground?Why didn't you say it when you couldn't walk? You don't want me to interfere with you now, because you are grown up and can do whatever you want? (你说什么呢 ? 再说一遍 ! 我少管 ? 你小时候喝奶的时候怎么不说 ? 小时候生病的时候怎么不说呀 ? 摔跟头时候怎么不说呀 ? 学会走路时候怎么不说 ? 这时候让我少管。
你翅膀硬了 , 自个会飞了 ?In this episode, the mother is very angry about what Liu Xing did and said; she is so angry that she can’t help talking excessively about the matter, which sounds humorous. This obviously violates the second sub-maxim of quantity: Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.(2 Let's take another episode as an example:Dad didn't get home on time, Liu Mei ask Xiao Yu to call his cell phone, after made the phone callMei: Who answered the phone? (谁接的电话 ?Yu: A woman. (一个女的。