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李春【来源:新高考(高三语数外)】代词辨析实际上是一类比较难的试题,很多同学往往混淆其中难以理清,本文就有关易混的几个代词来作一下重点的剖析并通过强化训练来帮助同学们更好地掌握有关代词的用法:一、代词one 与the one 的用法请看以下几个例句:( 1) It is a very colorful event, one that has become an institution (习俗,风俗) for celebrating the King or Queen’s birthday since 1805. ( 2) Meeting my uncle after all these years is an unforgettable moment, one that I will treasure forever.( 3) Tom wants to buy a birthday present for his mother, one that is useful but not expensive.( 4) Never forget that within even the weakest of human bodies lies a life that is precious indeed—one that needs to be respected and honored.分析通过对以上例句的观察我们可以发现代词one 在以上例句中均充当同位语这一成分,且代词one 后面都有由that 引导的定语从句来修饰,此处为何选择使用one 呢? 因为此处代词one 分别指前文中的a very colorful event,an unforgettablemoment,a birthday present,a life,也就是说one 一词表示泛指( 且只能指代可数名词) , 指代前文中的泛指结构,前文中泛指结构中通常有不定代词a。
It和one,one和the one,the one和that,ones和the ones,that和those,that和it,those 和they七组替代词的用法区别■替代词it与one的区别一般说来,it表特指,相当于“the+名词”,表示与前面提到的事物为同一物;one表泛指,相当于“a+名词”,表示与前面提到的人或事物为同类,但并非同一。
比较:I can’t find my pen. Have you seen it?我找不到我的钢笔了,你看到过它吗?I can’t find my pen. I think I must buy one. 我找不到我的钢笔了,我想我得去买一支。
另外,注意it与the one的区别:虽然it和the one均表特指,但it后不能接定语短语或定语从句,而the one后面则通常要接定语短语或定语从句。
如:My room is better than the one next door. 我的房间比隔壁房间好。
He was the one who told the police. 告诉警察的就是他。
■替代词one与the one的区别one用作替代词主要用于替代“a+单数可数名词”,表泛指;若需特指,则用the one。
如:A fast train is one that goes fast. 快车是一种行驶快的火车。
The accident was similar to one that happened in 2005. 这个事故与发生在2005年的事故类似。
Open the drawer on the left, the one with a key in it. 打开左边的抽屉,上面有钥匙的那个。
Here are six rings. Pick out the one you like best. 这里有六枚戒指,选出你最喜欢的一枚。
those的用法和区别it代指前面提到的事物,没有特定的限定;that代指前面提到的特定的事物,通常与the连用;the one代指前面提到的特定的事物,强调的是单个事物。
如:I saw a bird in the tree。
It was singing.我在树上看到了一只鸟。
I saw a bird in the tree。
That bird was singing.我在树上看到了一只鸟。
I saw two birds in the tree。
The one on the left was singing.我在树上看到了两只鸟。
如:That book on the desk is XXX.那本书在桌子上是我的。
One can only replace countable nouns。
and the plural form is ones。
On the other hand。
that can replace uncountable nouns and countable nouns。
and the plural form is those。
For example。
"There are a lot of apples in the basket。
please pick out the bad ones." "The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Shanghai."The difference een it and that is that it is used to refer to the same thing。
现将其用法归纳如下:1. it 代替上文提到的名词,指代同一事物,而不指这一类中的另一个相同的个体。
例如:---Do you want the magazine?---Yes,I want it.I don't want to drink the tea.It is too hot.2. one 通常用来代替上文中出现过的单数可数名词或以可数名词为中心词的词组,one的前面可以有冠词或形容词,也可以有thi s或that,但其前不能有物主代词。
例如:I have 1ost my pen.I’m going to buy one.I don't like this green shirt. I like the blue one.I prefer this one to that one.3.ones是one的复数形式,常用来代替复数可数名词,前面不用物主代词修饰,也不用these 或those来直接修饰,除非ones前面有形容词。
例如:I have a new coat and several old ones.These yellow waistcoats are so small. I want those green ones.4.that用来代替上下文中的名词,它表示与前面同类的东西。
例如:The price of wheat is higher than that of rice.The population of China is larger than that of Japan.5.those是that的复数形式,可用来替代可数名词的复数形式,表示特指。
v1.0 可编辑可修改代词it, one, ones, that, those的用法和区别C-代词it, one, ones, that, those的用法和区别知识梳理一.it,one和that的用法概述代替前面的事物本身。
代替可数名词时,复数形式为they/ them.没有增加语义,所以不能带有任何定语。
2. one可以代替与前面同类不同一的事物;可以代替某类事物中的任何一个;可以做同位语,重复指代前面的事物,其后有定语从句用以进一步说明前面的名词。
one前面不能直接加不定冠词(a / an)或物主代词,one前已经有形容词时,则可以加不定冠词或物主代词;one前加the与否,取决于是否特指,如果特指就加the。
3. that代替与前面同类不同一的事物。
二.it, one, ones, that, those的区别:⑴.替代泛指的单数名词,通常用one。
如:I lost my old camera; this is a new one. 我的旧相机丢了,这是一个新的。
Did you get a ticket Yes,I managed to get one.你弄到票了吗是的,我设法弄到了一张。
Green apples often taste better than red ones. 青苹果往往比红苹果好吃。
⑵.替代特指的单数名词,可用 it, that, the one。
代词it, one, ones, that, those的用法和区别C-代词it, one, ones, that, those的用法和区别知识梳理一.it,one和that的用法概述1.it代替前面的事物本身。
代替可数名词时,复数形式为they/ them. 没有增加语义,所以不能带有任何定语。
2. one可以代替与前面同类不同一的事物;可以代替某类事物中的任何一个;可以做同位语,重复指代前面的事物,其后有定语从句用以进一步说明前面的名词。
one前面不能直接加不定冠词(a / an)或物主代词,one前已经有形容词时,则可以加不定冠词或物主代词;one前加the与否,取决于是否特指,如果特指就加the。
3. that代替与前面同类不同一的事物。
二.it, one, ones, that, those的区别:⑴.替代泛指的单数名词,通常用one。
如:I lost my old camera; this is a new one. 我的旧相机丢了,这是一个新的。
Did you get a ticket? Yes,I managed to get one.你弄到票了吗?是的,我设法弄到了一张。
Green apples often taste better than red ones. 青苹果往往比红苹果好吃。
⑵.替代特指的单数名词,可用it,that,the one。
代词one,ones, it, that与those的用法区别The weather today is warmer than yesterday.A.oneB.itC.that(今天的天气比昨天暖和,你会选哪一个答案?)One, ones, it, that和those都是代词,很多同学对它们的用法区别感到头痛。
1. one 用来代替前文的单数名词,指同类中的一个。
如:(1)I haven't got a pen. I'll have to buy one. 我没有钢笔,我必须买一支。
本句中,one代替前文提到的钢笔,它相当于“a pen”这两个单词。
(2)Which book is yours? The one on the desk. 哪一本书是你的?课桌上的那本。
这里的one也是指的同类中的一个,虽然特指了,但那是因为后面用on the desk来限定了范围。
2. ones是one的复数形式,因此,它是用来代替前文提到的复数名词,指同类中的一些。
如:Which books are yours? The ones on the desk. 哪一些书是你的?课桌上的那些。
因为前文在用复数books, 所以后文就用ones这个复数形式来代替。
当然,我们也可以直接把ones 换成books, 意思都是一样的,只不过,读起来略显重复而已。
3. it代指上文提到的单数名词,指同一个物。
如:(1)That bike is very beautiful. I want to buy it.那辆自行车非常漂亮,我想买下它。
本句中的it与前文提到的That bike是同一个东西。
如果我们把it换成one, 意思就变了:。
而代词正是学生在学习中常常疏忽的地方,都自以为它们是语言中那些微不足道的“小不点儿”,尤其是 it、one(ones、the one及that(those)。
但正是这些小不点儿it、one(ones、the one)及that(those),它们在各位“考官”的眼里,都是“宠儿”,频频出现在各类考卷中。
一、“it”、“one(ones, the one)”、“that(those)” 用法之特点及差异代词指代对象与指代对象之间的关系用法特点注意点it物同类同物特指即与前面所提的为同一物one /ones人/物同类异物(单数)/同类异物(复数)one泛指同类异物的单数可数名词/ones泛指复数的可数名词1. one替代“a + 单数可数名词”2. 特指时,用the one / ones,可替换为 that / those3. 若 one 前没有修饰语,则其前不用冠词。
如有修饰语时,方可用冠词that / thosethat(仅用于物)those(可以用于人)同类异物(单数)/同类异物(复数)不可数名词/可数名词单数如果可数名词为复数时,需用those1. that替代“the+ 单数可数名词” (可用the one 替换)2. that不能有前置修饰语,但可有后置修饰语。
3. those 有后置定语。
二、各类考试对“it”、“one(ones)”、“that(those)”的考查【典型试题】1) You look very beautiful in this dress and there is only one of this kind left here. I wonder if you would buy .A. oneB. itC. someD. any【答案与简析】 B 句意:你穿上这衣服看上去非常漂亮,而这种款的就只剩这一件了,你是否买下。
代词it, one, ones, that, this, those, the one 的用法英语中,one、ones、that、those常用作代词,指代前面出现过的名词以避免重复,确保句子的简洁。
一、one, ones, that, those的类似用法。
1. one用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词单数。
例如:(1)-Do you have a car?-Yes, I have one. I have a good one. (one = a car)(2)Yesterday I have lost my pen. I”m going to buy one after school. (one= a pen)(3)The story he told us was more interesting than the one we heard yesterday. (the one = the story)2. ones用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词复数。
例如:(1)-Do you want a toy?-Yes, I want new ones very much. (ones= toys)(2)Stone bridges last longer than wooden ones. (ones= bridges)(3)Teachers like the students working hard, especially the ones who are active in thinking. (the ones= the students)3. that用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词单数或不可数名词。
例如:(1)The engine of your car is better than that of mine. (that= the engine)(2)The book you bought yesterday costs less than that I had bought before. (that= the book)(3)The weather of Beijing is as good as that of Tianjin. (that= the weather)(4)He often tells us the news of his country and that of his country nearby. (that= the news)4. those用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词复数。
代词it, one, ones, that, those的用法和区别C-代词it, one, ones, that, those的用法和区别知识梳理一.it,one和that的用法概述代替前面的事物本身。
代替可数名词时,复数形式为they/ them.没有增加语义,所以不能带有任何定语。
2. one可以代替与前面同类不同一的事物;可以代替某类事物中的任何一个;可以做同位语,重复指代前面的事物,其后有定语从句用以进一步说明前面的名词。
one前面不能直接加不定冠词(a / an)或物主代词,one前已经有形容词时,则可以加不定冠词或物主代词;one前加the与否,取决于是否特指,如果特指就加the。
3. that代替与前面同类不同一的事物。
二.it, one, ones, that, those的区别:⑴.替代泛指的单数名词,通常用one。
如:I lost my old camera; this is a new one. 我的旧相机丢了,这是一个新的。
Did you get a ticket? Yes,I managed to get one.你弄到票了吗?是的,我设法弄到了一张。
Green apples often taste better than red ones. 青苹果往往比红苹果好吃。
⑵.替代特指的单数名词,可用 it, that, the one。
常见替代词用法:it,one,ones,that,those1. it特指,代替前文提到过的事物。
(同类同物)如:He is eating a banana. It looks delicious.他正在吃香蕉,这香蕉看起来很美味。
The baby is crying,it looks so sad.这个婴儿正在哭泣,它看起来如此伤心。
2. one泛指,代替单数名词,可指人或物。
(同类异物)如:I don’t like this book,I’d like a more interesting one.(one=book)我不喜欢这本书,我想要一本更有趣的。
I like the bananas,please give me one more.我喜欢香蕉,请再给我一个。
Among all people here,Tom is the most humorous one.这里所有人中,汤姆是最幽默的一个。
3. ones泛指,代替复数名词,可指人或物。
如:There were a few young people with some old ones in the house.(ones=people)有几个年轻人和一些老年人在那座房子里。
4. that特指,代替不可数名词或单数名词,指物。
如:The weather in Wuhan is hotter than that of Dongguan.(that = the weather)武汉的天气比东莞的更热。
5. those特指,代替复数名词。
如:The machines are better than those we produced last year.(those=the machines=the ones)这些机器比我们去年生产的要好。
代词it,one,that,those的用法问题老师,请讲一下代词 it, one, that, those 的用法问题。
(语法网的有点难, 我看不懂)。
解答如下:it,one, that those区别如下【1】it指代同类同物,即前面提到的人或者事物,属于同一个人或者事物。
it代替同类同物I have lost my umbrella; I'm looking for it.(该句中it就是指前面的丢失那把伞)(同类同物)Do you want the magazine? Yes,I want it.你想要这本杂志吗?是的,我要。
He looked for his watch everywhere yesterday,but he couldn't find it anywher昨天他到处寻找自己的手表,但他在哪儿都找不到。
I don't want to drink the tea.It is too hot.我不想喝这茶,它太热了。
one代替同类,但是不是同一个事物I have lost my umbrella; I think I must buy one. (同类不同物)(one在该句中表泛指, 这里不是指我丢失那把伞,相当于an umbrella,)I have lost my pen,I'm going to buy one.我的钢笔丢了,我要去买一支。
I have a new coat and several old ones.我有一件新大衣和几件旧的。
【3】that 也指代同类异物,但是特指,相当于定冠词the+名词。
The umbrella you bought is cheaper than that I bought.(替代词that在该句中特指“the umbrella I bought”, 以区别“the umbrella you bought”)【4】one只能代替单数可数名词表示泛指,可以带上前置定语,代替复数名词泛指可以用复数为ones。
代词和主谓一致归纳项目一代词一、常用介词辨析1.代词it,they与替代词one,ones,the one,theones,that,those的用法区别(1)it指代前面提到过的同一事物,they为其复数形式。
Your story is interesting,but I don't like it.你的故事很有趣,但是我不喜欢。
—Have you found your pen?你找到你的钢笔了吗?—No,I haven't found it.还没有。
(2009·四川高考)I like this house with a beautiful garden in front,but I don't have enough money to buy .A.oneB.itC.thisD.that选句意:我喜欢这套带漂亮前院的房子,但是我没有足够的钱去买它。
the one替代前面的单数名词,表示特指,其后往往带定语,the ones为其复数形式。
I haven't a computer.I want to buy one next year.我没有电脑,明年我想买一台。
I like this book better than the one I read last time.比起上次我读的那本书,我更喜欢这一本。
These shoes are not good enough.Show me somebetter ones.这些鞋子不够好,再让我看一些更好的。
[注意]one替代前边的名词,是前边名词的同位语,前边名词若是特指,要用the one;若是泛指则用one。
一 it/one/that均可作代词,代指前面提到的名词
Two heads are better than one.
I lost my old camera;this a new one
I'm looking for a flat.I'd like a small one with a garden.
I'm looking for a flat.I'd like one with a garden.
This pen doesn't work.I must buy another one.
Can you lend me a pen? Sorry,I haven't got one.
Can I borrow your pen? Sorry,I'm using it?
二 it/that/the one代替表特指的单数名词
1.代替单数可数名词三者均可,代替不可数名词是不能用the one
表同一事物用it,表同类事物用that/the one如:The weather here is too cold.I don't like it.
The weather of Beijing is colder than that of Guangzhou.
My uncle bought me a dictionary and I like it.
Your dictionary is more useful than the one my uncle gave me.
2.代替事物三者均可,代替人时只用the one
Who is her husband? The one by the window.
3.当有前置修饰语时只能用the one
Which do you wang?The red one.
She would rather have the small one than the large one.
4.当有后置修饰语时,通常用the one 如:
My room is better than the one next door.
Is that the one that was published recently?
The populatoon of China is much larger than that of Japan.
A grandparent's job is easier than that of a parent.
one/that虽可用来指代同名异物,但one为泛指,相当于a/an 名词;that为特指,相当于the 名词,所以one指代的名词修饰语一般为
A chair made of steel is stronger than one made of wood.
(该句中one可换成a chair)
The water in the cup is hotter than that in the pot.
(该句that可换成the water)
Hard beds are healthier than soft ones.
Green apples often taste better than red one.
These chairs have the great advantage of being much cheaper than conventional ones.
四代替表特指的复数名词通常用the ones
I'd like to try on those shoes.The ones at the front of the window.
Are they the ones who moved here recently?
Don't buy the expensive apples;get the cheaper ones.
Waves of red light are about twice as long as those of blue light. Those of you who wish to go on the trip may sign up here.
His ideas are different from those of his friends.
Students who do well in examinations are those(the ones)who ask questoins in class.
1 当替代词one/ones紧跟在形容词最高级,序数词以及
I think my dog's the faster(one)
Either (one) will suit me.
Let's have another (one)
She looked at each (one) carefully before she close.
Which (one) would you like? That (one) looks the nicest.
2 复数形式的ones之前一般不能直接用名词所有格,物主代词,数词以及
Have you got any drawing-pins? Can I borrow some please?(不能说some ones)
Do you have any new diaries? We don't have any at the moment.(不能说any ones)
Do questions1 or question2,but not both .(不能说both ones)
He has three dictionaries and I have only two.
误:her ones/some ones/five ones/your own ones
正:her red ones/some new ones/five bad ones/your own nice ones
Do you need coffee cups or tea cups?(不能说tea ones)
We can lend you plastic chairs or metal ones.