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here there 引导的倒装句知识分享

here there 引导的倒装句知识分享
here there 引导的倒装句知识分享

there/here引导的倒装句,当主语是指物的名词时,采用全部倒装,如The bus comes here.为正常顺序。Here comes the bus;主语是人称代词时用第二种形式部分倒装倒装句用法倒装句的意义和分类:英语的基本语序是“主语+谓语”。但有些场合是“谓语+主语”。这种语法现象称为倒装。整个谓语被放在主语的前面,称为完全倒装。例如:There goes th e bell. 铃响了。Under a big tree sat a boy reading a book.大树下坐着一个男孩在读书。谓语的一部分(系动词、助动词或情态动词)放在主语的前面,其余的部分仍在主语之后,称为部分倒装。例如:Not until 10 o'clock will the library open. 直到十点种图书馆才开门。倒装的目的:语法结构的需要:通常疑问句、there be 结构等需要用倒装句。例如:Was the Communist Party of China founded in 1921? 中国共产党是1921年成立的吗?There stants a bridge across the river. 河上有座桥。Where are you going? 你上哪去?

语法修饰的需要:倒装句可以起强调作用,加强语气。例如:Still greater contributions sh ould we make to our motherland. 我们应该对祖国作出更大的贡献。(强调宾语)Such i s the case. 情况就是这样。(强调表语)Now comes your turn. 现在该轮到你了。(强调状语)Up went the model plane. 那架航模飞机飞起来了。(强调状语)倒装句结构的基本用法:全部倒装(平衡倒装句型):①句首是地点状语和表语时:In front of the ho use sat an old man smoking a pipe. 在房屋前面坐着一位老人在抽烟斗。(句首是状语)On wither side of the street were rows of green trees. 街道两边绿树成行。(句首是表语)②句首有here, there, out, in, up, down, off, away 等副词时:Out rushed a cat from un der the table. 从桌子底下窜出一只猫来。Here is a ticket for you. 这是给你的票。Up went the prices. 价格上涨。③句首有so(表肯定),neither (nor) (表否定),表示前面所说的情况也适合与另一个人或事。He can swim. 他会游泳。So can she. 她也会。He did not watch TV yesterday evening. 他昨晚没看电视。Neither did I. 我也没看。④在there be 结构中。There are fifty students in our class. 我班有50个学生。⑤在某些祝愿句中。Long live the People's Republic of China! 中华人民共和国万岁!⑥在某些感叹句中。How proud we are of our great motherland! 我们为伟大的祖国感到多么自豪!部分到装(强调倒装句型)①用于省去if 的虚拟条件句中Were there no air or water, there would be no life in the world.如果没有水和空气,世界上就不会有生命。②用于以as 引导的状语从句中Rich as they are, they are not happy. 尽管他们富有,但不幸福。③用于句首是否定意义的副词或连词时。Seldom have I read a novel so touching as this. 我难得读到如此动人的小说。Hardly did I think it possible. 我几乎认为这是不可能的。④用于疑问句。When did you begin to learn English? 你什么时候开始学英语的?⑤句首是o nly 、后边跟状语的句子中Only in this way can you learn English well. 只有这种方法,你才能学好英语。⑥直接引语的全部或一部分在句首时。"Do you think my clothes fit

well?" asked the emperor.“你认为我的衣服非常合身吗?”皇帝问道。"Mr smith" said mar y,"May I borrow your pen?" “史密斯先生”玛丽说,“我可以借一下你的钢笔吗?” ⑦某些祝愿的句子(谓语带有情态动词,则为部分倒装)。May you succeed. 祝您成功。重难点分析1.由疑问词或有疑问词修饰的名词作主语的特殊疑问句不倒装。如:Who is your maths teacher? 谁是你的数学老师?(who 是主语)Which bicycle is yours? 哪辆自行车是你的?(which 是定语,修饰bicycle ) 2.在以here, th ere, now, then… 等开头的句子中here, there 强调地点但不指具体的地点,只用来引起人们的注意,要重读。同样now, t hen 强调时间,也并不指具体时间,只引起人们的注意,也要重读。如:There comes our teacher. 我们的老师来了。在时态方面要注意,除了以then 开头的句子用过去时外,其余均用一般现在时。如:Then came a new problem. 那时出现了新问题。3.主语是人称代词时不倒装。如:Here we are. 我们到了。(Here are we 错)Away he went. 他走开了。(Away went he.错)There he comes. 他来了。(There comes he. 错)4.为了使句子生动、流畅,常把in, out, down, up, away, off 等,副词放在句首,采用全部倒装语序,不加助动词(do, does等)句子的动词一般都是不及物的行为动词。如:In came the ma nager. 经理来了。不说:In did the manager come. 当主语是人称代词时,一般只把副词放在句首,不倒装。例如:In he came and the lesson began.他进来了,于是开始上课。不说:In came he and lesson began. 5.only 放在句首,但修饰的不是状语而是主语时,不倒装。如:Only John is allowed to enter the lab. 只有约翰被允许进入实验室。Only the boy himself knows what he is going to be. 只有这孩子本人知道他将来的前途。6.以so 开头的句子。如果只是重复前面一句话的意思,不倒装。如:It was very cold yesterday.昨天很冷。So it was.正是这样。He did a good job. 他干的很出色。So he did. 确实如此。7.以not only 开头的句子要倒装,但but also 后面的句子不倒装。如:Not only di d he speak more correctly, but also he spoke more easily. 不仅他说得更准确,而且他说得也更轻松。8.以not until 开头的句子主句要倒装,没有助动词时要加助动词。如:Not until Mother came back did it stop raining. 直到妈妈回来雨才停。9.带有否定意义的副词和状语词组放在句首时,句子要倒装,这样的副词常见的有:no sooner…than, hardly…wh en, not until, never, hardly, seldom, scarecely, little, barely, at no time(=never) 等。在使用时要特别注意以hardly(barely/scarcely)…when 和no sooner…than 开头的句子。在这种倒装句中,主句倒装从句不倒装。如:Hardly had he got into the room when the telephone rang. 他一进屋,电话就响了。10.频度状语如often, seldom 等,地点状语如in front of, in the middle of 等,位于句首时,句子要倒装,没有助动词时要加助动词。如:Seldom does it snow here.这里很少下雪。11.充当表语的单数名词放在句首时,不加任何冠词,也不用复数形式。如:Child as he is, he knows a lot .虽然他是个孩子,可知道的事挺多。


.So引导的倒装句型 So+功能词+主语,该句型必须具备两个条件—a,上句必须为肯定句;b,该主语与上句主语不一致。注意功能词指be动词,助动词,情态动词。 例如,1.--------Li Lei can dance ------So can Tom. 2-------.I like eating apples. --------So do I. 3,-------He does his homework carefully. --------So do they. 4,------ Li Ming is a good student . ---------So is Mary. 二.Neither/nor 引导的倒装句 Neither/nor+功能词+主语,该句型必须具备两个条件----a上句为否定句;b,该主语与上句主语不一致。 例如,1,--------Li Lei can’t dance. --------Nor can Tom.. 2,---------I don’t like eating apples. ---------Neither do I. 3,--------He doesn’t do his homework carefully. ---------Nor do they. 4,------Li Ming isn’t a good student. -------Nor is Mary. 三.So引导的强调句型 So+主语+功能词,该句型必须具备两个条件-----a,上句为肯定句;b,该主语与上句主语一致。例如,1,--------The book is a good book. ----------So it is. 2,----------Tom is a lazy boy. -----------So he is. 四.同步练习题。 1.-----They are good students.------- A.So we are. B.So are we. C.Nor are we. D.Nor we are. 2.-------It is a good day today. -------- A.So is it. B. So it is. C.Neither is it. DSo does it. 3.-------You are a good man. -------- A.So am I. B.So I am. C.Nor am I. D. Nor I am. 4.-------She is a beautiful girl. ------- A.Nor am I. B So am I. C So he is. D. Nor is he. 5.-------I sleeped very late last night..------ A.So am I. B.So I am. C.So did I. D.So I did. 五.句型转换 1.Jim’s mother was ill last night. So Mary’s mother. 2.----Wei hua has two eggs every morning. - ---- I. 3.Xiao Li was born in 1997. she was. 4.------I has a big nose. ------- you are. 5.----She likes English very much. ----So they. 6.----Bob had a good time last summer. ----- Tom. 7.----I have finished my homework already. ----- Tom. 8.---He will leave for Bei Jing tomorrow. ----So she. 9.------We were having lunch at 11 o’clock yesterday. ------- So I. 10.------Now he is sleeping. -------So I. 11.-----He had eaten 23 apples before he sleeped ----So she.


生活中的So,neither/nor 引导的倒装句 He is a student. I am a student, too. (合并为一句) He is a student,So am I. “so + be 动词/情态动词/助动词+主语”(某人也是) 表示前一句中主语的肯定情况也适用于后者,在时态上应和前一句保持一致,但两句的主语是不同的。 例如: Mary is a student, and so is Tom. Mary was reading, and so was Tom. Mary can swim, and so can Tom. Mary swims, and so does Tom. 小小诊所: so前面的句子都是肯定句。若前面的句子是否定句,那就不能用so引导这个句子了,而应该用?| ?“Neither/Nor + be 动词/情态动词/助动词+主语” (某人也不) 表示前一句中主语的否定情况也适用于后者,前后两句的主语是不同的。例如: Mary isn’t a student, and neither is Tom. Mary hasn’t been to beijing, and neither has Tom. Mary can’t swim, and nor can Tom. Mary doesn’t swim well, and nor does Tom. “so +主语+ be 动词/情态动词/助动词” ( 的确如此)两句中的主语是同一人或物。是对上文中主语的肯定,赞美或表扬。 ① ---It’s a bad day today. ---So it is. { ② ---John studies English well. ---So he does. ( ) 1. --- I often go for a walk after supper. --- ____. A. So do I B. So did I C. Neither did I D. So I did ( ) 2. ---She speaks English very well . ---___ . has she B. So she has does she she does ( ) wasn’t invited yesterday. ---___. was I B. Neither was I C. So did I D. Neither did I ( ) has made great progress recently. ---___ and___. A. So has she;so have you B. So has she;so you have 。 C. So she has;so you have D. So she has;so have you 巧学妙记 “so + be 动词/情态动词/助动词+主语”(某人也是) 表示前一句中主语的肯定情况也适用于后者,在时态上应和前一句保持一致,但两句的主语是不同的。“Neither/Nor + be 动词/情态动词/助动词+主语” (某人也不) 表示前一句中主语的否定情况也适用于后者,在时态上应和前一句保持一致,前后两句的主语是不同的。 “so +主语+ be 动词/情态动词/助动词” ( 的确如此)两句中的主语是同一人或物。


倒装句 倒装句之全部倒装 全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有: 1) here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run。 There goes the bell. Then came the chairman. Here is your letter. 2) 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。 Out rushed a missile from under the bomber. Ahead sat an old woman. 注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装。 Here he comes. Away they went. 倒装句之部分倒装 部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。 1) 句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, not until… 等。 Never have I seen such a performance. Nowhere will you find the answer to this question. Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. 当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装。 注意:如否定词不在句首不倒装。 I have never seen such a performance. The mother didn't leave the room until the child fell asleep.


so 引导的倒装句 2009-05-28 08:17:52|分类:英语教学|举报|字号订阅 句型:“So+do+主”与“ So+主 +do”是中学生在平学中最容易混淆,最以掌握,做是有同学在方面出。如下,以期帮助同学攻克关,灵活的掌握运用他。 1. So+do+ 主 此句型倒装构,其主与上文句子中的主是不同的。 so 代表上句中述的肯定内容。do 可以是系、情或助,且必与上句中的保持的一致,意思“?也是如此”。如: — I like playing basketball.我喜打球。 — So do I.(=I like playing basketball, too.)我也喜。(第一句中的 I 与第二句中的I 不是同一人) — I am tired.我很累。 — So am I.(=I am tired, too.) 我也很累。 — He can speak English very well. 他英得很好。 — So can she.(=She can speak English very well, too.) 她英也得很好。 注意:( 1)此句型不管上句是何都可以用:“So it is / was with+ 格” 一句型替。如上面几句可以替: 1)— I like playing basketball. — So it is with me. 2)— I am tired. — So it is with me. 3)— He can speak English very well. —So it is with her.

(2)此句型只用于肯定句。否定句要用“ neither/nor+do+ 主语”或“ So it is with+ 宾格”结构。如: —He cant ’t speak Russian. 他不会讲俄语。 — Neither / nor can I.或者 — So it is with me.(=I can’t speak Russian, either.)我也不会讲俄语。 (3)但是,当前句中主语支配两个以上不同种类的谓语动词或前句中是两个分句,而主语不同时,不能用“ So+do+主语”结构,而只能用“ So+it+is/was+with+ 宾格”结构。如: — Tom was a good student and worked very hard.汤姆是一位好学生,他工作 非常努力。 — So it was with Jack.杰克也是如此。 — Tom likes swimming, b ut doesn ’t like fishing.汤姆喜欢游泳而不喜欢钓鱼。 — So it is with Jim.吉姆也是如此。 Marx was born in Germany and German was his native language._________________. A.So did Engels B.So it was with Engels C.So was Engels D.Neither was Engels(答案:B) 2.So+主语 +do 这是一种简单的答语,是对上文所说的情况加以肯定。其中so 的意义相当于indeed, certainly。表示:“的确如此”,“确实这样”。如: — He works hard. 他工作努力。 — So he does, and so does his brother. 他确实是这样,他兄弟也是如此。 — You went to see the film yesterday? 你昨天去看电影了。 — So I did. 是的,我看了。 — He is a good student.他是个好同学。 — So he is. 确实是这样。


倒装句 自然语序:主语+谓语(主前谓后) 完全倒装:谓语+主语(全部谓语位于主语之前) 部分倒装:助动词/情态动词+主语+动词 I love you. Here comes a bus. Never will I forget you. 完全倒装 1.there be句型的倒装,主语在be动词之后,注意谓语动词的单复数遵循就近原则。There is a tree in front of the house. 在此结构中,可以用exist,seem,happen,appear,live,rise,stand等来代替be动词 There lives an old man. 2.方位副词(here,there,out,in,down,away等)位于句首时,要完全倒装。其结构为“副词+不及物动词+名词主语”。谓语动词的形式由位于倒装句句末的主语决定。 Here comes the old lady. Then came the hour we had been looking forward to. Away went the boys. In came Mr.White. 【注意】若主语是人称代词,则不用倒装。 Here you are. Here she comes. In he came. 3.表示地点的介词词组(on the wall,under the tree,in front of the car等)位于句首时,要完全倒装。其结构为“介词短语+不及物动词+名词主语”。 West of the lake lies the famous city. Behind the house is a rice field.

so 引导的倒装句

由so引导的表示赞同,附和的前后主语不一致的倒装句总结:So+be动词/情态动词/助动词+主语---------此句型只限于肯定句中,表示“某人或某事物情况也是如此” 一.be动词:am is are was were 公式:主语A+be动词+...... , so+be动词+主语B Examples: 1,Lucas is a good boy..so am I./so are they./so is Victor. 2,Lucy was at home yesterday. So was I./so were they./so was Lily. 二.情态动词:can/ could 公式:主语A+can +...... , so+can +主语B Example: Helicopter can swim. So can I./ so can they./so can Tom. 三.助动词:does/do/did, has/have (助动词多出现在否定句和疑问句中,没有实际意思的一类词。如she doesn’t like noodles. He didn’t go to school yesterday.) 1.公式:主语A+verb(s)+...... , so+do/does+主语B Examples:1.Victor likes playing basketball. So does she/he/Tom. /so do I. /so do they. 2. They always go to school by car. So does she/he/Tom. /so do I./so do they. 2.公式:主语A+verb(past tense)+...... , so+did+主语B Example: Lucas ate pizza for dinner yesterday. So did I./ so did they. /so did he/she/Sophie. 3.公式:主语A+has/have+verb(present perfect tense)+...... , so+has/have+主语B Examples: 1. He has been in Beijing for 3 years. So have I./ so have they. /so has she/he/Lucy. 2. I have lost my key. So have they./so has he/she/Lucy.

here there 引导的倒装句知识分享

there/here引导的倒装句,当主语是指物的名词时,采用全部倒装,如The bus comes here.为正常顺序。Here comes the bus;主语是人称代词时用第二种形式部分倒装倒装句用法倒装句的意义和分类:英语的基本语序是“主语+谓语”。但有些场合是“谓语+主语”。这种语法现象称为倒装。整个谓语被放在主语的前面,称为完全倒装。例如:There goes th e bell. 铃响了。Under a big tree sat a boy reading a book.大树下坐着一个男孩在读书。谓语的一部分(系动词、助动词或情态动词)放在主语的前面,其余的部分仍在主语之后,称为部分倒装。例如:Not until 10 o'clock will the library open. 直到十点种图书馆才开门。倒装的目的:语法结构的需要:通常疑问句、there be 结构等需要用倒装句。例如:Was the Communist Party of China founded in 1921? 中国共产党是1921年成立的吗?There stants a bridge across the river. 河上有座桥。Where are you going? 你上哪去? 语法修饰的需要:倒装句可以起强调作用,加强语气。例如:Still greater contributions sh ould we make to our motherland. 我们应该对祖国作出更大的贡献。(强调宾语)Such i s the case. 情况就是这样。(强调表语)Now comes your turn. 现在该轮到你了。(强调状语)Up went the model plane. 那架航模飞机飞起来了。(强调状语)倒装句结构的基本用法:全部倒装(平衡倒装句型):①句首是地点状语和表语时:In front of the ho use sat an old man smoking a pipe. 在房屋前面坐着一位老人在抽烟斗。(句首是状语)On wither side of the street were rows of green trees. 街道两边绿树成行。(句首是表语)②句首有here, there, out, in, up, down, off, away 等副词时:Out rushed a cat from un der the table. 从桌子底下窜出一只猫来。Here is a ticket for you. 这是给你的票。Up went the prices. 价格上涨。③句首有so(表肯定),neither (nor) (表否定),表示前面所说的情况也适合与另一个人或事。He can swim. 他会游泳。So can she. 她也会。He did not watch TV yesterday evening. 他昨晚没看电视。Neither did I. 我也没看。④在there be 结构中。There are fifty students in our class. 我班有50个学生。⑤在某些祝愿句中。Long live the People's Republic of China! 中华人民共和国万岁!⑥在某些感叹句中。How proud we are of our great motherland! 我们为伟大的祖国感到多么自豪!部分到装(强调倒装句型)①用于省去if 的虚拟条件句中Were there no air or water, there would be no life in the world.如果没有水和空气,世界上就不会有生命。②用于以as 引导的状语从句中Rich as they are, they are not happy. 尽管他们富有,但不幸福。③用于句首是否定意义的副词或连词时。Seldom have I read a novel so touching as this. 我难得读到如此动人的小说。Hardly did I think it possible. 我几乎认为这是不可能的。④用于疑问句。When did you begin to learn English? 你什么时候开始学英语的?⑤句首是o nly 、后边跟状语的句子中Only in this way can you learn English well. 只有这种方法,你才能学好英语。⑥直接引语的全部或一部分在句首时。"Do you think my clothes fit


s o-n e i t h e r引导的倒装句专项

新目标初中阶段 so, neither倒装句练习题 ( ) 1 Mary never does any reading in the evening,__________ . A, so does John B, John does too C, John does not to D, nor does John ( ) 2 --Well, I do think the rabbit is a beautiful, gentle animal which can run very fast. -- __________. A, So it is B, So is it C, So does it D, So it does ( ) 3 --Father, you promised! --Well, ________.But it was you who did not keep your word first. A, so was I B, so did I C, so I was D, so I did ( ) 4 --I will never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible! -- _____________. A, Nor am I B, Neither will I C, Same with me D, So do I ( )5 If you don't go,neither __________. A. shall I B. do I C. I do D. I shall ( ) 6 --Your father is very strict with you. -- _________. He never lets off(放过) a single mistake of ours. A. So he is B. So is he C. He is so D. So does he ( ) 7 -- Thomas won the first prize in the competition. -- _______! A. So he did B. So did he C. So he did, too D. So had he ( ) 8 —In modern times, girls like beautiful clothes.

here there 引导的倒装句

there/here引导的倒装句,当主语是指物的名词时,采用全部倒装,如The bus comes here.为正常顺序。 Here comes the bus; 主语是人称代词时用第二种形式部分倒装倒装句用法倒装句的意义和分类:英语的基本语序是“主语+谓语”。但有些场合是“谓语+主语”。这种语法现象称为倒装。整个谓语被放在主语的前面,称为完全倒装。例如: Th ere goesthe bell. 铃响了。Under a big tree sat a boy reading a book.大树下坐着一个男孩在读书。谓语的一部分(系动词、助动词或情态动词)放在主语的前面,其余的部分仍在主语之后,称为部分倒装。例如: Not until10 o'clock will the libraryopen.直到十点种图书馆才开门。倒装的目的: 语法结构的需要:通常疑问句、there be 结构等需要用倒装句。例如: Was the Communist Partyof China founded in 1921?中国共产党是1921年成立的吗? There stants a bridge acrossthe river. 河上有座桥。 Where are you goin g? 你上哪去?语法修饰的需要:倒装句可以起强调作用,加强语气。例如: Still gr eater contributions shouldwemake to our motherland. 我们应该对祖国作出更大的贡献。(强调宾语)Such is thecase. 情况就是这样。(强调表语)Now comes your turn. 现在该轮到你了。(强调状语)Up went the m odel plane. 那架航模飞机飞起来了。(强调状语) 倒装句结构的基本用法:全部倒装(平衡倒装句型):①句首是地点状语和表语时: In frontof the house sat an old m an smoking apipe.在房屋前面坐着一位老人在抽烟斗。(句首是状语) Onwitherside of the street were rows ofgreen trees. 街道两边绿树成行。(句首是表语)②句首有 here, there, out, in, up, down, off, away 等副词时: Out rushed a cat from under the table.从桌子底下窜出一只猫来。 Her e is a ticket for you.这是给你的票。Up went the prices. 价格上涨。 ③句首有so(表肯定),neither (nor) (表否定),表示前面所说的情况也适合与另一个人或事。 He canswim. 他会游泳。 So can she.她也会。He did not w atch TV yesterday evening. 他昨晚没看电视。 Neither didI. 我也没看。 ④在there be结构中。There are fifty students in our class. 我班有50个学生。⑤在某些祝愿句中。 Long live the People's Republicof China!中华人民共和国万岁! ⑥在某些感叹句中。How proud we are of o ur great motherland!我们为伟大的祖国感到多么自豪! 部分到装(强调倒装句型)①用于省去if 的虚拟条件句中 Were there no air or water, there would beno life in the world.如果没有水和空气,世界上就不会有生命。②用于以as 引导的状语从句中 Rich as they are, they are not happy. 尽管他们富有,但不幸福。③用于句首是否定意义的副词或连词时。 Seldom have I read a nove


新目标初中阶段so, neither倒装句练习题 ( ) 1 Mary never does any reading in the evening,__________ . A, so does John B, John does too C, John does not to D, nor does John ( ) 2 --Well, I do think the rabbit is a beautiful, gentle animal which can run very fast. -- __________. A, So it is B, So is it C, So does it D, So it does ( ) 3 --Father, you promised! --Well, ________.But it was you who did not keep your word first. A, so was I B, so did I C, so I was D, so I did ( ) 4 --I will never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible! -- _____________. A, Nor am I B, Neither will I C, Same with me D, So do I ( )5 If you don't go,neither __________. A. shall I B. do I C. I do D. I shall ( ) 6 --Your father is very strict with you. -- _________. He never lets off(放过) a single mistake of ours. A. So he is B. So is he C. He is so D. So does he ( ) 7 -- Thomas won the first prize in the competition. -- _______! A. So he did B. So did he C. So he did, too D. So had he ( ) 8 —In modern times, girls like beautiful clothes. -- Yes, ________ and_________. After all, our life has greatly


倒装句用法总结专题 英语最基本的语序是主语在前,谓语动词在后。但有时由于句子结构的需要或表示强调,就要采用倒装形式。倒装分为全部倒装和部分倒装,将谓语动词完全移到主语之前称为完全倒装,只将助动词或情态到主语之前称为部分倒装 一、完全倒装(主谓倒装)是指把谓语全部提到主语的前面。 例:In a lecture hall of a university in England sits a professor. 1.以here, there,now, then引导的句子,要完全倒装。这种句子中的谓语动词通常是不及物动词。如:Here comes the train! / There goes the bell! 注意:若代词作主语,只把该副词提前主谓语序不变。 Here he comes . / Here it is . 2句首以out , in , up ,away , down 等副词开头,句子要完全倒装。(注意,这时句子的主语也必须是名词。如果是人称代词,也不能使用倒装结构。)如:Up went the rocket. /Up it went. 3. 介词短语作状语在句首,句子要完全倒装。注意,这时句子的谓语动词通常是不及物动词。 如:In the front of the lecture hall sat the speaker. 4.表语置于句首,且主语较长或结构较复杂的句子要用全部倒装。 如:Gone are the days when we ha nothing to eat. 5.so/ neither/ nor 表前面所说的情况也适合于后者,其倒装结构为“so/ neither/ nor+助动词/系动词/情态动词”,这里的主语同前一个句子的主语指的不是同一人或物。 如:She has finished her homework, so has her brother. She hasn’t gone there, neither/ nor has he. 二、部分倒装(助动词倒装)是指把谓语的一部分(助动词)提到主语的前面。例:Never in my life have I seen such a thing. 1.用于疑问句中。 如:How did you do that? Did you see the film yesterday? 2. if 从句中如有were ( had , should ) , if 省去后,要部分倒装,把were,had,should提到主语前面。如:If you had come yesterday, you would have seen him. ---Had you come yesterday, you would have seen him. 3.as 引导的让步状语从句,要部分倒装(表语、状语倒装)。有以下几种形式: 1)副词置于句首。 如:Much as I like it (=Although I like it very much), I will not buy it. 2)动词置于句首。


英语倒装句的用法讲解 倒装是一种语法手段〃用于表示一定的句子结构或强调某一句子成分。倒装句有两种:完全倒装和部分倒装。 完全倒装 1) 完全倒装即把整个谓语放到主语之前(是整个谓语动词〃而非助动词)。 例如:The teacher came in and the class began.(没有倒装) In came the teacher and the class began. (老师走了进来〃然后开始上课。) 2) there引出的完全倒装句:除了最常见的there be句型以外〃there还可以接appear, exist, lie, remain, seem to be, stand等〃一般都译成"有"的含义〃构成完全倒装句。 例如:There appeared to be a man in black in the distance.(远处有个穿黑色衣服的人。) 3) 由地点和时间副词引出的完全倒装句:以地点副词here, there和时间副词now, then 开头〃后面的动词是be, come, exist, fall, follow, go, lie, remain, seem, stand等〃而主语又是名词时〃构成完全倒装句。Up climbed the boy when his mother came. 4)表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首〃谓语表示运动的动词且主语是名词时使用完全倒装 5)在强调状语时1)当句首状语为方位词或拟声词〃谓语动词为go, come等表示位置转移的动词时句子须倒装。例如: 1 Up went the plane. 2 In came the chairman and the meeting began. 注:如果主语是代词则不发生倒装。例如: 1 Out they rushed! 2 Lower and lower he bent. (2) 当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组时〃句子须倒装。例如: 1 Round the corner walked a large policeman. 2Under the table was lying a half-conscious young man. 3 当句首状语由“only +副词”〃“only +介词词组”〃“only +状语从句”构成时〃句子须倒装。例如: 1 Only yesterday did he find out that his watch was missing. (不属于完全倒装) 2 Only because there were some cancelled bookings did he get some tickets in the end. (6)当句首状语为here, there, now, then等时〃句子须倒装〃主语是代词时〃句子不用倒装。例如: 1)Here is a ticket for you. 2)Now comes your turn. 3)Here he comes. (7)以关联词so (…that)开头的句子中〃句子须倒装。例如: 1)So small was the mark that I could hardly see it.

So 引导的倒装句

So 引导的倒装句 一、so + 助动词/情态动词/be动词+ 主语,表示“……也一样”。 前句的主语和so所引导的句子的主语:不一致; 1)so am/was I , so is/was she/he, so are/were you/we. 2)so do I/we/they, so does he/she, so do you, so did I/she/he/you/we. 3)so have I/you/we, so has he/she, so had I/you/she/he/we. 否定:把so改为nor/neither, 其他不变。 二、so +主语+ 助动词/情态动词/be动词,表示“的确是这样”,情况属实。 前后两句主语:一致; 其他要点和第一要点接近。 练习: 1、--- My parents never stop going on about how I should study hard. --- ______________________. A: So my parents do; B: Nor my parents do; C: Nor do my parents; D: So do my parents; 2、I don’t like white, , ______________ my sister.(我姐姐也不喜欢)。 3、--- I heard Huang Gang made an English speech at the graduation ceremony yesterday. --- ______________, and ________________. A: So he did, so did I ; B: So did he, so I did; C: So he was, so was I; D: So was he, so I was; 4、Mike does well in English, so _________ _________. (我也是) 5、She is not a student, I am not a student, either. (改为同义句) She isn’t a student, ________________________. 6、Li Lei can’t play the piano. ___________ ___________ Lucy. (露西也不会) 7、He studies hard at school, _________ _________ ____________. (确实如此) 8、His father likes going hiking, _________________. A: so does his mother; B: so is his mother; C: so his mother is; D: so his mother does;


倒装句 1.only+状语(短语或从句) 以only+状语开头的句子要用部分倒装,即将助动词或连系动词放在主语前面,如: 1)Only after my friend came was the computer repaired.只有在我朋友来后电 脑才能修好。 2)Only when you pointed it out for me did I realize that I was wrong.只有当你 指出来了我才意识到我错了。 练习: 1)只有用这种方法我们才能把英语学好。 2)只有当你完成作业后你才能看电视 2.not only……but also……不但…而且 1)当not only…but also连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数原则上与其相近的主语保持一致(就近原则,下面会讲)。如: Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the film. 不仅学生们在欣赏这部影片,他们的老师也在欣赏这部影片。 2)为了强调,可将not only置于句首,此时其后的句子通常要用部分倒装的形式。如:Not only has she been late three times, she has also done no work. 她不仅仅迟到了3次,她还没干一点活。 Not only do they need clothing, but they are also short of water. 他们不但需要衣服,而且还 缺水。 主谓一致 (一)就近原则 1. 由here,there,where 等引导的倒装句中,(有时主语不止一个时)谓语动词与 靠近它的主语在数上一致.如: Here comes my brother and his friends.我弟弟和他朋友来了。 Here is a pen and some pieces of paper for you. 给你一支钢笔和几张纸。 Where is your wife and children to stay while you are away? 你不在这儿的时候,你爱人和孩子在哪儿呆呢? 2. 用连词or,either.... or,neither….nor,not only….but also 等连接的并列主语,谓 语动词单复数形式看靠近它的主语。如: Neither the students nor the teacher knows anything about it 学生和老师都不知道这事. He or you have taken my pen. 他或你拿了我的钢笔。 (二)语法一致原则:

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