In 1994, the Standish Group surveyed over 350 companies about their over 8000 software projects to find out how well they were faring. The results are sobering. Thirty-one percent of the software projects were canceled before they were completed. Moreover, in large companies, only 9% of the projects were delivered on time and cost what they were budgeted, and 16% met those criteria in small companies (Standish 1994).
在美国高科技历史上曾有过令人痛心的事件: 大家知道,DEC曾经是美国三大计算机公司之一,几年前
被康柏收购,从地球上消失,成为美国计算机界一大憾事。 DEC曾以众多的高新技术著称于世。其中,它在最后的几年里 研发出的 Alpha 计算机芯片更以卓越的技术在性能上超过了 Intel, sun 和其他厂家的芯片。微软也曾大力协助 DEC ,将 Windows Nt 移植到 Alpha 系统,然而,Alpha 在市场上彻底地 失败了,成为 DEC 最终失败的原因之一。
the Ariane-5, a space rocket belonging to the European Space Agency (ESA). On June 4, 1996, on its maiden flight, the Ariane-5 was launched and performed perfectly for approximately 40 seconds. Then, it began to veer off course. At the direction of an Ariane ground controller, the rocket was destroyed by remote